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**Unit 2 Is this your pencil 教学设计


本单元主要学习一些有关school things的词汇和一些物主代词,并学会用Is this your/his/her? ?来询问物品的所有者,进而掌握一般疑问句的特点以及变法规律。通过本单元的学习,使学生学会确认物品的主人,遗失物品时会寻求帮助,增强同学之间的友谊,使学生知道拾金不昧的伟大和高尚。

Period 1 Section A(1a-1c)

Target language:

1.Words and phrases:

pencil、pencil box、dictionary、book、eraser

2.Key structures:

Is this your pencil?Yes,it is .It’s mine./No, it isn't. It’s his/hers.

3. mine=my +n. yours=your +n.

hers=her+n. his=his+n.

Ability goals:

Enable the Ss to ask who the owner is and give responses..

Emotion and attitude goals: 学会辨认物主,并在交流中感受友情的重要和温馨。 Teaching important/difficult points:



Teaching aids: Recorder. Some school things ,PPT

Teaching Steps

Step 1:Lead- in

1).Greeting and review the 26 letters.

2).Show the Ss some objects they have learned.

--- What’s this in English?

---It’s a ruler/pen/key.

Step 2:Presentation

1.Show some objects and learn the new words using the structure above.

pencil、pencil box、dictionary、book、eraser.

2.T: Pick up one of the objects, and ask a student,:

---Is this your pencil?

S1: Yes, it is.

Help the student answer: It is mine.

T: Ask another student,

---Is this your pencil?

S2: No, it isn't.

Help him/her answer: It is his/hers.

Write the conversations on the blackboard.

And ask the students to read the examples.

Step 3: Pairwork

Make your own dialogues and practice with your partners.

A: What is this in English?

B: It is a ruler.

A: Is this your ruler?

B: Yes, it is. It is mine./ No, it isn’t. It’s his/hers.

Step 4: Listen and number the conversations 1-3

1.Ask the Ss to look at the pictures and say what they can see.

2.Play the tape for the first time, ask the Ss to listen only.

3.Play the tape for the second time, and circle the problems you hear. Pay attention to the key words.

4.Check the answers.

5 Play the tape for the Ss to listen and repeat each sentence.

Step 5: Game: Find the owner.

Show the Ss a box full of school things. And take out one, ask a student:

T:What is this in English?

S: It is a ruler.

T: Is this your ruler?

……(until find the owner of the ruler)

Then ask the Ss to find the owners of the school things in the box.

Step 6 Exercise


1).Is this your eraser? A.It is an orange.

2).What is this in English? B.I am fine, thanks.

3).Nice to meet you. C.Yes, it is.

4).How are you? D.Nice to meet you too.

Step 7: Summary & Homework

1.Learn the key words by heart.

2.Read and recite the dialogs in 1a and 1c.





Unit 11 What do you think of game shows?

Period 1 Listening and speaking

Target language

1. Words and phrases:

show, soap ,soap opera, sitcom, situation, stand, mind ,think of , How about..?

2. Key sentences

What do you think of soap operas?

I can’t stand them. I don’t , either.

I love them. I do, too.

Ability goals:1)学会陈述自己的看法和意见,谈论自己的喜好。


Emotion and attitude goals:


Teaching important/difficult points:

1) 学习掌握陈述自己看法、意见及喜好的词汇和基本句型。

2) 正确运用What do you think of….?及I like /love/don’t like/ can’t stand….等句型


Teaching aids;Recorder, tape ,PPT

Teaching procedures and ways

Step 1 Warming Up

Show pictures of different food: pizza ,broccoli, ice cream, apples , milk ,chicken. T: What’s this? It’s….

What do you think of pizza/apples?

I love/like it /them.

I don’t mind it/ them.

I can’t stand it /them.

Step 2.Pairwork

Ss practice the key structures using pictures on the screen.

Step 3 Presentation

1.Talk about the weekend activities:

What do you usually do on weekend? When a student answers“I watch TV”, introduce different TV games.

2.Show different TV games ,teach new words and phrases.

Tell it like it is 实话实说 Weather Report 天气预报 Man and Nature 人与自然 Animal World 动物世界 CCTV News CCTV 新闻 Healthy Living 健康生活 Step 4. Pairwork

Ss work in pairs talking about the TV shows according to the pictures on screen. What do you think of game shows /Weather Report?

I love/like them/it. I don’t mind them/it. I can’t stand them/it.

Step 5 Listening

1. Play the tape for the first time ,Ss just listen.

2. Play it again, Ss listen and check the answers.

3. Ss listen and repeat sentence by sentence.

Step 6 Tasks

B: He/She loves/likes it. / He/She doesn’t mind it.

He/She can’t stand it. (第三人称的变化是难点)

Task 2: 我做小记者





1. 看表情写对应词、词组。

__________________ ________________ __________________ __________________ ________________

2. 选择填空

1) This is Jay’s new CDs, What do you think ____them? A. at B. of C. on

2) I don’t mind _______.How about you?

A. sport show B. sports show C. sports shows

3) How does Tony like soap operas?

He doesn’t mind ______. A . it B. them C. that

4)I don’t like ice-cream. What about you?

A. I do , too. B. I don’t, too. C. I don’t , either.

5) Thanks for ______ me study English yesterday.

A. help B. helped C. helping

Homework :

1. Memorize new words/phrases by heart.

2. 调查同学们对所学科目的看法,并写成报道。

Blackboard Design

Unit 11 What do you think of game shows?

Period 1

show, soap ,soap opera, What do you think of soap operas?

sitcom, situation, stand, I can’t stand them. I don’t , either.

mind ,think of I love them. I do, too.


这节课的话题内容是学生非常感兴趣的谈论对各种电视节目的看法。创设情景激发学生的学习兴趣,对一堂精彩的课很重要。怎样能最大限度的激发学生的兴趣,如何设计好对话练习,是我教学设计时考虑的重点。从带领学生谈论食物导入,呈现新句型What do you think of…..?及其回答:I like it/them. I don’t mind it/them. I can/t stand it/them.再通过询问周末的活动,自然引入对电视节目的讨论,呈现新单词、短语。在单词巩固好的基础上,重点练习句子,并进行各种人称的变化,让学生熟练地掌握人称变化及动词的第三人称单数形式。在这一环节中,我设计了pairwork,练习what do you think of 及其答句 I like…. 在学生熟练掌握这一句型后,设计活动任务Make a Survey,进行人称变化,这是这节课的难点,what does he/ she/ Lucy/Tom think of ……. He likes/ loves/ doesn’t mind……。任务由易到难,有梯度,最后设计一个开放性活动:我做小记者。练习设计针对性强,效果很好。

篇二:Unit 3 Is this your pencil?单元教学设计

Unit 3 Is this your pencil?单元计划

Learning Objectives

In this unit, students will learn to identify ownership of personal belongings. They will also be able to spell the name of the object for confirmation. 一、Topics(话题):

Things in the classroom

二、Functions (功能)

Identify ownership

三Structures (结构) Possessive pronouns mine, yours, his, hers Yes/no

questions and short answers Lost and found

四、Target Language (目标语言)

Is this your pencil? Yes, it is. It’s mine.

Are these your books? No, they aren’t. They’re hers.

五、Vocabulary (词汇)

pencil, pencil box, schoolbag, book, easer, notebook, dictionary, bag, baseball, computer game, ID card, watch, ring, mine, your, his, hers

Thank you for .., ask ... for ..., a set of

六、Skills (技能)

Listening and reading for specific information

七、Recycling (复习巩固)

What’s this? It’s ... How do you spell it?


本单元以school things为话题,主题是“确认物品的所有权”,物品主要围绕着教室内学生身边的常用物品,在教学时老师能够使用实物进行教学,增强学生的学习效果。事实表明,如果将真实的语言材料引入学习环境,并与社会的语言活动结合起来,学生的学习效果将是事半功倍的。也就是说,作为授课的老师,我们要结合所授内容,努力为学生创造真实的、贴近生活的情境。通过单元教学使学生学会辨认物品的所有者,学会根据场景询问物品的所属,以及学会写寻物启事和招领启事。

与其他单元一样,本单元共六页(6 pages),其中包括Section A, Section B和Self Check。 Section A (Pages 13–15) 学会询问物品的所属。提供了本单元教学的基本词汇和语言结构,为本单元的目标句型提供示例和指导性练习,通过简单的语言活动进行操练和巩固;Page 13, 14有听、说、读。

1a, 1b, 1c 重点学习一些表示学习用具的词,学会询问物品的所属。

2a, 2b, 2c, 2d继续学习表示学习用具的词。重点学习运用询问物品所属的句型。 3a, 3b, 3c 学会用英语询问物品的名称,进一步巩固询问物品所属的句型。

Section B (Pages 16 & 17) 学会写招领启事和寻物启事。在已有的基础上开展的,Grammar Focus, Page 3是语言运用。许多知识点都是以旧带新,但学习任务的难度在逐渐递升,口头训练也过度到笔头训练,通过这部分的学习,使学生能够对已学过的目标句型运用自如。

1a, 1b, 1c, 1d, 1e学会判断物品的所属。 2a, 2b, 2c学会写招领启事和寻物启事。

Self Check 检测本单元所学词汇知识,学会询问物品的所属,学会询问物品的名称。





3)思维能力: 该年龄段的学生有很强的记忆力和模仿能力,有待培养知识的扩展和运用的能力。


The first period (Section A:1a–2d)Listening

The second period (Section A:Grammar Focus–3c)

Listening and speaking (I) The third period (Section B: 1a–1e) Listening and speaking (II) The fourth period (Section B: 2a–2c) Reading, speaking and writing The fifth period (Self Check)Revision and testing

Unit 3 Is this your pencil?

Section A 1a —1c

【学习目标】:1、掌握词汇pen, pencil, book, ruler, eraser, backpack, pencil case, pencil sharpener, dictionary 等

2、学会句型:Is this/that---?以及回答Yes, it is./No, it isn't. 从而掌握指示代词:this, that

【学习重点】: 掌握指示代词:this, that的用法


一、自主学习(教师寄语:Knowledge is power.)

学习任务一: 熟练掌握词汇pen, pencil, book, ruler, eraser, backpack, pencil case, pencil sharpener, dictionary 等


2. 个人试读,组内相互纠正发音.

3. 老师领读,学生纠正自己的发音.



学习任务二: 学会句型:Is this/that---?以及回答Yes, it is./No, it isn't. 从而掌握指示代词:this, that


名词前面常站岗,限定所属有功劳.复习my, your, his, her

2.利用实物引入句型:Is this/that---?使用不同的物品来练习my, your, his, her eg. T: This is my pen. Is this your pen?

S1:No,it isn't. It's your pen. etc.




二、合作共建(教师寄语:Many hands make light work. )


三、系统总结(教师寄语:No man can do two things at once.)






your dictionary________________ his backpack_________________ my ruler ____________ _____ 一块橡皮____________________

我的铅笔盒__________________ 他的卷笔刀__________________

她的书_______________ ___


1.This is _____eraser.

A. a B. an C. the D./

2.—Is that your book? —__________.

A. That isn't B. It isn't. C. Yes, that isn't D. No, it isn't.

3.This ____ my key.

A. is B. isn't C. not D. no

4.—Is this your backpack? —___________.

A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, it isn't. C. No, it is. D. It isn't.




是的,它是.______ , ___________________

3.这是她的字典吗? ______________________________

不,它不是.这是我的字典.________ , _______________. It's __________________.


1.My name is Gina. (对划线部分提问) ________ _______ your name? 2.It's an orange. (对划线部分提问) _________ _________ this?

3.Is that your notebook? (做否定回答) _______ ,_____________.



Unit 3 Is this your pencil?

Section A 2a—2c



【学习重点】: 学习识别物主的句型


一、自主学习(教师寄语:Knowledge is power.)

学习任务一: 会读写8页上的单词及短语




单词:橡皮 ________ 铅笔盒________ 课本 _________

尺子 ________ 双肩背包_________ 铅笔_________

短语:打扰了_________ 谢谢___________ 我的铅笔__________

她的尺子_______ 你的橡皮_________他的钢笔__________

学习任务二: 听录音,练习对话








二、合作共建(教师寄语:Many hands make light work. )


三、系统总结(教师寄语:No man can do two things at once.)



四、诊断评价(教师寄语:No pains, no gains)


(1)Is that her e________

(2)This is a pencil c_______

(3)What's this ? It's a r______

(4)E______ me. Is this your pencil?


(1)—Is this your eraser? —__________

A. Yes, it's . B. Yes, it is. C. Yes, is. D. It is.

(2)Is that ______ pencil sharpener?

A. he B. him C. his D. you

(3)This is _____ bag.

A. me B. I C. my. D. you

(4) —Is that his case? —__________.

A. Yes, that is . B. Yes, it isn't. C. No, it is. D.No, it isn't.


(1)—______ _______(这是) your pencil ?

—______ , ________ ________(是,它是)

(2)—_______ _______(那是)his book?

—_____, it _____(不,它不是).It is_______(我的)book..




(3)那是她的课本吗?不,那是 我的课本。



Unit 3 Is this your pencil?

Section A 3—Section B 2c


2、掌握句型:What’s this in English? It’a /an ? How do you spell it?


【学习重点】: 确认物主关系以及拼读单词的句型.

一、自主学习(教师寄语:Knowledge is power.)

学习任务一: 熟练读 写本课13个单词.



3、 完成P10, 1a 将词语和图中物品搭配

学习任务二: 运用句型:What’s this in English? It’a/an?

How do you spell it? 进行自由交际.

1、预习P9 , 3,试着说出图中出现的5中物品名称.


A:What's this in English?B:It's a pen.

A: How do you spell it? B:P--E--N.

A:Is this your pen? B:Yes,it is./No,it isn't.

1) 自读并试着理解对话.

2) 小组讨论对话意思.




学习任务三: 听听力,完成Section B 1a ,2a,2b.


篇三:Unit3 Is this your pencil教案

Unit3 Is this your pencil? 教案

Period1 Section A 1a-1c

向 兰





1. 调动学生学英语和说英语的积极性。

2. 使学生了解并掌握一些学习用品的英语表达。

3. 学习本课的知识点。

(1) 词汇:pencil, book, eraser, box, pencil box, schoolbag,

dictionary, his, mine, hers

(2) 句型:–Is this/ that your pencil?

– Yes, it is. It’s mine.

No, it isn’t. It’s his/ hers.

4. 训练学生在听录音时听懂简单英语词汇的能力。


1. 词汇:pencil, book, eraser, box, pencil box, schoolbag, dictionary,

his, mine, hers

2. 句型:–Is this/ that your pencil?

– Yes, it is. It’s mine.

No, it isn’t. It’s his/ hers.


让学生运用所学句型“Is this/ that your pencil? Yes, it is. It’s mine. / No, it isn’t. It’s his/ hers.”等内容对物品的所属进行问答,能辨认物品的所有者。


Step1: Greetings and talking



For example:

T: What’s this in English?

Ss: It’s a pen.

T: What color is it?

Ss: It’s blue.


Step2: Lead-in & Presentation

利用实物直接导入,通过师生问答学习新单词:pencil, book, eraser, schoolbag, dictionary, pencil box, mine, his, hers。

For example:

T: This is a pencil. Read after me, pencil, pencil, pencil. (利用升降调)

Ss: pencil, pencil, pencil. (利用升降调)

T: This is my pencil. It’s mine.

This is his book. It’s his.

This is her eraser. It’s hers. Now read the three words after me. Ss: Mine, mine, mine. His, his, his. Hers, hers, hers. (利用升降调)

Step3: Practice the new words



2. 让学生完成课本P13 1a, 将单词与图片中物品配对。

Give the students one minute to finish 1a. Then check the answers. Step4: A game:抢答

Give one picture each time quickly. If students know the thing, hand up and say its name.

Step5: Present the new sentences


For example:

T: Now, look at me. This is her pencil. And this is his book. And that is her pen. Is this your pencil?

Ss: Yes, it is. It’s mine.

T: Is this your book?

Ss: No, it isn’t. It’s his.

T: Is that your pen?

Ss: No, it isn’t. It’s hers.

Step6: Practice the new sentences

学生四人一组,小组内同学利用自己的学习物品,操练句型“Is this your??”让学生特别注意“mine, his, hers”的用法。

For example:

S1: Is this your dictionary?

S2: No, it isn’t. It’s hers. Is this your schoolbag?

S3: Yes, it is. Is this your pencil box?

S4: No, it isn’t. It’s his.

Step7: Listening

1. Listen and number the conversations [1-3].

2. Listen again and repeat the conversations.

3. Let the students read the conversations together.

Step8: Summary



Step9: Homework

1. Read and recite the new words on page13.

2. Read and recite the conversations in 1b.

Step10: Exercise


篇四:Is this your pencil教案

Unit 3 Is this your eraser?


本单元围绕“识别物品的所属”,使学生学会询问物品的主人的基本句型“Is this/that your/her/his pencil? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.; Are these/those your/her/his pens? Yes, they are. No, they aren't.”,体会一般疑问句的用法;由形容词性物主代词的用法,到初步学习名词性物主代词的用法;学习如何写“失物招领、寻物启事”,巩固所学单词的拼写“How do you spell pen? P-E-N.”。 通过本单元的教学,使学生学会辨认物品的所有者,学会根据场景询问物品的所属,以及英语中对应的表达法,学会写寻物启事和失物招领。教师应着力培养学生能在日常交际交往中有效地使用语言进行表达,与他人沟通信息,为今后学习打下坚实的语言基础。本单元与第二单元衔接紧密,由this,that的学习过渡到these, those的学习,由指示一个人、物过渡到指示多个人、物,使学生学会区分远近单复数。


本单元的主题是识别物品的所属,同时引导学生采用实物演示、课件模拟、小组合作学习和Role playing的学习策略,学习新词汇,掌握重点句型,使学生能比较好地解决类似问题(失物招领、寻物启事),既能提高学生解决问题的能力,又能巩固所学知识。该部分学习内容贴近学生的生活,谈论的主题是学生最关心的问题,极易于激发学生的主动性和学习兴趣。培养学生拾金不昧的精神和助人为乐、团结友爱的品德。


采用Using contest guessing和Role playing的学习策略,利用实物演示、教学图片或制作多媒体课件来展开课堂Pair work, Group work的口语交际活动,识别物品的所属,体会指示代词、一般疑问句的用法。



Section A (1a-2d) 用1课时

Section A (Grammar Focus-3c) 用1课时

Section B (1a-2c) 用1课时

Section B (3a-Self Check) 用1课时

Section A (1a-2d)


1. 语言知识目标:

1) 能掌握下列词汇: pencil, book, eraser, box, pencil box, schoolbag, dictionary, his, hers, mine, yours, teacher, excuse me, You're welcome.

2) 能掌握以下句型:

① — Excuse me. Is this/that…? — Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.

② — Excuse me. Are these/those…? — Yes, they are. / No, they aren't.

③ What about …?

3) 能初运用名词性物主代词mine, yours, his, hers;理解名词性物主代词和形容词性物主代词在用法上的区别。

2. 情感态度价值观目标:



1. 教学重点:


① — Excuse me. Is this/that …? — Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.

② — Excuse me. Are these/those …? — Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t.

③ What about …?

2)能初步运用名词性物主代词mine, yours, his, hers;理解名词性物主代词和形容词性物主代词在用法上的区别。

2. 教学难点:

能初步运用名词性物主代词mine, yours, his, hers;理解名词性物主代词和形容词性物主代词在用法上的区别。


Ⅰ. Warming-up and revision

1. Greeting the Ss. Good morning! /Hello!/ Hi! ...

2. Let some Ss show their family photo. Ask:

— Is this your…? — Yes, she/he is. /No, she/he isn’t.

— Are these/those your…? — Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t.

3. Collect some items (pen, ruler, cup, book, pencil…) from the students and ask: What’s this in English?

What’s that in English?

(Help them answer like this: It’s a/an …)

Have them work in pairs to practice the questions.

4. Provide more words by showing the students the picture in 1a.

T: What can you see in the picture? Collect their answers. Also ask them to finish 1a by themselves. Check their answers.

4. Let Ss read the new words aloud after the teacher. Then try to remember the new words. Ⅱ. Presentation

1. Pretend that you don’t know whose these things are and ask A:

“Is this your book?” And lead him/her to answer: “Yes, it is. It’s mine.”

Then take another one and ask its owner: “Is this your schoolbag?” Help him/her to answer: “No, it isn’t. It’s his.”

Have the students ask and answer in pairs. (Maybe when they do this, they’ll make mistakes, so the teacher come to them and give them help if necessary.) Then ask them to act their dialogues out.

— Is this your book?

— Yes, it is. It’s mine.

— Is this your schoolbag?

— No, it isn’t. It’s his/hers.

2. Tell Ss: my book = mine; his book = his; her book = hers

Ⅲ. Listening

T: Now please listen to the three conversations, the first time you only listen. Then I play again. And this time you listen and number the conversations.

(Point to the boxes to show where students write the numbers for the conversations. Teacher plays the tape and students listen to it and finish 1b.)

T: Let’s check the answers, OK?

Ss: … (from left to right)

T: Thank you.

Ⅳ. Pair work

1. Get the students to work in pairs to practice these conversations.

2. Ask them to practice in groups. Walk around the classroom to check pronunciation and intonation. Then call some groups to perform their conversations in front of the class. Ⅴ. Listening

1. Work on 2a.

T: Please look at the pictures in 2a. Can you say their English name?

(Teacher asks the students to name each one individually.)

S1: This is …

S2: This is …

S3: …

T: Now please take out the objects in 2a and put them on the desk. You will listen to a dialogue and please pick up the things you hear. Let’s see who will do fastest and best. (Play the recording for the students to listen.)


T: Now let’s check the answers. Please hold the things you hear and say their English names, OK?

(Make sure students hold the things to show them to the other students.)

2. Work on 2b.

T: Now please read the words. One holds the things, the others read them aloud one by one.

(One student holds the things, and the other students say the words aloud.)

T: This time you will listen to the recording again, and you will write one of the words from the box on each blank line.

(Play the recording. Students listen and complete the conversation.)

T: Let’s check the answers. I’d like to ask three students to read the conversation in role. (Three students read the conversation, filling the missing words. The rest of the students check their answers.)

Ⅵ. Pair work

1. T: Now please practice the conversation with your partner.

2. Ask some pairs to act out the dialogue in front of the class.

3. T: Now collect some more school things from your classmates. Then make a new conversation with your partner. Then practice your conversation.

4. Ask some pairs stand up and act out their dialogue using the school things they collected.

Ⅶ. Presentation

1. Take a pen and a dictionary from S1. Then ask another S2. (S1= Li Ming, S2= Sun Tao)

T: Is this your pen, Li Ming?

S1: No, it isn’t. It’s his.

T: This is not Li Ming’s pen. It’s Sun Tao’s pen.

(Write Li Ming’s, Sun Tao’s on t(来自:WWw.SmhaiDa.com 海达范文网:is,this,a,pencil教案)he blackboard. Tell Ss this knowledge is “名词所有格”,It is the same as my, his, her, your ...)

T: Then what about this dictionary? Is this your dictionary, Li Ming?

S2: No, it isn’t. It’s Sun Tao’s. (This time help S2 answer the question with “Sun Tao’s”)

2. Let Ss understand the using of “名词所有格”, and repeat the sentences:

This is not Li Ming’s pen. It’s Sun Tao’s.

What about this dictionary? It’s Sun Tao’s.

Ⅷ. Role-play

1. Read the conversation and underline the school things in the dialogue.

(Ss read the dialogue and underline the school things. Check their answers with their partner.)

2. Now look at the screen. Read the conversation again and match the things with its owner.

(Ss read the conversation and match the things with its owner. Check their answers with their partner.)

3. Let Ss read the dialogue after the teacher. Then let Ss practice the conversation.

4. Ask some pairs to act out the conversation in front of the class.

5. 评价:(让学生们对自己的表现及语言表达能力进行自我评价,在小组内评价,然后进行评出最优秀的小组。并鼓励学生们下一次争取做最优秀的小组及个人。) Homework:

篇五:七年级英语上册 Unit 3 Is this your pencil?Section A(第二课时)教案 (新版)人教新目标版

Unit 3 Is this your pencil?

第二课时 2a-3c Grammar Focus


1.Get the students to learn to talk about ownership.

2.Get the students to learn to ask the names of the objects in English. 教学内容

New words: teacher, about, What about?? yours, for, thank you for, help, welcome, You’re welcome

New sentences: -- What’s this in English?

--It’s a pen.

--Are these your pencils?

--No, they’re Bob’s..

教学步骤 I. Warming- up and revision

Play a game.

Task: Students’ activities Teacher’s activities

Game: throw the ball while asking and answering the question. In groups, one student throws the ball and asks: What’s this in English? The other one answers it ,then throw the ball again. Do this game first as an example. T: Spell it, please.? “P-E-N-C-I-L”. Dictation Words and expressions: 1 谢谢你 2 一块橡皮 3 一个箱子 4 一本字典 5 一支钢笔 6 一本书 7 一个卷笔刀 8 原谅 Sentences: 1 -这是你的尺子吗?-不,不是的。是她的尺子。2 -那是你的双肩包吗?-不,不是的。是他的双肩包。3-这是你的铅笔吗? -是的。是我的铅笔。

Divide the class into Group A and B. Draw two baby birds on the blackboard as their symbols, tell the students that each time they answer questions right, they can get one or more points for their group and draw one or more clouds below their bird, at the end of the class, the group which gets more clouds will be the winner today. Say, “One, two, three!” Get the whole class sit straight, thus announce the beginning of the competition II. Presentation T: Boys and girls, let’s play a guessing game, “What’s in the box?” OK? Cover one student’s eyes with a cloth and let him or her guess what it is.

Show the students a box by using the following sentences:

What’s this in English? It’s a box.. Is it a ruler? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t. It’s a pencil.

III. Questions and answers

What’s the date today? What’s the weather like today? What day is it today? Write the answers on the blackboard.

Ⅳ.Work on 2d Practice the conversation.

Ⅴ.Put in order to make a sentence.

Competition goes on. Say which group can be the first one to finish the sentence.. this, is, pencil, your ? pay attention to the mark of each sentence.. is, book , his, that?

is, this, in , what, English ? pen, a, is , it.

it, you, do, how, spell? is, it, pencil, my?

not, is , no, it.

Ⅵ.Listen and repeat

T: Now let’s listen to the tape and repeat. Please try to read like the tape. Ⅶ Grammar Focus

Ⅷ Work on 3a

Ⅸ Work on 3b

Ⅹ Game

Get the students to look at the slides on the screen. First show a picture of a dictionary. And ask “What’s this in English?” Students answer “It’s a pen.” Then the teacher asks “How do you spell it?” students say “P---E---N. T: Is that your dictionary? Ss: No, it isn’t. It is Tim’s dictionary. Show more slides like this. After the students are familiar with the sentence pattern, ask them to practice according to the sentences on the screen. This is a mechanical drilling. Competition between two groups. See which group can be the fastest one to finish the task. Do it like this. First ask them to practice with the deskmate. Then choose two big groups and compete. The group which can finish the dialogue within the shortest time is the winner. Then the teacher will give them a point.

Ⅺ Homework

Listen and read after the tape for thirty minutes. Recite the conversation of Section A,3.

Write down the Chinese meaning of the new words and key sentences, then translate them into English.
