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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/25 17:14:48 字数作文




第一部分 听力理解(共五大题,满分30分)


你将听到五个句子,请在每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出你所听到的单词或短语。每个句子读两遍。 1. A. bed B. red C. bag 2. A. some

B. small C. same

3. A. prices

B. classes

C. glasses

4. A. music and history B. P.E. and history C. P.E. and math

5. A. for breakfast B. for lunch C. for dinner Ⅱ.短对话理解(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

你将听到十段对话,每段对话后有一个小题。请在每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。 6. What is purple?

7. What is Li Lei’s telephone number?

8. Where is the boy’s hat?

9. Which(哪一个) is Anna’s family photo?

10.What can you see?

11. What color is the hat?

A. Purple. B. Black. C. Green. 12. Whose baseball is it?

A. Jack’s. B. Paul’s. C. The girl’s. 13. Where are the pens?

A. In the bookcase. B. On the desk. C. In the schoolbag. 14. What’s the boy’s family name?

A. Bob B. Frank C. Smith 15. Mike lost his ___________.

A. ID card B. school ID card C. phone Ⅲ.长对话理解(共五小题;每小题1分,满分5分)


听下面一段对话,回答第16至17小题。 16. Where is the boy’s computer game?

A. On the bookcase. B. On the table. C. On the desk. 17. Are his books on the chair?

A. Yes, they are. B. No, they aren’t. C. They are here. 听下面一段对话,回答第18至20小题。 18. Where are they?

A. In a classroom. B. In a clothes shop. C. In a bedroom. 19. What color does the boy want?

A. Blue. B. Yellow. C. Red. 20. How much is the sweater?

A. Five dollars. B. Eight dollars. C. Ten dollars. Ⅳ.短文理解(共五小题;每小题1分,满分5分)


21. Jenny and Andy are ___________.

A. friends B. teacher and student C. sisters 22. ________ is Jenny’s favorite subject.

A. Chinese B. History C. Math 23. Jenny thinks math is very________.

A. boring B. interesting C. difficult 24. Andy’s favorite subject is ________.

A. math B. Chinese C. history 25. Why doesn’t Jenny like history?

A. Because it’s difficult. B. Because it’s boring. C. Because it’s interesting. Ⅴ.信息转换(共五小题;每小题1分,满分5分)


第二部分 英语知识运用(共三大题;满分55分)


从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 31. —What’s John Brown’s last name? —His last name is ____________.

A. John B. John Brown C. Brown D. Brown John 32. —____________is your pencil case? —It’s red.

A. What B. What color C. What’s color A. he, she —No, I don’t. A. with

B. for

C. on

D. at

35. —____________is your pencil case? —It’s in my backpack. A. What

B. When

C. How

D. Where

36. There are ____________ months in a year and December is ____________ month. A. twelve, twelveth B. twelfth, twelve C. twelve, twelve D. twelve, the twelfth 37. I like____________ and _____________.

A. tomatos, broccoli B. tomatoes, broccolis

B. his, she C. his, her

D. Where

33. This is ____________ book and that is ____________ pencil box.

D. him, her

34. —Do you like salad____________ lunch?

C. tomatoes, broccoli 38. —Can I help you? —_____

D. tomato, broccolis

A. Yes, I want a jacket for my son. B. No. C. You're welcome.

D. Thanks.

39. — Where _____ your new trousers? — _____ are on the bed.

A. is, It B. is, They C. are, They D. are, It — _______.

A. No, thanks. B. All right. C. Ok. D. You’re welcome. 41. — Do you have T-shirts in green? —________. We have many green T-shirts.

A. Yes, we don’t. B. Yes, we do. C. No, we do. D. No, we don’t. 42. —_____ is the school trip? —_____March 2nd.

A. What, In

B. What, On

C. When, In D. When, On

43. She _____ science on Monday. But she _____ on Tuesday.

A. doesn't have, has it B. isn't have, has it C. doesn't have, has one D. isn't have, has one 40. —Thank you very much.

44. —_______ does Tom like math? —Because _____ fun.

A. Why, it’s B. When, it C. Why, it D. When, It 45. —Are these his pencils? —______. They are my pencils.

A. Yes, they are B. No, they aren’t C. Yes, these are D. No, these aren’t 46. The clock is ______. Thank you for helping me find it. A. my B. I C. me D. mine 47. Anna doesn’t like volleyball. She thinks it’s _______.

A. fun B. relaxing C. interesting D. boring 48. —Happy birthday, Tony! —_____________ !

A. Happy birthday B. You are right C. Thank you D. Yes, please 49. The question is _____________, I don’t know the answer. A. fun B. difficult C. interesting D. boring 50. These shoes are nice. I’ll ___________ them.

A. take B. look C. like D. want Ⅶ.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)



Look! Here is a photo my family. I have a big family. My are very old now. My grandfather is 70 years old and my grandmother 69 years old. I have an . He’s my father’s sisters. I have cousins — a boy and a girl. They are my uncle’s and in the photo. I am in a nice my family.

51. A. at B. of C. in D. on 52. A. grandparents B. parents C. grandfather D. grandmother 53. A. am B. are C. be D. is 54. A. cousin B. sister C. uncle D. aunt 55. A. brother B. father C. sister D. friend 56. A. sons B. aunts C. brothers D. uncles 57. A. one B. two C. three D. four 58. A. boy B. girl C. son D. daughter 59. A. isn’t B. are C is D. aren’t 60. A. school B. schoolbag C. pencil D. family


I am a student. I go to school from to learn: Chinese, math, English, P.E, science, music, history and so on. favorite subject is English. I think it’s easy and I have many books about English. is my English teacher. She is an English girl, but she can Chinese very well. She is good us. She often helps us with our and plays with us after class. She is my favorite teacher.

We have four classes and two classes in the afternoon. After school, I usually do my homework at home. On weekends I play 61. A. Monday B. Tuesday C. Sunday D. Wednesday 62. A. book B. books C. subject D. subjects 63. A. I B. My C. His D. Your 64. A. boring B. interesting C. difficult D. busy 65. A. Mr. Green B. Mr. Smith C. Miss Green D. Mrs. Black 66. A. tell B. speak C. say D. talk 67. A. at B. on C. in D. with 68. A. English B. Chinese C. math D. science 69. A. in the morning B. in the afternoon C. in the evening D. at noon 70. A. a volleyball B. the volleyball C. volleyball D. volleyballs Ⅷ.补全对话(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)


篇二:高考英语满分作文 My Belved Grandfather(我敬爱的姥爷)

高考英语满分作文 My Belved Grandfather(我敬爱的姥爷) My grandfather is very kind to me. He loves me very much. I am the apple of his eye, but when it comes to my study he is very strict. Every day he spends more than one hour examining my homework. With his help, I have been doing well in my studies.

My grandfather is also warm-hearted to his neighbors and is always ready to help them. One day, a girl who is one of his neighbors injured her leg carelessly. My grandfather took the girl to the hospital at once and paid the fees with his own savings.

My grandfather is a kind and easy-going man, but now he is living in another city with my aunt. We all miss him very much and I hope that I can go to visit him soon.




My grandfather is in his seventies now. He is a kind and warm-hearted old man.

He used to live with my family. At that time he always spent more than one hour examining my homework every day. When I was ill, he took good care of me. He showed great concern.

Grandfather is very warm-hearted to his neighbors and is always ready to help them. One day, a girl who is one of his neighbors injured her leg carelessly. My grandfather took her to the hospital at once and paid the fees with his own savings.

Now my grandfather is living in another city with my aunt. My parents and I all miss him very much. And I hope that I can go to visit him soon. 我姥爷70多岁了,他是一位和蔼、热心的老人。









( )1.A.future B.save C.have ( )2.A.fall B.four C.station ( )3.A.cross B.carry C.soon ( )4.A.life B.bedroom C.brother ( )5.A.then B.journey C.singer 二、将下列图片按照你听到的顺序排序。



( )1.A.She wants to be a singer. B.He wants to be a singer. ( )2.A.I go to school on foot. B.I go to school by bus. ( )3.A.Her birthday is on 5th. B.Her birthday is on 10th. ( )4.A.We both like sport. B.They both like sport. ( )5.A.I’m doing my homework. B.I do my homework. 四、听音、排序。 ( )1.I’m reading now. ( )2.When is his birthday? ( )3.She comes to school by car.

( )4.I usually go shopping with my parents. ( )5.Lucy wants to be a teacher.

五、听音判断对错,正确写“T”,错误写“F”。 ( )1.Come and help me,please. ( )2.I’m washing my hands. ( )3.Mr Li is in the kitchen. ( )4.He’s doing his homework. ( )5.I’m playing football with them.




( )1.Does he be a pilot ?

A.wants to B. Want to C.want to ( )2.He his homework now.

A.is doing B.does C.is do ( )3.MY sister’s birthday is October. A.on B.in C.at ( )4.We both like people.

A.helps B.helping C.help ( )5.I usually play chess my grandpa. A.and B.to C.with 三、按要求写句子。

1. I want to be a doctor. (变一般疑问句) 2. (对画线部分提问)

3. your, is, friend, who, good (连词成句) (对画线部分提问)

5.Is your mother in the kitchen?(做肯定回答)

四、用所给词的适当形式填空。 (fly) in the sky.


My grandmother is a doctor.She loves her job very much.She is sixty yeas old.It is Saturday.Today is her birthday.My father,my mother and I are in her house.My grandfather is a driver.He is very tall.My grandmother and my grandfather are the same age.My aunt comes here,too.She is a beautiful woman.She is a teacher.My uncle lives in another city,he doesn’t come.He is a nice cook.But he called my grandmother and said happy birthday to her.My grandmother is very happy today. ( A.70 B.60 C.80 ( A.driver B.cook C.doctor ( A.uncle B.aunt C.cousin ( A.uncle B.aunt C.father ( A.My uncle B.My aunt C.My grandfather 六、小作文。

现在是星期六的上午十点。看一看,你和你的家人都正在做什么?根据所给的词写一段话进行描述。(doing homework , watching TV, washing clothes, cooking dinner, bedroom, living room, bathroom, kitchen )

要求:1.字迹工整,语句通顺。 2.不少于45个词。

My Family

5.I’m playing football with them.





1.future 2.station 3.carry 4.bedroom 5.journey 四、将下列图片按照你听到的顺序排序。

1.He comes to school by subway. 2.I often play chess with my uncle. 3.I like playing volleyball. 4.I want to be a pilot. 5.My birthday is on 18th May. 三、选出你听到的句子。

1.He wants to be a singer. 2.I go to school on foot. 3. Her birthday is on 10th. 4.They both like sport. 5.I’m doing my homework. 六、听音、排序。 1.Sh(来自:www.sMHaiDa.com 海 达范文网:my,grandfather,is,70)e comes to school by car. 2.When is his birthday? 3.I usually go shopping with my parents. 4.Lucy wants to be a teacher. 5.I’m reading now. 七、听音判断对错,正确写“T”,错误写“F”。 1.Come and help him,please. 2.I’m washing my hats. 3.Mr Li is in the kitchen. 4.She’s doing his homework.

答案 听力部分 一、ACBBB 二、ECBDA 三、BABBA 四、52134五、

FFTFT 笔试部分 一、写出下列动词的现在分词。 2.cooking 2.telling 3.swimming 4.playing 5.making 三、单项选择。 CABBC 三、按要求写句子。 略 四、用所给词的适当形式填空。 七、略 八、阅读理解。 九、BCBAA 十、小作文。 略


篇四:My Belved Grandfather我敬爱的姥爷

My Belved Grandfather我敬爱的姥爷


My grandfather is very kind to me. He loves me very much. I am the apple of his eye, but when it comes to my study he is very strict. Every day he spends more than one hour examining my homework. With his help, I have been doing well in my studies.

My grandfather is also warm-hearted to his neighbors and is always ready to help them. One day, a girl who is one of his neighbors injured her leg carelessly. My grandfather took the girl to the hospital at once and paid the fees with his own savings.

My grandfather is a kind and easy-going man, but now he is living in another city with my aunt. We all miss him very much and I hope that I can go to visit him soon.





My grandfather is in his seventies now. He is a kind and warm-hearted old man.

He used to live with my family. At that time he always spent more than one hour examining my homework every day. When I was ill, he took good care of me. He showed great concern.

Grandfather is very warm-hearted to his neighbors and is always ready to help them. One day, a girl who is one of his neighbors injured her leg carelessly. My grandfather took her to the hospital at once and paid the fees with his own savings.

Now my grandfather is living in another city with my aunt. My parents and I all miss him very much. And I hope that I can go to visit him soon.





篇五:My Belved Grandfather我敬爱的姥爷

My Belved Grandfather我敬爱的姥爷


My grandfather is very kind to me. He loves me very much. I am the apple of his eye, but when it comes to my study he is very strict. Every day he spends more than one hour examining my homework. With his help, I have been doing well in my studies.

My grandfather is also warm-hearted to his neighbors and is always ready to help them. One day, a girl who is one of his neighbors injured her leg carelessly. My grandfather took the girl to the hospital at once and paid the fees with his own savings.

My grandfather is a kind and easy-going man, but now he is living in another city with my aunt. We all miss him very much and I hope that I can go to visit him soon.





My grandfather is in his seventies now. He is a kind and warm-hearted old man.

He used to live with my family. At that time he always spent more than one hour examining my homework every day. When I was ill, he took good care of me. He showed great concern.

Grandfather is very warm-hearted to his neighbors and is always ready to help them. One day, a girl who is one of his neighbors injured her leg carelessly. My grandfather took her to the hospital at once and paid the fees with his own savings.

Now my grandfather is living in another city with my aunt. My parents and I all miss him very much. And I hope that I can go to visit him soon.




