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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 21:29:35 作文素材

篇一:最全英语音标规律 简单记忆


1.字母 b一般读/b/,如:bike,bus, bag, boot, 但在climb,comb,tomb,debt,doubt中位于m后或t前,这时b不发音。如果不在同一个音节里,不受影响。如:December, November。

2. 字母c 在胖元音(a, o, u)和辅音字母之前读/k/, 在瘦元音(e, i/y)之前读/s/, 在ia之前读/∫/,例如:special, social。例如:cap, cold, cut, picture, centre, city, cycle 试读下列单词:cat, clinic, clothes, cute, circle, cemetery, cent

3.字母d或-ed在清辅音之后读/t/, 在浊辅音和元音之后读/d/,在t和d之后读/id/。例如:move-moved, work-worked, want-wanted, guide-guided, offer-offered,

试读下列单词:live-lived, reach-reached, smile-smiled, wish-wished, improve-improved, destroy-destroyed

4. 字母g在胖元音(a, o, u)和辅音字母之前通常读/ g /,在瘦元音(e, i/y)之前读/d?/。例如:game, got, gun, gesture, giant, gym,。(get, give, gift, forget, begin, forgive, gear, girl, anger, hunger等词例外)。

试读下列单词:gather, general, gem, god, gymnast

5.字母n通常读/n/,例如: moon, night, noodle, number; 词尾是mn时,n一般不发音,例如:autumn,column;字母n在/k/、/ g / 音前或ng组合中读/? /,例如:thank,language,bank,anxious。

6.字母s 在音节开头或清辅音前读/s/, 在元音字母间或浊辅音前读/z/,例如:sit, sleep, desk, music, husband;

在名词变复数或动词变为单数第三人称形式时,位于清辅音之后读/s/, 例如:book-books, work-works; 位于浊辅音和元音之后读/z/, 例如:radio-radios, apple-apples; 如果这个名词或动词的结尾读音为/s/或/z/, 加-s后应读/iz/, 例如:place-places, house-houses; 在以s, x, ch, sh结尾的词加-es, 读/iz/, 例如:class-classes, box-boxes, watch-watches, brush-brushes。

字母c在ia, 和字母s在u之前读/∫/, 或/?/,例如:social, special, sure, treasure 试读下列单词:busy, news, grows, likes, fast, teaches, Russia, Asian


7. 字母组合ch一般读/ t∫/,例如:China, chip, child, chair, teach


8. 字母组合ck在所有单词中读/k/,不论是在词首还是词尾。例如:

snack, pack, knock, jacket, back, sick, luck, suck 等。

9. 字母组合sh在所有单词中读/∫/。例如:sheep, ship, shape, shake, shave, shut, shoulder, shoe 等。

10. 字母组合wh在大多数情况下发/w/音,字母h不发音。只有后接o时,字母w不发音,字母h发/h/音。例如:who whom whose whole

试读下列单词:why, which, while, wholly

11. th---有清与浊 两种读音:

(1) th位于词首时,可以从词性上判别其应有的读音。在名词、动词、

形容词和数词中th发清辅音。如:thing, theatre, thunder, thermos, Thursday, theory, theme, throat, thread, think, thank, thrive, thicken, thirteen, thirty, third, thousand, thick, thirsty, thoughtful, thorough 在代词和一些功能词中th发浊辅音.如: them, their, theirs, there, the, than, then, though, thus, therefore, they。只有介词through是个例外。

(2) th位于词尾(或音节之尾)时,其读音多数是清辅音,如:bath, breath, tooth, 等。只有在少数单词中,如:with, smooth 中读浊音。

(3) th在词中并且后面接er时,或者最后一个字母是不发音的e时,通常也发浊辅音。例如:feather, weather, whether, leather, further, father, bathe, breathe, southern, northern, either等。在其他情况下发清辅音。例如:author, faithful, method, nothing, anything, healthy, wealthy。

13. 字母组合kn常常出现在词首,在单词中读/n/,字母k不发音。例如:knee, knife, kneel, knight。

试读下列单词: knock, knob, knot, knit

14.字母组合 gh在词首多读/ g /, 如:ghost,

在元音后多不发音,如:light, naughty, taught, naught,

在词尾有时读/f/,如:laugh,cough, enough, rough, tough。试读下列单词: ghat, ghee, fight, night

15. 字母组合gu和gue通常读作/g/, 在个别情况下读作/ gw/,例如:language,extinguish ,anguish, penguin。

16. 字母组合qu读作/kw/,字母组合-que在词尾读作/k/。例如:queen, question, quilt, square。

试读下列单词:quick, quiz, cheque, unique,quotation,quiet

17.字母组合ph读/f/,例如:elephant, photo, telephone。

试读下列单词: phone, alphabet, pharmacy, paragraph, physics, phrase

18. 字母组合ex的读音规则:






(1) 在开音节中读/ei/,也就是字母名称音。如:name, plane, Jane, baby, cake。

(2) 在闭音节中读/?/。如:bag, dad, hat, map, black, back。

(3) 在/w/音后读/?/。如:want, what, watch, wash, quality。

(4) 在f n sk ph sp ss st th前读 /a:/。如:after, plant, graph, ask, grasp, glass, fast, father。

20. 字母e的发音规律:

(1) 在开音节中读/i:/。如:he, these, me, Chinese

(2) 在闭音节中读/e/。如:bed, let, pen, desk, yes, egg

试读下列单词: even, compete, completely, affect, chest, dentist

21. 字母i的发音规律:

(1) 在开音节中读/аi/。例如:bike, drive, time, nice, kite(give是个例外)

(2) 在闭音节中读/i/。例如:fish, big, drink, sit, milk, swim

(3) 在gh -gn -ld -nd前读/аi/。例如:high, light, sign, child, find

试读下列单词: remind, slight, behind, delight, wild, design

22. 字母o的发音规律:

(1) 在开音节中读/?u/。例如:those, close, go, home, no

(2) 在闭音节中读/ ?/。例如:clock, not, box, shop, sock

(3) 在-st -ld前读/ ?u/。例如:most, postcard, old, cold

(4) 在m n v th前读/?/。例如:come, monkey, love, mother

(5)不符合规律的词有:woman, women, wolf, do, one



(1)在元音字母之前,通常发辅音/j/。例如:yes, yet, yesterday, yellow

(2)在大多数双音节和多音节单词里,如位于辅音字母之后,且为非重读音节里,通常发短元音/i/。例如:happy, funny, sunny, windy

(3)在单音节和少数双音节单词里,如位于辅音之后,且为重读音节,通常发长元音/ai/。(个别单词除外)例如:July, shy, spy, try

试读下列单词: youth, yard, dry, cry, party, rainy



24. 字母组合ai通常读长音/ei/。有一个例外said读作/sed/。

试读下列单词:trail, email, rain, train, chain, pain, paint, wait

25. 字母组合ay通常读长音/ei/,也就是第一个元音字母的名称音。有一个例外says读作/sez/。在非重读音节里读/i/.如:Monday, Tuesday等。

试读下列单词:way, May, pray, display, player, playground

26. 字母组合ea通常读长音/i:/,也就是第一个元音字母的名称音。例如:pea, sea, tea, beach, read, lead, beat, meat除此之外,字母组合ea还可读短音/e/,例如:head, bread, weather, sweater, heavy,在个别情况下还可读双元音/ei/, 例如:great, break, steak等。

试读下列单词:seat, bead, teach, peach, leaf, bean, dream, team



试读下列单词:sheep, see, seed, knee, sleep, feed, need

28. 字母组合oa通常读长音/?u /,也就是第一个元音字母的名称音。试读下列单词: road, toad, load, goat, boat, coat, soak, soap

29. 字母组合ie可读长音/аi /,也就是第一个元音字母的名称音。例如:pie,lie,die,tie,字母组合ie还可以读长音/i:/。例如:piece, believe, belief, thief, chief, field, priest,achieve。还有一个例外,就是在friend一词中ie读短音/e/。字母组合ei在字母/s/音之后读长音/i:/。例如:receive, ceiling, receipt, receiver, seize。

30. 字母组合ui, ue通常读长音/u:/。例如juice, fruit, blue, glue:但在个别单词里ui可读作长音/аi/ 或短音/i/.例如:guide, build。

试读下列单词: suit, suitcase, flue, clue


31. 字母组合oi, -oy通常读长音/ ?i /。oi不出现在词尾,oy常常出

现在词尾。例如:oil, soil, boil, noise, toy, boy, joy, enjoy

试读下列单词: noisy, voice, choice, coin, soy, ploy, cloy, coy

32. 字母组合ou, ow通常读长音/аu /。ou不出现在词尾,ow常常出

现在词尾。例如:flower, house, count, down。字母组合ou, ow 还可

读/?u/。例如:know, low, though等。在部分单词中,他们还可读/u:/ 和 /Λ/,例如:group, soup, you, young, enough, country等。

试读下列单词: out, shout, mouth, loud, crown, clown, cow, now

33. 字母组合au, aw通常读长音/?:/。例如:autumn, daughter, draw等。 试读下列单词:applaud,awful,exhaust,strawberry,lawyer

34. 字母组合al的发音规律:

(1) 读/: /。例如:small, ball, talk, wall, all



音素、读音的最小单位 (共48个)。

音素:以前的音标现在也可以叫音素,而且现在正广泛的把音标叫音素。 每一种语言中的


严格的区分开,因为音素是指一个有规律的有限的发音系统而人体的发音则是无限的。 英






个音素构成的音标我们称之为双元音)。 气流在口腔或咽头受到阻碍而形成的音叫做辅音,又叫子音。(黄)/ 发音时气


/ 气流从肺里出来不一定振动声带,通过口腔时受到一定的阻碍,这种主要依靠


元音字母是26个字母中的a e i o u 是元音字母,其他的除Y和R是半元音

字母以外的都是辅音字母 元音字母是指语言里起着发声作用的字母,是为元









音 节



另外, [l、m、n]三个辅音在后面没有元音的情况下也能和它前面的辅音


单音节词 双音节词 多音节词






开 音 节


如: me she by hi go ago table radio

(2)绝对开音节:以辅音字母(r 除外)+ e 结尾的音节。

如: make nice ate nose gave made spoke

闭 音 节

一个元音字母 + 一个或几个辅音字母 (r 除外)结尾的音节。

如:it bag not bed egg back had rang


①双音节词多数在第一音节重读。 lesson pepper even

②以 a re be dis in 等开头的双音节词,多数在第二音节重读。


r 音节和 re 音节读音

-r音节,也就是“元音字母+r”所构成的音节,一共有五个:ar, er, ir, or,


1. ar的读音有三种:

a. 常发/a:/:garden, market, park b. 在/w/后常发/ /:warm(暖


c. 在非重读音节中发/ /:dollar

2. er也有三种发音:

a. 在重读音节中发/ /:her, dessert;特例:clerk /a:/

b. 非重读发/ /:computer, daughter, summer, shower, exercise

3. ir一般都发/ /:dirty, first, shirt, thirty

4. or有三种读音:a. 重读发/ /:for, sport, morning;

b. 在/w/后发 / /: work

c. 在非重读音节中发/ /:color, actor, neighborhood

5. ur的读音有两种:

a. 在重读音节中发 / /:Thursday b.在非重读音节中发/ /:Saturday




单词重音用重音符号“ 5 ”表示,加在重读音节的左上方。单音


Kitchen passenger sugar ourselves pepper loudspeaker across begin

disturb report without




虚词:冠词、连词、介词不重读。少数动词(be动词、助动词、 情态动词)

和许多代词(人称、代词、 物主代词) 在句子中也不重读。

She stays in a house near ↘here.

I’m cleaning the ↘windows.

What time do you have ↘lunch?

Are they playing ↗football? Yes, they ↘are.

Can I have my pen ↗back? Yes, you ↘can.

Do you have any color ↗pencils? No, I ↘don’t.


在一个意群(意思密切相关的一组词)中,如果前一个词 以辅音结尾,


“︶ ”表示。

This is an English book. an hour

Wait for a moment. one of us

Come in , please. in England

Look at the blackboard. a kind of

Please take it away.




现象称为失去爆破。如 :

Sit down !

a notebook

a blackboard




a good student


Good morning

Comrade Lee

Good night.




maps /ps/ desks /sks/ spade /sp/ grade /gr/

bridge /br/ fridge /fr/ smile /sm/ 朗读时必须注意:




句子可以按其意和结构分成若干段,每一段称为一个意群。 如:

We three / are all good students / in school.

There are / five people / in my family.

Yesterday / Tom and Kate / played games.

Go down this road / and turn left / at the second crossing.

She suddenly remember / that she had to buy / some DVDs / for

her son.



In England, one of the most popular kinds of food / is fish and chips. People usually buy it / in a fish and chip shop. They put it / in a paper bags / and take it home, or to their workplace. Sometimes they eat it / in the park / or on the road.


降调 句子末尾语调下降的叫降调。

陈述句 、祈使句、感叹句、特殊疑问句、


升调 句子末尾语调上升的叫升调。






3、哪些短语、句子(练习)look at some phrase

4、绕口令tongue twister

5、总结发音规律the regular of pronunciation

6、作业:remember the new words and expressions, I will question you next class.

美国常用语言的元音字母 美国英语中,a,e,i,o,u是元音字母。元音字母在重读开音节、重读相对开音节中发长音,在重读闭音节中发短音。

American pronunciation


⑴ 前元音:[i]、[I]、[ε]、[?]


前元音[i] 相当于British English pronunciation (英音)中的/i:/






three tree green sheep meet beef see seek eat tea meat leave lead teacher team mean speak clean please he she me piece receive ceiling(天花板)

1、e在重读开音节中发meter even legal

read peace team

need feel deed(行为)

seize ceiling deceit

field piece thief

短语: meet in street 在街上遇见 share weal and woe 同甘共苦

Sweet dream 甜美的梦 seeing is believing 眼见为实

In three weeks 在三周内 the key to success 成功的关键

See no reason 看不出任何理由 seize one’s hand 抓住某人的手

A piece of paper 一片纸 A piece of cake 一块蛋糕


We meet Bea at three each week.

Did Eve believe the teacher?

Can you read it loudly?

We need to study English everyday.

A friend in need is a friend indeed.

I don’t feel very well.

People everywhere love peace.

Tongue twist

Love is the feeling you feel when you fell you are going to feel the feeling that you’ve never


◇在英文单词中字母及字母组合e, i, ee, ea, ei, ie, ey, 常读/ i: /音,例如:

he 他 me 我 police 警察 machine 机器

heel 足跟 sweet 甜蜜的 tea 茶 sea 海

receive 接受 seize 抓住 field 田地 thief 小偷

key 钥匙

Day30-/ ?/ 发音规律

◇在英文单词中字母及字母组合 i, y, e, u, a,ui,ey, o,ei, 常读/ /音,例如:

big 大的 it 它 copy 复制 pity 遗憾

expect 期望 goodness 善良 busy 忙碌的 minute 分钟

cabbage 卷心菜 village 山村 build 建造 quick 快速的

donkey 驴 monkey 猴子 women 女人 foreign 外国的


Day31-/ ?/ 发音规律

◇在英文单词中字母及字母组合 a,ai , 常读/ ? /音,例如:

cap 帽子 chat 聊天 plait 辫子 plaid 长披肩

Day32-/ e / 发音规律

◇在英文单词中字母及字母组合 e, a, ea, ai, ie,ue, 常读/ e /音,例如:

get 获得 help 帮助 any 任何的

many 许多的 head 头 bread 面包

said 说 (say的过去时) friend 朋友 guest 客人

Day33-/ 3:/ 发音规律

◇在英文单词中字母及字母组合 er, ir, or, ur, ear,our, 常读/3: /音,例如:

her 她的 mercy 怜悯 bird 鸟 first 第一的

word 单词 work 工作 curse 诅咒 hurt 伤害

early 早的 earth 地球 courtesy 文明 journey 旅程


◇在英文单词中字母及字母组合 a, e, i, o,u,ar,er,ur,our常读/? /音,例如:

along 沿着 company 公司 gentleman 绅士 movement 运动

possible 可能的 terrible 糟糕的 correct 正确的 protect 保护

august 八月 chorus 合唱团 sugar 白糖 standard 标准

worker 工人 teacher 老师 Saturday 星期六 lecture 讲座

labour 劳力

Day35-/ ? / 发音规律

◇在英文单词中字母及字母组合 o, u, oo, ou, 常读/ ?/音,例如:

love 爱 come 来 up 向上

cup 杯子 flood 洪水 blood 血

enough 足够的 tough 坚韧的

Day36-/ a:/ 发音规律

◇在英文单词中字母及字母组合 a,ar,al, au,,er, ear常读/ a:/音,例如:

bath 洗澡 class 班级 dark 黑暗的

park 公园 calm 平静的 half 一半的

aunt 阿姨 laugh 笑 heart 心

Day37-/u:/ 发音规律

◇在英文单词中字母及字母组合 o, u, oe, oo,ou,ew,ue,ul,常读/u: /音,例如:

lose 失去 who 谁 June 六月 rule 规则

canoe 独木桥 shoe 鞋子 mood 心情 too 也

soup 汤 group 小组 crew 船员 blue 蓝色

fruit 水果

Day38-/ ?/ 发音规律

◇在英文单词中字母及字母组合 o, u, oo,oul常读/? /音,例如:

women 女人 wolf 狼 put 放置 full 满的

wood 木头 foot 脚 could 能够 would 将


Day39-/?:/ 发音规律

◇在英文单词中字母及字母组合 a,al,au,aw,oa,oar,or,ou, ore,oor,our常读 /?: /音,例如:

water 水 always 总是 walk 散步

talk 说话 daughter 女儿 taught 教(teach的过去式)

law 法律 paw 手掌 board 木板

broad 宽广的 chord 总是 door 门

floor地板 ought 应当,应该 shore 海滩

more 更多的 four 四 for 为了

thought 想法

Day40-/ ?/ 发音规律

◇在英文单词中字母及字母组合 o, a, ou,ow,au常读/? /音,例如:

dog 狗 stop 停止 want 想要 what 什么

cough 咳嗽 knowledge 知识 because 因为

Day41-/??/ 发音规律

◇在英文单词中字母及字母组合 ea, ear, eer, ere,iou,ier,常读/??/音,例如:

theater 剧院 weary 疲倦的 dear 亲爱的 fear 害怕

beer 啤酒 deer 鹿 here 这里 mere 仅仅

various 多样的 fierce 猛烈地

Day-42/e?/ 发音规律

◇在英文单词中字母及字母组合 a, ar, air, are,ear,eir,常读/e? /音,例如:

area 区域 parent 父母 scarce 稀有的 chair 椅子

fair 公平的 care 关心 dare 敢于 bear 熊

wear 穿 heir 后代 their 他们的

Day43-/ ??/ 发音规律

◇在英文单词中字母及字母组合 oor, our, ure常读/?? /音,例如:

poor 穷的 tour 旅程

pure 纯净的 sure 确信的


Day-44/a?/ 发音规律

◇在英文单词中字母及字母组合 i, y, ie, ei,igh,uy,ye,eye,常读/e? /音,例如:

bike 自行车 like 喜欢 by 通过 fly 飞翔

lie 躺下 die 死亡 either 两者之一的 height 高度

night 晚上 fight 打架,战斗 buy 买 guy 男子 dye 染色 eye 眼睛

Day-45/e?/ 发音规律

◇在英文单词中字母及字母组合 a, ai , ay,ea,ei,ey常读/e? /音,例如:

age 年龄 cage 笼子 rain 雨 wait 等待

lay 放置 pay 付款 break 打破 great 伟大的

eight 八 weight 重量 hey 喂 they 他们

Day46-/ a?/ 发音规律

◇在英文单词中字母及字母组合 ou,ow,常读/ a?/音,例如:

house 房子 loud 大声的 mouth 嘴

allow 允许 flower 花朵 power 力量

Day-47/??/ 发音规律

◇在英文单词中字母及字母组合 o, oa , oe,ou,ew,ow常读/? ? /音,例如:

no 不 note 通知 boat 船 road 路

toe 脚趾头 woe 悲哀 shoulder 承担 though 尽管

sew 缝 throw 扔 show 展示

Day48-/??/ 发音规律

◇在英文单词中字母及字母组合 oi,oy,常读/ ??/音,例如:

boil 煮沸 coin 钱币 noise 噪音

boy 男孩 enjoy 享受 toy 玩具


Day 1-/p/ 发音规律


pay 付款 pig 猪 paly 玩

apple 苹果 appear 似乎 happy 开心的

Day 2-/b/ 发音规律


big 大的 bear 熊 bite 咬

cabbage 白菜 rabbit 兔子 shabby 破烂的

◇但如果b前面为m,则b不发音。如lamb 羊羔,comb梳子。还有些词中b也不发音,debt 债务。

Day 3-/t/ 发音规律


tea 茶 time 时间 fat 肥胖

better 更好的 cotton 棉花 letter 信件

Day 4-/d/ 发音规律


day 日子 dog 狗 deep 深的

daddy 爸爸 fiddle 小提琴 middle 中间的

Day 5-/k/ 发音规律


cake 蛋糕 cage 笼子 kite 风筝 keep 保持

queen 皇后 question 问题 check 检查 quick 快速的 character 性格 technology 技术

5 如



/d/ led/led/ sad/s?d/ feed/fi:d/ do/du:/ dear/di?/

/k/ lack/l?k/ take/teik/ clock/kl?k/ class/kla:s/ weekend/′wi:kend/

/g/ big/big/ lag/l?g/ glass/gla:s/ gum/g?m/ good/gud/ guest/gest/

/f/ face/feis/ fast/fa:st/ leaf/li:f/ surf/s?:f/ favorite/′feiv?rit/

/v/ very/′veri/ five/faiv/ fever/′fi:v?/ serve/s?:v/ never/′nev?/

/θ/ bath/ba:θ/(v洗澡) thick/θik/ mouth/mauθ/ breath/breθ/(n呼吸)

thought/θ?:t/ author/′?θ?/ truth/tru:θ/

/e/ the/ e?/ they/eei/ that/e?t/ mother/′m?e?/ thus/ e?s/ then/een/

/s/ face/feis/ mouse/maus/ cakes/keiks/ caps/k?ps/ likes/laiks/ stops/st?ps/ /z/ close/kl?uz/ keys/ki:z/ boys/b?iz/ pens/penz/ halves/ha:vz/

/t?/ catch/k?t?/ cheep/t?i:p/ rich/rit?/ watch/wt?/ child/t?aild/ question/kwest??n/

teach/ti:t?/ challenge/t?lind?/

/d?/ orange/′?rid?/ large/la:d?/ juice/d?u:s/ job/d??b/

/tr/ tree/tri:/ try/trai/ true/tru:/ trouble/traubl/ track/tr?k/

/dr/ dry/drai/ dream/dri:m/ dress/dres/ drink/dri?k/ hundred/′h?ndrid/

/?/ she/?i:/ sharp/?a:p/ fish/fi?/ shock/??k/ shoe/?u:/

/?/ pleasure/′ple??/ measure/′me??/ television/′telivi??n/

/ts/ let′s/lets/ sports/sp?:ts/ puts/puts/ writes/raits/ seats/si:ts/

/dz/ hands/h?ndz/ birds/b?:dz/ friends/freindz/ beds/bedz/ stands/st?ndz/ /h/ he/ hi:/ hard/ha:d/ him/him/ heard/h?:d/ half/ha:f/

/l/ like/laik/ late/leit/ learn/l?:n/ lead/li:d/ light/lait/

/m/ my/mai/ more/m?:/ seem/si:m/ meat/mi:t/ mind/maind/ men/men/

/n/ nice/nais/ wind/waind/ mind/maind/ rain/rein/ fine/fain/

/?/ sing/si?/ wing/wi?/ ring/ri?/ long/l??/ beautiful/bju:t?fl/

/j/ you/ju:/ few/fju:/ yard/ja:d/ music/′mju:zik/ student/′stju:dnt/ excuse/ik′skju:z/ /w/ work/w?:k/ way/wei/ well/wel/ what/w?t/ twelve/twelv/ twin/twin/ /r/ red/red/ road/r?ud/ write/rait/ wrong/r??/ problem/′pr?bl?m/



material mysterious

5./θ/ /e/

month thief that than faith together thank themselves

The sun Tongue Twister(绕口令)

(1)There are thirty-three trees there. (θ, e)

(2)A big black bug bit the back of the big black bear. The big black bear beat back the big black bug. (/b/)

(3)She sells seashells on the seashore,and the shells she sells are seashells. I′m sure because if she sells shells at the seashore,the shells she sells are seashells for sure.

(/ θ/,/s/,/z/,/?/)

(4)There is a kitten in the kitchen.In the kitchen,I fly the chicken.A fly flies into the kitchen while I′m frying the chicken.( /t?/)

(5)You are no need to light a night light on a light night like

tonight.For a night,light′s a slight light and tonight′s a night that′s light.When a night′s light like tonight′s light,it′s really not quit right to light night lights with their slight light′s on the light night like tonight.(/n/--/l/)

(6)The sun shines on the small shop signs.(/s/--/?/)

(7)Why didn′t you do that what I told you to do? (/ /--/ /)

(8)The doctor′s daughter knocked at the locked door.

(9)Mike likes to write by the nice bright light at night.

(10)Is this pair of scissors of his sister′s? Yes,this is the pair of scissors of his sister′s . (/s/--/z/)

(11)Pete picked up a piece of paper and put it into the paper basket. (/p/)

(12)William wants to know whether the weather will be wetter tomorrow. (/w/)


[ i: ] ee: three tree green sheep meet beef see seek week

ea: eat tea meat leave lead teacher team mean speak clean please e: he she me these

ie: piece receive ceiling field

[ i ] : i: sit picture it is if list six mix fix fit pig big build miss milk ship with window begin

y: myth many twenty happy dictionary

e:defect decide delicious

[ e ] : ea:head bread pleasure ready

e :elephant electric remember sell shell lesson better bed desk hotel yes well get very step men listen


[E:] : ir: girl shirt skirt thirty thirteen third bird first

ur:turn burn murder nurse turtle Thursday burger hurt

ear:learn earn earth heard

er:term her nerd serve verb

or:work worm worker word world worse

[E] : er: teacher leader remember player speaker farmer powder

or:doctor actor mayor author tractor forget

o:together tomorrow today Washington control polite policeman o’clock a:around account ago elephant banana China breakfast American above e:hundred student

ar: car farm card arm garden party star

a:fast class last glass plant


u: up supper lunch fun gun hunt cup bus cut us luck but cut o: come mother brother love above month ou :trouble rough flourish

oo:blood flood

al:small wall talk tall hall ball call walk

or:short more lord horse for forty sport door floor store au:author caught

our:four mourn court

ar:warm quarrel quarter

aw:draw saw flaw

ou:bought ought

oo:food moon room gloom broom doom goose tooth school too noodle cool

u:true truth blue

oo:look good foot book cook

ou:should could would

u:put full bull pull push

o:woman wolf

ing :sing king morning evening cial :social special sion :propulsion tension progression passion protrusion provision conclusion television tion :station nation translation attention question ear:pear bear air:chair air fair hair pair are:care hare ere:there where eer:beer deer ear:ear dear near ere:here ea:idea ie:fierce oy:boy toy joy oi:oil soil voice choice noise join





[i] 对应字母 i, y, a, ai, u i - it hill wit sick y - agony balcony many a - beverage garbage passage ai - mountain captain u - busy minute

[i:] 对应字母 ea, ee, e, ei, ie, ey, i ea - sea tea defeat ee - bee feel feet e - me he she media ei - leisure seize ie - brief thief chief ey - key

i - machine

[e] 对应字母e, ea, ai, ay, u e - wet bend ea - bread threat ai - said ay - says u - bury

[?] 对应字母 a a - rat cap lack

[a:]对应字母ar, oc, al, o ar - star car alarm oc - lock cock al - calm palm o - not on

[?:]对应字母aw, al, ou, oar, our, or, ar, au aw - law hawk yawn lawn dawn al - all walk hall talk ou - bought fought oar - soar our - course court or - born sort snore ar - warn warmth award au - haunt caught autumn

[?] 对应字母 ou ou - cough

[u] 对应字母 oo, u, ou oo - fool took good u - full pull ou - should

[u:] 对应字母 ew, oo, ui, o, ou ew - flew crew

oo - food boom soon ui - fruit o - tomb ou - group

[?] 对应字母 u, o, ou, oo u - bus us but buckle o - onion monk above ou - enough oo - blood flood

[?:] 对应字母 or, ir, ear, ur, er or - worm work ir - dirt firm

ear - learn search research heard ur - burn surf

er - amerce term danger

[?] 对应字母 a, ar, ou, o, or, e, u, ur a - above ago thousand ar - regular particular ou - famous jealous o - person or - monitor actor e - quiet vessel u - vacuum ur - surround

[ei] 对应字母a, ea, ai, ay, ey a - date cake make ea - great

ai - wait vail aid ay - bay himalayas ey - obey obeyance

[ai ?] 对应字母ire, ie ire - empire inspire respire ie - society quiet

[au] 对应字母ou, ow ou - house noun thousand ow - bow town

[ai ] 对应字母uy, ie, i, ei, y uy - buy ie - lie pie i - hike hight ei - Fahrenheit height y - asylum

[ou] 对应字母o, ow, oa o - hose hole ow - bowl

oa - oat boat moat coat

[?i] 对应字母oi, oy oi - soil oil oy - boy toy

[i?] 对应字母 eer, ear, ere eer - beer ear - dear ear fear ere - here

[??] 对应字母air, ear, are, eir air - fair air ear - bear are - hare dare eir - heir their [u?] 对应字母oor, ure, our oor - poor ure - sure lure our - tour



p - pea peach peak pie pig

[b]对应字母b b - bee back bear


t - bet boat neat


d- need dig doom dad

[k] 对应字母ck, k, c, ch, qu ck - back pick k - kill keen c - cast come ch - school schedule

qu - conquer unique technique

[g] 对应字母g

g - green grave gravity


qu - quit question quite quiet

[t?] 对应字母ch, tch, tu, ti ,t ch - chain chest tch - watch catch

tu - culture agriculture architecture ti - celestial question t - fortune

[d?] 对应字母d, j, g, dg

d - schedule education soldier j - jane jeep g - gym gibe dg - bridge budget edge

[dr] 对应字母dr dr - drive

[tr] 对应字母tr tr - tree

[dz] 对应字母ds ds - minds winds

[ts] 对应字母ts

ts - treats cats hats

[f] 对应字母f, ph, gh f - fail fair ph - phone

gh - enough cough laugh

[v] 对应字母v v - leave vary

[θ] 对应字母th th - thought thank

[e] 对应字母th, the

th - though than breath the - breathe bathe

[s] 对应字母c, s, ss, sc, ce c - ice face s - sank sick ss - address class sc - science ce - palace place

[z] 对应字母s, z, se s - eyes knees thousand z - prize zeal se - raise

[?] 对应字母sh, s, sci, ss, ch, ci, ti sh - shake cash s - ensure sure

sci - conscience conscious ss - pressure passion ch - machine ci - precious ti - racial

[?] 对应字母g, s g - garage mirage s - leisure usual

[h] 对应字母h h - hair hat high

[m] 对应字母m m - came dime game

[?] 对应字母ng ng - rung song sing

[n] 对应字母n

元音字母后或者单词末尾 n - cane kin run 元音字母前或者单词词首 n - nose now night knight

[l] 对应字母l

元音字母后或者单词末尾l - hall travel 元音字母前或者单词词首l - flee fly

[r] 对应字母r r - free rare

[j] 对应字母y, i y - year yes

i - million billion trillion

[ju] 对应字母u, ue u - cute fuel supreme ue - due

[w] 对应字母w w - wait wet wed

[hw] 对应字母wh wh - whack wheat

不发音的字母 b

climb tomb debt comb e(o,a)

history factory secretary k

knife acknowledge know n

autumn column condemn gh

light bought ought night h

honest Buddhist ghost


listen pitch castle u

build / b?ld; b?ld/ w

write wrecknestle
