作业帮 > 字数作文 > 教育资讯


来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 21:21:10 字数作文



A; B; C; D; E; F; G; H; I; J; K; L; M; N; O; P; Q; R; S; T; U; V; W; X; Y; Z;


??????????a bee; a sheep; a leaf; meat; a peach; ???????????????a fish; a ship; a hill; a pig; a chick;

??????????an egg; a desk; a pen; a bed; a bench; a tent; a pet; ?????????an apple; a bag; a map; a lamp; a cat; bank; a pan; ??????????a car; a star; a part; a class; a basket; a banana; ?????????a dog; a fox; a frog; a shop; a watch; ??????????a ball; a talk; a horse; a door; a lawyer;

??????????a moon; a school; a room; a shoe; a ruler; a group;????????????a book; a cook; a woman; sugar; push; put; ????????a bus; a brush; a nut; a cup; a sup; a son; ??????????a bird; a skirt; a worm; a nurse; her;

?????????a dancer; a doctor; a driver; a manager; a sister; a ladder;


?????????a table; a plate; a cake; a radio; an ashtray; a beefsteak; ????????a potato; a tomato; a nose; a home; a boat; a goat; ????????a kite; a knife; a pie; a lighter; an icecream;

????????a cow; a mouse; a house; a blouse; a towel; an accountant; ????????a boy; a toy; a gold coin; a bottle of oil;

a boiled egg; a lot of noise;

????????a deer; a beer; an ear; a tear; a theater; a museum; ????????a pear; a bear; a chair; a square; an airport;

????????a tourist; poor; sure;


????p??a pie; a pupil; a map; a paper; purple;

????b??a bike; a bed; a bee; a table; a baby;?????

????t??a tap; a seat; a tear; a heart;

????d??a dog; a door; a card; a board;

????k??a cap; a key; a book; a lock; Chris;

????g??girl; a gate; an egg; a dialogue;

????f??flower; first; wife; knife; laugh; cough;

????v??vegetables; visit; vow; five; drive; seven; ?

????[θ???a thread; a thumb; birth; death;

?????e??this cat; that dog; mother; weather; ?


?????s??a seat; a stand; a house; mice; juice; ?????z??a zoo; a zebra; doze; has;

?????[???a ship; a chef; share; T-shirt;

????????a garage; treasure; a measure; rouge;???????????h??a hole; who; behind; heat; hind;

??????r??a room; Brown; front; run; write;

??????t???a child; a church; a teacher; a watch; ??????d???a jeep; an orange; a bridge; a judge;?????????????m??milk; a room; small; home;

??????n??noodles; snow; dance; woman;

????????a song; morning; English;

??????L??a lake; a lady; a lawn; a lark;????

?????l??a girl; a ball; a doll; a walk;

?????w??a wardrobe; a wheel; a waterfall; Washington; ?????j??a year; a yard; a yacht; New York;

?????tr??a tree; a trip; a train; a trunk;

??????dr??a dress; a driver; a drink; a dream; ?????ts??coasts; seats; pets; jets;

?????ds??beds; hands; goods; ads;?????


a /?/

happy、baton、catch、badly、cabbage、salad、hamburger、parent、carrot、anything、tap water、practise、than、glad、bath、land、 a_e /ei/


ai ay /ei/


a_y /ei/


air /e?/



al / ?:/


-ar -as /a:/



are /e?/


-ary /?ri/


au / ?:/


aw / ?:/


br /br/


ch /t?/

teacher、children、touch、ouch、chair、child、chicken、Chinese、which、watch、kitchen、chalk、check、catch、lunch、chess、checkup、 ch /k/


ck /k/


cr /kr/


dr /dr/


e /e/


e_e /i:/


ea /i:/


ear /i?/


ee /i:/


eer /i?/


ei ey /ei/

grey、eight、neighbour、weight、hey、they、survey、weigh eir /e?/


-en /?n/


er /?/


ere /e?/


ew /ju:/


-ge /d?/





一、单词:textbook课本 notebook笔记本 storybook故事书 workbook练习册

mine我的 yours你的 his他的 hers她的

二、单词:Chinese语文 English英语 art美术 PE体育

music音乐 maths数学 computer电脑 science科学

三、单词:easy简单的 hard困难的 interesting有趣的 boring无趣的

useful有用的 useless无用的 magic神奇的 important重要的

四、单词:swimming游泳 singing唱歌 watching TV看电视

doing my homework做家庭作业 sleeping睡觉

eating吃东西 listening to music听音乐 reading看书

五、单词:Mount Fuji富士山 the Eiffel Tower埃菲尔铁塔 Big Ben大本钟 the White House白宫

the Great Wall长城 Britain英国 Japan日本 China中国 America美国 France法国

六、单词:body身体 a pair of wings一对翅膀 insects昆虫 soft柔软的 hard坚硬的 mantis螳螂 moth飞蛾

七、单词:bed床 bedroom卧室 wardrobe衣柜 bookshelf书架

lamp台灯 desk书桌 chair椅子 study书房

八、单词:woman女人 man男人 in the middle在中间

father爸爸 mother妈妈 family家庭

grandfather爷爷,外公 grandmother奶奶,外婆

九、单词:cook厨师 policeman警察 doctor医生 nurse护士 farmer农民 driver驾驶员 worker工人 singer歌手 player运动员 dancer舞蹈家



---It’s my book. =It’s mine. 它是我的书。 ---Whose book is it? ---It’s your book. =It’s yours. 它是你的书。 这是谁的书? ---It’s his book. =It’s his. 它是他的书。 ---It’s her book. =It’s hers. 它是她的书。 二、1.表达星期几有什么课:I have art on Friday.周五我有美术课。


---Who is your art teacher? 谁是你的美术老师?

---Miss White/ Mr Brown/ Mrs Red. 怀特小姐/布朗先生/里德太太。


---What’s your favorite day? 你最喜欢哪一天?

---Friday. 周五。


---Who is your favorite teacher? 你最喜欢的老师是谁?

---Miss White/Mr Brown/Mrs Red. 怀特小姐/布朗先生/里德太太。


---What subject do you like best? 你最喜欢哪门科目?

---I like PE best. 我最喜欢体育。


---Why do you like art best? 你为什么最喜欢美术?

---Because it’s magic.因为它很神奇。


---Why don’t you like maths? 你为什么不喜欢数学?

---Because it’s hard. 因为它很难。

四、询问你正在做什么?---What are you doing? 你正在做什么?

---I am catching the mouse. 我正在抓老鼠。

五、1. ---Is it Mount Fuji? 它是富士山吗?

---Yes, it is.是的,它是。 ---No, it isn’t.不,它不是。

2. ---Where is Mount Fuji (it)? 富士山(它)在哪里?

---It’s in Japan. 它在日本。

六、1. ---Is it an insect? 它是一只昆虫吗? ---Yes, it is.是的,它是。

2. ---Is it a hard moth? 它是一只坚硬的飞蛾吗?--No, it isn’t.不,它不是。 七、1. ---Is this my/your picture? 这是我的/你的图片吗?

---Yes, it is. 是的,它是。

2. ---Is that his/her school? 那是你的学校吗?

---No, it isn’t.不,它不是。

八、1.---Who is the girl/woman? 这个女孩/女人是谁?

---She is my sister/mother. 她是我的姐妹/妈妈。

2. ---Who is the boy/man? 这个男孩/男人是谁?

---He is my brother/uncle.他是我的兄弟/叔叔。

3. ---who are the children? 这些孩子是谁?

---They are my brother and sister. 他们是我的兄弟和姐妹。

4. ---Who is the man/woman in purple/pink?

---He/She is my/his/her...

九、句型:1. ---Who is the woman/man next to ...? ---She/He is...

2. ---What is he/she? 他/她是做什么的?

---He/She is a... 他/她是...


一、单词发音:(1)-ame: game游戏 name名字 same相同的

(2)-ake: bake烤制 lake湖泊 make制作

(3)-ate: date枣子 gate大门 hate讨厌

(4)-ace: ace A face脸 race赛跑

三、单词发音:(1)e-e: these这些 (2)-e: he他 me我

(3)th: mother妈妈 (4)th: three三 teeth牙齿

四、单词发音:(1)-ike: bike自行车 hike徒步走 like喜欢

(2)-ice: dice色子 mice老鼠 rice米饭

(3)-ine: fine天气好 line直线 nine九

(4)-ide: ride骑 side面、边 tide潮汐

六、单词发音:(1)-ole: hole坑 mole田鼠 role角色

(2)-one: bone骨头 cone松果 stone石头

(3)-ose: nose鼻子 rose玫瑰 those那些

七、单词发音:1.-ack: back pack sack

2.-ock: lock rock sock

3. c-: can cat cock

4. k-: kick kid kite


u-e: June六月 cute可爱的 use用处

-ew: new新的 dew露水 mew喵


一、1.不能分开写的单词:textbook notebook workbook storybook

2.welcome to + 地点 欢迎到... Welcome to China! 欢迎来中国!

3.感谢别人及其回答: ---Thank you! /Thanks. 谢谢你!

---You’re welcome. /That’s OK. 不用谢。


(1).I like music.我喜欢音乐。 (2).I don’t like maths.我不喜欢数学。

2.首字母必须大写的单词:(1)学科:Chinese English PE

(2)称呼:Mr Brown Miss White Mrs Red

三、反义词:easy简单的—hard困难的 useful有用的—useless无用的


四、1.Good Morning 早上好

The horse is running.马儿正在跑。

The rabbit is jumping.兔子正在跳。

The fish is swimming.鱼儿正在游泳。

The bird is singing.鸟儿正在唱歌。

“Good Morning! Good Morning!”早上好!早上好!

2.A piece of cake.小事一桩。

3.I am doing my homework.我正在做家庭作业。

You are doing your homework.你正在做家庭作业。

He is doing his homework.他正在作家庭作业。

She is doing her homework.她正在作家庭作业。

五、1.询问别人来自哪里? ---Where is he/she from? 他/她来自哪里?

---He/She is from the USA. 他/她来自美国。

2.首字母必须大写的单词:Mount Fuji the Eiffel Tower

Big Ben the White House the Great Wall China

Britain Japan America France

六、1.不愿意告诉别人:I am not telling you.

2.表扬别人:You’re so clever.你真聪明。

七、1.反义词:this这个—that那个 soft柔软的—hard坚硬的


2.不能分开写的单词:bedroom wardrobe bookshelf

八、1.方位介词:in the middle在中间 in front of在前面 behind在后面

on the right在右边 on the left在左边 next to 在旁边 2.不能分开写的单词:grandmother grandfather

九、1.You’re right. 你说得对。

2.不能分开写的单词:policeman policewoman



[ei] : ay—way, say, play, pay, may, lay

ai—rain, tail, pain, nail, paint

ey—they, grey


ea—break see t p week

[i:] : ea—eat, clean, sea, , tea, teacher, leave, please, peach, meat, leaf, pea, weak

ee—bee, jeep, teeth, feet, green, street, sheep, week, meet, see

[e] : ea—bread, head, headmaster, sweater, sweat c

[ai] : ie—tie, pie, lie, die

ei—either write

igh—light, fight, night, tight, high, right, sight

y—sky, fly, dry, cry, try, my, type, spy no

[ou] / [eu]: : ow—yellow, low, bowl, window, show, know, row oa—boat

[ju:] : ui—suit


[u:] : ue—Sue, blue, glue

ui—fruit, juice, suit two

oo—moon, zoo, food, room, classroom, rooster, too, boots, roof

[u] : oo—book, foot, wool, cook, look, tool

u—put, full, pull

[a:] : ar—car, arm, card, park, garden, are, class, hard, farm, cart

[c:]: or—morning, fork, horse, or, orange, short, for

al—small four



au—August, naughty, autumn

aw—paw, draw, strawberry

[ci] : oi—coin, oil, point, noise, noisy, poison

oy—boy, toy, destroy

[e:] : er—her

ir—birthday, dirty, bird, girl, sir

ur—turn, fur, hurt, nurse, turtle, purse



[e] : er—sister, brother, under, winter, marker, mother, rubber, perhaps or—actor

[au] : ou—house, mouth, out, count, out, round, playground, our, shout, mouse

ow—towel, cow, how, brown, flower, tower, down, now

[ie] : ere—here

ear—hear, dear, ear


[εe ] : air—chair, pair, , hair, upstairs

are—care, share, hare

ear—pear, bear, wear


ere—there, where

[ue] : oor—poor

all [cl]—call, tall, fall, ball, wall, all

bl [bl]—blue, black, blouse, block

pl [pl]—plane, play, plus

gl [gl]—glue, glass, glove, globe

cl [kl]—clock, , class, cloud, clean, climb, close, clap

fl [fl]—fly, floor, flower, flay, flat, flu

sc [sk]*—school, scale, scarf *开头以二个清音发音,音较弱,所以第二个音须浊化,

sk [sk]—skip, skate, skin handbay二个暴破音在一起,前者应弃掉不发音。

sp [sp]—spoon, speak, spend, spell, spaceship

st [st]—stamp ,upstairs, still, instead, store, stand, student, stay, start, stick

sl [sl]—slow, sleep, slice, slot, slippery

sm [sm]—smile, small, snake, smell

sn [sn]—snowman, snow, snake

sw [sw]—sweet, swim, swallow

br [br]—bright, brown, bread, brother, Briggs

pr [pr]—price, prize

cr [kr]—cream, cry, Crisp

gr [gr]—grey, grow, grass, ground, green, grandma

tr [tr]—try, traffic, tree, train, truck, street

dr [dr]—dream, dry, drop, draw, drive, dress, drink, drum, bedroom, wardrobe

fr [fr]—friend, fruit, front, French, frog

wr [r]—write, wrist

ck [k]—back, packet

ch [t∫]—chair, chicken, cheese, church, bunch, bench, beach

sh [∫]—she, sheep, shirt, ship, fish, dish, push

th []—three, thin, thumb, thirsty, thank, thick, bath

th [餧—this, that, then, these, those, brother, father, mother, with ng [Э]—sing, thing, English, hungry, long

ph [f]—photo, elephant, telephone

wh [w]—white, when, which, sandwich, wheat, where

wh [h]—who, whose, whom

kn [n]—know, knee, knife, knock

mb [m]—thumb, bomb, lamb

ew [ju:]—few, view, new, newspaper

qu [kw]—quickly, quiet, question


[∫e] : tion—nationality

[dз] : ge—German, bridge, orange

j—jeep, jump, jam, Jane, January, jar, Jim, jug, June, July, join, jack, just

[ts] : ts—boats, hats

[dz] : ds—hands

[з] : sure—pleasure, measure

[∧] : u—bus, cup, sun, funny, duster, umbrella,

o—colour, come, son

[bl] : ble—table

[dl] :dle—needle

[kl] : kle—sickle

[pl] : ple / pil—apple, people, pupil

[tl] : tle—turtle, kettle, bottle

[sl] : cil—pencil

[vn]: ven—evening

[sn] : —listen

[z] : s—tails, was, boxes, sandwiches

z—zero [zierou], zoo

x—xylose [zailous] [ai] i—nine, five, ice, nice —eye

篇五:很好 国际音标字母组合发音规则表


1) [i:] ee / ea / e / ie, ei

three tree green sheep meet beef seek tea leave lead team mean speak clean he she me Chinese

piece believe︱receive ceiling receipt leisure 2) [i] i / y / e / a

sit picture list mix fix fit pig build miss myth many twenty happy dictionary defect decide delicious orange comrade village 3) [? ] a

hand ant happy map mad glad flag shall 4) [e] ea / e / a *ai/ei

head bread pleasure *said/leisure elephant electric remember sell hotel many any

5) [?:] ir / ur / ear / ur / or girl shirt skirt thirty thirteen third bird turn burn murder nurse turtle Thursday burger

learn earn earth heard term her nerd serve *work worm word world

6) [?] (弱音) er / or / ou / ure / ar / o / a / e / u

元音字母及发元音的所有组合在非重读音节中基本上都读[?] 或(少数)[i] leader speaker farmer powder power doctor actor mayor author

delicious generous various jealous pleasure measure leisure culture familiar collar dollar liar together lesson control polite

account ago banana Canada Japan China spidermen listen glisten elephant calculus suspect maximum

7) [a:] *heart/clerk/sergeantcar farm card arm garden last plant︱calm half 8) [?] u / o / ou / oo

up supper lunch fun gun hunt cup bus come mother does brother love above trouble rough flourish blood flood

9) [?:] al / or / oor / au / our / ou / ar small wall talk tall hall ball call walk short lord horse forty sport more store sore︱door floor

sauce author caught autumn haunt four mourn court︱bought fought *warmth wardrobe quarter 10) [?] / [?] o / a

hot lost lot fox box mop hop loss collar want wash what squander 11) [u:] oo / o / u

groom broom doom goose tooth balloon shoe do two true truth blue full


12) [u] oo / ou / u / o look good foot book should could put full bull pull push women whose

13) [ei] a / ay / ai / ey / ea name cake late gate plane April play say may way︱rain paint plain they grey︱great break 14) [ai] i / y

bike fine find die nine light night high my try fly eye 15) [au] ou / ow

house ground account count loud around flower down now cow how town 16) [?u] o / ow / oa

home cold go no phone host ghost know low below grow blow show flow


1) [p] pear pour pull push 2) [b] boot bread break

boat coat goal 17) [?i] oy / oi boy toy joy oyster soybean oil soil voice choice noise

18) [i?] eer / ea / ear / ea / ear / er / ier beer deer ear idea near here fierce 19) [e?] ear / air / are / ere bear pear pair chair air fair care scare square prepare there where

20) [u?] our / oor *ure tour poor *sure 2.容易混淆的元音 [?] [e]

bad bed hand head man men land lend pan pen sad said [i:] [i]

it eat hit heat sit seat bit beat feet fit

3) [t] ton town twenty city 4) [d] dull dose dictionary

5) * [k] king kite look cook kitchen sky (字母)

card cat cream correct climb come account accept (字母fox box oxygen x-ray exercise (字母school schedule headache chemistry psychology (字母组合cheque queue picturesque antique (字母组合6) * [g] girl good goal goat grade long language (字母) dialogue guest vogue guilty guide safeguard (字母组合) 7) * [m] man make moon morning move come (字母m) comb climb autumn column(ist) (字母组合和


8) [n] pen ten nine fine

9) [?] uncle bank English think thank junk

sing king morning evening (字母组合) 10) [l] long land lend lord flag black

world cold could goal soul able 11) [r] read red right run room

write wrist wrinkle wrong (字母组合) 12) [f] five fly fine flag frog fog roof knife life wife

cough laugh rough tough physic photo phone (字母组合和) 13) [v] very even every voice vest

14) [s] six sit student same seat kiss miss case scarf (发音字母s) license city cease ceiling celebrate piece juice science ace (发音字母c) 15) [z] zoo zebra zero zap close nose hose suppose pause those whose 16) [θ] think thank three thirty tooth mouth through worth 17) [e] that this those these though worthy

18) [?] sheep shoulder ship shoe she brush wash *sure nation attention station social special (字母组合19) [??] pleasure measure leisure closure (字母组合20) [h] hot hop home house horse how

who whole whore (字母组合21) [w] window wind wood

when what where whisper (字母组合22) [j] yes year yell you your yolk yellow

23) [t?] child chicken couch chair lunch ouch catch teach 24) [d?] age language cabbage vegetable stage bridge

joy enjoy join July June junk joke education during (字母25) [tr] tree country try treat track trunk 26) [dr] dry dream drop drive drink 27) [ts] students boots boats goats nuts


28) [dz] goods woods friends

4.容易混淆的辅音 [v] [w] vest west vet wet vine wine [s] [θ] sink think mass math sort sought [z] [e] close cloth breeze breathe


元音字母及发元音的所有组合在非重读音节中基本上都读[?] 或(少数)[i] 1)a [ei] [?] [a:] [?] / [?] [i] private bake grape nation station page active bank fan parent family glad flag fast dance class past father (美音不同) wash what watch want

accept formative machine cinema orange village cabbage comrade

2)e [i:] [e] / [i] [?] 不发音 appreciate extremely secret she me he letter left message generate pebble decide pretty previous result restore problem prosperous student confident active table late wife store lecture

3)i [ai] [i] / [i] [?]

high price library ice wife size line fist picky city︱piano fiancé unit holiday beautiful

4)o [?u] [u:] [?] [?] / [?] [?u] host cold note okay old home lose do who whose prove improve love some other mother honey company

lost hot mock office soft honest today tomorrow control collect photo zero also

5)u [ju:] [u] [?] / [?] [i]

university refuse unique universe huge put push pull full bull July but brush bucket duck bubble support suggest *business busy

6)c [k] [s]

c在a/o/u及辅音前: camp cable camera country courage culture credit claw c在e/i/y前: ceiling celebrate cell cease city cigar privacy cycle

7)g [g] [d?] [?]

g在a/o/u, ir,辅音前,或置于词尾: girl grade gorgeous garbage flag frugal g在e/i/y前: village vegetable bridge gentleman gym germ

long song sing morning evening

8) l [l] 读音不同


listen learn language collect gorilla world cold soil tall sell cool animal

9) n [n] (在[g][k]音前或ng组合中[?] ) moon night noodle number uncle hungry angry young thank * singer finger

10) r [r] (元音与[r]音的组合,美语) right read write grade progress card board door floor form north perfect

11)y [j] [i] [ai] yellow year yell young yolk university country pretty happy dye dying fly buy by my dryer

12) h [h] 不发音

Grasshopper hockey︱hour honest

13) x [gz] [ks]

executive exist exactly exaggerate 重 execute textbook exercise explain oxygen carbon dioxide

ex中的x发[ks]时,(次)重音在ex上,ex发[eks],不在其上,则发[iks]。 exercise expectation excellent except expect excel explain exclude


1)ar [a:] [?] [?:] farm card garden mark dollar collar popular warm warn quarter

(worm word worse worker worth world *sword / worn) 在[w]音后的or, ar

2) er [?:] [?] [i?] *[a:] deserve serve fierce person teacher driver anger singer serious experience mysterious *sergeant clerk 3) ir [?:] [ai] shirt girl skirt admire desire

4) or [?:] [?:] [?]

short form corn born for

*work world worm word worst worthy tractor doctor actor senior senator 5) ur [?:] [?]

Thursday hurt turtle surf ︱sulfur

6) air repair 7) are [ε?]

Scare square dare prepare welfare 8) ire [ai?]

hire fire require wire retire inspire 9) ore [?:]

shore ignore snore sore sophomore 10) oar [?:]


board oar roar soar coarse

