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Niagara Falls, one of the world’s greatest natural wonders, can only be described as

breath taking. No matter what time of year, whether it’s the beautiful rainbows glistening in the mist, or the magnificent ice bridge created by the cold of winter, Niagara Falls always seems to amaze it’s viewers. Schoolbooks called it one of the greatest wonders of the world, bringing to mind pictures of a far away, unattainable place. It seemed like a larger-than-life miracle of nature. As a child, I believed that Niagara Falls, like Mt.

Rushmore and the Grand Canyon were all very real attractions of the world. I was given the facts and numbers, but never could I imagine the actual size and greatness of the falls.







Niagara Falls comprises three distinct cataracts. The tallest are the American and Bridal Veil falls on the American side, separated by tiny Luna Island and plunging over jagged rocks in a 180ft drop; the broad Horseshoe Falls which curve their way over to Canada are probably the most impressive. They date back a mere twelve thousand years, when the retreat of melting glaciers allowed water trapped in Lake Erie to gush north to Lake Ontario. Back then the falls were seven miles downriver, but constant erosion has cut them back to their present site. The falls are colorfully lit up at night, and many say they're most beautiful in winter, when the grounds

are covered in snow and the waters turn to ice.

The best views on the American side are from the Prospect Point Observation Tower (daily; 50¢), and from the area at its base where the water rushes past; Terrapin Point on Goat Island in the middle of the river has similar views of Horseshoe Falls. The nineteenth-century tightrope-walker Blondin crossed the Niagara repeatedly near here, and even carried passengers across on his back; other suicidal fools over the

years have taken the plunge in barrels. One survivor among the many fatalities was the Englishman Bobby Leach, who went over in a steel barrel in July 1911 and had to spend the rest of the year in hospital. That practice has since been banned (though a couple of maniacs did it in summer 1995 and came away with minor bruises), for reasons which become self-evident when you approach the towering cascade on the not-to-be-missed Maid of the Mist boat trip from the foot of the observation tower (summer Mon-Fri 10am-5pm, Sat & Sun 10am-6pm; $8.50; 716/284-4233). From Goat Island, the Cave of the Winds tour leads down to the base of the falls by elevator to within almost touching distance of the water (mid-May to late Oct; $5.50). A combination

pass for these and other attractions costs $16. Rainbow helicopter tours (716/284-2800) are a more expensive proposition at $40 per person for a ten-minute ride. To check the view out from Niagara Falls, Ontario, it's a twenty-minute walk across the Rainbow Bridge to the Canadian side (25¢ each way; bring ID, and check with US Immigration officials before heading across), where you get an arguably better view, bigger crowds and even more tawdry commercialism. Driving across is inadvisable: the toll for a car is just 75¢, but par** on the other side is upwards

of $15.

As you look on in awe, reflect that you're seeing only about half the volume of water - the rest is diverted to hydroelectric power stations. The full story of this engineering feat is related at the free Niagara Power Project Visitors Center

in nearby Lewiston (July & Aug daily 9am-6pm; Sept-June daily 10am-5pm; 716/285-3211). With your own transportation it's also possible to trace the inhospitable Niagara Gorge two miles along the dramatic Robert Moses Parkway to the Whirlpool Rapids, a violent maelstrom swollen by broken trees and other flotsam.

Ten miles east of Niagara Falls, the town of LOCKPORT takes its name from the series of locks that raise and lower boats some 65ft at the western end of the Erie Canal. You can see the impressive flight of locks from the Pine Street Bridge, or

up close on canal boat tours


尼亚加拉瀑布是世界第一大跨国瀑布,位于加拿大安大略省和美国纽约州的尼亚加拉河上。与伊瓜苏瀑布、维多利亚瀑布并称为世界三大跨国瀑布。尼亚加拉瀑布由3部分组成,马蹄型瀑布(Horseshoe Falls))、


American Falls)和新娘面纱瀑布(Veil of the Bride Falls)。 马蹄形瀑布位于加拿大境内,美利坚瀑布和新娘面纱瀑布在美国境内。










s Fury





前往位于尼亚加拉湖边小镇(Niagara-on-the-Lake)的尼亚加拉地区机场(Niagara District Airport),登上一架最先进的直升飞机,将有专业飞行员带你冲上云霄,在尼亚加拉大瀑布上空进行一次振奋人心的20分钟直升机之旅。




感受瀑布水帘后探险(Journey Behind the Falls),穿过通道,在尼亚加拉大瀑布水帘后体验瀑布泻流,享受最直观的瀑布的视角之一。挂在墙上的珍贵的历史图片,将带你穿越到过去。




在尼亚加拉大峡谷自然保护区(Niagara Great Gorge)深处探索,你可以发现独特的自然景观。峡谷中的小径将引领你深入这个美丽的保护区,近身观赏古老的岩层和种类繁多的奇葩异木。远足至尼亚加拉峡谷,停留在汹涌的尼亚加拉河边缘:在阳光下找到一个平坦的岩石,拿出你的野餐毯,欣赏波涛汹涌的河水,以及漩涡喷气艇(Whirlpool Jet Boats)在水上翻滚直前。



(Whirlpool Jet Boats)沿尼亚加拉河顺流而下,在惊心动魄的尼亚加拉大峡谷中穿梭飞跃。除了享受惊险刺激的水上之旅,在漩涡中体验令人生畏的360°旋转, 还能欣赏惊人而崎岖的美景!


在尼亚加拉瀑布公园内,有北美最大的玻璃圆顶蝴蝶园(Butterfly Conservatory),这简直就是一座具有神奇魔力的蝴蝶园。在这里你可以和数以百计的美丽生物交朋友!你穿着得越鲜亮夺目,就越会看起来像五彩的花丛,就越会吸引可爱的蝴蝶停落在你身上将你包围。你会发现自己在这颇具异国情调、热带雨林般的蝴蝶园中,不知不觉中就与2000多只任意飞翔的蝴蝶一起渡过数个小时。


尼亚加拉的水果质量非常好,尤其是樱桃以及苹果等,个个又大又甜,每年都吸引了各地游客前来。如果逛累了,你可以在路边自助水果站(Roadside Fruit Stands),购买甘甜的蜜桃、葡萄、杏子、樱桃。农民伯伯会在这里置放钱柜,你只需按照标价把钱放入其中,就能拿走你心仪的水果。就是如此信任你!


在尼亚加拉大瀑布旁,穿梭在数以百万计的闪烁的灯光下,点亮你的绳命!在这些彩灯的照耀下,尼亚加拉大瀑布化身为一幅被浓厚色彩渲染的画布,鲜艳夺目,五彩斑斓。瀑布彩灯节(Ontario Power

篇三:著名景区英文介绍 尼亚加拉大瀑布



Niagara Falls is the collective name for three waterfalls thatstraddle the international border between Canada and the United States; more specifically,between the province of Ontario and the state of New York. They form the southern end of theNiagara Gorge.

From largest to smallest, the three waterfalls are the Horseshoe Falls, the American Falls and theBridal Veil Falls. The Horseshoe Falls lie mostly on the Canadian side and the American Falls entirelyon the American side, separated by Goat Island. The smaller Bridal Veil Falls are also located on theAmerican side, separated from the other waterfalls by Luna Island. The international boundary linewas originally drawn through Horseshoe Falls in 1819, but the boundary has long been in disputedue to natural erosion and construction.

Located on the Niagara River, which drains Lake Erie into Lake Ontario, the combined falls form thehighest flow rate of any waterfall in the world, with a vertical drop of more than 165 feet (50 m).Horseshoe Falls is the most powerful waterfall in North America, as measured by vertical height andalso by flow rate. The falls are located 17 miles (27 km) north-northwest of Buffalo, New York and75 miles (121 km) south-southeast of Toronto, between the twin cities of Niagara Falls, Ontario,and Niagara Falls, New York.

Niagara Falls were formed when glaciers receded at the end of the Wisconsin glaciation (the last iceage), and water from the newly formed Great Lakes carved a path through the NiagaraEscarpment en route to the Atlantic Ocean. While not exceptionally high, the Niagara Falls are verywide. More than six million cubic feet (168,000

m3) of water falls over the crest line every minute inhigh flow,and almost four million cubic feet (110,000 m3) on average.

The Niagara Falls are renowned both for their beauty and as a valuable source of hydroelectricpower. Managing the balance between recreational, commercial, and industrial uses has been achallenge for the stewards of the falls since the 19th century.



身为跨国瀑布,尼亚加拉瀑布是有三个瀑布的:位于加拿大境内最大的马蹄瀑布(Horseshoe F(转 载于:wWw.SmHaIDA.cOM 海达 范文 网:尼亚加拉瀑布英文介绍)alls),位于美国境内的美国瀑布(American Falls)和被鲁纳岛从美国瀑布分出的很小的支流,因水流小、飞落化雾而称作新娘面纱瀑布(Bridal Veil Falls)。

湖水经过河床绝壁上宽350米的公羊岛(Goat Island),分成两部分,分别流入





篇五:英语口语:每日一图第173期 尼亚加拉瀑布



The Niagara Falls is located in the borderline between Canada and America in the east central North America, on a river that connected two of the five Great Lakes. The Niagara consists of two parts: the Horseshoe Falls on the Canadian side of the river, and the American Falls on the United States' side. They are about 50 Meters high, 1240 meters wide.

举世闻名的尼亚加拉瀑布位于加拿大和美国交界的尼亚加拉河上。尼亚加拉河是连接伊利湖和安大略湖的一条水道,湖水经过河床绝壁上的山羊岛(Coat Island),分隔成两部分,分别流入美国和加拿大,形成大小两个瀑布,小瀑布称为美国瀑布 (American Falls),在美国境内,高达55米,瀑布的岸长度328米。大瀑布称为加拿大瀑布或马蹄瀑布 (Horseshoe Falls),形状有如马蹄,在加拿大境内,高达56米,岸长约675米。 瀑布总50米高,1240米长,河道上横亘着一道石灰岩断崖,水量丰富的尼亚加拉河经此,骤然陡落,水势澎湃,声震如雷。

Niagara Falls comprises three distinct cataracts. The tallest are the American and Bridal Veil falls on the American side, separated by tiny Luna Island and plunging over jagged rocks in a 180ft drop; the broad Horseshoe Falls which curve their way over to Canada

are probably the most impressive. They date back a mere twelve thousand years, when the retreat of melting glaciers allowed water trapped in Lake Erie to gush north to Lake Ontario. Back then the falls were seven miles downriver, but constant erosion has cut them back to their present site. The falls are colorfully lit up at night, and many say they're most beautiful in winter, when the grounds are covered in snow and the waters turn to ice.

瀑布有3个,位于美加两国国境上,中间以山羊岛(Goat Island)隔开,在美国那一侧的叫美国瀑布(沿著河流的右手边),在加拿大国境内的叫加拿大瀑布或马蹄瀑布。小瀑布即美国因其极为宽广细致,很像一层新娘的婚纱,又称婚纱瀑布。由于湖底是凹凸不平的岩石,因此水流呈漩涡状落下,与垂直而下的大瀑布大异其趣。因此尼亚加拉瀑布也成为了情侣幽会和新婚夫妇度蜜月的胜地。



原文来自 必克英语http://bbs.spiiker.com/topic-10421.html
