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卷I部分 非选择题部分(共100分)

第一节:英语知识运用(25小题 ,1-20题每题1分;21-25题每题2分共30分)

1. —I'm tired. Shall we find a chair ________ in the park?

— Good idea.

A. to sit B. sitting C. to sit on D. sit on

2. ______ your English, you must do more practice.

A. Improving B. To improve C. Improved D. To have improved

3. I've got a letter ______. Can I have a piece of paper _______, please?

A. to write; to write with B. to write; to write it

C. to write on ; to write it with D. to write ; to write it on

4. It's clever __________ .

A. for you to do that B. for you doing that

C. of you to do that D. of you doing that

5. Liu Hulan would rather _______ than _______ .

A. to die; to give in B.to die; to give up

C. die ; give in D. die ; give up

6. _______ mud(泥土) on his trousers brushes off easily.

A. Drying B. Having dried C. Being dried D. Dried

7. I'll get my secretary(秘书) _______ the letter.

A. copy B. to copy C. copies DS. copied

8. I'll get my letter _______ by my secretary.

A. copy B. to copy C. copies D. copied

9. As soon as the _____ candle(蜡烛) was brought in, it soon _____ up the little room.

A. lighted ; lit B. lighting ; lighted C. lit ; lighted D. lit ; lit

10. The Olympic Games, ________in 776 B.C., did not include women players until 1912.

A. first palyed B. to be first played C. first playing D. to be first playing

11. The computer center, _______ last year, is very popular among the students in the school.

A. open B. opened C. opening D. having opened

12. Most of the artists _________ to the party were from South America.

A. invited B. to invite C. being invited D. had been invited

13. We can judge(判断)that he is very ______ from the _____ looks(表情) on his face.

A.excited ; excited B. excited ; exciting C. exciting ; exciting D. exciting ; excited

14. The boy _________ Tom is my best friend.

A. who named B. whom named C. named D. is named

15. Personally, it is the best use __________ this money.

A. made B. made of C. making D. being made

16. Charlie is going to have his trousers __________.

A. mend B. to mend C. mending D. mended

17. The boss willl get all the goods(货物) _________today.

A. be sold B. sold C. selling D. to sell

18. With so many trees _________, the students felt very __________.

A. planted; pleasing B. planting ; pleased C. planted; pleased D. planting ; pleasing

19. He spoke so loudly in order to make himself _________ by more people.

A. hear B. hearing C. heard D. to hear

20. The murderer(凶手) was brought in, with his hands _________ behind his back.

A. being tied B. having tied C. to be tied D. tied

21. — Good morning, can I help you?

— I'd like to have this package(包裹) ________, madam.

A. be weighed B. to be weighed C. to weigh D. weighed

22. —Children like living in rooms ______ with colorful things.

— Right. When I got home yesterday, I saw my daughter ___ her room with cartoon pictures.

A. decorated(装饰);decorating B. decorating; decorated

C. decorated; is decorating D. to be decorated; being decorated

23. He saw the woman ________ by a yellow car.

A. knocking down B. knocked down C. to knock down D. to be knocked down

24. When the police got there , the boy was found _________ to death.

A. beaten B. to beat C. beating D. beat

25. The washing machine that they ________ repaired went wrong again.

A. hat it B. had had C. had had it D. had it got


Mrs. Chang had a son named David in London , and a daughter Mary in Hong Kong together with her. Mary would get married a few months later. Mary wanted her brother to come to her wedding(婚礼), but David had not enough money to buy the ticket to Hong Kong.

Under her bed , Mrs. Chang kept a box containing(容纳) some jewellery which had belonged to her mother . The jewellery was the only 26 thing she had , and she always said that she would keep it and only sell it for a very important reason(理由) . Well, this was an important reason ,wasn't it ? She said nothing to Mary , 27 went secretly(秘密地) into the city and sold the 28 for $2,500. Only half the money ! But where could she 29 the other half ?

During the next few months , Mrs. Chang was always busy . She went out four mornings a week and 30 other people's houses. She 31 until late in the night and sewed(缝制) dresses and trousers for the people in the village. She embroidered (绣)colourful birds and flowers on pieces of silk(丝绸) for the tourists(旅行者) who came through the village . 32 , her pile(堆) of money under the bed began to 33 . Mary noticed that her mother was very 34 but her mother just said,"I want to have some new clothes for your 35 . I'll need to buy cloth . And I want to 36 you a great surprise ."

By June , Mrs. Chang had $ 4,250 under her bed . She 37 to a relative(亲戚) in Yun Long , who had a small business(生意) . "Tsun Man," she said ."I 38 $ 750 ."Her relative was 39 .

Mrs. Chang had 40 asked anyone for money before . But he lent her the money .

Mrs. Chang 41 her best clothes , went to the city and 42 a return ticket from London to Hong Kong . After putting the ticket in a nice envelope(信封) she began to write her son David's address(地址) on it and posted it . "What a surprise this will be for David," she said to 43 . "How 44 he will be! And how happy Mary will be , too, to 45 her brother with her on her wedding day .

26. A. valuable(贵重的) B. beautiful C. interesting D. wonderful

27. A. or B.but C. so D. however

28. A. clothes B. dresses C. jewellery D. trousers

29. A. get B. borrow C. make D. bring

30. A. searched B. entered C.cleaned D. washed

31. A.stayed up(不睡觉) B.kept up C.made up D. dressed up

32. A.Gradually(逐渐地) B. Frequently(经常的) C. Probably D.Immediately

33. A.reduce(减少)B. appear(出现) C. disppear(消失) D. grow(增长)

34. A. worried B. busy C.angry D.content

35. A. wedding(婚礼) B. birthday C. family D. work

36. A. give B. lend C. buy D. mail

37. A. got B. went C. pointed D. replied

38. A. lose B. owe C. need D. earn

39. A. surprised B. frightened C. hurt D. disappointed(失望的)

40. A. always B. usually C. never D. sometimes

41. A. picked up B. hold on C. took off D. put on

42. A. bought B. sent C. took D. carried

43. A. him B, then C. herself D. her

44. A. sad B. surprise C. happy D. exciting

45. A. have B. invite C.take D. leave



Tom was a clever boy , but his parents were poor, so he had to work in his spare time(业余时间) and during his holidays to pay for his education. In spite of (尽管) this , he managed to get to university, but it was so expensive to study there that during the holiday, he found it necessary to get two jobs at the same time in order to make enough money to pay for his studies .

One summer he managed to get a job in a butcher's shop(屠宰店) during the daytime, and another in a hospital at night , In the shop he learned to cut meat up quite nicely , so the butcher often left him to do all the serving(服务) while he went into a room behind the shop to do the accounts(帐目) . In the hospital , on the other hand, of course he was allowed to do only the simplest(最简单的) jobs , like helping to lift(抬起) people and to carry them from one part of the hospital to another . Both at the butcher's and at the hospital , Tom had to wear white clothes. One evening at the hospital , Tom had to carry a woman from her bed to the place where

she was going to have an operation. The woman was already feeling frightened at the thought of the operation before he came to get her , but when she saw Tom , that finished her.

" No! No!" she cried . " Not my butcher(屠夫) ! I won't be operated on by my butcher !" and fainted away(昏倒).

46. Tom made enough money by ______.

A. studying in the university B. working in a butcher's shop

C. doing two jobs D. cutting meat well

47. Tom was a student, but at the same time he was _____.

A. a butcher and a doctor B. a manager and a doctor

C. an assistant(助手) D. a manager

48. The woman patient(病人) recognized(认出) Tom because _____.

A. he was wearing white clothes B. he had sold meat to her

C. he was now working in the hospital D. he was going to operate on her

49. The woman was more frightened because she thought _____.

A. the operation was coming soon B. she would be treated like a pig

C. she would be carried by a butcher D. she could be taken to the operation room

50. When she saw Tom , she thought _____.

A. Tom would operate on her B. Tom would carry her out of the hospital

C. Tom would kill her D. Tom couldn't operate on her


Shanghai has returned to normal(正常的) midwinter(中冬) weather following a light two-day rain after New Year's Day.

The rain end(结束) an unusually long warm and dry spell (一段时间) since late last November when the Shanghai people tasted the first temperatures below zero(零度) of the winter, at least two or three weeks earlier than usual.

51. Shanghai returned to normal midwinter weather ______.

A. after the light two-day rain

B. because of the unusual weather

C. since the long warm and dry spell

D. in last November

52. What was the weather like in Shanghai before the rain?

A. It was rainy. B. It was windy and cold.

C. It was below zero. D. It was unusually warm and dry.

53. The word "tasted" in the report means ______.

A. spent B. had the experience of C. lived D. had a try on

54. The weather in Shanghai was ______ before the New Year's Day.

A. unusually cold and wet B. the same as usual

C. just like that in summer D. different from that in the usual years

55. According to the report, when do you think Shanghai usually has temperatures below


A. In Late November B. In December

C. On New Year's Day D. When it rains


Mr Johnson had never been up in a plane before and he had read a lot about air accidents, so one day when a friend offered(主动提出) to take him for a ride(乘坐) in his own small plane, Mr Johnson was very worried about accepting.Finally, however, his friend persuaded(说服) him that it was very safe, and Mr Johnson got on the plane. His friend started the engine(发动机) and began to taxi(滑行)onto the runway of the airport.Mr Johnson was very frightened and closed his eyes.After a minute or two he opened them again, looked out of the window of the plane, and said to his friend,"Look at those people down there.They look as small as ants(蚂蚁), don't they?" "Those are ants,"answered his friend."We're still on the ground."

56.The best title for this passage is ____.

A.First Flight B.First Accident C.First Friend D.First Trip

57.When his friend suggested an airplane trip to Mr Johnson, he ____.

A.accepted gladly B.accepted unwillingly(不情愿地)

C.refused the offer D.showed his surprise

58.When Mr Johnson opened his eyes, the plane ____.

A.was flying in the air B.was out of order (混乱)

C.was still taxing along the runway D.took off

59.Mr Johnson thought he was ____ when he saw the ants.

A.flying high B.falling out of the plane

C.on the ground D.dreaming

60.Mr Johnson seems to be a ____ man.

A.brave B.polite and humourous

C.careful and kind D. easily frightened


If you park(停车) your car in the wrong place , a traffic(交通) policeman will soon find it . You will be very lucky if you go without a ticket . However , this doesn't always happen .Traffic police are sometimes very polite . During a holiday in Sweden , I found this note on my car : "Sir , we welcome you to our city .This is a ?No parking? area(区域) . You will enjoy your stay here if you pay attention to (留意)our street signs(标志). This note is only a reminder(提醒) .” If you receive a request(建议) like this , you

can't fail to obey it (你不会不服从的)!

61 . From the passage we know that .

A . the writer knew where to stop his car

B . the writer failed to obey the police request

C . the writer was not allowed to go away

D . the writer once stopped his car in the wrong place

62 . This is a “No parking” area means .

A . in this area , there aren't any parks

B . no parks are allowed to be built in this area

C . no cars are allowed to park in this area

D . nobody is allowed to stay in the park of this area

63 . How do you know where your car should park in this street if you are in Sweden?

A . I'll look at the street signs . B . I'll look at the street lights

C . The traffic policeman will tell you D . I'll look at the traffic lights

64 . The best title for the passage may be “ ”

A . In Sweden B . No parking C . A Reminder D . A Police Request

65 . According to the passage , we can infer(推断) that the writer is .

A . an Englishman B . not a Swede C . a Frenchman D . a German


Shakespeare named one of his plays Twelfth Night, which means the twelfth night after Christmas. This is on January 6th, though some reference (参考) books give it as January 5th. The event(活动) is no longer celebrated(庆祝) in England as it was in Shakespeare's time. Twelfth Night in his day was a joyful(愉快的) occasion(场合). It marked(标志着) the end of Christmas celebration (庆祝活动) and a return to normal(正常的) life. But in modern times the twelfth night after Christmas has become rather sad. The Christmas decorations (装饰物) are taken down and the lights are taken off from the Christmas tree. Nearly nobody notices "Twelfth Night" itself pass. It's a pity(遗憾) that such customs(习俗) die out. At least the phrase “Twelfth Night” will live on forever ,thanks to Shakespeare.

66."Twelfth Night" is ______.

A one of the plays by Shakespeare B a play Shakespeare liked to see

C the night after Christmas D a festival which is popular in English

67.In Shakespeare's time, the twelfth night was______.

A not celebrated at all B. on the twelfth of January

C the beginning of the Christmas celebrations D a happy occasion

68.Twelfth Night told people that they should have ______.

A. another holiday B. a party to celebrate it

C. a usual life D. some Christmas decorations put on the trees

69.The writer of the passage couldn't help(禁不住) showing his feeling of ______.


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2010——2011学年度下学期 七年级英语期中考试试题



一、 听力部分(20分)

Ⅰ、听句子,选出句子中所包含的单词。(共5题,每题1分) 1. A. homework B. housework C. housewife 2. A. by bike B. by train C. on foot

3. A. reading a book B. watching TV C. mending his bike 4. A. put B. putting C. puts 5. A. send B. sent C. sending Ⅱ.听句子,选择正确的答语。(共5题,每题1分) 6. A. By train. B. A bus. C. By bikes

7. A. Some bread. B. No, thanks. C.I’m hungry 8. A. Yes,I am. B. Yes,I can. C. Yes,I do. 9. A.Thank you,too. B.You’re welcome. C.Thanks.

10.A.In the classroom. B. Near the bookstore. C. Turn left. Ⅲ.听对话,选出所给问题的正确答案。(共5题,每题2分) 11. A. Walk to school. B. Watch TV. C. Bought some fruit. 12. A.She is writing a postcard.

B.She is putting her clothes.

C.She is walking down the street.

13. A. a cup of tea B. a glass of milk C. a cup of coffce 14. A.He hurt his arm. B.He hur his leg. C.He hurt his nose. 15. A.The girl. B. The boy. C.The boy’s father. 二、单项选择(共10题,每题1分)

1. Would you like to eat for lunch?

A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything 2. The students a good school trip last week. A. have B. were C. has D. had 3. — ?

— He is taking a photo for Danny.

A. What does he do B. What is he doing C. What did he do D. What can he do 4. — How far is it from China to Canada? — .

A. About eight thousands five hundred kilometers B. About eight thousand five hundred kilometers C. About eight thousands five hundreds kilometers

D. About eight thousand five hundreds kilometers 5. My sister is too young herself.

A. not to look after B. to looking after

C. look after D. to look after 6. He is going to leave Shanghai Beijing.

A. on B. at C. for D. in

7. Li Lei is taking pictures Jenny Zhang Ming’s camera. A. with; for B. of; in C. for; with D.for; on 8.There is water in the bottle.

A. too B. much too C. too much D. too many 9. forget to send me an e-mail.

A. Do B. Don’t C. Doesn’t D. Does 10. — some ice cream?

— Yes, please.

A. What would you like B. Would you like C. Would you like to D. Can you like 三、完形填空。(共10题,每题1分)

Jim and Tom were good friends.They 1 in the same class of the same school.Tom was a clever boy. He 2 answer questions quickly in class.He 3 quick at thinking.It seemed that everything came easy to 4 .He never worked hard.He spent much of 5 time playing basketball and ping-pong.

Jim was not so clever as Tom.He was slow in his work, but he 6 hard at his lessons all his time.

In the final exam of the term, every __7__ Tom would be __8__

in the class.But they wee wrong.Jim was the first.Tom was quick and clever,but he never worked __9__.So he wasn’t the first.Jim was __10 but hard-working,so he was the first.

( )1. A. was B. were C. are D. is ( )2. A. may B. could C. do D. did ( )3. A. wewe B. was C. are D is ( )4. A. he B. him C. his D. it ( )5. A. he B. him C.his D.it

( )6. A. work B. worked C. do D. doing

( )7. A. thinks B. thought C. thingking D. think ( )8. A. the first B. first C .a first D. an first ( )9. A. hard B. good C. careful D. carefully ( )10. A. slow B. quick C. slowly D. quickly 四、阅读理解。


Li Ying has a friend. His name is Tom. He is from Canada. He is Canadian. Li Ying and Tom are in the same school and same class. They go to school five days a week. They have no classes on Saturdays and Sundays. Tom likes China and Chinese food. He likes eating Beijing Duck, jiaozi and noodles.

At school they study and play together.

Li Ying and Tom like playing football and basketball. On Sundays they like throwing Frisbee(飞盘) and flying kites. Tom can speak English,Japanese and a little Chinese. Li Ying often helps Tom to study Chinese. Tom often helps Li Ying with his English. They are good friends. 1. Who’s Li Ying’s friend?

A. Jim B. Tom C. Li Tao D. Tony 2.Tom comes from .

A. Japan B. China C. England D. Canada 3.They have no classes on

A. weekdays B. Sundays C. Saturdays D.B and C 4.They like on Sundays.

A .playing football B. singing

C. flying kites D. studying English 5.Tom can speak .

A. English B. Chinese C. Japanese D. A.B and C


The Greens(格林夫妇) live in a small village.They have one son.His name is John.He works in the village,but he doesn’t like to work there.Then he gets a job(工作) in a city.It is far from the village.John likes his new work very much,but his parents are not happy about this.

“John,you’d better come back to work in the village and live with us.”Mrs. Green says one day.

“There isn’t any good work for me here,mother.”says John. John goes to work in the city and lives there.

Today Mrs.Green is angry(生气).She gets on the bus and goes to John’s house in the city.“John,”she says to him,“Why do you never call me?”(你为什么从不给我打电话)

John says,“But mother,you don’t have a telephone.” “No,”she says,“I don’t.But you have one.” 6.There are people in John’s family. A. three B. four C. many D. two 7.John likes to work in .

A. an office B. the village C. a school D. the city 8.John’s parents .

A. like their son’s new job

B. don’t like their son’s new job C. want to live in the city with him D. don’t want him to leave them

9.John wants to work in the city because . A. he doesn’t love his parents

B. there isn’t any work for him in the village C. he likes his new job D. he can call his parents 10.John never calls his parents because . A. he doesn’t want to do so B. he doesn’t have a telephone

C. he doesn’t know their telephone number D. his parents don’t have a telephone


Peter was ten years old.One day his friend Paul said to him,

“I’m going to have a birthday party on Saturday,Peter.Can you come?” Peter asked his mother,and she said,“Yes,you can go.”She phoned Paul’s mother to tell her.

Before Peter went to the party on Saturday afternoon,his mother said to him,“Now,Peter,don’t forget to be polite(有礼貌的).Don’t ask for food.Wait until(直到)someone gives it to you.”

“All right,Mom.”Peter answered and he went to Paul’s house on his bike. There were many children at the party.They played together foe an hour,and then Paul’s mother gave them some food,but she forgot to give Peter any.He waited politely for a few minutes(几分钟),and then he held(举起) his plate up and said loudly,“Does anyone want a nice clean (清洁的)plate?”

11.Paul invited Peter to .

A. his friend’s home B. play with him

C. his birthday party D. have lunch with him 12.Peter mother told him . A. to be polite at the party B. not to go to the party C. to ask for food

D. to go there with her

13.Peter went to Paul’s party .

A.on foot B. by bike C. by bus D. by taxi 14.Paul’s mother gave Peter .

A.some food B. much food C. a little food D. nothing 15.Peter held his plate up because . A. he wanted to get something to eat B. he ate too much

C. he wanted to clean his plate

D. he wanted to give it to Paul’s mother 五、情景交际。(共10题,每题2分) A).从Ⅱ栏里找出Ⅰ栏中每句话的相应答语。(其中有两项多余)

1.This is my good friend,Bob. 2.What colour is your new dress? 3.Pass me the ruler,please. 4.How was your holiday?

5.We lost the game yesterday. Ⅱ

A:It’s blue.

B:It’s getting dark. C:Glad to meet you.

D:I’m sorry to hear that. E:OK.Here you are. F:Do you want to go? G:It was wonderful.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. B).根据对话,从下列选项中选取适当语句,构成完整对话。 (有两项多余)

a:What’s that in your bag,Jenny? b: 1

a:May I have a look? b: 2 a: 3 b:In Beidaihe.We went on a trip last month and we stayed there for three days. a: 4

b:By train.It’s much faster and safer than a bus. a: 5

b:It’s my brother. He is swimming in the sea. He swims very well. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


一、 根据句意及首字母完成单词。(共10题,每题1分) 1.Lily runs slowly but Lucy runs q .

2.We want to go there by train.How much for one t ? 3.It’s 10 k from my house to my school. 4.Be c !It is dangerous(危险的).

5.An English man wants to take a p for the little girl. 6.Go s down this street,you will find the hotel. 7.W are you late again? Because my bike is broken. 8.Do you like to send e- to your friends? 9.There are so many p on the street.

10.E me.Is there a post office near here? 二、用动词所给的适当形式填空。(共10题,每题1分) 1.Mary likes (read)books about China.

2.The businessman (go)to bed very late every day. 3.Mike (write)a letter to his friend now.

4.Danny (have) supper with his friends yesterday. 5.Li Lei helps his mother (wash) bowls. 6.She wants (buy)a nice hat for her sister.

7.We (eat)some dumplings on New Year’s Eve(除夕). 8.Stop (talk).It’s time for class.

9.Don’t (forget) to put the stamp in the top of the letter.

10.There (be)some milk in the bottle. 三、句型转换。(共5题,每题2分)

1.She has eggs for breakfast every day.(改为一般疑问句) She eggs for breakfast every day?

2. He bought a camera in the shop. (就划线部分提问) did he a camera?

3. He goes to the Great Wall by bus.(改为同义句) He a to the Great Wall.

4. They did their homework at school yesterday.(改为否定句) They their homework at school yesterday. 5. The classroom is 10 metres long.(就划线部分提问) Is the classroom? 四、书面表达。(10分)

以“Li Ming’s Trip to Beijing”为题,写一篇作文,要求用一般现在时态......,字数在50词左右。以下为参考词汇:

go on a trip to, Sunday, leave for, by bus, visit, shop in Beijing, have a good time

Li Ming’s Trip to Beijing

2010——2011学年度下学期 七年级英语期中考试试题


第一卷:选择题 一、 听力部分


三、完形填空 四、阅读理解

五、情景交际 A)、 B)、



(A) Tom was a clever boy. He made a l______ by cleaning shoes in the street. One day, a very rich man with the name Miser a________ in front of Tom. He watched his dirty shoes for a while, and then looked at Tom. Tom knew this kind of people well, they loved money very much and h_____ to spend it. Tom said: “ Let me clean your shoes, sir.” “ How much?” the rich man asked. “Only two pence, sir” Mr. Miser s________ his head and walked away. Tom called out, “I?d like to clean it for nothing!” This time Mr. Miser a_______. And soon one of his shoes was shining brightly. When the rich man put the other shoe on the stool(凳子), Tom r_________ to clean it. Mr. Miser was very a_______ and asked, “Why?” Tom said, “if you spend two pounds on my work, I?ll clean it.” Mr. Miser paid nothing and went away with a s_________ on his face. But to his surprise, the well-cleaned shoe made the other one look even dirtier. He was e___________! Finally the rich man r________ and gave Tom two pence. In a very short time his two shoes shone brightly.

1. l_______ 2. a________ 3, h_________ 4, s_________. 5, a_________

6, r________ 7, a_______ 8, s_________ 9, e_________ 10, r_________

(B) I worked at a Car Center where most of the people are elderly. About a year and a half ago a 59-year-old lady came to us who had cancer. She had to have her right leg cut off and she didn?t have a family to take care of her after the o__________. This lady was a quiet lady who mostly stayed a_______. But in the afternoons, when she was feeling w_______, she would go to help the other people in the home. She would v________ a lady who was blind and read to her. She would go into the room of a young girl with severe cerebral palsy(脑瘫)and sing to her. She p______ away last Wednesday and after her death, stories are coming forward of her quiet acts of k________ in her own hours of sadness. We n________ know what effect we have upon others. She had every r________to be bitter, to be angry, or to be sorry for her own fortune. But she wasn?t. She didn?t have a family and probably felt forgotten, but her small and quiet acts of service had a great influence upon the whole Care Center. Each of us feels b_______ than before for having known her. We had decided to be more aware(意识) of the service that we can o_________ to others.

1, o_______ 2, a_______ 3, w________ 4, v_________ 5, p________

6, k_______ 7, n________ 8, r________ 9, b_________ 10, o________

(C) I once thought I would be a perfect parent. It took me sixteen years to l________ that I could not. I know that I made some mistakes. If I raised my children again, I would not make those mistakes. Maybe I would make new o______. But I would do a better job. I would try to u________ my actions towards my children. I often did what my own parents would have done. I let their ways of raising children controlled me. For example, i had my teenage son David come home early. He hated this r_______. He said no r________ for it. As a girl, I had to be home early. I wanted my son to do a lot. Today I would think more about why I wanted things d________ in a certain way. My father was sick when I was young. My sister, my brother, and I were quiet so as not to t_______ him at all times. We did not shout in anger. I wanted my children to be quiet, too. I n________ stopped to ask”Why” It was hard for me to let my children show anger. I stopped my children when they started to get angry. Now I would tell my children. “it is all right to show l_____. It is all right to show anger. Your feelings are good. I love you no m______ what you feel.

(A) A good person was walking home late one night. He c_______ across a drunk on the sidewalk. Wanting to h_______, he asked the drunk, “Do you live here?” ?Yes!” “Would you like me to help you upstairs?” “Yes.” When they got up on the second floor, the good person asked, “Is this your floor?? “Yes!” Then the good person didn?t want to f_______ the man?s angry tired wife, because she may think he was the one who g_______ the man drunk. So , he opened the first door he came to and p______ him through it, then went back downstairs. However, when he went back outside, there was another drunk. So he asked that drunk, “Do you live here?” “ Yes.” “Would you like me to help you upstairs?” “yes.” So he did and put him in the s________ door as the first drunk. Then he went back downstairs. To his s_______, there was another drunk. So he started over to him. But before he got to him, the drunk staggered over to a policeman and c_____, “Please, officer! p______ me from this man. He?s been doing n______ all night long but taking me upstairs and throwing me down the elevator.!”

1, c_______ 2, h_______ 3, f________ 4, g_______ 5, p________

6, s_______ 7, s_______ 8, c________ 9, p_______ 10, n_______

(B) Two traveling angels were tired and hungry. They wanted to stay in a rich family for the night. The family were all u________ and let them stay in a very cold room. When they were m_______ the bed on the hard floor, the elder angel saw a hole in the wall. And then she r______ it. The younger angel asked, “Why do you h______ them?” The elder angel said, “Things aren?t always what they seem.” The next night the two angels came to a p_______ family. The family were all very n______ and friendly. They let the angels sleep in their bed. The next morning, the angels found the farmer and his wife were very s_______. Their only cow died that night. “The family have nothing, but they re k_______ to us. Why do you let the cow die?” the younger angel asked. “Things aren?t always what they seem,” the elder angel said. “When we were in the cold room in the rich family, I saw there was gold in that hole in the wall. I didn?t want the rich man to f________ it.” “Last night when we slept in the farmer?s bed, the devil(恶魔) of death came for his wife. I gave him the cow i_________.

1, u________ 2, m_________ 3, r_________, 4, h_________, 5 p_________

6, n________ 7, s__________ 8, k_________ 9, f________ 10, i_________

(C) Once Edison and his assistants made a light bulb, which was the result of their hard work around the clock. Then, Edison m_______ a young man carry it to another lab upstairs. The boy r_________ the light bulb from Edison?s hand, and then went step by step on the stairs carefully, for f_______ that the bulb would drop from his hands. But the more he thought in this way, the more n________ he felt, so his hands couldn?t help trembling. When he r________ the top of the stairs, the light bulb finally fell on the ground. Edison didn?t blame the youth. Some days l_________, Edison and his assistants made a light bulb again with one day and night. When d_______, it had to be taken upstairs. Without thinking, Edison h________ it over to the boy who had dropped the first light bulb on the ground. This time, the youth carried light bulb upstairs s_______ and sound. Afterwards, someone asked Edison, ;It?s enough to forgive him, but why did you hand the light bulb to him? What would you do if it dropped on the ground again?” Edison replied< “To forgive is not only to talk about it, but depends on the a_________.

1, m_______ 2, r________ 3, f_________ 4, n_________. 5, r_________

6, l________ 7, d________. 8, h________ 9, s__________ 10. a________

(A) Three rich men were traveling together to a poor village. The first rich man s______ all his money with the villagers and left. The second rich man gave the villagers all his f_______. He made sure that each villager would have enough to eat for some time and then he left. The third rich man traveled through the village without s________. The other rich men knew about this and talked about him with each other. They thought the third rich man was not k______ at all. However, two days later, they m_______ the third rich man again. He was traveling even more quickly, but his wagons(马车) were now f_______ with useful farming tools and seeds(种子). He g______ the things out and began to teach the poor villagers how to use them. Two of rich men only give things that they have, but they don?t know what would really be u______ to the villagers in need. And the third rich man didn?t care about what others think of him. Instead, he tried to f_______ the best way to help those who are in need of help. They give them s_______ much more valuable than money.

1.s________ 2. f________. 3. s_________ 4. k_________ 5. m_______

6. f________ 7. g________ 8. u________ 9. f__________ 10. s_________

(B) Once upon a time, there were two guys living in the same town. One day, the two guys were in a bar, and they were both watching TV when the news c______ on, it s_______ a guy on a bridge was about to jump, obviously to kill himself. “I?ll bet you $10 he?ll jump,” said the first guy. “Bet me $10 he won?t.” said the second guy. After hearing this, the first guy has i________ in it, so they quickly made a deal. After fifty seconds, the guy on the television closed his eyes and t________ himself off the bridge. The second guy cried, “Why are you so silly? Our l_______ is so valuable, how did you have this courage to give up?” The first guy patted the second guy gently. After all, the first guy w_______. So the second guy h_______ the first guy the money. “I can?t take your money,” said the first guy. “I had cheated you. The same s_______ was on the five o?clock news, and I have known the r_________ ahead.” “no, no. Take it!” said the second guy. “I saw the five o?clock news, too. But I just didn?t think the guy was foolish e____ to jump again.

1. c_________ 2. s________ 3 i__________ 4. t__________ 5. l_________

6. w_______ 7. h_________ 8. s__________ 9. r___________ 10. e________

(C) When you hurt your friend, it becomes your duty you solve the problem. All you need to do is step forward and say sorry from your h________, looking into your friend?s eyes and saying “I?m sorry” followed by a warm hug.

If the friend has s________ talking to you, go and write a letter, write your apologizes and show how i_________ the friend is in your life and how much you love his friendship. The friend will surely call you after r________ the letter. How about buying a sorry card or a gift for your friend that shows your apologizes? Sometimes a card or gift helps you say sorry for what is d__________ for you to say. The gift will express your f________ and let your friend know that you are truly apologizing. Call your friend or leave a m________ on his or her answering machine. In your apology, let your friend know how much this friend means to you and that you are sincerely sorry for whatever has hap h_________. You must apologize sincerely and give time to your friend to overcome the situation. While some people take a short time to forgive and forget, others take l_________. Whatever it is, don?t lose your patience. P________ your friend that you will never hurt him or her again.

(A) Football in Brazil was first introduced by an Englishman, Charles Miller. He was b______ in Brazil , and went to school in England. When he r______ to Brazil, he was surprised to find that nobody knew the game, At the age of 19, he came back to Brazil with many soccer balls. He taught his friends to play, and it was the b________ of football in Brazil. People in Brazil like the game very much. It is often said that the English i__________ football, but the Brazilians made it perfect. Football is a p_______ game because it is a sport that anybody can play anywhere. The rules aren?t hard to u___________, and it?s fun to watch, which are why football in Brazil has taken off. In Brazil football is like breathing and people are good at it. You?ll be amazed at the s_________ of some ordinary people. In Brazil, you?ll see people everywhere of all a________ playing the ball around on every part of their body. There are games everywhere, and you can join in any time. The Brazil World Cup team is considered to be the b________ in the world. The players in the Brazil team are known all over the world. The Brazil team has w________ more game than any other team in the World Cup.

1. b________ 2. r__________ 3. b_________ 4. i__________ 5. p_________

6. u_________ 7. s__________ 8. a__________ 9. b_________ 10. w_________

(B) One afternoon many years ago, I got out and had a walk in the park near my home. Later, I sat down on a b________ and had a rest. There was a little boy, about 2 years old, running freely on the grass as his mother watched from a short distance. Sometimes the boy would fall to the grass, got up and w________ looking back at his mother, run as fast as he could as if nothing h________. When the kid fell down, the mother didn?t think of the fall as a failure. But she thought of it as a learning e__________. He tried and tried until he s_________. I was touched by the way he ran. Each time he got up, he looked so c________ and natural. His only aim was to run as freely as he could. He was just being a child—just being himself—being fully in the moment. He was not w_________ about whether someone was watching or not. He only wanted to run and to completely feel the i_________ of running. I learned a lot from the boy on that afternoon. I understand what kind of attitude I should have towards my f________. And I have successfully brought that l________ with me in my life.

1. b_________ 2. w__________ 3. h__________ 4. e_________ 5. s__________

6. c________ 7. w___________ 8. j___________ 9. f_________ 10. l_________

(C) Once there was a beggar sleeping on the street. One day, he met a painter who was very poor. Soon the painter f________ sick because of much more worry. Before his death, the painter gave the beggar a painting, on which there were a pair of hands and a smiling face. The beggar was wild with j________ because he heard someone painters became famous after death. So he started w_______ for one day to sell the painting at a large amount of money. Many years passed, but the painter didn?t become famous. Later, the beggar l_______ this world with regret. Dramatically, there was also another beggar with a painting, on which there was also a pair of hands and a smiling face. The beggar came to u________ the painting. He hadn?t much fantasy(幻想), but laughed h________ for a whole day instead. Since then he no longer begged from others, but began m________ with his hands. After a few years, he had o_______ his house, his family and a smiling face. In fact, s_______ wealth is not necessarily money, it may be beside us. But if you don?t know how to d_________ it and dig it in the ordinary life, you might be “poor” all your life.

(A). In a harvest season, a beekeeper tried making honey. He had no k______ of skills, so he asked his father for advice. The tired , old beekeeper told his son, “ It?s okay to make it in the c________ method. However, on the point of completing it, remember to d________ a litter bitter medicine into the honey. On hearing this, he was a_________ the word, “Why so? It is just wasting the precious honey.” His father just smiled without r________. Upon this, he made honey as he liked. Until the honey was done, he took a b________ to taste But his honey was not as s_______ as his father?s. he was so p________ that he had to ask his father. “Excuse me, why did you ask me to add bitter medicine to the done honey? Won?t it waste the taste of honey?” “It is the little bitterness in the honey that e_________ your tongue and makes the honey sweet.” Yes, actually, the process of making honey is like that of going from youth to old age. A little tear in life can make the m_________ sweeter and more beautiful.

1. k__________ 2. c_________ 3. d_________ 4. a__________ 5. 5__________

6. b_________ 7. s__________ 8. p_________ 9. e__________ 10. m__________

(B) Once there was a millionaire, he had a pool in the back of his large house. He c________ many alligators(美洲鳄) and kept them in it. The millionaire also had a beautiful daughter who was still s_______. One day he decided to have a large party, and during the party he a________, “My dear guests… I have a decision to every man here, I will give one million dollars or my daughter to the man who can swim a_________ this pool full alligators and emerge alive.” As soon as he finished his last w________, there was the sound of a large splash(扑通声) . There was one guy in the pool swimming with all he could and crying out of f__________. The crowded cheered him on as he kept swimming as if he was r_________ for his life. Finally, he m________ it to the other side with only a tom shirt and some minor injures. The millionaire was impressed. He said, “My boy, that was incredible! I didn?t think it could be done. Well, I must keep my p_____. Do you want my daughter or the one million dollars?” The guy says, “Listen, I don?t want your money, neither do I want your daughter! I want the person who p_______ me in that water.

1. c__________ 2. s________ 3. a__________ 4. a________ 5. w_________

6. f__________ 7. r_________ 8. m_________ 9. p_______ 10. p__________

(C) It?s wise to remember how easily some wonderful technology can be misused. Sometimes it will lead to s________ result. Once an American who left the snow-filled streets of Chiago for a v_________ in Florida in the south. His wife was on a business trip and was planning to m________ him there the next day. When he reached his hotel, he decided to s_______ his wife a quick-e-mail. But he couldn?t find the paper on which he had written her e-mail address. He did his best to type it from his m_________ .Unfortunately, he missed one letter, and his note address was w________ instead to an elderly preacher?s wife, whose husband has passed away only the day before . When the sad woman checked her e-mail, she t_______ one look at the screen on computer, let out a sharp c________, and fell on the floor in a dead faint. After the sound, her family r________ into the room, and saw this note on the screen:

Dearest wife,

Just got checked in. Everything p________ for your arrival tomorrow.

1. s________ 2.v__________ 3. m__________ 4. s_________ 5. m_________

6. w________ 7. t___________ 8. c__________ 9. r__________ 10. p_________



短文综合填空实际上是完形填空的一种形式,即,给出首字母的填词型完形填空,一般在短文中留空10个。近几年,有的地方中考把短文综合填空单独列为一个大题,它要求学生根据上下文线索,从语篇层次上把握语言材料,在阅读理解的基础上进行逻辑推理,综合运用所学知识,准确无误地填上意义上和语法上都正确的单词。短文综合填空主要考查学生以下三个方面的知识和技能:1、对文章的整体理解、上下文段落的衔接、逻辑思维和判断能力;2、对词汇意义、惯用法、常见搭配、各种语法规则、句型、句式等的理解与运用能力;3、对生活中常见的事实进行推理和判断的能力。 一、命题特点





二、解题技巧 1、速读。通读文章,跳过空格了解信息,初步掌握文章大意。 ①抓住首尾句。捕捉文章的首句可以对整个语篇的方向有初步的了解,有助于接下来的理解与推理,而尾句往往是文章的结论、总结和升华,会给我们带来很多的启示。


tom was a clever boy


①知识型。主要考查词汇、习惯搭配在语篇中的运用。 ②推理型。主要考查对语篇的整体把握和理解。对连词的考查涉及到学生对行文逻辑的掌握和句子之间关联的理解。






If you don?t use your arms or your legs for some time, they will become week; when you start using them again, they will gradually(逐渐的) become s again. Everybody knows this. Yet many people do not seem to know that it is the s with memory. When someone says that he has a good memory, he really means that he doesn?t give it enough chance to become stronger.

If a friend says that his arms and legs are weak, we k 3 that it is his own fault. But if he tells us that he has p poor memory, many of us think that his are to blame, and f of us know that it is just his own fault.

Have you e found some people can?t read or write but they usually have b 7 memories! This is b 8 they can not read or write and they h to remember things; they can not write them down in a little notebook. They must remember dates, names, songs and stories; so their memory is the whole time being exercised.

So if you want a good memory, I from these people; practice remembering.









8.填because。用This is because…句型说明不会读书写字的人而记忆力较好原因。


9.填have。此句用have to 结构说明不会读书写字的人,他们不得不强记东西。




Many people in Beijing have returned to school only because they have become parents.

Parents are searching for help to solve a problem: the education of their “only c 1 .” “One student complained his father, who liked smoking, always left the s of smoke in the room and he could not do his homework there. Another wrote that his father often played mah – jong and the n kept him awake most of the night. Many people know I about home education and keep making mistakes. Parents? school are badly n 5 .” an official said.

The parents? school provide many talks on h to be good parents.

Xu Lin?s son was a middle school student. He f all of his first term exams. Xu Lin got a and beat him. But his son?s marks didn?t improve. Xu Lin then went to a parents? school and learned a lot. The boy did well in all his subjects in the next term and helped teach his mother English.

Parents need not only to give instructions, but to be t 9 , even by their children. A parent said, “A the classes, I know more about my child and she also understands me better.”

[答案解析]: 1. 填child。联系下文可知:父母再次入学是为了寻找帮助解决他们的独生子的教育问题。 2. 填smell。Smell在此用作名词,吸烟后,房间里留下烟味。

3. 填noise。父亲打麻将的声音使他长时间夜晚不能入睡。 4. 填little。由前两句可知:许多父母对家庭教育知之甚少。 5. 填needed。从此段可知,许多父母对家庭教育不够重视,因此非常需要家长学校。

6. 填how。据首字母提示及句意可知,家长学校提供了很多怎样做好家长的讲座。

7. 填failed。由后面的beat him可判断出,许林的儿子在第一学期所有的考试都没有及格。

8. 填angry。考试没及格,父亲当然很生气了。

9. 填taught。联系上下文可知,家长也需要被教育。 10. 填After。此句表示上过这些课文后,他\她知道了许多关



How to Look after a Computer

Many young people use computers, but few of them know how to look after them. Remember the following when you use your computer.

Keep your computer in a cool, dry r . Too much or too little heat is bad for computers. Moisture(潮湿) is also bad for them. Most computers work b at a temperature of 50C—300C.

Don?t let people s cigarettes(香烟) near your computer. Smoke of all kinds is very bad for many parts of a computer and .

Don?t eat or d when you are near your computer. Pieces

of food and a little water in the k 6 can also cause many problems. Make sure that the keyboard and screen are the correct h 7 for you. If they are not correct, you will get a backache. Make sure the screen is the correct distance from your e . If you wear glasses, make sure these glasses are correct for using with the computer. Some people use a different pair of glasses when they use a computer.

Keep your screen c 9 and don?t have it bright. A dirty screen can h your eyes. A very bright screen can also be bad for your eyes.


1. 填room。电脑应放在凉快,干燥的房间里。

2. 填best。联系上句可知,多数电脑最佳工作状态是50C—300C的温度下。

3. 填smoke。根据首字母和句意可知,不要让人在你的电脑旁抽烟。

4. 填problems。联系上句可知,各种烟雾对电脑的许多零部件有害,并且能引起许多问题。

5. 填drink。根据首字母和句意可知,当你在你的电脑旁边的时候,不要吃东西,也不要喝东西。

6. 填keyboord。键盘上的零星食物和点滴水渍会引发许多问题。

7. 填height。确保键盘和屏幕的高度对你要适合。

8. 填eyes。确保屏幕与你眼睛的距离要适合。 9. 填clean。此句表示要保持屏幕清洁干净。

10. 填burt 或harm。联系前句和后句可知,不干净的屏幕会make the other one look even d 8 . Mr Miser took a look round. 损害眼睛。

The people in the street were laughing at him. He couldn?t walk on a 短文综合填空实战演练

9 further.

At last the rich man r and gave Tom two pence. In a very short time his two shoes shone brightly.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Our world is g smaller and smaller. We can fly a

the world in less than fifty hours. The newest planes go six hundred

miles an hour. And we are now making planes that are e 3 faster. Dick is a milkman in New York. He is nearsighted. He has a red

O 4 September 20, 1519. Magellan left Spain w 5 car. The car is n 1 expensive nor cheap. Many people have cars five ships and 240 men. They were the first to m the trip on like that. You can see them everywhere. Dick likes his car. He thinks the sea. It t them more than two years by ship. Magellan

it?s wonderful. Dick likes to go f a ride after supper. He often

himself was killed in an island. More than two years I 8 , on goes with is big white dog c 3 Bobby.

December 21, 1521, one of the five ships with only 31 men came b Last Saturday evening Dick went to see a circus(马戏). He went 9 to Spain. in his car w 4 Bobby. Hundreds of people went to the circus, They started off from Spain and returned to Spain 2 years later. and Dick was surprised to see so many cars there.

So they proved(证明) the world was r . “Where can I my car?” he wondered.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Bobby was clever. Ti knew w 6 Dick was looking for. It

jumped out of the car and ran about. It found a place between two red cars. “Good!” Dick was h . He parked his car into the space and went with Bobby to see the show.

Tom was a poor boy, he make a living b cleaning When the show was o , Dick went out and got i leather(皮) shoes for others in the street. Tom was also a clever boy. the car. Bobby jumped into the next car. Dick got out and pulled the One day, a very rich man with the name Miser appeared in front dog back. But soon it jumped into the next car again! Do you know w of Tom. He watched his dirty shoes for a while and then looked at ?

Tom. Tom knew this kind of people w 2 . They loved money 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. very much and hated to spend it.

Tom said, “Let me clean your shoes, sir.” “For nothing?” the rich man asked. “O 3 two pence(便士), sir.”

Mr Miser shook his head and then walked away. Many people like to explore the Internet. Exploring the Internet Tom thought for a second and then called out, “I?d like to clean is one of the most important activities of the day. The Internet brings it for nothing!” This time Mr Miser a . And soon one of his the o world closer to people?s homes. Some people say the shoes was shining b .

world is s because of the Internet.

When the rich man put his other shoe on the stool(凳子). Tom What?s going o 3 in other countries? How do people live said he wouldn?t clean it for him unless(除非) he was p two in places far away? Is there a good sports game somewhere? What?s pence for his work. Mr Miser was very angry. He r to pay life I in the deepest part of the sea? If you want to answer all anything and went away with a smile on his face.

these questions, just come to the I 5 . Of course, people can also Bout to his surprise, the well – cleaned shoe was so bright that it

learn through reading or listening to the radio. But with the Internet


they can learn b 6 and more easily. A lot of information can be 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

collected at a great speed.

Can we go shopping without leaving home? Can you see a d without going to the hospital? Can we s without going to

Today people can use the phone to talk w others almost

school? Can we draw money without going to a bank? All these anywhere on the earth. But when you use the phone, you don?t see the things seemed to be impossible, but now have become quite p person you are talking with. That may c 2 in the near future. .

Today some people are using a kind of telephone called the The Internet helps us to open our eyes. The Internet also helps to picture phone or vision phone. With it, two people who are talking

open our minds. The Internet often gives us new i 10 . In a can s 3 each other. word, it helps us in many ways. Great changes have taken place in our Picture phones can be useful when you have something to s life since the use of the Internet.

the person you?re calling. They may have other uses in the future. One day you may be a to call up a library and ask to see a

book. Then you?ll be able to r the book right over your picture phone. Or you may be able to go shopping t 7 your picture phone. Suppose you see something in the newspaper that you think Music in America

you want to b 8 . You?ll go to your phone and c 9 the Music is an international language. The songs that are sung or shop. People at the shop will show you the thing you?re i in played by instruments(乐器) are beautiful to all people everywhere.

right over the phone. You?ll be able to shop all over town and never Popular music in America is what every student likes. Students even leave your room!

carry small radios with earphones and listen to m before class, after class and at lunch. Students with cars buy large speakers and

play music loudly as they d 2 on the street.

Adult drivers listen to music on the car radio a they drive to work. They also listen to the n about sports, the Computers are useful machines. They can help people a I weather, politics, and activities of the American people. Most of the in their daily life. For example, they can help people to s 2 radio broadcast is music.

much time to do much work, and they can help people to work out

Pop or popular music singers make much money. They m 5 many problems they can?t do e 3 . Our country asks everyone to a CD or tape which radio stations use in every state. Once the popular learn to use computers before the twenty first century, e the singer is heard throughout the country, young people buy his or her

old people.

tapes. Some of the money f 6 these tapes comes to the singer. W Today more and more families o 5 computers. Parents buy the singer goes, all the young people want to meet him or her. computers for their children. They hope computers can help them Now the singer has become a national s 8 .

improve their studies in school. Y 6 , many of their children use There are other kinds of music that is important to Americans. computers to play games, to watch video, or to sing karaoke(卡拉One is called folk music. It tells stories about the common life of OK), i of studying. So, many teachers and parents complain Americans. A 9 is called western or country music. This was that computers can not help children to study but make them f 8 started by were watching. Today, any music about country life and the behind. So computers are locked in boxes by parents.

love b a country boy and his girl is called western or country In some other countries, even some scientists also hate music.

computers. They say computers let millions of people I 9 their

jobs or bring them a lot of trouble.


Well computers really bring trouble to people or can they bring people happiness? It will be decided by o .

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Throughout the world, women live I than men. Why? Because men smoke m . Nonsmoking men live just a

long as women.

Smokers pollution the a . They breathe out 100 times as much pollution as nonsmokers. They breathe it out on their children and on their wives or husbands. Children whose p smoke have more breathing and lung problems than o children. Among nonsmoking women married to smokers, there are twice as many deaths from lung cancer as there are among women m to nonsmokers. Men have the right to kill themselves b 8 smoking if they want to. But they do not have the right to kill their w and children by smoking.

Smokers are absent from work more. Factories and businesses lose m of dollars every year because of smokers. Smokers use much more public money for medical care than nonsmokers.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

A good memory is a great help in I a language. E learns his own language by remembering w 3 he hears when he is a small child, and some children – like boys and girls who live a with their parents – seem to learn two I almost as easily as to learn one. In school it is not easy to learn a s 6 language because the pupils have so I time for it, and they are busy with other s 8 , too.

A man?s mind is rather like a camera, but it takes p not only of what we see but a of what we feel, hear, smell and taste. If we take a real photo with a camera, there is much work to be done before we can keep a picture forever in our mind.

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Education of Japanese children is free for the first nine years and all children must go to school for s years of primary schooling(小学教育) and three years of secondary schooling(中学教育). In the primary and secondary schools, about 99.9 percent of school – age children are present. School usually b at eight o?clock in the morning and e at three o?clock in the afternoon on w 4 and at noon on Saturday. The school year begins in April and ends in March. There is a s holiday in August and a w 6 holiday during the New Year season.

After n years of schooling, students can e the three – year high school by passing an examination and paying a

small charge each year. After high school, students can go o 9 to study at various types of c , usually for four years. There are also two – year junior colleges.

In most parts of the world, many students help their schools make less pollution(污染). They join “environment c .” In an environment club, people work together to make our environment c 2 .

Here are some t students often do.

No – garbage(垃圾) lunches. How much do you throw away after lunch? Environment clubs ask students to bring their lunches in bags that can be used again. Every week they will choose the classes that make the I 4 garbage and report them to the whole school!

No – car day. On a no – car day, n comes to school in a car – not the students and not the t 6 ! Cars give off waste gas in air, so remember.

Walk, jump, ride or run.

Use your legs! It?s lots of f 7 !

Turn o the water! Did you know that some toilets can waste twenty to forty m3 of water an hour? In a year, that would fill a small river! In environment clubs, students would mend those b 9 toilets.

We love our environment. Let?s work t 10 to make it clean.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

William Henry Harrision, the ninth president(总统) of the United States, was born in a small town. As a boy, he was very quiet and shameful(害羞的). In f , he was so q that

everyone thought he was stupid. The people of the town liked to p 3 tricks on him. For e 4 , they often put a nikel(镍币) and a dime(银币) in front of him and told him to choose which one be wanted. He always c the nickel and then they I at

him. One day, a woman took pity on him. She said “William, why do you always choose the nickel i 7 of the dime? Don?t you know that a dime is w much more than a nickel?” “C , I know it,” William answered slowly, “but if I choose the dime, they won?t play tricks on me any m 10 .”

One day a man put an advertisement in most of the n in

England. He said that he h 2 was a young man of millions of pounds and of great k . He?d like to choose a girl to be his w 4 , and the girl must be like the one in books written by Somerest Maugham.

This advertisement was at once k by thousands of

parents and young girls. Parents went to bookshops to look for the b written by Maugham. They bought those books for their d as presents. Girls tried to get those books to read, they wanted to know what k of person the rich man wished for.

Before long all the books written by Maugham were s out and the writer was known all over the country.

Who was the rich man? It was Somerest Maugham who put an ad in the newspapers! The ad saved his books and it made him f 10 , too!


6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

The sea looks very b when the sun is shining on it. It can be very t when there is a strong wind.

The sea is very big. It c 3 seventy – five percent of the earth. The sea is also very deep in some places. There is one place. The sea is about eleven kilometers deep there. The highest mountain

in the world is about nine kilometers high. If that mountain was put

into the sea at that place, there would still be t kilometres of water above it. In most parts of the sea, there are plenty of f and plants. Some live near the top of sea. O live deep down. There are also a lot of small I 7 things. Lots of fish live by eating them.

The sea can be very cold. When people go down, the sea b colder and colder. O 9 some men can go down into the deep sea. But, in 1970, five w scientists lived in the sea for fourteen days.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

People have flown kites in Japan for m than 1,000 years. There are many d kinds of kites there. Some look like bats,

others look like birds. Most have pictures on them. There are many interesting stories about kites in Japan. One story t 3 us about a thief who used a kite to fly. He wanted to steal the gold from the top of an old tower. The thief and his friends m a large kite. One dark windy night, the thief

caught hold of the kite. His friends raised the kite into the air. Then they moved the kite near the top of the tower. The thief was able to s 5 the gold.

Another story tells about a father and a son who were on a small

lonely island in the middle of the Japanese sea. There were no b or ships. They couldn?t go back to mainland(大陆). So they made a big k . His son flew on it and b to Japan. There is a K – Day in Japan. The Japanese young men have kite matches. When the kites are flying, the match starts. The young men t to break each other?s kite strings(细线). The last kite I

in the sky is the winner.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

of years, there are many s 5 about dolphins and men. In the 19th century, in a dangerous part of the sea near New Zealand, there was a

I like New Year?s Day m 3 of all. It?s my favorite holiday. The first of January comes dur8ing the winter holidays and it is the

dolphin. The seamen liked him very much and gave him a good name, first day of a new year. I don?t go to school and my parents don?t go Jack. From 1871 to 1903, Jack met every boat in the area and s to work. The first of January is in the middle of winter. The weather is All the students at the beach party were members of the French Club. Before they began to swim or to play games, Miss Barnes

wanted them to learn some new w 1 . She taught them how to s beach, sand, ocean and waves in French. The students repeated the new words and tried to use them in sentences. A the French lesson, the boys started playing volleyball. Miss Barnes helped them to keep scores in French. The students laughed at their mistakes, but they enjoyed p 4 their numbers and having fun at the same time.

At a later time, there was m 5 time for those in the group who liked to swim to go into the water. Most of them didn?t swim far. Some waves were quite large and could be d for people who did not swim well. Miss Barnes watched them very c 7 . When

it was time for I , everyone enjoyed sandwiches, potato chips and fruits. While they were eating, Miss Barnes asked each member of the club a question in French. If the students could not a 9 their questions, she taught them what to say. Everyone agreed that the French Club and the beach party would help them to learn French, and they all thanked Miss Barnes for being s 10 a nice teacher.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Dolphins are not fish. They are mammals(哺乳动物). They live in groups and speak to each other in their o 1 language. But they are quite d from almost all land animals. Their brain(大脑) is as big as men?s and live along life – at I 3 20 or 30 years. Like some animals, dolphins use sounds to help them find their way around. They also use these sounds to talk to each other and to help them find f . They do not use their ears to receive sounds, but use the jaw – the lower part of the mouth.

It is strange that dolphins are friendly to men, and for thousands

it the way. In 1903 a passenger on a boat with the name of The Penguin shot and hurt Jack. L 7 the dolphin didn?t die, and after a long time he was w again. He guided the ships through the area for nine m years, but he refused to help the boat the

Penguin. Today, some people still kill dolphins, but many countries in the world now p 10 them. In these places, people are not allowed to kill them.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Leimomi Mapuana lives on the i of Hawaii. She is nine

years old. Her parents g 2 vegetables and fruit. Her father gets f from the ocean. They are native Hawaiians. Their families did not m to Hawaii from other countries. They lived in Hawaii b 5 Americans or Europeans came to the island.

Leimomi goes to elementary(初级的) school. But she does not go to the school near her home. Her parents wanted her to learn about the old Hawaii. So she s 6 in another school. In some ways, this school is like o schools in the United States. The children learn reading, writing, math, science, history and geography. But in other ways it is very different. In this school, the s and teachers speak English o in their English lesson. For their other lessons, they speak Hawaiian. And they I 10 about Hawaiian history, music, stories and dancing.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

There are many h in our country. They are: New Year?s Day, Christmas, w 2 Day on the 8th of March, Children?s Day and others.


usually fine and there is a lot of snow c .

Our family p 5 for the New Year holiday before hand. My father buys and brings home a beautiful new year tree at the e of December. Our family traditionally decorates it with toys, little coloured lights, sweets and a beautiful star at the top.

My mother and I prepare our holiday supper, I help my mother to lay the table. We put some beautiful candles on the table, so it will look festive(喜庆的).

We like to see the New Year in(到达) at home with our relatives. They come to see us at 11 o?clock in the evening. They bring p , sweets and drinks. On New Year?s E there are a lot of very interesting musical programs on TV. At 12 o?clock we sit at the table and are glad to see the New Year in. my father says. “Best w for the New Year,” and opens a bottle of champagne(香槟酒). I hope that next year will be b 10 than the last one. It?s pleasant

to get presents on New Year?s Day.

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People often say that an Englishman?s home is his castle(城堡). They m 1 that the home is every important and personal. Most people in Britain live in houses r than in flats(公寓) , and own their homes. They can paint and change them in any way they like. In a crowded city everyone knows that he or she has private s 3 which is only for himself or herself and for invited friends.

People usually like to mark(做标记) their space. Are you sitting on a beach or a train or in a library? If you are on the beach you may have spread(撒) your sands around you; on the train you may have put your coat or small bag on the seat b 4 you; in a I 5 you may have one corner or chair which is your own.

Once I was t 6 on a train to London. I was in a section(区域) for four people and there was a table between us. The man opposite me had his bag on the table. There was no space on my side
