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话说完了,毕竟要归纳一番,相信各位都有这样的经历,领导长篇大论,到最后终于冒出个“总而言之”之类的话,我们马上停止开小差,等待领导说结束语。也就是说,开头很好,也必然要有一个精彩的结尾,让读者眼前一亮,这样,你就可以拿高分了!比如下面的例子:Obviously(此为过渡短语),we can draw the conclusion that good manners arise from politeness and respect for others. 如果读者很难“显而见之”,但说无妨,就当读者的眼光太浅罢了!

更多过渡短语:it can be concluded that,to sum up,in conclusion,in brief,on account of(因为,由于)this, thus, therefore??


如果说“如此结论”是结尾最没用的废话,那么“如此建议”应该是最有价值的废话了,因为这里虽然也是废话,但是却用了一个很经典的虚拟语气的句型。 Obviously,it is high time that we took some measures to solve the problem. 这里的虚拟语气用得很经典,因为考官本来经常考这个句型,而如果我们自己写出来,你说考官会怎么想呢? 更多句型: Accordingly(相应地;因此,所以,于是), I recommend that some measures be taken. (虚拟语气,省略了should)

Consequently, (in order)to solve the problem, some measures should be taken.

篇二:虚拟语气作文导学案 1

Unit 1 Book6 Art Period 5 Writing



2. 通过小组互助或自我帮助学会用虚拟语气表达建议.




1 Warming Proverbs

A. If there ________no clouds, we ________not enjoy the sun.不经历风雨,怎能见彩虹

B. If we ________ strong will, we _____ always have enough ways.如果我们有坚强的意志,我们就有足够的办法

C .Life ________ be too peaceful if it ________ no trouble in it.生活若无波折险阻,就会过于平淡

2. Translation


If I _______ group leader of Grade Two, I ____ ask all the students to have a rest every Saturday, so they could be full of energy next Monday.


Students strongly demand that they ________ wear school uniform. If so, they could show their own personality.


The rule for the boys’ hair is too strict, If boys ______ their hair little longer, they _______feel warmer in winter. Meanwhile, they could follow the fashion.


How I wish we _______ more music, art, sports and computer lessons, that way, students would be happier and healthier. Besides, they would have no pressure from examinations


We have too long studying hours in the evening. If the school shorten the studying time, students _____ have a good sleep and we wouldn’t be sleepy next day when having lessons.

6..我们建议食堂提高饭菜的质量和种类。这样就餐的同学身体更健康,还可以吸引更多的学生就餐。 We suggest the food in the canteen _______ be improved and varied. So students eating there would be healthier and more students would come to enjoy meals.

3. Correction(请在黑体字部分找出错误)

1.如果学校雇佣清洁工来打扫卫生间和过道,那么,学生们就可以有更多的时间来学习 If the school employ dustmen to clean the washing rooms and the passages, students would have more time to study.

2.我建议英语老师不要要求我们背单词,词组。没有这项繁重的任务,我们学习英语会更开心 I highly suggest that English teachers don’t ask us to remember so many words and

expressions. Without the heavy task, we would have a lot of fun learning English. 3晨跑让我们很疲惫。我们希望能够取消这一活动

Running in the morning makes us tired. We wish the activity will be cancelled.


If we had a PE lesson every day , we will be healthier and concentrate more attention on class.


The school demanded that we would have a parent-teacher meeting this Saturday.

4. Speaking If I were headmaster of No3 High School, I….

5. Example

If I were headmaster of No3 high School,I would ask students and teachers to raise the national flag after the second period in the morning on Monday. If students didn’t come to school so early, they could have good breakfast at home. Besides, they wouldn’t be in a hurry on the way. Accidents might be less. I strongly suggest that the headmaster should take consideration of the safety of all the students and teachers. I wish the advice would be accepted by the headmaster. So everyone in our school wouldn’t be feeling so cold on Monday morning when raising the national flag.

6.Writing If I were headmaster of No3 High school ,I…

____________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. Assessment








2. 通过小组互助或自我帮助学会用虚拟语气表达建议.




1 Warming Proverbs

A. If there _____no clouds, we __________not enjoy the sun.不经历风雨,怎能见彩虹

B. If we ___________ strong will, we ___________ always have enough ways.如果我们有坚强的意志,我们就有足够的办法

C .Life _____________ be too peaceful if it _______________ no trouble in it.生活若无波折险阻,就会过于平淡

2. Translation


If I _____________ group leader of Grade Two, I ____________ ask all the students to have a rest every Saturday, so they could be full of energy next Monday.


Students strongly demand that they _______________ wear school uniform. If so, they could show their own personality.


The rule for the boys’ hair is too strict, If boys ____________ their hair little longer, they ______________feel warmer in winter. Meanwhile, they could follow the fashion.


How I wish we _____________ more music, art, sports and computer lessons, that way, students would be happier and healthier. Besides, they would have no pressure from examinations


We have too long studying hours in the evening. If the school shorten the studying time, students _______________ have a good sleep and we wouldn’t be sleepy next day when having lessons.

6..我们建议食堂提高饭菜的质量和种类。这样就餐的同学身体更健康,还可以吸引更多的学生就餐。 We suggest the food in the canteen __________________ be improved and varied. So students eating there would be healthier and more students would come to enjoy meals.

3. Correction(请在黑体字部分找出错误)

1.如果学校雇佣清洁工来打扫卫生间和过道,那么,学生们就可以有更多的时间来学习 If the school employ dustmen to clean the washing rooms and the passages, students would have more time to study.


I highly suggest that English teachers don’t ask us to remember so many words and expressions. Without the heavy task, we would have a lot of fun learning English. 3晨跑让我们很疲惫。我们希望能够取消这一活动

Running in the morning makes us tired. We wish the activity will be cancelled.


If we had a PE lesson every day , we will be healthier and concentrate more attention on class.


The school demanded that we would have a parent-teacher meeting this Saturday.

4. Speaking If I were headmaster of No3 High School, I….

5. Example

If I were headmaster of No3 high School,I would ask students and teachers to raise the national flag after the second period in the morning on Monday. If students didn’t come to school so early, they could have good breakfast at home. Besides, they wouldn’t be in a hurry on the way. Accidents might be less. I strongly suggest that the headmaster should take consideration of the safety of all the students and teachers. I wish the advice would be accepted by the headmaster. So everyone in our school wouldn’t be feeling so cold on Monday morning when raising the national flag.

6.Writing If I were headmaster of No3 High school ,I…

____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________




1.If sb had done sth(坏事), sb would never have done sth(好事). 如果某人过去做了某事(坏事),那么他永远不可能做某事

If Hugh Miller, after toiling all day in quarry (采石场), had devoted his evenings to rest and recreation, he would never have become a famous geologist.

2.Sb would never have done sth(好事1) , never have done sth (好事

2), if sb had done sth (坏事)

某人永远不可能做某事, 永远不可能做某事, 如果某人过去做了某件坏事

The celebrated mathematician, Edmund Stone, would never have published a mathematical dictionary, never have found the key to science of mathematics, if he had given his spare moments to idleness.

3.Had sb done sth(坏事) , sb would never have done sth (好事) 如果某人过去做了某件坏事,而不是去做某件好事,那么他永远不可能做某事(好事)

Had the little Scotch lad, Ferguson, allowed the busy brain to go to sleep while he tended sheep on the hillside, instead of calculating the position of the stars by a string of beads, he would never have become a famous astronomer.


Group discussion Google

If Google had ignored the importance of group discussion, this high-tech company would never have achieved today's stunning success. (If sb had done sth, he would never have done sth)

Google, a once obscure, ailing / fragile company, would never have achieved today's stunning success, never have conquered so big a market share, if it had ignored the importance of group discussion.

(sb would never have done sth , never have done sth , if sb had done sth)

Had Google , a once small , obscure company , ignored the

importance of group discussion ,the hi-tech tycoon would never , never have harvested today's overwhelming success . (压倒性的成功)





主句+ 从句

与现在事实相反: would/情态动词过去式+ were (不分人称)/did

与过去事实相反: would/情态动词过去式+ had done

与将来事实相反: would/情态动词过去式+ should do / were to do

如:If the doctor had been available, the child could not have died.

There is a real possibility that these animals could be frightened, should there be a sudden loud noise.



Had it not been for the timely investment from the public, our company would not be so thriving as it is.

Had Paul received six more votes in the last election, he would be our chairman now. (主句与现在事实相反,从句与过去事实相反)


Your math instructor would have been happy to give you a make-up examination had you gone and explained that your parents were ill at the time.(句子前半部分为假设情况,而“父母病了”是事实)

I would have gone to visit him in the hospital had it been at all possible, but I was fully occupied the whole of last week.




(1)下列动词做谓语时,that宾语从句中的动词用虚拟形式:desire, advise, recommend, command, direct, order, ask, demand, request, require, insist, propose, prefer, urge, 如: In the past men generally preferred that their wives work in the home.

(2)下列形容词和分词做表语或补语时,that主语从句中动词用虚拟形式:advisable, desirable, insistent, preferable, urgent, appropriate, compulsory, crucial, essential, imperative, important, necessary, obligatory, possible, probable, proper, vital, advised, arranged, commanded, demanded, desired, ordered, proposed, recommended, requested, required, suggested。如: The board deem it urgent that these files should be printed right away.

It is essential that all these figures be checked twice.

(3)下列名词接同位语从句或表语从句时,从句中动词用虚拟形式:insistence, preference, recommendation, suggestion, proposal, motion, desire, requirement, request, order, necessity, importance, regulation, rule, resolution, understanding。如:

John Wagner’s most enduring contribution to the study of Afro-American poetry is his insistence that it be analyzed in a religious, as well as worldly, frame of reference.

They keep telling us it is of utmost importance that our representative be sent to the conference on schedule.



(1)连词but, but that, or, or else;副词otherwise, unfortunately等表示转折假设。如:

A safety analysis would have identified the target as a potential danger. Unfortunately, it was never done.

Victor obviously doesn’t know what’s happened; otherwise he wouldn’t have made such a stupid remark.

(2)介词短语暗含假设条件,常用的有:without, but for, under more favorable conditions等。如:

But for the English examination I would have gone to the concert last Sunday.

(3)intended/meant/hoped/wished/plan或was/were +不定式完成式或had intended/meant/planned/hoped/wished

+不定式一般式暗示虚拟语气。如:I intended to have called on you, but I was busy at that time.

(4)情态动词完成式暗示虚拟语气。如:I should have called to make an airline reservation, but I didn’t.



would rather

If only…

It is (high) time that…(从句中动词只用过去式)

如:His wife would rather they didn’t talk about the matter any more.

I’d rather you went by train, because I can’t bear the idea of your being in an airplane in such bad weather.


My father always talks as though he were addressing a public meeting.

(2)If it were not for… (与现在事实相反) If it had not been for… (与过去事实相反) 相当于but for。如:

If it had not been for his help (= but for his help), we would not have succeeded.

(3)If only…谓语动词视情况选用适当的形式。如:

If only the committee would approve the regulations and put them into effect as soon as possible.

(4)lest/for fear that/in case 从句谓语用(should+)动词原形。如:

The mad man was put in the soft-padded cell lest he injure himself.


Church as we use the word refers to all religious institutions, be they Christian, Islamic, Buddhist, Jewish, and so on.

The business of each day, be it selling goods or shipping them, went quite smoothly.

Beneath each of the following sentences, there are four choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.

1) His eyes are blood-shot, he ______overnight.

A. should work B. should have worked

C. would have worked D. must have worked

2) He urged that we ______ immediate action to control the disease.

A. take B. will take C. would take D. shall take

3) Would you please find me a garage ______?

A. to park my car B. to parking my car

C. to park my car in D. to parking my car

4) As soon as Mother entered the room, I stopped _____TV and began ____my homework.

A. to watch…doing B. watching…to do

C. to watch…to do D. watching…doing

5) It is estimated that my income this year is 3 times _____it was 3 years ago.

A. much B. than C. what D. when

Keys to 1—5 D A C B C

6) We have to set up more schools to _____the demand of the increasing children of school age.

A. match B. meet C. suit D. respond

7) We can ______ people in most parts of the world through Internet.

A. communicate to B. commit with

C. command on D. communicate with

8) The representatives ______ a conclusion after further discussion.

A. drew B. came C. completed D. established

9) How could you avoid the traffic accident when you were at such a ______?

A. hurry B. worry C. mood D. speed

10) The careless bus driver should be ______ for the traffic accident.

A. represent B. respective C. responsible D. relevant

Keys to 6—10 B D A D C

11) He admitted _____ the money.

A. taken B. taking C. take D. to

12) Mr. Smith’s dog was _____ by a car and killed.

A. taken over B. run over C. fell down D. trapped

13) If the Olympic _____ here, the city ______ greatly improved.

A. come…will be B) come…will C) will come…will be D) will come…is

14) My bicycle ______ so I had to go to school by bus.

A. broke down B. broke up C. fell down D. fell off

15) I ______ a bunch of flower from Bob, but I didn’t _______.

A. received…accept B. accepted…receive

C. received…refuse D. accepted…take

16) Judy _____ the Great Wall twice, and now she still _____ to go there.

A. has been to …wants B. went to …wanted

C. has gone to ….wants D. goes to …wants

17) To our satisfaction, the performance ______ to be a success.

A. turned in B. show up C. showed off D. turned out

18) The Prime Minister is very popular, _____ he will win the next election.

A. but B. then C. furthermore D. so

19) Every time I ask a question, most students ______ their hands.

A. raise B. rise C. lift D. move

20) If the boss fires me, I shall take ______ against him.

A. process B. measures C. ways D. methods

11-20 B B A A A A D D A B

21) You’d better take an umbrella with you, for it’s raining ______ outside.

A. badly B. heavy C. heavily D. bad

22) It would be appreciated if you _____ the payment terms by fax tomorrow.

A. consider B. confirm C. convince D. draft

23) Many of the villagers died of a ______ disease in the old days.

A. mysterious B. secret C. closing D. confidential

24) You may read any of these books, ______ you must put it in place after use.

A. but B. or C. and D. for

25) Both of his legs were _____ in a serious car accident.

A. damaged B. ruined C. injured D. wounded

26) After long time negotiation, they signed the _____.

A. contact B. treaty C. terms D. contract

27) We are both looking forward _____ next month.

A. to have a holiday B. to go on a holiday

C. to going on holiday D. to be on holiday

28) Many blacks in southern states joined the army when American Civil War _____.

A. was broken out B. broke out

C. was broken off D. broke off

29) Production increased soon after the new management _____ our company.

A. was introduced into B. introduced into

C. was introduced to D. introduced to

30) _____ I admit that the problem is very serious, I don’t mean that it cannot be solved.

A. As if B. As C. Since D. While

21-30 C B A A C D C B A D

31) _______ had we got into the country when it began to rain.

A. Hardly B. Nearly C. Almost D. Mostly

32) The clerks in the office ______not to make such a big fuss.

A. should B. ought C. dare D. may

33) To my disappointment, he didn’t _____ his lessons and repeated the mistake.

A. accept B. receive C. learn D. absorb

34) The school authority has insisted that the present rules and regulations _____ to operate.

A. continues B. would continue

C. continued D. continue

35) ______here a few minutes earlier, you would have met professor Smith.

A. Did you arrive B. Would you arrive

C. Should you arrive D. Had you arrived

36) If I am attacked, I cannot but _____ back in self-defense.

A. fight B. to fighting C. to fight D. fighting

37) Let us stay here for another two nights, ______?

A. will you B. do you C. shall we D. will we

38) When the parents heard the bad news about their son, they ______ completely.

A. broke up B. broke down C. broke off D. broke out

39) ______ the railway station, my friends waved again and again to me.

A. When to leave B. They left C. Left D. When leaving

40) When the plane ______, I said goodbye to my motherland.

A. took away B. took out C. took off D. took down

31-40 A B C D D C A B D C

41) The librarian required that all books _____ returned at the end of the semester.

A. are B. be C. would be D. must be

42) Do you still remember _____ when you broke the law two years ago?

A. to be punished B. having punished

C. being punished D. to have punished

43) They look exactly the same, and how can I ______ which is which?

A. tell B. contrast C. separate D. compare

44) The reason for the low quality of the products was _____ one worker in assembly line was absent-minded.

A. why B. because C. what D. that

45) You’d rather work than play, ______?

A. do you B. wouldn’t you

C. would you D. don’t you

46) I ______ in the kitchen when you knocked at the door, and that’s why I _____ hear you.

A. was cooking, didn’t B. had cooked, hadn’t

C. was cooking, hadn’t D. cooked, didn’t

47) The beauty of the West Lake is ______any word.

A. past B. beyond C. above D. without

48) The old couple had not appeared for a long time, their neighbors thought they ______.

A. must have died B. should have died

C. would have died D. ought to have died

49) The child was _______ to touch the vase on the table.

A. tall enough barely B. barely enough tall

C. barely tall enough D. enough barely tall

50) Only when you get to the top of the mountain _____a good view of the whole city.

A. you will have B. had you

C. you have D. will you have

41-50 B C A D B A B A C D
