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at weekends (=<美>on weekends)在周末

1. I often go to visit my aunt at weekends.

on weekend


2. He likes to watch farces at weekends to relax himself.


3. I will be at liberty only at weekends.


4. Discipline is often relaxed at weekends.


5. He likes to go climbing at weekends.


6. We love to get out into the countryside at weekends.


7. I often fish/go fishing at weekends.


8. They like to go ballooning at weekends.


9. He has to work at weekends. 他须在星期六和星期日工作.

on the weekend ad. 周末

1. You may go grass skiing, bicycle riding, or shopping on the weekend.


2. We had a good time on the weekend party.


3. The club got all the members together on the weekend.


? at the weekend 强调的是一个具体的时间,在具体的时间点前用at,是它的一般用法。如:

I don't work at the weekend.



如:Jack was killed on the weekend of May Ist,1987.



On a cold morning,I opened the window and was glad to find that it was snowing outside. 在这个句子中就不能用“in”了,因为它是一个特定的早晨。

所以on the weekend和at the weekend是不能划等号的。

没有in the weekend的说法

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? fa400 | 2009-03-09 22:15:14 有0人认为这个回答不错 | 有0人认为这个回答没有帮助 at the weekend 强调的是一个具体的时间,在具体的时间点前用at,是它的一般用法。如:

I don't work at the weekend.



如:Jack was killed on the weekend of May Ist,1987.



On a cold morning,I opened the window and was glad to find that it was snowing outside. 在这个句子中就不能用“in”了,因为它是一个特定的早晨。

所以on the weekend和at the weekend是不能划等号的。




1. weekday指“周日”,在5天工作制的国家,指星期一至星期五;在6天工作制的国家,指星期一至星期六,与weekend(周末)相对,为可数名词。如:

Weekdays are always busy here. 这里除周末外每天都很忙。

My weekend was boring—I just floated about (the house) or watched TV. 我的周末过得很无聊——只是在屋子里转转或者看看电视。

2. 表示在周日,英语通常用on weekdays。如:

I’m busy on weekdays. 我除星期天外都很忙。

The library is open on weekdays only. 这个图书馆星期一至星期六都开放。


Jane works weekdays from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. 除星期天外简每天从上午10点工作到下午6点。

注意,表示在周末,英语可用at [on] weekends或at [on] the weekend等,但表示在周日,英语通常只用on weekdays,习惯上不用at weekdays, at the weekday等。


1. weekend指“周末”,在5天工作制的国家,指星期六和星期日;在6天工作制的国家,指星期日,与weekday(周日)相对,为可数名词。如:

We must go and have a weekend there. 我们应当到那里度周末。

We spend alternate weekends at our country cottage. 我们每隔一周到我们的乡间住宅过一次周末。

2. 表示“在周末”,英语可用 at [on] the weekend或at [on] weekends(用介词 at 为英国英语,用 on 为美国英语),但习惯上不说 in the weekend 或 in weekends。如:

We usually do our shopping at the weekend. 我们通常利用周末采购物品。 They like to go ballooning on the weekend. 他们周末喜欢乘气球玩。

Traffic on the roads is heaviest at weekends. 周末的交通最为繁忙。

The library is closed on weekends. 周末图书馆关门。


He works weekends. 他周末工作。

I go yachting most weekends in the summer. 在夏天,我大多数周末都乘快艇游玩。 若不是表示“在周末”,则可根据情况与其他介词搭配。如:

The weather ought to improve after the weekend. 过了周末天气应当好起来。 Tom is always going away for weekends. 汤姆每个周末总是外出。

Why don’t you and I go away for the weekend? 咱们俩何不到外地去度周末呢? The weather is stormy and will remain so over the weekend. 今天是暴风雨天气,整个周末都会是这样。

Could you oblige me with five pounds until the weekend? 能借我5英镑吗,周末还你?

3. 当weekend与this, that, last, next, every等搭配时,其前不用介词at或on。如: We are expecting guests this weekend. 我们本周末要来客人。

Accidents due to driving at high speed were very common that weekend. 在那个周末因高速驾驶造成的交通事故很多。

Tomorrow’s difficult. I’d rather yon came next weekend. 明天有困难,我希望你下周末来。

Peggy was pretty rude to my family last weekend. 佩吉上个周末对我家人很不礼貌。

We go boating on the lake every weekend. 我们每个周末都到湖上划船。

篇三:On weekend

On weekend,my grandma usually ____ a glass of wine.

A. subscribes to B. engages in C. hangs on D. indulges in


cling 因缺乏自信而靠着

clinch 拥抱 谐音“克林顿”。克林顿喜欢拥抱,喜欢靠在女人身上 ***

depending on 依靠





巧合、相一致 co+incide。co共同,incide事件。共同发生的事件,巧合。 巧合的

篇四:Unit 2 On the weekend

Unit 2 On the Weekend

Lesson 4 Helping at home

1、help v .常用于help sb (to) do sth / help sb with sb

Eg: She often helps her mother to do the housework .

Can you help me with my math ?

2、Let’s get ready .

1) let sb do sth 让某人做某事

Eg:Let us dust the furniture .

2) get ready / be ready for sth

Eg: Please get ready . The class is beginning .

The students are ready are ready for their class .

3、worry v. 担心,忧虑 其三单形式为worries .

常用于worry about sb/sth 担心某人 相当于be worried about sb /sth Eg: Don’t worry .

Please go home early . Or your mother will worry about you . Her mother is worried about her child .

4、in a minute 立刻,马上 同义词组为right now ,at once

Eg: Please make the bed . I can do it in a minute .

5、put away 把…收好,放好

Eg: Please put away your toys .

Please put them away .

6、be busy with sth 忙于某事 / be busy doing sth 忙着做某事

Eg: Tom is busy with his homework .

The cleaner is busy cleaning the street .

7、walk over to +地点名词 朝…走去

Eg:The boy is walking over to school .

My mother walks over home happily .

注意:当to后是地点副词时,需省略to .

8、talk on the phone 在电话中交谈

9、look out of … 向…外看

look out =be carefully=take care 小心,注意

10、与go 相关的词组

1)go to + the + 名词

Eg:go to the lake go to the zoo go to the movie

2)go to + 地点名词

Eg:go to school go to work go home /here /there (home / here / there为地点副词,所以省略to )

3)go + doing

Eg: go shopping go fishing go swimming go dancing go skating go skiing Lesson 5 Talking to Friends

1、talk v .谈论,交谈

常用于talk with sb 与某人交谈 talk / talk about sth 谈论某事 Eg:The teacher is talking with his students .

They are talking about the party .

I want to talk with you about your study .

2、be at home 在家 stay at home 呆在家里

Eg: They are at home at home all day .

She doesn’ t like to stay at home .

3、for a while 一会儿

Eg:I am tired and I want to sleep for a while .

---How long do you stand here ? ---Just for a while.

4、do one’s hair 做头发 brush one’s hair 梳头

color one’s hair 染发 wash one’s hair 洗头

5、wait a minute 稍等片刻 wait in line 排队等候

wait for 等候

6、watch a football match 看足球比赛

watch TV watch a movie 看电影


1)The game is over . / The class is over .(结束)

2)There are over 50 students in the class .

The man is over 60 .(超过,多于)

3)There is a bridge over the river .(在…之上)

8、visit sb 看望某人 visit a place 参观某地

9、send sb sth /send sth to sb

Eg:Tom sends me some photos . / Tome sends some photos to me . Would you like to send me some of your photos ?

10、message n .消息,信息

Eg:leave a message 留口信 take a message 捎口信

send a message 发信息 instant message 即时信息

篇五:What do you often do on the weekend

Group work

活动要求:六人一组,其中一人进行采访并做好记录,另一名同学对活动进行合计并汇报,如,read books five 五人。如果 有其他项目可填写在表格空白处。
