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篇一:Magic Lantern v2.3用户指南

Magic Lantern v2.3 - User's Guide






? Audio: disable AGC, audio meters, manual audio controls, selectable input source (internal, internal+external, external stereo, balanced), audio monitoring via A/V cable.

音频:使用自动增益控制、音频表、手动音频控制、可选择的输入源(内部,内部+外部,外部立体声,平衡状态)、通过A / V电缆监控音频。

Exposure helpers: ETTR, zebras, false color, histogram, waveform, spotmeter, vectorscope. 曝光辅助: 向右曝光、斑马图、伪彩色、直方图、波形图、点测光表、矢量图。 Focus tools: focus peaking, zoom while recording, trap focus, rack_focus, follow_focus, stack_focus.


Movie helpers: Bitrate control, movie logging (Exif-like metadata), auto-restart after buffer overflow or 4 GB limit, HDR video, advanced FPS control.

摄像辅助:比特率控制、录像记录(EXIF类型的元数据)、缓冲区溢出或因4 GB的限制中断后自动重新启动录像过程、高动态视频、高级每秒帧数控制。

LiveView adjustments: contrast, saturation, display gain for using LiveView in darkness. 实时显示调整:对比度、饱和度、在黑暗中使用实时显示的显示增益。 Cropmark images: user-editable overlays to assist framing and composition. 剪切框图像:用户可编辑的叠加图形,用于辅助取景和构图。

Fine control for ISO, Shutter, Kelvin white balance and other image settings. 用于ISO、快门、开尔文白平衡及其它图像设置的精细控制。

Bracketing: advanced exposure bracketing, focus stacking. ? ? ? ? ? ? ?


? Remote release with LCD face sensor and audio trigger, without extra hardware.


Timelapse: intervalometer (for photos and movies), bulb ramping (manual and automatic), recording at very low FPS (down to 0.2 FPS), silent pictures without shutter actuation. 间隔拍摄:定时曝光(照片和录像)、长时间曝光偏移控制(手动和自动)、以非常低的每秒帧数(下降到0.2 fps)录像、没有快门动作的静音拍摄。

Astro- and night photography: bulb timer for very long exposures (up to 8h). 天文和夜间摄影:超长时间曝光(最长达8小时) 。

Info displays: focus and DOF info, CMOS temperature, shutter count, clock. 信息显示:焦点和景深信息、CMOS温度、快门释放次数、时钟。

For strobists: flash exposure compensation, range up to -10 to +3 EV (depends on the camera). ? ? ? ?

闪光灯摄影:闪光曝光补偿范围可达-10至+3 EV(取决于相机)。

? Power saving: Turn off display or reduce backlight in LiveView during idle times.


? Handy features: Quick zoom in PLAY mode, key shortcuts for commonly-used features,

customizable menus.


? And much more!


Important notes重要注意事项

? If you have a bootable SD card and have the BOOTDISK flag set in the camera (which the

installer does), and you do not have an AUTOEXEC.BIN file on the card the camera WILL NOT BOOT! It will hang and not wake up until the battery is removed.

如果你有一个可引导的SD卡,而且相机被设置了引导盘标签(由安装程序设置),但卡上没有AUTOEXEC.BIN文件,相机将无法启动!它会挂起,无法恢复,直到拆除电池。 ? If you encounter a locked up camera, quickly remove the battery.


? When in doubt, remove the battery and reboot.

如有任?a href="http://www.zw2.cn/zhuanti/guanyuwozuowen/" target="_blank" class="keylink">我晌剩肴〕龅绯夭⒅匦缕舳?/p>

? And, remember that this software can damage or destroy your camera.


Known issues已知问题

? First second of recorded audio may be very loud.


? Sometimes, rack and stack focus simply refuse to work, and you need to restart your camera.


? SD monitors are not completely supported (magic zoom and RGB tools will not work).


? Magic Lantern has no audio controls for Canon 600D/T3i and newer cameras. You can

disable AGC from Canon menus though.


Common terms常用术语

Movie mode录像模式

Most cameras have a dedicated movie mode on the mode dial. In this case, it's obvious what movie mode is.


However, the following cameras do not have a dedicated movie mode. For these cameras, Magic Lantern considers the following configurations as movie mode:


? For Canon 5D Mark II: in LiveView, with movie recording enabled AND LiveView display set

to Movie. Tip: you can change LiveView display type from Expo menu.

佳能5D Mark II:在实时显示状态,记录短片功能启用而且实时显示显示设置为录像。提示:你可以从曝光菜单中更改实时显示显示类型。

? For Canon 50D: in LiveView, with movie recording enabled from ML menu.


When movie mode is active, Magic Lantern will show a Mv symbol on the bottom info bar. 当录像模式被激活,魔术灯将在底部信息栏上显示MV标记。

The ''Q'' button快速按钮

Most cameras have a button labeled as [Q]. A few cameras don't, so you will have to use some other button:


? 5D Mark II: use the Picture Style button.

5D Mark II:使用照片风格按钮。

? 50D: use the FUNC button.


? 500D: use the LiveView button.


Liveview screen layout


Magic Lantern uses the available screen space to display operational information in a clear and practical manner. The image shows a screenshot with commonly used ML features enabled.


Some items that may need more details:


? Audio meters: this shows the audio record levels, in dB. The bars become yellow at -12 dB

and red at -3 dB.

音频表:显示了音频记录电平,以dB为单位。色条在-12 dB时变成黄色,在-3 dB时显示红色 。

? FPS: the current FPS value is displayed with 3 decimal places (25.000, 24.000, 23.976 etc). ? FPS:当前的每秒帧数值,显示3位小数( 25.000 , 24.000 , 23.976等)。 Shutter speed: in movie mode, values that maintain a certain amount of filmic motion blur

(180 degree shutter) are displayed in green. In photo mode, values that may cause blurry pictures are displayed in red.


ISO: values with low noise (negative digital gain) are displayed in green.


Clipping dots on histogram: they appear when the image contains overexposed areas. 直方图中的过曝点:在图像中出现过曝区时会出现。

Green/magenta white balance shift: not all cameras let you adjust these in movie mode; fine-tune them from White Balance submenu in ML menu.

绿/品红白平衡转换:不是所有的相机允许在录像模式下调整这些参数。在魔术灯菜单中的白平衡子菜单微调它们。 ? ? ?

Key shortcuts快捷键

PLAY mode shortcuts回放模式的快捷键

? Q (550D), UNLOCK (60D), DISP (600D), LV (500D), FUNC (50D) or Picture Style (5D Mark II):

show exposure tools (zebra, false color, histogram, waveform, spotmeter) and cropmarks (as configured from Overlay menu).

Q(550D)、UNLOCK(60D)、DISP(600D)、LV(500D)、FUNC(50D)或照片风格(5D Mark II):显示曝光工具(斑马图、伪彩色、直方图、波形、点测光表)和剪切框(从Overlay菜单配置)。

? SET + Main Dial (Scrollwheel) in PLAY mode: customizable function (preview HDR images,

silent pictures, multiple exposures, timelapse playback, image comparison). See SET+MainDial.

回放模式下SET +主拨盘(滚轮):可自定义的功能(预览高动态图像、静音拍摄、多重曝光、间隔拍摄回放、图像比较)。参阅SET + MainDial。

? LV: create a transparent overlay from current image (when Ghost Image is active). You can

use it for panoramas or for repeating shots.

LV :创建当前图像的透明叠层(当Ghost映像处于激活状态时)。你可以使用它进行全景或多重曝光拍摄。

? LV on 60D/600D: you can configure it to protect images with a single button press.

60D/600D的 LV按钮:你可以配置它只需按下一个按钮来保护图像。

? SET+Erase: you can configure it to erase images without the confirmation dialog.

SET +删除:你可以配置它在不弹出确认对话框的情况下删除图像。

? Zoom In: quick image magnification: a single click can zoom all the way in, on center point,

on AF point etc (configurable).


Arrow key shortcuts方向键快捷方式 Arrow keys can be used to quickly adjust the following settings:


? Audio gains and input source;


? ISO (in intermediate steps) and Kelvin WB (push-button WB also available);

ISO (的中间级)和开尔文白平衡值(按钮WB键也可调出);

? Shutter and aperture, in finer steps;


? LCD backlight, saturation and display gain.



Magic Lantern v2.3.1 - User's Guide






? Audio: disable AGC, audio meters, manual audio controls, selectable input source (internal, internal+external, external stereo, balanced), audio monitoring via A/V cable.

音频:使用自动增益控制、音频表、手动音频控制、可选择的输入源(内部,内部+外部,外部立体声,平衡状态)、通过A / V电缆监控音频。

Exposure helpers: ETTR, zebras, false color, histogram, waveform, spotmeter, vectorscope. 曝光辅助: 向右曝光、斑马图、伪彩色、直方图、波形图、点测光表、矢量图。 Focus tools: focus peaking, zoom while recording, trap focus, rack_focus, follow_focus, stack_focus.


Movie helpers: Bitrate control, movie logging (Exif-like metadata), auto-restart after buffer overflow or 4 GB limit, HDR video, advanced FPS control.

摄像辅助:比特率控制、录像记录(EXIF类型的元数据)、缓冲区溢出或因4 GB的限制中断后自动重新启动录像过程、高动态视频、高级每秒帧数控制。

LiveView adjustments: contrast, saturation, display gain for using LiveView in darkness. 实时显示调整:对比度、饱和度、在黑暗中使用实时显示的显示增益。 Cropmark images: user-editable overlays to assist framing and composition. 剪切框图像:用户可编辑的叠加图形,用于辅助取景和构图。

Fine control for ISO, Shutter, Kelvin white balance and other image settings. 用于ISO、快门、开尔文白平衡及其它图像设置的精细控制。

Bracketing: advanced exposure bracketing, focus stacking. ? ? ? ? ? ? ?


? Remote release with LCD face sensor and audio trigger, without extra hardware.


Timelapse: intervalometer (for photos and movies), bulb ramping (manual and automatic), recording at very low FPS (down to 0.2 FPS), silent pictures without shutter actuation. 间隔拍摄:定时曝光(照片和录像)、长时间曝光偏移控制(手动和自动)、以非常低的每秒帧数(下降到0.2 fps)录像、没有快门动作的静音拍摄。

Astro- and night photography: bulb timer for very long exposures (up to 8h). 天文和夜间摄影:超长时间曝光(最长达8小时) 。

Info displays: focus and DOF info, CMOS temperature, shutter count, clock. 信息显示:焦点和景深信息、CMOS温度、快门释放次数、时钟。

For strobists: flash exposure compensation, range up to -10 to +3 EV (depends on the camera). ? ? ? ?

闪光灯摄影:闪光曝光补偿范围可达-10至+3 EV(取决于相机)。

? Power saving: Turn off display or reduce backlight in LiveView during idle times.


? Handy features: Quick zoom in PLAY mode, key shortcuts for commonly-used features,

customizable menus.


? And much more!


Important notes重要注意事项

? If you have a bootable SD card and have the BOOTDISK flag set in the camera (which the

installer does), and you do not have an AUTOEXEC.BIN file on the card the camera WILL NOT BOOT! It will hang and not wake up until the battery is removed.

如果你有一个可引导的SD卡,而且相机被设置了引导盘标签(由安装程序设置),但卡上没有AUTOEXEC.BIN文件,相机将无法启动!它会挂起,无法恢复,直到拆除电池。 ? If you encounter a locked up camera, quickly remove the battery.


? When in doubt, remove the battery and reboot.


? And, remember that this software can damage or destroy your camera.


Known issues已知问题

? First second of recorded audio may be very loud.


? Sometimes, rack and stack focus simply refuse to work, and you need to restart your camera.


? SD monitors are not completely supported (magic zoom and RGB tools will not work).


? Magic Lantern has no audio controls for Canon 600D/T3i and newer cameras. You can

disable AGC from Canon menus though.


Common terms常用术语

Movie mode录像模式

Most cameras have a dedicated movie mode on the mode dial. In this case, it's obvious what movie mode is.


However, the following cameras do not have a dedicated movie mode. For these cameras, Magic Lantern considers the following configurations as movie mode:


? For Canon 5D Mark II: in LiveView, with movie recording enabled AND LiveView display set

to Movie. Tip: you can change LiveView display type from Expo menu.

佳能5D Mark II:在实时显示状态,记录短片功能启用而且实时显示显示设置为录像。提示:你可以从曝光菜单中更改实时显示显示类型。

? For Canon 50D: in LiveView, with movie recording enabled from ML menu.


When movie mode is active, Magic Lantern will show a Mv symbol on the bottom info bar. 当录像模式被激活,魔术灯将在底部信息栏上显示MV标记。

The ''Q'' button快速按钮

Most cameras have a button labeled as [Q]. A few cameras don't, so you will have to use some other button:


? 5D Mark II: use the Picture Style button.

5D Mark II:使用照片风格按钮。

? 50D: use the FUNC button.


? 500D: use the LiveView button.


Liveview screen layout


Magic Lantern uses the available screen space to display operational information in a clear and practical manner. The image shows a screenshot with commonly used ML features enabled.


Some items that may need more details:


? Audio meters: this shows the audio record levels, in dB. The bars become yellow at -12 dB

and red at -3 dB.

音频表:显示了音频记录电平,以dB为单位。色条在-12 dB时变成黄色,在-3 (转 载 于:wWW.smHAida.cOM 海达范文网:lantern,下载)dB时显示红色 。

? FPS: the current FPS value is displayed with 3 decimal places (25.000, 24.000, 23.976 etc). ? FPS:当前的每秒帧数值,显示3位小数( 25.000 , 24.000 , 23.976等)。 Shutter speed: in movie mode, values that maintain a certain amount of filmic motion blur

(180 degree shutter) are displayed in green. In photo mode, values that may cause blurry pictures are displayed in red.


ISO: values with low noise (negative digital gain) are displayed in green.


Clipping dots on histogram: they appear when the image contains overexposed areas. 直方图中的过曝点:在图像中出现过曝区时会出现。

Green/magenta white balance shift: not all cameras let you adjust these in movie mode; fine-tune them from White Balance submenu in ML menu.

绿/品红白平衡转换:不是所有的相机允许在录像模式下调整这些参数。在魔术灯菜单中的白平衡子菜单微调它们。 ? ? ?

Key shortcuts快捷键

PLAY mode shortcuts回放模式的快捷键

? Q (550D), UNLOCK (60D), DISP (600D), LV (500D), FUNC (50D) or Picture Style (5D Mark II):

show exposure tools (zebra, false color, histogram, waveform, spotmeter) and cropmarks (as configured from Overlay menu).

Q(550D)、UNLOCK(60D)、DISP(600D)、LV(500D)、FUNC(50D)或照片风格(5D Mark II):显示曝光工具(斑马图、伪彩色、直方图、波形、点测光表)和剪切框(从Overlay菜单配置)。

? SET + Main Dial (Scrollwheel) in PLAY mode: customizable function (preview HDR images,

silent pictures, multiple exposures, timelapse playback, image comparison). See SET+MainDial.

回放模式下SET +主拨盘(滚轮):可自定义的功能(预览高动态图像、静音拍摄、多重曝光、间隔拍摄回放、图像比较)。参阅SET + MainDial。

? LV: create a transparent overlay from current image (when Ghost Image is active). You can

use it for panoramas or for repeating shots.

LV :创建当前图像的透明叠层(当Ghost映像处于激活状态时)。你可以使用它进行全景或多重曝光拍摄。

? LV on 60D/600D: you can configure it to protect images with a single button press.

60D/600D的 LV按钮:你可以配置它只需按下一个按钮来保护图像。

? SET+Erase: you can configure it to erase images without the confirmation dialog.

SET +删除:你可以配置它在不弹出确认对话框的情况下删除图像。

? Zoom In: quick image magnification: a single click can zoom all the way in, on center point,

on AF point etc (configurable).


Arrow key shortcuts方向键快捷方式 Arrow keys can be used to quickly adjust the following settings:


? Audio gains and input source;


? ISO (in intermediate steps) and Kelvin WB (push-button WB also available);

ISO (的中间级)和开尔文白平衡值(按钮WB键也可调出);

? Shutter and aperture, in finer steps;


? LCD backlight, saturation and display gain.


篇三:Magic Lantern v2.3用户指南

Magic Lantern v2.3 - User's Guide






? Audio: disable AGC, audio meters, manual audio controls, selectable input source (internal, internal+external, external stereo, balanced), audio monitoring via A/V cable.

音频:使用自动增益控制、音频表、手动音频控制、可选择的输入源(内部,内部+外部,外部立体声,平衡状态)、通过A / V电缆监控音频。

Exposure helpers: ETTR, zebras, false color, histogram, waveform, spotmeter, vectorscope. 曝光辅助: 向右曝光、斑马图、伪彩色、直方图、波形图、点测光表、矢量图。 Focus tools: focus peaking, zoom while recording, trap focus, rack_focus, follow_focus, stack_focus.


Movie helpers: Bitrate control, movie logging (Exif-like metadata), auto-restart after buffer overflow or 4 GB limit, HDR video, advanced FPS control.

摄像辅助:比特率控制、录像记录(EXIF类型的元数据)、缓冲区溢出或因4 GB的限制中断后自动重新启动录像过程、高动态视频、高级每秒帧数控制。

LiveView adjustments: contrast, saturation, display gain for using LiveView in darkness. 实时显示调整:对比度、饱和度、在黑暗中使用实时显示的显示增益。 Cropmark images: user-editable overlays to assist framing and composition. 剪切框图像:用户可编辑的叠加图形,用于辅助取景和构图。

Fine control for ISO, Shutter, Kelvin white balance and other image settings. 用于ISO、快门、开尔文白平衡及其它图像设置的精细控制。

Bracketing: advanced exposure bracketing, focus stacking. ? ? ? ? ? ? ?


? Remote release with LCD face sensor and audio trigger, without extra hardware.


Timelapse: intervalometer (for photos and movies), bulb ramping (manual and automatic), recording at very low FPS (down to 0.2 FPS), silent pictures without shutter actuation. 间隔拍摄:定时曝光(照片和录像)、长时间曝光偏移控制(手动和自动)、以非常低的每秒帧数(下降到0.2 fps)录像、没有快门动作的静音拍摄。

Astro- and night photography: bulb timer for very long exposures (up to 8h). 天文和夜间摄影:超长时间曝光(最长达8小时) 。

Info displays: focus and DOF info, CMOS temperature, shutter count, clock. 信息显示:焦点和景深信息、CMOS温度、快门释放次数、时钟。

For strobists: flash exposure compensation, range up to -10 to +3 EV (depends on the camera). ? ? ? ?

闪光灯摄影:闪光曝光补偿范围可达-10至+3 EV(取决于相机)。

? Power saving: Turn off display or reduce backlight in LiveView during idle times.


? Handy features: Quick zoom in PLAY mode, key shortcuts for commonly-used features,

customizable menus.


? And much more!


Important notes重要注意事项

? If you have a bootable SD card and have the BOOTDISK flag set in the camera (which the

installer does), and you do not have an AUTOEXEC.BIN file on the card the camera WILL NOT BOOT! It will hang and not wake up until the battery is removed.

如果你有一个可引导的SD卡,而且相机被设置了引导盘标签(由安装程序设置),但卡上没有AUTOEXEC.BIN文件,相机将无法启动!它会挂起,无法恢复,直到拆除电池。 ? If you encounter a locked up camera, quickly remove the battery.


? When in doubt, remove the battery and reboot.


? And, remember that this software can damage or destroy your camera.


Known issues已知问题

? First second of recorded audio may be very loud.


? Sometimes, rack and stack focus simply refuse to work, and you need to restart your camera.


? SD monitors are not completely supported (magic zoom and RGB tools will not work).


? Magic Lantern has no audio controls for Canon 600D/T3i and newer cameras. You can

disable AGC from Canon menus though.


Common terms常用术语

Movie mode录像模式

Most cameras have a dedicated movie mode on the mode dial. In this case, it's obvious what movie mode is.


However, the following cameras do not have a dedicated movie mode. For these cameras, Magic Lantern considers the following configurations as movie mode:


? For Canon 5D Mark II: in LiveView, with movie recording enabled AND LiveView display set

to Movie. Tip: you can change LiveView display type from Expo menu.

佳能5D Mark II:在实时显示状态,记录短片功能启用而且实时显示显示设置为录像。提示:你可以从曝光菜单中更改实时显示显示类型。

? For Canon 50D: in LiveView, with movie recording enabled from ML menu.


When movie mode is active, Magic Lantern will show a Mv symbol on the bottom info bar. 当录像模式被激活,魔术灯将在底部信息栏上显示MV标记。

The ''Q'' button快速按钮

Most cameras have a button labeled as [Q]. A few cameras don't, so you will have to use some other button:


? 5D Mark II: use the Picture Style button.

5D Mark II:使用照片风格按钮。

? 50D: use the FUNC button.


? 500D: use the LiveView button.


Liveview screen layout


Magic Lantern uses the available screen space to display operational information in a clear and practical manner. The image shows a screenshot with commonly used ML features enabled.


Some items that may need more details:


? Audio meters: this shows the audio record levels, in dB. The bars become yellow at -12 dB

and red at -3 dB.

音频表:显示了音频记录电平,以dB为单位。色条在-12 dB时变成黄色,在-3 dB时显示红色 。

? FPS: the current FPS value is displayed with 3 decimal places (25.000, 24.000, 23.976 etc). ? FPS:当前的每秒帧数值,显示3位小数( 25.000 , 24.000 , 23.976等)。 Shutter speed: in movie mode, values that maintain a certain amount of filmic motion blur

(180 degree shutter) are displayed in green. In photo mode, values that may cause blurry pictures are displayed in red.


ISO: values with low noise (negative digital gain) are displayed in green.


Clipping dots on histogram: they appear when the image contains overexposed areas. 直方图中的过曝点:在图像中出现过曝区时会出现。

Green/magenta white balance shift: not all cameras let you adjust these in movie mode; fine-tune them from White Balance submenu in ML menu.

绿/品红白平衡转换:不是所有的相机允许在录像模式下调整这些参数。在魔术灯菜单中的白平衡子菜单微调它们。 ? ? ?

Key shortcuts快捷键

PLAY mode shortcuts回放模式的快捷键

? Q (550D), UNLOCK (60D), DISP (600D), LV (500D), FUNC (50D) or Picture Style (5D Mark II):

show exposure tools (zebra, false color, histogram, waveform, spotmeter) and cropmarks (as configured from Overlay menu).

Q(550D)、UNLOCK(60D)、DISP(600D)、LV(500D)、FUNC(50D)或照片风格(5D Mark II):显示曝光工具(斑马图、伪彩色、直方图、波形、点测光表)和剪切框(从Overlay菜单配置)。

? SET + Main Dial (Scrollwheel) in PLAY mode: customizable function (preview HDR images,

silent pictures, multiple exposures, timelapse playback, image comparison). See SET+MainDial.

回放模式下SET +主拨盘(滚轮):可自定义的功能(预览高动态图像、静音拍摄、多重曝光、间隔拍摄回放、图像比较)。参阅SET + MainDial。

? LV: create a transparent overlay from current image (when Ghost Image is active). You can

use it for panoramas or for repeating shots.

LV :创建当前图像的透明叠层(当Ghost映像处于激活状态时)。你可以使用它进行全景或多重曝光拍摄。

? LV on 60D/600D: you can configure it to protect images with a single button press.

60D/600D的 LV按钮:你可以配置它只需按下一个按钮来保护图像。

? SET+Erase: you can configure it to erase images without the confirmation dialog.

SET +删除:你可以配置它在不弹出确认对话框的情况下删除图像。

? Zoom In: quick image magnification: a single click can zoom all the way in, on center point,

on AF point etc (configurable).


Arrow key shortcuts方向键快捷方式 Arrow keys can be used to quickly adjust the following settings:


? Audio gains and input source;


? ISO (in intermediate steps) and Kelvin WB (push-button WB also available);

ISO (的中间级)和开尔文白平衡值(按钮WB键也可调出);

? Shutter and aperture, in finer steps;


? LCD backlight, saturation and display gain.


篇四:Lantern Festival

Lantern Festival

On the 1st lunar month is the Chinese Lantern Festival , seeing a full moon is the first night on the new year . At this time, people will try to solve the puzzles on the lanterns and eat yuan-xiao and the whole family together to see the Lantern Festival evening .

In my hometown , as a matter of fact ,to this day , either old people or children are stay at home , what is a family reunion ? What is the meaning yuan-xiao and full moon ? In my memory ,I have no stay with my family from primary school to now .But they have a lot amusing thing ,for example wiith grandma learn package yuan-xiao and lamp , we are make of sweet rice flour into sticky glutinous balls .We can be filled in with sesame , red-bean or peanut butter paste . Usually, we are severed with sugar water. But some people still make salty Tang-Yuan . The sky will fly it that called KUNG-MING lantern , I will writing my wish on it and pray my wish come true . In China ,Lantern Festival have unique history and origin and food .In different area they have the different details .





还有南瓜雕空当灯笼的故事。这又是源于古代爱尔兰。故事是说一个名叫 JACK 的人,是个醉汉且爱恶作剧。一天 JACK 把恶魔骗上了树,随即在树桩上刻了个十字,恐吓恶魔令他不敢下来,然后 JACK 就与恶魔约法三章,让恶魔答应施法让JACK 永远不会犯罪为条件让他下树。 JACK 死后,其灵魂却既不能上天又不能下地狱,于是他的亡灵只好靠一根小蜡烛照着指引他在天地之间倘佯。

在古老的爱尔兰传说里,这根小蜡烛是在一根挖空的萝卜里放着,称作“JACK LANTERNS”,而古老的萝卜灯演变到今天,则是南瓜做的 Jack-O-Lantern 了。据说爱尔兰人到了美国不久,即发现南瓜不论从来源和雕刻来说都比萝卜胜一筹,于是南瓜就成了万圣节的宠物。

