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篇一:plan for a week(每周计划)

篇二:session plan for 1st week

Session Plan

Course: SAT Reading Week:1st Week Class: Grade12 Subject: Main Problems Solving

Objective: Solving problems the students have Outcomes: Problems solved Lecturer:Echo Xue

Session Plan

Course:Vocabulary Week: 1st Week Class: Grade 10 Subject: Quest1 Vocabulary:Chapter1, Unit1 in page242

Objective: A. Learn to pronounce the words of Unit in the right way

B. Remember these words and its relevant forms and meanings.

Outcomes: Most students of Grade 10 grasp the pronunciation of the words, but

remembering these words is still not an easy job for them.

Lecturer:Echo Xue

Mianyang High School Eagle International

Course: Listening Week: 1st Week Class: Grade 10 Subject: Listening

Objective: A. Understand the main idea of the listening material B. Grasp what most word are in the material Lecturer:Echo Xue

Mianyang High School Eagle International

Course: Reading Week: 1st Week Class: Grade 11 Subject: Reading of Quest 3

Objective: A.Grasp the vocabularies of Chapter1, Unit 1 in page 317

B.Understand the meaning of the passage as well as the grammar of the complex sentences Lecturer:Echo Xue

Mianyang High School Eagle International

Course:Vocabulary Week: 11h Week Class: Grade 10

Subject: Quest Vocabulary: Chapter2, Unit1 in page 242

Objective: A. Learn to pronounce the words of Unit in the right way

B. Remember these words and its relevant forms and meanings.

Outcomes: Most students of Grade 10 grasp the pronunciation of the words, but

remembering these words is still not an easy job for them.

Lecturer:Echo Xue

Mianyang High School Eagle International

篇三:Make a plan for my future

Make a plan for my future

When I was little years old, I thought that the greatest person is teacher, because they know many things that I can not understand at that time, therefore a want to become the person like teacher. As I grow older ,I knew ,teacher is one kind of occupation ,teacher possibly will also make mistake ,teacher will also have the thing that he/she do not understand ,therefore my dream changes I had my future to be a scientist ,because I knew that teacher ’s knowledge comes from scientist ,the most important is that I thought scientist know every thing and with resections of my people.

Among the people I knew, no one is scientist, I had wanted to become a unique person.. And I understand clearly that to be a scientist is not easy .If a person wants to be a scientist, he/she needs to read many books , but my school score was not that well .Therefore ,I changed my anticipation of the future is to a businessman ,on the one hand ,I thought I should take responsibility to the built up of my family ,I realize that we need money to support a good life ,this has also been the mine idea environment instilled to me .As for as I know ,I am not sure that I should to be a merchant or a teacher ,in the other hand ,I have no idea of my future occupation. So I need to do the things below.

Arrangements of my graduate time.

My graduate time will only thee and a half years, and only two year to have classes, so the time will go faster than I expect ,and make a reasonable arrangement can help me to use the time more effective. Here I am going to separate it into there parts, first is my learning plan , second is academic program , and the third is development of other interests.

1. learning plan

As I have noted above, during the graduate life, most of the time will be arranged on my thesis and social practice, the time getting together to have classes is very few. So I think we need to make a big change in my way of study, and that is to contact things initiatively, to learn and to do things which are my interest to it .Because works with no pressure is difficult to persevere for me ,and I think the only thing that can let me persist is my interests can be developed , I think what I need to do now is to develop my professional interests, of course, detail plan in the first year is to have class earnestly, reading more books. My present condition is a book a week; I wish I can keep the habit to the end of semester, even to my work life.

2. Academic program

As a graduate student, to have his/her own academic program is very important, otherwise it might bring many problem in the future of academic life .He/she would feel indecisive during the two years, and very confused. First, we need to determine an academic research target, should I engaged to my academic program is to issue professional paper in famous professional magazine, like (Adult education) (China Adult education),ect. At my year of grade one, that is now, I would try to write some professional these about .Adult education .And consult to my teachers, make modification. At the second year of graduate life, I will devote most of my time to my graduate thesis, and try to publish some part of it. In addition, I will also participate in the teachers, researches.

3. The development of other interests.

Although on one request me to develop an interest, I will insist it for myself, just because I like it .My interest is very wide, such as swimming, I have persist it for many years. At the graduate time, I need to learn play piano, when I am a university student ,I tired to learn it ,but for

the time is not allowed ,the plan of learning guitar was delayed down .Now that I had the chance ,I believe I will persist the plan , and learn it from beginning to the end. And now I have already started to learn piano. Besides these, when I have time, I, would like play basketball, table tennis and other sport activities.

That is my entire plan for future, thanks.

11级工商管理 廖敏善


篇四:A Lesson Plan for Unit 1

A Teaching Plan for Unit 1 “How Often Do You Exercise” Students’ level: Year 8

Content: Unit 1 (the third period)

Goals: 1) to be able to use the sentence “How often do you…?” in different situations

2) to be able to describe a person’s daily life and eating habits

3) to arouse the awareness of living a healthy life

Teaching focus: reading and writing

Teaching aids: An overhead projector

Teaching duration: 45 min.

Teaching Procedure:

Step 1: Warming up:

Task 1: “Getting to know your teacher”

Procedure: The teacher gives a simple self-introduction first and then gets the

students to introduce the teacher

Purpose: 1. to get the students to review sentences like “How often does she…?

She does…once a week.”

2. to lead in the lesson and get the students involved in class

Task 2: “Getting to know your classmates”

Procedure: (Group work) Get the students to make a survey and find out who has

the best lifestyle in their class, using questions “What do you usually

do/eat?” and “How often do you ??

Purpose: 1. to get familiar with words and phrases describing daily life

2. to practice using sentences “What do you usually…? How often do

you…?” and their answers

Step 2: Pre-reading

Task : Prediction: “What kind of lifestyle does Katrina have?”

Procedure: Get the students to make guesses about Katrina’s lifestyle and make a

list of what she does and what she doesn’t do.

Purpose: 1. to practice using phrases and be familiar with them

2. to arouse the students’ interest about Katrina’s life style

3. to develop students’ imagination

Step 3: While-reading

Task: Get the students to read the short passage about Katrina and check

whether they have made correct guesses

Step 3: Post-reading tasks

Task 1: “Do you know these words?”

Procedure: Get the students to guess the meaning of the new words in the context Purpose: to train the students’ ability to guess words

Task 2: Discussion

Procedure: Get the students to talk about the questions and find the answers from the


Purpose: 1. to check how well the students understand the text

2. to help students to know what should be good lifestyle and develop good


Step 4: Pre-writing

Task: “Does he have a good lifestyle?”

Procedure: Get students to talk about Yao Ming, the basketball star, make guesses

about his lifestyle

Purpose: 1. to review phrases and words

2. to get ready for writing

Step 5: While-writing:

Task: Write about Yao Ming

Procedure: Provide some words and get the students to write about Yao Ming. Purpose: to link reading to writing and develop the students’ writing skills Step 6: Post-writing

Task: Students’ presentation of their writing

Procedure: Get students to share their writings in class and compare their work

Purpose: to achieve self evaluation and peer evaluation and get students to learn from

each other

Step 7: Assessment

How well can I ….?

篇五:A Teaching Plan for Grammar Module 2 Developing and Developed Countries

A Teaching Plan for Grammar-Link words

Module 2 Developing and Developed Countries

Cl.1 of Teaching Chinese as A Foreign language,2011, CISISU, Li Junjie

Teaching Goals:

1. Help Ss to master how to make comparisons;

2. Enable Ss to master some link words;

3. Encourage Ss to use link words freely and wisely.

Key points: link words

Difficult points: using link words freely and wisely

Teaching Methods: Observation-Method, Inductive-Deductive Methods, etc.

Teaching Aids: pictures, diagrams, etc.

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1. Revision

Putting into Chinese:

1.In the last ten years in China, 150 million people moved out of poverty. However, the Challenges are still great. (过去的十年之内,中国有1.5亿人脱贫。然而,挑战仍很严峻。)

2. Although more than 80% of children in developing countries go to primary school, about 115 million children are not being educated.(虽然发展中国家80%以上的儿童能上小学,但仍有


3. More than 1 billion people in developing countries do not drink safe water. However, in other regions of the world, e.g. Eastern Europe, water is now mostly safe to drink.(发展中国家里十多亿的人喝不上安全的饮用水。然而在世界的其他地方,例如东欧,现在的饮用水大多是安全的。)

4. Although developed countries give some financial help, they need to give much more.(虽然发达国家提供了一些经济援助,但是提供援助的数量应该大大增加。)

Step 2. Lead in

T:We need some words like although, however and so on to connect sentences. These words are called link word. Can you name some other link words?

Ss: But, while…

T: Good! Let?s look at the grammar.

Step 3. Presentations & Practices

1. Part 1 Fast reading and questions

2. Part 2 Practice

3. Part 3 Fast reading and questions

4. Part 4 Practice

Step 4. Comparison & Summary

1. Working in groups of 4 and comparing but and however; although and while.

2. Presenting to the class

3. Teacher?s summary:

Link words


1)however adv. 可是,不过;然而

however 比 but 的词义还要弱些,并不直接引出相反的意见,因此常用作插入语。 a. You will be lucky if he lets you go without a ticket. However,this does not always happen. (他如果不给你一个违章通知单就放你走,你就是运气好。不过,这种事也并不总是发生的。)

b. The most surprising thing about the plane,however,is that it can land anywhere... (不过,关于这架飞机的最使人吃惊的事情是,它可以在任何地方着陆??)

c. He hasn?t arrived. He may,however,come later.


d. I?d like to go with you;however,my hands are full.


2) although conj. 虽然,尽管

although 与though大致相同。口语中,though 比较常用。

although用于陈述事实,而不用于假设,因此不可以把as though 或even though 的though换成although。

although 用于句首的情况较多,而且though可当副词置于句尾,作“但是,不过”解。although不能用于句子末尾。

a. Although they are poor they are happy.


b. Although it was so cold,he went out without an overcoat.


3)but conj. 但是

but 用来引出微弱的相反的意见,是口语常用词。

a. I was going to write,but I lost your address.


b. Nearly everybody enters for“The Nicest Garden Competition”each year,but Joe wins every time.


c. ...but more often than not,the greater part of the journey is spent on narrow,rough roads which are crowded with traffic.


4)while conj. 但,确,然而


a. You like tennis,while I?d rather read.


b. I drink black coffee while he prefers it with milk.


c. I earn only 50 dollars a week,while she earns 80 dollars.

(来自:WwW.smhaida.Com 海达 范文 网:a,plan,for,week)


d. Norway is at the top of the list,while the U.S. is at number 7.)


e. Their country has plenty of oil,while ours has none.


Step 5. Consolidations


1.Though I love my students, I'm very strict with them.

→ I love my students, I'm very strict with them. (Although)

→ I love my students, I'm very strict with them.( While)

→I love my students, I'm very strict with them.( but)

→I love my students, I'm very strict with them.( yet)

→I love my students. ,I?m very strict with them.( However)

2.Although they are poor, they are warmhearted.

→ ,they are warmhearted.(Poor though they are) → ,they are warmhearted.(Although poor)

3.However rich people are, they always seem anxious to

make more money.

→ people are, they always seem anxious to make more money.(No matter how rich)

Ⅱ.用but, however, although和while填空

1.,they did not seem to have much effect.(However)

2.He drives not carefully slowly.(but)

3. many difficulties are still ahead, we are determined to make greater achievements.(Although)

4.He said that it was so; he was mistaken, .(however)

5.He looks honest, actually he's a rogue(淘气鬼).(but)

6.He went out for a walk, I stayed at home.(while)

7.cold it is, she always goes swimming.(However)

8.I?m frightfully sorry, I can?t see you today.(but)


1.________ the activities might seem childish, in reality they require a lot of strength and determination.

A.When B.As C.While D.Once


2.________, he is quite experienced.

A.As is he young B.Although is he young C.Young as he is D.Young although he is 解析:C。考查让步状语从句。在as或though引导的让步状语从句中,如果as或though位于句首时,可以用部分倒装。

3.________ well prepared a gymnast is, he still needs a lot of luck in performing.

A.Whatever B.Although C.No matter D.However 解析:D。however=no matter how,“无论多么”,引导让步状语从句。

4.Though he is in his twenties, ________ he walks like an old man.

A.yet B.but C.and D.or


5.He cannot make her believe him ________ they have been talking for a long time.

A.however B.although C.if D.no matter

解析:B。考查让步状语从句。句意:尽管他们已经交谈了很长一段时间,但是他还是不能使她相信他。however引导让步状语从句时,相当于no matter how,意为“无论如何”。

6.The shop doesn't open until 11 a.m.,________ it doesn't lose any business because of this.

A.for B.or C.but D.so


7.We all admit that breaking a record is fantastic. ________, some challenges are not good for people's health.

A.Therefore B.However C.Moreover D.Furthermore


8.Tom works hard at his lessons. He didn't get the first place in the exam,________.

A.though B.but C.although D.while


9.________ hard you try, it is difficult to lose weight without cutting down the amount you eat.

A.However B.Whatever C.Whichever D.Whenever


10.I don't believe we've met before,________ I must say you do look familiar.

A.therefore B.although C.since D.unless



1.Go over Grammar and try to remember the rules.

2.Finish other grammar exercises.
