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Unit 1, R10: Relationships, two female students chatting in a cafe

Part 1

A: Mary B: Cindy

A: What are your plans for the weekend?

B: I am off to my maternal grandparents. They are holding a family reunion.

A: Sounds fun! Do you have a big family?

B: I sure do.

A: Tell me about your relatives.

B: Well, my immediate family is made up of my parents, my big sister and me. A: Your sister has two children, doesn’t she?

B: Yes, my niece Jessica–she is a beautiful little toddler–and my nephew Kevin.

A: How about your extended family?

B: Well, on my mother’s side, I have twenty family members.

A: Twenty?

B: Yes: my grandparents, four uncles, three aunts, and eleven cousins.

A: Wow, that’s impressive. Is your father’s family that big too?

B: No, he was an only child. So it’s just him, my grandparents and, very happily, his paternal grandfa(转 载于:wWw.SmHaIDA.cOM 海达 范文 网:they,are,my,families)ther –my great-grandpa, who will turn 100 next June!

A: 100! That’s amazing!

Unit 1, R10: Relationships, two female students chatting in the classroom

Part 2

A: Cindy B: Rachel

A: How are you enjoying your American Culture and Society course?

B: I like it. The United States is certainly an intriguing country. At the moment, we are looking at the American family.

A: What can you tell me about it? I’d be interested in hearing about what you’re learning. B: Well, many American families are known as two-career families. That’s a family where both the husband and wife work outside of the home.

A: With both parents working, family income must increase considerably.

B: It certainly does. And it also means more husbands do their share of household chores and childcare... Hmm, another type of family is the stepfamily.

A: What’s that?

B: This type of family is a result of the higher divorce and remarriage rates in America. It can in fact be quite large because of stepchildren and stepparents.

A: I am not really sure what you mean.

B: Well, for instance, if a child’s mother remarries, then her second husband becomes her child’s stepfather. If the stepfather has, say, a daughter, then she becomes the child’s stepsister.

A: Got it. So that’s why they are called stepfamilies.

B: Exactly.

Unit 2: Two friends who haven’t seen each other in a long time

Part 1

A: Dan B: Cindy

A: Dan, it’s been ages. It’s absolutely wonderful to see you.

(Cindy and Dan hug)

B: Cindy, so nice to see you too. You look great! How have you been?

A: I’ve been very well, thank you. I’ve just returned from a year of work and travel. B: Really, where did you go?

A: I took a year off from my studies: I spent 9 months doing some volunteer work with an NGO in Zambia, and then I traveled around Europe for 3 months.

B: That sounds so exciting!

A: It was. How about you? What have you been up to for the last few years?

B: I also went abroad. I completed my final two years of high school in Canada and traveled through America and Mexico during the summer holidays. Now I am preparing for my studies in the UK.

A: Cool! What will you study?

B: Hotel & Tourism Management.

A: Sounds like the ideal choice for someone who enjoys travel!

Unit 2: Two friends talking about their life dreams

Part 2

A: Dan B: Jane

A: Jane, do you get nervous thinking about the future?

B: Yes, I do.

A: Me too.

B: What worries you the most?

A: Family stuff. I’m worried that I might not find a good job and, because of this, struggle to support my loved ones. If I get married and have a child, I want to be able to provide my family with the best life possible.

B: Dan, don’t forget that your future wife will have a job too! She will also provide for your family. It’s silly to put all the pressure on yourself: a married couple should work as a team. A: Yeah, maybe you’re right ... What do you worry about?

B: Having a sense of purpose in life. We spend so much of our adult lives working that I want my job to be meaningful. I want to live to work, not work to live! I dream of being able to have a positive impact on the world around us.

A: Well, you have a positive impact on me, so you’re off to a good start!

Unit 3: Giving advice

Part 1

A: Cindy B: Mark

A: Mark, are you ok? You look terrible.

B: That’s because I feel terrible. I just had a huge fight with my parents.

A: I am so sorry to hear that. What was the argument about?

B: My future. My parents want me to go on an exchange program to America, but I want to study in London.

A: Why did they want you to study in America?

B: Because I have an uncle there who can keep an eye on me.

A: You’ve got to somehow make your parents understand that choosing the right exchange program is more important than studying close to extended family.

B: I try, but they don’t listen.

A: Then perhaps what you need to do is write them a letter.

B: A letter?

A: Yes, I would advise you to list the pros and cons of studying in London. Ask them to make an effort to do the same about studying in America. Then you can all think calmly about your options, without shouting at each other.

B: Ok, I’ll give it a go.

篇二:我的家人 My Families

我的家人 My Families

There are fourpeople in my family. They are my father, my mother, my elderly brother and I.My father is a computer engineer. He works in a big company in my city. My motheris a nurse. She works hard to help patients. But she is always busy and alwayscomes home late tiredly. My brother is three years older than me. Now, he is amiddle school student. He is sunny and easygoing. He can help me a lot in mystudy. I am primary school student. I love my families. So do they.


篇三:Module2 My family同步阅读理解练习(无答案)


Passage1 Jim Green is an American boy. He’s now in China. His father works in China. And he is a teacher. He teaches English in a middle school. Jim’s mother doesn’t work. She is a housewife at home. Jim studies in a different middle school. He has some Chinese friends—Li Lei, in Tao and Meimei. They are in the same class. Li Lei’s father is a shop assistant. He works in a store. H is mother is a Chinese teacher. She works in a middle school. Li Lei and his mother are in the same school. Lin Tao’s father is a driver. He works on the farm. His mother is a doctor. Meimei’s father is a soldier. Her mother is a worker. She works in a factory. Their parents all work hard. They like their children.


1、Where is Jim Green from?


2、What does Jim’s father do?


3、What does the underline word “housewife” mean?


4、Is Lin Tao in the same school with Li Lei’s mother?


5、How many children are mentioned (提到) in the passage? __________________________________________________

Passage 2 My name is Li Hua. I am from a worker's family. There are six people in my family. They are my grandfather, my grandmother, my father, my mother, my sister and I.

Every member in my family works for his or her own trade. My

grandfather and grandmother are peasants. They do farm work every day in my hometown. My father is a senior engineer. He is now working in Africa, helping to build a power station. My mother is a teacher. She teaches English in a middle school. My sister, five years older than I, is a doctor in the People's Hospital of our county. She loves her work and does it well. I am a middle school student. And I am going to take this year's college entrance examination. I wish that I could be enrolled by a famous university.

That is my family. All the members in my family live in harmony. We love each other devotedly.

1、 ----How many people are there in Li Hua’s family?

-----There are _____.

A. five B. four C. six D. eight

2、----What are Li Hua’s grandpatents’ job?

----They are_____.

A. doctors B. farmers C. teachers D. managers

3、Li Hua’s father is now working in ____________.

A. Africa B. England C. China D. America

4、Li Hua is ______ younger than her sister.

A. four B. six C. five D. seven

5、_____ works in the People’s Hospital of our county.

A. Li Hua’s mother B. Li Hua’s father

C. Li Hua’s sister D. Li Hua’s grandfather.

Passage 3 Mr and Mrs Brown are from America. They are now teaching English in Beijing. Their son, Jack, is with them. Jack speaks English. They want him to learn some Chinese. Jack is in Grade Three in a Chinese school. He plays with Chinese children every day. He listens to Chinese, speaks Chinese, read books in Chinese and writes in Chinese . He is good at Chinese.

根据短文内容, 判断T or F

1、Mr and Mrs Brown are from Beijing. ( )

2、Their son, Jack, is in America now. ( )

3、Jack is in Grade Three in a school. ( )

4、He likes playing with Chinese children. ( )

5、Jack isn’t good at Chinese. ( )

6、Jack is from America. ( )

7、Jack is in an American school. ( )

8、Mr and Mrs Brown are now teaching English in Beijing. ( )

9、Jack writes in English. ( )

10、Jack plays with English children every day.

Passage 4This is a picture of the Becky’s family. There are four people in it. That man is her father. He is forty-four years old. He can speak Chinese. There is a woman behind Becky. She is Becky’s mother. She is forty-two years old. She can’t speak Chinese, but she speak English.

Becky’s parents are teachers. They work in a school. There is a boy in the picture, too. That is Becky’s brother. His name is Jack. He’s twelve years old. He can play football and ride a bike. Both Becky and Jack can’t speak Chinese. He has an English friend. Her name is Betty.

Becky and her brother are in the same school, but they aren’t in the same grade. They look like their mother. They are from America. It’s a happy family.

1、________can speak Chinese.

A. Becky’s father B. Becky’s mother

C. Becky’s brother D. Becky

2、------Is Jack thirteen years old?


A. Yes, he is. B. Yes, he isn’t.

C. No, he isn’t. D. No, he is.

3、-----Who is Betty?


A. Becky’s brother B. Jack’s father

C. Jack’s friend D. Becky

4、----Are Becky’s parents teacher?

---- ___________.

A. Yes, they aren’t. B. Yes, they are.

C. No, they aren’t. D. No, they are.

5、Becky and her brother are _______________.

A. in the same school but not in the same grade

B. in the same school and the same grade

C. in the same school and the same class

D. in the same grade but not in the same class

his ’’s his mother’s name. It’s Kate Smith. How old is she? She’s . Who is Mike Smith? He’s Tom’s

篇四:我的家人 My Families

我的家人 My Families

There are fourpeople in my family. They are my father, my mother, my elderly brother and I.My father is a computer engineer. He works in a big company in my city. My motheris a nurse. She works hard to help patients. But she is always busy and alwayscomes home late tiredly. My brother is three years older than me. Now, he is amiddle school student. He is sunny and easygoing. He can help me a lot in mystudy. I am primary school student. I love my families. So do they.


篇五:外研版七年级英语上Module2 My family导学案

U1 Is this your mum?导学案

U2 These are my parents.导学案

外研版七年级英语上Module2 My family

U3 Language in use.导学案
