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__ _牛津少儿英语题库-------- LET’ S GO系列

LET’ S GO 1测试卷


一.将听到的单词画圈(Listen and circle)(2*5=10)

1. desk chair eraser bag 2. yellow purple brown gray

3. brother mother sister uncle 4.puzzle doll jump rope bicycle

5. crayon table marker cassette

二.将听到的单词按序号排列。(Listen and number the pictures.)(2*5=10)

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) (

三.写出下列形式的缩写或完全形式。( Write the full or short forms.)(2*9=18) isn’t I’m can not they are do not

What is It’s who’s she is

四. Fill in the blanks with letters.(2*12=24)

五. Circle and write.(3*3=9)

六. Choose the right answer and make a tick.(3*3=9)

七.选择题。(Choose the correct answer.)(2*10=20)

( ) 1. What’s your name?

A. Sorry, I don’t know. B. My name is Ella. C. I’m thirsty.

( ) 2. What color is it?

A. It’s yellow. B. No, it isn’t C. It’s a cat

( ) 3. Who is she?

A. She’s my father. B. He’s my mother. C. She’s my friend.

( ) 4. What is this?

A. They’re yo-yo. B. It yo-yo. C. It’s a yo-yo.

( )5.How are you ?____________________

A.I am Andy . B.My name is Eric. C.I’m fine.



A. Please be quiet B. Listen carefully


A Raise your hand B Put your hand down

8.( )

A.wake up B. Go to sleep

9. (


A.count the boy B.count the girl



A.do a puzzle B.throw a ball

篇二:牛 津 英 语Let'sgo第四册单词

牛 津 英 语Let’s Go 第四册

更年轻的 —— younger 更老的 —— older

更短的 —— shorter 更长的 —— longer 更高的 —— taller 更矮的 —— shorter 更小的 —— smaller 更大的 —— bigger 钉子 —— nail

蜗牛 —— snail

水桶 —— pail

海湾 —— bay

灰色 —— gray

天 —— day

花商 —— florist

售货员 —— salesclerk 秘书 —— secretary 办公室 —— office 第一模块 第二模块

打字 —— types

信 —— letter

打信 ——types letter 医生 —— doctor

牙医 —— dentist

修牙 —— fixes teeth 邮递员 —— mail carrier 消防员 —— firefighter 渔夫 —— fisherman 捕鱼 —— catches fish 面包师 —— baker

烘烤面包 —— bakes bread 银行业 —— bank teller 银行 —— bank

数钱 —— counts money

工厂工人 —— factory worker 工厂 —— factory

做,制作 —— makes 事情 —— thing

做事情 —— makes thing 生意人 —— businessperson 报告 —— report

机械工 —— mechanic 汽油 —— gas

加油站 —— gas station 制服 —— uniform

也 —— also

摩托车 —— motorcycles 大海 —— sea

豌豆(复数) —— peas 茶叶 —— tea

小溪 —— creek

芦苇 —— reed

蜜蜂 —— bee


第一 —— first

第二 —— second

第三 —— third

第四 —— fourth

第五 —— fifth

第六 —— sixth

第七 —— seventh

第八 —— eighth

第九 —— ninth

we —— us

they —— them

溜滑板 —— skatebooarding 喂鸭子 — feeding the ducks 追蝴蝶 — chasing butterflies 徒步行走 —— hiking

捡起垃圾 — picking up trash 玩丢球游戏 — playing catch 明信片 —— postcard 野外活动中心 —— camp 路 —— woods

鹿 —— deer

手工艺 —— arts and crafts —— have a good time 电影 —— movie

爱 —— love

哭 —— cry

飞 ——fly

天空 —— sky

骰子 —— die

派 —— pie

竞赛 —— race 赢 —— win 马 —— horse 每个 —— every

每个人 —— every one 每天 —— every day 第四模块

一月 —— January 二月 —— February 三月 —— March 四月 —— April 五月 —— May 六月 —— June 七月 —— July 八月 —— August 九月 —— September 十月 —— October 十一月 —— November 十二月 —— December 日期 —— date fly —— flew

篇三:牛津少儿英语 letsgo第一至第四单元测试

牛津少儿英语 let's go 4 unit 1--4期末考试

Class _________ Name ___________ Score__________

第一部分 听力 (共25分)

一.听录音,选出你所听到的单词(10分)( )

1.( ) A have B has C had

2. ( ) A fourth B four C fourteen

3. ( ) A write B ride C read

4. ( ) A fly B sky C fine

5. ( ) A. mother B father C brother

6. ( ) A date B today C day

7. ( ) A sea B tea C bee

8. ( ) A race B horse C house

9.( ) A play B they C them

10. ( ) A June B July C January


th th 1.( ) A.February 24 B.February 25

thth2.( )A.May 9 B. March 9

ndnd3.( ) A.June 2 B. July 2

thth4.( ) A.August 13 B. August 30

thth5.( ) A.November 7 B.November 17

stst6.( ) A.September 21 B.December 21





1.( ) A. I'm a cook. B. I'm a baker .

2.( ) A. The car is shorter . B .The fire truck is


3.( ) A.Yes, she is . B. No, she isn't.

4.( ) A.A bank clerk counts money. B.A baker bakes bread.

ndnd5.( ) A.It's on July 2. B. It's on July 2.

笔试部分 (共65分)


1. February _________ 2 .tenth_________

3. look at _________ 4. every day ________

5.all the time_______________ 6.小的__________

7.谁 8.工作

9.爱 ______ ____ 10.鱼____ _____

二. 按要求填空(5分)

1. tall (比较级) _________ 6.play(现在分词 ) __________

2.big ( 比较级) __________ 7.fly (过去式 ) ___________

3.wear( 第三人称单数)_______ 8.meet (过去式 ) ___________

4.do ( 第三人称单数) ________ 9. am ( 过去式 ) ____________

5.skate( 现在分词 )__________ 10.like (过去式 )____________


1. _____name is David . ( )

A. I B. My C. Us

2. I'm eight_________.( )

A. years old B. year old C. old

3. Molly is old , her father is ________.( )

A.old B. oldest C. older

4. What do you do ? I'm _________.( )

A.a cook B. a sister C. a friend

5. A florist ____ in a flower shop. ( )

A. work B. works C. working

6. David and Ben _________students . ( )

A. is B. am C. are

7. A dentist _________ teeth. ( )

A.fix B.fixs C.fixes

8. Do you like your job ?----____________. ( )

A.No, I do . B. Yes , I do C. Yes, I donot.

9. We _______in the park today . ( )

A.have a good time B. have time C. has a good time

10. We play baseball ____________.( )

A.every days B. everyday C.every day

11. They had pizza__________.( )

A. all the time B. all time C. all the times

12. I _____to school yesterday . ( )

A. go B. went C. Goes

13. David _______basketball today. ( )

A. play B. playing C. plays

th 14. My birthday is ________August 17. ( )

A. in B .at C. on

15. How old is she ?----____________________. ( )

A.She is a girl. B.She is OK. C. She is ten.

四. 用am, is , are填空。(5分)

1.I ______ a girl . 6. He ________ a boy .

2.She ______ happy . 7.The cat _______ small .

3.I________ ten . 8. We ___________ girls.

4.Amy _______my sister. 9.The apples ____ red .

5.They_______students . 10. It ________ my dog .


1. I am short .(改为否定句)

2.She is a girl.(改为一般疑问句)

3.Are they happy ?(肯定回答)

4.Is Ben tall?(否定回答)

5.Do you have sisters ?(肯定回答)

6. Does she like English ?(否定回答)

7. I like apples.(改为否定句)

8.I go to school today .(改为一般疑问句)

9.We come to China .(改为否定句)

10. My mother works in a shop .改为否定句)



My name is Ann, I'm a girl . I live in China . I'm eleven

years old .I have a younger brother.His name is Ben .He is

six years old . My mother is a doctor .She works in a

hospital. My father is a firefighter.I love my family very


1.( ) Ann is ________________

A. a man B. a girl C.a boy

2.( ) Ann's brother is ________years old .

A .eleven B.six C.five

3.( ) What does Ann's mother do ?

A. She is a doctor . B. She is a firefighter . C. He

is a doctor .

4.( ) Where does Ann's mother work ?

A.She works in a hospital. B.He works in a hospital. C.I don't know.

5.( ) Ann lives in ___________.

A. China B. hospital C. I don't know




Dear Mom and Dad ,

I like camp a lot .On the first day I was hiking in

the woods and I saw some deer .Yesterday it was raining .We

did arts and crafts and we saw a movie. I'm having a good time .

Please write to me .



1.( ) Billy is at school .

2.( ) On the first day he saw some bears .

3.( ) Yesterday he saw a movie.

4.( ) He's having a bad time .

5.( )It was raining yesterday .

七、作文。Write in your diary(10分)


March 23nd

Today is my birthday . I am 10 years old . I got a new bike .We went to my favorite restaurant for dinner .I'm very happy .


八.口语 (10分)

篇四:上海牛津英语7BU4 Let'sgo shopping period4 教案


牛津少儿英语第五册Unit 7---8 test测验 Class______________name____________ score________________


一. 听读音,选择所听到的单词。(10分)

( ) 1. A .cute B.cat C.cousin

( ) 2. A .photo B.phone C.phantom

( ) 3. A . knock B.knee C.knight

( ) 4. A .what B.whale C.white

( ) 5. A . homesick B.handstand C. homestay

( ) 6. A .wrap B.wren C.wrench

( ) 7. A .funny B. festival C. fantastic

( ) 8. A .snail B.nail C.tail

( ) 9. A .enjoy B.engine C.join

( ) 10. A .nose B.noisy C.nurse

二. 听读音,选择你所听到的句子。(5分)

( )1. A.I’ve never been out of the country.

B. .I’ve never flown my own plane.

( )2. A . Some students were studying , but other students

were talking and laughing.

B. Some students were writing , but other students were

playing and making noisy.

( )3. A .It’s an airplane ticket .

B. It’s a train ticket .

( )4. A .Beth is on her way to France.

B. Beth is on a homestay to the United States .

( )5. A . The view from the top is beautiful!.

B. The view from the top is fantastic!

三. 听问句,选答语。(5分)

( )1. A . He learned how to ride a bike when he was six. . B. He learned how to write his name when he was seven. .

( )2. A .No, I haven’t. B. No, I don’t.

( )3. A .I’m going with my aunt.

B. I’m going to do my homework.

( )4. A .The students were in their seats when the doorbell

rang .

B. She was doing her homework when the

doorbell rang.

( )5. A .I wanted to be a police officer, and a ballerina ,

and a princess.

B.She wanted to play games , and do some interesting

things, and get some delicious French pastries.


四. 英汉互译。(11分,每题0.5分)

1、 骑自行车 2、打棒球

2、 倒立 4、写他的名字

5、 do a somersault 6、do a cartwheel

7、飞机票 8、寿司

9、炒饭 10、某人去...路上

11.出国 12.埃菲尔铁塔

13.读漫画书 14.在帐篷里睡

15.骑摩托车 16.你真幸运!

17、我多么兴奋! 18.变得安静

19.在春假期间 20.看一场英语电影

21.a great place to visit

22.I’ve never ridden a rhino.

五、 选择题(每题0.5分,共11分)

1.( ) When did you learn ____ to ride a bike?

A. where B. how C. what

2.( ) Did you _____ to be a firefighter ?

A.would B. want C. like

3.( ) I wanted to ______ a police officer.

A. be B. do C. as

4. ( ) At 8:45, the teacher walked into the classroom . Some students ___ studying.

A. was B. are C. were

5. ( ) When the students saw the teacher , the noise _______.

A. stopped B. stop C. stopping

6. ( )Then the teacher heared a funny sound . He looked _____ the room.

A. like B. up C. around

7. ( )What was she _____ when the door bell rang?

A. do B. does C. doing

8.( )Last year I _____ on a homestay to the United States.

A. go B. went C. goes

9. ( )I_______ with the Johnson family in the State of California.

A.lives B.lived C. living

10. ( )When are you going?______ July

A. In B. On C. At

11. ( ) Have you ever ____ to France?

A. been B. gone C. go

12. ( ) I've never been ___ of the country.

A. in B. out C. at

13. ( ) Beth is ____ her way to France.

A. in B. on C. at

14. ( ) You can see many artists ___ and selling their pictures.

A. paint B. painted C. painting

15. ( )The view from the top is __________.

A. fantasticing B. f antasticed C. fantastic

16. ( )Have you ever been to New York ?

No, I _______.

A. have B. haven't C. been't

17. ( ) Go ____a walk along the Seine River.

A. to B. for C. with

18. ( ) The view ______ the top is fantastic.

A. in B. on C. from

19. ( ) What _____they do at_______weekends ? They often go skating.

A. do; them B. do ; their C. does ; their

20. ( ) Can you _________ basketball ?

A. play B. playing C. to play

21.You can see many artists _______ and _______their pictures.

A. paint ; sell B. painting ; selling C.painted ;sold

22. One Friday, we were 打包要出去度周末)away ________ my daughter heard cries for help.

A.after B.while C.since D.when


1、be _________ 2、eat_________ 3、see_________ 4、 go _________

5、bake _________ 6、read _________ 7、stay _________ 8、write_________

9、ride ________ 10、flow________11、 sleep_________12、watch_______

13、stay _________14、speak_________1(转载于:www.smhaida.com 海 达 范 文网:let,sgo安室奈美惠)5、drive_________

七、 用括号内单词的适当形式填空。(每题0.5分,共5分)

1. Beth is_____(go) to try all these things for the ____(one) time.

2. She has never _____(speak) to a French person before and she has never _______ (eat) French food.

3. Have you ever ______ (be) to Pairs?

4. Here are some fun _______ (thing) to do in Pairs.

5.You can buy books and __________ (postcard) , too.

6. Learn some _______(France) words before you go.

7.The subway ________ (go) to the Eiffel Tower.

8.What can you _________( buy) along the Seine River?

9.What did the whale with ___________ (whisker) whisper to the white whale?

10.Have you ever ________ (see) a wren wrap a wrench and a wreath ?


( you I’m watching TV.


( Nancy
