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篇一:past present and future

Past, Present and Future

Past---Strict love

Through the veil of time, I saw a introverted girl sitting at a table and scribbling hard with her pencils, the endless homework made her numb, she envyed the girls and boys when she looked up and found the children were playing games happily outside the window. Each time she asked her Dad for relaxed time , the answer was always “no”. She was happy when she saw her father , although Dad was so strict to her, unlike the other child, she couldn’t see her father everyday, only once a year. Dad would be happy only when he saw his dauther studying carefully. The girl was a little afraid of her severe Dad gradually, and then she considered that her Dad didn’t love her at all. No straight-out communication during many years, until the day Dad sent her to college. That was the first time she left home so far, the first day of school, many parents accompanied their child to accomplish all kinds of preparation work , while her Dad just sent her to the dormitory , left wihout any orders. No friends or relatives, everthing was new for her , facing the strange world she bursted into tears sadly. She sweared she would begin a completely new life for her own without the love of her Dad. Then she started to clean up the room, she found a pink box when she opened the trunk, she never see the pink box, with the box being opened, she cried again, a series of growing photos and relevant records about her were presented, she could feel how much Dad loved her instantaneously, meanwhile she understood the special love of a military officer father who was really well-intentioned. From that on, her Dad often sent letters to guide her how to get the big themes right. The girl’s first

real tutor is her father, and it is the father’s strict love that made the girl. Yes, the girl is me, I am proud of my military officer father, his strict love force me to become an independent girl, his love comes from the serious style of a soldier which will always continue , and the special style love really make me today.

Present---Catch the star of my destiny

I finished my master degree under my severe father and kind mother’s support, I was wondering the next step, when I asked my father for comments, he just told me he would support me no matter what happened. It was really a hard decision for me , I couldn’t choose the two options in the meantime which comfused me for a long time. I was no longer a child, no matter what I decided , I had to bear the consequences by myself. Facing so much realities of Chinese society, I couldn’t take anything for granted. Compring the possible results of the two choices, I was still puzzled. I knew what I really want in my life, but the way to the anticipated goal made me retreat.I led a very bad mood life that days. On occasion, I paticipated the international inorganic chemistry meeting, and came cross a professor from Tokyo university, after the meeting we became friends, he encouraged me constantly to catch the star that hold my destiny, the one that forever twinkles within my heart, to take advantage of precious opportunities while they still sparkle before me, always to believe that my ultimate goal is attainable as long as I commit myself to it. And then I realize that though barriers may sometimes stand in the way of my dreams, just remember that my destiny is hiding behind them. Accept the fact that not everyone is going to approve of the choices I've made. Have faith in my judgment. Catch the star that

twinkles in my heart and it will lead me to my destiny's path. The greatest gifts in life are not purchased, but acquired through hard work and determination. And finally, I come to Nankai university for my PhD. The most important thing I should do now is to improve myself in the new circumstance, and to learn more while I am not too old.

Future---Relish the moment

Exceeding the light speed, I come to my future life, a new me is taking a walk with my parents, husband and child, wearing simple and light luxurious clothes, toting an orange canvas bag in the environment of which nation's synthetic quality and the social level of civilization are greatly improved. No smoking person, no rudely speaking guys, no serious environmental pollution, like air pollution, water pollution and soil pollution, everybody wears a smile on the face. I am engaged in environment maintenance work which I am willing to devote to in Tianjin, and sometimes I need to check the environmental quality of Diaoyu which belongs to our country. I have time to enjoy beautiful life, what I can do is to relish the moment including my job ,family and life. After continuous efforts, I understand that maybe there is no so-called destination, enjoying the present moment is the theme. Afterall, it isn't the burdens of today that drive men mad. It is the regrets over yesterday and the fear of tommorrow. Reget and fear are twin thieves who rob us of today. Sooner or later, we must realize that there is no station, no one place to arrive at once and for all. The true joy of life is the trip. The station is only a dream. So relishing the moment you’ve got is a big thing.

篇二:2006-2013新托福作文题库 万寅佳 万万老师分类

新托福题库 共计186个独立写作话题

一. 环保 7个

1. The government should focus more on environmental problems and less on economic development. (4次)

2. The environmental issue is too complex to be solved by the individuals. (2次)

3. Solving environmental problems is the best way for the government to improve public health.

4. Many countries are paying attention to environmental problems. But the attention is not making the environmental situations better. (2次)

(Although many people in many countries care about environmental problems (such as pollution and global warming), the environment will not e better in the future. 2次)

5. The renewable sources of energy, such as sun, wind and water will soon replace the fossil energy such as gas, oil and coal. (2次)

6. Human needs for farmland, housing and industry are more important than saving land for endangered animals. (2次) (Do you agree or disagree it is important for government to protect wild animals and wilderness areas for future generation?)

7. The only effective way to encourage energy conservation is by increasing prices of gasoline and electricity. (4次)

二. 比较 16个

1. People are happier when they finish a challenging or difficult job than when they complete an easy task.(3次)

(1) People are happier when they have pressure (or competition) in their jobs and schoolwork than when they have easy work?)

(2) Successful people accept new things and take risks rather than hold on to the things that they have done well.2次

2. Being creative is more important in finding the best solution to a problem than planning carefully. 2次

(1) The modern life is more and more complex, it is essential for young people to have the ability to plan and organize. 2次

3. People today spend too much time on enjoyment. We only do what we like to do rather than what we should do. 2次

(1) Young people enjoy life much better than older people?

(2) Life is easier and more comfortable today rather than the days when your grandparents were children. 3次

(3) In twenty years from now, people will lead a more leisure life. 2次

(4) Since the society is developing fast, do you agree that people now are less happy or less satisfied with their lives than people in the past?

4. People should live in a city or a country all their lives instead of moving to another place.

(1) People who go outside are more successful and happier than people who live in villages. 3次

(2) It is not good to move to a new city or a new country because you will lose old friends. 2次

5. Most people prefer others making decision for them than making a decision for themselves.(2次)

6. In your opinion, which one is better, to spend money on something that lasts for a long time, such as valuable jewelry, or spend your money on short term pleasure such as vacation? 3次

(1) It is better to spend money traveling and vocation instead of saving it in the bank for future. 2次

7. Is it better to finish a project completely and then start another project or finish two projects at one time? 3次

8. The extended family (grandparent, cousin, aunts, and uncles) has become less important in modern society than the past.

(1) It is important to spend more time working at job than spending time with families.

9. Agree or disagree? Young people have no influence on important decisions that determine the future of society as a whole 2次

(1) Do you agree or disagree: young people today are more likely to give time and effort to improving the world than young people were in the past.

(2) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Young people today are more likely to help others than young people were in the past.

(3) Do you think that young people in today are less dependent on their parents than in the past.

(4) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students are more interested in politics today than before?

(5) Past people are friendlier than they are today. 2次

(6) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? In such a busy or crowded world, people shouldn't expect others to be polite to us. Use specific reasons and example to support your answer. 2次

10. It is easier for parents to raise their children than 50 years ago.

(1) The parents do not understand their children as well today as parents understood their children 50 years ago. 3次

11. Physical exercise is more important for older people than younger people. 2次

(1) Which way would you like to change to improve your health: the kind of food you eat, or the amount of exercise, the amount of stress?

(2) Sports teach us lessons about life.

12. In the past, it was easier for people to identify what types of career or job would lead to a secure, successful future.

13. Do you agree or disagree that the personal and work-related challenges we face now are different from those our parents and grandparents faced when they were young. 3次

14. Because the world is changing so quickly, people now are less happy and less satisfied than people in the past. Another edition: The world is changing quickly. People are less happy than before.

15. Do you agree or disagree with that the opinions of celebrities, such as entertainer, athlete; are more important to younger people than they are to the older people?

16. People will spend less time in cooking or preparing food in twenty years than nowadays. 2次

(1) In the past people ate foods that was better for their health than people today.

三. 休闲 12个

1. People benefit more from traveling in their own country than traveling in a foreign country. 3次

2. It is more fun to see a movie in the cinema with other people than see a movie at home. 3次

3. Movies and TV programs made in one’s own country is always more interesting than those made in other countries.

4. It is only worth watching movies that can teach us something about real life.

(1) It is better to watch serious movies that are designed to make us think than to watch movies designed to amuse and entertain us. 3次

5. Movies and televisions should always show audience that good people are rewarded and bad people are punished.

6. If parents want their children to do well at school, they should limit the time their children spend on watching TV. 3次

(1) Movies and television have more negative effects than positive effects on young people.

7. People should have hobbies and do physical activities that are very different from their own work. 3次

8. More and more people are spending money on their pets, even though there can be other good ways to spend money. 2次

(1) Observing and studying animal’s behavior is useful to know human nature.

9. The best way to travel is in a group led by a guide. 2次

10. Visiting museums is the best way to know a country. 2次

11. People can learn more from watching television than reading books. 2次

(1) Movies and televisions make more negative effects than positive effects on young people’s behavior.

(2) The purpose of television should be all educative, not entertaining.

12. Famous entertainers and athletes deserve to more privacy than they have now.

四. 科技 13个

1. Technology makes people’s lives simpler rather than makes people’s lives more complicated. 2次 (1) The Internet provides people with a lot of valuable information.

(2) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement. Although science and technology will continue to improve, the most significant improvement for the quality of people’s lives have already take place.

2. Technology has made children less creative than children were in the past. 2次

3. Telephone has greater influence on people’s lives than TV.

4. Scientists should be responsible for the negative impact that is brought by their discoveries or inventions.

5. People should be allowed to use cell phones on public transportation such as buses and trains. 3次

6. Twenty years from now on, students will not use printed books anymore. 3次

7. Printed books have greater effects on society than TV does. 2次

8. Working at home and using computers or telephones is better than working in the office. 2次

9. If you need to discuss upsetting or controversial problems with others, will you use e-mail/text messaging OR use telephone/voice-messaging? 2次

10. Recently, we have so many sources of news and information, so that we cannot tell which one is the real one or who is telling the truth. 2次

(1) People should gather information from different ways and channels. 2次

11. In twenty years there will be fewer cars in use than there in today?

(1) Do you agree or disagree with the statement? Car has had a great effect on the society than the airplane.

12. When a new technological devices become available. Some people buy it right away, while others will wait until many have acquired it. Which view do you agree with and explain why.

(1) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People often buy products not because they really need them but because other people have them. 2次

13. All scientific discoveries should be shared among all scientists all around the world;the government and businesses should not keep any discoveries in secret.

五. 生活 9个

1. It is important for families to have meals together regularly. 2次

2. Spending time alone is the best way to relieve stress.

(1) The best way to truly relax and reduce stress is to spend time alone.

3. People should buy things that are made in their own country, even if the price of these products is higher than that of the products made in other countries. 2次

4. The way a person is dressed in is a good indication of his/her character or personality. 3次

5. Compared with people who live in urban areas, the people who live in rural areas can take better care of their families. 2次

6. The rapid growth cities today's should have a positive effect on the development of the society. 2次

Another edition: The fast development of society today is a positive trend.

7. Drivers should pay a fee for driving in busy city streets when traffic is in a great amount. 2次

8. People should pay to use public transportation. 2次

9. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: People can solve important problems by themselves or with the help from their family members so there's no need for the government to help them. 2次

六. 媒体 13个

1. Advertisements targeting children aged between 2 and 5 should be banned. 2次

2. Advertising is the most important cause of unhealthy eating habits.

3. Most of the advertisement make products appear better than they really are.

4. Advertisement is a waste of time and money, because customers already know what they want.

5. Which source is more dependable for news, TV or newspapers?

6. Newspapers and magazines are the best ways to learn about a foreign country. 2次

7. Newspapers can truly help people understand world events. Television news doesn’t provide enough information. 2次

8. It is only worth watching movies that can teach us something about real life, agree or disagree?

9. Do you agree or disagree: movies and television have more negative effect than positive ones on young people's behavior

10. Do you agree or disagree:Movies and TV programs made in one’s own country are more interesting than those made in other countries.

13. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: It is important to know about events happening around the world , even it is unlikely to affect your daily life. 3次

七. 抽象 29个

1. To solve the present and future problems, it is necessary to understand the past.

2. Good looks and clothing are more important for success than good ideas. 2次

3. It was easier to achieve success in the past than it is today. 3次

(1) Do you agree or disagree with the statement: It's much easier to achieve success without help from one's family than in the past.

4. Most businesspeople are motivated only by the desire for more money. 2次

5. In order to succeed, we should be more like others than be different from others. 2次

6. Do you agree or disagree: For success in school and work, the ability to adapt or adjust to a changing condition or circumstance is more important than having excellent knowledge of a job or a field to study.

7. It is better to use one’s own knowledge and experience to solve problems than to get advice from others. 3次

8. To remain happy and optimistic when you fail is more important than achieving success.

9. Some people think making sure that others(influential people or potential employers) know about your strengths and accomplishments can help you succeed, if you do not do this, you won`t have a successful life. 2次

10. It is more important to work quickly and risking making mistakes than to work slowly and making sure everything. 2次

(1) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Patience is not usually a good thing and we need to take actions at once.

11. People holding different views cannot achieve success as a team.

12. Which is better, challenging plans about one's future or practical plans about one's future? 3次

13. In order to make ourselves happy, we should learn how to make others happy first. 2次

14. It is more likely for people with more skills to succeed.

(1) People who develop many different skills are more successful than people who focus on one skill only.

15. People care more about public recognition than about money. Even if no more money is given, public recognition can still make people work harder. 2次

16. The most important problems in today’s world will be solved in our lifetime. 2次

17. If a person wants to be successful in life, knowledge gained through study is more important than the ability to be creative.

18. Because people are busy with doing so many things, they can do few things well.

19. People now are in greater need of the ability of cooperating with others than before.

20. People who do not have to work because they have enough money are barely happy. 2次

21. People would be happier if they had fewer possessions. 2次

22. In today’s world, to speak well is more important than to write well.

23. The ability to read and write is more and more important now than before?

24. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: People cannot accept others' criticism cannot achieve success as a team.

25. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? There is never a reason to be impolite (rude) to another person.

26. An effective leader tries to make others feel that they have been part of making a decision.2次

27. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The best leaders are those who are willing to admit when they made bad decisions. 2次

28. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The most important characteristics for a politician or leader is good communication skills 2次

29. Do you agree or disagree that talented people's leadership comes naturally and cannot be learned.

八. 教育17个

1. It is more important to have rules about the types of clothing that people wear at work and at school. 2次

2. Playing computer games is a waste of time for children.

(1) Do you think children should play computer games?

3. Children should play and study rather than learn how to do household chores. 3次

(1) Students who can keep their own rooms organized are more likely to succeed.

4. Children should only play sports for fun rather than play sports in competitions or contests. 2次

5. Improving schools is the most important factor in the successful development of a country.

(1) University Education is the most important factor of success in life

(2) Do you agree or disagree that improving schools is the most factor in successful development of country?

6. University students should take part-time jobs. 3次

7. It is better to take the most difficult or challenging classes in college or at university even if it means that you probably will not get top grades (marks) in them. 2次

8. It is more important to choose a subject of your interest than subjects which prepare you for a job or career.

(1) High school, colleges, universities should spend less the time teaching subjects and more time preparing the students of specific careers and jobs.

9. It is more important for students to understand ideas and concept or learn facts. 2次

10. University students accomplish a project by teamwork, and the members share the same mark.

(1) Nowadays each group member get same grade (mark). Is it a good method to evaluate students? 2次

11. Grades (marks) encourage students to learn. 2次

12. Award student’s efforts or achievement, which one is better?

13. Students would receive a better, effective education if they were required to attend classes for 11 months of a year.

14. After high school, students should have a least one year to work or travel better than go to study on university first.

15. Educating children has become more difficult task because now children spend more time on cell phone, online games

and social web site. 2次

16. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People now are easier to become educated than in the past. Use specific reasons to support your answer.

17. The best way to increase students’ interest in a subject is to teach them the significance of the subject outside of school.

九. 政府 7个

1. The government should spend more money on improving access to the Internet than on the public transportation.

2. It is more important for the government to spend money on art museums and concert halls than on recreational facilities such as swimming pools and playgrounds. 2 次 (1) Governments should spend more money in support of the arts than in the athletics, like an Olympic team.

3. Do you agree or disagree the statement: It is important for government to provide money for beautiful and not just for some practical things.

4. To achieve successful development of a country, a government should focus its budgets more on young children’s education rather than on universities.

5. The government should support scientific research that does not have any practical use. 2次

6 Instead of spending money on exploration of outer space, government should spend money on environment.

7. Government should pay more attention on health care issues than on environmental issues. 3次

(1) To improve health care in society, do you think it is better to put environmental construction in the first place or to improve other things? 2次

十. 工作 15个

1. Young people should take several different kinds of jobs before they decide which career to take in the long term. 2次

2. A job with more vacation time but a low salary is better than a job with a high salary but less vacation time. 2次

3. Professional athletes who receive high salaries, such as football or basketball players, deserve what they get.

4. For future career success, is relate to other people more important than working hard at school? 2次

5. Do you prefer to take a low-paid but secure job or a job with a high salary but easy to lose?

6. Is it good or not for children to choose a job similar to their parents’ jobs?

7. People should take a secure job immediately when finding one instead of waiting for the job that they find more satisfying. 2次

8. It is more enjoyable to have a job and work long hours for three days in a week than to work shorter hours for five days in a week.

9. It is not realistic for people to expect to work at the same company or employer all of their life.

10. It is better to work in a larger company than a small one.

11. Being happy with a job is more important than having a high salary. 12. Having a job to work with other people is better than having a job to work alone.

13. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Employees who are always following the instructions from their managers are more valuable to their companies than employees who always try to find new ways or better ways?

14. Do you agree or disagree with the statement:The most important investment for a company is to spend money to improve the work skills of its employees.

15. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Your job has more effect on your happiness than your living environment does. 十一. 朋友 11个

1. A friend who is intelligent is much better than a friend with a good sense of humor.

2. Letting a friend make a mistake is better than saying or doing something that may destroy the friendship. 3. Getting advice from the older friends is more valuable than the friends on the same age to you. 2次

(1) Do you agree or disagree with the statement: Grandparents cannot give useful advice to grandchildren.

(2) The advice from the grandparents is of no use to their grandchildren because the world has changed a lot over the past 50 years.

4. In order to celebrate important events such as graduation or a special birthday, some of them prefer a large party, while some others prefer a small party with only a few close friends and family members.

5. Which of the following do you think contributes the most to an enjoyable vacation? Good Food,Good Location,Good Friends to travel with

6. People who have interest in different things cannot be friends. 2次

(1) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? One can learn a lot from the types of friend that a person has.

篇三:托福大作文Teachers today have less influence on students than teachers do in the past

Teachers today have less influence on students than teachers do in the past.



Teachers: stand high; student: revere teacher

Only impart knowledge, few communications


Teachers: friendly; students: treat teachers as friends

Effect both on knowledge and morality, frequent communications


The statement above is ostensibly right. It attempts to attribute the different influence teachers have on students today and past to less and more. Its assumption, however, is that teachers in the past were authoritative and students accepted nearly what the teachers imparted to them totally and uncritically, which is quite different now. Thinking about the relationships between teachers and students now and previously, we discover that the current relationship is closer than it used to be and therefore, teachers can affect students more greatly.

In my mother’s student hood, 70s~80s in 20th century, students regarded their teachers as god and goodness. At that time, teachers stood above the masses and students all sat in the awe of them. The huge gap of status between teachers and students blocked the communications between them. My mom said, “When I was a student, the only communication with teachers out of class was asking teachers for explanations about extra problems.” Without communications, the influence that teachers had on students could not be large but only setting as an untouchable example. Imagining how much influence can an idol on a stage have on his or her fans? It must be very little because fans, knowing nothing about his or her true personality, can only appreciate his or her appearance and voice. In a similar way, teachers mainly affected students’ knowledge and rarely characteristics or morality.

In my school days, the beginning of 21st century, however, things are quite different. Nowadays, teachers are much friendlier than those in the past and meanwhile, we treat teachers as our friends and some of us even take no eyes on the teachers. Teachers no longer have superior status than students; instead, we share the equal status. Thus, frequent communications occur between teachers and students. Thanks to the development of internet, the populations of social communicational apps allow us to communicate in various ways such as chatting on WeChat, knowing each others’ daily lives on microblogs, sharing pictures on Instagram and etc. Thorough knowing more about teachers’ personalities and talking more with them, we are surely influenced more by them. One of my best friends, Cherry, for example, has a close relationship with her math teacher who is a funny and optimistic young man. When Cherry gets into trouble with her study or life, she would turn to her math teacher and usually has a talk with him. Generally, he would enlighten her by giving useful advice as well as conveying her some

positive energy. As a consequence, Cherry becomes more optimistic and always has a positive attitude towards life. Actually, Cherry used to have mild depressive symptom because of bad grades.

All in all, students in 70s~80s in 20th century may fully accept the knowledge given by their teachers; students in 21st century, however, influenced by teachers not only in the aspect of knowledge but also morality and personalities. Therefore, it is improper to say that teachers today have less influence on students than teachers did in the past. Relatively, I am influenced more by teachers than my mom did in her school days.


Some people may say that students today with strong characters and rebel psychology rarely listen to their teachers. Most of them listen to classes critically and often raise their objections towards teachers. A small number of students would even contradict with teachers. Moreover, students judge teachers’ behaviors, moral qualities and the ways they treat their students. Teachers’ any immoral or unfriendly conducts would bring themselves dislike from students since students now are hypercritical. In the past, however, students do not dare to object to the teachers but just tamely obey the teachers. Thus, these people would draw a conclusion that students today are influenced less by teachers than those in the past because more students do not take teachers seriously today.

I totally disagree with the conclusion above and the reasons are given as the following. First, students listening to the teachers critically and raising their objections are beneficial to students themselves. Meanwhile, teachers’ mistakes and acceptances to students’ objections provide students with chances of training their critical thinking. Second, the immoral and unfriendly behaviors of teachers serve as a counter-example for students. Since students dislike their teachers’ misconducts or poor qualities, they would try to avoid being the same as these teachers. Undoubtedly, teachers influence students though they make mistakes and have bad behaviors. Whether students are affected by their teacher is independent on whether they like or dislike their teachers.

篇四:Teachers were more appreciated and valued by the society in the past than they are now

Teachers were more appreciated and valued by the society in the past than they are now.

With the common of education, almost all people can receive education before 18 years old. However, students gradually treat their teacher in a rude way. As a result, someone maintains that teacher in the past could be appreciated more than today. I totally agree with that.

In the first place, the scarce of teacher in the past provide teacher a highly respected statue in the society. Obviously, few decades ago, teacher was so really rare that you could hardly find a teacher in a village, which was full of peasants. For few people had enough ability to teach other people, and knowledgeable people will work for government to make some research instead of teaching children in the village. Thus, children didn't have chance to study in the school. If they could access to a teacher, they will value him and respect him. Nevertheless, with the increasing population and development of technology, more people could receive great education, and only the most splendid people could become scientist. Hence, the rest of people tend to become a teacher, which has high statue on the society. So teacher are just everywhere now, and cannot get the same statue as the past before.

Secondly, the increasing of number of teachers decreases the average quality of teachers. It cannot be denied that the increase of students adds the demand of teachers. Some parts of teachers are those people who cannot find good jobs and just need stable salaries. In fact, they don't have enough competence to teach students. Thus, the bland from students and parents destroys the image of teacher in people's mind who should be knowledgeable. It can lead to some more serious problems that people begin to doubt the teacher and don't trust them. Some people who become teacher in the elementary school can hardly be appreciated than past before.

In a word, teacher cannot be valued by society now, because the increasing of number of teachers decreases the average quality of teachers.


In what way do you think college is a time of growth and expansion?It is well known for us that college is a time of growth and expansion.Not only an expansion in knowledge but also in psychology. We students go to college from high school to acquire further knowledge.In college,we have more chances to learn series of subjects to which we were not introduced in high school.We college students have the opportunity to select the subjects what we are interested in,which is different form what we must choose to learn in high school.As a consequence,we spend more time on which we have chosen.At the same time,we would attach more importance and pay more attention to our major. In university,the students are from different places and they have different habits,characteristics and hobbies.They are introduced to handling relationship between different people.Nobody tells them what to do and how to do it,so they have to balance their studies and their part-times.It is necessary for us to develop the abilities to get through the difficult situation and all kinds of stress.After the college education,most of us are more maturely and are able to deal with complicated situations.86评语: 作者能较熟练地使用词汇表达,一些学术词汇的使用也比较灵活;可适当增加从句和复杂句使用;文章层次不够分明,缺少组织,需注意文章整体的组织结构Currently,in the modern society,learning foreign language has become so fashionable that some people go with the tide and blindly pursue everything from foreign countries.As is depicted in the picture,a Chinese young man is presenting a bunch of flowers to a foreign lady, who stands for a foreign language, but the Chinese lady, who represents our mother tongue,Chinese, is given the cold shoulder.It is a reflection of reality. There are many reasons accounting for this phenomenon.First and foremost,when finding jobs,we will be asked whether we have work experience in foreign countries.Someone who has that means he or she has a privilege.It is not only because of our bind persuasion but also what should be done to meet the satisfaction of the modern life.Furthermore,some vain people think that,in a sense, foreign things would bring glory for them.Last but not least,the technologies in some field is in high level,on the contrary,that in China is no so good.In a word,Rome is not built in a day,it is a concept which has been in people's heart for a long time.As a consequence,it is difficult for majority of people to abandon it. As far as I am concerned,language stands for the culture of a country.So although sometimes the person who has come back from foreign countries has advantage in finding a

job,but that experience can not guarantee jobs,because ability is more important.That is to say,we should also attach much importance to our own culture and our mother tongue.Don’t Hesitate to Say 查看要求 When could we say "No "? When do we have to say "No "? Everyone has the right to say "No ", but maybe sometimes we should say it but we do not. Have you ever say "no " when somebody ask you for help? What do you think of your saying "No " when someone else ask you for help? When could you do that? Personally speaking, under three situation I could do that. First of all, if I am not able to help him or she, I would refuse to help him or she. But I could introduce someone else to him, if it is convenient. Secondly, if I would like to, but I have no time to, I would do that reluctantly. Last but not least, if she or he has the ability to do it herself or himself, and she or he has time to do it, I would do that without any hesitation. Sometimes we have to say "no " but some of us choose not to do. In our daily life, it is universal to see that someone would feel embarrassed to say "No " to others though they have to. Some of them think it is impolite to reject others. Some of them have the idea of saying "No " to others may hurt someone. But if we do not say "No " when it is necessary, we will not only set ourselves into the difficult situation but also reduce others' trust on us. Maybe things go along the opposite side. We did not decline others because we wanted to develop a close relationship with others, but finally, he or she broke up with you just because you should have rejected. So as far as I am concerned, we should learn to say "No " without hesitation.73排名:共205篇,本文排名52,最高分85.5,最低分0 评语: 拼写很棒, 可适当增加学术词汇的使用; 可适当增加文中长句和复杂句的使用; 文章结构不够严谨, 应增加过程性词汇的使用

Nowadays it has become a prevailing trend for some individuals or organizations to rank the universities. Taking a look around, we can find too many examples to list. To this phenomenon, people's attitudes differ sharply. Some people hold the view that ranking university can help high school graduates or their parents to make a sound choice when enrolling in a university or college. Furthermore, this practice can help the level of higher education as a whole in that many universities will exert efforts to elevate their positions. Others, however, point out that the result of ranking is not always credible, for many individuals or institutions do it merely for the purpose of collecting money. In addition, some universities overemphasize the result of ranking and waste a large mount of resources. As far as I am concerned, we should not go to extremes. On one hand, it must be admitted that ranking is an effective way to encourage universities or colleges to compete with each other and improve their work. On the other hand, it should not be conducted and used in the wrong way.字数:18584排名:共34篇,本文排名5,最高分90.5,最低分0 评语: 作者能较灵活准确地使用词汇表达,但学术词汇的积累还有很大的空间;作者有一定功底,可在平 时练习中增加长难句的记忆;行文稍显不流畅,应增加文中衔接词的使用 My View on University Ranking(2010-12 CET6)1222 Some people hold the view that ranking university can help high school graduates or their parents to make a sound choice when choose a university or college. Besides, university ranking could encourage the high school students to spare no effort to study in order to be admitted into the key universities. Furthermore, this practice can help the level of higher education as a whole in that many universities will exert efforts to elevate their positions. On the contrary, the others point out that the result of ranking is not always credible, for many individuals or institutions do it merely for the purpose of raising their fame and collecting money and student. In addition, some universities attach too much importance to the result of ranking, which wastes large mounts of resources. Last but not least, the university ranking may not be so fair that ranking is not unique and not authoritative, which is easy to mislead high school graduates and their parents. As far as I am concerned, we should not go to extremes. On the one hand, it must be admitted that ranking is an effective way to encourage universities or colleges to compete with each other and improve their work. On the other hand, it should not be conducted and used in the wrong way.字数:25589排名:共34篇,本文排名2,最高分90.5,最低分0

评语: 作者词汇基础扎实;作者在句法层面做的很棒;过渡词和衔接词使用的比较不错Vera broke with the man six years ago.Six years ago,at that time,they were lovers.They had something in common not only in life but also in soul.When they had looked at each other like that they had felt that their souls had,as it were,put their arms round each other and dropped into the same sea,content,to be drowned,like someone who are mournful.But the man just knew something about himself.They have made some promise like that they would travel around the world together.But they had not carried out their promise,furthermore,finally,they broke up with sadness.Now,they have broken up for six years,but to her surprise,she saw him again.What would happen? At the first time,the man did not recognize her.Then they sat down at opposite each other.After greeting,they chatting with each other about their conditions now and the experiences of the past six years.During the six years,Vera has suffered much difficulties,on the contrary,the man has gone to so many interesting places which Vera envied very much.He told something interesting to her,which made her very sorrowful,but he did not

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realize that.Instead,he told her his experiences excitedly.Naturally,I had no choice but to say that he had a very clear memory of his own things,ignoring others' things,as it were,he was a typical egoist.He couldn't keep pace with her emotion in time.But she was so sensitive that sometimes what she wanted was only the details which could move her.That is more than sufficient.What a pity,the man had never known that. Now they should have given up their drawbacks in their characteristics.But nothing has been changed.There was a strange stillness.They were still themselves just like six years ago.As it is in the text,he is still self-engrossed,careless,parsimonious. Also,the same with Vera,she is still sensitive,mean,and obstinate.As a consequence,although they are single now,it is inevitable that they cannot become lovers again.At the end,she made a decision to go without any hesitation.
