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From:P. Kotler , J . Bowen , J . Makens. Marketing for Hospitalityand Tourism ( Third Edition) [M] . Upper Saddle River ,NJ : Pren2 tice - Hall ,2002.

Marketing theory suggests that the premise is satisfied with customer loyalty, customer satisfaction, quality service from the customers on the quality of experience, so to develop a scientific and effective quality of service management strategy, to maintain quality and consistent service quality, as hotel companies to shape the core competitive service force the key.

The hotel service quality and customer perceived service quality constitute.

Hotels provide integrated accommodation, catering, recreational and business activities as one of the services, hotel services, quality of service they provide the features and characteristics combined. The reason why customer's hotel of choice sentiment in favor of because the hotel from the product characteristics to meet customer demand for a break or business interests, but also the characteristics of hotel services (Such as comfort and efficient) just to meet the customer service grades and grade requirements. Service products inseparability of production and consumption, determines the customers interaction with the staff to complete the hotel service features and characteristics (quality of service) experience: they are the appointed time and their related facilities within the room have a right to use the hotel at the same time feel service delivery service means, such as attitude, demeanor, work efficiency. The former is the result of the experience of hotel services, which is to obtain the results of the process of experience, the hotel service quality, including the results of quality and process quality in two parts. Customers measure of the quality of results are usually objective and manageable, because the rooms and other hardware facilities are visible, and its quality, the customer had been prior to use in accordance with national and industry standards are under control, while the process of the quality of hotel services is because it is In the hotel staff and customer interaction behavior and emotional interaction to generate, as measured by both subjective and complex, and therefore can not ignore the hotel service quality management of service process quality management.

And physical quality of the product a different formation mechanism, the hotel service staff and customers interact with a process related facilities, the hotel customers are facing is not "finished product", the hotel is not in production quality, but in the delivery and consumption generates. Hotel customers will be personally involved in the formation of the quality of service, and by comparing the expected service quality and body Inspection of service quality gap, the formation of the hotel's perceived quality of service. When the customer experience of the process and results of better quality than even more than expected level, the customer will be recognized service quality, and thus satisfactory performance, loyalty and repurchase. The quality of customer expectations of the hotel and hotel marketing, publicity, customer past experiences, word of mouth dissemination of mass And personal differences in such factors as the demand is closely related to the hotel manager by managing customer expectations should be to improve the perceived quality of service. 2 The hotel service quality causes of the problem analysis Formation process from the hotel service quality point of view, the hotel quality hotel services, a series of internal decision-making and results of the activities: the management of customer expectations of cognitive resolved that the hotel will be the implementation of service standards; staff will be based on standards of service delivery to the customer service; Customer then according to their own perception of hotel service experience and outcome of the process of passing quality. The quality of the formation of links in one or more errors, it will lead to a decline in customer perceived service quality. First of all, if the hotel is not an accurate understanding of customer expectations of service, such as hotel managers do not realize that customers are networked, intelligent devices and electronic management needs, the hotel management had failed to attach importance to the effective management of front-line service, or to reflect "Customer is to reduce the lobby check-in and checkout time" customer expectations, will reduce the customer's perceived service quality, leading hotel management to improve the quality of service to other efforts, "come to naught."

Secondly, if the hotel fails to address customer expectations of service quality

standards for a right, even if the hotel was full and the customer expectations are accurate, also make the quality of service, "poles apart." Such as hotel occupancy rates managers often are most concerned about quality management are not given the highest priority; or hotel service quality standards set bias-oriented rather than focus on customer-oriented operations will reduce the customer's expectations. Another example is to reduce the cost of the hotel from time to time to replace simple counter, the food and beverage refrigerator, hotel management, bureaucracy led to front-line service staff views of quality of service standards do not get enough attention and so on, will cause the decline in the quality hotel services.

Again, if the hotel management and poor supervision, the staff did not diligently enforce service quality standards, even if the quality standard of accuracy, the final quality of service would be "counterproductive." Example, ignore the service process management, quality management, lack of awareness of internal marketing to mislead the staff for the smiles and greetings as a task is completed; another example, human resources hotel source management is unable to periodic training of service staff awareness and skills to develop employee performance appraisal system and incentive policies, the lack of service quality evaluation indicators will result in lower quality hotel services.

Finally, if the hotel's marketing, publicity and the actual provision of services to inconsistent service delivery process does not reflect the market, the promotion of communication quality of service standards, the hotel's service quality will "come to naught." Consider the hotel marketing department and service delivery due to lack of horizontal communication, the two sides went their own ways, such as foreign propaganda is only one day in advance you can book train tickets, but the real must be three days in advance, or the marketing department exaggerated, over-commitment, will cause the hotel services, features and characteristics of unable to meet target customer needs.

3 Improving the quality of hotel service’ concept and strategy

Through the above-mentioned factors affecting the causes of hotel service quality analysis, combined with the characteristics of hotel business itself, you can

explore ways to solve the following three aspects of the idea of hotel service quality issues.

(A)Improving the quality of hotel services in the hotel business process to create a critical competitive advantage.

The hotel's competitive advantage comes from superior quality of service, but it must be clear what kind of factors determine the quality of competitive advantage, is the result of the quality of hotel services, or process quality? Customers, "lobby in three minutes to clear arrival formalities," said satisfied with the reasons for not "settle" this result, but "three minutes" embodied in efficiency. Similarly, Mr. Chang is out of the hotel door Tong soon as the door, "Mr. Zhang, please take care," pleasantly surprised because the doors boy memorize customer names to their work. Hotel service is person to person service, quality of results usually have been written in the hotel industry standards for the management, and service can not form the differences between hotel companies, high-quality process of the quality of service can only come from experience, process quality is to create core competence Hotel force the key. To this end, the hotel managers should do the following work:

First, establish a "process quality (rather than the quality of results) is a hotel lifeline" of the business concept in order to hotel contact with various service sectors focus on objects, and further refine the quality standard system and service program system to ensure that front-line employees pay more attention to service standards process, but also indicators of these processes should be the employee performance appraisal and reward or punish an important basis.

Second, establish a "hotel employees are an important component of product" product concept, to urge the department of human resources management, staff recruitment gateway to good publicity "hotel service is not everyone can do well for all the work, hotel staff must have the quality of services and skills, "this concept, through the implementation of training programs to maximize employee service concept and service skills, so that customers perceived service from the well-trained staff from the heart of service.

Third, the establishment of external quality control mechanism, a "mystery

shopper research method" to improve the process of hotel service quality. That is, from an external investigator (such as hotel star ratings a member of industry veterans, etc.) to ordinary customer's identity, experience the surveyed hotels, in a real environment for consumption in the perspective of a professional perception hotel contact with customers every step, and to their consumption experiences, feelings, evaluation and other information in order to "customer experience report" under investigation in the form of feedback to the hotel. Compared to the internal quality check with the hotel, "mystery shopper" survey closer to the real level of hotel service quality to enable managers to accurately grasp the status of hotel service quality process, thus take appropriate corrective measures to be improved.

(B) Do a good job of marketing management is an important means of improve the quality of hotel services.

Hotel services production, transmission and consumption, synchronization, making the hotel front-line employees automatically become a part-time marketing staff, marketing department is no longer a hotel the only sector to communicate with customers. And physical product marketing management and quality management of each separate and distinct, the hotel most of the marketing efforts and quality of service with the formation of synchronized in time and space: to satisfy customer needs a certain extent dependent on hotel quality of service real-time front-line staff, the same line excellent quality of service staff will also help hotels to carry out an external marketing. Therefore, we can think from a marketing point of view to further narrow the gap between the idea of hotel service quality. Should be clear, the relationship between characteristics of the endogenous characteristics of the service, hotel marketing, not merely to seek new customers for the ultimate goal, the marketing department should also undertake and their customer relationship management functions. Marketing to attract the customer to the hotel, but whether these customers become regular customers, to a certain extent depends on the quality of service front-line employees. Therefore, marketing department should carry out customer satisfaction survey in due course to identify the reasons for customer dissatisfaction with the quality of hotel front-line staff to take corrective measures to


酒店客房常用英语-唤醒服务Wake-up Call Service.


A: Room service, can I help you?


B: I’m going to Newyork early tomorrow morning. So I would like to request an early morning call.


A: No problem, at what time would you like us to call you tomorrow morning?


B: At 6 sharp tomorrow morning, please.


B: By phone, please. I don’t want to disturb my neighbors.


A: OK. So we will wake you up at 6:00 tomorrow morning.


A: Hello, I would like to check in, please.


B: Do you have a reservation with us?


A: Yes, I booked a room here for tonight.


B: May I have your name, please?


B: May I see your passport, please?


A: Ok, here you are.


B: We have Room 001 reserved for you.


B: Would you mind filling in his form, please?


A: All right.



B: Could you sign your name here, please?


A: Will that be all right, sir?


B: Yes, I hope you’ll enjoy your stay in our hotel. ------------------------


1、Good morning(afternoon , evening) , sir(madam) 早上(下午、晚上)好,先生(夫人)。

2、How do you do?


Glad to meet you .


3、How are you?


Fine , Thanks . And you ?


4、Welcome to our hotel (restaurant , shop). 欢迎到我潜龉荩ú吞⑸痰辏├础?

5、Wish you a most pleasant stay in our hotel . 愿您在我们宾馆过得愉快。

6、I hope you will enjoy your stay with us. 希望您在我们宾馆过得愉快。(客人刚入店时)

I hope you are enjoying your stay with us.

希望您在我们宾馆过得愉快。(客人在饭店逗留期间) I hope you have enjoyed your stay with us.


7、Have a good time!



8、**hotel , front desk . Can I help you?


9、Sorry , I’ve dialed the wrong number .


10、May I speak to your general manager?



11、Sorry , he is not in at the moment .


Would you like to leave a message ?




I beg your pardon.





14、Happy birthday!


15、Happy new year!


16、Merry Christmas!


17、Have a nice holiday!


18、Wish you every success!



19、Thank you (very much) .


20、Thank you for your advice (information , help) 感谢您的忠告(信息、帮助)。

21、It’s very kind of you .


22、You are welcome .


23、Not at all.


Don’t mention it .


24、It’s my pleasure .


(With pleasure.)

(My pleasure.)

25、I am at your service .


26、Thank you for staying in our hotel.


27、I’m sorry .

28、Excuse me .


29、I’m sorry ,It’s my fault.


30、Sorry to have kept you waiting .


31、Sorry to interrupt you .


32、I’m sorry about this.


33、I apologize for this.


34、That’s all right.


35、Let’s forget it.



36、Can(May)I help you?


Yes, please.


37、What can I do for you .


38、Is there anything I can do for you ?


39、Just a moment , please.


40、May I use your phone?




Yes, of course .



41、Go upstairs/downstairs.


42、It’s on the second (third) floor .


43、Excuse me.


Where is the washroom (restroom, elevator)? 请问盥洗室(休息室、电梯)在哪儿?

This way ,please.

Turn left /right.


45、It’s in the lobby near the main entrance. 在大厅靠近大门。

46、It’s in the basement at the end of the corridor. 在地下室走廊尽头。


47、Mind/(Watch)your step.


48、Please be careful.


49、Please don’t leave anything behind.


50、Don’t worry.


51、Take it easy.


52、Please don’t smoke here.





54、See you late.


55、Good night .


56、See you tomorrow.


57、Goodbye and thank you for coming.


58、Goodbye and hope to see you again.


59、Have a nice trip!


60、Wish you a pleasant journey! Good luck! 祝您旅途愉快!祝您好运!


1、Have you a reservation?


2、May I know your name and room number?


篇三:对旅馆的抱怨信 英文版

Tuesday 26th March 2013-3-27

Dear Sir,

I am writing to complain about your hotel. Unfortunately it was nothing like what I expected because these were too many problems, it was completely different from any other five star hotel.

I must complain about the room. This room not only expensive but was also small. I pay ¥250 a day, but the room just 30 square meters. The room was also very dirty, no window,the bed was broken and uncomfortable, the shower had not hot water, the TV broken and the room is very hot but there was no air conditioning.

Oh, my neighbor was noisy all night, I can’t fall asleep. And the food is bad in the restaurant. I hope you can solve these problems immediately, I look forward to hearing your reply.

Your faithfully



1. Executive Officet行政办公室

2. Human Resources Dept.人力资源部

3. Front Office前厅部

4. Housekeeping Dept.管家部

5. Food & Beverage Dept.餐饮部

6. Recreational Dept.康乐部

7. Financial Dept.财务部

8. Sales Dept.市场营销部

9. Security Dept.保安部

10. Engineering Dept.工程部

11. Waiting list等候名单

12. Average room rate平均房价

13. DND=Do Not Disturb请勿打扰

14. VIP=Very Important Person贵宾

15. Package包价服务

16. No-show订房不到

17. Message留言

18. Cancellation取消

19. Walk-in无预订散客

20. Morning call叫醒服务

21. Complain投诉

22. Over booking超额预订

23. OOO=Out of Order维修房

24. Lost and found 失物招领

25. Room status 房间状态

26. Check in 登记入住

27. Check out 结帐离店

28. Reservation预订

29. Reception接待

30. Operator总机话务员

31. Business centre商务中心

32. DDD=Domestic Direct Dial国内直拨

33. IDD=International Direct Dial国际直拨

34. LDD=Local Direct Dial市话

35. Suite套房

36. Standard room标准间

37. Double room大床间

38. Mini-bar小酒吧

39. Laundry service洗衣服务

40. Room service送餐服务

41. Menu菜单

42. PA=Public Area公共区域

43. DJ=Disk Jockey音控员

44. Tips=To Insure Prompt Service小费

45. AM=Assistant Manager大堂副理

总经理 general manager

外方总经理 Expatriate General Manager

副总经理 deputy general manager

财务总监 Finance Controller

销售总监 Director of Sales

市场总监 Director of Marketing

客务总监 Director of Rooms Divsion

行政总厨 Executive Chef

部门经理 department manager;division manager;section manager 经理助理 assistant manager

主管 supervisor

领班 captain

销售代表 Sales Executive

客房服务员 Room Attendant

会议服务员 Meeting Attendant

庭院清扫养护员 garden Keeper

公共洗手间保洁员 Toilet Attendant

洗涤工 Washing Worker

夜间清洁工 Night Sweeper

日夜保洁员 Mobile Cleaner

服装保管员 Uniform Keeper

干湿洗工 Washer

手烫工 Presser

大烫工 Flat Work Ironer

服务中心接线生 Room Center Coordinator

接待员 Reception

商务中心文员 Business Center Clerk

商场营业员 Market Attendant

迎宾门僮 Bell man

机场代表 Air Representative

文员兼仓管 Secretary & Storeroom Keeper

康乐部经理 Recreation & Health Manager

娱乐经理 Recreation Manager

康体经理 Health Manager

桑拿领班 Sauna Captain

KTV领班 Karaoke Captain

桑拿服务员 Sauna Attendant

KTV服务员 Karaoke Attendant

网球服务员 Tennis Attendant

棋牌服务员 Chess & Cards Attendant

乒乓服务员 Table Tennis Attendant

台球服务员 Billiards Attendant

射箭服务员 Toxophily Attendant

酒吧服务员 Bar Attendant

美容服务员 Beauty Attendant

餐饮部经理 Food & Beverage Manager 中餐经理 Chinese Food Manager

西餐经理 Western Food Manager

行政总厨 Executive Chef

冷菜房厨师长 Cold Food Chef

西点厨师长 Western Food Chef

加工间厨师长 Primary Processing Chef 宴会厅领班 Banquet Captain

传菜间领班 Pass Food Captain

西餐厅领班 Western Restaurant Captain 咖啡厅领班 Cafe Captain

餐务组领班 Stewarding Captain

服务员 Waiter / Waitress

咖啡厅服务员 Cafe Waiter / Waitress

花店员工 Flower Shop Attendant

工艺品店员工 Handicrafts Shop Attendant 书店员工 Book Shop Attendant

吧 员 Bar Attendant

仓管员 Warehouseman

洗碗工 Dishwasher

烧腊厨师 Grill Cook

冷菜厨师 Cold Food Cook

切配厨师 Chopper

炉灶厨师 Stove Cook

炖台厨师 Thumb Cook

点心厨师 Pastry Cook

切配 Chopper

炉灶厨师 Stove Cook

加工员 Processing

总经理 General Manager

驻店经理 Resident Manager

财务部经理 Finance Manager

采购经理 Purchasing Manager

结帐经理 Cashier Manager

信用审计经理 Credit Manager

成本验货经理 Cost Manager

仓储领班 Store Room Captain 营业点结帐领班 F&B Cashier Captain 总台结帐领班 F/O Cashier Captain 审计员(日/夜审) Day/Night Auditor 信用管理员 Credit Clerk

应收款管理员 A/R Clerk

出纳 General Cashier

往来款结算员 Accounting Clerk 收入费用结算员 Accounting Clerk 成本核算员 Cost Clerk

验货员 Receiving Clerk

信息管理员 Information System Clerk 食品采购员 Purchasing Clerk - F&B 物资采购员 Purchasing Clerk – Material 食品保管员 Storeroom Keep - F&B 物资保管员 Storeroom Keep - Material 餐厅收款员 F&B Cashier

总台收款员 F/O Cashier

行政部主任 Executive Director 文 员 Secretary







司 机













木 工


水 工




门 卫

巡 逻















P&T Manager Payroll Clerk Staff Purser Driver Captain Dormitory Keeper Staff Restaurant Cleaner Driver Engineering Manager Operation Manager Repairing Manager Fire Control Supervisor Operation Captain Strong & Weak Captain Repairing Captain Air-Conditioning Attendant Boiler Electrician Strong & Weak Current Worker Mechanician Carpenter Fitting-up Worker Plumber Storeroom Keeper Security Manager Security Captain Entrance Guard Patrol Guard TV Monitoring Clerk Room Division Manager House Keeping Manager P / A Manager Laundry Manager Assistant Manager Front Office Manager Sales Manager House Keeping Captain Gardens Captain Guest Relation Office Front Office Captain Concierge Captain Mastermind & Art Designer




标准房 Standard Room

高级房 Superior Room

豪华房 Deluxe Room

商务房 Business Room

山景房 Mountain-view Room

市景房 City-view Room

湖景房 Lake-view Room

海景房 Ocean-view Room

江景房 River-view Room

行政房 Executive Room

特价房 Special Promotion

**双床房 Twin Room

**大床房 Queen Room

**单人房 Single Room

**双人房 Double Room

单人房 Single Room

单床房 Single Room (double occupancy)

大床房 Queen Room

三人房 Triple Room

家庭房 Family Room

套房 Suite

高级套房 Superior Suite

豪华套房 Deluxe Suite

商务套房 Business Suite

行政套房 Executive Suite

总统套房 Presidential Suite

阳光房 Sunshine Room

时尚房 Superior Room

崖景房 Cliff-view Room

限量房 Special Promotion

内景房 Atrium-view Room

豪华大房间 Deluxe Grand Room

情侣房 Lovers’ Room

舒适房 Deluxe Room

电脑/数字房 Smart Room

大使套房 Embassy Suite

舒适房 Superior Room


bed width>=1.5m, queen bed room;>=1.8m, king bed room;>=2m, double bed room.

常见后缀:Some suffix words

**房(单人) (single occupancy)

(套票) (package)

(包价) (package)

(特价) (special promotion)

(包价*晚) (package for * nights)

(限住*晚) (* consecutive nights only)

(连住*晚及以上) (minimum of * nights)

(提前*天预订) (* days advanced booking)

(一室一厅) (one-bedroom)

(二室一厅) (two-bedroom)

(三室一厅) (three-bedroom) (无窗) (no window) (主楼) (main villa)

(附楼) (affiliated villa) (带阳台) (with balcony) (A座) (villa A)

(南/北座) (south/north villa) (内窗) (interior window) (阳面/阴面) (sunny/no sun) (圆床) (round bed) (水床) (water bed)

(金座) (golden villa)

