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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/25 03:23:17 体裁作文

篇一:There is no such thing as a free lunch

There is no such thing as a free lunch

There is no such thing as a free lunch .There's no one but longs to succeed , but it's not easy to get success .anything that promises quick returns without much work is a sure trap .

The summer holiday in 2012 was very vital to me, since it was my first time to do a part time job as a dishwasher in a restaurant. In the working period, I worked 7 hours per day, and have kept working for 4 weeks, as a result I got 500 yuan for my salary. There is no doubt being a dishwasher is a very boring and tired job, but each time when I thought I can use my own money to purchase the books for the next new semester, nothing stops me to be proud of myself. On the other hand, something comes into my mind which tells me that there is no free lunch in the world, we must put effort to get the reward back.

Just as the old saying goes :no pains ,no gains. the farmers harvest by a year of hard work ,the scientists gain achievements by years of devoted researches ,students get good marks by working hard ,even the little ants have their food by working hard day and night .I know there are always some people who wait for the opportunities falling on them , they may attribute their failures to lack of good chances , therefore ,there are so many

people gaining nothing at last .Clever men know that the more efforts they make ,the bigger chance they will have to be successful.l

So , when others achieve their dreams and you still gain nothing ,don’t complain ,because there is no such thing as a free lunch.

篇二:no such还是no such a

no such还是no such a


大家知道,such 后接单数可数名词时,是必须要带不定冠词的,这样的例句词典上比比皆是。如:

Such a solution proved impractical. 这样一种解决方法证明是不切实际的。

I felt such a fool when I realized what I’d done. 当我明白自己干了什么时,感觉自己就像个傻瓜。

To be offered a place at such a good university is quite an achievement. 获得这样好的大学录取是件很了不起的事。

Such a large sorting operation can take up a lot of computer time. 如此复杂的排序操作会占用很多计算机时间。

Such a savage punishment is abhorrent to a civilized society. 这样残暴的惩罚在文明的社会引起反感。

There had never been such a beautiful woman anywhere in the world. 世界上从未有过如此美丽的女人。

Such a war could result in the use of chemical and biological weapons. 这样的战争可能导致使用生化武器。

二、no such+单数可数名词

由于 no 在意义上相当于 not any, not a, not one等,所以当它后面修饰单数可数名词时不能再用不定冠词。如:

There’s no such thing as ghosts. 没有鬼神这类事。(摘自《牛津英语搭配词典》)

There is no such thing as a free lunch. 世上没有免费午餐之类的好事儿。(摘自《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》)

There really is no such thing as a totally risk-free industry. 完全没有风险的行业是不存在的。(摘自《柯林斯Cobuild高阶英汉双解学习词典》)

Sceptics will argue that no such scheme has ever proved successful. 怀疑论者会辩称此类方案没有成功的先例。(摘自《牛津英语搭配词典》)

三、such / no such +不可数名词或复数名词

若such 或 no such 后接的不是单数可数名词,而是不可数名词或是复数名词,自然不能用不定冠词。如:

It makes sense to keep such information on disk. 把这样的信息保存在磁盘上是明智的。 I had never seen diamonds shine with such brilliance before. 我以前从没有见过如此耀眼的钻石。

Such mental attitudes are difficult, if not impossible, to change. 这样的心态很难改变,也许不可能改变。


但是,确实偶尔也可见到no such a 这样的用法,如《张道真英语用法》中就有这样一句: No such a person ever existed. 过去从来没有过这样的人。


篇三:There Is No Wrong Time

There Is No Wrong Time

When is the right time?


There may be a better time.


But, there is no such thing as a wrong time.


There is just time.


Waiting for the Right Time


Recently, someone told me they were “waiting until the right time” to pursue their dream job.


Right time?


I was curious.


When is the right time? Or even, what is a right time?


“There is no such thing as the right time. There is just time.”


My colleague explained that they were waiting until things settled down. Their life was very busy at the moment and wanted to wait so that things could get “back to normal.”



I asked them, “Have you considered that now is your normal?”


Maybe this is the time.


After all, it is the time you actually have.


The Right Time is Always Now


Whether things are quiet in your life or your hair is on fire, that is your reality. 不管你生活中的事情是井然有序,还是有些很紧急的事情,那就是你生活的现状。 There is no wrong time. And you don’t get more time later.


So, don’t put things off for the right time. It may never come.

所以不要把事情往后拖延,等着最佳的时间去做,因为也许根本这个最佳的时间就是没有。 Right now is your time.





there is no such

some,all, many等修饰时,such放在这些修饰词之后。

He's such a man. 他就是这么一个人。

One such table is enough. 这样的桌子,有一张就够了。

There is no such thing. 没有这么一回事。

二. such位于句首时,句子须倒装,谓语动词的单复数根据其后的名词决定。

Such is my hope for the future. 我对未来的希望就是这样。

Such were the facts. 事实就是这样。


He had such long arms that he could almost touch the ceiling.


She is such a good teacher just as we expect. 正如我们所料,她是一位好老师。

The book is written in such easy English as beginners can understand.

这里的as引导定语从句,替代先行词easy English 在从句中作understand的宾语。 *因先行词前有such修饰,as不可用其他关系词代替。

The book is written in such easy English that beginners can understand it.

这时由that引导结果状语从句,与such构成搭配such…that… 如此……以至于…… 注意:此时that只起到连接词的作用,在从句中不充当成分。

四. 短语:such as表示列举,有“例如、诸如”等意思,

as such则是“作为一个…,本身”等意思,

such and such表示“某某,这种那种的”等意思。

1. 表示举例,意为“例如,诸如此类的,像……那样的”,相当于like或for example。如: There are few poets such as Keats and Shelly. 像济慈和雪莱这样的诗人现在很少了。

*(1) 这类结构既可表现为“名词+such as+例子”,也可表现为“such+名词+as+例子”。如: I enjoy songs such as this one. = I enjoy such songs as this one.

(2) 若后接动词,通常用动名词,有时也可用动词原形。如:

Don’t do anything silly such as marry him.

Magicians often perform tricks such as pulling a rabbit out of a hat.

(3) 不要按汉语意思将such as用作such like。

(4) 其后不可列出前面所提过的所有东西。如:

正:I know four languages, such as Japanese and English.

(5) 在现代英语中,such as可与etc. 连用。

They planted many flowers, such as roses, sunflowers,etc. 他们种了许多种花,如玫瑰花、向日葵等。

2. 表示“像……这样的”,其中的 as 用作关系代词,引导定语从句,as 在定语从句中用作主语或宾语。as 不可换成like。如:

He is not such a fool as he looks. 他并不像他看起来那么傻。

3.凡是……的人(或事物)”,相当于 everything that, all those, those that (who)等。其中的 such 为先行词,as 为关系代词。如:

Take such (things) as you need. 你需要什么就拿什么。

You may choose such as you prefer. 你可挑选自己想要的东西。

4. such as 也可引导定语从句。如:

We had hoped to give you a chance such as nobody else ever had. 我们本来希望给你个别人从未有过的机会。

Then I left it,feeling a weight at my heart such as I had never had before. 然后我离开那里,心头感到一种前所未有的沉重心情。

5. Such…as to do sth表示结果,其中的such为限定语,as to do sth 表示结果。如:

It was such a loud noise as to wake everybody in the house. 声音很大,屋里的所有人都被吵醒了。

You shouldn’t put such high prices as to frighten your customers off. 你不应该要价这么高,以致把顾客都吓跑了。

6. such as to do sth,表示程度或结果。其中的such是代词,as to do sth引出的结构作程度状语或结果状语。如:

Her illness was not such as to cause anxiety. 她的病不是很重,不必担心。

The pain in her foot wasn’t such as to stop her walking. 她脚疼,但还不至于不能行走。

7. such as it is “尽管不怎么好”

The food, such as it is, is plentiful. 食物不是很好,但量很多。

You may use my bike, such as it is. 尽管我的自行车不好,你可以将就着用吧。

so as to: 为的是,以便

1. He ran quickly so as to catch the last bus.


2. I left a message so as to be sure of contacting her.


3. Listen carefully so as to follow the teacher.


4. Please check the list carefully so as to avoid mistakes.


such as to: 达到这样的程度以致

1. His speech is such as to incur enmity.


2. Her madness is not such as to fill her mother with despair.



There Is No Wrong Time

When is the right time?


There may be a better time.


But, there is no such thing as a wrong time.


There is just time.


Waiting for the Right Time


Recently, someone told me they were “waiting until the right time” to pursue their dream job.


Right time?


I was curious.


When is the right time? Or even, what is a right time?


“There is no such thing as the right time. There is just time.”


My colleague explained that they were waiting until things settled down. Their life was very busy at the moment and wanted to wait so that things could get “back to normal.”



I asked them, “Have you considered that now is your normal?”


Maybe this is the time.


After all, it is the time you actually have.


The Right Time is Always Now


Whether things are quiet in your life or your hair is on fire, that is your reality. 不管你生活中的事情是井然有序,还是有些很紧急的事情,那就是你生活的现状。 There is no wrong time. And you don’t get more time later.


So, don’t put things off for the right time. It may never come.

所以不要把事情往后拖延,等着最佳的时间去做,因为也许根本这个最佳的时间就是没有。 Right now is your time.

