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篇一:How to Make Fried Rice

Wu zhijuan


How to Make Fried Rice


a.Prepare the ingredients:two green onions,two large eggs,pepper,one teaspoon

salt,three tablespoons oil,one tablespoon soy sauce,two bowls cooked rice,the rice has better to be one or two days ago.

B.Process some ingredients

a.Wash and finely chop the onions

b.Break and beat the eggs with chopsticks until they are frothy in a small bowl.

C.Begin to cook

a.Scramble the eggs

1.Heat the frying pan on medium-high heat,then add two tablespoons oil into the pan.

2.When the oil is hot,switch the heat to medium and add the eggs to the pan.

3.Stir the eggs until they are cooked.Remember not to make the eggs too dry.

4.Remove and clean out the eggs into a bowl.

b.Cook the rice

1.Add one tablespoon oil to the pan.

2.When the oil is hot,add the rice to the pan.

3.Stir-fry the rice for two to three minutes until the rice is completely cooked.

c.Add the reasonings

Add reasonable amount of soy sauce into the pan if you like to.

D.Put it all together

a.When the rice is completely cooked,put the scrambled eggs back into the pan. b.Add the green onions,stir-fry to heat everything completely cooked. E.Serve the dish

Pair the fried rice with other dishes to make it more delicious.

篇二:Fried Rice

Fried Rice

2 eggs

1 teaspoon MSG (optional)

1/8 teaspoon white pepper

1/4 cup soy sauce

4 cups cooked rice

4 scallions, chopped, including green ends

2 cups diced cooked pork, ham, chicken, shrimp, or any meat 1 slice ginger, minced

1 clove garlic, minced

1/4 cup sliced mushrooms (optional)

1/4 cup vegetable oil

Put first four ingredients in a mixing bowl and stir slightly; the eggs should not be well beaten.

Heat pan hot and dry. Add the oil. Brown the garlic and

ginger slightly, then add the rice. Cook for 2?3 minutes, stirring to break up lumps and coat with oil.

Add the rest of the ingredients except the egg mixture. Fry and stir constantly until thoroughly mixed.

Add the egg mixture while stirring the rice so it will cover as much of the ingredients in the pan as possible. Cook about 2 minutes, stirring constantly.

Then, it’s done.Serve while hot.you can do it yourself while your mother is not at home.thanks.


Special Fried Rice特色炒饭

Fried Noodles with Chicken/Chicken Chow Mein鸡肉炒面

Sweet & Sour Chicken Meat Balls糖醋鸡球

Sweet & Sour Chicken, Hong Kong Style港式糖醋鸡块

Prawn Crackers虾片

Crispy Seaweed酥脆海苔

Crispy Spring Roll酥脆春卷

Prawn with Sesame Toast芝麻虾吐司

Butterfly King Prawnhudie蝴蝶虾

Crispy Fried Won Ton酥煎馄饨

Deep Fried Crab Claws百花酿蟹钳(油煎蟹爪)

Fried Chicken Wingswith Chili and Garlic红椒蒜香鸡翅

Fried Squidwith Chili and Garlic红椒蒜香鱿鱼

Satay Chicken on Skewers上沙爹鸡肉串

Crispy Aromatic Lamb with Pancakes脆香羊肉薄煎饼

Crispy Aromatic Duck with Pancakes脆香鸭肉薄煎饼


Chicken & Mushroom Soup鸡肉蘑菇汤

Chicken & Noodles Soup鸡肉面条汤

Chicken & Sweetcorn Soup鸡肉甜玉米汤

Crab Meat & Sweetcorn Soup蟹肉甜玉米汤

Hot & Sour Soup酸辣汤

Won Ton 馄饨

D(来自:WWw.SmhaiDa.com 海达范文网:special,fried,rice)ry Spare Ribs干排骨

Barbecued Spare Ribs烧排骨

Sweet & Sour Spare Ribs糖醋排骨

Spare Ribs, Peking Style北京风味排骨

Honey Sweet Spare Ribs糖蜜排骨

Spare Ribs with Chili & Salt椒盐排骨


Steamed Rice米饭

Fried Rice with Egg鸡蛋炒饭

Fried Rice with Mushroom蘑菇炒饭

Fried Rice with Chicken鸡肉炒饭

Fried Rice with Roasted Pork烤猪肉炒饭

Fried Rice with Beef牛肉炒饭

Special Fried Rice特色炒饭

Singapore Fried Rice新加坡炒饭

Fried Rice with Shrimp虾肉炒饭

Special Homemade Fried Rice家常特色炒饭

Fried Rice with Shrimp虾仁炒饭

Sautéed Noodles with Vegetables/Plain Chow Mein素炒面

Fried Noodles with Chicken with Mushroom/Mushroom Chow Mein蘑菇炒面

Fried Noodles with Chicken/Chicken Chow Mein鸡肉炒面

Fried Noodles with Beef/Beef Chow Mein牛肉炒面

Fried Noodles with Roasted Pork/Roast Pork Chow Mein烤猪肉炒面

Fried Noodles with Shredded Duck/Roast Shredded Duck Chow Mein鸭丝炒面

Fried Noodles with Shrimp/King Prawn Chow Mein大虾炒面

Singapore Fried Noodles/Singapore Chow Mein新加坡炒面

Singapore Vermicelli新加?a href="http://www.zw2.cn/zhuanti/guanyuluzuowen/" target="_blank" class="keylink">路鬯?/p>

Special Homemade Fried Noddles/House Special Chow Mein家常特色炒面

Vegetable Dishes素菜菜品

Stir Fried Mushrooms炒蘑菇

Stir Fried Bean Sprouts炒豆芽

Stir Fried Broccoli炒西兰花

Stir Fried Mixed Vegetables炒什锦蔬菜

Stir Fried Mixed Vegetables in Black Bean Sauce豆鼓炒什锦蔬菜

篇四:How to make fried rice

How to make fried rice?

Do you want to make delicious fried rice? You can take the following steps.

Firstly, prepare some cooked rice, one or two eggs, some slices of onion, a spoon of salt and a spoon of peanut oil. Secondly, break the egg into the bowl and put some salt in it, then stir it. Thirdly, put the peanut oil into the pan and scatter the onion slices in the oil.

After that, put the cooked rice into the pan and fry the mixture altogether until you can smell the flavor of the fried rice. When the rice seems loose, a delicious fried rice is finished. You can enjoy it!



火龙果 pitaya

西红柿 tomato

菠萝 pineapple



柚子 shaddock (pomelo)




樱桃 cherry


梨 pear

枣Chinese date(去核枣 pitted date ) 椰子coconut

草莓 strawberry

树莓 raspberry

蓝莓 blueberry

黑莓 blackberry

葡萄 grape

甘蔗 sugar cane

芒果 mango

木瓜 pawpaw或者papaya

杏子 apricot

油桃 nectarine



榴莲 jackfruit

槟榔果 areca nut

西班牙产苦橙 bitter orange

猕猴桃 kiwi fruit or Chinese gooseberry 金橘cumquat 蟠桃 flat peach

荔枝 litchi


山楂果 haw

水蜜桃honey peach

香瓜,甜瓜 musk melon


杨梅 waxberry red bayberry

桂圆 longan

沙果 crab apple


枇杷 loquat

柑橘 tangerine


番石榴 guava


南瓜(倭瓜) pumpkin cushaw

甜玉米 Sweet corn


猪肉 pork

羊肉 mutton



生菜 莴苣lettuce

白菜 Chinese cabbage (celery cabbage)(甘蓝)

卷心菜 cabbage

萝卜 radish

胡萝卜 carrot

韭菜 leek

木耳 agarics

豌豆 pea

马铃薯(土豆) potato

黄瓜 cucumber

苦瓜 balsam pear

秋葵 okra

洋葱 onion

芹菜 celery

芹菜杆 celery sticks

地瓜 sweet potato

蘑菇 mushroom

橄榄 olive


冬瓜 (Chinese)wax gourd

莲藕 lotus root

紫菜 laver

油菜 cole rape

茄子 eggplant

香菜 caraway


青椒 green pepper

四季豆 青刀豆 garden bean

银耳 silvery fungi


肘子 pork joint

茴香fennel(茴香油fennel oil 药用)



金针蘑 needle mushroom

扁豆 lentil

槟榔 areca

牛蒡great burdock

水萝卜 summer radish

竹笋 bamboo shoot

艾蒿Chinese mugwort

绿豆mung bean

毛豆green soy bean

瘦肉 lean meat


黄花菜 day lily (day lily bud)

豆芽菜 bean sprout

丝瓜 towel gourd (注:在美国丝瓜或用来做丝瓜茎loofah洗澡的, 不是食用的)

海鲜类(sea food):

虾仁 Peeled Prawns

龙虾 lobster
