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英语是我最喜欢的课程。英语在世界上广泛使用,尤其在义乌这样的一座有很多外国人的城市。而且,我的英语老师对我很友好和善。为了学好英语,我每天早晨朗读英语,在课堂上认真听讲。下课后,我常常看英语节目,并且每天写英语日记。 总之,我热爱英语,而且会把它学得更好。




















宜章四中高一(189班) 姚静









护眼色:绿 橙 棕 黑 字体:粗体 大 中 小 发布时间:2012-5-16 22:11:42 繁體版 有个姓李的商人做铺地砖的工作,跟一个客户谈好了,已经签了约,这才发现这笔生意做下去一定是亏本。客户也很会做生意,很精明,一看,这个生意对方肯定亏钱,所以就吩咐手下人要好好盯着,看他是否偷工减料。




How to Protect Privacy on Internet

Do you worry that your private information such as address, salary or telephone number on Internet will be let out(泄露) without your permission(n.同意,允许)? This has become the common for many people.

The hot discussion on how to protect privacy on Internet has lasted for these years. The following several reasons are approved by the mainstream(主流)of the society. For one thing, our government is expected to make stricter laws or regulations to protect privacy on Internet from leaking out(泄漏). For another, both mass media and schools should educate people to keep their promises(信守承诺) and seal their mouths(守口如瓶)on others’ privacy. Besides, in some fields, personal information has been transacted for pursuing profits. And therefore cutting off the profitable chain(切断利益链) plays a vital(adj.重要的)role in protecting personal privacy.

Could you imagine that we’re relaxing, listening to music or surging on Internet at home while our personal information is spreading or even being exchanged illegally(adv.不法地,违法地)? Only if privacy is protected effectively and create a clean cyber environment, can people feel at ease to surge the web(上网).



Spring in Our School 校园里的春天

Spring comes at last. Everything begins to grow. The trees turn green, and the flowers come out. On the playground, in the fields, on each side of the road, the young grass grows everywhere.

Spring also arrives in our school. Come and see, behind our teaching building, there are some small pear trees covered with white flowers; on both sides of it, there are some other flowers smiling at you, Some are yellow, some are red. In our school garden, more flowers are there. All kinds of flowers of many colours can be seen.

Look, there are some Kites flying in the sky. The spring wind is blowing. The sun is shining brightly. Some boys are playing games in the sun, Listen, a group of girls are singing "Where’s spring?" It sounds like the singing of lark birds. All these make me think that spring is here, spring is there, and spring is just in our school. Fhe boys and the girls are all like flowers in spring.




A Heavy Rain 一场大雨


That was a morning in the early of June. I took a bus to my school in the suburb which was surrounded by rice paddies and ponds. The sky was gray with the gloomy clouds congregating gradually along the far eastern horizon. "There must be a heavy rain soon." I spoke to myself.

When I hurried into the classroom, the sky, gray before, was shrouded now by black clouds, darken to twilight, I felt quite stuffy, while it was quite calm, without wind. I saw the leaves of trees and grass static, which seem to await something tohappen. Several minutes later, I saw the lightening split the clouds and heard the thunders following. Suddenly, the curtain of rain fell and the wind blew. soon the grass flattened under the wind and the rain. With the rain forming like a fog, the sky became bright. I took several deep breathes. I felt comfortable.

The heavy rain lasted three hours and stopped when the class was over. The air was so fresh and the sky was so clear. I felt like a new man myself.


当我匆忙走进教室时,天空,灰色之前,已被黑云笼罩,暗的黄昏,我觉得很闷,虽然它很平静,没有风。我看到树叶和草静,像等着什么事情发生。几分钟后,我看到闪电劈开乌云和听到雷声后。突然,大雨倾盆,风吹。很快,草夷为平地,在风雨中。随着雨下成雾,天空变得明亮。我花了几个深呼吸。我感到很舒服。 大雨下了三个小时,下课的时间停了。空气很清新,天空很晴朗。我感觉像换了一个人。

Colorful campus life


We have lived in Lida School for more than one year. I enjoy all the time here because it can bring me a lot of things such as feelings, knowledge and other things I need.

There are many trees and flowers around us. The trees are green all the year. When we sit in the classroom and look out of the windows, we can see a big tree shaking its strong arms to us. It is really wonderful.

In some ways, our thoughts are at large. Perhaps it makes our brains creative. I believe that nothing can tie up my mind even it stands for authority. The free life is just like our school life.

In our school, of course, there are both success and failure. We should not be proud but modest because there are too many people much better than myself. Actually, we also should muster up courage and work harder.

I like

“We are honest.

We always keep promises.

We often think a lot.

We are never afraid of anything.”

So we have our own school life different from others.

At last, it is impossible for me to resist the temptation to say: what a perfect school life I have!


有很多我们周围的树木和鲜花。所有的树是绿色的一年。当我们坐在教室的窗户向外看,我们可以看到一棵大树向我们摇摆着强壮的手臂。这真是太好了。 在某些方面,我们的想法是大。也许,这使我们的大脑创意。我相信没有什么能绑住我的心,甚至它代表着权力。自由的生活就像我们的学校生活。









值得思考的事情Something worth thinking about

How many times have you heard the expression that most people spend more time planning their vacation than they do planning their lives. I would expand that expression by adding that most people spend more time "thinking" about their vacation than they do thinking about what's important in their life.

While rest and relaxation are a must in living a balanced life, it's not what we were created to do. After all, the Master Creator took his R&R (Rest and Recreation) on the seventh day, only after six days of "definitely directed thought."

Wallace D. Wattles, wrote "There is no labor from which most people shrink as they do from that of sustained and consecutive thought; it is the hardestwork in the world." And yet it is the first and primary labor of achievement. My friend Mike Litman wrote an outstanding article for his ezine this week. It's called "The Millionaire Composite" and it analyzes one of the big differences between super-successful people and everyone else. He writes "I recently visited with a Real Estate Multi Millionaire Mogul. What did I see next to his desk? His vision statement, along with a list of what he values in life---hand written.

"A few months back, I interviewed an individual who has sold over a billion dollars worth of products on television. He told me that he reads his life and business vision and goals daily, and that he TAKES TIME to visualize exactly what he wants to create-EACH NIGHT before falling asleep."

What is your life's purpose or your personal mission statement? Is it written down? Do you review it and think about it often? Is your life organized around your purpose and a set of goals that support that purpose?

Without purpose and goals - definitely directed thought - you are like the proverbial "ship without a rudder." There is power in your purpose and in your goals. It is the power that takes you over obstacles, the fuel that propels you toward the life you envision.

One of my favorite passages of James Allen is one he wrote in "The Mastery of Destiny":

"All successful people are people of purpose. They hold fast to an idea, a project, a plan, and will not let it go; they cherish it, brood upon it, tend and develop it; and when assailed by difficulties, they refuse to be beguiled into surrender; indeed, the intensity of the purpose increases with the growing magnitude of the obstacles encountered." And that's worth thinking about. 有多少次你听到的表达,大多数人花更多的时间规划假期比他们规划自己的生活。我将扩大,表达的增加,大多数人花更多的时间去“思考”假期比他们思考什么是重要的他们的生活。

虽然休息和放松是平衡的生活方式必须的生活,这不是我们能够创造的。毕竟,造物主是在研发(休息和娱乐)的第七天,只有六天之后,“明确的指导思想。” 华勒斯·沃特尔斯,写了“没有劳动,大多数人望而却做不到持续的思考;这是hardestwork世界。”然而,它是第一个和基本的劳动成果。




没有目的和目标——明确的指导思想——你像俗话所说的“没有舵的船。”有权力在你的目的和目标。这是使你越过障碍的力量,驱使你向着你的目标前进。 我最喜欢的一个段落,杰姆斯艾伦是他写在一”掌握命运”:



