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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/25 03:18:51 字数作文


















The chart which is given manifests the most important reasons for study according to age of student of interest and career.

When it comes to reasons for study for career, the rate of this item declines tremendously


with the age goes up (80% to 18%). But the situation of studying for interest is absolutely different from the former reason; its rate comes up rapidly when people are getting much more mature than before. But there is a special circumstance, which happens in the group of middle age of 40-49. At that group, the rates of both items are completely the same (about 40%).

Turning to employer support, the heaviest weight was attached to people under 26(63%), follow by those between 26-29 and over 49. With the former being higher than the latter(51% and 44%). The last two places was distributed to those 30-39 and 40-49, which maintained extremely similar (33% and 37% for each)

Why did you use past tense at the third paragraph while using present tense at the second paragraph?

Maybe you can add a conclusion paragraph at the end to make the essay fulfilled.

By the way, you did make progress on the essay of this style.






有社会经历的人们都在思考怎样摆脱烦恼,而本应单纯天真的我们却在寻找烦恼。总是常常为了一些小事而自暴自弃,甚至自虐自刎。我们这是怎么了,如此软弱,怎么能使自己成为宝剑?如此娇气,怎么能使自己成为梅花? 那些为痛苦而流泪的人们啊,哭过之后就坚强生活吧,因为生活不相信眼泪。失去了,我们可以再争取;错过了,我们可以再寻觅,生活就是这样,何必苦苦哀啼?



作文点评:1. 时间还是比较紧张,建议在卷子发下后就把文章结构、重点句式、加分单词确定好,待考试正式开始后,快速写作,留下一点时间(5分钟)来润色文章;

2. 检查时,除了看看是否有拼写错误之外,还应该把反复出现的词进行替换,把平淡的表达加深,使文章更有力量,可以参看书本第4、5章;

3. 小作文组成、构成那一部分单词再熟悉一遍。


The table summarises data about consumer expenditure on different items in the year 2002 in five countries – Ireland, Italy, Spain, Sweden, and Turkey.

According to the table, while spending on food, drinks and tobacco makes up the largest part of national consumer expenditure in all five countries, spending on clothing and footwear or leisure and education is comparatively less. To be more exact, the spending on food, drinks and tobacco consist more than 15% of the total spending, with turkey registered as high as 32.14%. In contrast, the spending on the category of food, drinks and tobacco only make up 15.77% of Sweden’s national consumer expenditure. In term of spending on clothing and footwear, Italy spent the largest proportion (9.00%) among the five countries, whereas that only constitutes 5.40% Sweden’s expenditure. As for spending on leisure and education, 4.35% of Turkey’s expenditure went to this category while Spain spent only 1.98% on this category.

To sum up, the spending on food, drinks and tobacco comprises the largest proportion of expenditure in all five countries, though there is a marked difference between the real percentages.

Nowadays, whether a child without any talents can be taught to be a good sports person, musician etc. or not seems to become a frequent topic of discussion. While some people believe that some individuals are born with certain aptitude for music or sport, others firmly hold the view that any child can be taught to become a success sports man or a musician. Personally, I prefer the latter view.

It is widely accepted that the success of a person can be attributed to a variety of factors, which indicates that it is by no means unrealistic to train a child to be a musician if we take those factors into consideration. For example, the introduction of a relatively good tutor and a good learning environment would contribute to the success of a person. Besides, with the advancement in technology, an increasing number of equipments or tools are invented and manufactured to help a child to learn. Finally, education itself has the magic of transforming a person and making all possibilities. Numerous ordinary persons change their lives thanks to good education. A case in point is Lang Lang, a famous musician in china, started with no talents for piano, but he manages to become an outstanding person in the field of music through receiving education.

On the other hand, even though it is believed that any child can be taught to become a good sports man or musician, the factor of certain talents still plays a considerable role in one’s success. As a matter of fact, a child with talents is more likely to achieve success than other children who have

no aptitude. Nevertheless, possibilities are open for ordinary children.

Overall, in spite of the fact that certain talents may help a child to succeed, it is of great possibilities that a child, by receiving good-quality education, can become a good sports person or musician.
