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篇一:December is the last month教学设计及试题

December is the last month

一.教学内容: Lesson 25——Lesson26 Unit 5 December is the last month 二. 本单元重难点:

学会基数词和相对应的序数词,其中,要特别注意不规则变化的词,在掌握这些词的基础上,会替换使用本单元的主要句型。 三. 单词:

1. January(Jan)一月 2. month 月 3. year 年

4. February(Feb)二月 5. March(Mar)三月 6. April(Apr)四月 四. 词组:

1. the last month 2. twelve months

3. in a year 4. the first month(of the year) 5. New Year’s Day 6. in China 7. the Spring Festival 8. winter holiday 9. in February 10. green leaves /grass 11. Tree Planting Day 12. on March 12th 13. on any day 14. during Easter 15. colourful Easter eggs 16. plant trees 五. 句型:

January is the first month of the year. 六. 语法: 1. 现在进行时:

现在进行时用来表示说话时正在进行或发生的动作。其基本结构是:助动词be+动词ing 肯定句:主语+助动词be+动词ing+其他

否定句:主语+助动词be+not+动词ing+其他 一般疑问句:助动词Be+主语+动词ing+其他+? 如:Are you reading the book?

特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+助动词be+主语+动词ing+其他+? 如:What are you doing?

在这个时态中,动词ing的形式变化是关键。动词ing有以下几种构成方式: (1)在动词词尾直接加ing。如:clean→cleaning , go→going (2)以不发音的“e”结尾的动词先去掉“e”,再加ing. 如:dance→dancing , write→writing

(3)以重读闭音节结尾的动词,如末尾只有一个辅音字母,应先双写这一辅音字母,再加ing. 如:put→putting , run→running 2. 继续学习序数词: 七. 重难点分析:

1.The first day , January 1st,is called New Year’s day.

第一天,即一月一日,被称作新年。这句话可以这样表达: We call the first day ,January 1st,New Year’s Day. 2. Students have their winter holiday in February. 学生在二月份放寒假。

have a holiday 休假,度假,放假 summer holiday暑假

3. During Easter , children get colourful Easter eggs. 在复活节,孩子们得到色彩鲜艳的复活节蛋。 4. In China , the Spring Festival is in January or February. 在中国,春节在一月份或二月份。

Tree Planting Day is on March 12th 植树节在3月12日。 在月份名称前,要用介词in,如:in February;in January等。 在具体日期前,要用介词on。如:on October 20th ,on March 12th 等。

5. It can be on any day from March 20th to April 20th .

它(复活节)可能在3月20日至4月20日的任何一天。 from…to…从……到……。

如:from 2 o’clock to 4 o’clock从2点到4点;from Tianjin to Beijing从天津到北京。 6. 辨析It’s in January和It’s January. 7. everywhere 到处。 八. 语音:ir 九. 知识链接:

1. New Year’s Day 2. the Spring Festival 3. Women’s Day 4. April Fool’s Day 5. Labour Day/may day 6. Easter 7. Mother’s Day 8. Children’s Day 9. Father’s Day 10. Teachers’ Day 11. Mid-Autumn Day 12. National Day 13. Halloween 14. Thanksgiving Day 15. Christmas 16. Tree Planting Day 【模拟试题】(答题时间:40分钟) 一. 选出发音不同单词的序号:

( )1. A. those B. month C. only ( )2. A. festival B. bed C. elephant ( )3. A. tree B. coffee C. see ( )4. A. anything B. any C. skate ( )5. A. school B. too C. moon ( )6. A. plant B. and C. apple ( )7. A. pair B. year C. there ( )8. A. stomachache B. school C. March ( )9. A. yes B. carefully C. only ( )10. A. there B. bear C. here 二. 用所给词的适当形式填空: 1. That little boy is_______(call)peter.

D. old D. children D. seed D. many D. look D. January D. air D. cake D. February D. their

2. Listen ,they_________(talk)about their daily life. 3. ________(not do)that like this. 4. Ask _______(he)to come in. 5. She likes _______(study)English. 6. There’s a girl _________(sing)in the room. 7. One of the________(photo)is here. 8. Don’t ______ (write)your name in Chinese. 9. Would you like_________(come)to my school? 10. Wednesday is the________(four)day of the week. 三. 按要求改写句子:

1. Today is Sunday.(对划线部分提问) ______ _______ ________ _________? 2. They play games after class(对划线部分提问) _______ ________ they do after class? 3. They often go to school by car.(同义句) They often go to school ________their _______.

4. It takes him five hours to mend the kite.(对划线部分提问) _______ _______ ________it _______ him to mend the kite? 5. Her parents go to England by plane.(对划线部分提问) _______ ________her parents________ to England?

6. Mrs. Green usually goes shopping on Friday(对划线部分提问) _______does Mrs. Green usually ________ shopping? 7.It’s time for our class.(同义句) It’s time _______ have______ _______. 8.Take off your coat.(否定句) ____________ _______ your coat.

9.Tom is looking at the blackboard.(祈使句) Please______ ________ the blackboard.

10.They like skating in winter.(对划线部分提问)

______ ______ ________ _______ _______? 四. 连词组句:

1. Spring , the , is , in , Festival , January , February , or(.) ______________________________________________ 2. January , year , the , month , first , is , of(.)

_______________________________________________ 3. skating , is , she , now(.)

________________________________________________ 4. now , boys , the , are , trees , planting(.)

___________________________________________________ 5. girl , the , running , is , now(.)

___________________________________________________ 五. 阅读理解:

We call the Chinese New Year the Spring Festival . There’s a name for each Chinese year . We may call it the year of the cock , the year of the horse or the pig . And this year is the year of the cock.

Before New Year’s Day , people are busy shopping and cleaning the house . On New Year’s Eve , there’s a big family dinner . After it . All the family stay up late to welcome the New Year . Then people put on their new clothes and go to visit their friends . They say “Good luck ” and some other greetings to each other . They usually have a good time. ( )1.______is Chinese New Year 。

A. January 1st B. The Spring Festival C. Christmas Day D. Easter Day ( )2.People________ in the Spring Festival. A. have a big dinner B. put on their new clothes

C. stay up late to welcome the New Year D. all of above

( )3.People say “______”when they meet each other during the Spring Festival.

A. Hello B. Good luck C. Thanks D. Nice to meet you ( )4.Now it is the year of the_______.

篇二:Over the last month

Over the last month, I’ve been traveling the country, talking to Americans about how we can out-educate, out-innovate, and out-build the rest of the world. Doing that will require a government that lives within its means, and cuts whatever spending we can afford to do without. But it will also require investing in our nation’s future – training and educating our workers; increasing our commitment to research and technology; building new roads and bridges, high-speed rail\reil\抱怨 and high-speed internet.

In cities and towns throughout America, I’ve seen the benefits of these investments. The schools and colleges of Oregon are providing如果,假如 Intel – the state’s largest private employer – with a steady stream 一股,小溪of highly-educated workers and engineers. At Parkville Middle School outside of Baltimore, engineering is the most popular subject, thanks to outstanding teachers who are inspiring students to focus on their math and science skills.

In Wisconsin, a company called Orion is putting hundreds of people to work manufacturing制造品 energy-efficient lights in a once-shuttered快门 plant. And in the small community of Marquette, in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, widely accessible high-speed internet has allowed students and entrepreneurs to connect to the global economy. One small

business, a third-generation, family-owned clothing shop called Getz’s is now selling their products online, which has helped them double their workforce and make them one of America’s 5,000 fastest-growing companies in a recent listing.

Each of these places reminds us that investments in education, innovation, and infrastructure 基础设施are an essential down payment 预付定金on our future. But they also remind us that the only way we can afford these investments is by getting our fiscal 政府财政的house in order. Just like any family, we have to live within our means to make room for things we absolutely need.

That’s why I’ve called for a freeze on annual domestic spending over the next five years – a freeze that would cut the deficit赤字 by more than $400 billion over the next decade, bringing this kind of spending to its lowest share of our economy since Dwight Eisenhower was President. Just to be clear, that’s lower than it was under the past three administrations, and lower than it was under Ronald Reagan.

Now, putting this budget freeze in place will require tough choices. That’s why I’ve frozen salaries for hardworking civil servants for three years, and proposed cutting programs I care about deeply, like community

action programs in low-income neighborhoods. I’m not taking these steps lightly – but I’m taking them because our economic future demands it.

Still, a freeze in annual domestic spending is just a start. If we’re serious about tackling our long-run fiscal challenges, we also need to cut excessive spending wherever we find it – in defense国防部,防卫 spending, spending in Medicare and Medicaid, and spending through tax breaks and loopholes漏洞,观察洞.

I’m willing to consider any serious ideas to help us reduce the deficit\defict\ – no matter what party is proposing 建议,提议them. But instead of cutting the investments in education and innovation we need to out-compete the rest of the world, we need a balanced approach to deficit reduction. We all need to be willing to sacrifice, but we can’t sacrifice our future.

Next week, Congress will focus on a short-term budget. For the sake of our people and our economy, we cannot allow gridlock 交通全面堵截,堵塞to prevail劝说,占优势. Both Democratic and Republican leaders in the House and Senate have said they believe it’s important to keep the government running while we work together on a plan to reduce our long-term deficit.

Given that, I urge 鼓励and expect them to find common ground so we can accelerate使加快, not impede妨碍,阻止, economic growth. It won’t be easy. There will be plenty of debates争论,争辩 and disagreements, and neither party will get everything it wants. Both sides will have to compromise.

That’s what it will take to do what’s right for our country. And I look forward to working with members of both parties to produce a responsible budget that cuts what we can’t afford, sharpens 使变得更好America’s competitive edge优势地位 in the world, and helps us win the future. Thanks everyone, and have a nice weekend.

From: /englishlistening/meiguo/2011-02-27/137142.html



1. 知识目标

本单元Lesson28-30要求能够听说读写的重点单词和句型。 2. 能力目标

一起学唱两段Let’s read and chant。


单词:July, August, September, October, November, December, ninth. 句型:September is the ninth month of the year.


(一)重点单词 [单词学习] 1. July

n. 七月


【例句】July is the hottest month in a year in my hometown. 在我的家乡,七月是一年里最热的一个月份。 【考题链接】

Jim will have his exams_______________(在七月). 2. August n. 八月


【例句】His summer vacation will end in the late August. 他的暑假将于八月底结束。


1) Students have their Summer Holidays ________________(在八月) 2) In ________ ,many people came to the beautiful city. 八月里,有许多人来到这个美丽的城市。 3. September

[] n. 九月 【用法】缩写:Sep.

【例句】They’ll have to put their wedding off until September. 他们得把婚礼延期到九月举行。

This term will begin on September 7th. 这个学期将于九月七号开始。 【考题链接】

The hot weather lasted until ______________. 炎热的天气持续到了九月。

4. October n. 十月


I was in England last October. 去年十月我在英格兰。 【考题链接】

The wedding will take place ___________________. 婚礼将于十月一日举行。 5. November

n. 十一月 【用法】缩写:


【例句】This office will open in November. 这个事务所将在十一月开业。 【考题链接】

The meeting will be held_______________. 会议将于十一月二日举行。

6. December n. 十二月 【用法】缩写:


【例句】They often go skiing in December. 他们经常在十二月去滑雪。 【考题链接】

My little daughter was born ______________. 我的小女儿是十二月出生的。

__________________is the last month of the year. 十二月是一年中的最后一个月。



(二)重点句型 [句型学习]

句型结构:月份+be + the + 序数词

+month of the year.

1)__________is the ________ month of the year. 七月是一年中的第七个月。

2)___________ is the __________ month of the year. 八月是一年中的第八个月。

3)____________ is the ___________ month of the year. 十月是一年中的第十个月。

4)__________is the ___________ month of the year. 十一月是一年中的第十一个月。

5)_____________is the ___________ month of the year. 十二月是一年中的第十二个月。

【考题链接】 看图补全句子

1. July is the seventh month of the year.The students have their exams in________.This girl is

working hard on her studies.

2. August is the _________ month of the year. Students have their summer holidays. Look! The students are going camping.

3. __________is the ninth month of the year. Students go back to school. They celebrate Teachers’ Day on __________10th


4. October is the ________ month of the year. China’s National Day is on __________. The

Chinese are celebrating the National Day.

5. _____________is the eleventh month of the year. In America, Thanksgiving Day is on the

fourth Thursday of ___________. The family are celebrating Thanksgiving in this picture.

6. December is the _________ and last month of the year. Christmas is on________25th.Look!

篇四:上册Unit 5 December is the last month L28-30


1. 知识目标

本单元Lesson28-30要求能够听说读写的重点单词和句型。 2. 能力目标

一起学唱两段Let’s read and chant。


单词:July, August, September, October, November, December, ninth. 句型:September is the ninth month of the year.


(一)重点单词 [单词学习] 1. July

n. 七月


【例句】July is the hottest month in a year in my hometown. 在我的家乡,七月是一年里最热的一个月份。 【考题链接】

Jim will have his exams_______________(在七月). 2. August n. 八月


【例句】His summer vacation will end in the late August. 他的暑假将于八月底结束。


1) Students have their Summer Holidays ________________(在八月) 2) In ________ ,many people came to the beautiful city. 八月里,有许多人来到这个美丽的城市。 3. September

[] n. 九月 【用法】缩写:Sep.

【例句】They’ll have to put their wedding off until September. 他们得把婚礼延期到九月举行。

This term will begin on September 7th. 这个学期将于九月七号开始。 【考题链接】

The hot weather lasted until ______________. 炎热的天气持续到了九月。

4. October n. 十月


I was in England last October. 去年十月我在英格兰。 【考题链接】

The wedding will take place ___________________. 婚礼将于十月一日举行。 5. November

n. 十一月 【用法】缩写:


【例句】This office will open in November. 这个事务所将在十一月开业。 【考题链接】

The meeting will be held_______________. 会议将于十一月二日举行。

6. December n. 十二月 【用法】缩写:


【例句】They often go skiing in December. 他们经常在十二月去滑雪。 【考题链接】

My little daughter was born ______________. 我的小女儿是十二月出生的。

__________________is the last month of the year. 十二月是一年中的最后一个月。



(二)重点句型 [句型学习]

句型结构:月份+be + the + 序数词

+month of the year.

1)__________is the ________ month of the year. 七月是一年中的第七个月。

2)___________ is the __________ month of the year. 八月是一年中的第八个月。

3)____________ is the ___________ month of the year. 十月是一年中的第十个月。

4)__________is the ___________ month of the year. 十一月是一年中的第十一个月。

5)_____________is the ___________ month of the year. 十二月是一年中的第十二个月。

【考题链接】 看图补全句子

1. July is the seventh month of the year.The students have their exams in________.This girl is

working hard on her studies.

2. August is the _________ month of the year. Students have their summer holidays. Look! The students are going camping.

3. __________is the ninth month of the year. Students go back to school. They celebrate Teachers’ Day on __________10th


4. October is the ________ month of the year. China’s National Day is on __________. The

Chinese are celebrating the National Day.

5. _____________is the eleventh month of the year. In America, Thanksgiving Day is on the fourth Thursday of ___________. The family are celeb(转载于:www.smhaida.com 海 达 范 文网:the,last,month)rating Thanksgiving in this picture.


December is the last month

一.教学内容: Lesson 25——Lesson26 Unit 5 December is the last month 二. 本单元重难点:

学会基数词和相对应的序数词,其中,要特别注意不规则变化的词,在掌握这些词的基础上,会替换使用本单元的主要句型。 三. 单词:

1. January(Jan)一月 2. month 月 3. year 年

4. February(Feb)二月 5. March(Mar)三月 6. April(Apr)四月 四. 词组:

1. the last month 2. twelve months

3. in a year 4. the first month(of the year) 5. New Year’s Day 6. in China 7. the Spring Festival 8. winter holiday 9. in February 10. green leaves /grass 11. Tree Planting Day 12. on March 12th 13. on any day 14. during Easter 15. colourful Easter eggs 16. plant trees 五. 句型:

January is the first month of the year. 六. 语法: 1. 现在进行时:


肯定句:主语+助动词be+动词ing+其他 否定句:主语+助动词be+not+动词ing+其他 一般疑问句:助动词Be+主语+动词ing+其他+? 如:Are you reading the book?

特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+助动词be+主语+动词ing+其他+? 如:What are you doing?

在这个时态中,动词ing的形式变化是关键。动词ing有以下几种构成方式: (1)在动词词尾直接加ing。如:clean→cleaning , go→going (2)以不发音的“e”结尾的动词先去掉“e”,再加ing. 如:dance→dancing , write→writing

(3)以重读闭音节结尾的动词,如末尾只有一个辅音字母,应先双写这一辅音字母,再加ing. 如:put→putting , run→running 2. 继续学习序数词: 七. 重难点分析:

1.The first day , January 1st,is called New Year’s day.

第一天,即一月一日,被称作新年。这句话可以这样表达: We call the first day ,January 1st,New Year’s Day. 2. Students have their winter holiday in February. 学生在二月份放寒假。

have a holiday 休假,度假,放假 summer holiday暑假

3. During Easter , children get colourful Easter eggs. 在复活节,孩子们得到色彩鲜艳的复活节蛋。 4. In China , the Spring Festival is in January or February. 在中国,春节在一月份或二月份。

Tree Planting Day is on March 12th 植树节在3月12日。 在?a href="http://www.zw2.cn/zhuanti/guanyuluzuowen/" target="_blank" class="keylink">路菝魄埃媒榇蔵n,如:in February;in January等。 在具体日期前,要用介词on。如:on October 20th ,on March 12th 等。

5. It can be on any day from March 20th to April 20th . 它(复活节)可能在3月20日至4月20日的任何一天。 from…to…从……到……。

如:from 2 o’clock to 4 o’clock从2点到4点;from Tianjin to Beijing从天津到北京。 6. 辨析It’s in January和It’s January. 7. everywhere 到处。 八. 语音:ir 九. 知识链接:

1. New Year’s Day 2. the Spring Festival 3. Women’s Day 4. April Fool’s Day 5. Labour Day/may day 6. Easter 7. Mother’s Day 8. Children’s Day 9. Father’s Day 10. Teachers’ Day 11. Mid-Autumn Day 12. National Day 13. Halloween 14. Thanksgiving Day 15. Christmas 16. Tree Planting Day 【模拟试题】(答题时间:40分钟) 一. 选出发音不同单词的序号:

( )1. A. those B. month C. only ( )2. A. festival B. bed C. elephant ( )3. A. tree B. coffee C. see ( )4. A. anything B. any C. skate ( )5. A. school B. too C. moon ( )6. A. plant B. and C. apple ( )7. A. pair B. year C. there ( )8. A. stomachache B. school C. March ( )9. A. yes B. carefully C. only ( )10. A. there B. bear C. here 二. 用所给词的适当形式填空:

D. old D. children D. seed D. many D. look D. January D. air D. cake D. February D. their

1. That little boy is_______(call)peter.

2. Listen ,they_________(talk)about their daily life. 3. ________(not do)that like this. 4. Ask _______(he)to come in. 5. She likes _______(study)English. 6. There’s a girl _________(sing)in the room. 7. One of the________(photo)is here. 8. Don’t ______ (write)your name in Chinese. 9. Would you like_________(come)to my school? 10. Wednesday is the________(four)day of the week. 三. 按要求改写句子:

1. Today is Sunday.(对划线部分提问) ______ _______ ________ _________? 2. They play games after class(对划线部分提问) _______ ________ they do after class? 3. They often go to school by car.(同义句) They often go to school ________their _______.

4. It takes him five hours to mend the kite.(对划线部分提问) _______ _______ ________it _______ him to mend the kite? 5. Her parents go to England by plane.(对划线部分提问) _______ ________her parents________ to England?

6. Mrs. Green usually goes shopping on Friday(对划线部分提问) _______does Mrs. Green usually ________ shopping? 7.It’s time for our class.(同义句) It’s time _______ have______ _______. 8.Take off your coat.(否定句) ____________ _______ your coat.

9.Tom is looking at the blackboard.(祈使句) Please______ ________ the blackboard.

10.They like skating in winter.(对划线部分提问) ______ ______ ________ _______ _______? 四. 连词组句:

1. Spring , the , is , in , Festival , January , February , or(.) ______________________________________________ 2. January , year , the , month , first , is , of(.)

_______________________________________________ 3. skating , is , she , now(.)

________________________________________________ 4. now , boys , the , are , trees , planting(.)

___________________________________________________ 5. girl , the , running , is , now(.)

___________________________________________________ 五. 阅读理解:

We call the Chinese New Year the Spring Festival . There’s a name for each Chinese year . We may call it the year of the cock , the year of the horse or the pig . And this year is the year of the cock.

Before New Year’s Day , people are busy shopping and cleaning the house . On New Year’s Eve , there’s a big family dinner . After it . All the family stay up late to welcome the New Year . Then people put on their new clothes and go to visit their friends . They say “Good luck ” and some other greetings to each other . They usually have a good time. ( )1.______is Chinese New Year 。

A. January 1st B. The Spring Festival C. Christmas Day D. Easter Day ( )2.People________ in the Spring Festival. A. have a big dinner B. put on their new clothes

C. stay up late to welcome the New Year D. all of above

( )3.People say “______”when they meet each other during the Spring Festival.

A. Hello B. Good luck C. Thanks D. Nice to meet you
