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它找到了消防队队长----大象。大象让它和小兔一起演练。由于小马跳跳很紧张,把许多不该错的题做错了,结果没能选上。 不能当上消防队队员,它只好去当运奶工。可它不是把小兔家的牛奶运到小鹿家,就是把小狗家的羊奶运到了小猫家,让所有动物都变成了“运奶工”。不久,它又被辞退了。

它灰心丧气地走在大街上。这时它看到路边有一个马戏团,便挤进去一看,那精彩的表演立刻把它给吸引住了:一只小猴子穿着衣服,打扮得像个小孩一样。它爬到高竿顶是,在上面倒竖蜻蜓,一双圆溜溜的眼睛好奇地看着大家,逗得大家哈哈大笑。小马想:我虽然不会爬竿,但我会跳圈啊!于是,它就去和马戏团团长---小狗汪汪报了个名。小狗汪汪拿出一个铁圈,对小马说:“你先跳铁圈,以后练习跳火圈。”小马答应了。它对准铁圈使劲一跃,就跳过去了。虽然不熟练,但是它刻苦练习。所以,团长让它成为了马戏团中的一员。 小马跳跳可开心了,因为它终于找到了一份自己喜欢的工作。



Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The best way to reduce air pollution is for the government to raise the cost of fuel (petrol).

2. 在家工作好,还是




作者:城北小学304班 钱佳骏








How to Survive in Information Booming

Internet technology is developing in such a rapid speed that everyone can notice. Just take a look at the increasing storage capacity of your PC over the years! Information grows explosively as more people can get access to share on the webs. However, if you look at how much truly useful information there is for you, you will realize that almost all information booming dose is to make it harder to selecting the useful.

Firstly, information needs to be well organized because human has upper limit of amount of knowledge. Sherlock Holmes believes that human brain is like an attic and the knowledge is furniture to put in. The wise choice is to choose beforehand, and everthing put in is in perfect order. Therefore, selecting information is crucial to keep an organized knowledge set and clearly thinking mind. Currently, the amount of information grows much faster than the effective searching/filtering method, which causes knowledge crisis for humans.

Other than this, information booming often leads to more waste of time. Some time is cost in manual searching useful information. Some is cost in unnecessarily clicking to other links. Lots of websites make attractive super links with large image or movie, which are most likely potential advertisements. Furthermore, because different websites can have completely different structures, users can spend much time to find the place for right clicks.

Lastly, for a certain person, a considertable part of information she/he gets is not meaningful. There are too many amusement videos, celebrity gossips, people devating over an issue, comments for products that she/he is not interested, etc. They caught attention easily because she/he does not need to take pains to read them, and sometimes she/he spends hours viewing this kind of information without noticing the time. Moreover, many of them are redundant.

In a word, overwhelming information booming is costing people’s time and energy, with which they could have enjoyed a less stressful but more vivid life.


Is the ability to read and write more important today than in the past? Why or why not? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer

An Era That Excludes Illiteracy.

In 20th century, lots of changes happened in the world, explosive population, develop of technology, improvement of education and medical care. Fewer and fewer people can live without maintaining any relationship to any part of their society. One of an important aspect that is accompanying this tremendous change is, life has become more difficult for illiterate people, and lots of countries take efforts to popularize the basic education.

Firstly, business nowadays is based on reading and writing. Technically, a social person cannot live without talking back and forth with his/her company, and much communication activities are via email and electronic documents. Many companies now have an inner email system which enables the employees to communicate without physically visiting each other. News and notices are also sent via this system or diaplayed on an inner website. People are getting busier, and a phonetic talk may not work because one cannot guarantee when and where the person to communicate is available. While in the past, business discussing is through face to face meeting, which is not as efficient.

Secondly, if one looks at the commercial side of society, one can say that even being a consumer needs the ability to read and write. Imagine you want to buy a microwave from a supermarket. You find the right region by reading the sign, compare several products and then choose one by carefully reading its description. Later on you find it does not work so you write a long letter to the factory to complain about this. This is an automatic service world that lots of signs, descriptions, tips, and menus written that requires the costumer read. In the past when there are relatively more service people than customers, one can just visit a store and ask questions.

Lastly, not to say that reading and writing are essential in academia. For example, if he/she is a student or professor in a university, he/she needs to apply for positions, publish papers, and write reports for funds. Not only that all of these require reading and writing skill, but also that the skill plays an important role in your success or failure. Committees judge according to applying documents, journal reviewers select articles based on the written paper, and foundations read reports to decide whether to issue their next round.

In the past, people invited friends and neighbors, held salons or parties to meet and talk. When some news came, a person on horse went to every manor to inform them. But now the time is gone


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The most important aspect of a job is the money a person earns. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Not Only Salary Matters.

In this commercial age, the wealth one holds is considered a crucial criterion for the social position. Therefore, for many people, how much he or she could earn becomes the most important factor, but should not be the most essential one. There are many other factors, such as personal interest or effect on the quality of life, should also be taken into considertation.

First, whether or not for the job we have special skills and talents may be more important than salary. Before engaging in a job, we would have learned for years in schools and earned experiences from other areas. They together become our valuable possessions and form our unique talents. If such talents couldn’t be utilized in our present job, they would become a kind of waste. Just imaging , if a graduated student majoring in computer science chooses to work in the administration office of one big company, possibly earing more than in a technical position, don’t you think this choice would make his talent remain untapped? Besides, the possibility to become a computer expert would also disappear.

Second, interest is another important factor may of more importance. Admittedly, in order to make a living, people sometimes have to work in a position where thay do not really like. However, this doesn’t mean that interest is not necessary. On the contray, interest is the vital presumption for one to obtain real happiness when doing something. Taking my mother for instance, she is a high school teacher; she does not earn much but really loves her job. She enjoys the feeling when standing in front of students and telling them what she knows. It’s her strong interest in her career grant her true happiness. For her and for many others, money may be a factor that less important than interest.

Third, in terms of the quality of life, money may not always be effective, although we couldn’t deny that money is basic for good life. Some jobs may drive us work all day long and make us seldom have time to share some moment with family or to admire the beauty in the world around us. Despite the pleasant salary, we could never say we are living a good life. That’s because we do not have chance to enjoy our life and share the happiness.

All this is not to say that money is not important. In fact, money, as the economic foundation, affects our life on various aspect therefore it should be a main factor when choosing jobs. But if we consider it the most important ont, we may ignore other factors that of more importance in certain situations.

小马备考包10(1.0 版)

people prefer to travel alone. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.

Travelling Alone but Not Lonely.

I prefer travelling alone than with anyone else. My experience tells me so and I can tell you why.


I enjoy the part of planning for travelling. It is challenging, especially when you are going multiple cities and abroad. The fact of no companion makes you search, prepare and checking every detail all by yourself. You will fall in love with google map, MEGABUS, bidding for a hotel, because they are useful and cheap. You have to print every map of every small distance you are going to travel, and along with forigner tips for things like food or security. You have to get prepared of the English accent in the airport announcement to not miss a flight. Then, after all these, you become an expert. Next time you will definitely travel with more confidence!

The second reason is when I travel alone, I am free to choose all the sites I am going to. From my experience, I think it is difficult to integrate different tastes and interests when there are two or more people. Travelling time is usually limited, people cannot decide or decide with pity of not having the chance to go some where. Take one success, and one failure of my travelling. When my classmate and I stayed in New York City for 3 days. She preferred famous sites like Lady Liberty and empire building, while I was interested in are museums and designer boutiques. It turned out that our happiest moments were in St. Patrick Cathedral, which we both like, and an afternoon that we were apart. Then next year I went to Chicago alone for only one day, but I enjoyed so much of the architecture along Michigan Avenue and the Art Institute. The trip was so great and words fail to describe it!

Last reason I give, is that travelling alone is efficient. You can walk at your own speed, stop and sit down when you need, take pictures as many as you can at a place you like and totally ignore another that you do not like. When there are two or more people, the group progress is equal to the slowest person.

Theses are why I love to travel by myself. And I love travelling. Of course, Jules Verne helped me a lot with developing this hobby


People have different ways of escaping the stress and difficulties of modern life. Some read; some exercise; others work in their gardens. What do you think are the best ways of reducing stress? Use specific details and examples in your answer.

Reading Helps With Stress

According Freud, words have influences on our minds unconsciously. Luckily I have developed the habit of reading. I am able to choose the right ones to read not only find answers to my questions but also release stress.

For me, the simple fictions or romances are best in reducing stress and worry. They are like fast food for a starved person—they can solve problem immediately, but may not ensure that same problem won’t come out again. The reason is that readers of fictions and romances are easily to drag themselves in, and they can experience a life totally different from their real one. In Twillight you can freely enjoy your character as an immoral, powerful vampire and your adventure. Detective stories written by Agatha Christie can distract my attention on current annoying issues with its plot and reasoning. By either way I feel stealing an enjoyable moment of reading.

Serious literature such as poems and poem-style dramas and novels has the effect of cultivating my mind, pulling me closer to nature. Some poems calm down emotions while other unleash intense emotions. Both wil make you feel less stressed by life. When I read a poem writteny William Wordsworth of “I wandered lonely as a cloud, that floats high over vales and hills”, I feel lighter, closer to the sky. When I read drama written by Racine, I feel that intense feelings like anger, suspense, and desperation leave me beacause they are relieves.

The two type of reading above can do well as a immediate treatment. Reading philosophy can cure in the long run, because it teaches me to solve my problems fundamentally by thinking. For example, I can think about the reasons of my stress, and then find out stress of my life sometimes comes from desires. I feel more disappointed when I desire more. The philosophy of Zhuangzi, an ancient Chinese philospher, talds about how to reduce desire and achieve true happiness. The philosophy is not easily understood, but after every sentence, I can pause and think for a while. This kind of thinking makes me clear of my issues.

I am a big fan of book. Usually I do not read for reduce stress but the books are like friends to help me with my problems. They are always there, reliable, and they are so deep and brosd that I can explore forever.














