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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/25 17:16:15 高中作文



小明上英文课时跟老师说:May I go to the washing room? 老师说:Go ahead. 小明就坐了下来。

过了一会儿,小明又跟老师说:May I go to the...? 老师说:Go ahead. 小明又坐了下来。


小明说:你没听老师说Go ahead「去你个头」啊!

"I can always tell a graduate class from an undergraduate class," observed the instructor in one of my graduate engineering courses at California State University in Los Angeles. "When I say, 'Good afternoon,' the undergraduates respond, 'Good afternoon." But the graduate students just write it down."



A little girl is sitting on her grandpa?s lap and studying the wrinkles on his old face. She gets up the nerve to rub her fingers over the wrinkles. Then she touches her own face and looks more puzzled.

Finally the little girl asks, “Grandpa, did God make you?”

“He sure did honey, a long time ago,” replies her grandpa.

“Well, did God make me?” asks the little girl.

“Yes, He did, and that wasn?t too long ago,” answers her grandpa.

“Boy,” says the little girl, “He?s sure doing a lot better job these days, isn?t He?” On the first day of college, the dean addressed the students, pointing out some of the rules:

“The female dormitory will be out-of-bounds for all male students, and the male

dormitory to the female students. Anybody caught breaking this rule will be fined $20 the first time. Anybody caught breaking this rule the second time will be fined $60. Being caught a third time will cost you $180. Are there any questions?”

One student raised his hand and asked, “How much for a season pass?”

[笑话] 这正是我想要知道的What I want

A: We have got a new dog, would you like to come around and play with him? B: Well, I don't know. Does he bite?

A: That's what I want to find out.

Customer: Waiter, I've only got one piece of meat in my dish.

Waiter: Just a moment, sir, and I'll cut it in two.

Teacher: Walter, why don't you wash your face? I can see what you had for breakfast this morning.

Walter: What was it?

Teacher: Eggs.

Walter: Wrong. That was yesterday.



英 语


21.—What __heavy rain it was!

—Yes, but I love___ air after it rains. It smells so fresh.

A. the; a B. a; the C. the; the D. a; a

22. —You may go to Milan for a free trip.

—It’s a very kind_____, but I really can’t accept it.

A. excuse B. offer C. promise D. decision

23. A conversation _____ a wise person is worth ten year’s study of books.

A. for B. like C. with D. to

24. —Are you going anywhere?

—I ______about visiting my sister, but I have changed my mind.

A.think B. have thought C. will think D. thought

25. At present, children mean____ to most parents in China.

A. everything B. nothing C. anything D. something

26. It’s possible to get $100 a day in this company, and some days you can get ______.

A. much B. more C. little D. fewer

27. Choosing the right circle of the friends will ____ us a lot of troubles, heartaches and possibly a life of deep regret.

A. save B. share C. keep D. bring

28. —Where shall we eat tonight?

—Let’s call Harry. He ____ knows the best places to go.

A. only B. nearly C. seldom D. always

29. This bus doesn’t go to the rain station. I’m afraid you’ll have to ____ at the library and take the A52.

A. take off B. put off C. get off D. turn off

30. “Underground” is the only word in the English language _____ begins and ends with the letters “und”.

A. what B. that C. who D. whom

31. When Tim ___ why he was late for school, he just kept silent.

A. was asked B. asked C. was asking D. is asked

32. —Do you climb mountains every day?

—Yes, ___ a little exercise. I’m so out of shape.

A. getting B. get C. got D. to get

33. —Does this bus go to the beach?

—No. You_____ the wrong way. You want the Number 11.

A. go B. were going C. are going D. would go

34. He’s not a perfect child. He sometimes talks back ____ his parents talk with him.

A. if B. before C. when D. until

35. —Excuse, can you tell me ____?

—Sorry, I don’t. You can go to the information desk.

A. that there is a train B. when the train

C. which train can I take D. where does the train go.


“It’s raining cats and dogs!”Grandpa shouted.

Little Richie came running to the window. He wanted to see the __36__falling from the sky. He looked out of the window, but is was __37__that there were no cats or dogs. He only saw small pools of water on the ground.

“Man, it’s really coming down out there!” Uncle Bob agreed__38__he looked out of the window, too. Richie scratched his head(挠头). What was coming down? First they talked about cats and dogs that __39__ be seen. Now someone said it “it”. What was going on with these __40__?

“Wow!” Aunt Susie shouted as she looked out of the window. “It’s raining really hard.” Richie__41__his aunt. “It is raining hard,” he agreed, “but __42__are the cats and dogs?” Grandpa laughed. “Richie, that just__43__it’s raining really hard.”

“So why didn’t you just say that?” Richie __44__. It was irritating (恼人的) when people like they were not speaking English at all.

“We did. You just didn’t understand these__45__.” Richie’s cousin said with a big smile. “Well, now I do.” Richie said.

36. A. tigers and lions B. pigs and sheep C. cats and dogs D. chickens and ducks

37. A. important B. possible C. necessary D. strange

38. A. unless B. after C. till D. though

39. A. couldn’t B. shouldn’t C. needn’t D. mustn’t

40. A. days B. animals C. ideas D. people

41. A. shouted at B. looked at C. laughed at D. pointed at

42. A. what B. how C. where D. who

43. A. explains B. proves C. means D. shows

44. A. ordered B. thought C. repeated D. asked

45. A. saying B. questions C. objects D. stories



Once there was a man traveling in a faraway village. As he was passing the elephants, he suddenly stopped. He found that these huge elephants were being held by only a small rope tied to their front leg. No chains(锁链), no cages. It was clear that the elephants could, at any time, break away from their ropes but for some reason, they did not.

He saw a trainer nearby and asked why these animals just stood there and didn’t try to get away. “Well,” the trainer said, “when they are very young and much smaller we use the same size rope to tie them and, at that rage, it’s enough to hold them. As they grow up, they still believe they cannot break away. They believe the rope can hold them, so they never try to break free.”

How could it be? These animals could at any time break free from their ropes. But because they always stuck right where they were, they believed they couldn’t.

Just like the elephants, how many of us go through life believing that we cannot do something, just because we failed at it once before?

___________________. We should never give up the struggle(挣扎) in life.


46. What did the writer see in the village?

A. Chains B. Elephants C. Cages D. Farmers

47. Why do the elephants never try up to break free from the ropes?

A. Because they think they can not.

B. Because they are too old to do it.

C. Because they like their living places.

D. Because they get on well with the trainer.

48. How did the man feel after he heard what the trainer said?

A. Moved B. Surprised C. Angry D. Nervous 49. Which of the following is the missing part in the last paragraph?

A. Failing is part of learning.

B. We should be different from others.

C. Helping animals is helping ourselves.

D. Traveling always makes people relaxed.

50. What is the best title for this test?

A. Pleasant trip B. A Cruel Trainer

C. Elephant Training D. The Elephant Rope


Would you like to experience what going to school was like in the late 1800s? to start with, imagine everyone in school only one classroom.

In the 19th and early 20th centuries, most American students went to a one-room schoolhouse.

A single teacher would typically(典型地) have students in the first through eighth grades, and she taught them all. The number of students in the front, while the oldest students sat in the back. The teacher usually taught reading, writing, arithmetic, history, and geography. Students memorized(记忆) and retold their lessons.

The classroom of a one-room schoolhouse probably looked much like your own. The teacher’s desk stood on a raised platform(讲台) at the front of the room, however, and there was a wood-burning stove since there was no other way of heating. The bathroom was outside in an outhouse.

In Honeoye Falls, New York, there is a one-room schoolhouse where kids today can experience what it was like to the students in the late 19th century. For a week during the summer, they wear 19th century clothes and learn the way children learned more than a hundred years ago.

What else has changed about school since the 19th century? For more information, please visit our website: www. Locallygacy.com.

51. What does the word “varied” in the Paragraph Two mean in Chinese?

A. 变化 B. 排列 C. 调整 D. 减少

52. Students in the late 19th century could learn_____?

A. reading, writing, sports, history, and science.

B. reading, art, arithmetic, history, and geography

C. reading, writing, arithmetic, history, and geography

D. reading, physics, chemistry, history, and geography

53.Which of the following best shows what a one-room schoolhouse was like in the late 19th






54. Some kids go to Honeoye Falls to _____.

A. try the food in the late 19th century

B. learn the subjects over a century ago

C. memorized and retell their lessons they have learn

D. experience the way children learned over a century ago

55. Which of the following is TRUE about the students in a one-room schoolhouse?

A. They had only one teacher.

B. They had different classrooms.

C. They could choose the seats they liked.

D. They learned more subjects than we do now.


A great way for teens to cool off during the summer is at water parks. If you live near a water park, you might think about getting a season pass. This way you can go as often as you like.

Check to see if there are any water parks around you. Many are indoor facilities. So even if it isn’t warm enough where you live to swim outdoors, you can enjoy swimming in a temperature controlled area.

The prices are usually good. For example, one ticket to Water World, a water park, is only $5. Some teens like to get a part time job over the summer to make some pocket money. Older teens shouldn’t have much trouble finding jobs.

An idea is to get some teens together to form your own summer job business. You can walk dogs, bring in the newspapers, feed the cats, collect rubbish, water flowers, etc.

Being that it’s summer, many people go on vacation and could use someone to look after their houses while they’re away. You can also think about other jobs you can do for them.

Teens love freedom. Sure you would like to get to such places as the small, movie theaters, the zoo, the beach, picnic, bowling and local amusement park instead of staying home all summer. Then a summer bus pass will be helpful. Check to see if your area has one for you teens.

Such a pass costs only $10 for the whole summer. The price is reasonable(合乎情理的) and also your parents don’t have to always drive.

56. Who is the text written for?

A. Teachers B. Parents C. Teens D. Travelers

57. What is NOT mentioned as a part tome job for teens?

A. Washing cars B. Feeding cats C. Walking dogs D. Watering flowers

58. If Sally goes to Water World with two friends, they should pay________.

A. $5 B. $10 C. $15 D. $20

59. A summer bus pass is helpful for teens to ______.

A. find part time jobs B. go out for fun

C. go to summer classes D. do outdoor sports

60. What’s the text mainly about?

A. Part time jobs B. A summer pass

C. Water park swimming D. Things to do in summer


Your parents might not realize how important their health is to you. Now it’s your chance to let them know!

Think about it before starting.

Before you talk with your parents, it helps to get clear on what you want them to do. __61__ Get more exercise? Get more sleep? If you want a parent to lose weight, you’d better find out the disadvantage of being heavy and how great they will feel after eating healthy food or exercising more.


Pick a moment when everyone’s relaxed and there’s time to talk. Say something like: “Dad, I care about your health and I worry you’re so busy that you don’t have time for exercise.” Let parents know you are willing to make the change yourself. For example, say you’d be willing to walk together after dinner.

Come up with a plan together

Has your mom or dad agreed to your ideas? Well done! Let’s say the change your mom or dad agreed to is eating healthier food.__63_____ Examples are: I’ll eat five fruits every day. I’ll eat breakfast every morning.

Show your encouragement and understanding

It’s normal if your parents fail at first. If parents want to give up, encourage them to keep going. If you’re making a change together, you can say, “Well, I’m sorry. Let’s start fresh and go on with our plan tomorrow.” ___64______ Let your parents know you love and care about them for what they’re doing and that it means a lot to you.

What if a parent says “No”?

If parents don’t follow you ideas, ask them(gently): “Could you at least think about it for me ?” __65______How many times have you pushed back on something they asked you to do, but then later thought more about it?

Soon you’ll be grown and out of the house. Here’s your chance to set your parents on the right way. 根据材料内容,选出最佳选项。

A. Then give them a little time to consider.

B. Do you want a parent to eat better?

C. Work together to plan what they and you will do/

D. Offer your praise!

E. Talk to parents the same way you’d like them to talk to you.

61.____ 62.____63.____64.______65._____




Next time you buy an app that you realize you don?t like, oryou're not a fan of a book you've just purchased, Apple will giveyou your money back.


Previously, refunds were made on a case-by-case basis andoften only with good reason, but the latest update meanscustomers don?t even have to explain why they want theirmoney back.


All cancellations must be made in writing, within 14 days, and the updates only apply to customersin the EU.


The updates came into effect on 16 December and have been made to comply with the mostrecent EU directive on consumer rights.


This directive was passed in June and was designed to replace the previous consumer rightsdirective for customers across the union.


Under the original directive, people who bought items online, on the phone, or by mail order, hada seven-day ?cooling off period? to decide if they wanted to keep or return the items.


The new directive extends this to 14 calendar days.


This means consumers can legally return the goods, for whatever reason, if they change theirminds.


The withdrawal period starts from the moment the user receives the goods, rather than when thepurchase is completed - which was previously the case.


As Apple?s new terms explain:

?If you choose to cancel your order, you may do so within 14 daysfrom when you received your receipt without giving any reason.


?To cancel your order, you must inform us of your decision.?


An exception is iTunes gift cards that have been redeemed.


?To ensure immediate processing we recommend you use Report a Problem to cancel all items withthe exception of iTunes Match, Season Pass, Multi-Pass and, unless purchased

from a third partyor redeemed, iTunes Gifts and Allowances, which can be cancelled by contacting iTunes Support,?continued the terms.



Once the cancellation notice has been sent and acknowledged, Apple will reimburse the customer?no later than 14 days? from the day on which it received the notice.

一旦顾客确认已发出取消购买的通知后,苹果公司将于收到通知起14天内予以退款。 文章出处:/html/dailyfocus/kaleidoscope/20150105/94981.html。

篇四:【解析版】福建省福州市2015年中考试题(英语 word版 含解析)



1.— Jane, is this your umbrella?

—No, it?s not _____.I didn?t take one this morning.




2.—Do you often play _____ piano?

—Yes.I want to be _____ musician like Lang Lang.

A.the; a

B.a; the

C.the; an

3.—Do you remember what she looked like when you first met her?

—Of course.She was tall and thin _____ long hair.




4.—Doctor Wang, I?m feeling much better.Must I go on taking the medicine?

—No, you _____.You?ll get well soon.




5.— It will _____ only about 50 minutes to travel to Mount Wuyi by high-speed railway.

—Wow, how exciting! I can?t wait.




6.—_____ does your father go to the fitness center?

—He exercises there twice a week.

A.How soon

B.How often

C.How long

7.— Miss Lin _____ my desk-mate with her lessons when I left school.

—She is really a nice teacher.


B.is helping

C.was helping

8.—What would you like, tea or coffee?

—_____, thanks.I just prefer a glass of water.




9.—Don?t smoke here, Dad.Smoking _____ in public places.

—Oh, sorry.I?ll stop right now.

A.isn?t allowed

B.aren?t allowed

C.doesn?t allow

10.So far, the AIIB(亚投行)_____ 57 countries to be the founding members.


B.has attracted

C.will attract

11.—What did you do on Earth Day this year?

—We _____ a show to spread the message about protecting the environment.

A.put on

B.put up

C.put away

12.—So beautiful flowers! I can?t decide _____ for my mom.

—For Mother?s Day, it can?t be better to take some carnations(康乃馨).

A.when to choose

B.which to choose

C.how to choose

13._____ my cousin is very young, _____ she can help with the housework.


B.Though; but


14.—Nowadays WeChat is very popular among friends.

—Yes.It seems to be the best way of communication _____ people like.




15.一Excuse me, Miss Chen, could you tell me _____?

—It is short for the Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st Century Maritime Silk Road.

A.what the Belt and Road meant

B.what does the Belt and Road mean

C.what the Belt and Road means



A:Dad, we were told to collect some information about Fuzhou Subway.B:Sure.It?s reported that Subway Line 1 will have its test run at the end of this year.

A:Great! B:It has a total length of 29.2 kilometers.

A:How many stations are there?

B: And it connects four main areas of the city from the north to the south.

A:Then how about the ticket price?

B:Well, it still remains unknown. A:Hope not.

17.阅读下面短文,把A—D四个句子填人文中空缺处,使短文内容完整、正确,然后完成第5小题。 Pakistani girl Malala Yousafzai is the youngest ever to win the Nobel Peace Prize.She has become the voice of girls throughout the world.

, an Born in Swat Valley in Pakistan in 1997, Malala lived a q(转 载 于:wWW.smHAida.cOM 海达范文网:season,pass)uie t life until 2009, when the Taliban(塔利班)

Islamic organization of violence(暴力)took control of her village.believe educating girls is against Islam.But Malala didn?t agree.She wouldn?t give up her education and kept going to school“What is wrong with us girl student s? We want all girls to get their schools back," she wrote.Her hard work encouraged many young girls in Swat Valley.

73 On Oct 9, 2012, when Malala was taking a bus home, a Taliban man got on the bus with a gun in hand.A bullet immediately hit her in the face.Luckily, the shot didn?t kill her.She was taken to a hospital in the UK.The shot didn?t kill her courage, either. Her courage made her famous.

She has spoken at the United Nations, met world leaders and written a book, I Am Malala.

On Oct 10, 2013, the EU awarded Malala their top human rights prize.They said, “She is an icon(符号)of courage for all teenagers who dare to follow their aspirations(愿望).”

5.What may be the best title for this passage?

A.Dreams of peace

B.A gun shot in Pakistan

C.Voice of courage

D.Education rights for girls


18.阅读下面短文,从下列各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 My mother?s loving hands

Night after night, she came to help me sleep, even long after my childhood years.

I don?t remember 1 it first started making me a little angry 一 my mom?s hands pushing my hair that way.But it really made me uncomfortable, for they rough(粗糙的)against my young skin.Finally, one night, I her, ??Don?t do that any more.Your hands are too rough!” She didn?t say anything, she never did it again.

Years later, I missed my mother?s 5 and her goodnight kiss on my face.I?m not a little girl any more.My mom is her mid-seventies, and her rough hands are still doing things for my family and me.

Now my own children have 7 .It was late on Thanksgiving Eve.As I slept in my bedroom, a familiar hand ran across my to push the hair from my head.Then a kiss, ever so softly, touched my brow(额头). Taking my mom?s hand, I told her how I was for that night I shouted at her.But my mom didn?t know what I was talking about.She had forgotten it long ago.

That night, I 10 with a new appreciation(感激)for my mother?s caring hands.And the guilt(内疚)that I had carried around for so long was nowhere to be found.

1.A.when B.where C.why

2.A.looked B.felt C.seemed

3.A.nodded at B.shouted at C.seemed

4.A.so B.or C.but

5.A.hands B.words C.smiles

6.A.on B.in C.at

7.A.stayed up B.woken up C.grown up

8.A.nose B.face C.mouth

9.A.sorry B.tired C.relaxed

10.A.left home B.kept working C.fell asleep




21.—What __heavy rain it was!

—Yes, but I love___ air after it rains. It smells so fresh.

A. the; a B. a; the C. the; the D. a; a

22. —You may go to Milan for a free trip.

—It’s a very kind_____, but I really can’t accept it.

A. excuse B. offer C. promise D. decision

23. A conversation _____ a wise person is worth ten year’s study of books.

A. for B. like C. with D. to

24. —Are you going anywhere?

—I ______about visiting my sister, but I have changed my mind.

A.think B. have thought C. will think D. thought

25. At present, children mean____ to most parents in China.

A. everything B. nothing C. anything D. something

26. It’s possible to get $100 a day in this company, and some days you can get ______.

A. much B. more C. little D. fewer

27. Choosing the right circle of the friends will ____ us a lot of troubles, heartaches and possibly a life of deep regret.

A. save B. share C. keep D. bring

28. —Where shall we eat tonight?

—Let’s call Harry. He ____ knows the best places to go.

A. only B. nearly C. seldom D. always

29. This bus doesn’t go to the rain station. I’m afraid you’ll have to ____ at the library and take the A52.

A. take off B. put off C. get off D. turn off

30. “Underground” is the only word in the English language _____ begins and ends with the letters “und”.

A. what B. that C. who D. whom

31. When Tim ___ why he was late for school, he just kept silent.

A. was asked B. asked C. was asking D. is asked

32. —Do you climb mountains every day?

—Yes, ___ a little exercise. I’m so out of shape.

A. getting B. get C. got D. to get

33. —Does this bus go to the beach?

—No. You_____ the wrong way. You want the Number 11.

A. go B. were going C. are going D. would go

34. He’s not a perfect child. He sometimes talks back ____ his parents talk with him.

A. if B. before C. when D. until

35. —Excuse, can you tell me ____?

—Sorry, I don’t. You can go to the information desk.

A. that there is a train B. when the train

C. which train can I take D. where does the train go.

三、完形填空 “It’s raining cats and dogs!”Grandpa shouted.

Little Richie came running to the window. He wanted to see the __36__falling from the sky. He looked out of the window, but is was __37__that there were no cats or dogs. He only saw small pools of water on the ground.

“Man, it’s really coming down out there!” Uncle Bob agreed__38__he looked out of the window, too. Richie scratched his head(挠头). What was coming down? First they talked about cats and dogs that __39__ be seen. Now someone said it “it”. What was going on with these __40__?

“Wow!” Aunt Susie shouted as she looked out of the window. “It’s raining really hard.”

Richie__41__his aunt. “It is raining hard,” he agreed, “but __42__are the cats and dogs?”

Grandpa laughed. “Richie, that just__43__it’s raining really hard.”

“So why didn’t you just say that?” Richie __44__. It was irritating (恼人的) when people like they were not speaking English at all.

“We did. You just didn’t understand these__45__.” Richie’s cousin said with a big smile.

“Well, now I do.” Richie said.

36. A. tigers and lions B. pigs and sheep C. cats and dogs D. chickens and ducks

37. A. important B. possible C. necessary D. strange

38. A. unless B. after C. till D. though

39. A. couldn’t B. shouldn’t C. needn’t D. mustn’t

40. A. days B. animals C. ideas D. people

41. A. shouted at B. looked at C. laughed at D. pointed at

42. A. what B. how C. where D. who

43. A. explains B. proves C. means D. shows

44. A. ordered B. thought C. repeated D. asked

45. A. saying B. questions C. objects D. stories



Once there was a man traveling in a faraway village. As he was passing the elephants, he suddenly stopped. He found that these huge elephants were being held by only a small rope tied to their front leg. No chains(锁链), no cages. It was clear that the elephants could, at any time, break away from their ropes but for some reason, they did not.

He saw a trainer nearby and asked why these animals just stood there and didn’t try to get away. “Well,” the trainer said, “when they are very young and much smaller we use the same size rope to tie them and, at that rage, it’s enough to hold them. As they grow up, they still believe they cannot break away. They believe the rope can hold them, so they never try to break free.”

How could it be? These animals could at any time break free from their ropes. But because they always stuck right where they were, they believed they couldn’t.

Just like the elephants, how many of us go through life believing that we cannot do something, just because we failed at it once before?

___________________. We should never give up the struggle(挣扎) in life.

根据材料内容选择正确答案。 46. What did the writer see in the village?

A. Chains B. Elephants C. Cages D. Farmers

47. Why do the elephants never try up to break free from the ropes?

A. Because they think they can not.

B. Because they are too old to do it.

C. Because they like their living places.

D. Because they get on well with the trainer.

48. How did the man feel after he heard what the trainer said?

A. Moved B. Surprised C. Angry D. Nervous 49. Which of the following is the missing part in the last paragraph?

A. Failing is part of learning.

B. We should be different from others.

C. Helping animals is helping ourselves.

D. Traveling always makes people relaxed.

50. What is the best title for this test?

A. Pleasant trip B. A Cruel Trainer

C. Elephant Training D. The Elephant Rope


Would you like to experience what going to school was like in the late 1800s? to start with, imagine everyone in school only one classroom.

In the 19th and early 20th centuries, most American students went to a one-room schoolhouse. A single teacher would typically(典型地) have students in the first through eighth grades, and she taught them all. The number of students from six to 40 or more. The youngest children sat in the front, while the oldest students sat in the back. The teacher usually taught reading, writing, arithmetic, history, and geography. Students memorized(记忆) and retold their lessons.

The classroom of a one-room schoolhouse probably looked much like your own. The teacher’s desk stood on a raised platform(讲台) at the front of the room, however, and there was a wood-burning stove since there was no other way of heating. The bathroom was outside in an outhouse.

In Honeoye Falls, New York, there is a one-room schoolhouse where kids today can experience what it was like to the students in the late 19th century. For a week during the summer, they wear 19th century clothes and learn the way children learned more than a hundred years ago.

What else has changed about school since the 19th century? For more information, please visit our website: www. Locallygacy.com.

51. What does the word “varied” in the Paragraph Two mean in Chinese?

A. 变化 B. 排列 C. 调整 D. 减少

52. Students in the late 19th century could learn_____?

A. reading, writing, sports, history, and science.

B. reading, art, arithmetic, history, and geography

C. reading, writing, arithmetic, history, and geography

D. reading, physics, chemistry, history, and geography

53.Which of the following best shows what a one-room schoolhouse was like in the late 19th century?





54. Some kids go to Honeoye Falls to _____.

A. try the food in the late 19th century

B. learn the subjects over a century ago

C. memorized and retell their lessons they have learn

D. experience the way children learned over a century ago

55. Which of the following is TRUE about the students in a one-room schoolhouse?
