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篇一:food and drink

Top 10 UK Food and Drink Trends For 2012

A Guest Post Courtesy of Food and Drink Towers, UK – A communication consultancy within the UK food and drink market, seeking to open opportunities for small and start-up companies. predicts ‘mood foods’ will experience a surge in popularity in 2012 and beyond, which is confirmed by the industry opinion survey. 44% believe they will increase in market value. A further 41% believe there will be stagnant market value for mood foods that make us feel better, such as f

food and drink ppt

ood with added vitamins B and D, chocolate and energy drinks, which are a huge part of the functional food and drinks market. Only 3% predict a fall in market value in 2012.

Happiness and stress have been identified as the two ‘mood food’ areas that hold strong potential for growth in 2012 at 45% and 39% respectively. , the biggest

sub-category within the functional food and drinks market, continues to offer growth potential. 38% of respondents to the food&drink towers survey predict energy will show strong growth potential, and 41% agree it will offer average growth potential. Sleep/fatigue, one of the ten food&drink towers toptrends for 2011, also shows good growth potential. Top 10 Food and Drink Industry Trends for 20121. Regional producers get a boostThe food&drink towers Ten Top Trends for 2012 Survey identified that authenticity; provenance and ‘localness’ will be very important (19%) or important (51%) next year. Closely aligned to the sustainability benefits of ‘going local’, reducing the environmental footprint and increasing sustainability will be important to more than half of respondents. Despite this, ethical consumption including organics is expected to decline in importance

2. Uplifting food and drink to improve our moods

Depression, which affects many people within society, stands out as a major area for development in the mood foods category. 25% say there is strong growth potential and 51% average growth potential for NPD in 2012. There are increasing links between

nutrition and depression. Serotonin is a brain chemical believed to promote calmness and ease depression. Foods themselves don’t contain serotonin but what you eat may be able to tip the balance in favour of increased serotonin production in the brain.

3. Packaging innovations to provide the answer

As costs are being cut across the food&drink industry supply chain, packaging will become a focus for brand owners keen to improve margins from production to market. Reducing packaging weight/size, also known as lightweighting, is not only an

environmentally-friendly move, but it can result in cost savings over the long term.

4. Learning to…grow your own, bake your own, make your own

How much influence do cookery programmes such as Masterchef and Nigel Slater’s Simple Suppers have on consumer shopping habits in general? According to food&drink towers’ Ten Top Trends for 2012 Survey, 23% say they’re hugely influential, 66% believe them to be influential and just 11% say they are not influential.

5. Foraging for truffles, mushrooms, wild berries and edible mini-beasts

Courses are available nationwide teaching people how to forage, what to look for, and then turning their discoveries into three-course meals. This is the ultimate in foodie

heaven for those who enjoy getting stuck in! Innocent Smoothies sent five of its team to a 12-hour foraging course in Kent recently, and foodie magazines regularly feature celebrity chef recipes including wild mushrooms, truffles and wild berries.

6. Going beyond the dinner party – at-home dining occasions become more regular People will invest a little more time and effort (but not necessarily money) into meal times on a more regular basis to cheer themselves up, entertain and add some fun to ‘just another working week’. Original recipes and unusual ingredients will be the focus for home-cooks who will be influenced by television programmes, foodie magazines, websites, social networks such as Twitter and Facebook and Smartphone apps.

7. Dusting off the recipe books and cooking from scratch

food&drink towers forecasts 2012 will be known as ‘the year of austerity’. As a nation

we’ve spent a ridiculous fortune on recipe books over the years, many of which have been left on the shelves to gather dust. In 2012, people are expected to return to their cookery books (and other resources) to get a return on their investment, get more out of their kitchen gadgets and get more creative with their cooking.

8. Food on the go gets a facelift

As impulse sales are forecast to continue to rise in 2012 (albeit not into double figures), brands must work harder for their share of the grab and go market. Convenience will remain a priority, but health is also becoming an influential factor. People are looking for quick fixes for specific lifestyle issues such as fatigue and concentration. People are also looking to top up their vitamin, mineral, antioxidant and omega-3 intake in a convenient format.

9. Megatrends…on a budget

The food&drink towers Ten Top Trends for 2012 Survey showed that health on a budget will be hugely important (47%), followed by indulgence on a budget, convenience on a budget and premium indulgence.

10. Original food and drink pairing: inspiration for the nation

Companies such as French Bubbles operate Champagne pairing events, matching bubbly with sushi, chocolate and cheese. Restaurants are showing greater interest in providing wine, beer, cocktail and spirit matches to certain items on their menus.

The food and beverage industry affects us all. Issues such as sustainability, globalisation, growing demands, and the changing position of major consumers like China and India are reshaping markets.

Coupled with this are issues of technology and production, as well as growing focuses on issues of health and wellbeing in addition to cost, price volatility, increasing commodity prices, freshness, taste, and profitability.

Competing effectively within the marketplace now demands expertise across a wide range of specialisms. There is a strong drive to create affordable differentiated products to compete in commoditised markets.

We have worked to support the food and beverage sector for many years. Our expertise in agricultural and chemical disciplines has broadened to include chemistry, biology,

chemical engineering, food science, and nutrition. Oakland抯 experience includes ten clients who are international players operating across North America, Europe and Asia. The aim is to meet the challenges of new food technologies, including the demand for diversity and the growing needs of emerging and developing markets with different

palates, expectations, and cultures. Talking to experts who deal with sustainability issues, food supply, treatment and preservation, raw materials, and new product development is the beginning of the process.


篇二:Food and Drink教学设计

Unit 5 Drink

一、 教学目标


(1)学会并熟练运用What do you like? 来询问别人喜欢什么饮料,并能用I like… 来回答。

(2)复习食物和饮料单词: juice, milk, water ,tea .





第九单元主要学习食物和饮料的单词,以及询问别人喜欢吃(或喝)什么的问语及其回答。本节课是这个单元的第二课时,通过前面第一课时的学习,学生已对一些食物和饮料的英语说法比较熟悉,对句型What do you like?有了一个感性认识。这节课主要学习Let’s talk里面的对话,通过情景对话,让学生巩固What do you like? I like…句型。



四. 预习要求

1.能够听懂,会说与饮料有关的四个单词:juice milk water tea.


Lesson 1

Step 1: Warm-up & Revision

1. Sing a song. 播放21页的歌曲,让学生跟音乐一起唱。 ( I like juice, I like juice. Juice, please.Juice, please??) 设计思路:课前让学生唱英文歌曲,以此创设轻松、愉快的学习氛围,并吸引学生的注意力。而且这首歌有助复习前一课时所学的食物和饮料单词。

2.Watch and guess. 课件逐一程现食物和饮料图片的碎片,让学生猜出该单词。然后让一学生把图片贴在黑板上的Food plate或Drink plate,以把单词分类。


Step 2: Presentation of Let’s talk

1.Guess and say. 让学生猜一猜老师会喜欢哪一种食物或饮料,引导学生说: “What do you like?” 教师在黑板上程现新句型并带读。

2.Ask and answer. 教师提问其中几位学生:“What do you like?” 引导学生回答:“I like ( tea).” 教师在黑板上程现该句型并带读。

3. TPR. 全班一起提问一学生:“ Do you want...?” 该学生回答后(如: Yes,please./No thanks.I want ...), 教师示意全班举起该小卡片,并重复说该单词( juice!)。然后教师又说:“ Drink juice . ( 要求该学生做出相应的动作。


4.Pair work. 让学生与同桌做问答。

A: I like…. What do you like?

B: I like….


5.Reading. 让学生翻开书本20页看Let’s talk部分。告诉学生他们已会读这一部分了。让学生一起朗读。


Step 3: Activities

1. Go to the McDonlad’s. 课件出示麦当劳的环境图片及食物图



2. Interview.

(1) 投影20页Let’s talk部分的表格,提问学生:“What’s this? / Who’s this?” 等,了解表格内容。

(2) 教师访问两个学生,并作示范填表。

(3) 让学生访问他们的好朋友们,并填表。


Step 4 Extentsion





篇三:food and drink



人教版初中英语第一册 Unit 19 Food and drink


1、 掌握一些表示食物的英语单词:hamburger, noodle, coffee, potato…

2、 学会以下的表达方式:a cup of tea, two glasses of water…

3、 掌握以下重点交际用语:What is your favourite food?

What would you like? I’d like some…

Would you like some…?

Yes, please. No,&nb







Step1 Opening remarks

Today, we are not going to have an English class. We want to have much delicious food with your friends. Let’s go into the world of delicious food.

Step 2 Presentation

(1)Show many pictures.

In the pictures, there are much nice food. Let the students watch the food carefully. Then form the groups to collect

the words on food which they know as many as they can.

fruit cake hamburger meat

(近二十张彩色图片自动切换。每张图片上都是一道精美的菜肴,包括世界各个民族的菜肴,有水果、饮料, 有西餐,中餐等等。让学生边欣赏,边回忆自己所知道的所有有关食物的英语词汇,并借助身边的工具和小组其他成员的共同努力,想得越多越好。图片播放完毕的同时,要求学生停止讨论,进行汇总。)

(2) Ask the students to show their food lists. At the same time, show many cartoon pictures on food that the students have learned.


Step 3 Listen, read and learn

(1) Ask a question:

But one of your friends in your group is from England. One is from the USA. The other one is from China. What do they want to eat? How can you do it?

( 课前学生就分好组, 前后四人为一小组,进行小组合作交流,要求学生把讨论的结果,也就是把想吃的东西列成菜单。)

Ask them to list a food menu. Some food must be Chinese food. Some must be western-style food. So the students decide to go to a&nb

spKFC or the Mc Donald’s and go to a Chinese restaurant to have Chinese food.


But the students don’t know how to express themselves when they do it. Maybe some of them know. The teacher can ask them to say something about it first.


(2) Play the tape and ask the students to listen carefully and fill in the key words in the dialogue:

Woman:Can I help you?

A:Yes. Er, what _____ you _____?

B:I don’t know.

A:Well, would you like_________ ___ ____?

What about some ____ _____?

B:Oh, yes. I’d like a ______ of apple juice.

What about you?

A: I’d like a _____ of orange juice. What about____ ____ ____?

B:Some cakes, please.

A:We’d like a bottle of apple juice, a glass of orange,

and four cakes, please.

Woman:OK…Here you&n


Step 4 Practice

(1) The students listen to the tape again and find the answers .

Then the teacher writes them on the blackboard:

What would you like?

I’d like…

Would you like some…?


(2)According to the dialogue, they can use these sentence pattens to express what to say when they want to have something , in order to be familiar


First, make some small dialogues. At the same time, show a KFC picture with much food in it. They can see many different kinds of food, drink, fruit and vegetables…(首先出现的食物都是他们会用英语表达的,学生四人一组去吃麦当劳 (或肯德基)或中国餐馆进餐,操练以上的句型。)

Step 5 Presentation and practice

Then the teacher adds some pictures. For example, hamburger, potato chips, ice cream, a

cup of coffee,noodles… They don’t know how to say them in English.(然后不断出现一些食物,如汉堡,冰淇淋,几杯饮料等,这些单


According to the pictures, teach them the new words and some expressions. eg, hamburger, ice cream, potato chips, coffee, coke, a cup of tea, two glasses of milk and so on.(让学生边看图,边学单词和一些表达法,这样他们学单词就不感到枯燥了,觉得是一种需要。)

Step 6 A short play

(1) Go on their dinner in the KFC and make dialogues with the new words and expressions. Furthermore, the teacher asks the students to make up a short play. The topic is Let’s go to the Mc Donald’s (or KFC).” or “Let’s go to have Chinese food.”


(2) Act out their plays. Chosoe four plays from 16 groups.

Step 7 Consolidation

(1)The other students are judges. At last, choose the best one.


(2)Ask the students a question:Do you like Chi

篇四:04 Food and Drink

04 Food and drink

Canteen service

Dear Mr.President,

I’d like to comment on our canteen service.

What I appreciate most about our canteen is its efficient service.In spite of the rush hours at lunch time,I never have to stand in a line to get my noodles.In addition,our canteen is good for the lower prices it charges.We always praise the fried fish or chicken after we look at our wallets. However,our canteen service would be perfect with a few improvements.The foods could be made less sweet.Besides,it is too noisy in our canteens.If something can be done about it,we will surely have an ideal dining environment.

Thank you for your kind attention.

Yours respectfully

Wang Lin Milk and bread Soybean milk and BaoZi Conjee ,eggs and pickles Juice and hamburger The food wasted in the restaurant


In the past,both men and women were expect to be physically strong.being fat could something to boast about.but nowadays,people are trying to get slim.dieting has becoming more and more popular.

People go on a diet for different reasons.some of them are abnormally fat and get in to trouble because of obesity.they have to begin to diet.to avoid or cure diseases.but others,mostly women,put themselves on a diet for the mere purpose of becoming more beautiful,though many have been very slim and beautiful.

I think that dieting is only necessary for the obese.for most women,dieting is simply a torture that will lead to nowhere.没有任何帮助。The ture beauty is from one’s heart.the outward appearance is in fact not worth all the efforts of women.especially when it is at the cost of health.

Home-cooked food

I like home-cooked food.my parents have very good cooking skills and they make very delicious food.guests who come to my house always praise the dishes made by

them.therefore,i seldom eat out.and i think home-cooked food is more healthy and clean.some restaurant use bad oil to cook dishes or they don’t wash their bowls and plates clean enough,which may affect our health.also,eating with my parents at home will make me feel very close,at ease and warm in heart.

Dishes in the restaurant

Dishes in restaurants are to my taste.home-cooked food is usually ordinary and if eating too often,i may feel bored of the taste.so i often go to some famous restaurants to have a change.some special food can only be cooked deliciously by those chefs in the restaurant.such as seafood.in the restaurant,you have many choices in the menu,and you and taste a lot of food with different flavor.also you will enjoy yourselves because you just wait for the dishes to be presented on the table.restaurants are a good place for get-together.

Fast food

I often eat fast food in the fast food restaurant such as Macdonald or Kentucky.food cooded very fast there,so you don’t have to wait for a long time like in big restaurants.it is very suitable for those who have not enough time to have dinner or who is very hungry or who in alone.fast food is also delicious.i like the chips,the hamburgers,the apple pies and the ice cream in the kentucky and macdonald.they are cheap.and the atmosphere there is relaxing


I enjoying food cooked during picnicking.in our daily life,we often use modern devices to cook,such as the gas-oven.this may be convenient.but is reduces the fun in cooking as the ancient people did.sometimes we can have freshness in picnicking in wild area.you can camp in the forest and cook the meat and fish directly on fire fueled by dry branches.or you can do a barbecue on the beach.food cooked in this way is with a special flavor and you’ll sit on the ground with the sky above your head. My cooking experience

I still remember my first cooking experience because it was really unforgettable and interesting.that was in my high school.my parents all went out and couldn’t come back.mother ask me to cook myself.i hadn’t cooked before and i think it must be cool,so i agreed.i decided to cook potatoes and fried rice with egg.the potatoes are difficult to cut into pieces and i nearly cu my fingers.then in met the problem of putting how much salt in the potatoes.i randomly put all kinds of seasoning.while cooking fried rice with eggs,i found that the eggs was always liquid.and only after i put the rice into the bowl did i realize that i forgot to add oil .i had to cook it again.the rice tasted good.but the potatoes were too salty to eat.


Unit 19 Food and drink 饮食


【 抛砖引玉 】


Ⅰ . 语音学习

1 . 字母 e ,字母组合 ee ,ea 的发音。

2 . 句子重音:

How many pears can you see ?

How many apples can you see ?

Ⅱ . 词汇学习

1 . 要求“四会”:food , rice , bread , meat , tea , milk , glass , a glass of , water , drink , like , eat , nice , many , how many , any , something , only。

2 . 要求“三会”:would like , I'd like = I would like , well。

Ⅲ . 语法学习

1 . some 的用法。

2 . a ( an ) 的用法。

3 . How many … ?

Ⅳ . 交际英语

1 . — Would you like … ?

— Yes , please . ( No , thanks . )

2 . What would you like ?

3 . It's time to do

4 . — How many cakes can you see ?

— I can see only one .

— I can't see any .

【 指点迷津 】


1 . food 食物

We can't live without food and drink .


Many Americans like Chinese food very much .

〖 点拨 〗food 统指食物时,不可数,a food 是“一种食物”,foods 是多种食物。 2 . drink 喝

Would you like to drink some tea ?

He drank the cup empty . 他痛饮一杯。

Let's have something to drink .

2 ) 饮料

I like a cold drink on a hot day .

Tea , water and milk are all drinks . 茶、水及牛奶都是饮料。

〖 点拨 〗drink 作饮料解时,多作可数名词,作为“酒”解时,多为不可数名词。 3 . like 喜欢

I like to read books in the reading-room .

〖 点拨 〗作动词时,like 后面接不定式或动名词 ( 即v-ing ) 均可。

2 ) 像,跟……一样

The pen doesn't look like mine . 那支钢笔看来不像我的。

4 . rice 米饭;大米

Do the people there live on rice ?

We often have rice for lunch . 我们中餐常吃米饭。

〖 点拨 〗rice 是个不可数名词。一粒米为 a grain of rice , 一碗饭 a bowl of rice。 5 . bread 面包

Here is your bread .

Give me a little bread .

〖 点拨 〗bread 为不可数名词。一片面包可说 a piece of bread。

6 . meat 肉

There is not much meat on the plate .

They eat the meat of pigs , dogs and birds .

I don't like fat meat .

〖 点拨 〗meat 为不可数名词。通常指用作食品的各种动物的肉,但不包括鱼和家禽的肉,也不指一般的肌肉。一片肉可说 a piece of meat。

7 . glass 玻璃杯

Get me a glass of water , please .

You can drink eight glasses of water every day .

〖 点拨 〗英美人习惯用玻璃杯喝水,用瓷杯喝茶,因此,一杯水不说 a cup of water , 而说 a glass of water , 一杯茶不说 a glass of tea , 而说 a cup of tea。另外,glass 作为“玻璃杯”解,是可数名词;如为不可数,是“玻璃”。glasses 则为“眼镜”。

8 . tea 茶、茶叶

We are going to hold a tea party tomorrow .我们准备在明天开一个茶话会。

Mother is making tea . 妈妈正在沏茶。

Two teas , please . 来两份茶。

〖 点拨 〗tea 作茶叶及茶解,为不可数。作可数名词使用时,表示“一种茶”或“一份茶”。 9 . milk 牛奶

We like new milk . 我们喜欢新鲜牛奶。

How much is bottle of milk ? 一瓶牛奶有多少钱 ?

〖 点拨 〗milk 为不可数名数。

11 . water 水

The water is good to drink . 这水好,可以喝。

There is a little water in the glass . 杯里有一点水。

〖 点拨 〗water 为不可数名词,其复数形式 waters 往往指海、湖或河里的水。如 the waters of the lake ( 湖里的水 ) 。waters 还可指矿泉水。

12 . eat 吃;吃饭

They have eaten all the food .

Will you eat a piece of bread ?

13 . something 某事 ( 物 )

I think I can find you something to do .

Something is wrong with my watch . 我的手表出了点毛病。

I have something important to tell you .

〖 点拨 〗something 不可写成 some thing,也没有复数形式 somethings。至于 some

things , 则为“一些东西”。此词多用于肯定句,如果在否定句、疑问句及条件从句中,则多用 nothing , anything , 如 Is there anything wrong with your watch ? 有些表示请求、建议或反句的疑问句,则多用 something , 如:Why don't you get something to eat ? 你为什么不弄点东西吃呢 ? )

14 . many 许多的,多的

Do you have many friends ?

There are many children in the park on Sundays .

〖 点拨 〗many 作形容词时,只能修饰可数名词,它多用于疑问句、否定句及条件状

语从句中。如用在肯定句中,则多位于句首,修饰主语。 ( 作代词时,则在句中当主语 )

15 . only 仅仅,只

Only Lucy knew the answer .

16 . any 一些,什么

Are there any books on the desk ?

I don't have any brothers . 我没有兄弟。

〖 点拨 〗any 和可数名词复数或不可数名词连用,用于疑问句、否定句及条件从句中。肯定句中用 some , 但有些疑问句表示建议、请求、反问等,则多用 some。如:Can you give me some paper ? ( 能给我一些纸吗 ? )

2 ) 任何

Come any time you like .

〖 点拨 〗any 作“任何”解时,是正面用法,用于肯定句,和可数名词单数或不可数名词一道使用。

17 . well 喔;那么;好吧

Well , you can have a look . 唉,你可以看一看。


1 . a cup of ( tea ) 一杯 ( 茶 )

2 . a bottle of ( milk ) 一瓶 ( 牛奶 )

3 . a glass of ( water ) 一杯 ( 水 )

4 . would like 愿意,希望

I would like some bananas . 我想吃点香蕉。

Would you like a bottle of orange ?

I would like you to go shopping with me .

〖 提示 〗would like 可缩写成 'd like , 如 I'd like , 此外还有 should like , 意思和它一样。

5 . something to eat 吃的东西

6 . something to drink 喝的东西

7 . how many… 多少……

How many students are there in your grade ?

How many glasses of water can you see on the table ?


【 学法指要 】


1 . What would + 主语 + like ? ……喜欢吃什么 ?

What would you like for supper ?

What would she like to do tomorrow ?

〖 明晰 〗would like 是一种客气的说法。like 在此句型中是动词。

2 . Would you like + 名词 ? 你想要……吗 ?

Would you like something to drink ?

Would you like tea or coffee ?

〖 明晰 〗“Would you like… ? 是一种客气的邀请。“Do you like … ? ”虽然也是“你喜欢……吗 ? ”,但询问的是某人的习惯,不是邀请。如 Do you like tea or coffee ? ( 你喜欢喝茶还是喝咖啡 ? )

3 . 主 + would like…,……喜欢 ( 想要 ) ……。

I'd like to ask you a few questions .

I would like rice and meat .

〖 明晰 〗would like sb to do = would love sb to do 很想让某人干……

4 . What about…… ? ……怎么样 ? ……你以为如何 ?

What about something to eat ? 来点吃的怎么样 ?

What about something to drink ? 来点渴的怎么样 ?

5 . It's time to do sth . 是做……的时候了。

It's time to play games .

It's time to go over our lessons .

〖 点拨 〗It's time to do 中的 time 前有时加 about 或 high , 只起加强语气的作用。 单元难点疑点释疑

1 . would like 与 like 的区别,请比较下列句子:

1 ) — Would you like to have some bread ? 你想吃些面包吗 ?

— Yes , I would like to . 是的,我想。

2 ) — Do you like bread ? 你喜欢面包吗 ?

— Yes , I do . 是的,我喜欢。

注意:would like / love to 中的 to 不要省去。

2 . How many cups of tea can you see ? 你能看见多少杯茶 ?

〖 释疑 〗How many “多少”,它后面必须紧接一个可数名词的复数形式。如:

How many boys , how many students , how many desks How many + 可数名词复数形式用来询问人或物体的具体数量。例如:

How many cakes would you like ? 你想要多少块蛋糕 ?

3 . Yes , Let's . 好,我们走吧 !

〖 释疑 〗Let's 后面省略了 go,这是为承接对方说的 Let's go . 而省略的。这种情况在口语中经常出现。

— Let's help them . 我们帮助他们吧。

— Yes , Let's . 好吧。

4 . Well , would you like something to drink ? 好吧,你想喝点什么 ?

〖 释疑 〗something to drink “喝的东西”;动词不定式 to drink 在这里作定语,修饰前面的不定代词 something。

something to eat,吃的东西;something to do , ( 要 ) 做的事;something to help, ( 要 ) 帮忙的事。

〖 释疑 〗5 . 本单元出现 food , rice , bread , meat , tea , milk , water 等单词,都是不可数名词。一般来说,物质名词和抽象名词是不可数的,因此没有复数形式。如不能说 two breads , three milks , 也不能说 a bread , one tea。

不可数名词的量,可用 a…of , two…s of 来表示。如:a bottle of water 一瓶水,two cups of

milk 两怀牛奶,a piece [ pis ]of bread 一块 ( 片 ) 面包等。

6 . What about something to eat ? 要不要吃些什么东西 ?

What about 或 How about 常用来引起一个问句,表示建议,征求意见或询问消息,意为“……好不好 ? ”,“……怎样 ? ”。例如:

I'd like some rice . What about / How about you ?

What about going to see a film ?

关于 What about / How about 的用法详见第17单元讲解。

【 妙文赏析 】

My name is Jim . ( 1 ) is my birthday ( 生日 ) . Dad and Mum ( 2 ) me a big cake . I'm twelve now . I like cakes . ( 3 ) the table of my bedroom , you ( 4 ) see my lovely cake . You can also ( 也 ) ( 5 ) my name on it . There are ( 6 ) things for my birthday . ( 7 ) are apples , pears and bananas . But I'd ( 8 ) to have something to drink now . My ( 9 ) Bill and Sam are coming . I would like to eat those food ( 10 ) my friends .

1 . A . That B . This C . It D . Today

2 . A . find B . get C . want D . put

3 . A . In B . At C . On D . Behind

4 . A . can B . must C . can't D . don't

5 . A . get B . know C . look D . find

6 . A . others B . the other C . other D . the others

7 . A . They B . Those C . These D . That

8 . A . want B . take C . like D . get

9 . A . teachers B . sisters C . brothers D . friends

10 . A . from B . of C . with D . for

答案与赏析: 1 . 选D。Today is my birthday . 和 It's my birthday today . 均为正确,但 It's my birthday . 一句的意思是不完整的,因为没有确切的时间,故C项为错误。指时间和日期时不能用 This 或 That 作主语,故 A、B 两项都是错的。 2 . 选B。这里 get 作“买”解,get me a big cake 意思是“给我买了一块大蛋糕”。另三项不合文意。 3 . 选C。“在餐桌上”应说 on the table。in 指餐桌里边,at 指餐桌旁边,behind 指餐桌后边,此三项均不合文意。 4 . 选A。C、D 两项明显不合文意。can 和 must 都是情态动词,can 表示“能”,“能够”,must 表示“必须”,可见用 can 符合文意。 5 . 选D。find 在这里表示“发现”,“看到”,相当于 see。另三项不合文意。 6 . 选C。这里泛指“还有别的东西”,并未明确,故不带冠词。others 不能修饰名词,应用单数 other 修饰,故选C。 7 . 选A。应用 they 指代前面已出现过的名词,即 other things。B、C两项不能用作名词替代词,that 与被代名词在数上不一致。 8 . 选C。只有动词 like 方可和句中 I'd 搭配,这里的 d 代表 would , would like to do 作 “想要干”解。另三项动词均不能与之搭配。 9 . 选D。B、C两项与句中 are coming 不合情理,另句中 Bill 和 Sam 不应是对老师的称呼,故A项不合情理。friends 符合文意,故为正确。 10 . 选C。介词 with 表示“和……一起”,另三项不合文章。

【 思维体操 】


1 . “______ are you today ? ”Fine , thanks . ”

2 . The watch is very nice . ______ you like it ?

3 . “What's the ______ , please ? ”“It's four . ”

4 . It's time ______ play games . Let's go , Tom .

5 . “What ______ you like to have ? ”“A glass of milk . ”
