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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/25 13:26:34 字数作文

篇一:My Cousin

My Cousin

????My cousin is from America. He is a boy of fifteen. He came to Shanghai with his parents a year ago. Now he lives in a big flat in Pudong and studies in an American School. He's good at computer and arts, but he gets bad marks in maths. Every

weekend, I come to see him and we study together. With his help, my spoken English has improved a lot. He has also made proGREss in maths. Now he can speak a little Shanghai dialect now.

????We are good friends.


篇二:My Little Cousin

My Little Cousin


????My little cousin is only ten, but he knows more than any students in his grade.

????He likes computer games and he is crazy about music. When he is free, he always listens to music. He likes many kinds of music, like country music, pop music, jazz and classical music.

????He hates noise, when it is very noisy, he will be very angry and shout until people become quiet. So of course, he doesn't like public places.

????One day, I went shopping with him. On our way we saw a beggar. He thought the beggar was a drunk, and he wanted to tell him not to drink too much wine. But I told him that he was a beggar, he is very poor. To my surprise, he came in front of the beggar and gave him $5. Isn't he kind?

????He is like his father. They are both very kind and friendly, and a little funny. They both have big eyes and little mouth.

????Although he is ten, his room is full of toy planes and toy buses.

????This is my little cousin. Is he lovely?




UNIT 1 My Family

【教学内容】Lesson 1 Li Ming’s Big Family


1. 能把所学单词运用到日常口语交际中,在适当的情境中能够灵活运用.

2. 帮助学生了解中西方文化的差异,拓展视野。


能够认读,理解并应用这些基本句型:I have ??


学生:回忆自己的家庭成员; 教师:Li Ming的家谱表








father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, have, has, brother, sister, parent.


Part 1:Greeting

给学生介绍英语这门课程,通过与学生互动交流调动积极性。 Part 2:New words

在黑板上展示李明家庭成员,熟悉他们的英文称呼:father, mother, grand- father,grandmother, brother, sister, consion, uncle, aunt.

Part 3:引入本课

教师:This is Li Ming’s grandfather(指着图). This is Li Ming’s??(引导学生说家庭人员的称呼)

学生:This is Li Ming’s grandfather\father\mother\brother\sister \consion. 教师:(对学生甲)Li Ming’s grandfather is Li Ming’s father’s ??(引导学生回答)


教师:Your mother’s sister is your??..


教师:(继续问题)Your??.. is your ???.

Part 4:阅读短文,复习家庭成员名称。


(1)How many grandfathers and grandmothers does Li Ming have?

(2)Does Ling Ming have brothers or sisters?

(3)Who is Dachao and Who is Meiping?

(4)Does Ling Ming love his family?

Part 5:领读课文。

Part 6:本课小结


Part :7:Homework:

(1)Copy the new words;

(2)Read the text fluently.


Lesson 1(1)

Li ming’s Big Family

grandfather grandmother grandfather grandmother

aunt —— uncle father —— mother aunt —— uncle

【课后反思】 新学期刚刚开始,学生和老师处于一个相互适应磨合的时期,课程进行的还比较慢。课后发现把单词讲解和家谱呈现结合起来效果更佳,效率更高。





能够认读,理解并应用这些基本句型:I have ??


Part 1:Greeting


Part 2:Review


Part 3:Listen and read

1. 领读课文,纠正不规范发音;

2. 画出难懂的句子和知识点,先由小组讨论,然后由教师总结。

(1)句型:I have??

(2)名词所有格:eg:Li Ming’s ?? 李明的??

Part 4:Let’s do it!

1. read and write

2. introduce your family 画画你的家谱图,用英语介绍你的家庭。

Part 5:小结


Part 6:Homework:

1. Key sentences:

(1) I have two __________ and two_________.

(2) My _________ have one child: me.

(3) I don’t have _________ or ________.

(4) Meiping is my ___________.

(5) Dachao is my ___________.

2. 课堂练习册Lesson 1.


Lesson 1(2)

Li ming’s Big Family

爷爷 外公

阿姨 —— 叔叔 爸爸 —— 妈妈 姨妈 ——姨夫

【课后反思】 通过多样性的活动,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,调动积极性,使学生在英语课堂中初步体验成功,感受乐趣,树立自信心,促进学生综合语言运用能力的发展。

【教学内容】Lesson 2 What Do They Look like?


1. 学会绘制更大的家谱图,理解家庭成员之间的关系。

2. 通过创设真实生活情境,使课堂成为一个大家庭,用温馨、轻松、愉快的方式,激发学生学习英语的兴趣 。让每个孩子感知英语的特有的魅力,通过努力,体验成功!


1. 听、说、读、写并能口头运用下列词汇:

white , hair, black, uncle , cousin, thin.

. 2. 能够认读,理解并应用这些基本句型:He\ She has??


学生,一张Li Ming的家庭生活打印照片







重点掌握生词:white , hair, black, uncle , cousin, thin.




(展示李明家人的照片,通过提问方式复习单词aunt,uncle,cousin) T: Who’s this ? ——This is Li Ming’s uncle

T: Who’s this ? ——This is Li Ming’s aunt

T: Who’s this ? ——She is Li Ming’s cousin

T: What’s name Li Ming’s uncle ?——S:??

T: What’s name is Li Ming’s aunt ?——S:……

T: What colour is her hair? ——S:??

Part3:New Concepts

1. T: What colour is her hair?(指着奶奶的头发) S:??(引导学生说出单词 white)

2. 学习New words

white, hair, black, uncle, aunt, cousin, thin

3. Listen and Read




What + do/does + 主语 + look like? 某人/物看起来怎么样?(问外貌、强调直观)

What + be动词 + 主语 + like? (问性格、特点)


Short —— tall / long black —— white

③句型:he /she has??

Part 4:Let’s do it (一)Ask and answer

Part 5:小结


Part 6:Homework

(1)Copy the new words;(要求:确保字母在四线三格中正确的位置)

(2)Read the text fluently.


Lesson 2


aunt 阿姨,姑母,伯母,舅母,婶母

uncle 叔叔,伯伯,姨夫,姑父,舅父


二、Family Tree.








能够认读,理解并应用这些基本句型:He\ She has??


Part 1:Review

篇四:My Little Cousin

My Little Cousin


????My little cousin is only ten, but he knows more than any students in his grade.

????He likes computer games and he is crazy about music. When he is free, he always listens to music. He likes many kinds of music, like country music, pop music, jazz and classical music.

????He hates noise, when it is very noisy, he will be very angry and shout until people become quiet. So of course, he doesn't like public places.

????One day, I went shopping with him. On our way we saw a beggar. He thought the beggar was a drunk, and he wanted to tell him not to drink too much wine. But I told him that he was a beggar, he is very poor. To my surprise, he came in front of the beggar and gave him $5. Isn't he kind?

????He is like his father. They are both very kind and friendly, and a little funny. They both have big eyes and little mouth.

????Although he is ten, his room is full of toy planes and toy buses.

????This is my little cousin. Is he lovely?


篇五:初一英语作文:My Cousin 我的表弟_0

初一英语作文:My Cousin 我的表弟

My cousin is from America. He is a boy of fifteen. He came to Shanghai with his parents a year ago. Now he lives in a big flat in Pudong and studies in an American School. He's good at computer and arts, but he gets bad marks in maths. Every weekend, I come to see him and we study together. With his help, my spoken English has improved a lot. He has also made proGREss in maths. Now he can speak a little Shanghai dialect now.

We are good friends.
