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篇一:Module 3 Unit1 Today is Halloween.

Module 3 Unit1 Today is Halloween.



二、Teaching contents:


A、认读并识记新词 Halloween festival scary scare mask.


1、Children wear scary clothes.

2、They go to people’s houses.

3、They scare the people.

C、区分单词 scare scary






三、Important points:

1、new words: Halloween festival scary scare mask


四、Difficult point:


Teaching prepare:

录影机 课件 面具 图片等道具

五、Teaching steps:

Step 1 Greetings.

Hello,boys and girls.How are you? From this class,I want to make friends with you. Do you want to make friends with me?

Step 2 New lesson



(Which festival?借此机会教新词festival。课件出示激发学生的学习兴趣,集中学生的注意力。)-

Mooncake Mid-Autumn Festival

Chistmas tree Chistmas Day

Dumpings and firecracks Spring Festival

杰克灯 扫帚图片 Halloween




1、What is Halloween?

2、What do children wear?

3、Where do they go?

4、What do children do?

5、What do people give children?

在学习过程中学新词Halloween festival scary scare mask

区分单词 scare scary(师用动作表情等帮助同学理解并区分单词并找同学表演加深记忆。)



1、It’s an autumn festival.

2、Children wear scary clothes.

3、They go to people’s houses.

4、They scare the people.

5、The people give them sweets.




Game:Yes or No.

1、Halloween is in winter.

2、Children wear scary clothes.

3、Halloween is not fun.

4、The children give peole some sweets.

5、The children scare the people.



介绍更多关于万圣节的知识,小组合作学习,以竞赛的形式完成师提出的问题。 (增强学生的小坐合作及竞争意思,并进一步了解西方国家的风俗习惯) 抢答题:



3、Trick or treat 的含义是什么?



用本节课所学的知识描述一下万圣节。(考察学生对本节课知识的掌握情况) Step 3 summury


Step 4 Homework

Tell something about Halloween to your parents or friends.


Module 3 Unit1 Today is Halloween.

1、It’s an autumn festival. festival

2、Children wear scary clothes. Halloween

3、They go to people’s houses. mask

4、They scare the people. scary

5、The people give them sweets. scare

篇二:Module3 Unit1 Today is Halloween

Module3 Unit1 Today is Halloween.

一、 教案背景









新标准英语一年起点第9册Module3 Unit1 Today is Halloween.



1. 听、说、认读单词: Halloween, scare, scary, mask, festival

2. 学生通过练习,能根据实际情况正确熟练地运用句型 :Today is Halloween. They go to people’s houses. They scare the people. People give them sweets. 教学难点



flash 教学课件 website computers earphones

教学方法 运用计算机操作技能通过网络辅助英语学习。

教学过程 一、 Preparation

1. Greetings.

2. Enjoy a song. Marilyn Manson - This is Halloween(百度搜索歌曲)3’26’’

3. Review the festivals.(课件出示节日图片)

猜节日游戏,幻灯片出示和节日有关的图片,学生根据图片提示猜出节日。 Moon cake(百度搜索图片)

Christmas tree(百度搜索图片)




二、Lead in

They are all festivals. Today let’s learn an interesting festival,OK? It’s a famous festival. It’s an autumn festival. It’s on the 31st October.

Lingling ,Amy and Sam go to people’s houses. They scare the people. People give them sweets. What is it? (设计意图:通过简单介绍课文内容,让学生的思维迅速转移到英语的学习中来,同时也能提高学生学习英语的兴趣。)

三、New lesson

1. Read and answer : (提出问题,引导学生进行小组合作学习)

1.(通过自己操作学习型网站中课文的动画和原文部分进行学习) Amy’s favourite festival is Halloween.

1)When is Halloween? (课件出示问题) 2)What do children wear?

3)What do children do?

4) What do people give children ?


2. 教师点拨


1)It’s an autumn festival. (简单介绍万圣节的时间)

2)Children wear scary clothes.(强调scary的意思)

3)They go to people’s houses and scare the people.(强调scare的意思)

4)People give them sweets. 3. 难点分析


2)They go to people’s houses. (理解people’s houses的含义及发音)

3) Children wear scary clothes. They scare the people(说明scare和scary的区别,帮助学生区分,举例子示范。)

4) wear--where(同音词)

4. Listen and repeat. (听音跟读然后学生自读,提问读。)


1. Look at the pictures and describe Halloween.(先复习短语然后描述节日,师生互动)

2. Do some exercises

When’s __________(万圣节)?It’s in __________.

What ______ people usually do at ________(万圣节)?

They ______ _______ in costumes.(穿上盛装)


3.Do you want to know something more about Halloween?

You can find the message on the website.(指导学生利用互联网在百度中查询关于万圣节的其它知识。) 百度百科 大耳朵英语网 万圣节专题 私人博客

4. Talk about some festivals(小组合作,查找讨论其它的节日,汇报成果,生生互动。)

感恩节 http://baike.baidu.com/view/2525.htm?fr=ala0_1_1

复活节 五、 Summery and homework 总结作业

1. Summary. How to describe “Halloween”.

Children wear scary clothes. They go to people’s houses. They scare the people.

2. Homework.

(1) Write the new words. (2) Try to recite the text.


Module3 Unit1 Today is Halloween.

They go to people’s houses.

They scare the people.

People give them sweets.”


本课主要学习了“万圣节”的英语知识,了解西方风俗文化,教学中以计算机网络教学有效结合所学课文,利用互联网技术,通过描述一个节日让学生根据提示猜出 It’s Halloween.进而切入到本课的话题Halloween,这样通过学生们猜的过程,极大地调动学生的兴趣和求知欲望,这个设计符合任务型教学倡导的通过师生、生生的互动体验语言、体验生活,体验学习的过程与快乐。然后让学生把事先查找的关于万圣节的资料进行简单地概括,使学生们对万圣节

篇三:Module 3 Unit 1 Today is Halloween 说课稿及反思

Module 3 Unit 1 Today is Halloween.

---by Mr. King

Analysis of the Teaching Material

I. Contents:

Today I’m going to talk about Module 3, Unit 1 Today is Halloween, New Standard English Book9. In this unit, it mainly introduces Halloween, one of the most important festivals in western countries.Through the dialogue among Amy, Lingling and Sam, we can know what people do at Halloween. Such a topic is related to daily life, so it is helpful to raise learning interests of students and it will be also helpful to improve their society sense. It can help students to attain “four skills” request of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Therefore this lesson is in the important position of the teaching material.

II. Analysis of the students

Most students are interested in different kinds of festivals, because they can have lots of fun. So this topic can greatly attract their interests. After learning this lesson, they will know more about westenr festivals.

(来自:WwW.smhaida.Com 海达 范文 网:today,is,halloween)

III.Teaching aims and Demands

1. Aims on knowledge

(1) To enable the Ss to master the following words: night,autumn,houses,people,festival,scare, mask, scary.

To enable the Ss to know the following words: Jack-o-lantern, bat, ghost, haunted house, tomb, spider, vampire, werewolf, witch, pirate, mummy, skeleton, scary clothes, broom., black cat, owl.

(2) To enable the Ss to master the following sentences: It’s an autumn festival. It’s really fun. They go to people’s houses. They scare the people.

2. Aims on abilities

(1) To develop Ss’ abilities of listening and speaking.

(2) To train the Ss’ ability of working in groups.

(3) To foster Ss’ abilities of communication and their innovation.

3. Aims on emotion

(1)To foster Ss’ consciousness of good co-operation and proper competition.

(2) To make the Ss know more about Halloween, at the same time, lead them to find the differences between eastern culture and western culture.

IV. Difficult points

(1) To enable the Ss master the words and the sentencds.

(2) To help the Ss understand the dialogue,know more about Halloween.

V. Teaching methods

1. Communicative teaching method

2. Audio-visual teaching method

3. Task-based” teaching method

As we all know: the main instructional aims of learning English in primary school is to cultivate pupils’ basic abilities of listening and speaking and their good sense of the English language. So I will arrange the Ss to search some data about Halloween before class, make or buy some masks, clothes, decorations. During class, I will ask them to talk about two subjects:the origin of Halloween and the people’s activities at Halloween, then, ask them to report the result in class, ask them to act the dialogue in group.

V. Teaching Aids: ppt, Video, masks.

VI. Teaching procedures

Step 1. Warm up

1.Sing an English song.

2. Oral English.

3. Everyday English.

Step 2. Presentation.

T: What day is it today? What’s the date today? (Write the date on the Bb. )

T: Today is …, National Day is coming, we will have lots of fun. But there is another important festival in October. Do you know what it is? (Help the Ss to remember Halloween.)

T: When is Halloween?

Ss: It’s on October the 31st.

Step 3. Practice

T: What do you know about Halloween?

1.In groups, ask the Ss to discuss the following subjects, then report the result in class.(Chinese if necessary.)

1). The the origin of Halloween

2). Games and activities at Halloween---What do children and people do at Halloween?

(costuming, trick-or-treating, bobbing for apples, pumpkin carving, and the lighting of bonfires)

2.Play the game: bobbing for apples.

Step 4. Presentation

others. Do you know these things?

Show Ss the ppt, teach new words: Jack-o-lantern, bat, ghost, haunted house, tomb, spider, vampire, werewolf, witch, pirate, mummy, skeleton, scary clothes, broom., black cat, owl.

2. Today, Lingling, Amy and Sam will spend a funny Halloween. Let’s go and see together.

Play the video, Ss listen and repeat after the video.

T: Do you understand the story? Here are three questions, discuss in groups and answer.

(1) What is Halloween?

(2) What do children wear at Halloween?

(3) Why do the children go to people’s houses?

Give the Ss two minutes to talk over the questions, then ask them to answer the questions. Write the sentences on the Bb: It’s an autumn festival. It’s really fun. They go to people’s houses. They scare the people. Step 5. Action

Play the video again, Ss listen and repeat after the video. Then ask the Ss to act the dialogue in group of four.

Step 6. Summary

1.Summarize the sentences that we learn today: It’s an autumn festival. It’s really fun. They go to people’s houses. They scare the people.

2. Fill in the blanks.

Step 7. Homework.

1. Listen and read the dialogue.

2. Try to act the dialogue in group.

3. Finish the exercises in the activity book, P9 4, 5.

Bb Design:

Module 3 Unit 1 Today is Halloween

It’s an autumn festival.

It’s really fun.

They go to people’s houses.

They scare the people.














Today is Halloween


1. 知识与能力目标


能够听说认读以下单词:festival,scare ,Halloween

能够听说读写重点句型: It’s an autumn festival. It’s really fun.

They go to people’s houses. They scare the people.


2. 情感态度目标










四 教学方法:



I. Preparation

a) Greeting

b) Free talk

T:What day is today?

S: today is …

T: last Friday was a holiday. You sent flowers to your teachers. Do you know the holiday?

S: Teacher’s Day.

T: Yes. Next week we’ll have another holiday. We can eat moon cakes. Do you know the holiday?

S: Mid-autumn festival.

T: Yes. Then on Oct 1st, we’ll have a holiday, it’s…

S: National Day.

T: yeach. In October there is also a very important festival in western countries. Which holiday?

S: Halloween.

T: yes. In Halloween, we will wear this. 出示万圣节面具。People will have Halloween party. Do you like party.

S: yes.

T: Do you know sth about Halloween?

播放万圣节的歌曲This is halloween


( (/retype/zoom/be576c111eb91a37f1115c97?pn=2&x=0&y=262&raww=103&rawh=139&o=png_6_0_0_135_771_115_156_892.979_1262.879&type=pic&aimh=139&md5sum=4be274fef33af54b2f945e2769cf533b&sign=c5e193505c&zoom=&png=0-39160&jpg=0-2260" target="_blank">点此查看





聆听This is Halloween旋律上有点恐怖的歌曲,让学生对万圣节有个大体的了解。)

T: But today is not Halloween. It doesn’t matter, we have time machine. 现在就让哆啦A梦用他的时光机器带我们去万圣节那一天。Let’s go. II. Presentation

在播放时光机器的图片时,出现10.29这个日期,然后问学生, is it Halloween? 学生回答No。时光机器接着走,出现10.31号这个日期,再问is it Halloween? 学生回答是。老师说Yes,Now it’s October 31st. Today is Halloween. 学生一起读题目。(通过动画人物机器猫引出万圣节的日期,让学生记忆深刻)

T: Today Lingling and Sam are very happy. Let’s see what they are talking about.


III New teaching

学生回答问题 Lingling and Sam are talking about Halloween.

T: Do you know sth about Halloween? Now let’s see some questions. PPt 出现四个问题。1.When is Halloween?

? 2. What do children wear?

? 3. What do children do?

? 4. What do people do?


学生回答问题时,老师讲解问题答案中出现的重点,难点单词。an autumn festival, scary, scare, them.


老师让学生了解南瓜灯的读法(pumpkin lantern )

IV Practice

1.通过播放trick or treat 的视频(/programs/view/6xmpj4NkF7I/)


2. trick or treat game.让学生结合刚才看的视频,表演课文中Amy,Lingling和Sam 去邻居家要糖果的剧情。通过表演更好的体会万圣节中的这一习俗。

3.Chant. PPt 出现图表,老师和学生一起拍手,用旋律唱Today is Halloween,What do children do? 老师走到任意一个学生面前,让学生回答问题。之后大家再一起唱:“Today is Halloween, what do people do?” 再走到任意一个学生面前,让学生回答问题。(通过这一环节,让学生巩固本课所学,能说出万圣节的活动)

V. Consolidation.

My favourite holiday is ’s an

festival. Children wear . I like Halloween.

VI Summary and homework

T: Today we have a good time. I hope you can really have fun at Halloween.

The homework: Tell something about Halloween to your parents or your friends.

Write a composition about your favourite holiday. No less than 50 words


本节课是一节新授课,主要学习了解西方万圣节有关习俗,学生此前对这个节日了解不多,所以讲授新课前播放万圣节的歌曲并播放图片,学生兴趣一下子浓厚起来,对将要学习的课文充满期待。 教学过程中我主要采取了以下几种方法提高教学效率:




现阶段学生的年龄特点是好动,对单调的活动容易产生厌倦,因此,要调节整节课的活动,让学生始终处于积极状态,在师生共同活动中主动地获取知识,要极大地激发学生的学习热情。在讲授和巩固课文的过程中,我用了不同的游戏。通过动作提示复述课文内容,通过玩trick or treat 的游戏让学生了解万圣节的习俗,通过拍手的游戏进一步巩固万圣节的各项知识。




1. 学生在进行trick or treat的游戏时,只是对课本的简单复述,孩子

们只是简单的喊了声Woooo, 此时老师应该做示范让他们尝试说一下别的句子,而不是仅仅机械的模仿书上的句子,应该让学生有自己的思维。

2. 学生在回答问题时开始并不是特别积极,我应该给学生充分的时


篇五:M3U1 Today is Halloween.
