作业帮 > 字数作文 > 教育资讯


来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 21:27:22 字数作文


1. 阅读理解

A lot of boys and girls in western countries are wearing the same clothes, and many boys have long hair, so it is difficult to tell whether they are boys or not.

One day an old man went for a walk in a park in Washington and when he was tired, he sat down on a chair by a swimming pool. A young person was standing on the other side of the pool.

“Oh!” the old man said to the person sitting next to him, “Do you see the person with the loose clothes and long hair? Is it a boy or a girl?”

“A girl,” said the person, “She is my daughter. ”

“Oh!” the old man said quickly, “Please forgive me. I don’t know that you are her mother. ” “I’m not,” said the person, “I’m her father. ”

( )26. What did the old man see on the other side of the pool?

A. A girl. B. A boy. C. An old woman. D. A man.

( )27. The old man thought the person sitting next to him was____.

A. a woman B. a man C. a girl D. a boy

( )28. “Please forgive me. ” in the passage means“____”

A. I’m not sure. B. I’m surprised.

C. I’m sorry. D. I’m not living here.

( )29. Which is right according to the passage?

A. Most people in western countries wear the same clothes.

B. The old man thought the person next to him was a man.

C. It’s difficult to tell boys from girls because they wear the same clothes.

D. Sometimes men also have long hairs as women in western countries.

( )30. Which can be the best title for the passage?

A. Are they wearing the same clothes?

B. Can you tell boys from girls?

C. Are they boys or girls?

D. What’s wrong with the boys?


What are your clothes made of? Are they made of cotton or wool? Some students in Shandong wear different things. Their clothes are made of discs(光盘) or old clothes!

On October 7th, 36 students in Linyi, Shandong Province, wore beautiful clothes in a show. Their clothes were made of all kinds of things.

The show gave the students a chance to make things with their own hands. It also helped them learn to make good use of waste and not to throw everything away.

Students had lots of good ideas. Some found used things, like old clothes, to make new dresses. “We hope to save energy. Our world is of energy. So I don’t want to just throw old things away,” said Xie Jing at Linyi Art School.

Xie had more than 20 discs on her nice blue dress. She got them from her family and friends. “Though the discs are old, I look very cool in them!” she said.

Song Dandan, a student from the school, looked like a farmer in her straw(稻草) coat and hat. She picked the straw from the fields and put them all together.

“I want to show what people wore in the past.” she said.

Du Yue made clothes for astronauts(宇航员)! She had white cloth all over her. When she walked, she tried to be slow. It looked like she was walking on the moon.

“I hope to wear it in space(太空) some day. I wish that I could walk on the moon!” she said.

( )31. The passage mainly talks about ____.

A. how to make clothes B. energy saving

C. how to look cool D. a special fashion show

( )32. The students’ clothes were made of ____.

A. silk B. cotton

C. waste paper D. all kinds of things

( )33. The underlined(画线) word “short” in the sentence “Our world is short of energy. ” has

the same meaning as “short” in the sentence “____”

A. It’s only a short way from here.

B. The man is short.

C. I’m short of money. Can you lend me some?

D. She was here a short time ago.

( )34. The three students used all these things except ____ to made clothes.

A. discs B. straw C. old paper D. cloth

( )35. The show tells people ____.

A. we should save energy B. they are clever

C. how to make use of old things D. A, B and C


One of Harry’s feet was bigger than the other. “I can’t find suitable shoes for them,” he said to his friend, Jack.

“Why don’t you go to a shoemaker?” Jack said, “A good one can make you the right shoes. ” “I don’t want to go to any shoemaker, ” Harry said, “Aren’t they very expensive? ”

“No,” Jack said, “Some of them aren’t. There’s a good one in our town. Here’s his address. ” Harry went to the shoemaker in Jack’s town a few days later, and the shoemaker made him some shoes.

Harry went to the shop again a week later and looked at the shoes. Then he said to the shoemaker angrily, “You are a foolish man! I told you to make one shoe bigger than the other, but you made one smaller than the other. ”


36. What was Harry’s trouble?


37. Did Jack help him?


38. What did Jack give Harry?


39. When did Harry go to the shoemaker first?


40. Was Harry pleased with his new shoes?



We often see people in different offices wear different clothes. In America, a businessman goes to work in a dark suit, with black shoes, socks and a tie. A reporter goes to work in old blue jeans, a work shirt and sneakers(运动鞋). These two kinds of clothes are suitable for their work.

If you are a college student who will leave school soon, before starting a job, you have to buy some new clothes. And you’d better have a look at“what everyone else is wearing”in the office. On certain(某种) kinds of business occasions, the men wear only suits with white shirts and dark ties. On others, men can wear jackets.

Dressing is very important. Without it, there is no successful fashion. It would be helpful if everyone looks at himself in the mirror before leaving home every morning.


( )26. It’s very common to see people in different offices wear the same clothes.

( )27. If you are a student, you’d better know “what everyone else is wearing” in an office before

working there.

( )28. Suits with white shirts and dark ties are for men on certain kinds of business occasions.

( )29. A reporter often goes to work in a dark suit.

( )30. Dressing is important for successful fashion.


One of the problems career people(上班族) have in the morning is dressing for the office when there will be an evening party immediately followed, with no time to return home to change. The easiest solution is to keep a full set of toiletries (洗漱用品) and make-ups stored somewhere at the office. A woman going to an evening party should dress in one of her “basic dresses” in the morning—the kind that can change into a different look with an added scarf or jewelry. In fifteen minutes, when her office day has ended, she can metamorphose(彻底变化) herself into another person with freshly cleaned teeth, combed hair, a new face, a different and dressier(漂亮的) pair of shoes, and some sparkling jewelry. If she must wear a long dress for the party, she should bring it to the office in a protective bag and store it safely until she has to put it on.

( )31. What’s a problem for the career people from this passage?

A. They must wear uniforms at work.

B. They have no dresses to wear.

C. They often have no time to change clothes for an evening party after work.

D. They have to go to the party.

( )32. The easiest solution is ____.

A. to keep a full set of toiletries and make-ups stored somewhere at the office

B. not to go to the party

C. to take a taxi home

D. to finish work earlier

( )33. If a woman is going to a party, she should wear ____ in the morning.

A. a nice dress B. a “basic dress” C. her uniform D. casual clothes

( )34. How long does it take a woman to change herself at least?

A. About five minutes. B. About fifteen minutes.

C. About half an hour. D. About fifty minutes.

( )35. If a woman must wear a long dress for the party, she should ____.

A. wear it in the morning B. buy one in the shop

C. borrow one from her workmate D. bring it to the office


Most middle school students wear uniforms. Some students like uniforms, but others don’t. However, recently, a Japanese government survey(政府调查) shows that more students in Japan like uniforms now because school uniforms are more fashionable(时尚的) than they were before.

I surveyed some Japanese students about what they thought about school uniforms. I asked them, “Do you like fashionable uniforms?” There were lots of different opinions(观点, 看法).

Hiromi said, “I like school uniforms because I don’t need to choose clothes every day. I think that fashionable uniforms are good. My high school uniform is fashionable, but there is a problem. Fashionable uniforms are too expensive.”

Miki said that she didn’t like fashionable uniforms because she didn’t want to spend too much money on uniforms. She thought that the uniforms should be changed(被改变). They should be cheaper and easier to get.

Mitsuaki said, “I don’t like school uniforms because I want to look different. I also agree that fashionable uniforms make many students want to wear uniforms in high school. If students like fashionable uniforms, it is good. ”


36. Do more students or fewer students like uniforms in Japan now?


37. What is the question of the survey?


38. How many students’ opinions are there in the passage?


39. Why does Hiromi like school uniforms?


40. Why do students not like school uniforms? _______________________________________________________________________ 7.

When you are in Hong Kong, you must be very careful in the streets, because the traffic drives on the left. It is different from that in other areas of China.

If this is the first time you have come to Hong Kong, you must look to the right side and then the left before you cross the street. If the traffic lights are red, the traffic must stop. People on foot can cross the road carefully. But if the traffic lights are green, the traffic can go. People on foot

mustn’t cross.

When people go to or come back from work in the morning or evening, the streets are very busy. Traffic is the most dangerous, especially for the children.

When you go by bus in Hong Kong, you have to be careful, too. You must always remember the traffic moves on the left. Have a look first, or you will go the wrong way.

In Hong Kong, there are many big buses with two floors. You can sit on the second floor. From there you can have a good view. It’s very interesting.


( )26. The traffic in Hong Kong drives on the right.

( )27. In Hong Kong,you can sit on the first floor of a bus and have the view of the whole city.

( )28. If the traffic lights are red, the traffic can go.

( )29. The traffic in Hong Kong isn’t the same as that in other areas of China.

( )30. According to the passage, we know we must obey the traffic rules.


Many people like to travel by plane, but I don’t like it because the airport is usually far from the city. You have



外研版Book 6 Module 9 Unit 1 We laughed a lot.








1、面向学生:小学 2、学科:英语


4、学生课前准备:通过百度搜索学生初步了解中西写信格式的差异。 百度搜索 中西写信格式的差异



本课选自外研版三年级起点B6 Module 9 unit1 We laughed a lot .描述Lingling周末活动的一封信。学生进一步学习一般过去时态的用法。根据课标对中高年级的要求及本班学生的实际情况,将本节课教学目标定为以下几个:











课文内容为外研版三年级起点第六册Module 9 we laughed a lot, 教学对象是五年级学生,根据多年的教学发现,高年级学生随着年龄的增长和知识点的积累,学习英语的兴趣逐渐减弱,因此,在本节课中,为了调动学生的积极性和参与课堂的主动性,我紧紧围绕课堂教学内容“玲玲写信告诉大明,他们去儿童剧院的一些事情”,并创设了我在“刘老根大舞台”所见所闻的情景,我利用百度网,从网上搜集了大量的信息,下载了一些精美的图片,制作成PPT, 创设了真实的语言环境,目的就是为了让学生能够在愉悦的氛围中学习英语,并感受学习英语的快乐。







Step 1`:Warming up and revision

1.Greeting: Hello! boys and girls ,Nice to meet you .I’m very happy today , what about you ? First ,let’s chant and do the actions .

2.Chant: Review the past tense words.

The teacher shows the CAI.

(1) The students read it .

(2)Chant and do the actions.

We walked and walked, We jumped and jumped .We ran and ran,

We drank and drank, And then we stopped.做完该项活动,教师评价:I think your show is very good !让学生初步感知“show”。

(2)Read and do the actions.

3、Review the past tense sentences.

The teacher shows the CAI, T:“Boys and girls ,I’ve got some beautiful pictures , would you like to look them with me ? but please tell me , what did they do last weekend .”OK?

Step 2:Presentation

一、Teach the new words

1、Teach“show ”

T:Do you know ? Where did I go last week ? I went to LiuLaoGen big stage with my daughter , we watched a show.(教授show) (Show the CAI)

2.Teach “women”

T: Who did I see in the big stage? guess.教师边说边打开课件,问:“Who are they ? (课件出示丫蛋和宋丹丹 )


S: They are yadan and Song Dandan.

T: They are women .(Teach “women”)

2、Teach “actor. wore 、funny ”

I also saw some men .Look! Who is he ?(课件先出示小沈阳)

S: Xiaoshengyang . ”

T: XiaoSshengyang is an actor .出示单词卡教学该单词。教学完改单词,然后再出示赵本山。(百度下载图片)

T: Zhao Benshan is an actor ,too. They are actors..

T: That day, they wore women’s clothes ,(teach “wore”),The teacher writes the “wore” on the board tell the students , “wore ”is the past tense of “wear ”,and read them together. then the teacher repeat the sentence: The men wore women’s clothes and write it on the board ,asks the students read it .

4.Teach “told 、joke funny”

T:In the theatre, Zhao Benshan told lots of jokes.

Teach “told ” and“joke”, It was very funny.(teach“ funny”) ,So we laughed a lot.引出课题并板书。Today we’ll learn M9 Unit1 We laughed a lot.

5.Teach “after”

T: Zhao Benshang told jokes , last week I told jokes ,too. And I ‘ve got lots of jokes ,They are very funny ,Would you like to listen?


T:OK! After class ,I’ll tell you .(Teach “after”)

二、Learn the textbook

1.Listen and think

T: Today ,Daming has got two letters ,where are they from ? Who wrote to him ? Let’s listen and think . Are you ready ? (teach “ready”)

2.Listen and repeat

3.Follow the teacher then choose the correct answer.

(1) Who wrote this letter? ( )

A. Lingling B Daming

(2) Where did Lingling go last week? ( )

A park B children’s theatre

(3) Lingling wrote this letter to ( )

A Sam B Daming

(4)What did Lingling eat after the show ?( )

篇三:unit8 topic3


第二部分 英语知识运用(55分)

Ⅰ. 单项选择。(10分)

( )1. Jim said the book ____ very interesting.

A. be B. is C. was D. are

( )2. None of the shoes in the shop fit me well. They are ____ too big ____ too small.

A. both; and B. either; or C. not only; but also D. not; but

( )3. There ____ a stamp collection show in the museum this afternoon.

A. is B. is going to have C. has D. is going to be

( )4. The policeman asked the child ____ so that he could take him home.

A. where did he live B. where he lived C. how did he live D. how he lived

( )5. The children were so excited that they could ____ speak.

A. nearly B. almost C. hardly D. usually

( )6. The Great Wall is known ____ the world.

A. for B. as C. on D. to

( A. traditional B. a most traditional

C. more traditional ( )8. All my classmates are Tibetans ____ me.

A. except B. besides C. with ( )9. China is an ____ country.

A. European B. Asian C. American ( )10.

Salesgirl: No. It looks nice on you.

Mrs. Jones: I like it very much.

Salesgirl: It’s on sale. It’s only 200 yuan.

Salesgirl: It’s made of silk.

Mrs. Jones: I think I’ll take it.

11. ____ 12. ____ 13. ____ 14. ____ 15. ____

Ⅲ. 完形填空。(10分)新 课 标第一 网x k b1.com

One day Jack went to a big dinner party. His coat was not good. When he went in, no one looked at him and no one gave him food. He was angry that he went home,


his best coat and then came back to party. Everyone stood up at once and came to meet him. Other guests him to the best table and gave him the best food. Then Jack put the food in his coat and said, “Please eat, my dear coat. ”The other people were very and said, “Why are you doing that?” Jack answered, “I’m asking my coat now. When I came here at , nobody noticed me gave me food. After I changed my coat, you gave me the best food. So you gave food to my coat, not to .”Everyone felt embarrassed(尴尬的).

( )16. A. any B. some C. few D. little

( )17. A. too B. very C. so D. such

( )18. A. wear B. put on C. to wear D. have on

( )19. A. a B. an C. one D. the

( )20. A. take B. taken C. took D. takes

( )21. A. surprise B. surprising C. surprised D. angry

( )22. A. eat B. eating C. to eat D. ate

( )23. A. first B. the first C. last D. the last

( )24. A. and B. or C. nor D. but

( )25. A. I B. my C. mine D. me

Ⅳ. 阅读理解。(30分)


A lot of boys and girls in western countries are wearing and many of them have long hair, so it is difficult to tell whether they are boys or girls.

a chair by a swimming pool. A young pe

“Oh!” the old man said to the person next to him, “Do you see the person with the loose clothes and long hair? Is it a boy or a girl?”

“Oh!” the old . ”

. ”

( A. A girl. C. An old woman. D. A man.


A. a woman C. a girl D. a boy


B. I’m surprised.

D. I’m not living here.


( )30. Which can be the best title for the passage?

A. Are they wearing the same clothes?

B. Can you tell boys from girls?

C. Are they boys or girls?

D. What’s wrong with the boys?


What are your clothes made of(由……制成)? Are they made of cotton or wool? Some students in Shandong wear different things. Their clothes are made of discs(光盘) or old paper!

On October 7th, 36 students in Linyi, Shandong Province, wore beautiful clothes in a show. Their clothes were made of all kinds of things.


The show gave the students a chance to make things with their own hands. It also helped them learn to make good use of waste and not to throw everything away.

Students had lots of good ideas. Some found used things, like old clothes, to make the dresses.

“We hope to save energy. Our world is of energy. So I don’t want to just throw old things away,” said Xie Jing at Linyi Art School.

Xie had more than 20 discs on her nice blue dress. She got them from her family and friends.

“Though the discs are old, I look very cool in them!” she said.

Song Dandan, a student from the school, looked like a farmer in her straw(稻草) coat and hat. She picked the straw from the fields and put them all together.

“I want to show what people wore in the past.” she said.

Du Yue made clothes for astronauts(宇航员)! She had white cloth all over her. walked, she tried to be slow. It looked like she was walking on the moon.

“I hope to wear it in space(太空) some day. I wish that I could walk on

( )31. The passage mainly talks about ____.

A. how to make clothes B. energy saving

C. how to look cool ( )32. The students’ clothes were made of ____.

A. silk B. cotton

C. waste paper D. all kinds of things

( )33. The underlined(画线) word “short” in has the same

meaning as “short” in the sentence “____”

A. It’s only a short way from here.

B. The man is short.

D. She was here a short time ago.


A. discs B. straw D. cloth


B. they are clever

D. A, B and C


One of Harry’s the other. “I can’t find suitable shoes for them,” he said to his friend, Jack.

, ” Harry said, “Aren’t they very expensive? ”

shoemaker in Jack’s town a few days later, and the shoemaker made him some shoes.

Harry the shop again a week later and looked at the shoes. Then he said to the shoemaker angrily, “You are a foolish man! I told you to make one shoe bigger than the other, but you made one smaller than the other. ”


36. What was Harry’s trouble?


37. Did Jack help him?


38. What did Jack give Harry?


39. When did Harry go to the shoemaker first?



40. Was Harry pleased with his new shoes?


第三部分 写作(25分)

Ⅰ. 词汇部分。(10分)


41. All my classmates are going to the park e____ me.

42. The Spring Festival is one of the most t____ festivals in China.

43. Now more and more people own p____ computers.

44. A: Where shall we meet?

B: Let’s meet o____ the school gate.

45. There is h____ any milk in the bottle, is there?


46. The U. S. A. ____ ____(代表) the United States of America.

47. There is a square____ ____ ____(在……中心) of the city.

48. You can have a bed, ____ ____(至于)

49. My clothes are ____ ____ ____(过时

50. People call Kunming the Spring City. It ____ ____ ____ (得名 Ⅱ. 句型转换。(5分)

51. Li Lei said, “I come from Shanghai.” (Li Lei said that ________ from Shanghai.

52. Do you know? When does the train leave? ()

Do you know________________?

53. One of the two boys must stay here. (____ ____ the boys must stay here.

54. Both Lily and Lucy like dancing. ()


Ⅲ. 书面表达。(10分)


Ladies and gentlemen


第二部分 英语知识运用

Ⅰ. 1. C 本题考查的是宾语从句的时态。主句用过去时,从句应该也用过去时。故选C。

2. B 本题考查短语辨析。both ... and ... 意为“……和……都……”,表示对连接的 两事物进行肯定;either ... or ... 意为“要么……要么……”,表示对连接的两 个事物中的一个进行肯定;not only ... but also ... 意为“不但……而且……”, 连接两个并列的事物;not ... but ... 意为“不是……而是……”。句意“鞋店里没 有一双合适”,说明要么太大,要么太小。故选B。 本题考查的是there be句型的一般将来时。有There is going to be ... 或There will be ... 两种形式。故选D。 本题考查宾语从句的语序。宾语从句要用陈述句语序,排除A和C;由句意知 要带他回家,可知问的是地点。故选B。 本题考查词义辨析。nearly意为“几乎、差不多”, 与almost意义相近;usually 意为“通常”;hardly意为“几乎不(没有)”。本句意为:“孩子们如此激动以至 于说不出话来。”故选C。 本题考查的是be known to这一短语,意为“闻名于”;be known for意为“…… 著名”;be known as意为“作为……著名”。故选D。 本题考查了traditional的最高级形式。故选D。 本题考查except, besides等介词的区别。本句意为:“”except 除……之

外。如:Everyone except Tom went to the concert. besides 除了……之外还


物理等等。故选A。 9. B 本题考查地理常识。句意为“”。故选B。 10. C 本题考查短语 “另外的两天,更多的两天”,它相当于two more days。故选C。

15. G 3. D 4. B 5. C 6. D 7. D 8. A Ⅱ. 11. E 12. F 13. A Ⅲ. 16. A any用于否定句和一般疑问句中。

17. C 本题考查so ... that句型。“如此……以至于”。

18. B put on中的put“穿上”,强调穿的动作; wear则强调穿着的 状态。 19. D 。 20. C 根据后面的可知, and前后时态应一致。 21. C surprisedsurprising 意为“令人吃惊的”,主语常 是物, 22. C 。

23. A ”at last意为“最后”。

24. B or而不用and, or表示全部否定。

25. D 应用宾格形式。

Ⅳ. (A) xkb1.com

26. A 从文章开头我们知道,在西方国家,男孩和女孩常穿同样的服装,留长发,因此, 27. A 区分是男孩还是女孩是很困难的。从She is my daughter. 我们知道游泳池的另一 边应该是个女孩。 从I don’t know that you are her mother. 这句话中可以得知,老人以为邻座的是一 位妇女。 28. C forgive意为“原谅、宽恕”,通过上下文我们知道老人把女孩误认为男孩,所以 在此应表达歉意。 29. D 从文中老人误将孩子的爸爸认作孩子的妈妈可知,在西方国家,一些男人也像女 人一样留长发。 30. B 通过全文的阅读我们知道文中的老人无法辨别男女。


Unit 1 Our Hobbies

Soccer is Liu Chang’s favorite sport. His friends are interested in soccer, too. Sometimes they play soccer after school. On weekends, Liu Chang usually watches soccer games on TV. He looks up famous soccer players on the Internet. He likes to read sports magazines. He collects pictures of famous soccer players. He is going to join a soccer fan club next month.

Liu Chang wants to know his classmates’ hobbies. He asks this question: “ What do you do in your free time?” All fifty of his classmates have one or two hobbies. Most of them play sports. This is a very popular hobby. Their favorite sports are volleyball, table tennis, soccer, and swimming. Many of the students also grow plants. More than half of the students grow flowers and other plants. Half of the students in the class listen to music in their free time. They like popular songs. A few of the students climb mou(来自:WwW.smhaida.Com 海达 范文 网:baidu,dandant)ntains.

Unit 2 Different Dreams

What is your dream? What do you hope to do in the future? We have different hopes and dreams. Now let’s read about our friends’ dreams.

Liu Chang’s dream

I really like science. I especially love spaceships. I usually dream about making spaceships. People will travel in spaceships in the future. So I hope to be a famous space scientist.

Wang Dandan’s dream

I want to be a volunteer. I am a member of a volunteer club. We do a lot of different activities on weekends. We visit children’s homes and hospitals. There are a lot of people in need of help. I want to help them. Will you join me in the future?

Mike’s dream

I love nature. I like trees, birds, and animals. I want to travel around the world and take pictures of nature: animals, plants, mountains, and rivers. I hope to show nature’s beauty and protect nature. Through my pictures, people will come to know the importance of nature. Then they will not hurt it.

Unit 3 Club Activities

Li Jun and Wang Dandan are talking on the telephone.

Li Jun: Hi, Wang Dandan. This is Li Jun. What are you going to do this afternoon?

Wang Dandan: Hi, Li Jun. I have a club meeting this afternoon.

Li Jun: Oh, you are a member of the English Club. Is yang Qiaoqiao still the leader of the club?

Wang Dandan: No. She was the leader last semester. Now Zhang Wei is the leader of our club.

Li Jun: I see. I was interested in your club last semester.

Wang Dandan: Oh, were you? I want to invite you to my English Club meeting.

Li Jun: What time does it begin?

Wang Dandan: It starts at three o’clock in the afternoon.

Li Jun: I see. What do you do at the meetings?

Wang Dandan: First, we talk about new English words and then practice speaking English. After that, we usually listen to some English songs. Finally, we eat some snacks and go home.

Li Jun: It sounds like fun. Do the club members meet every day?

Wang Dandan: No. Only on Tuesdays and Saturdays.

Li Jun: Okay. I’ll join you today.

Wang Dandan: Great! Meet me in front of the school at two-thirty.

We’ll buy some snacks and walk to the meeting together.

Li Jun: Okay. See you in a few hours.

Unit 5 Vincent van Gogh

Many people like Vincent van Gogh’s paintings. Many people also know about the end of his life. But few people know about the rest of his life.

Vincent van Gogh was not always an artist. He was an art dealer for many years. He traveled to different places. He

saw a lot of paintings. But he was not happy. He became a preacher. For a while, he worked at a church in England. Vincent van Gogh wanted to help poor people. So he sold all of his things. He lived with the poor people. But he was still not happy. Vincent van Gogh painted a lot. His paintings were for people. he wanted to make people happy. However, he became sadder. He stayed in a hospital for one year and died in 1890.

Vincent van Gogh only sold one painting during his lifetime. So he was always poor. After his death, he became very famous. One of his paintings is worth more than 82 million dollars. That is really amazing!

Unit 6 You Are My Sunshine

Karen was expecting a baby. Her little son, Michael, was very excited. He sang to the baby every day.

Several months later, Michael’s little sister arrived. But the baby was not healthy. The little girl got worse day by day. The doctor said, “There is little hope. She may not get well.

The girl was in the hospital. Michael said, “I want to sing to her.” Karen said to him, “Kids cannot go into the hospital.” But Karen thought, “This could be the last chance for Michael to see his sister. He may not see her alive again.” She said to Michael, “Okay. You can meet your sister.”

Next to his sister’s bed, Michael looked at her. Michael began to sing, “You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are gray…”

Suddenly, the baby girl moved her eyes and fingers. “Keep on singing, Michael,” Karen said. “You are my sunshine, my only sunshine…” His little sister became better.

A few days later, the little girl went home. It was “a miracle of love!”

Unit 7 Suhe and Jingky

Once upon a time, there lived a little boy, Suhe. One day, he found a whie baby horse in the bush. He named the horse Jingky and lived with it.

Suhe became a brave young man and Jingky became a nice white horse. One day, Suhe read a notice about a horse race. The winner would marry the princess. Suhe and Jingky practiced for the race.

In the race, Suhe and Jingky ran very well and won the race. But the king didn’t like Suhe. The king asked Suhe, “How did you get this nice horse?” Suhe answered honestly. The king said, “You got the horse for free. So the horse is mine. And I cannot accept the result of the race.” The king tried to ride Jingky. But Jingky wouldn’t listen to him. So the king killed Jingky.

A few days later when Suhe was sleeping, he saw Jingky in his dream. Jingky said, “Please make an instrument with some parts of my body. I want to be with you through music.” Suhe made an instrument and it sounded sad and beautiful. People called this instrument a matouqin.

Unit 9 The Fox without a Tail

This is a story about a fox named Carl. Carl did not have a tail. he lost his tail in a trap. He was very ashamed. So he did not play with the other foxes.

One day, Carl called all the other foxes together. Carl said, “Hi! It’s a great day. Good to see you. I was unhappy because of my tail. But now I’m feeling great.” He was smiling and acting happily. “I thought about your tails for many days. You will look better without them. How about cutting off your tails? You will look great. You will be able to run faster without tails,” Carl said.

Many foxes agreed with Carl. But one of the foxes didn’t agree. The fox said, “You only say this because you don’t have a tail. You are unhappy without a tail. You want us to be unhappy, too. You will not be able to change our minds. Come on! Let’s go.” All the foxes agreed. They left Carl alone.

What lesson does this story teach us?

Unit 10 Animal Care

A reporter from the school radio station is asking one of the zookeepers about their job.

Reporter: What is your name?

Zookeeper: My name is Dan. I am a zookeeper.

Reporter: What do you do every day?

Zookeeper: Every day we care for the animals. We feed them daily. We feed meat to the lions. We feed seeds and fruits to the birds. We feed fish to the bears.

Reporter: Do you give water to the animals?

Zookeeper: Yes, we also regularly give water to them.

Reporter: Where do the animals come from?

Zookeeper: They come from all over the world.

Reporter: Do you play with the animals, too?

Zookeeper: We are too busy to play with them. Sometimes, we gently hold some of them.

Reporter: Do you clean the animals’ houses?

Zookeeper: Yes, we do. We also repair their houses.

Reporter: Do you bathe the animals?

Zookeeper: We bathe some of them. We bathe the elephants, for example.

Reporter: Are you scared of the animals?

Zookeeper: No, we’re not. We get along very well.

Unit 11 What Happened to the Dinosaurs?

One day, Mike talked to Susan about dinosaurs. “Some big dinosaurs were as big as buildings,” said Mike. “Really? I can’t believe it!” said Susan. “It’s true! Some were about forty meters long and weighed about one hundred tons,” Mike said. “What was the biggest dinosaur?” Susan asked. “The Seismosaurus was the biggest one,” said Mike.

Mike and Susan went to the dinosaur museum. They saw many dinosaur models in the museum. Some walked on two legs, and others walked on four. There was some information about their food. Some dinosaurs ate plants, and others ate meat. The meat-eaters ate the plant-eaters.

Sixty-five million years ago, dinosaurs began to disappear from the earth. What happened to them? Some scientists say the following. A big comet hit the Earth and the weather got much colder. All of the things on the Earth froze. Because of this, all dinosaurs disappeared.

篇五:八年级英语湘教版下 Unit 8 Topic 3 单元测试题

Unit 8 Our Clothes

Topic 3 Let’s go and watch the fashion show.


第一部分 听力(20分)

Ⅰ. 听句子,选择正确图片。每个句子读一遍。(5分)


1. ____ 2. ____ 3. ____ 4. ____ 5. ____

Ⅱ. 听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读一遍。(5分)

( )6. A. Don’t say so. B. Thank you. C. That’s all right.

( )7. A. Good idea. B. No, I wouldn’t. C. I don’t like it.

( )8. A. That’s really cool! B. What a pity! C. Sounds great!

( )9. A. It’s silk. B. It’s made of silk. C. It’s made in Beijing.

( )10. A. Size M. B. It’s 80 yuan. C. It’s over there. Ⅲ. 听对话,选择正确答案。对话读两遍。(5分)

( )11. When is there going to be a butterfly show?

A. Next week. B. Yesterday. C. Tomorrow afternoon.

( )12. Who will go with Lily?

A. Tim. B. Ann. C. Jim.

( )13. How will they go?

A. By bike. B. By bus. C. On foot.

( )14. Where will they meet?

A. At the station. B. In the shop. C. Outside the museum.

( )15. What are they doing?

A. They’re meeting outside the museum.

B. They’re watching a butterfly show.

C. They’re calling each other.

Ⅳ. 听短文,回答问题。短文读两遍。(5分)

16. What did Fred get?


17. Where did they meet?


18. Did they have dinner?


19. Why did Fred take out his bag at the door?


20. Did Fred look worried?


第二部分 英语知识运用(55分)

Ⅰ. 单项选择。(10分)

( )1. Jim said the book ____ very interesting.

A. be B. is C. was D. are

( )2. None of the shoes in the shop fit me well. They are ____ too big ____ too small.

A. both; and B. either; or C. not only; but also D. not; but

( )3. There ____ a stamp collection show in the museum this afternoon.

A. is B. is going to have C. has D. is going to be

( )4. The policeman asked the child ____ so that he could take him home.

A. where did he live B. where he lived C. how did he live D. how he lived

( )5. The children were so excited that they could ____ speak.

A. nearly B. almost C. hardly D. usually

( )6. The Great Wall is known ____ the world.

A. for B. as C. on D. to

( )7. Cheongsam is ____ dress in China. And many foreigners like it very much too.

A. traditional B. a most traditional

C. more traditional D. the most traditional

( )8. All my classmates are Tibetans ____ me.

A. except B. besides C. with D. on

( )9. China is an ____ country.

A. European B. Asian C. American D. African

( )10. —Harbin is really a beautiful city and there’re many places of interest.

—So it is. Why not stay here for ____ two days?

A. other B. others C. another D. more

Ⅱ. 情景交际。(5分)


Mrs. Jones:Salesgirl: Certainly. This way, please. It’s on the third floor.

Mrs. Jones: So many beautiful clothes! What a beautiful cheongsam!Salesgirl: Certainly. The changing room is over there.

Mrs. Jones:Salesgirl: No. It looks nice on you.

Mrs. Jones: I like it very much.

Salesgirl: It’s on sale. It’s only 200 yuan.

Salesgirl: It’s made of silk.

Mrs. Jones: I think I’ll take it.

11. ____ 12. ____ 13. ____ 14. ____ 15. ____

Ⅲ. 完形填空。(10分)

One day Jack went to a big dinner party. His coat was not good. When he went in, no one looked at him and no one gave him food. He was angry that he went home, his best coat and then came back to party. Everyone stood up at once and came to meet him. Other guests him to the best table and gave him the best food. Then Jack put the food in his coat and said, “Please eat, my dear coat. ”The other people were very and said, “Why are you doing that?” Jack answered, “I’m asking my coat now. When I came here at , nobody noticed me gave me food. After I changed my coat, you gave me the best food. So you gave food to my coat, not to ”Everyone felt embarrassed(尴尬的).

( )16. A. any B. some C. few D. little

( )17. A. too B. very C. so D. such

( )18. A. wear B. put on C. to wear D. have on

( )19. A. a B. an C. one D. the

( )20. A. take B. taken C. took D. takes

( )21. A. surprise B. surprising C. surprised D. angry

( )22. A. eat B. eating C. to eat D. ate

( )23. A. first B. the first C. last D. the last

( )24. A. and B. or C. nor D. but

( )25. A. I B. my C. mine D. me

Ⅳ. 阅读理解。(30分)


A lot of boys and girls in western countries are wearing the same clothes, and many of them have long hair, so it is difficult to tell whether they are boys or girls.

One day an old man went for a walk in a park in Washington and when he was tired, he sat down on a chair by a swimming pool. A young person was standing on the other side of the pool.

“Oh!” the old man said to the person sitting next to him, “Do you see the person with the loose clothes and long hair? Is it a boy or a girl?”

“A girl,” said the person, “She is my daughter. ”

“Oh!” the old man said quickly, “Please forgive me. I don’t know that you are her mother. ” “I’m not,” said the person, “I’m her father. ”

( )26. What did the old man see on the other side of the pool?

A. A girl. B. A boy. C. An old woman. D. A man.

( )27. The old man thought the person sitting next to him was____.

A. a woman B. a man C. a girl D. a boy

( )28. “Please forgive me. ” in the passage means“____”

A. I’m not sure. B. I’m surprised.

C. I’m sorry. D. I’m not living here.

( )29. Which is right according to the passage?

A. Most people in western countries wear the same clothes.

B. The old man thought the person next to him was a man.

C. It’s difficult to tell boys from girls because they wear the same clothes.

D. Sometimes men also have long hairs as women in western countries.

( )30. Which can be the best title for the passage?

A. Are they wearing the same clothes?

B. Can you tell boys from girls?

C. Are they boys or girls?

D. What’s wrong with the boys?


What are your clothes made of(由??制成)? Are they made of cotton or wool? Some students in Shandong wear different things. Their clothes are made of discs(光盘) or old paper!

On October 7th, 36 students in Linyi, Shandong Province, wore beautiful clothes in a show. Their clothes were made of all kinds of things.

The show gave the students a chance to make things with their own hands. It also helped them learn to make good use of waste and not to throw everything away.

Students had lots of good ideas. Some found used things, like old clothes, to make the dresses.

“We hope to save energy. Our world is of energy. So I don’t want to just throw old things away,” said Xie Jing at Linyi Art School.

Xie had more than 20 discs on her nice blue dress. She got them from her family and friends. “Though the discs are old, I look very cool in them!” she said.

Song Dandan, a student from the school, looked like a farmer in her straw(稻草) coat and hat. She picked the straw from the fields and put them all together.

“I want to show what people wore in the past.” she said.

Du Yue made clothes for astronauts(宇航员)! She had white cloth all over her. When she walked, she tried to be slow. It looked like she was walking on the moon.

“I hope to wear it in space(太空) some day. I wish that I could walk on the moon!” she said.

( )31. The passage mainly talks about ____.

A. how to make clothes B. energy saving

C. how to look cool D. a special fashion show

( )32. The students’ clothes were made of ____.

A. silk B. cotton

C. waste paper D. all kinds of things

( )33. The underlined(画线) word “short” in the sentence “Our world is short of energy. ” has

the same meaning as “short” in the sentence “____”

A. It’s only a short way from here.

B. The man is short.

C. I’m short of money. Can you lend me some?

D. She was here a short time ago.

( )34. The three students used all these things except ____ to made clothes.

A. discs B. straw C. old paper D. cloth

( )35. The students did the show to tell people ____.

A. we should save energy B. they are clever

C. how to make use of old things D. A, B and C


One of Harry’s feet was bigger than the other. “I can’t find suitable shoes for them,” he said to his friend, Jack.

“Why don’t you go to a shoemaker?” Jack said, “A good one can make you the right shoes. ” “I don’t want to go to any shoemaker, ” Harry said, “Aren’t they very expensive? ”

“No,” Jack said, “Some of them aren’t. There’s a good one in our town. Here’s his address. ” Harry went to the shoemaker in Jack’s town a few days later, and the shoemaker made him some shoes.

Harry went to the shop again a week later and looked at the shoes. Then he said to the shoemaker angrily, “You are a foolish man! I told you to make one shoe bigger than the other, but you made one smaller than the other. ”


36. What was Harry’s trouble?


37. Did Jack help him?


38. What did Jack give Harry?


39. When did Harry go to the shoemaker first?


40. Was Harry pleased with his new shoes?


第三部分 写作(25分)

Ⅰ. 词汇部分。(10分)


41. All my classmates are going to the park e____ me.

42. The Spring Festival is one of the most t____ festivals in China.

43. Now more and more people own p____ computers.

44. A: Where shall we meet?

B: Let’s meet o____ the school gate.

45. There is h____ any milk in the bottle, is there?


46. The U. S. A. ____ ____(代表) the United States of America.

47. There is a square____ ____ ____(在??中心) of the city.

48. You can have a bed, ____ ____(至于) him, he’ll have to sleep on the floor.

49. My clothes are ____ ____ ____(过时), so I want to buy some western-style clothes.

50. People call Kunming the Spring City. It ____ ____ ____ (得名) because there were many

flowers in it.

Ⅱ. 句型转换。(5分)

51. Li Lei said, “I come from Shanghai.” (改为含有宾语从句的复合句)

Li Lei said that ________ from Shanghai.

52. Do you know? When does the train leave? (改为含有宾语从句的复合句)

Do you know________________?
