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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 19:18:34 体裁作文



It was the afternoon of April 1. The bell rang __1__ the end of school. The students __2__ their books into their bags. They were ready __3__ home.

Just at the moment, their English teacher came into the classroom and said to them, “Hello, boys and girls. Now go over the English lessons, and we'll have a test __4__ half an hour.” __5__ these words, she left.

The students looked at each other in surprise. How sudden! The teacher had never told them they would have a test, yet they took out their English books and began to work hard.

They studied and studied. It was getting dark, __6__ the teacher hadn’t come yet!

The monitor went out to the teachers’ office. __7__ minutes later, the English teacher came in with a smile. But she had __8__ in her hand!

“I’m sorry, but do you know __9__?” she said.

After the students heard this, they couldn’t help __10__ and saying “April Fools!”

( )1. A. on B. In C. for D. at

( )2. A. put B. were put C. would put D. were putting

( )3. A. to go B. go C. going D. went

( )4. A. in B. after C. later D. out

( )5. A. Without B. With C. For D. In

( )6. A. and B. but C. or D. so

( )7. A. Few B. A few C. Little D. A little

( )8. A. something B. nothing C. everything D. anything

( )9. A. what day is today B. what day today is C. what’s the date D. what the date is

( )10. A. laugh B. to laugh C. laughed D. laughing


There is good news for the children in the countryside. We may still remember the girl __1__ big eyes. Her big eyes are __2__ us her dream: I wish to __3__! In China, there are still __4__ girls and boys like her. They want to go to school, but their __5__ are too poor. If the family has two or three children, it is hard to __6__ the money for all the children. So the parents often ask __7__ to stay at home, and boys to go to school.

Now they needn’t __8__ the money. From 2006 on, children can go to school for free

in some poor places. They don’t have to pay for books and other things. Some of them can even get money from the government to make their life __9__. Soon, all the children in the countryside can go to school for free. All families are very happy with the news. It is __10__ great.

( )1. A. with B. on C. to D. in

( )2. A. saying B. telling C. speaking D. talking

( )3. A. go to work B. go to bed C. go to school D. go home

( )4. A. a lot B. lot of C. a lot of D. much

( )5. A. schools B. cities C. houses D. families

( )6. A. pay B. take C. buy D. lend

( )7. A. teachers B. girls C. boys D. all the children

( )8. A. look up B. turn on C. worry about D. make sure

( )9. A. better B. shorter C. longer D. worse

( )10. A. not B. never C. hardly D. really


Secrets are everywhere in the world outdoors. Quite a lot of people are busy __1__ them because they are so interesting. All __2__ us are birds, animals, trees and flowers. The facts about how they live and grow are as interesting as anything could be.

Do you know that one of the great presidents of the U.S.A. spent hours and hours studying birds? A businessman who lives near New York City became so interested in insects that he began to __3__ them. He now has over one thousand different kinds carefully kept in glass boxes.

secret of beauty

Come __4__ me, and I will help you find some of nature’s secrets. Let’s go quickly __5__ the woods and fields. Here we shall find how a rabbit __6__ the other rabbits that there is danger. We shall follow a mother bear and her young ones as they search for food and get ready for their long winter __7__. We shall watch bees dancing in air to let the other bees know where they can find food. I will show you __8__ interesting things, but the best thing that I can teach you is to keep eyes __9__ when you go __10__. Nature tells her secrets only to people who look and listen carefully.

( )1. A. searching B. keeping C. studying D. looking for

( )2. A. out B. around C. among D. besides

( )3. A. capture B. catch C. collect D. keep

( )4. A. along B. into C. at D. with

( )5. A. through B. over C. into D. on

( )6. A. says B. tells C. asks D. speaks

( )7. A. rest B. trip C. holiday D. sleep

( )8. A. other many B. many other C. some others D. much other ( )9. A. open B. closed C. listening D. big

( )10. A. into B. inside C. between D. out


An old carpenter(木匠) is ready to retire(退休). He tells his boss he is going to leave the house-building business and live a happy life with his wife.

The boss is __1__ to see his good worker go and asks if he can build just one more house as a personal favor(按个人的心愿). The carpenter says yes, but __2__ is easy to see that his heart is not in his work this time. He works very __3__.

When the carpenter __4__ his work, the boss comes to see the house. He hands the front-door key to the carpenter.

“This is your house,” he says, “my gift to you.” The carpenter is __5__! What a shame! If he knows he is building his own house, he is sure to do it very carefully.

So it is with us, we build our lives every day. We often put __6__ our best into the building. Then to our surprise we realize we have to live in the house we have built. If we can do it again, we will do it very carefully. __7__ we cannot go back.

You are the carpenter. Each day you hammer a nail, place a board, or put up a wall. “__8__ is a do-it-yourself project,” someone has said. Your attitudes(态度) and __9__ choices you make today, build the “house” you live __10__ tomorrow. Build wisely!

( )1. A. happy B. afraid C. sorry D. sure

( )2. A. it B. he C. the boss D. the carpenter

( )3. A. carefully B. carelessly C. wisely D. hard

( )4. A. begins B. finds C. looks for D. finishes

( )5. A. angry B. surprised C. satisfied D. happy

( )6. A. more than B. less than C. no more than D. no less than ( )7. A. But B. And C. Or D. So

( )8. A. House B. Work C. Carpenter D. Life

( )9. A. a B. / C. our D. the

( )10. A. on B. for C. upon D. in


Some __1__ people are worrying about acnes(青春痘) on their faces, and some are worrying about their figures. Do you know what __2__ the secret of beauty is? __3__

smile and health, and then you may find the answer.

Maybe you are not __4__ with your big nose, your small eyes or your weight. Don't waste energy and feelings on the way you look. In fact when you become an __5__ and look at pictures of your past time, you will find how cute you are.

__6__ is the best way to make you beautiful. When people are happy, they look nice. When people smile or laugh from the __7__ of their hearts, they look very beautiful.

Don't worry about your weight too much. Don't __8__ food for it. No one can live __9__ health. So you need to drink lots of water, eat a healthy diet and do enough exercise.

When you accept what you have __10__ and enjoy them, you will really become pretty “inside and out”.

( )1. A. old B. young C. big D. small

( )2. A. on the earth B. in the earth C. on earth D. in earth

( )3. A. Think out B. Think up C. Think over D. Think of

( )4. A. satisfied B. satisfy C. satisfying D. satisfactory

( )5. A. old B. young C. child D. adult

( )6. A. Happy B. Happying C. Happiness D. Happiest

( )7. A. top B. bottom C. foot D. head

( )8. A. accept B. receive C. refuse D. get

( )9. A. without B. with C. hasn’t D. has

( )10. A. own B. owned C. owning D. owns


James is a Middle School student. He likes __1__ and hopes to be a pop star. He often __2__ some books about music and wears some strange clothes. And his hair is so __3__ that somebody thinks he’s a girl.

One day the teacher __4__ something on the blackboard. But the young man couldn't __5__ anything. He was afraid and went to a __6__ after school. There were many people in the waiting room. He had to __7__. When it was his turn, he came in the doctor’s __8__.

“What's wrong with you, miss?” asked the doctor.

“Sorry, sir,” James said with a __9__ face. “I’m a boy. I have poor sight(视力) this week.”

“Go to the barber’s(理发店) first, young man,” said the doctor. “I can't find your __10__ at all.”

( )1. A. playing B. swimming C. studying D. singing

( )2. A. makes B. buys C. shows D. touches

( )3. A. long B. short C. nice D. yellow

( )4. A. read B. talked C. wrote D. counted

( )5. A. hear B. listen to C. see D. look at

( )6. A. river B. cinema C. shop D. hospital

( )7. A. wait B. stand C. leave D. finish

( )8. A. bedroom B. office C. home D. classroom

( )9. A. black B. green C. red D. white

( )10. A. ears B. eyes C. nose D. teeth


Ayers Rock is right in the center of Australia. It's nearly two thousand kilometers __1__ Sydney, so we flew most of the way. It was rather cloudy __2__. But after we left the mountains behind us, there was hardly a cloud in the sky. Most of the land below __3__ sand, though dad told me it is greener than you think. “There are a lot of sheep down there,” he said, “but __4__ people!”

Ayers Rock is a large, low mountain. The day after we arrived, we got up early in the morning before the sun __5__. We started climbing up before it was light. It gets too hot for climbing later. Lower down, __6__ Ayers Rock, most of the ground is covered with forest and grass, and there are even __7__ small rivers. But when you climb higher, you’ll find nothing grows there at all. We didn’t reach the top __8__ it was too hot. __9__ is sand. In the evening, when the sun goes down, the sand is almost red. The sky is red too, so it is very, very beautiful. __10__ we only stayed there for a few days, we had a great time.

( )1. A. near B. from C. away D. for

( )2. A. at first B. at last C. first D. in the end

( )3. A. looked B. looked as C. looked like D. liked

( )4. A. almost any B. almost many C. nearly D. hardly any

( )5. A. rose B. rises C. risen D. was rising

( )6. A. at the top of B. on top of C. at the foot of D. on foot of ( )7. A. a little B. few C. a few D. little

( )8. A. so B. and yet C. though D. because

( )9. A. Around all it B. All around it C. It around all D. All it around ( )10. A. Since B. For C. As D. Though

篇二:The Secret Garden (2)

学院:英语学院 姓名:张碧微 学号:2103120131

The Secret Garden

In this novel,the secret garden is a transition part.From the garden,we can see many changes:the change of itself,the change of Mary and the change of Collin.All of these are due to the garden.In my opinion,the secret garden symbolized the dreahope.Since Mary found the garden,which means she also found the dream and hope.Life is hopeful and full of beauty if we find and observe it.And if we dig deeper,we can get the theme of the novel:life itself is a magic,so the power to change everything is the love for the life,which is the original power of life.

One of my teacher once said something about the novel:“The whole world is a garden,as long as you try ,you can always find the wonderful beauty.”

I first read it when I was in high school.To me,it was just a short interesting story for a child to read at that time.But now,I know I was wrong.Although it’s a novel of children’s literature ,what it reflects is really very meaningful and deep.Now,we are no longer a child,however,it’s worthwhileto read it again to get some light on your mind and more important is to keep your dream,hope and love towards life.m and the


An old carpenter(木匠) is ready to retire(退休). He tells his boss he is going to leave the house-building business and live a happy life with his wife.

The boss is __1__ to see his good worker go and asks if he can build just one more house as a personal favor(按个人的心愿). The carpenter says yes, but __2__ is easy to see that his heart is not in his work this time. He works very __3__.

When the carpenter __4__ his work, the boss comes to see the house. He hands the front-door key to the carpenter.

“This is your house,” he says, “my gift to you.” The carpenter is __5__!

What a shame! If he knows he is building his own house, he is sure to do it very carefully.

So it is with us, we build our lives every day. We often put __6__ our best into the building. Then to our surprise we realize we have to live in the house we have built. If we can do it again, we will do it very carefully. __7__ we cannot go back.

You are the carpenter. Each day you hammer a nail, place a board, or put up a wall. “__8__ is a do-it-yourself project,” someone has said. Your attitudes(态度) and __9__ choices you make today, build the “house” you live __10__ tomorrow. Build wisely! ( )1. A. happy ( )2. A. it

B. afraid B. he

C. sorry C. the boss

D. sure

D. the carpenter

( )3. A. carefully ( )4. A. begins ( )5. A. angry

B. carelessly B. finds B. surprised

C. wisely C. looks for C. satisfied

D. hard D. finishes D. happy

( )6. A. more than B. less than ( )7. A. But ( )8. A. House ( )9. A. a ( )10.

A. on

B. And B. Work B. / B. for

C. no more than D. no less than C. Or C. Carpenter C. our C. upon

D. So D. Life D. the D. in


Some __1__ people are worrying about acnes(青春痘) on their faces, and some are worrying about their figures. Do you know what __2__ the secret of beauty is? __3__ smile and health, and then you may find the answer.

Maybe you are not __4__ with your big nose, your small eyes or your weight. Don't waste energy and feelings on the way you look. In fact when you become an __5__ and look at pictures of your past time, you will find how cute you are.

__6__ is the best way to make you beautiful. When people are happy, they look nice. When people smile or laugh from the __7__ of their hearts, they look very beautiful.

Don't worry about your weight too much. Don't __8__ food for it. No one can live __9__ health. So you need to drink lots of water, eat a healthy diet and do enough exercise.

When you accept what you have __10__ and enjoy them, you will really become pretty “inside and out”. ( )1. A. old

B. young

C. big

D. small D. in earth

( )2. A. on the earth B. in the earth C. on earth ( )3. A. Think out ( )4. A. satisfied ( )5. A. old ( )6. A. Happy ( )7. A. top ( )8. A. accept ( )9. A. without ( )10.


A. own

B. Think up B. satisfy B. young B. Happying B. bottom B. receive B. with B. owned

C. Think over D. Think of C. satisfying C. child C. Happiness C. foot C. refuse C. hasn’t C. owning

D. satisfactory D. adult D. Happiest D. head D. get D. has D. owns

James is a Middle School student. He likes __1__ and hopes to be a pop star. He often __2__ some books about music and wears some strange clothes. And his hair is so __3__ that somebody thinks he’s a girl. One day the teacher __4__ something on the blackboard. But the

young man couldn't __5__ anything. He was afraid and went to a __6__ after school. There were many people in the waiting room. He had to __7__. When it was his turn, he came in the doctor’s __8__. “What's wrong with you, miss?” asked the doctor.

“Sorry, sir,” James said with a __9__ face. “I’m a boy. I have poor sight(视力) this week.”

“Go to the barber’s(理发店) first, young man,” said the doctor. “I can't find your __10__ at all.” ( )1. A. playing ( )2. A. makes ( )3. A. long ( )4. A. read ( )5. A. hear ( )6. A. river ( )7. A. wait ( )8. A. bedroom ( )9. A. black ( )10.


A. ears

B. swimming B. buys B. short B. talked B. listen to B. cinema B. stand B. office B. green B. eyes

C. studying C. shows C. nice C. wrote C. see C. shop C. leave C. home C. red C. nose

D. singing D. touches D. yellow D. counted D. look at D. hospital D. finish D. classroom D. white D. teeth

Ayers Rock is right in the center of Australia. It's nearly two thousand

kilometers __1__ Sydney, so we flew most of the way. It was rather cloudy __2__. But after we left the mountains behind us, there was hardly a cloud in the sky. Most of the land below __3__ sand, though dad told me it is greener than you think. “There are a lot of sheep down there,” he said, “but __4__ people!”

Ayers Rock is a large, low mountain. The day after we arrived, we got up early in the morning before the sun __5__. We started climbing up before it was light. It gets too hot for climbing later. Lower down, __6__ Ayers Rock, most of the ground is covered with forest and grass, and there are even __7__ small rivers. But when you climb higher, you’ll find nothing grows there at all. We didn’t reach the top __8__ it was too hot. __9__ is sand. In the evening, when the sun goes down, the sand is almost red. The sky is red too, so it is very, very beautiful. __10__ we only stayed there for a few days, we had a great time. ( )1. A. near ( )2. A. at first ( )3. A. looked

B. from B. at last B. looked as

C. away C. first

D. for D. in the end

C. looked like D. liked

D. hardly any D. was rising

( )4. A. almost any B. almost many C. nearly ( )5. A. rose

B. rises

C. risen

( )6. A. at the top of B. on top of ( )7. A. a little ( )8. A. so

B. few B. and yet

C. at the foot of D. on foot of C. a few C. though

D. little D. because

篇四:the secret of clothing

Today's world has witness a geat prosperous exist in our daily cloth,these might be the examples.So with great fashion sweeping over our beauty concept,how can I make sure I have got the right one--the right one you have properly dressed in a right occasion.?that means knowing what to dress in different occasions is just as important as how to dress yourself.Or you may be like this.

so what to dress when you are in different occasions?let's have a look at this.

You may know sweater ,skirt ,jacket,but how about this. We call them evening dresses.the evening dress mostly appear in higher-end places,like evening dine party,or ceremony.they are such a kind of dess with long skirt,their length can reach to our heels.and the most solemn evening dress is a black one .A flowing and good sense of weeping evening dress is what every good evening dress designer has pursued.and different culture this kind of dress can various a lot. Now ,you may have a general impression on a evening dress,but can you recognize this?what are them,and them are for what occasions. Afternoon dress ,yes,their name is Afternoon dress ,you can see it in every formal occasion,Press conference,Official visits,for example.it seems more be flexible than evening dress.So there are many different kinds.Like this ,this ...

Tiny dress is a kind of small,cute dress,they much more suitable for informal occasions, especially with those you are familiar with.like a birthday party,or a vacation. even it was OK if you dress them in your daily life.

Fine feathers make fine birds.But the brilliant birds also should know how to make use of their feathers,Lovely dressing can makes you looks beautiful,but it also can ruin you if were in a wrong cloth.

At last ,I should say ,every one have a sense of beauty, and admire others' beauty as well.

Thankyou all!



A3F[on]艾三 Academie爱琪美 ACQUA DI PARMA帕尔玛之水 Aderma艾芙美 Adidas阿迪达斯 AEKYUNG爱敬 Aesop伊索 AFU阿芙 Aglaia雅格丽白 Agosdane雅格斯丹 Aiffil艾妃儿 AIGNER爱格纳 Alain Delon阿兰德龙 ALAL颜庄 Albert Nipon艾伯特尼波 Albion奥比虹 Alexander McQueen亚历山大麦昆 Alfred Sung沈云门 Alin de Rose玫瑰人生 Alobon雅邦 Aloins阿芦润滋 alpha阿尔法 Alpure瑞之萃 ALTERNA爱特纳 Ameiales安美拉 American Crew美国队员 Amore爱茉莉 AMPHORA AROMATICS英国AA网 ampm牛尔 Amway安利 anan安安 Anastasia Beverly HillsAnastasia Beverly ANGNLA安格娜 Animale安尼米尔 Anina润妆 Anna Sui安娜苏 Annafila安娜菲拉 ANNICK GOUTAL安霓可古特尔 Annvia婴唯爱 ANTIN安婷 anvan汉芳 ANVE安肤 ANYA韩雅 APIVITA艾蜜塔 aqi兰柔 AQUA雅呵雅 AQUA LABEL水之印 AQUA Lunash雅呵雅润希 AQUA SPRINA雅呵雅丝睿 AQUAIR资生堂水之密语 Aquolina水莲娜 Ardell艾黛儿 ARENKA亚蓝卡 Arezia雅丽莎 ARGITAL雅琪朵 Ariar清逸 ariel碧浪 Armand Basi阿曼贝丝 Aromatherapy Associates英国芳疗协会 Aromatime芳香假日 ARSOA MEDIOR安露莎美迪尔露 ARTDECO雅蔻 Artistry雅姿 ASIENCE亚羡姿 Asixo安尚秀 Asmile爱施美而 ASPLIR爱泊丽 ASSUR阿皙尔 ASTALIFT艾诗缇 ATTENIR艾天然 Aubusson雅宝信 Aupres欧珀莱 AUSSIEAUSSIE AUSTRILIR亚诗缇丽 Aveda艾凡达 Avene雅漾 Avenir高丝艾文莉 AVON雅芳 AY阿育 AZZARO阿莎露 A‘Kin爱肯 a★cento美好☆星


B&C Laboratories乐玩美研 B&F永恒之美 B-Love碧蕾 babado芭芭多 babcc芭蓓萃 Baby Phat富贵猫 Babypink贝碧冰 Bach贝曲 Badger贝吉獾 Badgley Mischka巴杰莉米施卡 BAGEN铂肌 BAIMISS佰魅伊人 BALANSILK碧伦丝 BALENCIAGA巴黎世家 BalletDor金芭兰 Balo贝罗 Bamboo Fores竹萃集 Banana Boat香蕉船 Banana Republic香蕉共和国 Barbie芭比 BARIELLE巴列艾儿 Barrier Moist倍丽颜 Base Formula芳程式 bathromanhon巴斯洛漫 Bawang霸王 BAZI宝姿 Be彼嘉 Be碧伊 BEAQAR贝泉 BEATURE草木之心 BEAUTE de KOSE美谛高丝 Beaute Pacifique医研 Beautician‘s Secret无龄肌密 Beauty Credit美丽诺言 Beauty Essence雅悦之源 Beauty Hair陆小曼魔发网 Beauty Maker漂亮制造 BEAUTY PLUSb 美发诊所 beauty quick肌肤快线 beautydiary我的美丽日记 BeautyHome小家碧玉 BeautyMate美肌之志 BeautyMed蓓缇蔓 BEAUTYPLUS美丽加芬 Becado柏康朵 BeDooK比度克 BEE&FLOWER蜂花 BEELY彼丽 Befly芭特尔芙莱 Bella贝兰 BeLLe百丽 Bellefontaine维美源素 Ben NyeBN Benefit贝玲妃 Benefit Brow Bar贝玲妃眉吧 Benetton贝纳通 BERGMAN褒曼 beryliya贝莉雅黛 Besilke白丝娇丽 Best care碧斯 Betsey Johnson贝齐?约翰逊 Bettina Barty保黛宝 Bettina Beauty贝蒂娜 Bigen美源 Bijan毕坚 Bill Blass比尔布拉斯 bingkou冰蔻 Bio Beauty蓓米缇亚 Bio-essence凯伊秀 Biocean欧纯 BIOCOS柏莱诗 Bioderma贝德玛 Biodroga宝迪佳 BIOFORM特偲芙 Bioil百洛护肤油 Biologique Recherche碧研 BIOMAX贝曼姿 Biopeutic葆疗美 Biore碧柔 Bioscreen保仙健 BIOSPA碧欧 Biosun EGF生物阳光 BIOSWISS瑞士柏奥丝 Biotherm碧欧泉 Black Pearl黑珍珠 BLANCHIR SUPERIOR馥兰皙儿 BLEUNUIT深蓝彩妆 blings芭乐苏 bliss必烈斯 Bloom布鲁姆 Blue Lizard蓝蜥蜴 BLUE LOVE蓝色之恋 Bobbi Brown芭比波朗 Bodywave美体考究 Boitown冰希黎 BOLANYA柏兰雅 BOLCO薄美克 Boliren玻璃人 Bomb Cosmetics邦沐 Bond No. 9邦9号 Boniya柏妮雅 Boots博姿 Boqian博倩 Boreade葆丽德

Borghese贝佳斯 Born宝蕴 BORONIA波罗尼亚 Borster蓓丝媞 boscia博倩叶 bossdun波斯顿 BOTANICUS菠丹妮 Botlux宝得露丝 BOTRE栢草源 BOUCHERON宝诗龙 Boudoirof柏芙 BOURJOIS妙巴黎 Brand‘s白兰氏 BRAUN博朗 BRC米洛医生 BREMENN RESEARCH LABS贝文研究室 Britney Spears布兰妮 Brooks Brothers布克兄弟 Bulgarian Pharmaceutical保加利亚医药集团 Burberry巴宝莉 Burberry Prorsum巴宝莉-珀松 BURT‘S BEES小蜜蜂 BVIRIN百奢俪 BVLGARI宝格丽 BXZR碧皙之然 Byblos毕伯劳斯


C.De FarmaCF药妆 C.more皙摩 Cabotine歌宝婷 CAC春纪 Cacharel卡夏尔 Caisy采诗 CAMENAE嘉媚乐 canali康纳利 Canami可耐美 Candy PaPa跳跃泡泡 CANMAI香媚 Canus肯拿士 Care Food肌情 Care Plus蓓护 carenne倩丽 Caress Fancy凯蕾梵思 Carmex小蜜媞 Carole Franck嘉露芬 Carolina Herrera卡罗琳娜 海莱拉 Carol‘s Daughter卡罗尔的女儿 CARON卡朗 Carslan卡姿兰 Cartier卡地亚 CARVEN卡尔旺 Cassidea卡莎迪亚 CASTALIA卡诗德丽 Catena凯婷 CaTheRine卡斯琳 CATHY佳雪 Catkin卡婷 CAUDALIE欧缇丽 Ceeture皙泉 ceherbsCE本草 Celine赛琳 Cellcosmet瑞妍 Cellex-C仙丽施 Cenir Boo诗恩碧 CentellaCentella馨丝兰 CERRUTI切瑞蒂 Cessna赛斯娜 cetaphil丝塔芙 CETTUA可迪 Chainfree萃芙理 CHALONE夏珑娜 chaming查名 Chanel香奈儿 Chantecaille香缇卡 Chantone婵婷 CHARIANO奇姬 CHARMCN皙肤泉 Charme Mini香蔓美肌 CHARMINGLADY嘉魅儿 CHARMZONE婵真 CHARRIOL夏利豪 CHAUMET绰美 CHCEDO自然堂 Cheer琦草 Cherub Rubs趣乐 Chetti Rouge轩谛 CHIC CHOC奇可俏可 CHICME传说之谜 Chinaskin瓷肌 CHINFIE清妃 Chinreen青凌 chioture稚优泉 CHLITINA克丽缇娜 Chloe珂洛艾伊 Chloe by natureland花皙蔻 Christian Breton克莉丝汀.伯顿 CINEMA SECRETS好莱坞的秘密 CINEORA紫醉睛迷 Cite西黛 CIVEA诗维娅 CIZELAIN茜姿兰 CJ LION思美兰 CLAIROL伊卡璐 Clarins娇韵诗 CLATTY可蕾蒂 CLAY SELENIUM土家硒泥坊 Cle de Peau BEAUTE柯丽柏蒂 CLEAN洁净 Clean&Clear可伶可俐 Clear清扬 Clear Last瞬时美肌 clinie可莱丝 Clinique倩碧 cmm郑明明 CO.E韩伊 COAROO原森密语 Cober可贝尔 COCO BEAUTY可可丽人 COCOOL珂珂 Coffret D’or金炫光灿 COGI高姿 colala可拉拉 Colgate高露洁 COLIF卡莉芙 colorescience矿物彩妆科学 Colorzone色彩地带 Comfort Zone舒适地带 COMME des GARCONS川久保玲 Consier珂洛雪 CONSTANCE CARROLL康丝嘉露 CONVERGE康维琪 COOGI酷极 coogimen酷迹男士 COORIONARA珂莉安 Coppertone水宝宝 Coreana高丽雅娜 Corine de Farme欧润芙 Coroer可瑞尔 Cortry可采 Cosmay歌诗美 Cosme Decorte黛珂 COSMED康是美 COSMENCE珂肤梦 COSMO寇诗茉 COTY科蒂 Courreges活希源 Coverderm可芙丽曼 Covergirl封面女郎 COVERMARK傲丽 COY蔻雅 COZY QUEEN可滋泉 CPB肌肤之钥 CPhytoCeuticals欧玛左旋 CPT康比特 Crabtree瑰珀翠 Creators of Beauty新萃妍 CreBeau睿姿丽 CREED克雷德 Crejoux珂芮姿 crest佳洁士 Cucumber广源良 Curel珂润


D-Q蒂珂 Dabao大宝 DAEWON大元 Daggett & RamsdellDaggett&Ramsdell daifeieel黛菲尔 daimol黛曼露 Daiso大创 Daisy Feel黛西菲尔 Daisymee黛汐魅 Danahan多娜娴 DANZ丹姿 Daphne达芙妮 Darlie黑人 DARPHIN迪梵 Davidoff大卫杜夫 Davines达芬尼斯 DBDesigner brands DDF臻水 DDlady丹堤 Deary媞尔妮 DeBIO帝柏奥 Debon蝶妆

Deborah Lippmann德博拉.李普曼 DECLEOR思妍丽 deep steep皇冠鸭 DELENA蝶莲娜 Delicieux Amour黛莉施艾罗 Delinson黛兰丝汀 DELREA得露丽 DEMETER气味图书馆 Denise丹尼诗 Deoproce迪奥普路丝 Depiliss丹派诗 derma e德玛依 Dermablend皮肤专家 Dermaglow丹梦戈兰 Dermalogica德美乐嘉 DermaNew得美新 Dermanova达瑞肤 DermaQuest Skin TherapyDermaQuest Skin Dermatologic Cosmetic LaboratoriesDCL Dermina欧敏肤 dermophil黛摩霏 Dermplus新肌 dermyn德玫恩 Des‘illusions梦幻之谜 Dettol滴露 Devi黛妃 DEWYTERR自然晨露 DEXIN德馨 DHZX蒂花之秀 DIANE VON FURSTEHBERG黛安?冯芙丝汀宝 dicila蒂思岚 diego dalla palmadiego dalla palma Diesel迪赛 DINOX迪菲娜 Dior迪奥 Disney迪士尼 DIVADEVA修芙俪 divinia蒂芬妮 DIVUM缔凡 dizhini蒂之妮 DKNY唐可娜儿 dlishka德丽斯康 DMSDermaviduals dobstore敦美园 Doctor Bai白大夫 DOCTOR LI李医生 dodo多多 DODOBEL朵朵贝儿 Dolce & Gabbana杜嘉班纳 Doliva德丽芙 Donna Chang坤尚莉 Donna Karan唐那凯伦 DoraDosun朵拉朵尚 DOT.DOT点点 Dove多芬 Dr. Brandt柏瑞特 Dr.BRAGI布拉吉博士 Dr.cell细胞博士 Dr.Ci:Labo城野医生 Dr.eslee艾思黎 Dr.G美丽世界 Dr.Hauschka德国世家 DR.house医世家 DR.JOU森田药妆 Dr.lewinn‘s莱文 Dr.Schafter莎夫医生 Dr.Sebagh赛贝格医师 DR.WUDR.WU DRAMATIC魔恋歌姬 Dr.magic魔法医生 DR‘s Secret皙之密 DSCOSMETIC帝诗 Ducray护蕾 dui vivant碧邦 Dunhill登喜路 DUOER朵而


2B Alternative E-MaidLand伊美莱 Easamia依圣美 EAU RAVIE奥尔莱薇 Ebaca依贝佳 eCO?GEL爱生态 Ed Hardy爱德哈代 EdeS仪特丝 EDN茵蝶 Efasit艾芙 EFFI玉丽 efvon怡芳 Ego QV意高 Eisan爱爽 ELANCYL伊兰纤姿 Electore依蕾朵立 Elegance雅莉格丝 Elegbacae艾丽碧丝 elektrobio伊丽再生 Elemis艾丽美 Elene忆念美 Elicina爱俐思娜 Elijaheli 香熙嘟儿 Elina依琳娜 Elishacoy爱丽莎酷伊 Elishare伊莲娇雪 elite锐进 ELIXIR怡丽丝尔 Elizabeth Arden伊丽莎白雅顿 Elizabeth Taylor伊丽莎白泰勒 ella bache雅丽 ELLEN TRCAY爱伦瑞丝 ELNE依奈 Elov依露美 ELSKER 嗳呵 ELSSME亿自美 elysees浪漫香榭丽 El'Amour妍慕 EMNS冬之恋 ENPRANI茵芭兰 episteme嫒碧知 eporashe爱普露思 equlyn爱贵兰 Erborian艾博妍 ERICSON伊立信 Ermenegildo Zegna杰尼亚 Erno Laszlo奥伦纳素 Es Cosmetic天香堂 Escada爱斯卡达 esens真百代 ESHINE伊瞬华 Espoir艾丝珀 ESPRIQUE绮丝碧 ESPRIQUE PRECIOUS丰靡美姬 est嫒色 Estee Lauder雅诗兰黛 ESTELLE VENDOME雅诗卫丹 ESTHEDERM雅诗敦 ETRO艾特罗 Ettusais艾杜纱 ETUDE爱丽 ETUDE HOUSE爱丽公主屋 Eucerin优色林 EUDERMINE红色蜜露 EUOKO幽蔻 Euto-Altas奥迪氏 Eve Taylor伊诗泰莱 Eveir依薇儿 evian依云 EXFOLIAC法黎雅 EYE CARE爱目 Eyes On Me花香花宜 Eyes Universe睛睬世界


Fa花牌 Fabuleuse莉安纳 Face of Australia SunFace of Australia Faconnable法康娜布 Fainlise芬琳思 FAITH诚美 FANCL芳珂 Fasio高丝菲希欧 Favomay范薇蜜 FBO菲泊 FCA富丽美 Feather飞逸 feidi菲娣 Fendi芬迪 Fenni Alexander芬旎 Feovring妃玲 Ferragamo菲拉格慕 Ferrari法拉利 FERRE费雷 Ferrmina费欧蜜娜 Ferzea菲璐泽 FILORGA菲洛嘉 FINESSE菲奈诗 FIORUCCI芙蓉天使 Floral Beauty花妍 Floremedie纯品芳典 Florena芙蕾蓉娜 Florigen菲丽姬奥 FLORIHANAFLORIAL FLORIS佛罗瑞斯 Flower Way花道 Foltene丰添 FOR BEAUTY范美蒂 For Beloved One宠爱之名 Forest cabin林清轩 Forever美国永恒 Formiga芙美佳 FORTE芙缇 FRANCES DENNEY弗朗西斯丹尼 Francyhui法氏汇

Frangipani风中花语 Frederic Fekkai佛迪力菲凯 FREE PUNA芙耐 freeman菲俪蔓 freeplus芙丽芳丝 Freeze 24/7冰凝24/7 FRENCH CONNECTION UK法式连结 FRENDS有情 Fresh馥蕾诗 Frownies芙蓉妮 FRUFE芙茹菲 Fruits & Passion嘉贝诗 Fushi富思 Fusion Beauty芙秀


gai mattiolo加伊?马蒂奥洛 GALE HAYMAN姬尔克曼 Galenic婕若琳 Gals美肌水 Gamarde珂玛德 Gamila Secret神秘卡米拉 GARDEN BOTANIKAGB Garnier卡尼尔 Gatineau积姬仙奴 Gatsby杰士派 Geefaciaidi纪凡希艾迪 GelSmart吉斯迈 GEO罗美 GEOFFREY BEENE哲非班利 Geonly金欧莱 George Caroll乔治卡罗尔 Gerda Spillmann诗碧曼 Germaine de Capuccini纤蔓绮丽 Gf高夫 Ghassoul花恩娜 Ghost魅影 GIANFRANCO FERRE奇安弗兰科?费雷 gillette吉列 GINZA CLEF可丽扶 Giorgio Armani乔治·阿玛尼 Giovanni乔凡尼 Girl‘s德国女孩 Givenchy纪梵希 GIVERNY纪梵婷 Glamourflage格兰玛弗兰 Gloria Vanderbilt歌莉亚温德比 GLY DERM果蕾 GLYCEL卡尔诗 GMDANSU绵缎水 gN pearl京润珍珠 GO SMILE高斯密 Godes歌蒂思 GOPAS高柏诗 GRANDAINE葛伦黛娜 GRANGE农庄生机 Green Farm绿色农场 Green Leaf绿叶 GREEN SKIN 格润丝 Green World绿世界 Greenlem格凌兰 Greeny歌临 Gucci古驰 Guepard葛柏 Guerlain娇兰 GUINOT维健美 Gussee姿语 Gutti古缇 Guy Laroche姬龙雪 H返回顶部 H2O水芝澳 Hada Labo肌研 Haiermian孩儿面 Hair Doctor头发医生 HAKUGEN白元 Hakuho-do白凤堂 HALSTON候司顿 HANAE MORI森英惠 HANAJIRUSHI花印 HANDCREAM美润护手霜 Hannule韩律 HANROY韩洛依 HANSKIN韩斯清 Hanxuan Herbal汉萱本草 Harajuku Lovers原宿娃娃 HARD CANDY可爱派 HARVEY PRINCE哈维王子 HAWAIIAN Tropic夏威夷热带 HAZELINE夏士莲 hct汇植堂 Head&shoulders海飞丝 Health Basics海丝蓓康 HEELAINE‘Y赫依莲 Hellofaye幸福菲雅 Heme喜蜜 HEMPZ汉伯斯 HERA赫拉 HerbaCeutic草本美学 Herbacin德国贺本清小甘菊 herbal whisper荟诗 Herbcare香草魔法学苑 HERBESCENT本草新妍 herbicos碧蔻诗 Herborist佰草集 Herborn本草堂 HERCYNA海皙蓝 Herietta水果之乡 Herlab雅树 Hermes爱马仕 Hershey‘s好时 HERVE LEGER荷芙妮格 Hi-Shine光彩 Hilary Duff希拉里·达芙 Hisamitsu活之肤 HISTOMER海皙曼 Honeyface花颜多香 Hong Rain香雨 Hortus Apothicus欧缇诗 HOUBIGANT霍比格恩特 HR赫莲娜 Hua dun华顿 Hugo Boss胡戈.波士 Huiles & Baumes爱机宝 Hydrobalabce水平衡 Hypanique涵沛 HYSSOP海索草 I返回顶部 I Love Mask爱面膜 i m Naturkosmetiki m有机护肤 i-nature‘s爱娜丝 IAI依爱 IASO伊雅索 Ibasoe伊芭诗 ICARLUS伊卡露诗 Iceberg冰山 IDA艾的 Idee艾迪儿 ilisya伊丽丝雅 iliyou艾丽优 Illume伊奈美 illyssla傲凝姬亚 IMAN依曼 IMEDEEN伊美婷 IMIOME美舍雅阁 IMPRESS印象之美 IMSE颜魔师 Infinitie依菲伲缇 Ingram英格拉姆 INGRID MILLET英格蜜儿 INKOII盈彩可伊 inneov一诺美 innisfree悦诗风吟 Innoxa爱若莎 INOHERB相宜本草 Inuovi伊娜薇 IPKN忆可恩 IPSA茵芙莎 IPSE依普斯 Irene艾琳 ISA KNOX伊诺姿 ISAMELL伊莎美尔 IsaWorkshop依纱维纱 ISHIZAWA LABS石泽研究所 ISIS PHARMA伊姿法玛 ISQUEEN伊之情 ISSEY MIYAKE三宅一生 ISTARES星之光芒 Ito一朵 ITV 蒂芙顿 IVEKE爱维克 J返回顶部 999王妃 J.LO詹妮弗 洛佩兹 J.R.Watkins霍金博士 jacadi亚卡迪 Jacomo积歌蒙 JAGUAR捷豹 Jane Iredale珍爱 Janssen德赞臣 JASMIN简诗美 Javeny乔芙妮 jcare静佳 Jealousness婕洛妮丝 Jean D'Aveze珍达菲 Jean Desprez珍蒂毕丝 JEAN PATOU让巴度 Jean Paul Gaultier让.保罗.高提耶 JEAN-CHARLES BROSSEAU芝恩布莎 Jean-Louis Scherrer让?路易?雪莱 Jeemin知玟 jensy真皙 Jergens采婷 Jessica McClintock杰西卡·马克兰托克

JESUS DEL POZO波索 JIL SANDER吉尔桑达 Jimmi九美子 JIMMY吉米娃娃儿 JINPRES金珀莱 Jivago兹法高 JKO金蔻 JLO詹妮弗·洛佩兹 Jo Malone祖马龙 Jockey International骑士国际 Joeyilan娇伊兰 John Galliano约翰?加里亚诺 Johnson & Johnson强生 Johnsons baby强生婴儿 Johnson‘s Body Care强生美肌 JOICO嘉珂 JOJO玖玖 Joop乔普 Jose Eisenberg伊诗贝格 Josephine Cosmetics柔丝芬 JOVAN祖梵 JplusJplus Judith Leiber朱迪思·雷伯 Jufy祖菲 Juice Beauty果漾美人 Juicy Couture橘滋 JuJu Cosmetics求姿 JURLIQUE茱莉蔻 justeve嘉世美伊 JUVENA柔美娜 JVJQ瑾泉 K返回顶部 Kafellon凯芙兰 KAI贝印 kaiser凯丰堂 kalakala咖啦咖啦 Kaloo 卡鲁 kanebo佳丽宝 KAN‘S韩束 KAO花王 Karin Herzog凯伦赫容 Karl Lagerfeld卡尔?拉格菲尔德 Kasanrin卡莎灡 KASSEY恺思 KATE凯朵 Kate Moss凯特莫斯 Kate Spade凯特.丝蓓 Kavbao嘉威宝 kazakura佳桜 KEEP UP极上肤品 Kenneth Cole坚尼哥尔 Kenneth Jay Lane肯尼思?杰?莱恩 KENZO高田贤三 KERASTASE巴黎卡诗 kerasys克拉洗丝 Keruier可蕊儿 Kesalan Patharan凯斯柏莎 KEVUT明朗月儿 Kiehl’s科颜氏 Kinerase凯娜诗 Kingea清芝 Kinohimitsu木之秘密 Kiss Me奇士美 Klein Becker克连贝格 KLORANE蔻萝兰 Kneipp克奈浦 KOAI可东爱西 KOJI蔻吉 Kolin歌林 Korea Dohia韩?多喜爱 kornteen瑞士科婷 Korres珂诺诗 KOSE高丝 KOSE JUNKISEI高丝润肌精 KOSE JUNKISUI高丝纯肌粹 KOSE Predia高丝贝缔雅 KOSE SEIKESHO高丝清肌晶 KOSE SEKKISEI高丝雪肌精 KOTTE高倩 Kracie肌美精 KRIZIA祈丽诗雅 KRYOLAN歌剧魅影 KUYARA可悠然 L返回顶部 La cannelle莱佳奴 La Ceviar莱歌 La Claree丽嘉儿 La Colline科丽妍 la flutose菲乐 La Fontaine雅艾芬迪 LA GirlL.A. Girl La Maison de la VANILLELa Maison de la LA MER海蓝之谜 La Milee莱玫 LA PERLA宝娜 La Prairie莱珀妮 La pramol里海之谜 La Roche-Posay理肤泉 LA ROCHELLE歌丽姬宝 La SINCIA拉先施(芯希雅) La Sirene拉塞娜 LACOSTE鳄鱼 LacVert拉格贝尔 Ladefence黎得芳 Ladycare洁婷 ladysl蕊丽思 laFane拉芳 LaFORMULE妙芙乐 LaHair拉宝丽 Laierl Viche莱雅唯姿 Lailier莱俪迩 Lalique莱俪 Lancaster兰嘉丝汀 Lancaster 兰嘉丝汀1 LANCHEN蓝秀 Lancome兰蔻 lancoreme兰侬 Landi兰荻 Landun蓝顿 LANEIGE兰芝 Lanji兰肌 Lanopearl朗沛柔 Lansur兰瑟 Lanvin浪凡 LAOU莱欧 LAS VEGA莱丝威娜 Laura Biagiotti罗娜 Laura Mercier罗拉玛斯亚 Laurier乐而雅 LAVER莱薇尔 Lavera拉薇 LAVEV西妍 LaVie兰心 Laya菲兰雅诗 LAZARTIGUE娜莎迪 LCDP兰西碧 LCOSIN兰可欣 Le Metier De BeauteLe Metier De Beaute leafcare丽芙卡 Leelan俪兰 Leenchie伶采 Lenchom莲蔻 LEONARD李奥纳德 Lierac丽蕾克 Liese莉婕 Life care生活良品 Life Code生命密码 Life of quality新生活美容馆 Life-flo杜若 Like fresh若水生花 Limi里美 LIOELE恋妆 LION狮王 Lirikos俪瑞思 Lisap丽莎贝 LISE WATIER丽莎怀特 Listerine李施德林 LIUSHEN六神 Liz claiborne丽诗卡邦 LNCANA Olive美凯娜 Loewe罗意威 LOFEA罗菲亚 Lohashill露韩饰 Lolita Lempicka洛丽塔 Lolli.Q乐丽琪 longliqi隆力奇 Louis Feraud路易斯花娃 Louis vena路易维娜 Louis Vuitton路易威登 LOVE FOR KEEPS至爱终生 Lover forever永爱 Luasiamon露丝雅梦 LUCIANO SOPRANI露丝安妮 Lucido-L伦士度-L LUCKY BRAND幸运商标 LUKE露可 LULU GUINNESS露露·吉尼斯 Lumene优姿婷 LUNASOL日月晶采 LUOLAI罗莱 LUOLAIKIDS罗莱KIDS LUQI露千儿 Lush露诗 lushier修花堂 Luster澳洲悦仙子 LUX力士 LYKEA莉凯雅 L'Anuor兰诺儿 L‘artisan Parfumeur阿蒂仙之香 L‘CHEAR蕾琪 L‘ERBOLARIO蕾莉欧 L‘OCCITANE欧舒丹 L’OREAL Paris巴黎欧莱雅 L’OREAL PROFESSI0NNEL巴黎欧莱雅专业美发 L’SPHERE洛芬 M返回顶部 M.A.C魅可 M.A.I美爱斯 MACHARLIE玛采莲 MADARA玛德兰 Maestro美涛 Majiami玛奇亚米 MAJOLICA MAJORCA恋爱魔镜 Majortina玛佳蒂娜 MAKE UP FOR EVER玫珂菲
