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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/25 21:28:58 字数作文



My English Teacher

Miss Wu is my English teacher. She's very pretty. She's tall and slim. She has two big eyes and a small mouth. Her hair is long. She likes dogs very much. And she likes singing and dancing, too. Her English is very good. We often play games in English class. She's very kind to us. We all love her. (54 words)


My Pet

I have a cat. Its name is Maomao. It's white. Its eyes are big. It has a small mouth and a long tail. Its fur is very soft. It likes to play with a ball. It always plays with me. It likes to eat fish very much. I like it very much. (52 words)


My Bedroom

I have a small bedroom. There is a bed in my bedroom. Near the bed there is a chair and a desk. A lamp and a computer are on the desk. I have a nice toy. Look! It's lying on the floor.

I sleep, study and play in my bedroom every day. I like it very much. What about yours?

(60 words)


题 目: Spring Outing

提 示: 假设你是Ted, 请以第一人称续写春游作文。

( 提示词:listen to music 听音乐; play chess 下棋 )

要求: 1. 条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺,用词得当,语法正确,书写清晰、规范;

2. 根据所给的图片作适当地发挥;

3. 不得少于50个单词;

4. 将作文写在答题纸上。

It's Sunday today. The sun shines and it is so warm. Spring is coming. Everything comes to life.

Spring Outing

It's Sunday today. The sun shines and it is so warm. Spring is coming. Everything comes to life. The trees wear green coats. So my friends and I go to a park to have a spring outing. We have a good time in the park. Tom is fishing near the lake. Kate is reading under the tree. Lucy is listening to music on the bench. William and Ray are playing chess. How happy we are!

(57 words)


My Brother

Hello, everyone! My name is Susan. I have a brother. He’s very handsome. He is not fat and not thin. He is tall. He has big eyes. He has a small mouth and a round face. He’s good at drawing. He likes to watch TV and play games. He likes to play basketball, too. (54 words)


My Best Friends

Jim and Kim are my best friends.Jim is short,thin and quiet.But Kim is tall and strong,but not fat.After class,Jim is different from Kim and I.Kim and I like to play soccer.We often kick the ball on the

playground.But Jim doesn't play with us.He likes to read books in the library.Sometimes he likes to listen to music.In the evening,Jim often helps Kim and me with our English.We talk a lot and laugh a lot.We are best friends.

A Pen and a Pencil

I have a pen and a pencil.The pen is very nice,but the pencil is so dirty.

One day,the pen met the pencil. The pen said to the pencil:"What a dirty pencil!"The pencil

said :"Yes.I'm dirty .But I can write words.""I can write words,too .Now,let's see who can write more words."

They began to write.They wrote and wrote.The pen wrote lots of words on the paper.The pencil wrote lots of words on the paper,too.After a long time,the pen hadn't any ink(钢笔水)left(剩下).The pencil became short,but he could still write .

At last,the pencil won.The pencil said:"Haha...haha...Who won,you or me ?"The pen drooped(低下)his head.Then he said to the pencil:"I shouldn't laught at(嘲笑)you.You are good,too."

My Family

I have a happy family.My family has five people.Look,this is my family photo.

The man is my father.He has short black hair and big eyes.My father is thin.He loves our family and loves me very much.I like my father very much!

The woman is my mother.My mother is kind and very beautiful.She's thin and tall.She loves us very much! I love my mother forever!

Look,the boy is my brother.He's funny !He likes sports and painting. The girl is my sister.She's happy!She likes music.

I love my family forever!I have a very happy family1

Dear friends,do you have a happy family?




Read the following paragraph and write a composition as stated at about 300 words in 60 minutes. Your composition will be graded according to clarity, accuracy and meaningfulness. In accordance with CRI news, the spirit of Chinese volunteers, from responding to the May 12 earthquake to the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, not only touched the Chinese people, but also generated worldwide attention. Official statistics show that china has accumulated about 8 billion hours of volunteer work from 380 million volunteers since 1993 and is going to have more and more volunteers, especially the youth.

How do you understand volunteer work? In what way(s) is it important to promote the well-being of individuals, families, communities and the world at large? Your writing ought to contain three parts, your viewpoint, the supporting ideas, and the conclusion.

Come and join us in volunteer work right now!

On Volunteer

黄昕彤 辽宁省鞍山市鞍山一中108班

The definition of the word volunteer in Lougnan(Longman) Dictionary is someone who helps others sponstaneously(spontaneously) and willingly. That's true! Life is a style of enjoying yourself, not only by entertaing and enriding yourself, but also by the process of helping others.

Undoubtfully, those volunteers reveal their great love and passion for their country. Love is the eternal theme of the world, Without hove(love), it's like birds without wings, failing to show its talents of flying, It's like spring without flowers, burying is charming fragrants in the deep soil. Their volunty work unites China, shouing the world how united Chinese people are shocking the world of its cooperation.

People around the country are making their efforts to helping others, which leaves the world an impression that China is a veal country, and all the people here are like brothers and sisters, who cares a lot for others. You can never imagine how touched I was when I watched the TV program called “Moving China”. 13 peasants from tangshang volunteered to help those victims of Sichuang on hearing the tremendous earthquake happened there, leaving all their farm work done in the field they sacrifiled anything and helped others at any cost, for they knew the glant pains the earthquake brings to people. They can never forget how much pains they havendertaken in the earthquake and how much help they have received from the world. They compared their own feelings to the victims and passed the splrit on. In this sense, people will pass the spirit from generation to queneration, from China to all over the world. Then, how sweet will the World be!

I have a dream that one day, I will be a member of the volunteer team. I have a dream that oneday, I'll make contributions to China however slightest it may be. I have a dream that one day I'll be a founder of a world Charity, helping people all over the world. I'm firmly convinced that it will not only be a drean for me, but also a drean for people all over China, all over the world, and for the great Global Village.





陈茜 江苏省哈尔滨市第三中学高三18班

Dear grandfather:

How are you?

I am writing to invite you to join us, in the next year, to be a voluntear in the great event, which is to hold in Shanghai. We, a generation born in the 90s in our city, have made a team to do the volunteer work. And you are welcomed by all our team members awing to your great amount of knowledge about Chinese traditions and culture. Please don't tell me you are too old to do this job. I believe you are sure to accept my invitation after reading my following explannation of the importance of the volunteer work.

Nowadays, volunteer work, which has raised public interest and concern, is becomming more and more popular throughout the world. As is known to all, volunteer work is not only meaningful but also necessary. One my personal wete, what's more, it's interesting and pleasant! It help us develop oursel .

Firstly, for individuals, especially those young, to do volunteer work is an awailuabe wany to goin social experience. By doing volunteer work, they can meet vorrious people and they may run across all kinds of troubles. They however, can become mature and determined by solving these problems. You know, no pains, no gains. Also, individuals will realize that they do make a difference in someone else's life, even the whole event, the world! Their confidence can be rovised and confidence is what it takes to do any job well.

For families, if you're the side that received the help of the volunteers, of couse your issue will be more easily dealt with. If you're the side who give others your hand, you will realize there exists no better way to educate your children that “a virtwre deserues amother” because you'll get the best present - smile deeply from one's heart, in the whole world.

It is a great chance for all members getting closer to each other in communities by taking part in volunteer work. Their team spirits, their co-operation will be great improued. So, why not?

The most importantly, for the whole world, for the entire human race, volunteer work will make earth a better place to live in, it is through volunteer work that we know there are so many people are willing to help others although they can't get money from it. It is through volunteer work that we know we are all brothers and sisters, that we are all families.

My dear grandfather, canre on! Join us and help introduce owr great Chinese culture to the world. 21 centuring is on open cewtury. You can trust yourself and please trust us, too! We'll help you and we need you help! Let's make the world a better place by being a volunteer! It's a small step for us but it is a leurge one for the whole world!

Love you.

Your granddaught.





To be a volunteer ,Bring a ray of sunshine

陈天悦 山东省济南市山东省齐钢高级中学高三4班

Dear Tom:

It is a great pleasure for me to have the wondeful chance to put pen to paper and send my greetings to you. You said that you wanted to be a volunteer and didn't know whether you should or not. I want to help you analyse it.

In my opinion. I think it is not noly a good chance to help others but also a good opportunity to make selp-improvement. You'd better participate in the volunteer work. If we compane youth to flouers, as is often the case, then the young volunteers are the most beautiful flowers. By joining in the vounteer work, you will leam how to help others and how to love others. What's more you can also find it out that there are many people suffering from disaster and then you will value your comfortable life. Although you may feel very tired as a volunteer and it may cost you much time to help others, I still insist that you should be a volunteer because the advantages bright about by volunteer work overweigh the


It all the people refused to be volunteers, the people suffered from the may 12 earthquake could lose heart and most of them wouldn't have the chance to survive from that disaster. If none of the people wanted to be a volunteer, the Beijing olympic Games would be a failure. If every people didn't feel like being a volunteer, there would be no people cleaning the environment and protecting the beautiful scenery automatically. It was terrible! From all mentioned above, volunteers play a very important part in our daily life. To be a volunteer will gain glory for China. As is brow to all, Chinese children are always laughed at for lack of practice. So to be a volunteer is a good chance to canpensate for it.

From my point of view, it's high time that you became a volunteer and learned to help others. If everyone makes a contribution to helping others, the world will be much more beautiful!

At last, wish you all the best!

Yours sincerely.





文章二三段的结构很混乱,建议这样的文章段落都应写成总、分、总的形式更能突出文章的逻辑性,并在“分”的部分也一条一条分开写,而不是都堆在一段内,让人分不清哪句是观点哪句是论证,很混乱。另外注意同义词的替换已是文章表达更丰富,比如文章中多次出现的帮助他人就都是使用:help others就显得过于单一了~ Volunteers

李彦妮 辽宁省鞍山市鞍山一中10.14班

There is a vivid saying that every glorious event is justifiably connected with volunteers who is a group of people, holding the fundemental to help others without pay-back benefits. In 1993, when the new word burt out among social society, most of us gave a slur to it in considering of economy. The special group, however, is just like a river - small at first, contained within its banks, flood passionally then merged into the sea, for the sense of moral considerations. And now, I quite support to be a volunteer.

We can never forget these moving scenes: A group of adolecents from Beijing dashed to the City of Wenchuan who gave up their comfortable living situations and picked up the heavy burden to save people buried into the ground, while a middle aged white collar who threw away his computer and salary came here to fetch wictims' lives from the death. It is volunteers who rushed to this place which has suffered from the catastrophe that gave a great help to those victims in need. A volunteer can support a piece of sky, and this one reason I am eager to join them.

Secondly, only a volunteer who is in active part in Beijing Olympic Games will he give a great help to those losers. It is volunteers who gave us a warm welcome to Beijing that put the glorious sports meeting from in chaos to in order. A person, as we know, who hasn’t join into the group of volunteer is one of the unfortunate victims of this society which is occupied with love. All of us are in high pressure in this adverse circumstance. Our mind catches hold of something and will not let it go, if we choose the way to argue with the mind, the stronger the will, the more fuitile the task, so we, should choose a way to help others, to see the smile from others. Then the pressure get out suiftly. I always go into rapture at a mere mention of being a volunteer and regard it as a person who is eager to help others or a group not in the same class with the suburban social-climbers. It seems a cliché but a saying which is an infallibility that a splendid case can not leave a volunteer just as a fish can not live without water.



(来自:www.sMHaiDa.com 海 达范文网:英语竞赛作文)

Let us shine

徐叶子 江苏省张家港市张家港外国语学校高二4班

Volunteers are just like diamonds in the sun, and the diamonds are forever, especially the youth. Volunteer work is just like a miracle. From the May 12th earthquake to the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, volunteer work made unbelievable contributions.

60 years ago our country was set up, today we will celebrate its 60th birthday. In this process, volunteer work did a lot of help and now our country is standing in the world just like a giant. In the past years, volunteers have helped a large number of people, the old, the young, the poor and the homeless. All the volunteers know that the road ahead will be long and cragged, but no matter what obstacles stand in their way they will never stop. Because they have a creed and they believe everything is possible. Oh the creed of volunteer work, you make volunteers keep on going without hesitation. Oh the creed of volunteer work, you make volunteers hand in hand and be with together forever. Oh the creed of volunteer work, you make volunteers go to the edge of the world and let them know the true meaning of life. Do you know what the creed is? Yes, it is love. With love, volunteer work makes people open their mind and let them find the sky is theirs. With love, volunteer work makes people look into their hearts and let the sunshine in. With love, volunteer work makes people believe that smilers will never lose and frowners will never win.

I know something has changed because of volunteer work. I know it for real because it feels so right and the world looks so much brighter. Love is important to volunteer work and volunteer work is important to the whole world.

The infinite sky is motionless and the blue ocean is boisterous. This moment is perfect. Let us become volunteers and try our best in volunteer work. It can be the start of something new and it's our turn to learn some or win some. So, let's make a wish and get ready to shine like diamonds.


建议该考生在语言流畅的基础之上,注意两方面问题。第一,用词更具体些,避免使用语义较为空泛的表达,如learn some or win some。第二,文章华美有余,但逻辑层次不足。需加强句子与句子之间以及段落与段落间的逻辑性。





My Favourite Season (我最喜欢的季节) 我最喜欢的季节)

There are four seasons in a year, but my favourite season is winter. It's cold and snowy in winter, but it's white and beautiful. We can play with snow. We can make a snowman. We can skate, and we can play football on the snow, too. I like snow. I like winter. (52 words)

On Weekends (在周末) 在周末)

I like weekends very much. I can do many things. I usually do my homework on Saturday morning. Then I watch TV. I like watching cartoon films; they are very interesting. Sometimes I play football with my friend in the afternoon. On Sunday, my parents and I go to visit my grandparents. They live not far from my house. They like me very much. I love them, too.

I love happy weekends. (72 words)

My Classroom (我的教室) 我的教室) 教室

My classroom is nice and big. Many desks and chairs are in my classroom. There are two windows, two doors and a blackboard on the white walls. There are four lights in my classroom,they are very bright, and there are many flowers, too. I like my classroom very much. Do you have

a nice classroom

David (给材料作文,按所给的材料写人物 David ) 给材料作文,

The boy is David. Last year he was 10 years old. He was fat and short, because he slept all day and ate much sweet food, but he didn't do any exercises. Now he is 11 years old. He is tall and thin, because he often swims and plays basketball, and sometimes he goes climbing.

He is thin but he is healthy. (62 words)

My Bedroom (我的教室 我的教室) 我的教室

I have a small bedroom. There is a bed in my bedroom. Near the bed there is a chair and a desk. A lamp and a computer are on the desk. I have a nice toy. Look! It's lying on the


I sleep, study and play in my bedroom every day. I like it very much. What about yours (60


On the Farm

(在农场) 在农场)

I'm Mary. I have three friends on the farm. They are the rooster, the rabbit and the duck. The rooster sings a beautiful song in the morning. The duck swims in the river. The rabbit dances on the grass. They are all my good friends. I like them very much. (50 words)

Kitty Goes Fishing (小猫钓鱼) It's a fine day today. Kitty goes fishing with his mum. Mum sits on a small chair and begins to fish. But Kitty goes to catch a butterfly. In the afternoon, Mum catches many fish, but Kitty doesn't catch any. So he feels shy, and he sits down to

fish. At last, he also catches many fish. They go home happily. (61 words)

Spring Outing

(春游 春游) 春游

It's Sunday today. The sun shines and it is so warm. Spring is coming. Everything comes to life. The trees wear green coats. So my friends and I go to a park to have a spring outing. We have a good time in the park. Tom is fishing near the lake. Kate is reading under the tree. Lucy is listening to music on the bench. William and Ray are playing chess. How happy

we are!

The Twin Sisters (双胞胎姐妹) 双胞胎姐妹)

Sarah and Nancy are twin sisters. They are ten years old. They have big eyes and small mouths. Sarah is tall and Nancy is short. They look like their mother. Sarah has short hair, but Nancy has long hair. Sarah likes drawing, but Nancy likes playing the piano. How lovely they

are! (52)

介绍与朋友认识的对话 假定你现在是 Emily,你与哥哥(Peter)、姐姐(Mary)在去公园玩 的路上,遇到了你的同学 Jim,你将 Jim 介绍给你的哥哥、姐姐。 Emily: Good morning, Jim. Jim: Good

morning, Emily.

Emily: Jim, this is my brother and this is my sister. Peter and Mary, this is my friend, Jim. Peter & Mary: Nice to meet you. Jim: Nice to meet you, too. Emily: Let's go to the park

together, OK Jim: Good idea. (42 Words)

My Pet (我的宠物 我的宠物) 我的宠物

I have a cat. Its name is Maomao. It's white. Its eyes are big. It has a small mouth and a long tail. Its fur is very soft. It likes to play with a ball. It always plays with me.

It likes to eat fish very much. I like it very much. (52 words)

The Four Seasons (四季)

There are four seasons in a year. Spring is warm. We can see many flowers and butterflies. Summer is hot, so we like swimming in the river. When autumn comes, the weather turns cool,

some trees' leaves start to

fall. Winter is very cold. We have to put on thicker clothes, but we can make snowmen and

play snowballs. So every season is lovely. (64 words)

I Love Spring (我喜欢春天) 我喜欢春天)

Sister Spring is coming quietly. She looks very beautiful with colourful clothes. The sun is shining high in the sky. The trees and grass become green. The flowers are open. The little birds are singing happily in the trees. The days are getting longer and it is getting warmer, too. In spring we can go hiking or have a picnic on the mountains. I love spring. (66 words)

A Beautiful Beach (美丽的海滩) 美丽的海滩)

It's a beautiful day! There are some birds and a kite in the sky. The clouds are white and the sun hides in the clouds. The sea is blue. The children are swimming. Two people are in a boat. There's a girl sitting on the beach. Next to her there's a ball. There are many

beautiful flowers and trees near the beach. A dog is under a tree.(68 words)

My Dog (我的狗) 我的狗)

I have a dog. It has a short tail. Its fur is white and yellow. It is very smart. It can catch a ball. It can bark and wag its tail. It can shake hands with me. I often play with

my dog. I love my dog very much. (49 words)

My Good Friend (我的好朋友) 我的好朋友)

I have a good friend. Her name is Betty. She is very beautiful. She has big eyes and a small mouth. She is 10 years old. She is in Class Five, Grade Three. She likes singing, dancing

and playing ping-pong. Do you have a good friend, too (47 words)

(日记) 日记) Tuesday October 17th, 2006 Sunny

Today is Tuesday. It is sunny. Miss Li took us to Guangming Farm. We went there by bus. Uncle Wang and Miss Zhang waited for us at the gate of the farm. Then they showed us around and told us something about the farm. We saw a lot of animals. There was a horse, a pig, some

hens and ducks, a cow and a sheep. The Mother Duck and her

children were playing happily. They were very lovely. I learned many things. What a nice

time I had!(86 words)

My favourite person (我最喜爱的季节 我最喜爱的季节) 我最喜爱的季节

My favourite person is my father. Let me tell you the reasons.

My father is a worker. He works hard. He often says, “I will save much money and make much

money for my factory because I'm a skillful worker.”

When he is at home, he likes playing with me. We often play chess, play computer games and

make model ships. He is my good friend. love my father very much. (72 words) I

My Little Cat

I have a little cat. It is very cute. Its colour is white. Its name is Snow White. It likes playing with a ball. It can catch mice. It likes eating fish. It is my good friend. I love

it very much.

I Like Every Season(我喜欢每个季节) (我喜欢每个季节)

Hello, everyone!Which season do you like best? I like every season.

Every season is very nice. In spring, the flowers grow, the grass comes out. I can plant trees. In summer, I can take care of the trees. In autumn, I get a harvest. In winter, it's

cold and snowy. I can go skiing. (55 words)

David's Day(戴维的一天) (戴维的一天)

Today is Sunday. David doesn't go to school. He stays at home and plays the piano in the morning. He likes playing the piano very much. He plays it every day, and he can play it

very well. After playing the piano, he goes to a swimming pool at 9 o'clock. Swimming is one of his favorite sports. After swimming, he goes to the playground to play football with

his friends. He has a wonderful day.

My Bedroom (我的卧室)

I have a small bedroom. There is a bed in my bedroom. Near the bed there is a chair and a desk. A lamp and a computer are on the desk. I have a nice toy. Look! It's lying on the floor. I sleep, study and play in my bedroom every day. I like it very much. What about yours

On the Farm (在农场)

I'm Mary. I have three friends on the farm. They are the rooster, the rabbit and the duck. The rooster sings a beautiful song in the morning. The duck swims in the river. The rabbit

dances on the grass. They are all my good friends. I like them very much.

A Great Superman (伟大的超人)

We all know Superman can do everything. He is always ready to help the people in trouble.

One day, there was a big fire in a building. A little boy was in it. Superman saw it and flew into the building to save the boy. At last, Superman saved the boy and took him down to the ground safely. The boy's parents gave him many thanks. The people around all think

Superman is very great

A Happy Day In Spring (春天里快乐的一天) 春天里快乐的一天)

It's a fine day in spring. The grass and trees become green. Some swallows fly in the blue sky. The Mr. Black go for a picnic. They bring some juice. Mr. Black is looking at his lovely daughter, Ann. Ann is reading something on the grass. Tom, Mr. Black's son is flying a kite. Mrs. Black is looking at him happily. They have a very good and happy day in spring.




Sample 1

Directions: You and your friend have just finished a course and you

want to arrange a party. You’ve had a meeting and made a list of your

requirements. You’ve heard that your friends, Anna and Jack, who

attend a nearby school, had a party on a boat last term and you want

to ask them all about it. Read your notes carefully. Then write a letter

to Anna and Jack telling them what you want to do and asking for

information and advice. Remember to write the letter in no less than

120words on the answer sheet.

Our requirements are the following: there are 20 to 30 people to

attend the party and we want to start it at 9 pm; some cold drinks

are preferred and we need a place to dance. Is it possible for us to

hold our party on the boat? Moreover, could you tell me how many people

the boat can hold? What about the transportation to the river? Is it

convenient? How about the food and the music? In addition, do we have

to prepare for them by ourselves? Above all, how much does your party

cost? Do you think it is worthwhile to hold the party on the boat?

What are your opinions?

Your opinions and comments will be of great value to our coming

party. We are looking forward to your reply. Best wishes to you! Yours sincerely George

Sample 2

Directions: Write on the topic given below in no less than 150 words

on the answer sheet. In your essay, you should first outline your ideas,

and then given examples.


Topic: what, in your opinion, is the best way to keep fit and healthy?[参考范文]

Nowadays people are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of health. What is the best way to stay fit and healthy? In my opinion, good exercises and diet are two major ways to stay fit and healthy. First, enough time should be set aside for persevering in exercises in addition to sleep and rest. Second, you must give up the habits that damage your health, such as smoking and drinking too much alcohol.

As mentioned above, the best way to keep fit and health is to do regular exercises. Just as the Chinese proverb goes, “life lies in exercises”, exercises never fail to make us stronger and more energetic. Moreover, mental health, in my mind, is also of vital importance. If you feel happy, you can eat well, sleep well, and your body is sure to be in an excellent condition. Moreover, prevention is also important, and one should have a physical check regularly in a hospital for being strong and healthy.

Health is the most valuable possession a person experts in his life. Try every means to keep fit is our advice to the people who want to live a happy life in this beautiful world.



133班 杨钟毓 0011

Dear students,

As we know,safety is the most important thing in our lives.So,what should we do?Let me tell you!

At first,don?t take restricted knives or things to school.Tt?s dangerous.If you cut yourself by accident,or even hurt others,it will be a serious problem.Secondly,don?t have a both in the river alone.Actually,when you lose yourself in comfortable water,you may meet emergency.Thirdly,don?t fight.Boys and girls,as students,we should get on well with other people and make a good friendship.Finally,we should pay more attention when we go to school .Also,if we meet emergency,we should call the police and find the help immdeitaly.They will help us out。

In a word,we should care about more in our safety, in this way,not noly do our parents dvery happy,but also we have a richi and colorful life.



133班 成文媛 0008

Dear students,

As we know,safety is the most important thing in our lives.So,it is our duty to obey the school rules.As a chairman of al the students,I should tell you some imformation.At first,you shouldn?t bring the restricted knives or things to school.It may increase the danger.And you can?t have a bath in a river by yourself.It?s not really safe.We shouldn?t make a joke on our lives.We also can?t fight with others.The friendship between us is very expensive.On the way to school or home,we should take care of the safety.If something happens,we should call the police and ask someone for help.

So much for these.But do remember,safety is the first.We should put it in our heart.



133班 徐格睿涵 0039

Dear students,

As we know,safety is the most important thing in our lives.So,we should build a safe school in case we don?t feel safe.I?m a chairman in the sdtudent meeting.So it is my duty.

First,we can?t take the restricted knives or things to school.Because they are very dangerous.And they can hurt other people easily.Next we can?t have a bath in the river.Water isn?t always good for us.It can take our lives.Fighting isn?t a good thing,either.It can make us to lose our frienshipos.I believe you don?t want to feel lonely.And it?s important to call the police if you meet some emergencies.

These are my advice. I think you could obey these rules.Of course,if you break the rules.Not only will you feel dangerous,but also other people won?t love you.



134班 刘玉莹 0083

Dear students,

As we know,safety is the most important thing in our lives.So,we should learn how to protect

ourself.Because it is valuable and priceless.

First of all,we shouldn?t bring resteicted knives or things to school.They?re to dangerous that we can hurt other people by accident.So please remember it forever.Also,we can?t have a both room instead of in a river.And we shouldn?t fight with other students,your will become a good sudent.

And please be careful when you are in the way to school.It is the most important.If you meet soe emengency,call the police at first.And then shout loudly to look for help.You shouldn?t deal with it by yourself.Because we are too young to do that.

At last,I hope everyone will be away from these dangerous things.Thank you very much!



135班 姜柳然 0202

Dear students,

As we know,safety is the most important thing in our lives.So,we should obey some rules in our school.First,we shouldn?t bring some restricted knives or things to school.Knives are really dangerous.Then,we shouldn?t fight with others.Eighting is dangerous too,and it may bring us some problems.After that,we can?t have a bath at the river ourselves.At last,we should be careful when we go to school and go home.If we have some emergencies,we should be calm,we can call the police or ask some people for help.

As a student,we should obey these school rules.Then,we wil be more safe happy and healthy!



137班 夏尔頔 0318

Dear students,

As we know,safety is the most important thing in our lives.So,we can?t take the restricted knives or things to school.Because they are very dangerous.Although the weather is very hot.We can?t have a bath in the river.Because we don?t know what will happen when we have a have a bath in the river.And we can?t fight with others.If we do it,maybe we will get hurt and the teathers will be very angry.When we get hurt and the teathers will be very angry.When we get to school or go home,we should be careful.If we miss the emergency,we should call up the police and ask for some help.

Let?s obey this rules,we will be safe.



137班 黄劲羽 0380

Dear students,

As we know,safety is the most important thing in our lives.So,we should pay more attentiong to our lives.First of all,we can?t take restricted knives or things,If we did that,it woud be very dangerous.And we shouldn?t have a bath in the river by ourselves,but we could swim in the pool with our families.Although we are actinv teenagers,we can?t fight with others.Do you think so?If we have some problems,we can communicate better with others,and it is very polite.Perhaps,we will meet a emergency one day.Don?t be afraid of it.At first,we can call 110 to ask for help.It?s

very necessary to read a first-aid book.We must pay more attention to the safety,and we can?t let our parents worry about us.Let?s do it from now.Come and join us!



138班 叶露璘 0383

Dear students,

As we know,safety is the most important thing in our lives.So,it?s necessary for us to obey the dangerous things,for example,restricted knifes.Because we may hurt others or get injured by these things by accident.No one can afford the duty.Second,we shouldn?t have a bath in a river without permission,especially in summer.In general,rivers are very deep,and there are many dangers around us when we swim or have a bath in the river.Third,we should show we love to others instead of fighting with others,so please be friendly and don?t fight.Finally,we should be careful in the way of going home,if we meet any emergency,please call the police for help.To obey the rules is to protect ourselves.Come on!Let?s obey the rules!



139班 周天若 0449

Dear students,

As we know,safety is the most important thing in our lives.So,what should we do?At first,don?t bring restricted knives or things to school.We are pretty young,sometimes we can?t keep calm.If we do that,we may hurt others by mistake.Then we shouldn?t have a bath,in the river.If you want to swim,you could go to swimming pool with your parents?permission.As a student,we can?t fight with others.One finger can?t lift a small stone.So we should get along well with other people.What would you do if you met an energency?The best way is calling police or asking for help.We should pay more attention to our lives,and we can?t let our parents be worried about us.So make a decision today.We will have a better life tomorrow.



139班 黄宇轩 0457

Dear students,

As we know,safety is the most important thing in our lives.So,we should learn to protect ourselves.First,we can?t bring restricted knives or things to school.If we do that,it?s quite dangerous for us because of it.Apparently,it?s really dangerous.And we can?t fight with others.We probably hurt each other and the teachers will be angry.

When we go to school or go back home,we should pay attention on safety.If we meet emergency like robing,we should call the police and ask for their help.

I hope everyone can have a great life.Let?s hold our hands and build a safe school together. Better safety,better life.



140班 谭诗雅 0572

Dear students,

As we know,safety is the most important thing in our lives.So,it?s our duty to keep safety in the school.As a student,we should obey the school rules.We can?t bring restricted knives or thing to our school.These things are dangerous.On vacation,many students like doing some activities,like swimming and going hiking.But,we must notice our safety,so we?re not allowed to have a bath in the river.I think it?s right for us.We always have good friendship with others.Don?t break it.If you want to have a great memory,you shouldn?t have fight with your friends.If you have some problems and you don?t know how to deal with them,you can ask the teachers and friens for help.Please join us,we can keep safety in the school together.



145班 李思勤 0901

Dear students,

As we know,safety is the most important thing in our lives.So,we should obey these rules.First,we can?t bring restricted knives or things to school.It?s very dangerous.If we were careless,we would hurt other students,or teachers.Next,we can?t have a bath alone in the river.It?s dangerous,too.Because there are many stone in the river.And the running water is very fast.Then,we can?t fight with others.It?s bad for our friendship.We would get injured if we fought.Finally,we should take care of ourselves after school.If we had emergency,we should call 110,or ask someone for help.

I suppose we can do them well.



148班 唐闻晓 1140

Dear students,

As we know,safety is the most important thing in our lives.So,we should keep safe in our life,but,how do we keep safe?Many people all care about this problem.

At school,we shouldn?t take restricted knives or things to our school.Because it?s too dangerous,and it will hurt other people or ourselves.Morever,we can?t fight with others.It?s not only bad for us,but also bad for other students.

When we go back to school and go home,we always meet some emergencies,at this time we must remember we shouldn?t get nervous,we should believe we can solve this problem.Then,we should ask help to others or call 110.

As for on vacation,we shouldn?t be allowed to swin min the river,it?s not safe and make our parents feel worried.

I hope erverybody can obey the rules and keep safe in our life.



151班 熊无成 1326

Dear students,

As we know,safety is the most important thing in our lives.So,we have to do something useful for our safety.There are some rules that we should obey.First of all,you can?t take the

resticted knives or things to school because they are dangerous.Every doesn?t like to get injured,does he?Of course,we could have a boath in the rivers and we shouldn?t fight with others.Because we should e friendly to others.

So we chould be good students and make more students.It?s bad for us to get to school alone.On the way to school.If wehad the emergency,we?d better call the policeman first.I think it?s the most important thing.If we obey all the rules,we could get the safety easily and the world would become more and mor wonderful.Let?s set up the most beautiful school



151班 龙瑞宁 1324

Dear students,

As we know,safety is the most important thing in our lives.So,it?s srucial for students like us to be careful at our school.But do you know how to keep yourself safe?

First,don?t take restricted knives or things to school if you want to be safe.As we know,things like these right hurt ourselves.

Second,treaving a bath in the river without pemission is also bad for you.Because there are many studens where the water.

Next,don?t fight with others,it might be dangerous!

Last,conceutuate more on you safety when you go to school,if you tave emergency,you can call the police or ask others for help.If we don?t want to make our parents worried,don?t do these things!



154班 杨舟 1572

Dear students,

As we know,safety is the most important thing in our lives.So,you can?t do anything if it?s very dangerous.If you did something dangerous,you would make your parents worried.So,you cant bring the restricted knives or things to school.They are very dangerous.They can hurt others.And they also can hurt yourself.Besids,you can?t have a bath in a river by yourself without permission,either.It?s also very dangerous.If you want to go swimming or take a shower,maybe you can go to a swimming poor with you parents.And you can?t fight with others.You should be friendly with others.Then,you will have a lots of friends.What?s more,you should be careful when you go to school or go home.If you meet emergencies,you can call the police or call your parents for help.

Think twice before you do!It?s very imprtant!Safety can make your life be beautiful!



153班 彭坚

Dear students,

As we know,safety is the most important thing in our lives.So,at first,don?t bring restricted knives or thing to school.It?s not only dangerous,but also it?s bad for yourself.Next,you?d better not have a bath in the river by yourself.If you do want to have a bath,you can ask your father to go with you.Besids,you shouldn?t fight with others.So that you can get on well with your
