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TO Success: Opportunity or hard-working?

Every body wants to succeed. But when it comes to the question that which factor leads to success, opportunity or hard-work, different people will offer different answers.

Some people think that opportunity is the first factor leading to success. They hold the idea, as a proverb saying, “Man proposes, god disposes”. Because almost all successful people have good luck and have caught their valuable opportunities, they believe that opportunity is a leading condition of the success. If seizes and makes the best use of opportunity available, one can succeed surely. In summary, to them, chances and lucks play the most important role on the road to success.

However, others maintain that “no pains, no gains” .Without exerting oneself, one could never expect to achieve success in no matter what one is doing. As is known to all, there is no royal road to the summit of success. One is likely to succeed only when one has worked with whole-hearted devotion and perseverance. Those who are lazy, sloppy and indifferent to their work, those who never concentrate on work will definitely end in failure. On the whole, as far as they are concerned, hard-working is the decisive factor to success.

In my view, both hard work and opportunity eventually matters. They are inseparable from each other, and put together, they make a great success. Hard work is to luck what fish is to water, and can be seen as an interior precondition of success. It lays the corner-stone for building a house while luck serves to cement it, to make the building bricks adherent to one another. They are the twins that contribute to success together. They are the factors from within and without respectively. We must work hard, make efforts and get prepared. When opportunities come, meet and make full use of them. Only in this way can we succeed one day.


Chinese policy makers have a taste for thegrandiose. Their most eye-catching plan of late hasbeen the “one belt one road” directive. It aims tobuild infrastructure links from China to Europe andthe rest of Asia, cementing ties with central Asianand Middle Eastern neighbours en route. 中国政策制定者对宏大情有独钟。近来他们最引人注目的计划是“一带一路”。该计划着眼于建设连通中国、欧洲和亚洲其余地方的基础设施,巩固中国与沿线的中亚和中东国家的纽带。 Yesterday’s news that state-owned China RailwayConstruction Corp has signed $5.5bn of contracts inNigeria and Zimbabwe — following the signing of an even larger one in Nigeria late last year —shows how far this “new silk road” extends.

昨日,中国铁路建设总公司(China Railway Construction Corp)在尼日利亚和津巴布韦签下55亿美元大单的消息,显示出这条“新丝绸之路”延伸得多远。该公司去年晚些时候还在尼日利亚签署了一笔更大的合约。

Last year, China’s government kicked off the plan by pledging $40bn to an infrastructure fund.This month it announced a capital injection of more than $60bn into two policy banks to beefup lending capacity. The sums are likely to grow. This month China promised $45bninfrastructure investment to Pakistan. The appetite is there: Asia alone needs to add $11tn inurban infrastructure by 2030, HSBC reckons. Countries such as Thailand and Indonesia have ashortfall of domestic capital. The former is already working with China on rail plans. 去年,中国政府承诺为一家基础设施基金提供400亿美元,作为“一带一路”的启动资金。本月,中国政府宣布向两家政策银行注资逾600亿美元,以提高它们的放贷能力。这个数字可能还会继续增加。本月,中国承诺对巴基斯坦进行450亿美元的基础设施投资。资金需求摆在那儿:汇丰(HSBC)估计,仅亚洲到2030年就需要新增11万亿美元的城市基础设施。泰国和印尼这样的国家国内资本存在缺口。前者已开始与中国合作实施铁路计划。 The largesse will not just flow abroad. Nearly $250bn will be spent in China’s provinces, HSBCsays, with transport a key focus. The government has targeted $130bn for railway investmentthis year.


Naturally, then, infrastructure companies have been outperforming even as the Chinese marketas a whole surges. The Hong Kong-listed shares of China CNR and CSR Corp, state-ownedrolling stock makers whose merger was approved last month, have each risen by one half thisyear. They trade at chunky price-earnings multiples in the mid-20s, to go with mid-teens salesgrowth. The

mainland A share listings have done even better, more than quintupling in thesame period. They now trade at high premiums to the Hong Kong listings, having previouslytraded at a discount.


Not all of the sector is so dear. China Communications Construction, China Railway Constructionand China Railway Group Hong Kong shares all trade at low to mid-teens multiples for double-digit growth. The shares have risen even more strongly than the railcar makers. One mightwonder how long this train can keep rolling. At the same time, the combined revenues of all fiveis just $280bn. Given the size of their potential markets, the share may not come off the railsjust yet.


(China Communications Construction)、中国铁建(China Railway Construction)和中国中铁(China Railway Group)的H股市盈率都为十几倍,增长率则为两位数。这些股票涨幅甚至超过了中国南车和中国北车。有人可能会怀疑这辆火车还能轰隆前行多久。与此同时,上述五家公司的营收之和仅2800亿美元。考虑到潜在市场的规模,它们的股票涨势应该暂时还不会脱轨。



《You Have Only One Life》

There are moments in life when you miss someone so much that you just want to pick them from your dreams and hug them for real! Dream what you want to dream;go where you want to go;be what you want to be,because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do.

May you have enough happiness to make you sweet,enough trials to make you strong,enough sorrow to keep you human,enough hope to make you happy? Always put yourself in others’shoes.If you feel that it hurts you,it probably hurts the other person, too.

The happiest of people don’t necessarily have the best of everything;they just make the most of everything that comes along their way.Happiness lies for those who cry,those who hurt, (Inspirational quotes yuedu.mipang.com)those who have searched,and those who have tried,for only they can appreciate the importance of people

who have touched their lives.Love begins with a smile,grows with a kiss and ends with a tear.The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past, you can’t go on well in lifeuntil you let go of your past failures and heartaches.

When you were born,you were crying and everyone around you was smiling.Live your life so that when you die,you're the one who is smiling and everyone around you is crying.

Please send this message to those people who mean something to you,to those who have touched your life in one way or another,to those who make you smile when you really need it,to those that make you see the brighter side of things when you are really down,to those who you want to let them know that you appreciate their friendship.And if you don’t, don’t worry,nothing bad will happen to you,you will just miss out on the opportunity to brighten someone’s day with this message.



油井 (oil well) 指任何钻透地球表面 (Earth's surface) 的钻孔 (boring) , 目是发现(find)或生产(produce)石油(petroleum/oil/hydrocarbons)。 专门生产天然气的叫气井(gas well)。 油井一般经历五个阶段:计划(planning)、钻井(drilling)、完井 (completion)、生产(production)与报废(abandonment)。

首先用钻机 (drilling rig)通过钻具(drill string) 上的钻头 (drill bit)在地上钻出 127-914.4 毫米的孔(hole),然后在钻孔(borehole)中下钢制油管(steel tubing)与套管(casing)。套管与钻孔之间还可能需要用水泥 (cement) 来固定。 套管为井孔 (wellbore) 提供结构上的整体性 (structural integrity),同时隔离(isolate)危险的高压区(high pressure zone)。随着井深加大,钻头和套管尺寸会变小。现在的油井通常都有 2-5 个逐渐变小的井 口尺寸。 钻头通过与之连接的钻铤 (drill collar) 来钻进岩层。 钻井液 (drilling fluid/mud)通过钻杆(drill pipe)内部泵入钻头, 作用包括冷却(cooling) 钻头、提升钻屑(drill cuttings)、避免井壁(wellbore wall )不稳定以及 避免岩层液体由于压力进入井眼。使用过的钻井液用振动筛(shaker)去掉钻屑后返回泥浆池(pit)循环利用。通过在地面的顶部驱动装置(top drive/ kelly)增加额外的 10 米长的钻杆(joints)来增加钻井深度。这个过程叫接单根(making a connection)。三根钻杆叫一个立根或立柱(stand)。小的钻机使用两根的立根,大的则可以使用四根的立根。 在钻井和下套管后,必须进行完井,这样才能生产油或气。 在下套管完井 (cased-hole completion)中,在油井底部生产区(production zone)要进行 射孔(perforation),这样原油(crude oil)就可以从周围岩层中流入油管。 在裸眼完井(open-hole completion)中,要在没有套管的油藏(reservoir) 部分安装滤砂管(sand screen)或砾石充填(gravel pack)。在原油流动通道 (flow path)完成后,要泵入酸和压裂液(acids and fracturing fluids)来压裂(fracture)与清洁,使油藏岩石生产最多的原油。在油藏区之上要安装尺 寸小于套管的油管。有些油井的井下油藏(subsurface reservoir)压力可将油 气推到地表。在枯竭(depleted)油田或油藏渗透性(permeability)很低的情况下, 井下压力不足以推动油气上升。 这就需要人工提升方法 (artificial lift method)。通常办法有深井泵(down-hole pump)、气举(gas lift)或地面抽 油机 (surface pump jack), 目前有很多新技术。多级封隔器 (multiple packer) 系统可以大大降低成本,特别是在水平

井(horizontal well)中。 在钻机与修井机(workover rig/pulling unit)离开后,井口一般会安装(outfit)各种阀门(valve)组成的采油树(production tree),调整压力 (regulate pressures)、控制流量(control flows)同时便于进行进一步的 完 井 工作 。 原 油 从 出 油 阀 ( outlet valve ) 联 入 配 送 管 道 与 油 罐 网 络 ( distribution network of pipelines and tanks ) , 将 产 品 输 送 到 炼 厂 (refinery)、天然气压缩站(natural gas compressor station)或原油出口 终端(export terminal)。

老井常需要大修(workover),一般通过修井机换油管,或使用连续油管(coiled tubing)等修井技术(well intervention/well work) 提高采收率的方法 。 Enhanced recovery method)

【即三次采油 (tertiary recovery)】包括注水(water flooding)、注汽(steam flooding)或注入二 氧化碳(carbon dioxide flooding),提高油藏压力,将烃类(hydrocarbons) 清扫出来。这需要注入井(injection well),通常是利用老井。

当油井不能生产或者生产量非常小的时候,可以报废(abandon)。油管被 取出,同时在井眼中注入水泥封住不同气与水区域的通道。一般不需要对整个井 眼注入水泥,只要将井口装置(wellhead)挖出(excavate),套管割断,然后 焊接(weld)一个封盖(cap)即可。 油井可以生产石油、天然气与石油或天然气。天然气通常是石油生产的副产 品 (byproduct). 在井场 (well site) 不需要的天然气存在处理问题(disposal problem),以前是在井场就烧掉,但是由于环保问题,目前通常是重新注入地 下。油井也可以分为路上(onshore)与海上(offshore),但油井本身并无多大区别。

油井还可以分为: 生产井(production well):生产油或气;

评价井(appraisal well);评估油藏特性(characteristics)。

勘探井(exploration well):新区块的勘探。

野猫井(wildcat well):在边缘地区(frontier area)钻的碰运气的井。

油井(oil producer) 气井(gas producer)

注水井(water injector) 蓄水层井(aquifer producer) 注汽井(gas injector)


The hue and cry of Britain’s general electionobscures an inconvenient truth. The first peacetimecoalition since the 1930s is likely to be followed byanother inconclusive election. The old world of twoparty politics delivering decisive single partygovernment may be over. 英国大选中的喧闹声掩盖了一个不好说出口的事实。英国自上世纪30年代以来首届诞生于和平时期的联合政府即将任满,但很可能再次迎来一场没有决定性结果的选举。两党政治产生行动果决的一党政府的旧世界或已终结。 David Cameron, prime minister, and Ed Miliband, theLabour party leader, still hope they can snatch outright victory on May 7. Voters appearunmoved. This has been a dispiriting campaign, where a few dozen swing constituencies havebeen targeted like battleground states in a US presidential election. For Cuyahoga County,Ohio, read Solihull, West Midlands.

现任首相戴维?卡梅伦(David Cameron)和工党(Labour party)党魁埃德?米利班德

(Ed Miliband)仍然希望在5月7日的选举中取得全面胜利。选民看上去无动于衷。这是一场令人沮丧的竞选,几十个摇摆选区就像美国总统选举中的摇摆州一样,被各党派激烈争夺。你只用把西米德兰兹郡(West Midlands)的索利哈尔(Solihull),想象成俄亥俄州的凯霍加县(Cuyahoga)。

A tactical, data-driven campaign mobilising core supporters ignores how Tony Blair and, morerecently, Angela Merkel in Germany reached out to the centre ground and won three successiveelections. The lesson should still hold true in Britain, despite the fragmentation of politicsrepresented by the rise of the Scottish National party and the europhobic UK Independenceparty. 这场竞选讲究策略、依赖数据,动员核心支持者,而忽略了前英国首相托尼?布莱尔

(Tony Blair)以及德国现任总理安格拉?默克尔(Angela Merkel)走中间路线连续三次赢得选举的经验。这一经验在英国应该仍然管用,尽管苏格兰民族党(SNP)和恐欧的英国独立党(UKIP)崛起使英国政坛碎片化。

Five years ago, the prospect of coalition government attracted dire predictions of instability inmarkets and gridlock at Westminster. Neither proved true. The Conservative-Liberal Democratcoalition has shown European-style cohabitation can work. Curiously, Mr Cameron has nottrumpeted its successes. He has preferred to wage a campaign of fear. Labour, he argues,would prove untrustworthy on the economy; and a Labour government would be held hostageby a separatist Scottish National party. The risk of a cross-border leftist alliance is notnegligible; but even some Tories worry that its invocation encourages English nationalism.

5年前曾流传一种悲观预言,认为联合政府上台将导致市场动荡,议会也将陷入僵局。这两点都没有成真。保守党与自民党(The Liberal Democrats)的结盟证明了欧洲式的联合执政行得通。奇怪的是,卡梅伦并未大肆宣扬联合政府的成功。他选择打“恐惧”牌。他提出,工党的经济政策不可靠;工党政府将被奉行独立的苏格兰民族党绑架。出现一个跨境左翼联盟的风险不可忽视,但就连一些保守党人也担心,总提这一点将会助长英格兰的民族主义情绪。

Labour’s campaign has also played relentlessly to its core vote. Mr Miliband has belatedlysigned up to balance the budget in the next parliament. Fearful of public sector unions, he hasnot specified where heavy spending cuts would fall. He has rarely met a market he did notconsider to be broken. Only Nick Clegg, the embattled Liberal Democrat leader, has occupiedthe centre ground. He has argued persuasively that the Lib Dems contributed to sensiblefiscal consolidation and tempered the wilder Tory impulses, particularly on Europe.

工党在竞选活动中也不遗余力地争取核心选民。米利班德承诺在下届议会推动预算平衡,尽管他这么说有点晚了。因为担心遭到公共部门工会的反对,他没有具体阐明削减开支的重头戏将落在哪里。很少有一个市场在他看来是不失灵的。占据中间道路的只有眼下处境不妙的自民党党魁尼克?克雷格(Nick Clegg)。他令人信服地指出,自民党促进了合理的财政整固,缓和了保守党一些较为疯狂的冲动,特别是在欧洲问题上。

The Financial Times has no fixed party political allegiances, but we have a clear vision of thepriorities for the next administration.


The economic challenge goes beyond cutting public spending. The government must supportenterprise and job creation. The dependence on credit-fuelled consumer spending andLondon-based financial services must be reduced. Britain’s productivity gap must benarrowed, by long-delayed investment in infrastructure, education and housing. A newconstitutional settlement is needed, one that preserves the union and transfers powersrationally and fairly to the nations and regions of the UK. On Europe, it is time for constructiveengagement. A new relationship would recognise the UK is not part of the monetary core butis still a vital member of the European family of nations.



The choice is therefore between a dynamic, flexible and open economy delivering higher livingstandards for all, and a pinched nationalism that clings to the past. Little England or GreatBritain.


The UK is in far better shape than in 2010. Growth has picked up sharply. The numbers ofthose in work are at an all-time high. About 2m new jobs have been created. But austerityspells a joyless recovery and the public finances remain fragile. The deficit is shrinking to anexpected 4


per cent of national output this year. This is still too high but better than the near12 per cent when the coalition took over.


Britain needs a strong economy to fund the National Health Service and an ageing population.But a strong economy alone does not guarantee political stability. Today, the integrity of theUnited Kingdom remains at stake. The failure of the Scottish National party to win lastSeptember’s referendum on independence ought to have settled the issue for a generation.But if the SNP wins most of the 59 seats in Scotland, it could hold the balance of power atWestminster. At the very least, this will complicate new constitutional arrangements betweenEngland, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland; at worst, it could stoke separatist fire northand south of the river Tweed.

英国需要强劲的经济,来为国民卫生服务体系(NHS)和日益老龄化的人口提供资金。但仅凭强劲的经济无法保证政治稳定。眼下,联合王国的完整仍面临威胁。苏格兰民族党未能在去年9月的独立公投中取胜,这应该意味着至少二三十年内无须再担心苏独问题。但如果苏格兰民族党赢得苏格兰的大部分议席(共59个),它可能成为英国议会中的一支重要力量。至少,这种情况会让英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士和北爱之间的新宪制安排更加复杂;在最坏的情况下,它可能让特威德河(River Tweed,苏格兰与英格兰的界河——译者注)南北的独立主义火焰烧得更旺。

The second constitutional question turns on Europe. Should the Conservatives win an outrightmajority, Mr Cameron has pledged to re-negotiate the terms of UK membership and hold anin-out referendum within two years. His mo

ve threatens to consume the first two years of aTory government. It could ultimately push Britain out of the bloc, a seismic change in thecountry’s relationship with its chief trading partners and for the balance of power in the EUitself. It might also break the Tory party.


The preoccupation with Europe obscures a more troubling development. Britain’s standing inthe world has diminished. Her Majesty’s armed forces have shrunk, and her diplomats reducedto handing out export brochures for business.


Two bloody wars of choice, in Afghanistan and Iraq, have carried a high price. Politicians on theleft and right are increasingly looking inward. In Europe’s first post-cold war crisis in Ukraine, MrCameron has been a bystander, despite the UK being a signatory to the 1994 BudapestMemorandum covering Ukraine’s nuclear disarmament and territorial integrity. His insistenceon spending 0.7 per cent on overseas aid sits ill with his refusal to commit to 2 per cent of GDPfor the military.


(Budapest Memorandum)的签字国,备忘录内容包括乌克兰将放弃核武,而其他签字国会捍卫乌克兰的领土完整。但在乌克兰发生欧洲冷战后的第一场危机时,卡梅伦袖手旁观。他坚持海外援助支出应达到GDP的0.7%,但拒绝承诺军费支出至少要达到2%,这两点形成了鲜明反差。

The Conservatives’ economic record ought to provide a winning hand. The mix of a loosemonetary policy and a tight fiscal policy has worked. Mr Cameron and his chancellor GeorgeOsborne, supported by Mr Clegg, showed political courage to tackle the public finances andshrink the state. The Tories have also driven two promising shifts in Britain’s politicaldiscourse: the challenge to the benefits culture and the re-introduction of much-neededrigour into the country’s schools.

保守党在经济方面的过往表现理应是它的优势。宽松货币政策与紧缩财政政策的组合拳行之有效。卡梅伦和财政大臣乔治?奥斯本(George Osborne)展现出政治魄力,去解决公共财


Labour has been more competitive than expected. Mr Miliband has been vilified by the Tories,but he has stuck to his guns on Europe, refusing to cave in to demands for a referendum. Hiswillingness to stand his ground deserves credit.


Yet this cannot conceal the fundamental weakness in Labour’s plans. Mr Miliband ispreoccupied with inequality. His prescription is an increase in taxes such as restoring the 50plevel for high earners and imposing an ill-conceived mansion tax.


Mr Miliband has too often found himself on the wrong side of the argument. He promised tofreeze energy prices shortly before world prices collapsed. An already heavily regulatedbanking sector and private landlords are now in his sights. He has stepped too far away fromthe New Labour position that markets can be harnessed to progressive outcomes. At times,he appears to be fighting his campaign in the style of France’s Fran?ois Hollande in 2012. True,Mr Hollande secured victory but at the price of a weak economy and an exodus of talent, oftento London.

米利班德常常发现自己言论失当。他刚承诺要“冻结”能源价格,国际能源价格就开始暴跌。现在他的目光又投向已受到严格监管的银行业以及私营业主。“新工党”认为可以让市场发挥积极作用,而米利班德偏离这一立场太远了。有时他的竞选方式似乎复刻了2012年时法国的弗朗索瓦?奥朗德(Fran?ois Hollande)。诚然,奥朗德赢得了胜利,但代价是经济疲弱以及人才外流——通常流到伦敦。

At this delicate moment, the best outcome would be a continuation of the 2010 coalitionbetween the Conservatives and Lib Dems. Mr Clegg’s party has proved a responsible partner ingovernment. Tough decisions, such as the reversal of his party’s stance on university tuitionfees, will hurt the party. The Lib Dems would be more awkward in a second term coalition. It isalso far from clear whether they will have enough seats to be kingmakers with either the Toriesor Labour.

