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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/11/12 13:49:22 体裁作文

篇一:from where 用法

在定语从句中,where, from where 和 from which 如何使用?

1. where 在某处,指地点,较模糊;

2. from where从某处, (相当于from+介词+which),比用where一个词显得更具体,更加形象生动,且符合英语习惯。

3. from which从......,which指具体的东西, 不能代替地点/时间/原因。

Soon after getting off his horse, the captain appeared at the second storey windows, from where he could see nothing but trees. 下马不久,上尉就出现在二楼的窗口了。他从那里除了树木什么也没看到.

注:划线部分相当于 and from at the windows…不可变为from which…,可用where,但不如用from where更具体

She climbed up to the top of the hill, from where she could have a good view of the whole town. 她登上山顶,从那里她可以一览全城风光。

注: 划线部分相当于…, and from on the top of the hill或from on the top of which…, 不可变为from which,也可直接用where引导,但语义较为含糊,不如用from where更加生动、形象、具体

We went up to the roof, from where we had a good view of the procession. 我们爬到屋顶,在那儿我们可以一览整个行进队伍.

注:划线部分可理解为and from on the top of the roof或from on the top of which,用from which是不对的,直接用where仍显不具体,不形象。

China is the birthplace of kites, from where kiteflying spread to Japan, Korea, Thailand and India. 中国是风筝的故乡,在那里风筝传到日本、朝鲜、泰国和印度。 注: 这里from正与下文的spread to构成一个整体,可理解为from near/around this place,如若把from where换为 where显然是讲不通的,改成from which, 能够讲得通,但不太符合英语习惯。

from where主要有以下两个用法:

from where的用法

1:引导非限制性定语从句,在意义上相当于 and from there(从那儿)。如: He hid himself in a tree, from where he could see the enemy in the distance. 他躲在一棵树上,从那儿他可以看到远处的敌人。

2:引导地点状语从句,可视为where前省略了the place,即这样用的from where 相当于from the place where,意思是“从……的地方”“离……的地方”。如: From where I stood I could see everything clearly. 从我站的地方我一切都看得清清楚楚。

The car stopped short only a few inches from where I stood. 汽车在离我站的地方仅几英寸处突然停住。

The school was only a few blocks from where she lived. 学校离她的住所只有几个街区的距离。


如何判断用where / from where / from which?


I have bought that house, _____I can enjoy the beautiful scene of Yangpu Bridge . 这道题填 where 和 from where 语法上都可以,但两者在意义上稍有区别(但不宜填 from which):

I have bought that house, where I can enjoy the beautiful scene of Yangpu Bridge. 我买下了那栋房子,在房子那可以欣赏到杨浦大桥的美景。

I have bought that house, from where I can enjoy the beautiful scene of Yangpu Bridge. 我买下了那栋房子,从房子那可以欣赏到杨浦大桥的美景。

在许多情况下,where前用不用 from 不会导致语法错误,但会导致语义变化 (通常情况下是,如果没有 from,意思会不够明确和清楚)。比较:

He hid himself under the bed, from where he could hear what they were talking. 他躲在床下面,他可以从床下听到他们谈话。

(句中的 from where 可理解为 from under the bed,意思是“从床下面”) He hid himself under the bed, where he could hear what they were talking. 他躲在床下面,在床那儿他听到他们谈话。

(句中的 where 可指为“在床边”“在床上”“在床下”等,意思不够明确)

篇二:from which 与 from where的用法区别

? 河图歌中的十大遗憾莫过于 :我愿百里蒹葭 ,眉间朱砂一个他;你却千军万马,兵临城下 骨

化沙;我愿渡口杨柳,用一生如花, 你却 明月阁楼,十八年忘她;我愿温酒替君洗涤风沙,你却阳关古道枯守城下; 我愿故地重游 品酒窖飘香,你却随风散去叹别来无恙;我愿追回良辰美景,你却早已释怀与拉萨;我愿与你远走天涯,你却生而为龙守家; 我愿一曲清歌粗饭淡茶,你却一身白衣柳巷烟花 ;我愿雨碎江南笙歌浅浅,你却醉酒当歌误入长安;我愿陪你青丝熬到华发,你却伶仃白骨 再难回家;我愿听你一曲倾尽天下,你却低唱 宝宝 宝宝 只为她。

from which 与 from where的用法区别

1、Soon after getting off his horse, the captain appeared at the second storey windows, from where he could see nothing but trees. 下马不久,上尉就出现在二楼的窗口了。他从那里除了树木什么也没看到。(引导定语从句)

划线部分相当于…, and from at the windows…不可变为from which…,直接用where不如用from where更具体。

2、She climbed up to the top of the hill, from where she could have a good view of the whole town. 她登上山顶,从那里她可以一览全城风光。(引导定语从句) 划线部分相当于…, and from on the top of the hill或from on the top of which…, 不可变为from which,也可直接用where引导,但语义较为含糊,不如用from where更加生动、形象、具体。

3、We went up to the roof , from where we had a good view of the procession. 我们爬到屋顶,在那儿我们可以一览整个行进队伍。(引导定语从句)

划线部分可理解为and from on the top of the roof或from on the top of which,用from which是不对的,直接用where仍显不具体,不形象。

4、China is the birth place of kites, from where kiteflying spread to

Japan,Korea,Thailand and India. 中国是风筝的故乡,在那里风筝传到日本、朝鲜、泰国和印度。

这里from正与下文的spread to构成一个整体,可理解为from near/around this place,如若把from where换为 where显然是讲不通的,改成from which, 能够讲得通,但不太符合英语习惯。

5、The car stopped suddenly only a few inches from where I stood.那辆小汽车就在我站的地方仅几英寸处忽然停下了。(引导状语从句)这里的划线部分中where引导的是宾语从句,与from一起作地点状语从句。

篇三:from_where的用法 - 副本

篇四:from which 与 from where的用法区别

from which 与 from where的用法区别

1、Soon after getting off his horse, the captain appeared at the second storey


划线部分相当于…, and from at the windows…不可变为from which…,直接用where不如用from where更具体。



划线部分相当于…, and from on the top of the hill或from on the top of which…, 不可变为from

which,也可直接用where引导,但语义较为含糊,不如用from where更加生动、形象、具体。

3、We went up to the roof ,

我们爬到屋顶,在那儿我们可以一览整个行进队伍。(引导定语从句) 划线部分可理解为and from on the top of the roof或from on the top of which,用from which是不对的,直接用where仍显不具体,不形象。

4、 中国是风筝的故乡,在那里风筝传到日本、朝鲜、泰国和印度。

这里from正与下文的spread to构成一个整体,可理解为from near/around this place,如若把from where换为 where显然是讲不通的,改成from which, 能够讲得通,但不太符合英语习惯。


篇五:from where的用法
