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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 13:13:27 英语作文


雅思写作 – PIE CHART

WRITING TASK 1(Test 4, Cambridge IELTS 7)


The charts compare the sources of electricity in Australia and France in the years 1980 and 2000. Between these years electricity production almost doubled, rising from 100 units to 170 in Australia, and from 90 to 180 units in France. In 1980 Australia used coal as the main electricity source (50 units) and the remainder was produced from natural gas, hydro power (each In contrast, France used coal as a source for only 25 units of electricity in

Overall, it is clear that by 2000 these two countries relied on different principal fuel sources: Australia relied on coal and France on nuclear power.

篇二:剑4 test 1 小作文

The graph demonstrates the percentages of different kinds of households living in poverty in Australia in 1999.

As can be seen from the table that there are seven categories of families whose living conditions were in poverty——single aged person, aged couple,single with no children people, couple with no children people, sole parents,couple with children and all households. More exactly, to start with, the figure for sole parent represented was the biggest about 21% of the total number, which is similar to the number(19%) of single with no children. Besides, all households and couple with children had alike percentages of 11% and 12%. By contrast, the proportion for aged person was the smallest one about 4%. Similarly, aged people and couple with no children were about 6% and 7%, respectively.

Therefore, we can see from the picture that the reason why families became poverty was mainly related to if have children and the numbers of parents who brought the major income.

篇三:剑4 test3大作文

剑4 test2大作文

It is not uncommon that artists should be given the freedom to express their ideas creatively in whatever way they like. Nevertheless, there has been a controversy on whether government should restrict the ideas of artists.

In all likelihood, artists tend to be more creative and flexible without government restrictions. For instance, Hollywood movies are well developed and widespread all over the world and these are, to some extent, due to the flexible art strategies of American government. Furthermore, the restriction of art might stifle the creativity and imagination of arts, which might cause the art works less diverse and attractive. Consequently, these art works can no longer fulfill people’s needs. In addition, this policy will lead to the increase of the government expenditure, which might arise some social problems.

However, it is undeniable that some art works such as some movies filled with violence and obscenity will do harm to people. Thus, governments are required to take actions to restrict these art works for the sake of protecting people’s minds from being deteriorated. Apart from that, it is acceptable for government to set overall direction on the development of art instead of interfering too much on art creation.

From my perspective, governments are understandable to put some restrictions on artists and their works without ignoring the diverse demands of people and constraining the creative thoughts of artists.

篇四:剑八test 4大作文

剑八test 4大作文 WRITING TASK 2

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Write about the following topic. In some countries the average weight of people is increasing and their levels of health and fitness are decreasing.

What do you think are the causes of these problems and what measures could be taken to solve them?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. Write at least 250 words.

No one could have failed to notice the fact that people in many countries have been gaining weight, which, in some cases, has so far exceeded the right proportion that it has resulted in severe problems in people’s health. Actually, this is true both in some developing countries and in some developed ones, the former exemplified by some African nations and the latter represented by the U.S. Accompanying the exploding arms and massive hips are often such problems as hypertension, heart diseases and diabetes. Before we conceive approaches to this problem, it is necessary to contemplate the causes.

Though a number of factors may be responsible for this phenomenon, the following, I believe, are the critical ones. The first and most fundamental one is the unchecked spreading of fast food around the world. Mainly having roots in the U.S. and best illustrated by KFC and MacDonald’s, this modern type of food and way of eating has met little resistance when proliferating. Though tasty and convenient, the foods are indeed threats to health. Containing too much calorie and little protein as well as other nutrients, they are known as “junk food”. What’s worse, in these foods are usually harmful instances that may hurt the neural system and lead to such diseases as cancer. Another leading reason is the wide use of modern conveniences, such as computers, autos and domestic appliances, which considerably reduce the amount of people’s manual labor and exercise, or confine them to homes or offices.

In order to tackle the problem, naturally, measures should be taken in the above-mentioned two aspects. On the one hand, it is imperative for people to enhance their awareness of the harmfulness of fast food, and refrain from consuming it or gradually reduce the amount of consumption. On the other hand, it is high time for many people to start a plan to work out to lose their already gained weight and regain their health.

关于“micro blog” 的范文

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Micro Blog

It has escaped almost no one’s attention that micro blog has gained

increasing popularity in people’s daily life in the past years. As we can see,

people of nearly all ages, occupations and social ranks have their own micro blog, which has become an essential part of their life.

Indeed, micro blog has some attractive traits. The most noticeable one is that, by using micro blog, one can share his or her own feelings and thoughts with many others at almost any time and place. In this way, one can also learn about fashions or hot issues in society. Besides, one can freely choose his readers or communicate with others in a private way. In this sense, micro blog has somewhat replaced QQ or MSN.

However, as every rose has its thorns, micro blog also has some drawbacks. First, some authors attack others in their micro blog or spread rumors, which infringe upon others’ rights or lead to social instability. Secondly, it is really a waste of time to read or write blog articles for those who are obsessed with it.

To sum up, micro blog is like a two-edged sword, which has both merits and flaws. Of course, we should not give up eating for fear of choking. Instead, we should exert proper supervision over its use and refrain from using it




Part Ⅱ Writing (30 minutes, 15 points)

Directions: In this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition of no less than 150 words under the title of “My Favorite Way of Keeping Fit”. Some clues are given below in Chinese. Please write your composition clearly on the COMPOSITION SHEET.



这次出题充分证明了出题人的反押题意识,也充分说明了押题这事有多么不靠谱,模板有多么不堪一击,基础有多么重要。其实,我一直都知道、也想告诉大家:随便出个题目---真的是随便出个题目---都能考出实际水平来。从阅卷的角度说,一两个词或搭配就能定分。前两天还在六级课堂上跟大家说了这么个笑话:“在大学校园里”的五个档次的说法:2分的:in collage garden(大学都写不对,花园还出来了);5分的:in college compas(指南针都写不对), 8分的:in college compass(指南针), 11分的:in college campus(介词用的不对); 14分的:on campus (campus 本来就表示“大学校园”的,因此就不必加上college,顺便指出,我的有些范文里出现了college campus的说法,请大家改过来)。

这次考题的参考范文我会稍后放上来,但在这里先放一篇雅思的相关真题和范文吧,供大家参考, 也特别提请六级同学关注,并重视基础!!!。 The FavoriteWay of Keeping Fit

Nowadays it has to be admitted that the whole society is faced with ‘health issue’.

Accordingto a recent survey conducted on the Internet, 42 in a hundred people are likely to suffer from vitaldiseases after retirement. This phenomenon has led to considerable thoughts and considerations 2 about the issue of health among the general public. For my perspective, I believe that proper diet and exercise are the upmost importance to health.

First, diet, this will undoubtedly become the prior one. Mounting fruits and vegetables are supposed to be listed in daily menu for their plenty of fibers and little fat. As a remarkable proverb says," An apple a day keeps the doctor away." Second, those food contain too much fat and sugar, such as candies, butter, pork and chocolate, should be kept under strict limit line. And excessive coffee is harmful too. Third, exercise comes up closely. Regular exercise burns extra energy and builds proper shapes. For instance, people with habit of jogging everyday are much healthier than those without it.

From what has been discussed above, I believe that these aspects should be given due attention now. On one hand, people should always bear these in mind for their own level; On the other hand, more advanced health information shall be open to the public. Only in this way can we keep good health and enjoy a pleasant life.

篇五:剑7 test3 雅思小作文

剑7 test3


Task 1


The given diagrams offer a glimpse of the real estate market in five major cities around the world over two periods, from 1990 to 1995,and from 1996 to 2002 compared with the average house prices in 1989.

剑7 test 4小作文

Madrid is the only city which saw housing prices climb throughout the ten-year period. In the first five years, a 2% rise was recorded in Madrid. The increase accelerated in subsequent years, with a 3% gain seen. To great surprise, London and New York underwent similar trend, to be exact, compared with 1989, the latter had a fall of 7% in the first 5 years but enjoyed an astounding 12% increase over the period between 1996 and 2002 as against the former (5%, 5%).

By contrast, the property market of Tokyo was continuously at recession, reflected in an average 6.5% drop. It is notable that the decrease in the housing price in Frankfurt was narrower, 2% of growth against 1998, but still disappointing, compared to its 3% increase in the first half of 1990s.

To recall, there were significant differences in the housing market in those five cities in the last decade of the last century. While some experienced a long period of growth, the rest were subject to price fluctuations.



