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篇一:好莱坞电影“I Love You”的经典镜头混剪台词以及对应电影名字

How Hollywood Says "I Love You"


I've been doing a lot of thinking, and the thing is, I love you. ——《当哈利遇上莎莉》

You are the epitome of everything I've ever looked for in another human being. ——《猜情寻》

Love is...is too weak a word for the way I feel. I lurv you. I loave you. I luff you.——《安妮霍尔》

I sort of feel like I'm on drugs when I'm when you. Not that I do drugs, unless you do drugs, in which case I do drugs all the time. ——《歪小子斯科特》

There's only one place in the world I call home and it's because you're there.——《假凤虚凰》

I'd feel better sitting outside your apartment on the curb than any other place I can think of or imagine. ——《猫屎先生》

I'm not waking up another morning without being able to look at you next to me.——《抚爱伤痛》

I would rather share one lifetime with you than face all the ages of this world alone.——《魔戒》

Can't you see what I'm trying to tell you, I love you!——《鸭羹》

Very much.

No other love but you.

I love you.——《BJ单身日记》

孩子们都很好 关于亨利 原罪 Original Sin

Like a sickness and its cure together.——《莎翁情史》

I love you. (Ditto.)——《人鬼情未了》

I should have told you every day from the moment I met you. ——《加勒比海盗》

You complete me. ——《甜心先生》

Te adoro, Maria. ——《不赖的小伙子》

I love you Chicken.

I love you Honey Bunny.——《低俗小说》

I think that's the only thing I've ever been really sure of in my entire life.——《情归新泽西》

You are the woman that I want.——《当老牛碰上嫩草》

How many more times do I have to say it? (One more time would be nice.) ——《情到深处》

You have bewitched me, body and soul. ——《傲慢与偏见》

Whatever I am... I'm yours.——《007:大战皇家赌场》

I am so in love with you.——《婚礼歌手》

You're the only one for me.——《落跑新娘》

I'm not a smart man, but I know what love is.——《阿甘正传》

Love means never having to say you're sorry.——《爱情故事》

Love is a many-splendored thing. Love lifts us up where we belong, all you need is love! ——《红磨坊》

Some people search all their life for this and never find it. ——《廊桥遗梦》

You think this happens everyday?——《公主新娘》

I love you dream woman! ——《反斗智多星》

What do I have to do to prove it to you? Huh?——《遇见波莉》

You want the moon? ——《风云人物》

You want me to renounce my throne? ——《美国之旅》

The wooing, the spooning, I am all in! ——《前女友们的幽灵》

Because when you find the one... ——《疯狂愚蠢的爱》

you never give up.

All I ever wanted... was you!《绿魔先生》

I love you. I love you. I love you. ——《阿拉丁》《美女与野兽》《怪物史莱克》

I've loved you more than any woman's ever loved a rabbit. ——《梦城兔福星》

I love you more than anyone has ever loved.——《小曼哈顿》

I love you more than my life.——《斯巴达克斯》

I love you more than band music and cookie-making. ——《恋爱高飞》

I want to be with you. (我想跟你在一起)——《卧虎藏龙》

I made up my mind you were the only woman for me.——《乱世佳人》

I've loved you since the first day I met you, and I'll never stop.——《白头神探》

I'll love you always.——《第六感生死缘》

Until your heart stops beating.——《暮光之城3:月食》

'Til the stars turn cold.——《雨中曲》


I've never felt that before.——《美丽心灵的永恒阳光》

I love you. Can't believe how many times I'm saying it! ——《恋爱假期》

I love you.——《美人计》

Because I came alive when I met you. ——《我盛大的希腊婚礼》

And there's only one person that makes me feel like I can fly. ——《全民情敌》

So I will wait forever for you, okay? I will wait the rest of my life. ——《情色自拍》

I want all of you, forever, you and me, every day.——《恋恋笔记本》

I love you.——《勇敢的心》

I love you.——《月色撩人》

I love you! I love you! ——《洛奇》

I love you.——《星球大战2:帝国反击战》

I always have. ——《终结者》

And I always will. ——《男伴娘》

I came here tonight because when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of the life to start as soon as possible.——《当哈利遇到莎莉 》

Just shut up... you had me at "hello."——《甜心先生》


The End.

篇二:I Love You好莱坞经典说“我爱你”

我思考了很久 I’ve been doing a lot of thinking,

结论是:我爱你 and the thing is ,I love you.

你是一个,我梦寐以求的一切美好品质 you are the one ,the epitome of everything I’ve ever looked for in another human being.

用爱这个词来形容我的感受太苍白了 Love is?is too weak a word for the way I feel. 我耐你 I lurv you 我中意你 I loave you 我贼稀罕你 I luff you .

和你在一起的感觉就是好像是在嗑药 I sort of feel like I’m on drugs when I’m with you.

不是说我真的嗑药啊,除非你嗑药,那样的话我就一直嗑药 Not that I do drugs ,unless you do drugs, in which case I do drugs all the time.

这个世上只有一个能让我称之为家的地方,那就是你住的地方。there’s only one place in the world I call home ,and it’s because you’re there.

坐在你门口的路边感觉很好,我再想不出其他更好地方了。I’d feel better sitting outside your apartment on the curb than any place I can think of or imagine.

我不想清晨醒来的时候没有你在身边。I’m not waking up another morning without being able to look at you next to me.

我宁愿和你共度凡人短暂的一生,也不愿看尽这世界的沧海桑田。I would rather share one lifetime with you than face all the ages of this world alone.

你难道还看不出我对你的心意吗?我爱你!Can’t you see what I’m trying to tell you ,I love you!

??至深。 ?very much.

除你之外别无所爱。 No other love but you.

我爱你就像病与药方一样难分。 I love you ,like a sickness and its cure together.

我应该从遇见你的那一刻起每天对你说一遍 I should have told you every day from the moment I met you.

你让我的人生完整了 You complete me.

这是我人生中唯一确信不疑的事 I think that’s the only thing I’ve ever been really sure in my entire life.

你是我想要的女人 You are the woman that I want.

“你还要我再说多少遍?”“再说一遍就好””How many more times do I have to say it ?”One

more time would be nice.

你让我着了迷,从肉体到灵魂。You have bewitched me ,body and soul.

不论我是什么,我是你的。 Whatever I am ,I am yours.

我不聪明,但是我知道爱是什么。 I’m not a smart man ,but I know what love is.

爱就是永远不用说抱歉 Love means never having to say you’re sorry.

爱是如此的壮丽辉煌,爱会把我们带到我们所属的地方,爱就是你所需要的一切。Love is a many—splendored thing,Love lifts us up where we belong .All you need is love!

多少人终其一生求而不得 Some people search all their life for this and never find it.

你觉得这是等闲的事? You think this happens everyday?

我要做什么才能向你证明? What do I have to do to prove it to you?

要我摘天上的月亮给你?You want the moon?

要我放弃王位? You want me to renounce my throne?

各种求爱、表白,我都愿意做。 The wooing ,the spooning ,I am all in!

因为当你遇见那个人时,你不会放弃追求!Because when you find the one ,you never give up!

我一直以来想要的,就是你 All I ever wanted,is you.

我爱你胜过任何曾经爱过的人 I love you more than anyone has ever loved.

我爱你胜过我的生命 I love you more than my life.

我爱你胜过爱乐队和烤饼干 I love you more than band music and cookie making.

我想好了,你就是我的唯一。I made up my mind you were the only woman foe me.

遇见你的第一天起我就爱上了你,而且永不停息。I’ve loved you since the first day I met you ,and I’ll never stop.

我会永远爱你,直道你的心脏停止跳动,直到星辰不在发光。 I’ll love you always ,Until your heart stops beating ,till the stars turn cold.

我之前从未有过这样的感觉 I’ve never felt that before.

我爱你,不敢相信我说了这么多遍。 I love you ,Can’t believe how many times I’m saying it.

因为遇见你,我又活过来了。Because I came alive when I met you.

你是唯一让我觉得我可以飞翔的人 And there’s only one person that makes me feel like I can fly.

我会永远等你的好不好?我会用我的余生来等待So I will wait forever for you ,okay ? I will wait the rest of my life.

我想完完整整地拥有你,永远。你和我,每一天。 I want of you ,forever .you and me everyday.

我今晚来这里是因为,当你意识到自己想要与一个人共度余生的时候,你会希望你的余生尽快开始。 I came here tonight because when you realize you want to spend the rest of you life with somebody,you want the rest of the life to start as soon as possible.

别再说了,你的一句“你好”我就已经沦陷了。Just shut up ,you had me at “hello”.

篇三:第一讲 英文文法的最基本规则


姓名: 学校: 年级:






* I am love you.


I love you. 或者 I am in love with you.


* I love watch television.



* I hate eat fish.

* I love play basketball.

* I love swim.




I love to swim.

I love swimming.


I hate to eat fish.

I hate eating fish.

I love to play basketball.

I love playing basketball

I keep going to church.

规则(3): 主词如果是第三人称,现在式及单数,动词必须加s.


* He write very well.

* Jack love playing the violin.

* Mary swim every day.


He writes very well.

Jack loves playing the violin.

Mary swims every day.



* I not love you.

* I not saw that movie.

* I not like swimming.

* He not likes playing violin.


I do not love you.

I did not see that movie.

He does not like playing violin.




He can not swim.

They will not go to church tomorrow.

Mary should not go to the party.

I shall not see you.

He may not go out tonight.

He must not eat meat any more.



I have a dog.

如果是过去式,动词又要变化。have的过去式是had,不论第几人称,一概都要用had。 几乎每一个英文动词的过去式都有变化,以下是几个例子:

现在式 过去式

go went

come came

eat ate

play played

swim swam


如果我们有必要要用不定词to,就必须用原形动词,例如to go、to drink、to have,都是正确的,*to went;*to drank;*to loved等等都是错的。

英文中有一个动词最为麻烦,那就是am、are、is、was、were等等,翻译成中文,这都是,而这些动词的来源都是be,所以我们说这些动词都是verb to be。


I want to be a teacher.

He wants to be a good father.

They all love to be rich.

No one likes to be poor.


英文中有很多动词都是助词动,在规则(4)中,我们说在绝大多数的否定语句中,必须用助动词do或did。Do是原形动词,did 和does都是do的变形。



He can swim.

He does not swim.

I do not speak English.

You must walk to work every day.

I did not work yesterday.

You may leave now.

I will go to Taipei tomorrow.


* I did not went.

* He does not goes to work.

* You must walked to work.


I have been to England.

I have slept all day.

I have studied English since I was a child.


I love you more each day as time goes by.


In life we all have an unspeakable secret, an irreversible regret, an unreachable dream and an unforgettable love.


Distance is not terrible terrible is the heart is far away.


Parted as friend and not because he had hurt.

分手以后不做朋友, 是因为曾经伤害过。

Love is my sickness and you are my drug, I’m ADDICTED.


Save your heart for someone who cares.


I love that you are the last person I want to talk to before I go to sleep at night. 你是我晚上睡觉前最想聊天的人,我爱这种感觉

i do not love you

I love not love you one minute only 60 seconds.


Give me a little bit of time, a little bit of patience, a little bit of faith, to show you how much I love you.


Sometimes God doesn't give you what you want, not because you don't deserve it, but because you deserve more.


Know a love oneself person, we will know love others; If a man can love even that wouldn't love others.


Forgive. at the same time, let yourself.


Clearly knowing your signature is not for me, but I am self-deceiving accordingly. 明知道你的签名写的不是为我,而我却自欺欺人的对号入座。

Some people are doomed to wait for others,some people are doomed by the human and so on.


Love is when you take away the feeling, the passion, the romance, and you find out you still care for that person。


Give people a chance to get to know you,and take time getting to know them,Love doesn't rush.——


No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.


I am have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love.


Speak your mind, even if your voice shakes.


Good humor, let love fate everyone silence.


I also love you, in future, you was still that person who I most trust.


Do you know: It is because someone wanna see you when that guy was in your dream. 知道吗?那个人出现在你梦中,是因为那个人想见你。

Stay single is much easier than to deal with the people aroud,who persuade you in a thousand and one way.


Expectation is the root of all heartache.


Happiness is time precipitation, smile is the lonely sad.


A liar is not believed when he speaks the truth.


Don't trust a lover who kisses you without closing their eyes;


No, I am not single. I am in a long distance relationship because my boyfriend lives in the future.


Don’t cry over someone who would not cry over you.


I don’t wanna forget the sadness you’ve brought me.


Have you ever wanted to ask a question but you didn’t because you knew in your heart of hearts that you wouldn’t be able to handle the answer?


I like noticing details that no one else sees.


Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere.


The secret to the world's greatest magic trick: If you want to make someone vanish/disappear, ask them to fulfil their promises.


When there is someone who say that you are as stupid as a pig, he/she probable think you are lovely. Only those who love you have this kind of feeling.


Give me a little bit of time, a little bit of patience, a little bit of faith, to show you how much I love you.


True friends don't walk behind us. They don't walk in front of us. But they walk beside us & support us in every step we take.


The world is small and the city is big.People who lack for luck would not see one another again for the rest of life.


Don’t regret anything that ever made you smile.


But put your mind, there is no wisdom; heart put, but others, there is no mercy. 心里放不过自己,是没有智慧;心里放不过别人,是没有慈悲。

That man is the richest whose pleasures are the cheapest.


One day you will find that person,who lets you know why not others.


Do not pray for easy lives, pray to be stronger.


Do not pray for easy lives, pray to be stronger.


The future you must thank to the present hard working one.


Love is not about running into each other in crowds, but an impossible meeting. For example, I am a bird flying in sky; you are a leopard in forest. We just fall in love accidentally.缘分不是人海中两个人的擦身,缘分是不可能的相遇。比如我是空中的鸟,你是林中的豹,只是我们碰巧相爱

Single, doesn’t mean that you know nothing about love. Sometimes, being solo is wiser than being in false relationship.


Best feeling: when tears turn to laughter because someone who doesn’t want you to be sad, said something funny to cheer you up.


Smile, you’re beautiful.


I don't know what to say...I'm just thinking of you a lot at this moment.


you're too busy to call me, don't have time to check on me, late on our date, I'll understand. But if I stop loving you, it's your turn to understand.


To treat yourself better,you should give up those meaningless desires and worthless friends.


You don’t always have to be what they want you to be.




第一章 英文文法的最基本规则

英文和我们中文最大的不同,是在动词,我们中文的动词很简单,没有所谓的第几人称,也没有复数和单数之分,更没有过去式或进行式,英文可不同了,凡是用动词的时候,必须注意很多很多的规则,一旦弄错了,常常是犯了大错。 在这一章,我要将英文最基本的规则一一列下。这些规则都是我们中国人所常常不注意的。

为了不要误导读者,凡本书内错误的句子前面都有〝*〞的符号。 规则(1):两个动词是不能联在一起用的。

在中文,我们常说“我是爱你的”,翻成英文,这就变成了 * I am love you.

滑稽的是,这句英文句子犯了大忌,因为〝am〞是动词,〝love〞也是动词,两个动词是不能联在一起用的。这句话的正确说法是: I love you. 或者 I am in love with you.

我们中国人也会说〝我喜欢看电视〞,翻成英文,这变成 * I love watch television. 这个句子也犯了同样的错。

以下几个句子都是错的,因为这些句子中都有两个动词连在一起的情形: * I hate eat fish.

* I love play basketball. * I love swim.



“我爱游泳”,因此有两种正确的译法: I love to swim.

I love swimming.

以下的句子都是正确的: I hate to eat fish. I hate eating fish.

I love to play basketball. I love playing basketball I keep going to church.

规则(3):主词如果是第三人称,现在式及单数,动词必须加s. 我们中国人最不容易记得的规则,恐怕就是这一条了,以下的句子都是错的。

* He write very well.

* Jack love playing the violin. * Mary swim every day. 正确的句子是: He writes very well.

Jack loves playing the violin. Mary swims every day.



* I not love you. 我们也不能说:

* I not saw that movie. * I not like swimming.

* He not likes playing violin.

我们必须用一种助动词来完成否定的句子,以下才是正确的否定句子: I do not love you.

I did not see that movie.

He does not like playing violin.



助动词不限于“do”和它的变型,can、will、would、shall、may、must等等都是助动词,因此,以下的英文句子又都是对的: He can not swim.

They will not go to church tomorrow. Mary should not go to the party. I shall not see you.

He may not go out tonight. He must not eat meat any more.


英文中的动词,是会变化的,以have为例,第一人称和第三人就不同: I have a dog. He has a dog.


几乎每一个英文动词的过去式都有变化,以下是几个例子: 现在式 过去式 go went come came eat ate play played swim swam

不论那一个动词,都有一个原形动词,一切都是从这个原形动词变出来的,像go、drink、have、walk、love、like等等都是原形动词。 如果我们有必要要用不定词to,就必须用原形动词,例如to go、to drink、to have,都是正确的,*to went;*to drank;*to loved等等都是错的。 英文中有一个动词最为麻烦,那就是am、are、is、was、were等等,翻译成中文,这都是,而这些动词的来源都是be,所以我们说这些动词都是verb to be。

以下的句子都用上了〝be〞 I want to be a teacher.

He wants to be a good father. They all love to be rich. No one likes to be poor.


英文中有很多动词都是助词动,在规则(4)中,我们说在绝大多数的否定语句中,必须用助动词do或did。Do是原形动词,did 和does都是do的变形。


以上所提到的助动词,都有一个共同的特色,那就是这些助动词后的动词必须是原形动词,以下的句子都是正确的: He can swim. He does not swim. I do not speak English.

You must walk to work every day. I did not work yesterday. You may leave now.

I will go to Taipei tomorrow. 以下的句子都是错的: * I did not went.

* He does not goes to work. * You must walked to work.


I have been to England. I have slept all day.

I have studied English since I was a child.

been、slept 和studied都是过去分词(past participle),以下的句子也都是现在完成式,我们后讨论完成式的时候,会将这些解释清楚的。 规则(7):英文问句要有助动词

我们先看看以下的英文句子,这些都是错的: * How many books you wrote? * How many sons you have? 正确的句子是:

Why do you drink so much water? How many books did you write?

How many sons do you have?

绝大多数的英文问句子是一定要有助动词,以下全是正确的英文问句,你可以看出每一句的助动词吗? Do you love me?

Did you go to school yesterday? How many books do you have? How much money does he have? Why don’t you go back home? Do you like to swim? Can you play violin?

Will you go home tomorrow? Would you give me a call?

当然啦,一旦动词是verb to be,我们又不需要助动词了,以下都是正确的英文问句: Are you a teacher? Is he a student?

Is Mr. Chang your father?

Were your mother and father in England last year?


英文中,有些动词因主词不同而改变,verb to be是其中之一,因此,我

以下的句子都有错,请将正确的句子写出来: 1.* I am like my parent. 2.* He is loves his teacher. 3.* He keeps swim every day.

4.* He wants drink a glass of water. 5.* He likes play violin.

6.* Jack do not love mathematics. 7.* Mary hate singing.

8.* My mother cook very good food. 9.* He want me to see him tomorrow. 10.* He not knows my name. 11.* I not like you.

12.* He not like swimming. 13.* You not went home. 14.* I not like swimming.

15.* I wanted to went to my mother’s home. 16.* I do not like to swimming. 17.* I did not ate dinner. 18.* I will not went home. 19.* He did not went home. 20.* You may leaving now. 21.* He can swimming.

22.* He does not goes to work.

第二章 现在式和现在进行式 21 现在式

英文中,现在式(present tense)好像是最容易的,其实现在式都是我们常常用错的时式。

首先,我们不妨举一个例子来说明我们对现在式惯有的误解,假设我们要说〝我在吃午饭〞,这总该用现在式了吧。很多人将这句话翻成 I eat lunch.

这就错了,因为〝I eat lunch.〞的意思并不是〝我在吃午饭〞,而是〝我有吃午饭的习惯〞,意思是说,有人中午不吃午饭(可能是在减肥),我可是每天中午都会吃午饭的。

〝我在吃午饭〞,应该要用现在进行式,这是我们以后会谈的。 现在式不是指任何一个行为,而是一种状况。 举例来说,以下几句话都应该用现在式: 我是一个学生 I am a student. 他是一个老师 He is a teacher. 他每天游泳 He swims every day. 汤姆勤奋工作 Tom works hard 他早起 He gets up early. 玛莉喜欢看电影 Mary loves watching movies. 这里常常下雨 It rains often here.

我每天喝一杯牛奶 I drink a glass of milk every day. 我是中国人 I am a Chinese. 他会讲英文 He speaks English. 他有喝茶的习惯 He drinks tea. 我骑脚踏车上学 I ride a bicycle to school. 他搭乘公车上班 He rides a bus to go to work. 我不喜欢你 I do not like you. 他爱他的太太 He loves his wife. 他守法 He obeys the law.

我不喜欢莎士比亚 I do not like Shakespeare. 他不抽烟 He does not smoke. 他喝酒 He drinks. 他唱歌唱得很好 He sings well. 他跳舞跳得很好 He dances well. 他不会游泳 He can not swim.

他不是一个好学生 He is not a good student.

他们都很懒 They are all very lazy.

凡是真理,自然界的现象,数学里的定理,都要用现在式: 太阳从东方升起 The sun rises in the east. 地球是圆的 The earth is round. 月亮是地球的一个卫星 The moon is a satellite of the earth. 美国是一个大的国家 America is a large country.

在北极的夏天,太阳永不落下The sun never sets at the North Pole

in summer.

树叶吸收二氧化碳 Tree leaves absorb CO2 .

计算机的基本原理是布尔代The basic principle of computers is 数 Boolean algebra 二点决定一线 Two points define a line. 三点决定一平面 Three points define a plane. 三基本颜色是红、黄、蓝 Three of the basic colors are red,

yellow and blue.


将以下中文句子翻成英文,都用现在式。 1.他是一个好学生。 2.我的哥哥17岁。 3.我弟弟每天游泳。 4.他们都喜欢音乐。 5.他们现在在日本。

6.喜玛拉雅山是全世界最高的山。 7.亚马孙河是全世界最长的。 8.他的爸爸是位老师。 9.我们都喜欢中国菜。 10.他不喜欢冰淇淋。 11.我爱你。

12.每个人都怕蛇。 13.每个人都喜欢狗。 14.今天真冷。 22 现在进行式

假如我们正在做一件事,是不能用现在式的,而必须用现在进行式, 现在进行式的形态是: verb to be + present participle(现在分词)

verb to be 大家都懂,什么叫做现在分词呢?现在分词就是:动词+ing 以下是现在分词的例子 动词 现在分词 work working go going read reading run running play playing swim swimming sing singing write writing eat eating walk walking come coming love loving like liking watch watching smoke smoking


I am watching a movie.

那是指我现在正在看电影,这和 I watch movies.

意义上截然不同的,I watch movies是说我有看电影的习惯。 因此有些动词是没有现在进行式的,举例来说 I am loving you.

是不通的,因为严格说起来,love是一种状态,而不是一个动作。现在进行式,都是指动作,很少指状态的。 以下是现在进行式的例子: I am calling my father. He is swimming now. He is playing basketball. They are all eating now.

He is walking in the woods now. He is reading a detective novel. Mr. Brown is driving to work. Mrs. Brown is cooking. It is raining now. 【练习三】


1.他在看电影。 2.我在游泳。

3.她在和她妈妈打电话。 4.他的哥哥在散步。 5.我现在正在吃饭。 6.我们在唱歌。 7.他在弹钢琴。 8.他在看一本小说。 9.我在写一封信。 10.他在跑步。 【练习四】

将下列句子译成英文,有的用现在式,有的用现在进行式: 1.我爱你。

2.我正在吃饭。 3.他不是一个学生。 4.我是一个老师。 5.他正在唱歌。 6.他在游泳。 7.他喜欢游泳。 8.他会唱歌。 9.他正在唱歌。

10.他的爸爸是一个医生。 11.他的爸爸在美国。 12.我正在洗澡。 13.他正在睡觉。


15.你的姊姊每天骑脚踏车上学。 第三章 过去式和过去进行式 31 过去式


I went to see a movie yesterday. 以下全部是正确的句子: I saw your father last night.
