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我还清楚地记得在《寻找遗失地图》中,当珍珠王子的生命遭到威胁时,是她挺身而出,赶走了大鲨鱼。当珍珠王子的家被破坏得不能住时,是她去为他的朋友修补蚌壳,却因没修好而遭到误会,她为了解释,不顾危险,找到了珊瑚‘‘花’’ 的花盆,当然,珍珠王子的家也修补好了,珍珠王子高兴坏了,他十分感激诺诺,并向诺诺道了歉。


篇二:小公主 解惑 开悟篇

小公主MA5战法解惑 (2010-04-16 07:05:46)


标签: 杂谈 分类:解惑*开悟



渐悟(872034039) 15:22:03


渐悟(872034039) 15:23:39


(先说明一下:渐悟说的这一点其实在MA5战法中已经详细交待了,可能是渐悟没有注意看细节:比如:考虑大盘、第一次、有效站上、日线底分型更加好、收盘价大于MA20、那么多好股票为什么要选最差的做?、、、很多细节不要忽略) 渐悟(872034039) 14:31:02


字*易达(880366) 14:31:36


渐悟(872034039) 14:31:39


非比(471764123) 14:32:17



慕名花开(93407310) 14:31:35

一个方法 哪有那么快 好用


慕名花开(93407310) 14:32:27

绝对 是站立在 5日均线买卖法 用得很熟的情况

渐悟(872034039) 14:33:21


渐悟(872034039) 14:34:51


渐悟(872034039) 14:34:59


渐悟(872034039) 14:35:42


渐悟(872034039) 14:36:06


渐悟(872034039) 14:43:50


渐悟(872034039) 14:47:20


慕名花开(93407310) 15:01:57

简单的一个五日线 公主是要大家去用 边用边悟的


慕名花开(93407310) 15:04:00

站上5日线的 未必都是好股 不过如果是好股一定会站上5日线的

一诺(972067049) 15:05:16


慕名花开(93407310) 15:06:24

那就说明盘整阶段 反复上上下下5ma是不参与的

慕名花开(93407310) 15:14:39

规则不在于能不能完美吃到利润 而在于给你一种大概率的操作规范

小公主(673340803) 16:36:16









2010-04-06 22:13 [回复][删除]


居安思危2010-04-15 23:38:05 [删除] [举报]

我想问下,小公主,关于五日战法,股票选择的问题,是不是形成底分之后更好?单就站上五是线来说,有的是在长期均线以下,有的是站在所有均线以上,这二种哪种好?要不要考虑股票活跃度的问题?还是随机选?盼答复,谢谢! 博主回复:2010-04-16 07:04:58[删除]






“A Little Princess” questions


1 What is the impression Sara made on you when you first know her? 2 Why did some young officer’s wives try to make Sara talk to them ?

3 Find at least 3sentences to show that the father and the daughter didn’t want to face the departure. 4 Why didn’t Sara like the establishment when she first entered in it ?

5 Why did Miss Minchin say Sara was beautiful when she first met the little girl?

6 Why did the young women behind the counters say that Sara must be at least some foreign princess? 7 In Miss Sara’s opinion, what should Emily look like?

8 In Miss Minchin’s opinion, What should Sara behave when her father left?

9 Why would Miss Minchin like to let Sara stand at the head of the line when they take the children to church, although she thought Sara’s clothes was ridiculous? Chapter2

1 What’s the relationship between Sara and Mariette?

2 Why didn’t Sara explain in a very few words that she can speak French?

3 Why didn’t Miss Minchin let Sara make her clear, when she tried to explain that she can speak French? 4 Since Sara was the show pupil, why did Miss Minchin hate her? Chapter 3

1 Why did Sara feel sorry when Miss Minchin shouted at Ermengarde?

2 What do little girls always say to each other by way of beginning an acquaintance? 3 Is Sara a clever girl? How do you know it?

4 What did Miss Minchin like to do when she was talking to others?

5 Why did Sara’s father ask Miss Minchin to let Sara have a playroom all to herself? 6 How did Ermengarde believe Sara that they would catch something behind the door? 7 Did Ermengarde love her father? Why? Chapter4

1 As we can read from the book that Miss Minchin didn’t like Sara, but what did she do not to let Sara leave the school?

2 How did Sara deal with such a lot of exaggerate and untruthful praise?

3 Why did Sara say that Lavinia was growing ,when Ermengarde said that she was horrid? 4 What did Jessie once do to make Lavinia angry?

5 What did Sara usually do to win her so much favor of other girls? 6 What did twenty years old mean to these little children?

7 What’s Lottie’s strongest weapon? How did she get the weapon?

8 Why did Miss Minchin feel rather annoyed, when she flounced out of Lottie’s room? 9 How did Sara stop Lottie from crying? 10 Describe the beautiful picture of heaven. 11 Why did Lottie cry? Chapter5

1 What is the greatest power that Sara possessed?

2 Find out at least 3 descriptions which show Becky was a servant girl. 3 Why did Sara raise her voice when Becky was working in her room? 4 How was Becky behave when she was found to listen to the story?

5 What did Sara think her mother will do, If she knew that Sara told stories to servant girl? 6 Are the stories about heaven from the Bible? 7 Why did Becky save Sara’s room until the last?

8 Who helped Sara, when she didn’t know whether she should wake up Becky or not? 9 What did “an accident” mean when Sara talked to Becky?

10 Why did the author say that Becky was not the same one when she left Sara’s room?


1 What was the chief subject of conversation for weeks in the school after Captain Crewe sent Sara a letter to tell her an interesting story?

2. What did the pupils do during the time when Miss Minchin and Miss Amelia were taking their tea in the sitting room?

3. What would happen if the young pupils made an uproar? 4. Why did Sara enter the schoolroom together with Lottie?

5. What did Sara have to do when she felt she would say something ill tempered?

6. Why was Sara very angry when Lavinnia said “Your Royal Highness” and how did she deal with it? 7. From where could we know that Sara’s father couldn’t deal with the business? 8. Where would the feast be held on Sara’s birthday?

9. Why did Becky pin Miss Amelia’s card on her gift for Sara?


1 Instead of a little girl, what did Miss Minchin think of Becky?

2 How did Sara feel when Miss Minchin made a speech on her birthday party? 3 What attracted the pupils most among Sara’s birthday gifts? 4 What’s the relationship between Mr. Barrow and Sara’s father? 5 Where was Becky when Miss Minchin had a talk with Mr. Barrow?

6 What information can we get from the words “The late Captain Crewe”? 7 What happened to Sara’s father and his friend?

8 Why didn’t Miss Minchin turn Sara into the street, since she knew that Sara had become a pauper? 9 What did Sara behave when Miss Amelia told her what had happened? 10 How can you understand the words “The last Doll”? 11 What did Sara have to do for her living?

12 Why didn’t Sara want to thank Miss Minchin’s kindness in giving her a home? Chapter8

1 How did Sara spend her first night in the attic?

2 What information can we get from the sentence “she could be made use of in numberless directions”? 3 Why did Sara want to study at night after a whole day’s work? 4 Why didn’t Miss Minchin want Sara talk to other children? 5 Who brought comfort to Sara when she was in deep loneliness? 6 Why did Sara think that Ermengarde was not her friend at first?

7 What did Sara pretend her life to be when she was asked if she could bear living in the attic?

Chapter 9

1 What would happen to Sara if children were restless during the class? 2 How did Lottie know where Sara lived?

3 Why did Lottie say that she liked the attic?

4 Why did Sara believe that she could make friends with a rat? 5 Why did Sara say that Melchisedec was a person?

6 In what way did Sara tell Becky that everything was well? Chapter10

1 Did Ermengrade and Lottie always go to the attic? Why?

2 Why did Sara laugh outright but sometimes bite her lip and turn away when she passed a shop window and caught a glimpse of herself?

3 Why did Guy Clarence give Sara money? 4 Why didn’t Sara refuse Guy Clarence at last?

5 Why did Janet and Nora guess that Sara was not a beggar?

6 In Sara’s opinion, why is it a good thing not to answer your enemies? 7 Why did Sara fly into a passion and knock Emily off the chair one day? 8 Why did Sara wish that someone would take the empty house next door?

9 Why did Sara think that someone in the newcomer’s family must been in India? 10 What’s the first impression the new comer made on you? Chapter11

1 Find at least 3 sentences to show the beautiful scenery of sunset. 2 What did Sara want to do when she finished all the work?

3 What disturbed Sara when she was looking out as usual one day? 4 Why did Sara smile to the “lascar” 5 Who caught the monkey at last?

6 What did Miss Minchin want Sara to do when she was older? 7 What had consoled Sara through many a bitter day? 8 What did other servants comment on Sara?

9 Why would the wife of the neatherd be frightened if she found out what she had done?

10 Why did Miss Minchin box Sara’s ears when Sara was putting the French exercise-books together and thinking? And How did Sara deal with it? Chapter12

1 Whom was Mr Carrisford in search of?

2 What’s the relationship between Captain Crewe and Mr Carrisford?

3 Why should Mr Carmichael ask Mr carrisford questions in a quiet and cautious way? 4 In what way did Mr Carrisford think that he ruined poor Crewe? Chapter13

1 How did Sara know that the monkey was homesick?

2 How did Sara make herself feel all right when things were horrible? 3 What did Sara find in the gutter?

4 what did Sara think when she met the poor girl? 5 Why was Sara tearful when she was in the bakery? 6 What did Sara do when she got the buns? Chapter14

1 Who visited the attic one afternoon? 2 What did the men do in the attic? 3 What did the men want to do Chapter15

1 Why didn’t Sara have dinner when she came back to school one day? 2 Who was waiting for Sara in the attic? 3 What cheered Sara up ?

4 What did Sara plan to do to help Ermengarde with all these books? 5 Why did Miss Minchin scold Becky?

6 What was Becky doing when Sara saw her very strange? 7 Who put an end of everything?

8 Who told Miss Minchin about the secret?

9 What was Sara thinking of when Miss Minchin was driven mad by the party? 10 What happened after Sara fell asleep? Chapter 16

1 In what way did everyone know that Sara was in horrible disgrace? 2 Why didn’t people believe that Becky would b


e dispensed with 3 What did Minchin hope to see the next morning? 4 What did the magic bring Sara the next day? 5 What made Sara stronger?

6 What was another wonderful thing?

7 From whom did Miss Minchin think the clothing was sent to Sara? 8 In what way did Sara thank the Magician?

9 Who came to visit and spent a whole night with Sara? Chapter17

1Why had Mr. Carmichael’s stay in Moscow been prolonged from time to time? 2 Who did Mr. Carmichael find in Moscow? 3 Why did Sara come to Mr Carrisford’s house?

4 Why did Mr. Carrisford sit upright so suddenly with such a change of expression? Chapter18

1Sara was very sad when she was found by Mr. Carrisford who was the wicked friend, but later what made Sara give a start of joy?

2 What did Mr. Carrisford want to do after he found Sara? 3 Why did Miss Minchin come to Mr. Carrisford house?

4 What did Sara think of when Miss Minchin asked her to do her duty to her papa? 5What did Miss Amelia comment on Miss Minchin and herself? 6 Why did Miss Minchin begin to stand a little in awe of her sister? 7 Why didn’t Miss Minchin try to control the uproar? 8 Why did Becky cry when she heard the news? 9 What would happen to Becky? Chapter19

1 Who/What serve the Princess Sara?

2 What did Sara plan to do for hungry children? 3 Who is Anne?


1.梦幻童真的少女,万千宠爱的公主、被人膜拜的女王、无人能及的女神,你更想做哪一个 ?

篇五:梦幻公主季悠唐family day活动精彩回顾

梦幻公主季悠唐family day活动精彩回顾


“爸爸你会不会唱《小星星》啊?”“不会啊...”“那我教你哦?”“好啊!”这一段林志颖和其子kimi的对话,父子情深萌翻了无数的父母!11月17日,悠唐版《爸爸去哪儿》——Family day——快乐盛开!艺术才谜、卡酷、迪士尼等商场内数十家儿童类品牌悉数亮相,吸引了数百位辣妈潮爸带着自己的小baby来到现场。各种DIY课、卡通互动,体验十足,让小baby们在爸妈的怀抱里肆意狂HIGH。

儿童Family Day,疯狂乐满地!









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