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好处:开拓眼界,联动世界 机会更大 享受较高的生活质量 快生活节奏利于提高人的竞争力 行政服务到位 商业氛围浓















Today we will hold debate about the country lifestyle and the

city lifestyle which is better ?

The answer is not certain. Nowadays, more and more people in the city want to live in the country. And many people in the country want to live in the city. It is an interesting fancy thing for our society. There are two points


In our view, the country lifestyle is much better and relaxed than city lifestyle.(总)


Living in a city, people have certain advantages.

A First, people enjoy various entertainments, such as movies or chat on the net with friends.

B Second, there are more cultural activities in a city.

C Third, city dwellers gain access to better information service and educational facilities. In the city, people can take the chances to study and work best. There are many good university for u to choose in a big city. There you can express your ability to study what you like.

D Opportunities for bright young people are greater in the cities and there has been a steady stream of hopeful jobseekers from the villages and farms to the large metropolitan areas.

E the transport is very convenient in the city. We can take bus ,taxi ,subway in our diary life。Certainly,aircraft and train is necessary


1 The overcrowded population, traffic jam, housing problem, industrial pollution and other issues may result in depression, nervousness and diseases. It is very difficult to find a good place where people can enjoy peace and fresh air as in the countryside.

2 living in a city is often very expensive. You must find a well-paid job, otherwise, you will not be able to afford the things you will do.


4 People who living in the city have great pressure of employment Nowadays, in the city, there are more and more crimes. They do not give people

security. Every day, people live in the fear. And the quality of living will fall. Now many people feel that many people are cold to each other. It also makes our heart to tire.


In ours view the city lifestyle is much better than country lifestyle.(总)


1 In the country people have their farm and even their own stores but in the cities people are

mostly working for companies operated or even owned by a bigger company

2 Also in the country people are more open in exchanging goods and services in return for such

and in the cities it is only the money that makes everything possible

3 Peace of mind also comes free in the country simply because there is less to worry

and stress about.

4 The environment in the country is by far beyond comparison with the cities, there are

less pollution, fewer factories and less noise in the country; where as the cities are filled with cars and factories which are the essential reasons to noise and pollution.

5 The people in the country are less stressed and more happy simply because there is

less items in their mind and life to deal with and they also tend to be more friendly towards others,


交通不便 People usually lack cultural activities. Things go fairly slowly there. What's more, they also miss some golden opportunities of making a fortune.


It is really hard to say which is better than the other, city life or rural life, because each has its merits and shortcomings. Obviously, whatever life they lead, people can never feel perfectly satisfied, for conveniences and inconveniences always coexist.


Living in a rural area allows residents to enjoy the natural world more easily instead of having to go to parks.


In addition, people do not have to fight with the daily stresses of urban life such as being stuck in traffic, dealing with higher rates of crime, and in many cases, paying higher taxes.


Pollution,both noise and atmospheric, is a serious problem in cities and this affects the overall quality of life.


Unlike big cities where there is a large number of stores and restaurants to choose from, those in rural areas have the benefit of land upon which to grow their own food, which is much healthier.


Residents in rural communities often have long-lasting and more personal relationships with their neighbours since they meet the same people more frequently.


In addition, there is also a indispensable reason should be responsible for the happiness derived from the countryside;


people in countryside may hardly go to the supermarket but their daily diet is relatively healthy and secure for which their food is green food and their water is derived from the ground.


In the meantime, the sudden outbreak of transmitted disease disaster can sweep down the city easily but the countryside otherwise, for its relatively remote location and the infrequent exchange with the outside.


To sum up, we maintain quite firmly the view that people are happier living in the countryside than the cities, owing to its quiet, friendly and harmonious environment and tight relationship among neighbors and the freedom of going around and working and the less chance of picking up some disease.


















翟振武:中国发展指数中的教育指数也是一个重要参考。教育反映了人力资本的情况,可以看出城市在发展过程中的要素和资源。我们排出了从2005 年到2008年的教育指数排名。北京、上海、天津始终是前三,这个不意外。接下来的,你可能就想不到了—是东北。辽宁始终在第四,吉林基本都是六七名。从这个角度,东北等一些地区的城市发展会很有“后劲”。因为城市的发展“后劲”主要靠人才储备、人口和人力资本状况,跟教育有密切联系。没有高素质的人才,产业怎么升级换代?经济发展最重要的动力是高素质的人,而不是矿山、石油。




宁要大城市一张床的观念更可取(几个破敌论点)宁要大城市一张床的观念更可取(立论)辩论—思想2010-04-21 16:06:05阅读198评论0字号:大中小大城市和小城镇只有在同一区域才有可比性大城市:工商业发达,以非农业为主的居住地,它是一个区域的政治经济文化中心,人口一般在50——100万左右小城镇:在同一区域就大城市而言,政治经济文化交通教育等各方面都相对较落后的地方,他并不是农村,常住人口在2000人以上,10万人以下观念:人类支配行为的主观意识,是看法思想思维活动的结果原因有三:第一:从文字背后的内涵来看,“宁要大城市一张床的观念”是指在一个发展空间发展机会多,但是竞争更加激烈,压力更大,对人才要求更高的环境中谋求自己的发展,但是虽然条件艰苦,困难重重还是选择了他,坚持留下来了,所以这个观念本身就是志存高远,积极向上,勇于拼搏,敢于挑战的人生态度的体现;“宁要小城镇一间房的观念”是指在相对大城市而言发展空间较小,提升平台较少,信息比较落后,但是比较稳定,竞争也相对较小的环境中生存和发展,这是一种追求轻松自在,压力更小的生活态度的体现。当然我方不否认这种观念可取但相对来说“宁要大城市一张床的观念”更可取。第二:从观念对国家发展的角度来看“宁要大城市一张床的观念”体现的是我们不畏艰难困苦,敢于挑战,对希望的执著,毛主席曾经这样说过“星星之火可以燎原”我们中国共产党正是有这样一种不放弃丝毫希望,锐意进取的精神观念才打败了国民党八百万大军,经历了二万五千里长征,最后取得了



一 、大学生未必是农村必不可少的人才。农村急需要大量适用人才促进农村的发展,建设社会主义新农村。没有人才新农村的建设寸步难行。农村急需大量有用之才, 这里人才的含义很广泛,不仅仅限于大学生,还包括大量的乡土人才。乡土人才生在农村长在农村,对农村的情况了如指掌,能够因地制宜,找到可行的对策。而大学生虽有激情有抱负,敢闯敢干,但存在实际能力缺乏不足和不够了解情况的弊端。大学生与乡土人才相比,大学生未必适合农村发展的需要。




宁要城市一张床 四辩该怎么总结




一 、大学生未必是农村必不可少的人才。农村急需要大量适用人才促进农村的发展,建设社会主义新农村。没有人才新农村的建设寸步难行。农村急需大量有用之才, 这里人才的含义很广泛,不仅仅限于大学生,还包括大量的乡土人才。乡土人才生在农村长在农村,对




在城市有它的好处也有她的弊端,在农村亦然。因此,宁要城市一张床,不要农村一套房是片面的。对于那些能吃苦耐劳,愿意接受挑战,有能力的大学生适合在城市发展。对于那些追求安逸舒适生活的大学生比较适合到农村去建功立业。因此,留在大城市还是到基层是因人而异的,不同的人有不同的选择。关键在于对自己有一个客观的分析、对城市有一个全面的估计,找准自己的定位,到底在城市谋生还是到农村发展,要冷静的思考,不要听风就是雨,人云亦云,要有自己的判断,最好的不一定是适合自己的,只用适合自己的才是最好的。 3宁要大城市一张床不要农村一套房


篇五:城市好还是乡村好辩论英文 2

City:A223,B; country:C201,D228

A: An increasing number of people are pouring into the city and looking for a nest there. Some people hold the opinion that we should live in the countryside. However, some others strongly argue that city is a better place for us to live in. It is quite natural that people from different backgrounds may have divergent attitudes towards it. Our opinions are divided.

D: I don't like the city, the main reason is the city --full of carbon dioxide in the air, with the development of civilized heat, dust and gas molecular mixture. This is my first impression of the city. Millions of lungs of people living in this little area are breathing oxygen to the air. But the charity of oxygen has to be baptized by the machine, and filtered by the automobile first. I prefer the air in the wild, to purify my lungs. The city’s air is hot, having more dust. Hot because people, enthusiasm, it contains all kinds of people, various of ideologies, In cities, people can not see each other clearly, which because of the large population of the city. The air in the village is just the opposite it is cold and fresh, and the people are purer.

C: Yes, I really agree with her. I have ever gone to live in the country. Even until now, I can’t stop thinking back to the friendly people, the clean atmosphere, the closeness to nature and the gentle peace of living. In my mind, nothing can be compared with the first cockcrow, the twittering of birds at dawn, the sight of the rising sun glinting on the trees and pastures.

A: City born and city bred, I have always regarded country as something you look through a train widow, or something you occasionally visit during the weekend. I think you fail to mention the long and friendless winter evenings in front of TV—virtually the only form of entertainment. And nor is the city without its moments of beauty. There is something comforting about the warm glow shed by advertisements on cold wet winter nights. Few things could be more impressive than the peace that descends on deserted city streets at weekends when the thousands that travel to work every day are tucked away in their homes.

And city is more convenient. The latest exhibitions, films, or plays are only a short bus ride away. But for people living in country, visiting the theatre is a major operation which involves a considerable planning. As the play draws to its close ,they wonder whether they will ever catch the last train home.

B: What’s more. There are more job opportunities readily available in big cities, the pay is more decent. Besides, children are supposed to be able to receive an education with a higher quality compared with their counterparts who live in the countryside. For most families, children’s education is always put first. More important, shopping, a necessary activity in everyday life is more convenient in the city than in the country. Urban citizens can buy what they want at any time of a day.

C: However, I hold a different view concerning this case. I believe that living in the countrysi(来自:www.sMHaiDa.com 海 达范文网:城市好还是农村好辩论)de also has some advantages. First of all, people who live in the countryside often have a much comfortable life style. Most of them are immune from the suffering of high work stress. In addition, although the average pays is much less than that of big cities, the price of daily necessities, such as vegetables or meat, is usually more inexpensive. Therefore, the cheap life in the country appeals to many city-dwellers.

What is more, instead of suffering loneliness which is prevalent in big cities, children might grow up healthier because of harmonious relationship among residents in the countryside. A country upbringing allows children to experience a more natural environment without all the distractions of entertainment places in the city.

D: Both sides make sense. Therefore it is really hard for me to draw a definite conclusion. To my mind, the countryside is a better place for people to live in. Country life is featured in the fresh air, the peaceful night, and the friendly people. Wherever the city may be, the life there is much more expensive than in the countryside. Furthermore, without all the dangers and distractions of city life, they will grow up healthier and better grounded in the moral values of their culture
