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篇一:healthy food 教案

A Course in

English Language Teaching





Unit 2 Is your food and drink healthy?

Background information:

Students: 45 Junior high school students, Grade 1 Lesson duration: 45 mins

Type of the lesson: reading

Teaching objectives:

Linguistic objectives

By the end of the class ,the students will be able to:

(1) Use key vocabulary and key phrases from the text to describe healthy food;

(2)Use conjunctions but link sentences and clarify its meaning;

Strategic objectives

By the end of this class, the students will be able to develop the top-down reading skills and learn to find out difficult points themselves.

Emotional objectives

By the end of this class, the students will be able to capture information about healthy eating and cultivate the consciousness of a healthy diet by reading the passage about healthy food.

Key points:

Key vocabulary: healthy, delicious, bread, fish,

hamburger, ice cream, noodle, rice,

sugar, eat, child (pl. children), sweet,

right, egg, eye, cheese, tooth (pl. teeth),

bit, tired, soup, important, remember,

well, stay, fat, or, breakfast, every,

lunch, home, dinner

Key phrase: be good for, a bit,

Key structures: … but … ;… are good for…

Difficult points: … but …;… are good for…

Teaching Approach: Communicative Language Teaching

Teaching Model: 3-stage model, top-down model

Teaching aids: blackboard, chalk, computer, multimedia, pictures, box

Teaching Procedure:

Step Ⅰ Pre-reading (10 mins)

1. Ask Ss to answer what do they think which are healthy food and which are not healthy food.

2. Show some pictures on PPT to review the words of food and drink. .

3. Review the text of Unit 1.

Step Ⅱ While-reading: (20 mins)

1. Skimming (5 mins)

(1) Let Ss read the text and find out how many parts the text can be divided into;

(2) Let Ss write the main idea on the blackboard.

2.Scanning (15 mins)

(1) Part 1:

① Let Ss read the paragraph 1 carefully and find out what are not healthy.

② Provide some pictures on a box,ask Ss to draw a picture and say it is a Healthy food or an Unhealthy food,the pictures including:ice cream(U)、hamburger(U)、apple(H)、cola(U)、candy(U)、meat(H)、too much meat(U).

③ Show the correct way of those food are healthy or not on the PPT.

(2) Part 2:

① Let Ss read the paragraph 2-3 carefully and list the

healthy food which are good for your eyes/teeth. (Answer: carrot,eggs and sweet potatoes are good

篇二:Healthy food


2. Finish the task(Task time) 27’13

1). Present the task

2).The student discuss in groups(while the teacher give them help)

3).The students give out suggestions

设计意图:创造真实性任务,引领学生探讨“Big Eater”生活中各方面的问题,并使用丰富的语言提出综合性的建议,进行高效的语言输出,从而提升语言技能

3.Do self—evaluation(Ticking time) 34’53


Homework: 37’16-37’38

1.Introduce the Food Pyramid to your family with the bookmark

2.Read to know the different diets in different countries

3.Write 1-2 suggestions on healthy diet for your friends.


指导教师 何 峰 江苏省教研室

张海燕 南京市教研室

万亚莉 南京市鼓楼区教师进修学校

篇三:healthy food教学设计

篇四:M4 Healthy food 练习题

[精练精析]Module 5《Healthy food》(外研版七年级上册)


①Swimming is good for our______ . ②Apples and carrots are ______ food. ③Coke is an ______ drink. ①我有一个橘子。I have got______ ______ . ②你喜欢橘子汁吗?Do you like ______ ?

③贝蒂有一件橙色的外套。Betty has got ______ ______ ______ .

用be的适当形式填空①Fish ______ healthy food. ②Juice and water ______ healthy drinks. 用and, but, or 和so填空 ①Fish is healthy food_____ candy isn’t healthy food.

②He is from China _____ he is Chinese. ③Is he a doctor _____ a teacher?

④He does sports every morning, _____ he is in good health.

Ⅰ. 单项选择1. Fish is healthy food, _____ hamburgers are not healthy food. A. and B. but C. or D. so

2. Candy and ice cream _____ unhealthy food. A. is B. are C. has D. have

3. His grandfather is seventy. He’s _____ good health. A. at B. on C. with D. in

4. —Is juice _____ healthy drink? — Yes, it is. A. the B. a C. an D. /

5. Milk and water are healthy _____. A. drink B. food C. drinks D. foods

①在这个瓶子里有些牛奶。 There is_____ _____ in the bottle.

②我没有一些米饭。 I haven’t got _____ _____ .

③在这儿你有些新朋友吗? Have you got _____ new _____ here?

④我饿了,我能吃些面条吗? I’m hungry. Can I eat________ noodles?

用some或any填空 1. They have got______ pictures. 2. My parents haven’t got ______ rice.

3. Has she got ______ brothers or sisters? 4. They haven’t got ______ beef.

5. Would you like ______ orange juice, Mary?

Ⅱ. 完成句子 1. 我们在冰箱里有些牛奶。 We have got some milk_____ _____ _____ .

2. 西红柿和土豆是我最喜欢的蔬菜。 _____ and _____ are my favourite _____.

3. 桌子上有一些橘子和苹果。 There are some _____ and _____ on the table.

4. 他们吃米饭、蔬菜和鸡肉。 They have some _____ , some _____ and some _____ .

5. ——你喜欢橙汁吗?Do you like _____ _____ ? ——不,我喜欢中国茶。 No, I like _____ _____ . 写出下列单词的复数形式1. shop _______2. bag _______3. bus _______4. box _______5. baby _______

6. city _______7. knife _______8. life _______9. tomato _______10. potato _______11. radio _______12. zoo _____ 完成句子1. 你想喝杯茶吗? Would you like_____ _____ _____ _____ ?

2. 我们有一些牛奶。 We have got _____ _____ .

3. 瓶子里有点果汁。 There is _____ _____ _____ in the bottle.

Ⅰ. 单词闯关1. 最喜欢的(adj. )_______2. 冰箱(n. )_______3. 鸡肉(n. )_______4. 果汁(n. )_______

5. 牛奶(n. _______6. 冰激凌(n. )_______7. 橘子(n. _______8. 面条(n. _______9. 汉堡包(n. _______

10. 蔬菜(n. _______11. 食物(n. )_______12. 水果(n. )_______13. 饮料(n. )_______

14. health(n. ) →_______ (adj. )→ _______(反义词)15. potato (n. )→ _______(复数)16. tomato (n. )→ _______(复数) Ⅱ. 短语过关1. 健康食品 _______ food 2. 喝果汁 _______ juice 3. 吃一些水果 _______ some fruit

4. 食品和饮料 _______ and _______ 5. 在冰箱里 _______ the fridge

Ⅲ. 句型攻关1. ——我们有些果汁吗?—_____ we_____ _____ juice?

——是的,我们有些果汁,但是我们没有牛奶了。—Yes, we’ve got _____ juice. But we_____ _____ _____ milk.

2. 我们有些甜瓜。We_____ _____ _____ melons.

3. 肉和鱼是健康的食品。_____ and_____ _____ healthy food.

4. 水果和蔬菜是健康的食物,但是汉堡包和糖果不是健康的食物。

Fruit and vegetables are healthy food _____ hamburgers and candy aren’t healthy food.

5. 他们有一些米饭、蔬菜和鸡肉。They’ve got_____ _____ , _____ _____ and_____ _____ .

Ⅱ. 单项选择1. It’s _____ apple. It isn’t _____melon. A. a; an B. a; a C. an; a D. an; an

2. There aren’t any _____ on the table. A. apples B. beef C. chicken D. meat

3. —Have we got _____ eggs? —No, we haven’t got_____ .

A. some; some B. any; any C. some; any D. any; some

4. There are many _____ and _____ in the basket.

A. melons; tomatoes B. melones; tomatos C. melon; tomato D. melon; tomatoes

5. There_____ some meat and some vegetables in the fridge. A. am B. is C. are D. / Ⅲ. 用所给单词的适当形式填空 1. _____(be) there any water in the glass?

2. Apples are _____(health)food. 3. I like drinking some _____ (milk)every day.

4. There are some _____ (orange) on the table. 5. There isn’t_____ (some) chicken in the fridge. Ⅳ. 按要求完成句子 1. I have got an orange. (改为否定句)I _____ _____ an orange.

2. She has got some bananas. (改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答)

_____ she _____ _____ bananas? Yes, _____ _____ .

3. My favourite food is beef. (对划线部分提问) _____ your favourite food?

4. melons, got, we, have, any, not (. )(连词成句)____________________________________________

5. He has got a tomato. (改为复数形式) _____ _____ got _____ _____ .

Ⅱ. 单项选择 1. Mary has ______ orange and two bananas. A. a B. an C. the D. /

2. Look! ______ Some fish on the table, and some apples ______ in the box.

A. is; are B. are; is C. are; are D. is; is

3. Pork is healthy ______ and tea is a healthy ______ .

A. drink; food B. drink; drink C. food; drink D. food; food

4. Onions are healthy food, ______ ice cream isn’t healthy food. A. and B. or C. so D. but

5. —Are candy and ice cream unhealthy food? —______ .

A. Yes, they aren’t B. Yes, they are C. No, they are D. No, they aren’t

Ⅲ. 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空 1. I have two ______ (tomato) for breakfast.

2. Our family eat ______ (health) food every day. 3. I like eating ______ (noodle)for breakfast.

4. Coke is a/an ______ (healthy)drink. 5. ______ (be)they healthy food and drinks? Ⅳ. 选词完成句子 apples, milk, carrots, hamburgers, potatoes, oranges, Coke

1. John likes fruit, so he likes ______ and ______ .2. —What vegetables do you like? —I like ______ and ______ .

3. I usually drink ______ for breakfast, because it’s a healthy drink.

4. — Do you like western(西方的)food? —Yes, I like ______ .

5. ______ is an unhealthy drink.

Ⅴ. 完成句子(3分钟,10分) 1. 汉堡包是不健康的食品。 Hamburgers ______ ______ food.

2. 水果和蔬菜是健康食品。 Fruit and vegetables ______ ______ ______ .

3. 你最喜欢的食品和饮料是什么? ______ ______ ______ food and drink?

4. 冰箱里有些鸡肉吗? ______ ______ ______ chicken ______ the fridge?

5. 我的爷爷、奶奶身体健康。 My grandpa and grandma are ______ ______ ______ .

Ⅰ. 单项选择(2分钟,5分)

1. She has got some ______ in her hand. A. photoes B. potatoes C. tomatos D. radioes

2. ______ are unhealthy food. A. Oranges B. Candy C. Onions D. Hamburgers

3. Meat is healthy food, ______ fish is healthy food, too. A. / B. so C. and D. but

4. I want two ______ . A. glass of water B. glasses of water C. glass of waters D. glasses of waters

5. I’m very hungry (饥饿的). Would you give me some ______ ? A. water B. cakes C. juice D. vegetables Ⅱ. 用所给词的适当形式填空(2分钟,5分) 1. I would like five ______ (tomato).

2. There aren’t any ______ (noodle) in the bowl. 3. Have they got ______ (some) rice?

4. We have got some ______ (banana) on the table. 5. Do you like ______ (hamburger), Daming?

Ⅲ. 完成句子(3分钟,10分)

1. 我们有些橙汁吗? ______ we got ______ ______ ______ ?

2. 妈妈喜欢吃洋葱和胡萝卜。 My mother likes eating ______ and ______ .

3. 我们没有一些冰激凌。 We haven’t got ______ ______ ______ .

4. 你喜欢美国食物吗? Do you like ______ ______ ?

5. 冰箱里有一些鸡蛋。 There are ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ .

Ⅳ. 句型转换(4分钟,10分)

1. They have got some apples. (改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答)

______ they got ______ apples? Yes, ______ ______ .

2. There is some juice in the bottle. (改为否定句) There ______ ______ juice in the bottle.

3. I have got an orange. (改为复数形式) ______ ______ got ______ ______ .

4. Tom’s favourite drink is Coke. (对划线部分提问)______ ______ Tom’s favourite drink?

5. has, any, fish, Green, got, Mr. , not (. )(连词成句)

阅读理解: 一。 My name is Jim. I am from England. Now I am in China with my parents. I like China. I like Chinese food, too. I have breakfast at home. I eat an egg, bread and porridge(粥)for breakfast. I do not like milk. I have no time to go home for lunch. So I have it at school. The lunch in our school is good. I can have different(不同的)food for lunch. I eat rice, meat and vegetables. Sometimes(有时)I have noodles and dumplings(饺子). I have dinner at home with my parents. Sometimes we go out to eat with friends. We have chicken, vegetables and fruit.

1. Jim is ______. A. American B. English C. Chinese D. in the USA

2. For breakfast, Jim has ______ . A. an egg, an apple and porridge B. an egg, bread and porridge C . an apple, bread and milk D. an egg, an apple and bread

3. He has lunch ______. A. at school B. at home C. in a restaurant D. with his parents

4. He has ______ for lunch.

A. rice, meat, vegetables B. dumplings and noodles C. chicken, meat, fruit D. A and B

5. Sometimes they have dinner ______ .

A. at school B. in a restaurant with some friends C. at his friend’s home D. in a restaurant with teachers

二.Tony and Linda are in the dining hall at Beijing International School. There are fifty tables in it. There are also some pictures about food and drinks on the wall. In the pictures, we can see juice, tea, pork, beef and chicken. We can see some vegetables, too. They tell us what healthy food is and what healthy drinks are.

Tony and Linda come from America. They both like Chinese food and drinks. Tony likes eating noodles ① _______Linda ②________eating noodles because she can’t use(使用)chopsticks(筷子). Tony doesn’t eat pork. He thinks it is unhealthy food. They like eating dumplings(饺子)very much.

1. How many tables are there in the dining hall? __________________________________________________

2. What’s Tony and Linda’s favourite Chinese food?___________________________________________________

3. There are _____ in the dining hall. A. some tables and some students B. some tables and some teachers

C. some tables and some pictures D. some students and some teachers

4. 选择适当的词填在①处:A. and B. but C. in D. so

5. 在②处的空白处用not like的适当形式填空:_______________________________________

三. There are many kinds of food and drinks around us. Of them all, (1)肉和鱼是健康食品。Noodles and rice are also (2) healthy food. Fruit and vegetables are healthy food, but hamburgers and candy are unhealthy food. Milk, water and juice are healthy drinks, but my favourite drink is Coke. (3)It isn’t a healthy drink. So to be healthy, eat some vegetables, fruit, rice, noodles, fish and meat. Don’t eat too much hamburgers, candy or ice cream. Drink some water, juice and milk, but don’t drink too much Coke.


1. 将(1)处的句子译为英语:_________________________________

2. 写出(2)处单词的反义词:__________________________________

3. 写出(3)处句子的同义句:__________________________________

4. Which of the following food is NOT healthy food? A. Fish B. Fruit. C. Ice cream. D. Noodles.

5. 根据短文内容,给文章拟一个合适的标题:_____________________________________________________ (Ⅱ) 从方框中选词并用其适当形式填空(5分) health, orange,they,China,have

6. The two boys like ____ food, they don’t like American food. 7. David ______ got some apples.

(来自:www.sMHaiDa.com 海 达范文网:healthy,food免费视频)

8. Vegetables and fruit are ______ food, We should eat them every day.

9. How many ______ are there in the bag? 10. Those are ______ favourite food.

Ⅵ. 完成句子(10分)1. 猪肉和牛肉是不健康的食品吗?______ pork and beef unhealthy ______?

2. 我们有些蔬菜吗?Have we got ______ ______ ? 3. 汉堡包不是健康的食物。______ are ______ food.

4. 你妹妹最喜爱的食物和饮料是什么?______ your sister’s favourite food and ______?

5. 冰箱里有一些牛肉。______ ______ ______ beef in the fridge.

Ⅶ. 句型转换(10分)1. They have got some rice. (改为否定句)They ______ ______ ______ rice.

2. Tony has got some ice cream. (改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答)

______ Tony got ______ ice cream? Yes, ______ ______ .

3. There are six eggs in the picture. (对划线部分提问)______ ______ eggs ______ ______ in the picture?

4. Coke isn’t a healthy drink. (改为同义句)Coke ______ an ______ drink.

5. He doesn’t like apples. He likes bananas. (合并_____________________________________________________ Ⅷ. 短文填空(10分) 从方框中选词并用其适当形式补全短文

family healthy year American food orange parent potato be speak

My name is Peter. I’m 13 1 old. I’m from 2 , but I can 3 Chinese well. Ice cream is my favourite 4 , but it’s unhealthy. I like carrots, 5 and rice. I also like apples, bananas and 6 . I have got a big 7 . There 8 seven people in my family—my grandparents, my 9 , my uncle, my sister and me. My grandparents are very old, but they are in good 10 . Ⅸ. 书面表达(15分)



I am Li Lei. There are three people in my family. They are my father, my mother and me. We like different kinds of food. My father likes beef, oranges and carrots. They are healthy food. My mother likes bananas, tomatoes and noodles. They are healthy food, too. I like ice cream, pork and apples. Ice cream isn’t healthy, but it is my favourite food.


1.They'll have 猪肉)with carrots tonight. 2.Sandy likes eating 西红柿)with eggs.

3.Eating much (水果)is good for us. 4.I'm thirsty.I want something to (喝).

5.What's your 最喜欢的)food? (汉堡包)are the most popular in America.

7.Don't eat too much (糖果).It's bad for your teeth.

8.Ice cream and candy are not 健康的)food. 9.Potato is one of 蔬菜).We can eat a lot.

10.We often put the food into the 冰箱)in summer.

There is a shophome.The people in the shop are .On Saturday afternoon,we go things there.It opens at nine in the morning.Itlate in the evening.You can buy things in the shop.You can buy food,clothes,school things 6 many other things.But no English books there.

Now we are in the shop.My mother to buy a shirt for and a blouse for me.Then we'd like to have a bottle orange.

1.A.in B.at C.on D.near 2.A.friend B.friends C.friendly D.dear

3.A.and buy B.and buying C.to buying D.to shopping

4.A.closes B.closed C.is close D.closing

5.A.much B.a lot C.a lot of D.lot of

6.A.and B.but C.with D.so

7.A.there is B.there are C.have D.has

8.A.is wanting B.are wanting C.want D.wants

9.A.my father B.my father's C.her father's D.his father

10.A.for B.with C.about D.of

篇五:Healthy food健康食物


2. Finish the task(Task time) 27’13

1). Present the task

2).The student discuss in groups(while the teacher give them help)

3).The students give out suggestions

设计意图:创造真实性任务,引领学生探讨“Big Eater”生活中各方面的问题,并使用丰富的语言提出综合性的建议,进行高效的语言输出,从而提升语言技能

3.Do self—evaluation(Ticking time) 34’53


Homework: 37’16-37’38

1.Introduce the Food Pyramid to your family with the bookmark

2.Read to know the different diets in different countries

3.Write 1-2 suggestions on healthy diet for your friends.


指导教师 何 峰 江苏省教研室

张海燕 南京市教研室

万亚莉 南京市鼓楼区教师进修学校
