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考号 姓名


1. We often play football in Saturday afternoon.

2. The doctor gave him some advice about his illness.

3. You are wanted by the phone.

4. He asked me where I’d like to go to.

5. His uncle is a man of a lot of money.

6. Fish can’t live with water.

7. She married to a man she didn’t love at all.

8. I will call on your office tomorrow.

9. He told me he didn’t agree with the plan.

10. It seems that he has a chance to get on the top of the army.

11. It’s kind for you to come to see us.

12. The class is made up from 8 groups.

13. He makes a living for teaching.

14. We drove over the forest and got to the farm.

15. When the teacher came in the classroom, we were laughing.

16. Beijing is to the north of China.

17. Taiwan is to the east of China.

18. The letters PRC stand with the People’s Republic of China.

19. He kept in touch to his old friends.

20. Hangzhou is famous as its beautiful scenery.

21. You will see the house in the right.

22. They said they’d be in holiday in the countryside.

23. For a result of the limited land, it can’t provide so much grain.

24. In China the needle treatment dates in ancient times.

25. The meeting was put off with a certain reason.

26. He used to listen to the news by the radio.

27. Why did you get up so early in this morning?

28. As he was sick, he asked about a leave of absence.

29. Don’t you feel lonely living here all on yourself?

30. I was told that my mother had left Guangzhou to America.

31. They brought out a pot full with coffee.

32. The car is running in a speed of 80 K.P.H.

33. Now we can read by the help of a dictionary.

34. Sports and games are very useful to character-training.

35. The hall and the kitchen are connected of a long passage.

36. What do you want me to live with without rice?

37. She asked with surprise if he’d really read all the books.

38. I don’t know the answer of this question.

39. The man had left at the time the police arrived.

40. He said that the victory (胜利)should belong with us.

41. She called on the workers to fight against their rights.

42. She said her husband had given in smoking.

43. He said he would join us on the discussion.

44. He was born by a fault in his ears.

45. She said she was caught by the heavy rain.

46. Do you have any difficulty for understanding English?

47. Can you tell the difference among A, B, and C?

48. Instead the dictionary we wanted, he bought us the wrong one.

49. Are you content to what he has done?

50. He reduced the passage by half the number of words.

考号 姓名


(please drop unnecessary words)

1. The ship changed its course because of there was a storm.

2. I had opened the door before he had not time to knock.

3. There are much many more people than I expected.

4. This train is much faster than any other car.

5. We wish to improve our work better.

6. These made them become close friends.

7. Many problems still remain unsolved.

8. I had to return the book back to the library in time.

9. I had not hardly left the house when it began to rain.

10. He began to see things more clearly and more clearly.

11. The more careful you are, the more fewer mistakes you will make.

12. Having been told many times, but he still couldn’t understand it.

13. This coat doesn’t fit for him.

14. Why not to go and ask for his advice?

15. The nice car was belonged to the young lady.

16. They are like playing football very much.

17. He is too young not to join the army.

18. Today was my first time visit to an American family.

19. People in different parts of the world learn to understand one with another.

20. He works much more harder than before.

21. We practise singing for three times every week.

22. He had known Joan for two years before he married with her.

23. I never knew a ride down a river could be so much exciting.

24. Though he is rich, but he works hard.

25. I never buy anything unless it is not really needed.

26. I asked her to tell me that how much it cost.

27. I don’t smoke because my wife won’t let me to.

28. If they will come, please let me know.

29. You need not to go with me unless you are free now.

30. They sat in the room with the curtains was drawn.

31. The bird being caught yesterday is a robin.

32. Whoever told you that he was lying.

33. You’d better to hurry up if you want to get home before dark.

34. There’s the man who he teaches me the guitar.

35. I’ve lost the bananas that I bought them his morning.

36. The book is well worth reading it.

37. Tell me the best way which to express my thanks.

38. I hope that both you two could come and visit us some time soon.

39. I don’t know when he will come back to home.

40. He told me about where he had met my brother.

41. Why are you at home in such a fine weather?

42. People thought of that he was dead.

43. Because he was careless, so he failed.

44. This book is cheap enough for him to buy it.

45. He did nothing but to wait.

46. When you enter into the room, you will find many paintings on the wall.

47. His father would have him to go to sea.

48. They found the letter hard to understand it.

49. You will have to pay me for &10 a week for your meals.

50. Would you please to open the window?

考号 姓名


1. I come from Zhongshan, and so I am currently a student at DSYSMMS.

2. My favorite pastime is by listening to music, especially classical music.

3. I am majoring in(主修) educational psychology and to hope to be a teacher in the future.

4. My hobbies are reading books and travelling, in which I find very interesting.

5. Since that I am the only child in my family, I am quite independent.

6. I deeply believe in that I can succeed in the near future.

7. Many interests as I have, English is what that I like most.

8. I want to keep on with learning new things to increase my and 9. One hour in the morning is worth the two in the evening.

10. The number of people who has watched the game was not more than a hundred.

11. Susan doesn’t feel quite well, for which she is having an ache in her heart.

12. How did you get on well with your study at school?

13. I used to get really sun burnt from playing outside all the day.

14. It is not known for certain whether she is still living on.

15. An important meeting was held, Mr Chen sat in the chair.

16. It is eight or nine chances out of ten for that he will win.

17. The shop has been changed hands.

18. The driver was in the charge of the car.

19. The merchant商人 made money by his buying cheap and selling dear.

20. Would you like to check it over the proofs of this book?

21. We have done that climb over three times since 1982.

22. The teacher told us to collect all the wastepaper while lying about after the picnic.

23. She could borrow my bike if she was asked.



英 语 试 卷

二、单项填空 (共15小题,15分)

从各题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 21. —What bad weather!

—Yes. The radio says it will be even ________ later on. A. good B. better C. bad D. worse

22. For each Olympics, a special village ________ for athletes from different countries to live in.

A. is built B. is being built C. builds D. is building 23. I think John will make a good monitor, ________ I’d like to vote for him.

A. but B. so C. or D. for

24. Last night, John and the other lifesavers attended a special reception ________ by the Prime Minister.

A. being hosted B. hosting C. to host D. hosted

25. In many places in China, ________ bicycle is still ________ popular means of transportation.

A. the; 不填 B. 不填; a C. the; a D. 不填; 不填 26. —It’s raining! When did it start?

—I don’t know exactly. In fact, it ________ all this afternoon. A. was lasting B. has lasted C. had lasted D. will last 27. ________ you want to change for a double room, you’ll have to pay another $15.

A. Because B. Although C. Until D. If 28. —Can David take charge of the international department? —I’m afraid it’s ________ his ability. A. under B. within C. beyond D. over

29. Research has proved ________ violence on television affects the development of children.

A. that B. if C. what D. whether 30. The power was lost suddenly while she ________ for information on the Internet.

A. was searching B. is searching C. searched D. searches

31. Charles Dickens, ________ works are world-famous, wrote some of his novels in the shabby room. A. who B. whose C. whom D. that 32. —Listen! Someone is knocking at the door. Is it Emily? —It ________ be Emily. She has gone to Guangzhou.

A. must B. can’t C. needn’t D. may 33. No one knows exactly how the earth began ________ it happened so long ago.

A. as B. when C. if D. though

34. Emergency line operators must always ________ calm and make sure that they get all the information they need to send help.

英语试卷 第 1 页 (共 6 页)

A. look B. appear C. become D. stay

35. Peter has the intelligence ________ the tough question correctly. I have faith in his ability.

A. answer

三、完形填空 (共15小题,15分)

阅读下面短文,从各题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 I’m studying in a private school and I’m not the best or brightest student. Sometimes my grades Today I had my history , I thought I would get to school more than 10 minutes late. As the train pulled out, I began to do some last-minute review, just checking over my . As soon as the train arrived, I packed my stuff and ran off.

I passed just one other person as I was running for the stairs. It was a lady, with a baby stroller. Her child must have been only a couple months old. While running down the , I thought to myself, “A few more couldn’t hurt, anyway.” So I went back to the top of the stairs and asked the lady if she wanted some . She thanked me and saw that I must have been in a rush. I was, I said it was no real 43 and I was just a little late for an exam. I helped them to the 44 of the stairs and then ran across the street to my school. I had that my

classmates would have and that I would probably be in 47 . But to my surprise, the exam had been delayed. I quickly went to get my paper. Soon we started the test. History isn’t my best subject but for some reason this test seemed quite I felt pretty good while I wrote down my answers.

To be honest, I don’t know if it is just or somehow I was for that simple act. I’m just glad I helped a stranger when I could. 36. A. exam 37. A. bus 38. A. seat 39. A. stairs 41. A. help 42. A. so 43. A. sense 44. A. top 46. A. left

B. class B. train B. bag

B. hills B. chances B. money B. but

B. excuse B. middle B. realized B. started

C. work C. taxi

C. ticket C. walls C. minutes C. advice C. and C. left

D. play D. boat D. textbook D. streets D. stories D. information D. for D. possibility D. bottom D. hoped D. followed

a baby stroller

B. answering

C. to answer

D. answered

get me down.

40. A. mistakes

C. problem C. learned C. agreed

45. A. thought

英语试卷 第 2 页 (共 6 页)

47. A. need 48. A. boring

B. time B. formal B. mood

C. anger C. easy C. luck

D. trouble D. short D. belief D. rewarded

49. A. courage 50. A. recognized

B. remembered C. respected

四、阅读理解 (共15小题,30分)



Gregg Bleakney’s dream was to travel the Americas from top to bottom. He got the idea after he finished a 1,000-mile bike ride. Gregg’s friend, Brooks Allen, was also a cyclist. The two friends talked and slowly formed a plan: they would go for a ride from Alaska to Argentina.

To pay for the trip, Gregg and Brooks worked and saved money for years. Once they were on the road, they often camped outdoors. In many places, local people opened their homes to the two friends and gave them food.

During their trip, Gregg and Brooks cycled through deserts, rainforests, and mountains. They visited modern cities and ancient ruins. And everywhere they went, they met other cyclists from all over the world. Near Guatemala, Brooks had to return to the U.S., and Gregg continued without him.

In May 2007—two years, twelve countries, and over 19,000 miles later—Gregg finally reached Ushuaia, Argentina, the southernmost city in the world.

The trip taught both men a lot, especially when they travelled abroad. As Gregg said, “Always remember that nobody wants to fight, cheat, or rob a nice guy. Just be polite.”

51. How did Gregg and Brooks travel the Americas?

A. By car.

B. By plane. D. On Foot.

C. By bike.

52. During their trip, what did Gregg and Brooks do to save money?

A. They camped outdoors.

B. They stayed in their friends’ houses. C. They shared fees with other travellers. D. They asked the local people for food. 53. How many countries did Gregg travel to?

A. 2. C. 12.

B. 7. D. 14.

54. Which is the best title for the passage?

A. Be Polite When Travelling Abroad

英语试卷 第 3 页 (共 6 页)

B. Argentina: The Land of Adventure C. Things to See and Do in the Americas D. Cycling the Americas from Top to Bottom

B Early Birds

In many places, the coming of robins signals the beginning of spring. During the winter, robins live in big groups. But early in spring, they leave their groups to look for partners.

With their dark heads and bright red breasts, robins are easy to spot. Often robins can be found on a lawn (草坪), looking for worms and insects to eat.

Because robins arrive at their breeding grounds (繁殖地) so early in the spring, many trees don’t have leaves yet. But evergreen trees keep their needles or leaves all year. So a lot of robins build their nests in evergreens. Robins also make nests on buildings and fences.

Robins make their nests of twigs, grass, and mud. The female builds the nest while the male helps by fetching the building supplies. The female shapes the nest by getting inside and pushing against it.

The female lays one blue egg each day until there are three or four. Once the eggs hatch (孵出), the babies are fed by both the parents. When the young birds can leave the nest, the male takes over feeding them by himself. That’s when the female starts a second family.

When winter is on its way, the robins will return to their big groups. But they will be back soon enough to signal the start of the next spring!

55. We can find robins on lawns because they ________.

A. build nests there B. feed babies there C. lay and hatch eggs there D. catch worms and insects there 56. Robins make nests with their ________.

A. parents

B. partners D. group members

B. when she lives in a big group D. after her kids can leave the nest

C. young birds

57. The female robin starts her second family ________.

A. when winter comes C. after eggs are laid

英语试卷 第 4 页 (共 6 页)

58. In which section of a newspaper can you probably read such a passage?

A. News. C. Fashion.

B. Nature. D. Entertainment.


Boys are better at math and science; girls are better at language. Men are more competitive; women are more cautious. Are these statements true? Scientists have considered them for generations, but not until recently have they been able to reach some dramatic conclusions.

To begin with, the male brain is about ten percent larger than the female brain. This might lead one to conclude that males are more intelligent. Meanwhile, it is also found that female brains have a larger surface area of the corpus callosum. This network of nerves is responsible for connecting the two sides of the brain. This allows the more emotional right side to “talk” to the more logical left side of the brain. Then, one might think women are more intelligent. But these are not the case. IQ tests show, for the most part, that men and women perform equally in all fields.

There is also the question of gray and white matter. The highly developed areas of the brain are responsible for fine-tuning the five senses. According to physician and psychologist Leonard Sax, males and females use their senses for different purposes. For example, they would most likely view a landscape differently. “A woman will remember the color of a particular plant and be able to warn people that it’s dangerous,” he says. “A man looking at the same thing will pay more attention to what is moving. Which is better?” he asks. “You need both.”

The rate at which the brain matures (发育) also plays a role in the brain’s development. The size of the female brain peaks (reaches the highest level) at around eleven-and-a-half years old; for the male brain, it usually peaks three years later. Therefore, girls are better able to communicate and recognize familiar faces at an earlier age than boys. However, certain areas in the brain concerned with mechanical and spatial reasoning mature more quickly in boys.

With these findings, it would only be natural to conclude that men should choose careers in the fields of science, while women should choose those where their social and language skills can best be used. But this conclusion would not be completely correct. Scientists have also found that the brain is complex. It responds favorably to encouragement and high expectations. In the 1800s the fields of physics, astronomy, and chemistry were considered subjects for girls, and they did better than boys in these subjects. Today, at least fifty percent of those receiving a college degree in chemistry or biology are women in the United States.

The discussion continues, and questions remain: Is it biological nature that causes people to

英语试卷 第 5 页 (共 6 页)

篇三:初一英语下 unit8topic1 仁爱 知识点 练习 有答案

Unit 8 The Seasons and the Weather(Topic 1 What’s the weather like in spring)


weather, spring, warm, season, summer, mountain/hill, winter, cold, rain, snow, ground, holiday, cloudy, snowy, windy, sunny, rainy, bright, temperature, low, if, umbrella, Australia, remember, wear, most, part, sun, shine, shorts, spend, as, report, busy, leaf, wind; make a snowman, go climbing/hiking, all day, the same?as, weather report, come back to life, be busy doing, from?to?

2.语法:掌握天气的表达方式What’s the weather like? /How’s the weather??


(1)—What’s the weather like in spring?

—It’s warm.

(2)—How is the weather in fall?

—It’s cool.

(3)—Which season do you like best?

—I like summer best.

(4)—What do you think of the weather today?

—It’s very cold.

(5)—What’s the temperature, do you know?

—The low temperature is -8℃ and the high temperature is 2℃.

(6)Winter lasts from December to February.


1.What’s the weather like in spring?


“What’s the weather like??”是用来询问天气状况的句型。此外, 还可用“How’s the weather??”句型来表达此意。like后可接时间或地点,其答语可用表示天气情况的形容词或动词。

e.g.—What’s the weather like there in winter?


—It often snows.



e.g.What will the weather be like tomorrow?

=How will the weather be tomorrow?


What was the weather like yesterday?

=How was the weather yesterday?


2.It’s a good time to climb hills.



e.g.It is half past six now.


It’s about 200 meters to my home.


It’s very cold today.


It’s lovely here.


(2)句型“It +be+名词+to do/ for doing?”意为“这/那是做某事的??。”

e.g.It is a good season for hiking.


It is a good place to spendyour holiday.


3.Because I learned to swimlast year.


learn to do sth.意为“学做某事”。

e.g.She is learning to dance.



(1)learn from sb.意为“跟某人学??”。表达此意时, 也可用动词study。

e.g.I want to learn/study English fromyou.


(2)learn from sth.意为“认识到;(从??)吸取教训”。

e.g.I’m sure she’ll learn from her mistakes.


(3)learn about/of意为“听到,得知,获悉”。

e.g.I learnt of/abouther arrival from a close friend.


4.When it snows, the ground is all white andI can make snowmen.


(1)when it snows为when引导的时间状语从句。

(2)make snowmen意为“堆雪人”。英语中,make用法很多, 在动词短语中译法也很多。

e.g.make a mistake 犯错误

make a sentence 造句

make friends 交朋友

make faces 扮鬼脸

make noises 弄出噪声

make dumplings 包饺子

make sure 确信

5.Yesterday it was cloudy all day, but it didn’t rain.


(1)cloudy意为“多云的,阴天”。由“cloud + y”构成,此类构词法为“名词+y→形容词”。 e.g.rain 雨 — rainy 下雨的

fog 雾 — foggy 多雾的


cloud 云 — cloudy 多云的

sun 太阳— sunny 晴朗的

wind 风 — windy 多风的

storm 暴风雨— stormy 暴风雨的

ice 冰 — icy 有冰的(去掉不发音的e再加y)

snow 雪 — snowy 有雪的

其他的表示天气的形容词还有如fine, warm, cold, cool, hot等。

(2)all day意为“整天,全天”。

e.g.Did it rain all day yesterday?


He thinks business all day.


6.If you plan to go for your holidays, you’d better find out the weather in different places in August.



e.g.If it rains tomorrow, I will watch TV at home.


You can pass the exam if you study harder later on.


plan to do sth.表示“计划做某事”,plan作动词时其后接动词不定式;过去式为planned,现在分词为planning,第三人称单数为plans。

e.g.He planned to buya new car last week.


What do you plan to doduring the holiday?


had better do sth.表示“最好做某事”,其否定形式为:had better not do sth.,表示“最好不要做某事”。had可以缩写为“’d”。

e.g.You’d better go to hospital at once.


You had better not missthe last bus.


The temperature is high outside. You’d better not go out.


7.Of course, please remember to wear warm clothes.


remember to do sth.意为“记得做某事”。

e.g.Remember to lock the door before you leave home.

离家之前, 记得要锁门。

比较:remember to do sth.强调某事还未做,要记得去做

remember doing sth.强调某事已做,现在还记得它

e.g.I remember posting the letter.


I remember to postthe letter.


拓展:forget to do sth. 忘记了去做某事

forget doing sth. 忘记了做过某事

e.g.I forget to askhim for his address.


I forgot asking him for his address.


wear为动词(vt.),表示“穿着,戴着”,强调状态,用一般现在时表示经常状态。用现在进行时表示暂时状态。也可以用be in?表示穿着的状态。in后可接表示衣物的词或表示颜色的词,意为“穿着??颜色的衣服”。

e.g.We wear our raincoats on a rainy day.


Is she wearing red clothes?


The girl in pink is my sister.


拓展:put on, be in, dress都有表示“穿,戴”之意,但用法有很大区别。

(1)put on意为“把??穿上(戴上)”,表“穿,戴”的动作,为一时的动作,不能跟表示一段时间的时间状语连用。

e.g.She is putting onher coat.


(转载于:www.smhaida.com 海 达 范 文网:when,winter,comes)

You’d better put on your coat. It’s too cold.


She put on a red coat and went out.


(2)be in表示状态。

e.g.She is in a new dress today.



e.g.The mother is dressing her daughter.


The girl is too young to dress herself.


8.But sometimes in the afternoon, it rains suddenly, but later on, it may get fine again.


(1)句中later on意为“后来,以后,其后,随后”。

e.g.I’m going out later on.


Later on,she could find her key.


(2)get fine意为“天气放晴”,get意为“变得”,是系动词,后跟形容词作表语。

e.g.When winter comes, it is getting colder and colder.

冬天到来时, 天气变得越来越冷了。

It’s getting dark.Let’s go home at once.


拓展:类似的动词还有become, look等。

e.g.That dog looks dangerous.


When spring comes, the days are becoming longer and longer.


9.It is very hot. It often rains and sometimes it rains heavily.


rain heavily 下大雨

a heavy rain 一场大雨

snow heavily 下大雪

a heavy snow 一场大雪

blow hard 刮大风

a strong wind 一场大风

shine brightly 阳光明媚

a sunny day 晴天

e.g.It rains heavily in Fujian today.

=There is a heavy rain in Fujian today.



e.g.I sometimes have presents from him.


It’s sometimes warm and sometimes cool.


10.Fall comes aftersummer.


come after意为“来自??之后”,反义词组为come before意为“来自??之前”。

e.g.Fall comes before winter.


11.Winter lasts from December toFebruary.


(1)last意为“持续”,from December to February意为“从十二月到二月”,表示的是时间段,可以和表示时间段的短语连用。这句话不能说:It comes from December to February.,因为come是非延续性动词。

(2)from? to? 意为“从??到??”。

e.g.Summer lasts from June to August.


同义句为:Summer begins in June and goes on to August.


1.It ________ cold now. It ________ get warmer later.

A.is; is B.is; will

C.will; will D.will; is

2.________ you go to America in winter you need ________ warm clothes.

A.Where; wear B.If; wear

C.Where; to wear D.If; to wear

3.The weather here is fine ________. It’s a good place ________ your holidays.

A.all the year round; spend

B.all the round; spend

C.all the year round; to spend

D.all the round; to spend

4.—How was the weather yesterday?

—It was ________.

A.cloud B.cloudy

C.rain D.snow

5.When it ________, the ground is white ________ snow.

A.snow; with B.cloudy

C.will snow; with D.snows; with

6.________ fine weather!

A.How B.What

C.What a D.How

7.—What’s the weather ________ today?

—It’s ________ warm.

A.like; good and B.likes; nice and

C.like; nice and D.likes; good and

8.Spring ________ and many things ________

A.return; come back to life




第I卷 选择题(共80分)

一、 听力部分(本大题共 20 分,每小题1分)

第一部分 听对话回答问题(计10分)



1. Which animal does Mary like best?




2. Where is Mr. Green going?




3. Which kind of fruit is the cheapest?

A. B.


4. Who wants to know how to search the Internet?


B. C.

5. How many books does Sandy have?

A. 5. B. 14. C. 19.

6. What kind of music does Sam like better?

A . Rock music. B. American country music. C. Chinese pop music.

7. How often does the girl go to the sports club?

A. Once a week. B. Twice a week. C. Three times a week

8. When did Jim get to school this morning?

A. At 7:00. B. At 7: 15. C. At 7:30.

9. What is Millie’s school life like?

A. It is interesting. B. It is busy. C. It is boring.

10. Why can’t the girl watch the cartoons?

A. Because her mother is working.

B. Because her father is reading.

C. Because her mother is sleeping.

第二部分 听对话和短文回答问题(计10分)


11. What will the weather be like tomorrow?

A. Cloudy. B. Rainy. C. Sunny.

12. What may the boy do tomorrow?

A. Have a picnic. B. Read books. C. Play the piano.

14. A. honest B. kind C. helpful

15. A. sharing things B. reading books C. playing football


16. What is a giant panda like?

A. Shy. B. Clever. C. Beautiful.

17. How many pandas are living in foreign countries now?

A. 100. B. 23. C. 12.

18. What can’t Giant pandas do?

A. Catching fish. B. Swimming. C. Climbing trees.

19. Where is the biggest panda reserve?

A. Shan’xi. B. Heilongjiang. C. Sichuan.

20. How many kilos of bamboo does a giant panda eat at least every day?

A. 10. B. 18. C. 20.



21.Chairman Xi Jin ping had_____ excellent talk with Obama in____America last month.

A. a, an B. an;/ C. /; the D.the;/

22. Shanghai is bigger than ______in China and bigger than ______in Japan.

A. any city, any city B. any other city, any city

C. any other city, the other cities D. any city, any other city

23.The trip from the school ________ about two hours by bus. It was too _________.

A. spent, boring B. cost, bored C. took, boring D. took, bored

24.The mother walked into the room______ in order not to wake up her baby

A. quickly B .quietly C .heavily D. fast

25.You should study hard. No one can ______a good future_______you.

A. provide, for B. provide, with C. keep, / D. offer, to have

26. Sandy fell _______ yesterday and now she is _______ hospital.

A. off; in the B. down; in the C. down; in D. /; in the

27. —What should I do when the earthquake happens, Dad?

—First of all, it's important to_______ and hide yourself in the corners of the room.

A. calm down B. put down C. get down D. fall down

28. — The bird watching wasn’t very interesting, was it?

—___________. I saw few birds from the beginning to the end.

A. I agree B. Yes, it was. C. Interesting enough D. No, it wasn’t.

29. Did you see him____a toy plane this morning?

A. made B. make C. be making D. to make

30 — Mr. Lee is an animal lover. He does everything he can______ animals.

— He is a true friend of animals’.

A. hunting B. to hunt C. to protect D. protecting

31. I felt a bit ______ last night and then I fell ______ quickly.

A. sleepy; asleep B. asleep; asleep C. sleepy; sleepy D. asleep; sleepy

32. He didn’t listen to the teacher carefully. ______, he couldn’t answer the questions.

A. For example B. Even though C. As a result D. As usual

33. When winter comes, it is ___snow everywhere and even the big tree is ___deep white snow.

A. full with; covered with B. fill with; covered in

C. full of; covered in D. filled with; cover with A. on, at B. at, on C. by, on D. on,

35.— _________________ ?

— He is kind and helpful. We like him very much.

A. What does your English teacher like B. How do you think of your English teacher

C. How do you like your English teacher D. What do you like about your English teacher

三、完形填空 (共15小题;每小题l分,计15分)


Two men, Mr Smith and Mr Martin were both badly ill. They were in the same room. the only window of the room.

Mr Martin had to spend all his time lying on his back. The men for hours without stopping. They spoke of their families, their times, their jobs.

And every afternoon when Mr Smith could in his bed, he would pass the time by talking to his about all the things that he could see outside the world was made “larger” by the “colorful” Out of the window was a ducks swimming freely on the water, happy children playing around, colorful flowers and big old trees around the lake.

As Mr Smith told him all this, Mr Martin would close his eyes and tried to make the richest pictures for in his mind.

if he could move to the other bed. He was after the nurse said he could. When , as he looked out of the window, he saw nothing but a wall.

Mr Martin asked the nurse what made Mr Smith able to see so many wonderful things outside. The 36.A. training B. meeting C. hotel D. hospital

37. A. out of B. next to C. away from D. well above

38. A. danced B. sang C. walked D. talked

39. A. sit up B. walk around C. stand up D. jump about

40. A. schoolmate B. desk-mate C. roommate D. workmate

41. A. box B. door C. window D. bed

42. A. foreign B. outside C. lonely D. green

43. A. library B. market C. park D. church

44. A. itself B. yourself C. herself D. himself

45. A. weeks B. hours C. minutes D. seconds

46. A. asked B. thanked C. told D. invited

47. A. lucky B.happy C. worried D. serious

48. A. happiness B. joy C. hope D. surprise

49. A. patient B. doctor C. nurse D. friend

50. A. blind B. old C. poor D. ill




High School Musical

Place: Chongqing Grand Theatre

Date: 7:00 p.m. Oct. 20th

Number: 6, Row 9, Floor 1

Price: RMB 80

◆ Don't bring any dangerous things.

◆If you're late, please enter the theatre quietly.

◆The use of cameras and videos is not allowed.

◆Turn off your cell phones or set them to vibration mode(震动模式).

◆Please check your seat number and be seated before the play begins.

◆After the ticket has been sold, there is no refund.

A. 7:00 p.m. B. 9:00 p.m. C. 7:00 a.m. D. 9:00 a.m.

52.Which of the following is TRUE?

A. The seat number is 9, Row 6 B. If you are late, you can’t enter the theatre

C. The price of the ticket is ¥80. D. You can take photos and videos in the theatre.

53. The underlined word "refund" means.

A.入场 B.出场 C.退票 D. 签票


Can we live without salt? No, salt is very important to us, we need salt in our food. Animals need it, too. Do you know how to get salt? Most of the salt in our country comes from the sea. People dig very big pools and let sea water in .When the sun dries up the water, people can get salt from the ground . The salt is white, clean and beautiful.

There are a lot of salt wells(井)in Sichuan. A salt well is much like a water well. People bring the well water up to the ground and then dry it in big jars over fire. In this way, they get salt.

We can also get salt from salt mines(矿). A salt mine may be found under the ground. Some years ago, people in Jiangxi found a big salt mine and soon opened it. People there don’t need salt from other places any more.

In the northwest of our country, there are many salt lakes. Some of these lakes are very big. The salt even in a big lake will be enough for our people for centuries.

54. We get most of the salt from ________.

A. salt lakes B. salt wells C. sea water D. salt mines

55. Not long ago, a big salt mine was founded and opened __________.

A. in Sichuan B. in Jiangxi

C. in the northwest of our country D. under the sea

56. Which statement is NOT TRUE according to the passage?

A. People in Sichuan get salt from salt wells.

B. Salt is white, clean and beautiful.

C. People in Jiangxi get salt from salt mines

D. There are many salt lakes in Fujian.

57. What is this article mainly about?

A. The importance of salt. B. Some ways to get salt.

C. The features of salt. D. The history of salt.


Almost every Chinese person can recite the two lines of the famous poem, “Every grain on the plate comes from hard work(谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦).” But sadly, many of us don’t actually get the real meaning of these lines: Don’t waste food.

A CCTV program, News One Plus One, reported that the food Chinese people throw away every year is much enough to feed 200 million people for a year.

Do we have too much food? Of course not. According to the UN World Food Program, there were 925 million hungry people around the world in 2013, especially in developing countries. Six million children die of hunger every year.

Chinese people are well known for being hospitable(好客的) and generous. Many even feel that they lose face if their guests have eaten all the food on the table.

Luckily, a number of people have realized the importance of saving food. Last November, Li Hong, a waitress in a restaurant in Nanjing, got fired because she took some leftover(剩余的) food home for her son. Many people stood by her and criticized(批评) the waste of food.

What should we do in our daily lives to waste less food? Here are some tips:

1. Do not order too much in a restaurant. Only order as much as you want to eat. If you cannot eat all the food you ordered, take the rest of it home.

2. Don’t be too picky(挑剔的) about food. Some food may not taste great, but your body needs it.

3. Keep an eye on what food you have at home. Don’t buy too much, especially for vegetables and fruit.

58. How many people were hungry in the world in 2013 according to the UN World Food


A. 200 million. B. Six million. C. 925 million. D. 625 million.

59. What does the writer want to show us through Li Hong’s story?

A. Many Chinese restaurants waste a large amount of food.

B. Many Chinese people are kind-hearted and ready to help the weak.

C. Chinese people feel that they lose face if their guests eat all the food.

D. Many Chinese people don’t agree with the behavior of wasting food.

60. According to the passage, we shouldn’t waste food because .

A. food comes from very hard work

B. six million children die of hunger every day

C. there is enough food to feed all the people

D. Chinese are hospitable and generous

61 Which of the following is a good way to save food?

A. Ordering more than you need at a restaurant.

B. Taking home restaurant leftovers.

C. Not knowing what you already have at home when shopping.

D. Not eating the food you don’t like even if it’s healthy.


A man made a nice talking machine(机器).It could weigh people’s weight .The man

wanted to try the machine before he could make a lot of machines. He put the machine into the waiting room of a station. There were always lots of people in and out.

The first one who used the machine was an Indian woman. She stood on the machine, the machine thought for a few seconds to decide which language to speak. “Good morning, Madam.”

篇五:8A Unit7 知识点及习题

8A Unit7 知识点及习题


1.It’s too cold.Bring me my clothes.(思考另一种说法)

bring sb sth; bring sth to sb

2.Do I look cool?(举出更多的系动词例子,造出几个句子,自由发挥)

E.g.闻起来... 听起来...

3.I bet you’ll look cool and feel cool with nothing on!(想想已学过的关于with的用法)E.g.在...的帮助下

4.The Class 1,Grade 8 students are discussing seasons of the year.(找出这句话中你认为重要的语言点)

5.They want to share (what they do)in the different seasons.(思考一下此句的结构)

6.Write about your favourite season.(想一下U6关于write的短语,举出例句来)

7.Which season do you like best,Simon?Which is your favourite season?(另一种说法)

8.It’s the best time to play football outside.(造句:早晨是锻炼的最佳时间)

9.In summer,I can go swimming and enjoy ice cream every day!(思考一下你其他季节的爱好,说出例句)

10.Winter days are full of snow

be full of... (同义短语是什么)

11.When trees and flowers forget to grow.(说出forget to do与forget doing 的不同)

12.And the birds fly far away To find a warm and sunny day.

fly far away(想一下far away 的其他用法)


13.What a perfect time to fly a kite!(思考下用How怎么表达出这个感叹句)

14.Then hide from the April showers.(hide怎么读?有诗意的表达出此句含义)

15.Those sweet memories of summer days

Are about quiet streams and trees and shade

And lazy afternoon by a pool

Eating ice cream to feel cool.(用自己的话表达出此段诗的意思,不要求翻译精准,找出你认为的关键点来)

16.Then autumn leaves turn brown(思考一下turn的词性有几种,分别列出例句) Fall into piles upon the ground.(upon可以用什么替换?)

17.Farmers work to harvest crops(分析此句的结构并翻译) 18.As the days are shorter and the temperature drops.(-10℃怎么表达?)

“ 降到10度以下”怎么表达


19.Soon the snowy season will begin(此句为什么用将来时态?)

20.And it will be a new year once again.(again and agin什么意思?)

用once again造句,自由发挥。

21.rhyme with 与?押韵;与?相谐音(例句)

22.Why do we seldom see birds in winter,Amy?(根据课文给出回答)

23.Can you describe the weather in spring?(用自己的话描述)

It’s cloudy and bright,and in April,the wind may come suddenly.(找出此句中的adj.和adv)

24.How do people feel (on )a hot summer afternoos?(注意in,at,on和时间的用法)

25.They feel busy and like to eat ice cream.(为什么不是like eating)

like to do sth 和like doing sth 区别在哪?

*like to do sth 是偶尔一次的爱好,而like doing sth 是长期性的爱好 26.How does the weather change when autumn comes?(为什么change用原型而come是三单形式)

The leaves turn green and the temperature rises quickly.(rise的过去式是什么?为什么用quickly而不是quick)

27.In winter,white snow covers the whole earth.It is often very cold and the temperature can drop below zero.(cover的词性及U5,U6中学过的用法)

28.The weather is nice in spring.A windy day is perfect for flying a kite.(记住表达方式,并分析给老师听听)

29.They like to play by quiet streams or under the shade of trees.(注意by的用法,列举出与其相关的例句)

30.Farmers are busy harvesting crops.(be busy doing sth)




The temperature drops.

They sing and dance.


Framers harvest crops.

Teachers teach students.



Autumn leaves turn brown.

Ice cream tastes nice.

4.S+V+IO+DO结构:谓语动词为及物动词,后接直接宾语和间接宾语。如果直接宾语和间接宾语位置对调,则要在间接宾语前加介词to 或for。

Hobo brought Eddie his clothes

I took his pen to him.

Hobo built Eddie a tent.(=Hobbo built a tent for Eddie.)


Eddie is watching Hobo work.

I saw Tom climb a tree.


1.It was a perfect day today.There was not a cloud in the sky.Mum was making breakfast for me when I woke up this morning.

2.The clouds became dark.They covered the sun.Luckily,it didn’t rain.

3.It was New Year’s Day.Mum and Dad gave me nice presents,but I was not happy.The

rain was falling from morning till night.I hate rainy days.

4.The sun was shining.I saw some kids kicking the ball in the park.I caught a bad cold.I had a high fever and coughed a lot,so MUm took me to the hospital.It was an awful day.



1. You’re soaked (湿透的)! Did you get caught in the _______ (阵雨)?

2. _____ (在??之上) her head she wore

a black hat.

3. I saw him ___ (当??时) I was coming into the building.

4. There has been a _____ (上升) in ___________ (温度) over the past few days.

5. His blood pressure had _______ (下降).

6. There are four ________ (季节) in a year.

7. There is a lot of ______ (雪) in winter here.

8. —What was the weather like yesterday?

—It was ________ (fog) and ________(wind).

9. It’s _____ (rain) outside. You should take an umbrella.


be full of drop below zero fly far way forget to

harvest crops hide from play among turn green

upon the ground what a perfect time

1.Look!Miss Wang______________these children.They’re very happy.

2.It is getting cold.The temperature _______________________tomorrow

3.Susan __________________do her homework yesterday.She has to finish it now.

4.Farmers work hard in the fields_________________every autumn.

5.When winter comes,birds __________________to find a warm place.

6.The box__________________books.It is so heavy that I cannot carry it.

7.Bees and butterflies ________________the April showers in spring.

8.It is warm and sunny today.________________to go on an outing.

9.When spring comes,trees______________and flowers begin to grow.

10.In autumn,there are many beautiful leaves_____________________.


1.The weather report says it__________(not snow)tomorrow morning.

2.You’d better _________(not take)off your coat.It’s cold here.

3.Father often_______(bring)a newspaper home when he came back.

4.Did you see anybody ________(come)into my office,Mr Clerk?

5.Our English teacher always advised us_______(read)some English stories after class

6.Mother may ____________(shop)on the Internet now.That’s her favourite.

7.I bet it ______(rain)soon.

8.The exchange students__________(go)back to England for Christmas in a few days.

9.It’s fun_________(fly)a kite with friends on a windy and sunny day.

10.These photos make us_______(remember)the days in Canada.

11.___________(eat)ice cream in summer is my favourite.

12.__________all the leaves ___________(turn)brown when autumn comes?

13.Look at the books on the floor.I think they________(fall)off the bookcase.

14.Lots of birds fly to the wetland __________(find)food every year.

15.Our English teacher often encourages us______________(practice)speaking English after class.

16.I ___________(read)a poem about the seasons this morning.

17.Usually the temperature _________(rise)quickly when summer comes.

18.Peter often forgets _________(write)his name on the cover of the notebook.

19.All the farmer are busy________________(harvest)crops these days.

20.There are so many people _______(wait)at the bus stop.

21.The temperature _________(drop)a lot tomorrow because of the strong wind.

22.Jim’s grandparents often __________(listen)to the radio when________(eat) meals.

23.Listen,how hard the wind __________(blow)outside.

24.These days we ________(learn)something about weatherIt’s interesting.

25.The temperature ________(drop)to -8℃ this morning.It’s so cold.

26.Do you still remember ___________(play)snowball fights with us last winter,David?

27.What about_____________(have)a short trip this weekend,Mum?

28.He __________(throw)a snowball at Peter,but__________(miss).

29.---Why _______you __________(not use)a knife to cut the bamboo?

---Good idea!

30.Children always have fun_____________(play)with snow in winter.

31.How heavily it _____________(rain)!

32.Autumn is the time_____________(harvest).



Thank you for___________________________.


You________________________________this T-shit.


I__________________________in summer in the past.


Look at the sky.______________________________.


What ____________________________________tomorrow?


What________________________________________a kite!


In winter,_________________________________________.


People like to__________________________________in summer.


Soon ___________________________once again.



Mother ____________________________________when I______________this morning.


The ______________________________________________________.


Yesterday the rain__________________________________________.


Tom ______________________last week and he______________________for 3 days.


He __________________________________and____________________________.


WE_________________________________________at once.




The snowstorm from the north__________________________________________.


It____________________________________________the week.


The weather ________________________________in different places.


The __________________________________________zero.





People in the streets have to_________________________________________.


Usually a sudden heavy rain__________________________________________.


Do you like to _____________________________________at the weekend?


All the children_________________________________________.


_______________________________________for proplr.


Everyone has to____________________________________.


We___________________________________,screaming and ______________________.


Shall we ______________________________________________________?


What______________________________________________in winter?
