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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 11:32:15 作文素材



Intelligent mobile phone is a invention that has a great influence on our life and study. But the influence of it has good side and a bad side too. Now, let's look at the performance of the impact it's on us.

First of all, It has brought a lot of convenience to our study. Usually, when we learn to encounter difficulties, we can use our mobile phone in the online query information, through this way, we can understand a lot of knowledge. Mobile phone in addition can help us learn, back to our lives to bring more fun, for example, when we are bored, we can with our mobile phones play games, watch movies, listen to music and so on.

In addition, with the development of science and technology, the function of the mobile phone is more and more, more and more to meet the needs of our various aspects. For example, the smart phone can help us achieve navigation functions, which brings us a lot of real convenience. For example, mobile phone pixel is getting better and

better, I can use the phone to take photos when we travel more convenient. At the same time, a lot of features focus on the phone, we can save the money to buy cameras and so on products.

On the contrary, mobile phones in our life and learning to bring a huge convenience, but also to our human, especially our young students group caused a serious harm. After the emergence of smart

phones, our junior high school students, high school students and college students spend a lot of time in play on mobile phones, so they spend in learning time less, which resulted in the decline in their

performance. In particular, our college students, with smart phones, they class few people make notes, instead of taking notes is using a mobile phone camera, which resulted in the aggravation of the lazy behavior of college students. Also, the long time to play the phone, causing the student's vision declined, so after the emergence of smart phones, wearing glasses more and more students. In contrast, if there is no hand smart phone, human beings will be much healthier.

In summary, as a college student in the modern society. We want to rationally treat smart phones, rational use of mobile phones, the use of smart phone good side of our life and study better.









篇二:手机的危害 英语作文

Mobile phones were invented to enable people to make phone calls conveniently. However, smart phones broaden the usage extremely wide, for instance, surfing the Internet, sending e-mails and taking photos. Of course, smart phones provide us a more enjoyable life style but there also are some disadvantages. Addiction to smart phones causes less communication with families and friends, distractions from work and study and physical damages.

First, smart phonesreduce the communication between individualsand people around them. Indeed, smart phones enable people to contact each other far away while they also make people ignore theirfamilies and friends. For example, many parents complain that children prefer playing their phones to having a conversation with their familieson family gatherings.

Also, smart phones distract people from their work and study. It is not a serious problem thatpeople entertain themselves with their phones when they are having a rest. However, some young people are used to checking their phones when they are working or studying. Unavoidably, it will reduce the efficiency of their work and study.

Finally, addiction to smart phones can impairhuman body.Studies revealthat playing phones too long will harm tissues and joints of human fingers. And experts said that staring at screens of phones for a long time, especially in a dark environment, can damage people’s eyesight as well.

We enjoy the pleasure and the convenient smart phones provide, and at the same time we should be aware of their disadvantages.Spending too much time on smart phones leads to have less communication with families and friends,distraction from work and study, and damages of health. Therefore, to avoid the disadvantages, my suggestion is rationalizing the time spent on smart phones.

篇三:英语作文 关于手机的坏处

You Should Be Better Than Now

When enjoying the conveniency of mobile phone,do you realize that we are gradually descending to slaves of mobile phone?You will get better if you life just without mobile phone,at least than now.

Phone or knowledge? An amount of time is turning away when you are playing mobile phone games、viewing web pages、browseing social networking sites which are more attrative than the majority of books and listening music.Shouldn,t we take full advantage of the plenty of time?As far as i can see,time is the promise of accumulation of knowledge.The intellectual masted must be more and more if we can keep mobile phone away and work hardlly,we will gradually get to be an elite who are learned. Then,phone or healthy? When you're holding a gym card and hesitating to go to the gym,instead of you,your mobile phone makes a decision:games、music、web pages are more interesting than treadmill、ab wheel,so much as snooker.When you decide to run to build your body,something interesting of your mobile phone captives you easily. Finally you are getting more and more flabby.During the day, there is no energy,you can,t fulfill your tasks. Then you should give up the phone,going to gym and going to healthy.




手机带来的危害 作文

辐射对人体的危害调查报告 编者:付文卉 班级:五(1)班 学号:11号 手机是现代人的随身助手,也是我们方便的通信工具。手机在人们普通生活中起着很大的作用,但它也是人类的杀手之一手机辐射。据统计,目前全球约30亿人用手机,是吸烟人数的3倍。中国13亿多人口,移动电话用户已经突破7亿,也就是说,平均两个人中至少有一个人拥有手机。作为使用频率最高的数字产品,很多人几乎24小时手机不离身。 因为它与人们相伴出行,往往对人体造成的辐射量比电视还大,那到底手机辐射对人体有那些危害呢?看看我的研究报告你就知道了o(o~~ 二、调查方法 1、阅读书籍了解什么是手机辐射?

2、阅读报刊了解手机辐射的危害有哪些? 3、上网搜索关于手机辐射的注意事项。 4、上网搜索几种人不宜使用手机。 5、阅读书籍了解手机辐射危害怎么办 三、调查情况和资料整理 信 息 渠 道 涉及的方面 具 体 内 容 阅 读 书 籍 了解什么是手机辐射? 当人们使用手机时,手机会向发射基站传送无线电波,而无线电波或多或少地会被人体吸收,这些电波就是手机辐射。 一般来说,手机待机时辐射较小,通话时辐射大一些,而在手机号码已经拨出而尚未接通时,辐射最大,辐射量是待机时的3倍左右。这些辐射有可能改变人体组织,对人体健康造成不利影响。 阅 读 报 刊 了解手机辐射的危害有哪些? 手机致癌性或比香烟强 直板机袖珍机辐射最大信号弱的地方少打。信号差时手机的功率会自动加大,从而造成其辐射的强度增大。同样的道理,在电梯等小而封闭的环境里使用手机也会使其辐射强度增大 上 网 搜 索 关于手机辐射的注意事项。 第一,最好在拨出或接通2秒钟后接听; 第二,最好不要在移动的交通工具上,尤其是行驶在高速公路的车辆上使用手机,此时手机与基站距离不断变化,辐射时强时弱,对人体危害较大; ...... ...... 上 网 搜 索 哪几种人不宜使用手机。 1、癫痫(dian jian)病患者; 2、严重精神病患者; 3、白内障患者; ...... ...... 阅 读 书 籍 了解手机辐射危害怎么办 1、注意手机的摆放位置。由于手机只要处于待机状态就会产生辐射 而且辐射对人的各个器官造成的危害也是不同的。医学专家建议我们 手机不用时最好放在包里 或是夹克衫的口袋里 但不要放在胸前的口袋中 也不要直接挂在胸

前。 ...... ...... 四、总结 鉴于手机辐射对人体造成危害的共识,世界各国均对手机辐射制定了安全标准,英国政府明令禁止16岁以下未成年人使用手机;日本政府规定出售手机必须连同手机防辐射装置一同出售等等。但我认为未成年人用手机不是不可以,但是切记要少用。我国手机用户已近二亿部,相当数量的手机辐射严重。为保护数亿国民的健康,希望政府有关部门尽快颁布我国的手机防辐射安全标准并认真执行。














学生有了手机后,一些学生大部分时间和精力都花在玩手机上,一到考试就一筹莫展, 不少学生利用手机在考试中发短信求答案,甚至有的学生直接在网上搜索答案和作文范文,这样不仅严重违反了考试规则,扰乱了正常考试竞争的公平性,还在师生中引起极恶劣的影响。利用手机考试作弊让部分学生厌恶学习,养成依赖思想,从而影响学风,不利于学生良好品质的养成。







鉴于中学生使用手机的危害性十分严重,北京四中、人大附中、上海仙霞中学和湖北省黄岗中学等一些全国名校已率先下达了手机封杀令----严禁学生在校佩带手机。湖北省教育厅2010年9月印发的《关于进一步规范普通中小学办学行为的规定》中 第二十条明确规定:禁止中小学生学习时间在教学楼、教室、阅览室、图书室等场所使用手机、小灵通等移动通讯工具。还有一些政府官员、教育专家准备向人大会议提案,建议以法律的形式禁止在校中小学生使用手机。

