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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/25 03:21:59 字数作文



水是生命之源。人要维持生命就得饮水,人要延年益寿就得饮用无污染和有健康作用的水。不仅人的生命离不开水,工农业生产也都离不开水。所以,水对人类的生存发展至关重要。特别是在人类面临缺水的严峻情况下,解决水的问题引起了全世界的关注。“水不久将成为一种严重的社会危机。石油危机之后的下一个危机便是水”,联合国早在1977年召开的水问题大会,就向全世界发出了上述警告。 海水淡化一般分为两大类:

? 蒸馏法海水淡化技术








? 反渗透(RO)海水淡化技术










实例:据报道沙特60年代就大规模发展海水淡化产业了,成立了海水淡化总公司,全面负责海水淡化工程建设和管理。他们已建立了2(转 载于:wWw.SmHaIDA.cOM 海达 范文 网:海水淡化制饮用水)5个世界大型海水淡化厂,修建了一条世界最长的海水淡化输水管线,管线直径1.5米,长466公里,











我国也是一个严重缺水的国家。虽然水资源有2.8万亿m3,居世界第六位,人均资源量有2220m3。但是联合国把我国也列入贫水国家之列,因为我国水资源时空分布极不均衡,水资源时间集中,每年汛期连续4个月,水资源中有2/3是洪水很难利用。水资源的地区分布不匹配,黄河、淮河、海河流域,土地面积占全国的13.4%,耕地占39%,人口占35%,gdp(国内生产总值)占32%,可水资源量仅占7.7%,人均约500m3。近几年长江以北地区连续干旱,天津市去年已经动用了潘家口水库的死库容,又紧急开始了引黄济津的应急调水工程。威海市去年为对付“缺水” 制定了超过用水定额1 m3 水费加价40倍的措施。加之水的污染,我国多雨水的南方也不同程度的存在着污染性缺水,有的地区还相当严重。所以,面对“缺水”的严重局面,要确保人们正常生活和国民经济的可持续发展,解决缺水的问









地球上97%以上的水是人类难以直接利用的海水。这个巨大的海水水体蕴藏着 取之不尽、用之不竭的巨量淡水资源和其他丰富的物质资源。当前,人类在面临陆上淡水紧缺和物质资源不断的威胁下,开发利用占96.5%的淡水资源和占3.5%的各种丰富的矿物资源是发展的必然趋势。对我国来说开发海水利用,也是解决缺水困扰,发展国民经济、建设海上强国具有重大的战略意义战略措施。










Desalination and water

1 Introduction can not be separated from water, industrial and agricultural production are inseparable from the water. Therefore, water for human survival and development is crucial, especially in the human face water shortages, "water will soon become a serious social crisis. After the oil crisis of the next water crisis is" a serious case, solve the water has aroused worldwide attention. As early as 1977, the United Nations to convene the General Assembly of the water on to the world the warning was issued.

Nearly 30 years, both developing and developed countries to address the water issue has become to ensure that people live a normal life and sustainable economic development an important task. To solve the task of drinking water there are three, the first having water to drink, to solve the problem of water shortage, and the second could not have contaminated drinking water, address water pollution problems, the third to drink a healthy effect on the human body of water to address the drinking activated to deal with the issue of water. These three aspects of drinking water mission, although of different priorities, but the health of the guarantor, is the need to address co-ordinate the development. This article links the task to solve the three aspects of drinking water to discuss the development of our country use and desalination of sea water so the problem of drinking water and recommendations. 2 "Water" is the eternal subject of human

On the problem of water shortage, there is a recognized international standard, is generally believed that the country's per capita share of renewable fresh water annual volume of 1700 tons in the following, as a dry country, 1,000 tons in the following countries as a serious water shortage. At present, the world's population

accounted for 40% of severe water shortage in more than 80 countries.

The most serious water shortage in the Middle East. Saudi Arabia of water per capita per year is only 249 tons, 95 tons of Kuwait, Israel, 300 tons, 936 tons of Egypt. Water shortage not only affects a country's economic development and people's normal life, but also caused by inter-State conflicts. United Nations panel on global warming, the President, the famous meteorologist John. Heap Lord that with global warming led to a number of opposing countries to compete for dwindling water resources in conflict, the outbreak of the 21st century will be water wars. 1993 47th session of the General Assembly decided on March 22 each year as "World Water Day", calling on other countries on the global prevalence of the problem of water shortage and water pollution caused by vigilant and carry out corresponding activities to raise public awareness of flooding is very correct.

the inclusion of the United Nations to China's water-poor countries, because of our spatial and temporal distribution of water resources extremely uneven, the time focus on water resources, flood season every year for 4 months, water in 2 / 3 is difficult to make use of the flood. The regional distribution of water resources do not match, the Yellow River, Huaihe River, Haihe River Basin, the country's total land area of 13.4%, accounting for 39 percent of arable land, population accounts for 35%, GDP (gross domestic product) accounted for 32% of the water resources account for only 7.7% per capita of about 500m3. In recent years, the area north of consecutive drought in the Yangtze River, has been used in Tianjin last year Panjiakou reservoir dead storage, but also the beginning of the Yellow River to Tianjin urgent emergency water diversion project. Weihai last year to deal with "dry" the development of more than 1 m3 of water a fixed water charge increases 40-fold measures. In addition, water pollution, China's more rain in the South also exists in varying degrees of water pollution, some areas also very serious. Therefore, in the face of "dry" a serious situation, it is necessary to ensure that people live a normal life and the sustainable development of the national economy, to solve the problem of water shortage and also

a long-term strategic task.

3 Human beings be able to overcome the "water" crisis

As long as people of all countries in addressing the issue of water ways, and

actively increase income and reduce expenditure, and actively carry out the construction of water conservancy projects, the development of agriculture and other water-saving drip irrigation projects to poor areas of developed countries to lend a helping hand, we will certainly be able to overcome the world " water shortage "crisis. The Middle East has long been a "dry" areas. They use the technology developed water use and desalination, drip irrigation projects on agricultural development to Issues in our country both in the water more than water (floods) of the trouble, and little water (drought) concerns. We must have a long-term flood protection program, a defeat of the open source of water-saving programs of drought, a strong program to prevent water pollution, and implement effective, we can overcome the "water" problems.

At present, we have overcome the "water" issues, awareness is not uniform, the pace is also inconsistent, were not effective, implement, and even the existence of creating "water shortage" a serious phenomenon. For example, industrial and agricultural production in our daily life and the people waste a lot of water, serious neglect of expenditure; more important in open water, but the use of rainwater, the use of urban sewage, especially for not taking water do not pay enough attention to not pay enough attention to the use of rivers, lakes, soil and water conservation, do not attach importance to the prevention of water pollution, so that the country's water sources of funds and the situation is ignored, think. On its causes, mainly the lack of awareness of water resources, the lack of a sense of crisis of water resources, lack of awareness of the ecological environment of water and soil protection, therefore, resulting in the destruction of vegetation, soil erosion, rivers, lakes, groundwater pollution a serious situation.

The idea is to guide action. China should take advantage of the annual "World

Water Day" to carry out the awareness of water resources, water resources, a sense of urgency to protect the ecological environment of water and soil awareness campaigns to raise public awareness of the flooding. In particular, so that our cadres at all levels up to flood alert is very important. We are a socialist country, from the theory is most concerned about sustainable human development countries, we have the issue of

sustainable use of water resources, efforts should be made an example to the world. 4 The development of desalination of sea water use and the significance of and


More than 97% of Earth's water is difficult to direct human use of water. This huge body of water contains water inexhaustible volume of fresh water resources and other wealth of material resources. At present, land in the face of human and material resources of fresh water scarcity a constant threat, the development and utilization accounted for 96.5% of fresh water resources and accounting for 3.5% of a variety of rich mineral resources is the inevitable trend of development. For the development of China's water use, is to solve water shortage problems, developing the national economy and building a great maritime power of the strategic significance of strategic measures.

However, the development and utilization of sea water to ease the water shortage situation in China's strategic significance, in our country has not yet attracted sufficient attention. The development and utilization of water resources have a direct use and desalination of sea water use. The direct to ease the water shortage in statistics, the coastal city of water more than 80% of the total water, industrial water and more than 80% of the industrial cooling water. At present, the developed coastal cities in the electric power, metallurgical, chemical, petroleum, coal, building materials, food industry, to do water cooling water has reached 90%. China's Dalian, Qingdao, Tianjin, Shanghai and other coastal cities have also started the use of seawater for cooling, washing, printing and dyeing, chemical salt, but also far less than developed countries. The use of sea water for flushing, the Hong Kong SAR of China's nearly 40-year history, and China's coastal cities, water shortages, there is not

a city to use sea water for flushing.

The development of desalination use abroad soon. According

to the International Desalination Association 1998 survey statistics, the world's 100m3 / d of desalination device for more than a total of 12,451 units, making the total amount of water has reached 22.735 million m3 / d. Than in the previous survey cycle statistics, the number increased by 39%, making the total increase of 64% water. In particular, Arabia's 60 desalination on a large scale industries and set up a desalination Corporation, has overall responsibility for project construction and management of desalination. They have established the world's 25 large-scale desalination plant, the construction of a desalination water supply world's longest pipeline, pipeline diameter and 1.5 meters long and 466 kilometers from the eastern part of the desalinated water supply to the capital, Riyadh. Saudi Arabia's desalination industry have not only solved the problem of water shortage in the western region, but also for the 1 / 3 region with electricity. Over the past 20 years, China has made significant development in desalination, a number of island residents for the establishment of a desalination plant drinking water, coastal industries, such as power plants have begun to do with the boiler for water desalination. In general, however, development is not fast.

On the understanding of its causes and the force of habit or problem. To speed up China's current water use and industrial development, we must step up publicity to increase awareness of flooding not only the awareness of efforts to increase the water use of the popular propaganda, to make people fully aware of the significance of water use and practical sexual. At the same time to speed up the development of a water use and the correct way to industry. We believe that the development of water use efficiency must be, from a technical and process management efforts to reduce costs; the use of state-sponsored demonstration project to use sea water and the construction of the demonstration zone, a point to face, the development of joint ventures and other means of speeding up the desalination of sea water and its use and an important way of industrial development. We hope that, like Tianjin, Qingdao,


饮用水安全产品卫生许可批件 颗粒活性炭



颗粒活性炭 批准文号:(豫)卫水字(2011)第0038号 批准日期:2011年8月30日



椰壳活性炭选用优质椰壳、桃壳、杏壳为原料,采用先进的工艺和设备,经炭化,水蒸气高温活化而成,外观为黑色颗粒,具有孔隙发达,吸附能力强,强度好,化学性稳定,颗粒均匀等优点,主要用于饮用水、纯净水、饮料、制酒、工业用水,电厂、污水及水质的深度净化以及贵金属提炼,渗银专用活性炭。 主要技术参数:

饮用水安全产品卫生许可批件 石英砂滤料 饮用水安全产品卫生许可批件 碳酸钙PH调节剂 疾病预防控制中心—检测报告 建业牌活性炭 疾病预防控制中心—检测报告 建业牌石英砂滤料 疾病预防控制中心—检测报告 建业牌碳酸钙滤料





(碳酸钙滤料、碳酸钙PH调节剂 批准文号:(豫)卫水字(2011)第0036号) (石英砂滤料 批准文号:(豫)卫水字(2011)第0039号)

(活性炭滤料、颗粒活性炭批准文号:(豫)卫水字(2011)第0038号) 申请单位:巩义市建业净水材料有限公司

河南省疾病预防控制中心 —检测报告

建业牌活性炭 建业牌碳酸钙滤料 建业牌石英砂滤料



碳酸钙滤料 批准文号:(豫)卫水字(2011)第0036号




碳酸钙滤料的特点: (1)吸附力强 所谓吸附乃是具有多孔性、巨大表面积的固体全部溶化作用,而发生化学的、物理的反应。碳酸钙作为触媒剂和水作用时,有下面两种情况: 物理的吸附#是把触剂(介质)表面吸附的原子吸过来,成为+离子和-离子的作用,吸附作用受粒度、离子化、温度三个因素影响。 化学的吸附#是分子间的溶剂作用,使其分解成为+离子和-离子。分解中的原子、离子,被吸附在其他物质上。 碳酸钙滤料的作用: 这种吸附有一个中子耦合和二个电子耦合,碳酸钙是二个电子耦合。 碳酸钙作为中药对皮肤病,特别是拔脓,效果很好。碳酸钙是多孔性的,吸附能力很强,主要成份为碳酸钙。在前面介绍的碳酸钙微细粉末的电子显微镜照像中,已确认是海绵状多孔性的,是其最大的原因。也就是说,因多孔性,那么表面就非常大,由于长石部分风化,成高岭土状等,故始终保持很强的吸附作用、交换作用。 碳酸钙吸附能力非常强的这一特性,由许多实验得到了证实。碳酸钙:http://www.gyjyjs.net/ 海水淡化历史

21世纪以前,反渗透膜技术都是被国外所垄断,而中国是直到90年代末期才开始掌握了反渗透膜的生产技术.这个历史要追述到建国初期,当时我们国家的领导人已经意识到海水淡化的前景和将来在社会中的作用。 早在1958年,石松研究员等首先在我国开展离子交换膜电渗析海水淡化研究。而在此前1953年美国C.E.Reid建议美国内务部将反渗透研究列入国家计划。




1984年,国家海洋局以海水淡化研究室为主体,组建国家海洋局杭州水处理技术研究开发中心,中国开始对膜技术重视了,但是,美国海水淡化用复合膜及其卷式元件已经大面积商业化了,投入到了国家和民用中去了。 1992年,国家为了追赶膜方面技术与世界的差距,国家科委军顶,以国家海洋局杭州水处理技术研究开发中心为依托,组建国家液体分离膜工程技术研究中心,并开始悄悄研制国产反渗透膜。


