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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 11:33:44 体裁作文



Unit l


11. …的秘诀害怕做某事13.爱上14.肢体语言15.查词;查找16.小菜一碟,很容易的事17.也18.大声跟读19.在…方面把错误20.以便了为了21.句型22.做某事的能力23.英语口语24.注意、关注25.把…和…连或联系起来26.尽力做某事27.害怕28.视…而定,取决于,依靠 29.感到厌烦30.焦虑不安的31.记笔记每次




Unit 2

1.中国春节2.有点,一点儿3.增加体重发胖4.两周后听起来像6.与…相似7.相互,彼此呈…的形状9.在中秋之夜10.射下11. 飞上…12.叫喊;大声说出爱上


18.做…的好时候装扮;乔装打扮20.关心;在意21.开…的玩笑…的精神23. …的重要性24.过去常在做最终成为;最后处于26.使某人想起27.需要中的;困难中的最终成为;最后处于29.在…和…之间30.发放;分发不但…而且…32.认为;想起33.一个…另一个与…分享35.允诺去做36.朝…仍…冲走38.端午节39.中秋节元宵节41.泼水节42.赏月

Unit 3



Unit 4



Unit 5


17.剪纸18.作为…的象征19.被用于…20.上升到;升入被…覆盖22.童话故事23.张贴24.查明;弄清25.例如 手工



Unit 6



9.偶然,意外地全世界11.毫无疑问,的确12.…的本质掉进14.以低价15.梦想 16.劝某人(不)做17.突然,猛地18.从事于,致力于与…类似20.错误地,无意中21.最后22.奥林匹克运动会23.把…分开24.阻止…做…同时26. …的力量27.鼓励某人做某事钦佩,仰慕29.做笔记30.想出31.不仅…而且32.在露天篝火上33.在日常生活中…的款式,样式


Unit 7


13.回想起14.举起15.后悔做了某事16.应付某人自己的生活搬出来18.有机会19.继续做某事20.自己做决定21.不反对22.挡…的路不妨碍允许某人做某事24.关心;在意25.从做某事中学到 对某人要求严格



33.社会工作34.不反对 35.上课迟到



Unit 8



Unit 9

1.既然那样,假使的话 坚持;固守3.总共偶尔地;间或6.关闭;停止运动


12. 悦耳的音乐14.结婚到…末尾


Unit 10



13.host family 14.把…插入到…中去指向


18.有点紧张出席;露面20.犯错误21. 一…就…22.在…两边23.对…感到兴奋24.盼望做某事




1. 上课认真听讲,做好笔记。

2. 上课要尽量举手回答老师的问题。

3. 多做听说练习,尤其是要尝试听一些英语广播,如BBC的英语节目。

4. 牢记一些英语语法规则。

First of all, you must listen to the teacher carefully and take notes in class, and don’t be afraid to speak English in class and after class. Answer the teacher’s questions actively and lively. You must talk to your classmates in English as much as possible. Especially you must try to listen to some English radio programs, for example, BBC and VOA. You must memorize some grammar rules. They are also important in learning English.


根据提示:简要介绍你的朋友Jane 的成长变化。

提示:1. 爱好: 以前喜欢打乒乓球,看电视和聊天;现在喜欢弹钢琴、看书和散步。

2. 外貌:过去个子矮,短发;现在个子高多了,长发。

3. 性格:过去外向;现在有些内向。


My friend Jane is now different from what she used to be. She has changed a lot. She used to like playing table tennis, but now she enjoys playing the piano. She used to watch TV or chat with others after supper, but now she usually reads books or has a walk. She is much taller than before. She used to have short hair, but now she has long hair. She is a little quiet and not outgoing now.



1. 阅览室开放时间:



2. 不准在阅览室内声音朗读。

3. 不准在阅览室里吃零食(snacks)。

4. 不准在阅览室里使用手机。

5. 不准在阅览室里吸烟。

6. 不准把书和杂志带出阅览室。

要求:1. 词数为80左右;2. 开头和结尾已写好,不计人总词数。

Attention, please! I’d like to tell you something about the rules of the school reading room. The reading room is open between 8:00 am and 11:30 am on Saturdays. After you enter the reading room, you should keep it clean and quiet. Firstly, you are not allowed to read aloud or have snacks; secondly, you are not allowed to use your cell phones or smoke; finally, you are not allowed to take the books or magazines out of the reading room. I hope everyone can obey the rules. That’s all. Thank you.


假如你有一百万美元,你将用来干什么?请以“If I were a millionaire”为题写一篇80词左右的短文。

If I were a Millionaire

If I had a million dollars, I would give all of them out. I think teachers are the most hard working people, so I would give my teachers four hundred thousand dollars, then they could live better lives. I would give our school another four hundred thousand dollars to make our schoolyard much more beautiful and our school itself much stronger than before. I would give the rest to my parents, they are peasants and they are still living under the poverty line, I would make them enjoy themselves. How good if I had a million dollars!



提示词:knock n.&ν. 敲;击

couldn’t be my father or mother, because they were staying at home. It couldn’t be a thief. The thief was afraid, and he couldn’t knock at the door. It may be my neighbor. Maybe he wanted some help, Oh, it must be my aunt. She likes knocking at the door at midnight.



It was sunny last Sunday. Tom and Tim played football near their home. Suddenly they saw an old man coming towards them with a heavy bag. He looked too tired to go on walking. So they stopped playing and ran to help him to carry the heavy bag. The old man was so happy that he thanked them again and again. Tom and Tim answered with one voice,“We are ready to help others.”






4.你最喜欢My Heart Will Go On 这首歌,希望能得到歌词。



Dear Sir/Madam,

I am a middle school student. I often listen to your music programme. I like the programme

very much, especially the English songs.

As a student, I am busy with my studies. When I feel tired, I’ll turn on the radio and listen to your programme. I’ve also learned many English words from these songs.

Of all the English songs, I like My Heart Will Go On best. Would you please send me the words of the song? Thank you!



中文提示:桂林位于广西北部,以风景优美而闻名于世;山清水秀,环境干净、整洁;每年有许多游客坐船游览漓江风光,免费乘坐公共汽车游览市区各景点;在桂林过得很愉快。 英文提示:population600,000,environment,fresh, on free buses



My dear friends;

Today I’d like to introduce our beautiful Gulin to you.

Gulin is a beautiful city . It’s in the south of Guangxi. Its is more than 600,000. Gulin is famous in the world for its beautiful scenery such as its mountains and lots of rivers. The water is clean and the mountains are green. The air is fresh. The people here do their best to protect the environment. More and more tourists including Chinese and foreigners are coming to visit Gulin. You can visit not only the Li River by boat but also the scenic spots on free buses. You’ll never forget the wonderful feelings. Welcome to Gulin!


当今社会有很多杰出的志愿工作者,他们用汗水诠释着他们的人生。请你以“Being a Volunteer is Great”为题写一篇短文。




Being a Volunteer is Great

Everyone in China is trying his best to get ready for helping other people. As a student in a middle school, what should we do? The answer is “Being a volunteer is great!”

First of all, doing something useful to keep our environment clean is necessary. We can help the cleaners clean up the streets, parks, rivers and so on. We can also tell the children to throw the rubbish into the dustbin.

Second, we must follow the traffic rules. Wait till the traffic lights turn green. Don’t jump the line when waiting for buses.

Third, we should learn to be polite and friendly to others. Have you ever offered your seat to a woman with a baby? Have you ever helped an old man carry his heavy bag? And have you ever given a hand to a disabled person? Help those who are in trouble, and our society will become more and more beautiful.


If everyone makes his or her contribution, it will be more successful. So get ready for helping!


电脑越来越成为人们生活的必需品,请以Computers--- one of the most helpful inventions 为题写一篇英语小短文。



Computers--- one of the most helpful inventions

Computers help people do everything and seldom make any mistakes. They are becoming more and more popular and important. They are used at home and at work. They are used by children and adults.

Computers can be used to write and draw. People can play games on computers. They can not only store information that we need but also help us to send message quickly and convenient. Besides that, we can chat or do something shopping by using them. The computer is really one of the most helpful inventions in the world.


你最倒霉的是哪一天?在那一天你经历了什么?请你以My Most Unlucky Day为题,写一篇60~70词的短文。

My Most Unlucky Day

Today was my most unlucky day. I stayed up late until 1:00 am because of an NBA match. My alarm clock didn’t go off this morning. After I got up, I found it was 7:30 am. I hurried to the bus station, but the early bus had already left. I had to rush all the way to my school. But just then, I found I was wearing the wrong shoes. They were different. But I had no time. When I got to school, I realized that I had left my backpack at home. Just hen , the bell for class rang. I had to walk into the classroom without my backpack and without breakfast. Then the teacher came to me, he stood before me for a few seconds. At last he went away shaking his head.


爱是心中的太阳,融化你我身边的冰雪。假设你是李明,你们学校的“English Garden”正在主办主题为“付出即是收获”的征文活动,请你联系自己平时的爱心行为和感受写一篇文章投稿。



参考词汇:help, clean up, an old people’s home, make?happy

Giving is Receiving

I’m a student from Green Middle School. My name is Li Ming. I like helping others because I think it makes me very happy. I often help my classmates with their schoolwork. Sometimes I help clean up city parks. I go to the old people’s home and do some cleaning for them once a month. So I’m pretty popular there. I often visit the children’s hospital to cheer the sick kids up. I read stories and sing songs for them. I’m good with children. I also give money to charities to help people in trouble. I think giving is receiving. Helping others is helping ourselves. Do you agree with me?



① Unit 1 Section B 3c 范文 How do I learn English?

English aloud after I get up.I practice my by watching English language videos.Every Friday afternoon I go to the English club to practice conversations with friends.I think it helps me with my speaking skills.Oh,keeping a diary in English is also helpful.

In my free time,I usually listen to English songs.It also helps.Now I can sing many Englilsh?Can you tell me?

②Self Check Activity 2范文

Xu Zheng is a middle school student.He won a prize for his essay about English.He likes taking notes,watching movies

and listening to pop native speakers speak English too quickly.He often learns English by

making up conveersations and speaking to friends in English.He thinks

most people speak English as a second language.English is used around the world for computers and also used in science.Englilsh can help us understand many new books and movies.

③Unit2 Section B 3c作文范文

My life has changed a lot.When I was in primary school,I used to study four subjects,but now I have seven subjects.I used to like math,but now I find it so difficult for me.I used to like tests,but now I hate them.When I was young,there is little homework every day.So I had much time to play.But now I?m a middle school student.I have to study hard all day.

④Self Check 范文

It seems that Yu Mei has changed a lot.She used to be short when she was younger,but now she is much taller.She used to have long,curly hair,but now she has short,straight hair.She used to play soccer,but now

she plays tennis.Yu Mei used to be quiet and serious,but now she is outing

and friendly.We all like her very much.We are good friends.

⑤Unit 3 Self Check 范文

Dear Editor,

I would like to reply the article “Helping and Learning”in your last newsletter.I agree with some ideas and disagree with others.The article going to an old people?s home.I agree,and we should have a special day to help others.By doing this,we can understand the society more.But I disagree that students should be allowed to have Friday afternoon off to volunteer and help others.I think we can do that on Saturday and Sunday.As for Friday afternoon,we should join different clubs.That would be more fun!

Yours sincerely,

⑥Unit 4Self Check范文

Dear Fran,

I?ve got your e-mail.After I read your e-mail,I just want to give you some advice.

she has confidence in herself,she won?t be terrified of speaking in front of it?s a good chance to practice English.Don?t take it as a your friend is really hard at everything,though she fails,nobody will blame on her.Your friends and other students will ?s inportant to take part in the activity,but not the results.I really hope your friend will win this contest.Wait for your good news.



⑦Unit 5 Section B 3b范文

Then we interviewed some other neighbors.Everyone had their own ideas.Chu family said, “last night,we found footsteps in the hallway.We thought it might be the neighbors,so we didn?t mind it at all.”Lao Zheng said, “noise.But I couldn?t find anyone.At last,I thought it might be the wind.”Xiao Ning said, “Each time when I get home,I can find garbage in front of my house,so I think it might be cats which often eat near my home.”

Unit 6

Section B 3c

The Adventure of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain.Tom is there are is an outsider and everyone is afraid of him.Becky is pretty with fair hair,Joe is Tom?s best friend,and Injun Joe is the bad man of the story.

the story is about children growing up.It describes how strangers are seen in small towns of America.Finally,it talks about freedom,social rules and how people are punished for bad behavior. know you?ll enjoy it,too.

Self Check 2

Dear Lingling,

?m I also love to see ?ve never seen an Indian film.Besides,I often do sports to build up my body and keep healthy.But most time I like to read books on science.Another thing,I usually eat fruit and vegetables,sometimes meat and fish.I?m sure that it ? Yours, Pen pal

Unit 7

Section B 3b Dear S.T. Zhang,

then you can enjoy ?,you can rent Enjoy yourselves.


Ace Travel

Section 4 Self Check 2

I?can also relax and have a look at the I can take the subway all the time go get around the city and the people there are really friendly.There are Unit 8 Section B 2

Sally Brown is a young woman who wants to be a professional singer.As a volunteer,she sings at a local hospital to cheep up sick people and also sings at school.But for singing jobs also called up parents offering singing lessons for children.Now she will be able to continue her lessons and become a professional singer.

Dear Liz,

I was so happy to recerve your letter.Thank you very much for writing to tell me about Lucky.I would really love to come and visit you one day and see how I Lucky helps you.I?d also like to help you some more because I have some extra time at the moment.Perhaps I could help you at home,or do some work for ?Animal Helpers.?I?d enjoy watching them train the animals too.I?ll call them one day soon.

Here is my phone number:486-3852.Please call me so we can arrange a time for me to visit.

Best wishes, Ming Li

Unit 9

Section B 3b

From pie plate to flying disk

The flying disk was invented by college students.It was a new toy

Unit 10 Section B 3b

Nick ?s alarm went off.He got up and took a building was empty.An hour later the other kids showed up.

Then alarm an hour early.

Self Check 2

10:00.She thought she and she by bike.By the time she arrived at school she realized it was Sunday.She told it to her friend.They she had supper with her grandparents.After supper she watched TV in the living room.At ten o?clock,she went to sleep.




① Unit 1 Section B 3c 范文

How do I learn English? I think the best way to learn English is to use it.Every morning I read English aloud after I get up.I practice my listening friends.I think it helps me with my speaking skills.Oh,keeping a diary in English is also helpful. In my free time,I usually listen to English songs.It also helps.Now I can sing many English songs.What do you think is the best way to learn Englilsh?Can you tell me?

②Self Check Activity 2范文

English.He likes taking English too quickly.He often learns English by making up conveersations and speaking to friends in English.He thinks most people speak English as a second language.English is used around the world for computers and also used in science.Englilsh can help us understand many new books and movies.

③Unit2 Section B 3c作文范文

My life has changed a lot.When I was in primary school,I used to study four subjects,but now I have seven subjects.I used to like math,but now I find it so difficult for me.I used to like tests,but now I hate them.When I was young,there is little homework every day.So I had much time to play.But now I’m a middle school student.I have to study hard all day.

④Self Check 范文

It seems that Yu Mei has changed a lot.She used to be short when she was younger,but now she is much taller.She used to have long,curly hair,but now she has short,straight hair.She used to play soccer,but now she plays tennis.Yu Mei used to be quiet and serious,but now she is outing and friendly.We all like her very much.We are good friends.

⑤Unit 3 Self Check 范文

Dear Editor,

I would like to reply the article “Helping and Learning”in your last newsletter.I agree with some ideas and disagree going to an old people’s home.I agree,and we should have a special day to help others.By doing this,we can understand the society more.But I disagree that students should be allowed to have Friday afternoon off to volunteer and help others.I think we can do that on Saturday and Sunday.As for Friday afternoon,we should join different clubs.That would be more fun!

Yours sincerely,

⑥Unit 4Self Check范文

Dear Fran,

I’ve got your e-mail.After I read your e-mail,I just want to give you some advice. First,I think you should help your friend Mei set up her confidence.If she has confidence in herself,she won’t be terrified of speaking in front of other people.Second,it’s a good chance to practice English.Don’t take it as a ’s inportant to take part in the activity,but not the results.I really hope your friend will win this contest.Wait for your good news.

Yours, Knowledgeable ⑦Unit 5 Section B 3b范文

Then we interviewed some other neighbors.Everyone had their own ideas.Chu family said, “last night,we found

footsteps in the hallway.We thought it might be the neighbors,so we didn’t mind it at all.”Lao Zheng said, “I thought someone trying to go get in the window when I heard the noise.But I couldn’t find anyone.At last,I thought it might be the wind.”Xiao Ning said, “Each time when I get home,I can find garbage in front of my house,so I think it might be cats which often eat near my home.”

Unit 6

Section B 3c

’s best friend,and Injun Joe is the bad man of the story. The theme of the story is about children growing up.It describes how strangers are seen in small towns of

America.Finally,it talks about freedom,social rules and how people are punished for bad behavior. ’ll enjoy it,too.

Self Check 2

Dear Lingling,

’m glad I to learn some French,too.Unfortunately,I’ve never seen an Indian film.Besides,I often do sports to build up my body and keep healthy.But most time I like to read

books on science.Another thing,I usually eat fruit and vegetables,sometimes meat and fish.I’m sure that it will keep me healthy.A healthy body is the most


Pen pal

Unit 7

Section B 3b

Dear S.T. Zhang,

I’d like you to travel to Dalian.Here are the reasons.First,you can enjoy the fascinating sights on the seaside,and then you can enjoy swimming and hiking.Second,there are different kinds of hotels where they provide you with food that you ’ Enjoy yourselves.

Yours, Ace Travel

Self Check 2


九年级英英语作文范例 ① Unit 1 Section B 3c 范文 How do I learn English?

morning I read English aloud after I get up.I practice my by watching English language videos.Every Friday afternoon I go to the English club to practice conversations with friends.I think it helps me with my speaking skills.Oh,keeping a diary in English is also helpful.

In my free time,I usually listen to English songs.It also ②Self Check Activity 2范文

Xu Zheng is a middle school student.He won a prize English.He likes taking notes,watching movies and listening to pop speakers speak English too quickly.He often learns English by making up conveersations and speaking to friends in English.He thinks most people speak English as a second language.English is used around the world for computers and also used in science.Englilsh can help us understand many new books and movies.

③Unit2 Section B 3c作文范文

My life has changed a lot.When I was in primary school,I used to study four subjects,but now I have seven subjects.I used to like math,but now I find it so difficult for me.I used to like tests,but now I hate them.When I was young,there is little homework every day.So I had much time to play.But now I?m a middle school student.I have to study hard all day.

④Self Check 范文

It seems that Yu Mei has changed a lot.She used to be short when she was younger,but now she is much taller.She used to have long,curly hair,but now she has short,straight hair.She used to play soccer,but now she plays tennis.Yu Mei used to be quiet and serious,but

now she is outing and friendly.We all like her very much.We are good friends. ⑤Unit 3 Self Check 范文 Dear Editor,

I would like to reply the article “Helping and Learning”in your last newsletter.I agree with some ideas and disagree with others.The article said that students going to an old people?s home.I agree,and we should have a special day to help others.By doing this,we can understand the society more.But I disagree that students should be allowed to have Friday afternoon off to volunteer and help others.I think we can do that on Saturday and Sunday.As for Friday afternoon,we should

join different clubs.That would be more fun! Yours sincerely,

⑥Unit 4Self Check范文 Dear Fran,

I?ve got your e-mail.After I read your e-mail,I just want to give you some advice.

confidence.If she has confidence in herself,she won?t be it?s a good chance to practice English.Don?t take it as a your friend is really hard at everything,though she fails,nobody will blame on

her.Your friends and other students will understand ?s inportant to take part in the activity,but not the results.I really hope your friend will win this

contest.Wait for your good news. Yours,


⑦Unit 5 Section B 3b范文

Then we interviewed some other neighbors.Everyone had their own ideas.Chu family said, “last night,we found footsteps in the hallway.We thought it might be the neighbors,so we didn?t mind it at all.”Lao Zheng said, “when I heard the noise.But I couldn?t find anyone.At last,I thought it might be the wind.”Xiao Ning said, “Each time when I get home,I can find garbage in front

of my house,so I think it might be cats which often eat near my home.” Unit 6 Section B 3c

is The Adventure of Tom and everyone is afraid of him.Becky is pretty with fair hair,Joe is Tom?s best friend,and Injun Joe is the bad man of the story.

describes how strangers are seen in small towns of America.Finally,it talks about freedom,social rules and how people are punished for bad behavior.

?ll enjoy it,too. Self Check 2 Dear Lingling,

your letter.How are you?I have just finished the exams.I?m glad I have time to write to I also love to see really want to learn some French,too.Unfortunately,I?ve never seen an Indian film.Besides,I often do sports to build up my body and keep healthy.But most time I like to read books on science.Another thing,I usually eat fruit and

vegetables,sometimes meat and fish.I?m sure that it will keep me healthy.A healthy body is the most ? Yours, Pen pal Unit 7 Section B 3b Dear S.T. Zhang,

are the then you can enjoy you don?,you can rent so you

can cook meals by yourselves.Since you have about Enjoy yourselves. Yours, Ace Travel Self Check 2

I?d like to go to a beautiful place.I think it would be zoo and have a look at the I can take the subway all the time go get around the city and the people there are really
