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篇一:blue angel 蓝色天使

Code of Conduct

On Efficiency of External Power Supplies

This Code of Conduct has been prepared by the European Commission, following the discussions and decisions of the ad-hoc working group composed by independent experts, Member States representatives and representatives of industry.

1. Introduction

Standby losses, including no-load losses, in power supplies contribute substantially to the electricity consumption of households in Europe. The Study on Miscellaneous Standby Power Consumption of Household Equipment (Molinder, 1997) calculated an increase for wall packs and chargers from about 8 TWh in 1996 to about 14 TWh in 2006 (Business as Usual scenario). With actions resulting from this Code of Conduct this increase can be counterbalanced, resulting in savings of a maximum of 5 TWh per year from 2010, this is equivalent to a total saving of 500 Million EURO per year.

Further savings can be expected form the application of efficient power supplies in electronics appliances, such as TVs, VCRs, microwave ovens, etc.

When addressing efficiency of power supplies, also power quality should be taken into account. Although applying electronics in power supplies can increase efficiency and lower no load losses, it should not adversely effect the power quality.

2. Scope

Scope of this Code of Conduct are external power supplies for electronic and electrical appliances, including among others AC adapters, battery chargers for mobile phones, domestic appliances, power tools and IT equipment, in the input power range 0.3W to 75W. In most cases these power supplies are specified by the appliance manufacturer; production can be at the appliance manufacturer or at a dedicated manufacturer.

These external power supplies and chargers (hereinafter defined “external power supplies”) have in common that they mostly do not have an on-off switch and consume electricity in a no-load situation.

3. Aim

To minimise no-load losses of external power supplies in the input power range 0.3W to 75W.

4. Commitment

Signatories of this Code of Conduct commit themselves to:

4.1 Design power supplies or component so as to minimize energy consumption in the

off-mode. Those companies who are not responsible for the production of power supplies shall include the concept of minimization of no load energy consumption in their purchasing procedures of power supplies.

4.2 Achieve the following no-load power consumption targets within the time

schedule for at least 60% for Phase 1, 70 % for Phase 2 and 80 for Phase 3, either for the model range using external power supplies or for the models of external power supplies that are introduced on the market after the indicated date (new model only):

method in the Annex.

4.3 Co-operate with the European Commission and Member States in monitoring the

effectiveness of this external power supplies.

4.4 External power supplies exempted from the agreement:

1) AC Adapter with more than one output terminal using switching power circuit

2) Contact-less charger using switching power circuit

5. Monitoring

Signatories will report on a yearly basis in a confidential manner to the European Commission how many models using external power supplies out of the total number of models a manufacturer pro(转 载于:wWw.SmHaIDA.cOM 海达 范文 网:蓝色天使集团)duces reach the target in that year. For each model using external power supply the associated no-load power consumption shall be reported. The reporting shall be completed by the end of February of the following year. The reporting shall start with the year 2000 (baseline year, reporting due by the end of February 2001). The monitoring results will be discussed in an anonymous manner with parties involved and can be published by the European Commission.


Measurement method

(based upon prEN50301)

Measuring conditions

Input power conditions Measurements shall be carried out at the rated input voltage (in case of

multiple voltage it shall be carried out at the highest rated value) and the

rated frequency of the power supply.

The fluctuation of the input voltage during the tests shall not exceed ±2 % .

The frequency fluctuation of the input voltage and the harmonic components

of the input current shall not exceed ±2 % and 5 % respectively.

No-load conditions The power supply is connected to a power source (fulfilling the above

mentioned input power conditions) and the load (e.g. the appliance) is not

connected to the power supply. If the load cannot be disconnected, the load

should be off .

Environmental Ambient temperature 15 oC to 35 oC, preferably 20 oC


Measurement procedure

Measure the input power consumption of the power supply 15 minutes after it has been put into the no-load condition.

The measurement should be carried out directly by means of a watt meter.

The maximum permitted error is 5 %.

The measuring time shall be sufficiently long to measure the correct value.

The results shall be given in watts, with a number of relevant digits in accordance with the accuracy of the measurement.

Remark 1 It should be ascertained that the watt meter is suitable to measure the power

consumption of power supplies working in a burst mode with a low duty

cycle and the low power consumption levels in the no-load mode.












她就是关慧群,2010年美国总统“公民奖章”获得者,这是美国公民的最高荣誉之一。奥巴马亲自为她颁奖并致辞说,她让我们知道,“在这个地球上除了我们个人的需求外,还有别的值得追求的东西”。 关慧群虽然没有轰轰烈烈的事迹,但24年的坚持也堪称奇迹,能够使这样的奇迹发生的,只有仁爱之心,这或许就是一个人成为天使的最好理由吧。



为进一步建立学校与企业之间的供需平台,更好地为学生就业服务,长春金融高等专科学校第二届校园大型就业洽谈会将于2012年11月3日上午8:00在我校体育馆举行。来自省内外82家用人单位将到我校选聘人才。以下是此次参会企业名录、招聘岗位及专业要求,请同学们准备好简历,在辅导员的带领下准时参加! 长春金融高等专科学校2013届毕业生大型校园就业洽谈会参会企业、招聘岗位及专业要求汇总表

篇四:圣托里尼蓝色天使别墅酒店(Blue Angel Villa)

圣托里尼蓝色天使别墅酒店(Blue Angel Villa)


中文名称 圣托里尼蓝色天使别墅酒店 英文名称 Blue Angel Villa 地理位置 费拉 房间数量 9 酒店地址 Kato Fira, 费拉, 84700, 希腊 周围景观 费拉、蓝顶教堂、锡拉火山、费拉史前博物馆、皮尔戈斯小镇、圣托里尼渡轮、费罗斯特法尼、卡美尼岛火山、圣托里尼机场、伊梅罗韦格利、圣岛酒厂


1. 酒店有个餐厅,食物是很好的,价格非常合理 2. 员工们非常乐于助人,而且英语都很出色 3. 酒店位置非常好;楼顶风景非常好

4. 地理位置很棒,服务总体还是很贴心的,给了地图,介绍了租车



酒店交通比较方便,以各主要景点的距离如下: 蓝顶教堂:步行12分钟

圣托里尼渡轮:打车15分钟,车程约8.8公里 费拉:步行6分钟

圣托里尼机场:打车12分钟,车程约7.6公里 卡美尼岛火山:直线距离约4公里 锡拉火山:步行9分钟

圣岛酒厂:打车13分钟,车程约7.6公里 费罗斯特法尼:步行11分钟

伊梅罗韦格利:步行23分钟,或打车5分钟,车程约2.7公里 皮尔戈斯小镇:打车9分钟,车程约4.9公里 费拉史前博物馆:步行5分钟

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