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第二,学生们的语法使用混乱。学生在表达句子时,往往忽略英语句子的语法运用。比如要表达:I am a boy.的句子时,往往写成I am boy. 忽略了冠词,要表达I am a Chinese boy.时,写成 I am a China boy.混淆了Chinese 和China的用法。学生不了解英语语法的使用及实例的掌握。


基于以上问题,我陷入深深地思考:七年级的学生对于英语作文究竟要达到一个什么样的标准?于是,我查阅了国家教育部推行的《英语课程标准》一书,了解到,七年级学生必须完成英语课程分级目标的三级目标。其中对于语言知识技能的三级目标之写的目标是:1. 能正确使用常用的标点符号;2. 能使用简单的图表和海报等形式传达信息;3. 能参照范例写出或回复简单的问候卡和邀请卡;4. 能用短语或句子描述系列图片,编写简单的故事。明确了这个目标,我心里就有底了。想尽快提高学生的写作水平,就要从教学理念和教学方法入手,结合新教材进行写作训练。





1. 渐进性原则。要坚持“句—段—篇”的训练程序,由易到难,先短后长,循序渐进。先学会运用简单句、并列句,后学会用复合句表达。在学生掌握了基本句型并能写出简单句子后,逐步过渡到围绕一个人、一件事、一个观点去写有中心的文章。

2. 多样性原则。要坚持训练形式的多样化,本着这个原则,我一般分为以下几种: 缩写 缩写是写作教程中的重要组成部分。对初学写作的人来说,掌握缩写的方法和技巧是很重要的。我们的英语学习一般为三周两个模块,所以学生的写作题材可以跟刚学过的模块的题材相关。可以按照关键词—思考—讨论—复述—动笔这样的思路进行,将课文中的关键词串起来,写出本课的主题或中心思想。

仿写 书写的心理活动是由视觉到运动觉,或者说是由观察到临摹,由临摹到自主,由自主到熟练的过程。根据学生的实际情况,我让学生按模块里的重点课文进行仿写训练,学生们看到是写自己熟悉的内容,从心理上感觉就轻松了很多,自然兴趣很高,也容易写好。 扩写 扩写是按照一定的要求写成较长的文章。扩写属材料作文,一般是将概括的句子、段落加以扩展和深化,使文章更为生动,情节更为详细。扩写有助于培养学生的想象力,但又要求学生想象合理,做到符合原意,符合实际。

改写 新教材中有很多的对话。而对话是书面表达的好素材,我最常用的改写方法是将课文当中的对话改写成短文,主要目的在于,让学生注意审清题意,研读原文,在准确理解原作中心思想后,按要求进行改写。在操练听、说、读后,通过写的活动巩固听、说、读学到的知识,实现口头表达向书面表达的转化,以此培养写作能力。


3. 结合性原则。在英语教学当中有“听说领先,读写跟上”的说法,面对我们七年级的学生,我认为要坚持听说读训练和写训练相结合。听、说、读、写是相辅相成,互相促进的。在我们的习作课上,每个小组成员委派代表诵读作文,其他小组成员要仔细听,认真记,最后给于量分评定。把写与听说读紧密结合,进行多元化的能力训练,可使学生的各项能力互相影响、互相渗透、互相促进。

4. 持久性原则。英语写作能力的提高并非一朝一夕之事,而是一个长期的、渐进的过程。所以,我们班级努力做到“三个一”,即,每周一次习作课,每周一篇英语周记,每模块一次作文测试。以此达到训练的持久性。



1. 用赏识的眼光看学生的作文。心理学研究表明,学生想象力和创造力的形成,常常依赖于外部良好的刺激。赏识无疑是激发学生兴趣,让学生思维灵活的良药。在作文评改中,尽可能地发现他们习作中的闪光点,多鼓励,多表扬,把他们写得好的,表达贴切的句子指出,在旁边加批注,让他们更有信心去写,最大限度地激发习他们的创作欲望。

2. 控制批改的错误率。在教学当中要注意因材施教,因地制宜,我是根据不同学生的不同学习水平,来批改学生作文的。掌握了不同的批改侧重点,在批改中把批改的错误率控制在一定的范围内。这样,即保护了他们的积极性,又避免可能出现的骄傲自满情绪。从而





Youth is short and fleeting, but youth is most beautiful period of life,We are young, so we radical, we dare to try, and not hesitate to pursue our dreams.We are young,so we are confident, we never bow to the fate,those setbacks and frustrations.We are young ,so we are beautiful, we have the most charming and attractive faces.

This world does not necessarily have a happy ending, there is no lingering regret for youth! whether happy or unhappy , youth is used to miss! There is no right and wrong, only a touch of one’s mind! This is the best outcome.

As movie lines of said, the horrors of growing up is to turn yourself into the look of the person you've ever disliked. The cost of growth is to lose some things, those things are the ones that you do not feel precious, but a few years later, when you have experienced a lot of things you would realize these will not appear again in your later life. But it does not matter, everyone's growth path is the case. Just cherish what you have now, because those are the youth, with tears, heartbreak in return. In the coming days, the memories of the past would warm your heart. I say ,youth is immortal, Happiness, or pain are both the evidence that witness your youth.

Life is very marvelous, the ability human knew about the nature has limitation, you never know what will happen next, especially when you

find yourself in a desperate. The road to success is full of variables, and perhaps success is only one kind of possibility. Perhaps, we pass through for a lifetime endeavor, arrives at the end of life, finally has not obtained successfully, but we did not regret, because of our efforts.

What we are supposed to do is to cherish what we have now, and learn to be thankful,and look ahead.fight for your dreams!


It was summer after I take a University Entrance Examination; I was excited when I was admitted by Hang Zhou Normal University. Until now, review the college life, I feel I can’t find the way of the future.

At High school , our teachers often tell us, if you enter college, everything will be change, you will be liberate, there will be little homework, after class, you can do everything you want to do, and the teacher won’t strict with you as us and you are free. I believe it after I take one semester course. Even though no one will care about me, I care myself. If you not pass any course, you will be taking it once again, so I have to study hard to pass. From Monday to Friday, there are six or seven class have to take, if you not appear, the vice monitor will write down your name and tell the Student union. After class, there are huge homework like math, English, programming and so on .some teacher may ask us have a group discussion and make a Dubbing Contest. It make me upset. There also have other thing to do. Many things can’t solve immediately; I feel tired. The final exam will fully review for the test, so you can get good grades. So the university did not relax as I imagine, I feel I was cheat by high school teacher.

After enter college, the pressure suddenly decreases a lot. The thing that you can’t do before you can do now. I join some union like DCF union, play Playing the game which think it is a waste of time,watch movies, everything around me I want to try,to release the burdens from high

school, for a long time , I find do it is useless, I feel come to college,simply is waste time and my parent’s money. I was ashamed. I feel I have to study hard to get high grades, not let my parent, friend and teacher down, so I pay more attention to my study.

Now I stay away from my home, I will take 20 hours to my home, every year I can see my parents twice, now I also far away from my high schoolmate, they are go around every where, I always miss them very much, in outside I always reviews the happiness time. I also hope the time will always stay there forever! Nowadays, though we can’t communicate face to face, but we have mobile, QQ, and so on. We can communicate anywhere and any time. To keep the friendship forever, we also take subway to see them. Now I know, we should love old friend, also we should make new friend to let our life more colorful, also more friend you make, the more development you can. Also friend can help you when you upset and so on.

Now I grow, have little time to communicate with my parents, I always call my father tell him everything take places around me. Also I call my friends and ask the new thing around his or her, I think it’s important to keep the friends,.

I like the song named《 friends》 which sing by a famous singer.

After one year college life, I find the communication ability is very

important. Form Primary school to high school, all classmates is simply class and has no change, after long time, after long time, the student who is no familiar with each other is get to know each other slowly. But at college, it is different; all activity was take part by a dormitory. Because for one class. each student may study different class, the time may not same, so mostly the student can’t take class altogether, so each class may see different student, also the classroom also change, This will cause a lack of understanding each other between classmates, and have the emotion is not deep.

So if you want to make a lot of friends, the communicate ability is play an important role. The people, who have this ability, wherever in wherever go may have friend, and know how to communicate with strange, so they can keep the friendship forever. For me, I feel the ability to communicate with the classmate is good, I just lack of a sense of humor and confident, but I can’t solve this problems.

At college, I find have a truth friend is pretty hard, not because I don’t truth, but is no people can understand me as what I expect, I feel something can not express by language, only understand may mean the opinion.

On the other hand, make a boyfriend or girlfriend is very common, it can see anywhere not like high school you have to hide to avoid catch by my head teachers, they can do what they like do, like kiss and hug. My

roommates always chat with me, when she also can be loved by a boy. This topic is very similar in dormitory. Now I feel we are adult, have the power to love, it is normal. But it is common the two people who fall in love at college can not get marry at the end. When they graduate from college, they will break up. They are many reasons like they may not work at same city or the both parents didn’t agree. For me, I am serious with the love, I think the love once begin and not end. I didn’t love people because I was alone. I will love the person who is honest to me and not lie to me.

In college, the scores are not important as high school, it is not including the papers scores, and also it includes the capability do anything. If you study for a month, you will pass. But pass not mean you have control the course. Sometime I may work as a volunteer to take part in Social public welfare projects, take some match like the marathon, and the different activity. It is the feeling of my college life; adapt myself to this new environment.


<> I think << The Little Prince >> is a most interesting book. I think this is a sad fairy tale. This is a full of the wisdom of the fairy tale. “Little Prince" narrates is lonely and sad. The little prince lives in the planet B612. One day, he left the star which he lives, and he starts to travel. He passed through various star, afterwards, he arrived the Earth, finally, he returned to his star. In the travel, the young prince saw the of all forms person in the society confused: King, loves the vanity person The drunkard, for put behind ashamed drinks The industrialist, only likes calculating the astronomy number type money Their only common ground, in the heart fills the vanity In the travel, the young prince discovered that, the people are the places which always does not will satisfy oneself lives, they are pursuing happiness with hardship, but actually frequently crudely happily expels from the side He and the author met one another in the desert, they gradually have become the friend. Seeks naive which loses to that, with move. (《小王子》)


On winter vacation of this year, I studied in novel " old man and sea " of Hemingway , famous writer of U.S.A. ,. I admire the old fisherman's will in the novel very much, he lets me understand that a person must have unremitting spirit, could succeed . What the novel is described is an old fisherman almost the sixty years old, when go to sea and fish alone once, have angled to a big fish, but can not draw. After tough fisherman and fish have socialized for a few days, just find this is a big Malin's fish which exceeds several times of one's own fishing boat, though know perfectly well that it is very difficult to win , does not give up yet.

River Pollution

A great deal of dead fish can be found floating on the surface of the Huaihe River(淮河), because of serious pollution this summer. In a report, Anhui Daily called on residents (居民) to help protect the river against pollution.


Chinese people are now face to a serious problem--pollution. And this problem is a little bit different from others--the goverment can not solve it by themselves. We need everyone to protect our environment. But we


also know that it is very hard to call everyone to join us to protect the environment. But it seems that they have found the way to let everybody know it. In a report, Anhui Daily called on residents to help protect the river against pollution. I am so glad about it. And i believe that somewhere the pollution must stop.



Today , I read a very funny story of a foolish .

It say : One day , Peter s mother had to go to attend a picnic . So Peter had to stay near the door and look after it all the time . Because many of the town thief . After an hour , one of his aunt came . She to Peter to tell his mother , they will be in the evening to visit their house . His aunt is gone , but a very difficult Peter . So he pulled the door down , put it on his back and went to his mother with it . Read here , I buret out laughing .

I think Peter is stupid . Mother said he didn t know the meaning of the words .
