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12-Bit A/D Converter


The AD574A is a complete 12-bit A/D converter which requires no external components to provide the complete successive approximation analog-to-digital conversion function. A block diagram of the AD574A is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Block Diagram of AD574A 12-Bit A-to-D Converter

When the control section is commanded to initiate a conversion (as described later), it enables the clock and resets the successiveapproximation register (SAR) to all zeros. Once a conversion cycle has begun, it cannot be stopped or restarted and data is not available from the output buffers. The SAR, timed by the clock, will sequence through the conversion cycle and return an end-of-convert flag to the control section. The control section will then disable the clock, bring the output status flag low, and enable control functions to allow data read functions by external command.

During the conversion cycle, the internal 12-bit current output DAC is sequenced by the SAR from the most significant bit (MSB) to least significant bit (LSB) to provide an output

current which accurately balances the input signal current through the 5kΩ(or10kΩ) input resistor. The comparator determines whether the addition of each successively-weighted bit current causes the DAC current sum to be greater or less than the input current; if the sum is less, the bit is left on; if more, the bit is turned off. After testing all the bits, the SAR contains a 12-bit binary code which accurately represents the input signal to within 1/2 LSB.

The temperature-compensated buried Zener reference provides the primary voltage reference to the DAC and guarantees excellent stability with both time and temperature. The reference is trimmed to 10.00 volts ?0.2%; it can supply up to 1.5 mA to an external load in addition to the requirements of the reference input resistor (0.5 mA) and bipolar offset resistor (1 mA) when the AD574A is powered from ?15 V supplies. If the AD574A is used with ?12 V supplies, or if external current must be supplied over the full temperature range, an external buffer amplifier is recommended. Any external load on the AD574A reference must remain constant during conversion. The thin-film application resistors are trimmed to match the full-scale output current of the DAC. There are two 5 k??input scaling resistors to allow either a 10 volt or 20 volt span. The 10 k??bipolar offset resistor is grounded for unipolar operation and connected to the 10 volt reference for bipolar operation.


Figure 2. Op Amp – AD574A Interface

The output impedance of an op amp has an open-loop value which, in a closed loop, is divided by the loop gain available at the frequency of interest. The amplifier should have acceptable loop gain at 500 kHz for use with the AD574A. To check whether the output

properties of a signal source are suitable, monitor the AD574’s input with an oscilloscope while a conversion is in progress. Each of the 12 disturbances should subside in sorless.

For applications involving the use of a sample-and-hold amplifier, the AD585 is recommended. The AD711 or AD544 op amps are recommended for dc applications. SAMPLE-AND-HOLD AMPLIFIERS

Although the conversion time of the AD574A is a maximum of 35 ?s, to achieve accurate 12-bit conversions of frequencies greater than a few Hz requires the use of a sample-and-hold amplifier (SHA). If the voltage of the analog input signal driving the AD574A changes by more than 1/2 LSB over the time interval needed to make a conversion, then the input requires a SHA.

The AD585 is a high linearity SHA capable of directly driving the analog input of the AD574A. The AD585’s fast acquisition time, low aperture and low aperture jitter are ideally suited for high-speed data acquisition systems. Consider the AD574A converter with a 35 ?s conversion time and an input signal of 10 V p-p: the maximum frequency which may be applied to achieve rated accuracy is 1.5 Hz. However, with the addition of an AD585, as shown in Figure 3, the maximum frequency increases to 26 kHz.

The AD585’s low output impedance, fast-loop response, and low droop maintain 12-bits of accuracy under the changing load conditions that occur during a conversion, making it suitable for use in high accuracy conversion systems. Many other SHAs cannot achieve 12-bits of accuracy and can thus compromise a system. The AD585 is recommended for AD574A applications requiring a sample and hold.

Figure 3. AD574A with AD585 Sample and Hold



It is critically important that the AD574A power supplies be filtered, well regulated, and free from high frequency noise. Use of noisy supplies will cause unstable output codes. Switching power supplies are not recommended for circuits attempting to achieve 12-bit accuracy unless great care is used in filtering any switching spikes present in the output. Remember that a few millivolts of noise represents several counts of error in a 12-bit ADC.

Circuit layout should attempt to locate the AD574A, associated analog input circuitry, and interconnections as far as possible from logic circuitry. For this reason, the use of wire-wrap circuit construction is not recommended. Careful printed circuit construction is preferred.


The AD574A contains all the active components required to perform a complete 12-bit A/D conversion. Thus, for most situations, all that is necessary is connection of the power supplies (+5 V, +12 V/+15 V and –12 V/–15 V), the analog input, and the conversion initiation command, as discussed on the next page. Analog input connections and calibration are easily accomplished; the unipolar operating mode is shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4. Unipolar Input Connections

All of the thin-film application resistors of the AD574A are trimmed for absolute calibration. Therefore, in many applications, no calibration trimming will be required. The absolute accuracy for each grade is given in the specification tables. For example, if no trims are used, the AD574AK guarantees ?1 LSB max zero offset error and ?0.25% (10 LSB) max full-scale error. (Typical full-scale error is ?2 LSB.) If the offset trim is not required, Pin 12 can be connected directly to Pin 9; the two resistors and trimmer for Pin 12 are then not needed. If the full-scale trim is not needed, a 50 ???1% metal film resistor should be connected between Pin 8 and Pin 10.

The analog input is connected between Pin 13 and Pin 9 for a 0 V to +10 V input range, between 14 and Pin 9 for a 0 V to +20 V input range. The AD574A easily accommodates an input signal beyond the supplies. For the 10 volt span input, the LSB has a nominal value of

2.44 mV; for the 20 volt span, 4.88 mV.

If a 10.24 V range is desired (nominal 2.5 mV/bit), the gain trimmer (R2) should be replaced by a 50Ωesistor, and a 200Ωtrimmer inserted in series with the analog input to Pin 13 for a full-scale range of 20.48 V (5 mV/bit), use a 500 ??trimmer into Pin 14. The gain trim described below is now done with these trimmers. The nominal input impedance into Pin 13 is 5kΩ, and 10kΩinto Pin 14.


Analog and Digital Transducers

As mentioned previously, considerable experience has been accumulated with analog transducers, signal conditioning, A/D converters etc. , and it is natural that the majority of current systems tend to use these techniques. However, there are a number of measuring techniques that are essentially digit in nature, and which when used as separate measuring instruments require some intrgral digtal circuitry, such as frequency counters and timing circuits, to provide an indicator output. This type of transducer, if coupled to a computer, does not necessarily require the same amount of equipment since much of the processing done by the integral circuitry could be programmed and by the computer.

Collins classifies the signals handled in control and instrumentation systems as follows:

(1) Analog, in which the parameter of the system to be measured although initially derived in an analog form by a sensor is converted to an electrical analog, either by design or inherent in the methods adopted;

(2) Coded-digital, in which a parallel digital sigal is generated, each bit radix-weighted according to some predetermined code. These are referred to in this bood as direct digital transducers;

(3) Digital, in which a function, such as mean rate of a repetitive signal, is a measure of the parameter being measured. These are subsequently referred to as frequency-domain transducers.

Some analog transducers are particularly suited to conversion to digital outputs using special techniques. The most popular of these are synchros, and similar devices, which produce a modulated output of a carrier frequency. For ordinary analog use, this output has to be demodulated to provide a signal whose magnitude and sign represent any displacement of the transducer’s moving element. Although it is possible to use a conventional A/D technique to produce a digital output while providing a high accuracy and resolution, and at a faster rate than is possible in the A/D converter method.

Direct digital transducers are, in fact, few and far between, since there do not seem to be any natural phenomena in which some detectable characteristic changes in discrete intervals as a result of a change of pressure, or change of tempreature etc.. These are many advantages in using direct digital transducers in ordinary instrumentation systems, even if computers are not used in the complete installation.

These advantages are:

(1) The ease of generating, manipulating and storing digital signals, as punched tape, magnetic tape etc. ;

(2) The need for high measurement accuracy and discrimination;

(3) The relative immunity of a high-level digital signal to external disturbances (noise);

(4) Ergonomic advantages in simplified data presentation(e. g. digital readout avoids interpretation errors in reading scales or graphs).

The most active development in direct digital transducers has been in shaft encoders, which are used extensively in machine tools and aircraft systems. High resolution and accuracies can be obtained, and these devices may be mechanically coupled to provide a direct digital output of any parameter which gives rise to a measurable physical displacement. The usual displacement of these systems is that the inertia of the instrument and encoder often limit the speed of response and therefore the operating frequencies.

Frequency domain transducers have a special part to play in online systems with only few variables to be measured, since the computer can act as part of an A/D conversion system and use its own registers and clock for counting pulses or measuring pulse width. In designing such systems, consideration must be given to the computer time required to access and process the trransducer output.

Data Line Isolation Theory

When it comes to protect data lines from electrical transients, surge suppression is often the first thing that leaps to mind. The concept of surge suppression is intuitive and there are a large variety of devices on the market to choose from. Models are available to protect every-thing from your computer to answering machine as well as those serial devices found in RS-232, RS-422 and RS-485 systems.

Unfortunately, in most serial communications systems,surge suppression is not the best choice. The result of most storm and inductively induced surges is to cause a difference in ground potential between points in a xommunications system. The more physical area covered by the system, the more likely those differences in ground potential will exist.

The water analogy helps explain this. Instead of phenomenon water in a pipe, we’ll think a little bigger and use waves on the ocean. Ask anyone what the elevation of the ocean is, and you will get an answer of zero-so common that we call it sea

level. While the average ocean elevation is zero, we know that tides and waves can cause large short-term changes in the actual height of the water. This is very similar to earth ground. The effect of a large amount of current dumped into the earth can be visualized in the same way, as a wave propa-gating outwards from the origin. Until this energy dissipates, the voltage level of the earth will vary greatly between two locations.

Adding a twist to the ocean analogy, what is the best way to protect a boat from high waves? We could lash the boat to a fixed dock, forcing the boat to remain at one elevation. This will protect against small waves, but this solution obviously has limitation. While a little rough, this comparison isn’t far off from what a typical surge suppressor is trying to accom-plish. Attempting to clamp a surge of energy to a level safe for the local equipment requires that the clamping device be able to completely absorb or redirect transient energy.

Instead of lashing the boat to a fixed dock let the dock float. Now the boat can rise and fall with the ocean swells (until we hit the end of our floating dock’s posts).

Instead of fighting nature, we’re simply moving along with it. This is our data line isola-tion solution.

Isolation is not a new idea. It has always been implemented in telephone and Ethernet equipment. For asynchronous data applications such as many RS-232, RS-422 and RS-485 systems, optical isolators are the most common isolation elements. With isolation, two different grounds (better thought of as reference voltages) can exist on opposite sides of the isolation element without any current flowing through the element. With an optical isolator, this is performed with an LED and a photosensitive transistor. Only light passes between the two elements.

Another benefit of optical isolation is that it is not dependent on installation quality. Thpical surge suppressors used in data line protection use special diodes to shunt excess energy to ground. The installer must provide an extremely low imprdance ground connection to handle this energy, which can be thousands of amps at frequencies into the tens of megahertz. A small impedance in the ground connection, such as in 1.8m (6ft) of 18 gauge wire, can cause a voltage drop of hundreds of volts -enough voltage to damage most equipments. Isolation, on the other hand, does not require an additional ground connection, making it insensitive to installation quality.

Isolation is not a perfect solution. An additional isolated power supply is required to support the circuitry. This supply may be built in as an isolated DC-DC converter

or external. Simple surge suppressors require no power source. Isolation voltages are limited as well, usually ranging from 500V to 4000V. In some cases, applying both surge suppression and isolation is an effective solution.

When choosing data line protection for a system it is important to consider all available options. There are pros and cons to both surge suppression and optical isolation, however isolation is a more effective solution for most systems. If in doubt, choose isolation.


前面我们已经提到,人们在模拟转换器、信号调节器和A/D 转换器等的使用上已经积累了大量的经验。因此,目前大部分的系统自然都采用这些方法时,需要用到一些积分电路,如频率计数和计时电路等来提供指示输出。另外,如果把这种转换器和电脑相连的话,就可以省去一些器材;因为很多由积分电路执行的工作可以由计算机程序代为执行。















































Analog and Digital Transducers

As mentioned previously, considerable experience has been accumulated with analog transducers signal conditioning, signal; conditioning, A/D converters etc., and it is natural that the majority of current systems tend to use these techniques. However, there are a number of measuring techniques that are essentially digit in nature, and which when used as separate measuring instruments require some integral digital circuitry, such as frequency counters and timing circuits, to provide an indicator output. This type of transducer, if coupled to a computer does not necessarily require the same amount of equipment since much of the processing done by the integral circuitry could be programmed and performed and performed by the computer.

Collins classifies the signals handled in control and instrumentation systems as follows:

(1) Analog, in which the parameter of the system to be measured although initially derived in an analog form by a sensor is converted to an electrical analog, either by design or inherent in the methods adopted;

(2) Coded digital, in which a parallel digital signal is generated, each bit radix weighted according to some predetermined code. These are referred to in this book as direct digital transducers;

(3) Digital, in which a function, such as mean rate of a repetitive signal, is a measure of the parameter being measured. These are subsequently referred to as frequency domain transducers.

Some analog transducers are particularly suited to conversion to digital outputs using special techniques. The most popular of these are synchros, and similar devices, which produce a modulated output of a carrier frequency. For ordinary analog use, this output has to be demodulated to provide a signal whose magnitude and sign represent any conventional A/D technique to produce a digital output, there are techniques by which the synchro output can be converted directly to a digital output while providing a high accuracy and resolution, and at a faster rate than is possible in the A/D converter method.

(1) The ease of generating, manipulating and storing digital signals, as punched tape, magnetic tape etc.;

(2) The need for high measurement accuracy and discrimination;

(3) The relative immunity of a high level digital signal to external disturbances(noise);

(4) Ergonomic advantages in simplified data presentation(e.g. digital readout avoids interpretation errors in reading scales or graphs).

The most active development in direct digital transducer has been in shaft encoders, which are used extensively in machine tools and aircraft systems. High resolution and accuracies can be obtained, and these devices may be mechanically coupled to provide a direct digital output of any parameter which gives rise to a measurable physical displacement. The usual disadvantage of these systems is that the inertia of the instrument and encoder often limit the speed of response and therefore the operating frequencies.

Frequency domain transducers have a special part to play in online systems with only few variables to be measured, since the computer can act as part of an A/D conversion system and use its own registers and clock for counting pulses or measuring pulse width. Access and process the transducer output. In designing such systems, consideration must be given to the computer time required to access and process the transducer output.

Application of Automatic Control

Although the scope of automatic control application, we will limit this discussion to examples which are commonplace in modern industry.


Although a servomechanism is not a control application, this device is commonplace in automatic control. A servomechanism, or ‘servo’ for short, is a closed-loop control system in which the controlled variable is mechanical position or motion. It is designed so that the output will quickly and precisely respond to a change in the input command. Thus we may think of a servomechanism as a following device.

Another form of servomechanism in which the rate of change or velocity of the output is controlled is known as a rate or velocity servomechanism.

Process Control

Process control is a term applied to the control of variables in a manufacturing process. Chemical plants, oil refineries, food processing plants, blast furnaces, and steel mill are examples of production processes to which automatic control is applied. Process control is concerned with maintaining at a desired value such process variables as temperature, pressure, flow rate, liquid level, viscosity, density, and






(右击菜单左侧) (右击菜单右侧)

反转样条线: Reverse Line 孤立当前选择 : Isolate selection

设为首顶点: make first 全部解 冻 : unfreeze all

拆 分: divide 冻结当前选择 : freeze selection

绑 定: bind 按名称取消隐藏: unhide by name

取 消 绑定: Unbind 全部取消隐藏 : unhide all 工 具 1: tools 1 隐藏未选定对象: hide unselection

工 具 2: tools 2 隐藏当前选择 : hide selection 创 建 线: create line 保存 场景状态: save scene state 附 加 : attach 管 理场 景状态: mange scene states 分 离 线段: detach segment 显 示 : display

连 接 : connect 变 换 : transform 细 化 : refine 移 动 : move

细 化 连接: connect refine 旋 转 : rotate

循 环 顶点: cycle vertices 缩 放 : scale

断 开 顶点: break vertices 选 择 : select

焊 接 顶点: weld vertices 克 隆 : clone

融 合 顶点: fuse vertices 属 性 : properties

Bezier角点: Bezier corner 曲线 编辑 器: curve editor

Bezier : bezier 摄 影 表 : dope sheet

角 点 : corner 关 联 参 数: wire parameters

平 滑 : smooth 转 换 为: convert to

重 置 切线: reset tangents (展开)可编 辑样 条线: convert to editor spline

样 条 线: spline 可编 辑网 络: convert to editor mesh

线 段 : segment 可编 辑多 边形: convert to editor poly

顶 点 : vertex 可编 辑 片面 : convert to editor patch

顶 层 级: top-level 转换为 NURBS: convert to NURBS

线 : line VRAY 属 性 : VRAY porperties

曲 线 : curve VRAY场景转换器: VRAY scene converter

VRAY网格导 出: VRAY mesh export



选择: selection FFD 选择:fFFD select 网格选择:mesh select 面片选择:patch select 多边形选择:poly select

按通道选择:select by channel 样条线(来自:WwW.smhaida.Com 海达 范文 网:英文翻译中文转换器)选择:spline select 体积选择:volume select 面片/样条线编辑:patch/spline editing 横截面:cross section 删除面片:delete patch

删除样条线:delete spline

编辑面片:edit patch

编辑样条线:edit spline

圆角/切角:fillet/chamfer 车削:lathe 规格化样条线:normalize spline 可渲染样条线修改器:renderable spline modifier 曲面:surface



网格编辑: mesh

补洞:cap holes

删除网格:delete mesh

编辑网格:edit mesh

编辑法线:edit normals

编辑多边形:edit poly


面挤出:face extrude


法线修改器:normal modifier



STL检查:STL check



顶点绘制:vertex paint

顶点焊接:vertex weld


属性承载器:attribute holder 柔体:flex

链接变换:linked xform 融化:melt 变形器:morpher

面片变形:patch deform 面片变形(WSM):patch deform(WSM)

路径变形:path deform 路径变形(WSM):patch deform(WSM) 蒙皮:skin 蒙皮变形:skin morph 蒙皮包裹:skin wrap 蒙皮包裹面片:skin wrap patch

样条线 IK 控制:spline IK control

曲面变形:surf deform

曲面变形(WSM):surf deform(WSM)

UV坐标:UV coordinates

摄影机贴图:camera map

摄影机贴图(WSM):camera map(WSM)

贴图缩放器(SWM):map scaler(WSM)


展开UVW:unwrap UVW

UVW贴图:UVW map

UVW贴图添加:UVW mapping Add

UVW贴图清楚:UVW mapping clear

UVW贴图变换:UVW mapping XForm

缓存工具:cache tools

点缓存:point cache

点缓存(WSM):point cache(WSM)

细分曲面:subdivision surfaces HSDS修改器:HSDSmordifier


网格平滑:mesh smooth

涡轮平滑:turbo smooth

自由形式变形器:free form deformers FFD长方体:FFDBOX

FFD圆柱体:FFD cylinder

参数变形器:parametric deformers

影响区域:affect region





















置换近似:disp approx

置换网格:displace mesh


按元素分配材质:material by element NURBS编辑:NURBS editing

置换近似:disp approx

曲面变形:surf deform

曲面选择:surface select




三、可编辑样条线修改器菜单 渲染:rendering

在渲染中启用:enable in renderer 在视口中启用:enable in viewport

生成贴图坐标:senerat mapping coords 真实世界贴图大小:real-world map size 视口:viewport






自动平滑:auto smooth





名称选择:named selections



锁定控制柄:lock handles


区域选择:area selection

线段端点:segment end

选择方式:select by。。

显示顶点编号:show vertex number 仅选定:selected only

软选择:soft selection 使用软选择:use soft selection 边距离:edge distance

衰减:fall off




新顶点类型:new vertex type


附加多个:attach mult


绑定首点:bind first

绑定末点:bind last

连接复制:connect copy

端点自动焊接:end point auto-welding 自动焊接:automatic welding








摘要 电子产品应用的领域数字化增长,从电信系统到消费电子电器,需要高采样率的模拟-数字转换器(ADC),更高的分辨率,和更低的能耗。通过提供更快的设备和允许在一个给定的硅区域实现更复杂的功能,集成电路技术部分的发展有助于满足这些需求,但同时带来了新的挑战,其中最重要的是降低电源电压。

基于开关电容(SC)技术,线性架构已经成功利用CMOS技术实现高速高精度ADC的特点。分析电源电压的和技术扩展SC电路的影响被进行 ,并且它表明有超过几代技术的收益可以被预计。运算放大器是一个在SC电路中的中央构建模块,从而比较了拓扑结构和低电压能力。


ADC是前端取样保持(S / H)的不可分割的一部分电路。在高频信号下的线性度主要是由开关利用率决定的。S / H的架构被再次重现,并且依靠开——合的方法切换线性度被研究和应用于两个原型。另一个重要的参数是采样时钟抖动,它被精确设定的时钟生成和缓冲分析且最小化。

使用并行法可以增加ADC的转换量。在双路采样技术电路级,这是一种论证方法。这被应用于S / H电路和一个线性ADC。双向采样的非理性分析被呈现。在系统中并行性被利用在一种时间交叉 ADC。并行信号路径的不匹配产生了错误,因为消除这一有干扰的采样电路和数字偏移校准已经发达。总共七个原型被提出:两个双路采样 S / H电路,一个时间交叉ADC,一个IF-sampling self-calibrated连续ADC,电流舵DAC 限变器,和两个连续ADC使用了这样的技术。







集成级别增加会引出更小的芯片系统,最终目标是一个单芯片解决方案,系统芯片(SoC)。这意味着模拟和数字电路必须合成在同一个硅片上,在模拟电路设计上带来了附加的挑战,如混合信号问题和技术选择的限制。数据转换器本质上是混合信号电路且面临规模较小,甚至没有SoC同样的挑战。此外,科技的发展推动了微处理器行业,因此模拟的发展方向并不总是最好的。然而,最近的无线电信设备市场的快速增长促进了先进的混合信号技术的发展,如硅锗模块 BiCMOS。



A / D转换器

* 1 A / D转换

模拟数字(A / D)转换可以分为两个不同的操作:采样和量化。抽样将连续时间信号转换成相应的离散时间信号,而量化将连续的振幅分布转换成一组离散的水平线,这可以用数字代码表示。

一些A / D转换器(ADC)架构,例如,Flash可以同时执行取样和量化,在某些ADC中,针对直流信号,不需要取样。然而,在高性能ADC中采样和量化通常被分开,让让两个任务的电路更加完美。此外,许多ADC的性能架构不一定需要一个单独的采样电路,通常可以通过添加一个采样电路来改进。

取样操作已经在第三章讨论,并且S / H电路的架构将在第五章进行调查。在本章的其余部分更详细地研究了量化操作和介绍最常见的高速ADC架构。还有一个偏见是最适合CMOS技术的架构。此外,重点是高速和中到高的分辨率ADC(8位或更多)。过采样ADC不在讨论之列。

* 2 Flash ADC

Flash ADC,这是最快、最简单的一个ADC架构。与同等数量的比较器相比,它执行2 n?1水平的量化。比较器的参考电压使用电阻值阶梯生成,确定满量程信号范围的正面(VREF +)和负面(VREF?)参考电压被连接。比较器的输出一起形成2 n?1位代码,下面的比较器的参考值超过信号值的所有的位是一,而上面的部分的位都是零。这种所谓的温度计代码被转换为N-bit二进制字逻辑电路,它也可以包含函数以消除一些错误(泡沫)。

由于输入信号是直接连接到比较器的输入,Flash架构是非常快,速度被比较器限制。因此,最快 报道ADC就是实现这个架构。Flash ADC也有少量延迟,一般是一到两个时钟周期。允许它用于反馈应用程序(如控制回路)。

Flash ADC的最突出的缺点是比较器的数量随位的增加呈指数增长。比较器数量的增加也增加电路的面积,以及能源消耗。因此,非常高分辨率Flash ADC是不切实际的;典型解决方法是使用七位或以下。





最近,Flash ADC的主要应用程序已经存在于磁盘驱动器只读通道电路和局域网接口。通常,6位的几百兆赫采样率的分辨率是必需的。甚至千兆赫速率似乎在最先进的CMOS技术范围内(48,49)。

* 3 局限性和改进

此体系结构中的一个著名问题是重叠的内部信号的频率远高于输入信号的频率。性能结果通常开始降低,信号频率相对较低。这个问题可以通过使用一个S / H电路转换器来缓解,然而,这样往往会削弱速度优势。在分布式跟踪和保持[54]每个差分对的相同放大器都有自己的前置放大器,比起前端S / H电路,跟踪和保持具有较宽松的规格。其结果以较高的速度可以实现。

重叠和内嵌架构最初是因为双极技术的发展,由于良好的VBE匹配和双极型晶体管的高跨导实现精确的开环电路是理想的。另一方面,在MOS晶体管的偏置电压是增加分辨率的主要障碍。因此,如均值[46,55]和自校准[56]技术被用于减少偏移灵敏度。 重叠可以在许多级联电路里被实施,最小化每阶段重叠[46,55]的数量。因此,连接到输入的差分对的数量被减少,这使得晶体管的偏置到一个更大的开源电压,它通过增加跨导增加的速度。容性负载也减少了,从而使电路速度额外增加了。

折叠和内嵌体系结构的采集量能够得到改善,在延迟的时间消耗上,通过使用流水线操作,通过组合级联重叠与分布式T / H作为[57]和[56]的论证来实现。这两种设计中也使用子区域,以减少重叠的数目。

折叠和内嵌ADC的分辨率被设定为8-10位范围和从几十兆赫到一百兆赫的采样率。高达400 MS / s的采样率已经达到[58] - 是6位分辨率。虽然, CMOS的分辨率被限制在10位,但有一个例外[56],它使用背景自校准以便取消折叠放大器的偏移量。

折叠放大器结构是基于不允许低的电压运行的微分组,因为在输入信号摆动的顶部它需要至少VT +2Vdsat对。因此,许多在参考文献中描述的ADC中使用5伏电源,且不低于3伏特。




*1 输出电压范围



*2 输入共模范围



*3 输入共模范围


在SC电路中,运算放大器的输入共模电平不一定是等于输出CM水平,这通常被设置为VDD / 2,从而最大限度地提高信号摆幅。这种自由度可以用在低压电路,例如当一个NMOS输入对被采用,通过设置在CM水平接近VDD,让更多的电压裕量的输入对和尾电流源。在原则上,CM水平可以一路升高到VDD,但随后必须注意,连接到运算放大器的输入PMOS开关正向偏置。

结论 技术扩展将在接下来的几代人给SC电路带来优势,但在那之后降低信号-噪声比电源电压的效果将开始主宰晶体管维度的积极作用。甚至在这之前,最大化信号范围对利用技术扩展的好处是必要的。信号范围最大的影响了opamps,使用轨到轨输出阶段强制性。开关在适应普通的电源电压技术上没有重大困难。相反,当一个比普通电压更小的电源电压被使用或性能要求增加,技术如门电压自举或switched-opamp技术对保证足够小的开关阻力是很需要的。


在宽带无线电接收器上,将信号数字化转变到中高频具有强大的吸引力。它已经证明了抽样可以通过引导开关用相对较高的线性实现。更加基本的问题是抖动,它可以通过广泛的过采样缓解。 大部分效果和独立信号漏极和信号源连接电容的消除在一个高度线性引导开关是至关重要的。这可以最容易用三倍效果的过程完成。同样,尽管随着一个较小的线性增加,也可以用标准CMOS技术被证明出来。时间交错转化率是一种方法来扩展ADC转化率technology-determined限制之外的一个独立的A/ D通道。为消除并行通道间的时间倾斜引起的非均匀采样的影响,前端S / H电路几乎是强制性的。因此,它就变成了一个速度瓶颈,通常限制并行通道的数量最多。

