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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/25 11:21:33 字数作文


Dear Annie:

I'm a 15-year-old girl, and my friend "Kendall"




ring from me. I've known years, and recently we've become best friends. I invited


left, I noticed the ring was

I didn't want to accuse Kendall of

I think she is a wonderful friend, I am convinced she took the ring.

What is the best way to to have this come between us. - Troubled in enjoy her friendship, and



Dear Troubled:

Do you want the friendship or the ring?


because that


will simply return the ring took it, and as you can see, she didn't take

the tell Kendall to let you know if she ever finds the ring-and then forget about it. We also suggest

you stop inviting Kendall to



Everyone has friend, but not everyone has a good friend. 每个人都有朋友,但不是每个人都有一(转 载于:wWw.SmHaIDA.cOM 海达 范文 网:goodfriend什么意思)个好朋友。 I think a good feiend can makes me trust. 我认为一个好朋友能让我信任的人。Treal people honestly,no rhetoric. 诚实,没有华丽的辞藻。Polite and helpful. 有礼貌且乐于助人。 A good friend is one who can laugh with you and cry with you together. 一个好的朋友是一个可以和你一起哭一起笑一起。Good friends should be mutual love.好朋友应该是相互的爱。

篇三:我的好朋友 My Good Friend_2

我的好朋友 My Good Friend

Li Hang is my goodfriend. She is my neighbor. She has a big family, because she lives with herparents and grand-parents. She is the only child in her family, so she getsmuch attention. All her families care much about her. She is easygoing. It maybecause of her big family. Besides, she works hard in study. She does well in allsubjects, especially English. She says she likes English a lot. And she spendsmuch time in English learning. When we are free, we often play together. We arehappy to be friends.


篇四:我的好朋友 My good friend

我的好朋友 My good friend

My friend Wei Hua was born in March, 1992. He lives in Beijing now. His father is a worker and his mother works in a hospital. He is good at maths and often gets full marks. As good friends, we often play basketball together. He often helps me with maths when I have difficulty in it. He wants to be a scientist when he grows up.我的朋友魏华出生于1992年3月,他现在住在北京。他的爸爸是一名工人,妈妈在医院工作。他数学学得好,经常得满分。 作为好朋友,我们经常在一起打篮球。当我学数学有困难时,他经常帮助我。他长大后想当科学家.

篇五:A good friend

A good friend

????A good friend

????Friends are important .How to make friends?And do you know how to make good friends?I think a good friend should be friendly.A good friend should have a good habit.

????A good friend should like to help others.I like to help others.I hope he or she can too.Of course,we must be friendly too. We will not fight.At last .

????we must have the same interest.So we can play togethe.Haha,my friend does be my friend,no matter who is he or she.

