雅思大牛们,麻烦帮忙看看这篇作文吧!麻烦各位大牛看看有什么问题,哪里需要提高...话说我之前考,写作最高也就5.5 ,太低了太低了...现在想要提到6...有好心大牛能够帮忙改改更好啊!An increasi

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/07 10:59:00

雅思大牛们,麻烦帮忙看看这篇作文吧!麻烦各位大牛看看有什么问题,哪里需要提高...话说我之前考,写作最高也就5.5 ,太低了太低了...现在想要提到6...有好心大牛能够帮忙改改更好啊!An increasi
麻烦各位大牛看看有什么问题,哪里需要提高...话说我之前考,写作最高也就5.5 ,太低了太低了...现在想要提到6...有好心大牛能够帮忙改改更好啊!
An increasing number of people change their career and place of residence several time during their lives.Is this a positive or negative development?
Never have changes of our society or individuals been son numerous as they are today.In terms of individuals,the number of people who alter their occupation and place of recidence constantly is growing,which since people have increasingly own thoughts and look forward to gain debelopment or promotion.For this situation,there are both advantages and disadvantages.
Changing career and residence has several benefits for individuals,companies and our society.There is no denying the fact that a number of people do not satisfy with their current job or residence.As a result,applying a new job or moving to another more suitable place is an effetive way to obtain opportunities of advancement even more positive career prospects.Futhermore,it enable individuals to expend their outlook,enrich their xeperience and know about diverse culture,which make people have more abilities of competition.Additionally,the fact,people changing their job,means compaines need new employees who would bring about fresh blood,creative ability and advanced thoughts to replace previous people.The compan would benefits from the communication between talented person from different enterprises such as improvement of company culture,infomationg about competitors and more sfficient technology.Besides,our souciety would be more active due to these changes.If individuals never make any changes,it would be hard to imagine how our society like.
Even though there are a bunch of advantages,these changes also bring about positive impact for us.As we all know,it is a long time that employees arrive at tops of their career,since they must accumulate experience,even spend much time on waitting an uncommon chance fir this.So they would lose all their fundation that established for several years if they alter careeror residence often.It is no doubt that they need cost a long and uncertain time to adopt to new environment.Companies that these people stayed would face several crucial problems like the talent flight,losing of trade secret and destruction of compnies’ stability.New employees would not adapt to the culture and method of the company so that declined produvtivity.Whatsmore,the stability of our society would be ruin,which many be lead to the proliferation of crime.
To sum up,I have to admit that I cannot illustrate is this a positive or negative development,becasuse this is a double edged sword for individuals or society.Certainly,we have to think about this topic much more in the future.

雅思大牛们,麻烦帮忙看看这篇作文吧!麻烦各位大牛看看有什么问题,哪里需要提高...话说我之前考,写作最高也就5.5 ,太低了太低了...现在想要提到6...有好心大牛能够帮忙改改更好啊!An increasi
Never have changes of our society and individuals been so numerous as they are today.In terms of individuals,the number of people who alter their occupations and places of recidence constantly is growing,since people have been increasingly owning thoughts and looking forward to gaining development or promotion.In this situation are both advantages and disadvantages.
Changing career and residence has several benefits for individuals,companies and our society.There is no denying the fact that a number of people are not satisfied with their current jobs or residence.As a result,applying for a new job or moving to another more suitable place is an effetive way to obtain opportunities of advancement and even more positive career prospects.Futhermore,it enables individuals to expand their outlook,enrich their experience and know more about diverse cultures,which arms people with stronger core competition.Additionally,the fact that people change their jobs means that compaines need new employees who would bring about fresh blood,creativity and advanced thoughts to replace previous staff.The company would benefit from the communication with talented persons from different enterprises in many aspects,such as the improvement of company culture,the collection of infomation about competitors and more sophisticated technology.Besides,our souciety would be more active due to these changes.If individuals never made any change,it would be hard to imagine what our society will be like.

雅思大牛们,麻烦帮忙看看这篇作文吧!麻烦各位大牛看看有什么问题,哪里需要提高...话说我之前考,写作最高也就5.5 ,太低了太低了...现在想要提到6...有好心大牛能够帮忙改改更好啊!An increasi 麻烦帮忙看看这题怎么解, 大家帮忙看看这句藏文是什么意思,麻烦大家了 麻烦会英文的朋友帮忙看看这啥意思? 麻烦帮忙看看第三题怎么做, 英文作文,麻烦大师帮忙. 麻烦帮我看看这篇 雅思作文 .顺便我改改,打个分.本人今年4月12号就要烤鸭了,第二次烤鸭,要求6分以上,这是我练的一篇雅思作文.希望各位大大牛牛们帮我看看,指出不足之处,顺便给个分数.Som 麻烦大家帮我修改一下这篇英语作文,看看哪些地方有错误 高中英语作文,麻烦帮忙帮忙看看有什么语法错误下面的2篇英语作文,麻烦看看有什么语法错误并指出和修改好.还有,我想写篇得分高的作文,那些地方要用什么句型会高分呢?麻烦指点下.I am a b 又麻烦大家帮忙看看这几个字是什么字 谢谢了. 麻烦帮忙看看这个怎么理解:add sb in loop 麻烦帮忙看看这个首字母填空怎么写 麻烦帮忙看看,2,3,4题黑笔回答对? 麻烦学霸们帮忙写一篇英语作文, 麻烦各位帮忙看看这些字啥意思帮忙看看杯子上的字啥意思 麻烦大家帮我看看这篇作文的错误,大家帮我看看这篇作文的错误,并且麻烦把中文部分做一个翻译.主要是语法错误,表达方面的问题等等. 麻烦帮我找几道雅思图表说明文的作文题 麻烦大家帮我看看这篇作文写的怎么样,优缺点各是什么,谢谢老师给评价