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篇一:On a Faded Violet 英文赏析

On a Faded Violet

Percy Bysshe Shelley

The odor from the flower is gone, (A)

Which like thy kisses breathed on me; (B)

The color from the flower is flown, (A)

Which glowed of thee, and only thee! (B)

A shriveled, lifeless, vacant form, (C)

It lies on my abandoned breast, (D)

And mocks the heart, which yet is warm, (C)

With cold and silent rest. (D)

I weep ---- my tears revive it not; (E)

I sigh ---- it breathes no more on me; (B)

Its mute and uncomplaining lot (E)

Is such as mine should be. (B)















A. Structure

1. On a Faded Violet can be divided into three parts: three quatrains.

The first quatrain is from line 1 to line 4, the second from line 5 to line 8, and the

third from line 9 to line 12.

2. The rhyme scheme of On a Faded Violet is ABABCDCDEBEB.

On a Faded Violet contains 12 lines. The ends of line 1 and line 3 have the end rhyme /on/, line 2 and line 4 rhyme with /i?/. And these four lines form the first quatrain. The line 5 and line 7 have the end rhyme /??m/, while line 6 and line 8 have /st/. The same form is used in line 9 and line 11 and line 10 and line 2, which end with the rhyme /?t/ and / i?/.

3. On a Faded Violet is iambic pentameter.

Each line of On a Faded Violet has five feet with an unaccented syllable followed by an accented syllable.

Examples are as follow:

“The odor/from the/flow/er is/gone” has accents on “odor”, “from”, “flow”, “is”, “gone” respectively.

“The color/from the/flow/er is/flown” has accents on “color”, “from”, “flow”, “is”, “flown” respectively.

B. Language use

1. Several kinds of rhetoric are used. “Which like thy kisses breathed on me;” compares the odor to the kiss. “With cold and silent rest. I weep ---- my tears revive it not” uses “cold and silent rest” to personate the violet. And “Its mute and uncomplaining lot” uses “lot” to personate the faded violet. “I weep ---- my tears revive it not; I sigh ---- it breathes no more on me;”.

2. Old English use

Thee: “you” as object

Thy: “your” followed by a consonant

3. Images

“The odor from the flower” means the beauty of the woman.

“The color from the flower” means the life of the woman..

“Lot” means the truth that nothing is immortal.

C. Appreciation

1. Shelley uses the death of the violet to represent the leaving of a person. Although, the poet misses the dead violet so much, he still can not make the flower to rebirth as nothing is immortal. The poet can only bear the sadness of losing but can do nothing to make up of it. The flower or the person has gone and the poet feels regret when the flower is shriveled. It means that it is gone because he plucked it or dying because he did so. This is probably like his relationship with the woman. The thought of love mocks the poet, and he is brought to tears. His loved one has

given up and he feels that he should get over it but is left with sadness, due to self pity.

2. On a Faded Violet’s first four lines tells us that the violet is faded, and its odor and color are all gone. And the death of the violet’s odor and color are just like you who have left me and can never come back.

From line 5 to line 8, poet uses a kind of self-mockery to express his complicated feeling. He can not believe the gone of the violet and thinks himself is tragical, because he is abandoned and mocked.

From line 9 to line 12, poet’s sadness erupted. He weeps and sighs as the dead violet can not rebirth and will say nothing to him anymore and he loses it forever. When he realized it, he feels heartbreaking and finally, he find (转 载 于:wWW.smHAida.cOM 海达范文网:violet)the truth of life. Nothing is immortal. The violet owns its own fate and so does he.

3. The theme of On a Faded Violet is about life and fate. It uses the fade of the violet to express the sorrow of death. At the end of the poem, it makes us to realize the truth of life, which can never be immortal.

篇二:The Ambitious Violet


English 1301



The Ambitious Violet

I don’t think the violet was too ambitious. I agree with her actions. She only tried her best to realize her dream. I admire her ambition to be a rose. Ambition pushes us to try our best and test human limits, just as a saying goes, “Ambition beyond existence.” I think, the essential purpose of life is to aim high and to challenge ourselves. Human beings have great potential to tap into. Maybe we will meet some difficulties during our university life; however, we should be brave like the violet. We should challenge ourselves in our life, if so; we will be stronger than before we came to the university.

If I had made the choice the violet did and died after an hour, I would be proud of myself. I would have tried my best; I would not regret my choice, for I have lived my life to the fullest. After all, only we can decide what the meaning of life is and whether we are happy or not. So, we should aim high and challenge ourselves!

篇三:Karen Peris - violet

Karen Peris - violet

熟悉The Innocence Mission的朋友一定不会忘记女主唱Karen Peris清澈通透的嗓音以及丈夫Don Peris那犹如清晨露水一般的木吉他伴奏。在寒冷的冬季来临之际这支成军多年的美国夫妻档乐队发布了最新专辑《violet》,值得乐迷关注的是这张专辑虽然仍旧是原班乐队成员参与演奏,但是官网的介绍却标明了此次《Violet》是以Karen Peris自已的名义发表的,也就是说这是一张solo专辑,既然作为个人专辑,在《violet》中Peris自然是将自已拿手的钢琴作为了专辑的主基调,而Don的吉他以及类如班卓琴,口风琴之类的民谣乐器则在一旁作为陪衬,人声部分则也去掉了Don的合声由Peris一人完成。 专辑可以被分为两部分,第一部分在简洁的钢琴伴奏配搭上稀疏的背景乐器再加上Peris清澈且美好的声线后使人如沐春风。其中“Sweet William”作为唯一一首吉他作为主调的歌曲,则依稀的带着The Innocence Mission的影子。而第二部分则是Peris女士的小型钢琴演奏会,《violet》中穿插着出现了六首时长大约一分半钟的没有人声伴唱的钢琴小段,Peris的演奏在去除了钢琴冰冷滑腻的一面之后其內省而柔和的演奏显的无比的温暖以及安宁,犹如窝在一个满是布料家具的小屋之中四处暖意盎然。特地的提一提在”Pascal's Evening Song“之中从一开头便陪伴在钢琴左右的提琴演奏竟然是出自夫妇的孩子们,而其略微厚重的声色与沉稳的气质勾勒出了一个美丽,静谧的夜色。而这种家庭式的合作在其他几首作品里也有出现,不过没有如此突出罢了。



篇四:6The Violet

The Violet

By James Taylor

Down in a green and shady bed

A modest violet grew;

Its stalk was bent, it hung its head,

As if to hide from view.

And yet it was a lovely flower,

Its colors bright and fair;

It might have graced a rosy bower, Instead of hiding there.

Yet there it was content to bloom, In modest tins arrayed;

And there it spreads its sweet perfume, Within the silent shade.

Then let me to the valley go, This pretty flower to see; That I may also learn to grow In sweet humility.




有一株羞怯的紫罗兰; 它曲身俯首,毫不张扬, 好像不愿被人发现。

但它是一枝可爱的花朵, 色彩妩媚明丽;

它不去点缀温馨的寓所, 偏偏躲在此地。






把那美丽的花朵找寻; 我要仿效它的榜样, 学会甜美的谦逊。

篇五:violet L



012300214329 罗兰


? 图片来源:珠山某处景点

? 图片:

? 文字功能 :

标牌上写着“身在绿海中,防火记心中 “由图可知该景区工作人员想通过立标牌呼吁游客爱护山林环境,保护林木资源,如果有游客携带火种等危害森林资源安全的行为,这则标语有很好的提醒警示作用。


? 分析该图片标语:

“身在绿海中,防火记心中”本来是想积极地告知游客:我们身处如此美丽的山林中享受在着眼前郁郁葱葱的自然之美,然而文字之下的英文翻译却是“Body in the green sea ,prevention fire in the heart”我们的外国友人看了这块标牌上的几行字应该百思不得其解吧。这里将“身在”翻译成了“body in”,将“ 绿海”翻译成“green sea“, ”防火“翻译成”prevention fire “ 不难发现全句是将单个的汉语字词直接翻译然后拼凑而成的。“body”一词在英文词典中是身体、躯干、尸体的意思,而标语“身在绿海中“的” 身“是指的个人,是指在这座山上旅游的每

一。中国人善用比喻修辞,我们会将美丽的山林比作“绿海”但是翻译为“green sea”

由于文化差异,外国人看到了恐怕只会想到绿色的大海吧, “body in the green sea”“绿色大海中的尸体”让人不寒而栗,哪还有心思游山玩水呀。这里的”protection fire “ 两个单词都是名词,不能构成词组,在句中也不符合语法规则。这则标语不仅违背了想要善意提醒游客在旅游中不忘预防山林火灾的美好初衷,而且由简单单词拼缀而成的语言苍白无力,毫无美感。

? 分析同等或类似功能的标语:

我曾经也看到过类似的标语“文明就在你身边”翻译成了“civilization in your sides” “保护资源“是”The protection resources” 等等。这些标语都将英语词汇按照汉语的语法习惯排列组合,混淆词义不分词性,既没有考虑到中英文的文化文法差异又没有顾忌到标语翻译要简明有力,以至于让人忍俊不禁。


? 标语翻译属”呼唤型“文本,主要有传递信息,诱导行动的功能。我们中华民族自

古以来就是礼仪之邦,主张“天人合一” “以和为贵” 汉语标语的语言自然委婉含蓄,但英文标语却是简明扼要,言简意赅。翻译的同时既要把握语言特点,又要注意中西文化差异,既然是景区标语就要让游客在享受游山玩水权利的间隙勿忘履行公民应尽的义务---保护公共财产。所以在翻译过程中面对不同标语的时候我们除了可以借用现有英语国家通用的翻译例文以外,还应该分析原来的汉语标语想告诉人们什么,除去修饰之后剩下的字词是什么,标语要表达什么目的,以此来作为翻译的依据,注意词性和词义的正确使用并且尽可能简洁,这样可以避免一些不必要的语法错误。“ 身在绿海中,防火记心中”不就是呼吁游客们谨防森林火灾吗, 简言之:防火!“No Fire!” 或者”No Burning”。
