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梓里小学 董杨美 “红色的蝴蝶,黄色的小鸟,在空中飞翔,在风中舞蹈。不是蝴蝶,不是小鸟,是红叶舞,黄叶飘……”读着脍炙人口的儿歌,心中不再有“叶落孤云坠鸣谭,心之祈盼碧空蓝”的心寒。或许是时光在崔使,听着童稚的读书声,自己仿佛就是一片浮在半空的落叶。

金秋,诗人赋予她高贵、娴熟的别称;农民视她为生命;孩子为她欢笑,风儿为她歌唱;就连花儿也不与她挣艳,唯有落叶飘落得那么悲壮。秋性情温柔,不像春那么娇枉;夏那么热烈;冬那么冰冷。她宛若一位矜持的少女,又如一位慈祥的老人,总是那么不卑不亢,不惊不乍,那如雨如雪,飘然而下如诗如画的落叶,更是给人留下无数难忘得回忆。 秋风浅唱,一片金黄的落叶在空中旋转着,没有为自己伟大的奉献而高歌,也没有为无情的离别而呻吟,虽然走得那么悄然无声,却还是被一缕熟透了的夕阳捕捉到她楚楚动人的身影和优美的舞姿,他正醉意朦胧地欣赏着她,落叶的脉络也在阳光下显得格外清晰。最后,她像一只舞倦了的蝴蝶,轻轻躺在了地面上……





1、The most important things in my life

? Use the following points as a guide:

? What are the important things in your life?

? Which one do you think is the most important thing?

? Why do you think so?

Life is just like a painting, colorful and meaningful!There are always many important things that may happen in our life.Among them, learning to be brave, learning to be confident are the important things in my life. I think learning to share is the most important.Why do I think so?Share” is another word for “ exchange with each other”. It enables us to get more ideas or experience from others. It also shows that we have the ability and will to help others。That can help us to have more friends. In my opinion, learning to share is a kind of “life skills”.

As a famous saying goes “One flower makes no garden”, so we should learn to share with others.

2、A day without homework

? What is your school life like now?

? What does a day without homework mean to you?

? What can you do on a day when there is no homework?

My school life is very busy now, as there are always many test papers and

exercises waiting for me. However, a day without homework is worth expecting. If so, arriving home from school, I can turn on the computer immediately and chat with my friends. I can also play computer games without my parents’ complaint. What’s more, I can get into bed early and have a sound sleep. I think I will completely relax myself on that day so as to study more energetically the next day.

Our school life is so busy that I have to deal with my homework until 12:00 nearly every night. In my opinion, a day without homework means having more time to get along with my parents. As a grade nine student, I seldom have a chance to communicate with my parents. So on a day without homework, I may go with my family to the park for a picnic, free from the hustle and bustle of the city life. We may enjoy ourselves by lying on the grass, bathing in the sunshine. In brief, such a day must be expectant and special, and our family life will be greatly improved.

3.A special gift I am looking forward to

? I used to receive gifts like…

? The gift I’m looking forward to is…

? It is special because…

? I hope…

I used to receive gifts like basketballs, cards, cakes and so on, but

the gift I’m looking forward to is a day without homework. It is special because I’m so busy nowadays that I seldom have time to stay with my parents. I hope on that day my parents and I w

初三作文 落叶颂

ill go to the park for a picnic. We can enjoy ourselves by lying on the grass and chatting with each other, completely free from the hustle and bustle of the city. Then I will be able to return to school relaxed and refreshed. How I expect the gift to come as soon as possible!

I used to receive gifts like a basketball, a swatch or a CD. But the gift I’m looking forward to is a bicycle though I can’t ride it now. How I want to learn it well so that I can ride anywhere I want to go! Every morning, it is my father who always drives me to school in all kinds of weather. Especially in the past few days, he has worked hard until midnight. If I ride my own bicycle to school, he will be able to sleep a little longer and work a bit harder. I hope my dream of owning a bicycle will be realized in the shortest possible time.

4.What Are Good Friends?

? In your eyes what are good friends?

? Have you got any good friends?

? What do they do when you are in trouble? Give some


Nobody can live a happy life without a good friend. People need friends just like they need water and food. As we all know, friends are just another word for “help”, because good friends always help each other in some ways. For example, when I have difficulties in my studies, my friends will help me to overcome them. Besides, we also work and play together to share our joy and sorrow. In my opinion, a good friend should be honest, friendly, responsible, generous and humorous. In brief, a real friend may spend his whole life with you.

Life has its ups and downs, and only true friends always stay around. Like anyone else, I have got many friends. They often help me when I’m in trouble. Especially, when I fail in an examination, they always care for me and encourage me to study harder. Last year, when I was hurt in a basketball game, my friends took me to the nearby hospital at once and look after me by turns. In my eyes, friends are the most precious wealth that one should treasure all his life.

篇三:初三作文 一次相逢一份暖


初三16班 杨雯婷



沙坡尾,厦门闹市里唯一的避风坞,一个有着老厦门人儿时记忆的地方,是能够温暖人们心灵的渔港。初见它时,高高的大楼屹立在小小渔港的身后,云霞映着落日,天空酡红如醉,衬托着渐深的暮色,黄蓝相间的渔船安静地停泊在岸边,几只白鹭在水面上嬉戏,觅食,水中倒映着它们的影子,十分美丽。拴在地上的铁环锈迹斑斑好像在叙说着这些年来它受过的风吹日晒。围绕渔港的是高低不同的房子,不事张扬,低调平静。阿伯穿着睡裤,在海风和油墨味混合的气息中,悠哉悠哉地读着报纸;阿嫲在屋顶上把刚刚洗完的衣服一件一件的挂好。岸边有一家店很有特色,雨天不开门,晴天才开门,故名字是“晴天见”,他们家的招牌是冰淇淋,绵密的口感和饼干似的脆皮让人流连忘返。“一茶”是沙坡尾一家很有名的茶店,以出入寻常的百姓人家的生活茶为主,不故弄玄虚。只可惜了上次去时并没有开门,没有喝到茶。 走在沙坡尾避风坞的石板路上,一栋栋古老破旧的房子沉淀着厦门历史的同时,也开始默默书写着细小的变化。光阴沉淀的气息,透过内敛晕染的色调徐徐飘散。行走之时,恍然微醺。慢慢晃荡,心情豁然开朗。




Unit1:设想20年以后的生活,以I want to be a teacher\a soccer player(p37 3a)\a reparter (p5 3a) 为题,写一篇短文.

I want to be a teacher when I grow up ,Beacuse I like kids very much , First I will study very hard ,Then I will go college ,Finally I will be famous and students all like me.As a teacher ,I will help my students to do their homework,make them happy to study ,we will be able to make good friends ,they will talk to me everything about theirs ,I think that sounds so fun!

And if I become a teacher, I will have two vacations every year. I will have free time to travel.Isn't that wonderful?



3.必须用上下列词汇和句型。Advice, should,why not….?

Everyone has many problems including me. For example, I can?t learn English well. And sometimes I can?t get good grades in English exams. What should I do? My family, my friends and teachers gave me lots of help and advice. They tole me that I should listen to the tape every day and read after it for thirty minutes.

My teacher asked me to speak English as much as possible. My mother said,:”Why not write an English composition every day?” I am trying my best to do as what they said. I think I?ll succeed in next exam.


Last Saturday, my friend Maria and I were going to see a movie together. I got to her home at 6 p.m. When I entered her room, she was looking for the ticket. She looked very worried, so I helped her look for it. At last, we found it between the pages of her textbook. The movie was to start in ten minutes. We hurried to the cinema. Luckily, when we got there, the movie was just on. We were happy because we didn?t miss the wonderful film.

Unit 4: 写一封信给你的家人或朋友,向他们汇报你的成绩.

Dear parents,

I got my report card yesterday. I did OK in some subjects. My math teacher said I was hard-working in this term. My spanish teacher said I was good at speaking, but my listening was not as good as my speaking. My history teacher was very kind. She said I could do better in history. I don?t like Chinese,and my Chinese is so-so. The science teacher said I was a lazy student, but I have tried my best to study science. In fact, science is too difficult for me. I?m so happy that my geography teacher said I did well in writing. That?s my record report of last term. What do you think of it? Yours, ××× Unit5:1.假设下面是你对自己未来人生的规划,请根据下面表格所提供的信息并发挥你的想象力,

Everyone has his or her own dream. I have more than one dream. If I practice playing the piano every day from now on , I think I will become a pianist when I grow up. I?ll become famous, and maybe I will have a lot of fans. I also like English very much. If I go to college and major in English, I?ll become and English teacher after I graduate. I?m sure I will be a good teacher. If I major in law, I will be a lawyer one day. I think that is a great job.

2. 假设将来你有了很多钱,这笔钱可以帮你做三件事请,你会用它来干什么呢?请以“If I have a lot of money….” 为题写一篇短文,展开合理想象,60词以上。

If I have a lot of money

If I have a lot of money, I'll buy a big house for my parents. I hope they can live a more comfortable life.

If I have a lot of money, I ?ll plant more trees anf flowers in my city. On the one hand, it can make our city more beautiful. On the other hand, it can improve our environment.

If I have a lot of money, I will give some to charities and help those poor children who can?t go to school. I will be very happy when I see themk studying in bright classrooms.


Dear Bob,

How is it going? I am sorry to hear that you had a cold last week. I hope you are in good health now. Do you like to collect things? I like collecting stamps. I?ve been collecting them for five years. And I have a thousand stamps so far. I think they have much meaning to me and I learn a lot of things from them. I particularly love stamps with football. It?s just that I want to be a football player in the future. I always watch football matches and I fall in love with this sport. It can help me keep healthy and it?s also a good way to enjoy myself when I am under too much pressure. And the more I play football, the more I want to be a football player.

By the way, what?s your hobby and dream? Can you tell me?




Would you mind keeping your voice down?

I have a new deskmate . He is very clever , but he enjoys talking to others very much .

Even in class ,he often talks too much .I know it is bad for my syudy. I can?t stand it . I get annoye. At last, I said to him .“Would you mind keeping your voice down or stop talking?

I can? stud any more.”He said sorry to me and promised not to do it again.









迷茫时,我们不再等待,张开双臂,去拥抱那柳暗花明的未来;逆境时,我们不再等待,竭力寻求,去迎接那黎明的曙光;成功时,我们不再等待,再接再厉,去夺取那新的辉煌?? 请以“不再等待”为题,写一篇作文。






要求:①不少于600字。 ②书写优美,字迹工整,卷面整洁。









阅读下面的材料,选择一个角度,自拟题目,写一篇文章。 有一个年轻人到一家杂志社实习,拜一位方正、严格的资深编辑为师。这位编辑经常说的一句话是:“如果你对某一个词写法没把握,













请以“一起走过的日子”为题写一篇作文,字数不少于600字。 要求:这是一篇回忆过去生活的文章,写作时应具有较强的抒情
















请以“拥有现在”为话题,自拟题目,自选文体,写一篇文章。 要求:①文章不少于600字。②适当抒情和议论。





