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White Lucent

与蚕丝的华丽邂逅,让细腻丝滑的美妙触感,恣意宠爱你的容颜,任身心浸入这无与伦比的臻至享受,为肌肤奏天华物宝之妙曲。珍贵的蚕丝膜,薄如蝉翼,仿若无物,亲密无间地贴敷面部轮廓,任肌肤在滴滴植物精醇原液精华的滋润下,使面部得到充分的营养吸收。 产品说明


Extract the leaves of arbutin solution extracted from bear fruit, can inhibit tyrosinase activity, prevent the formation of melanin, thus reducing the skin melanin, fade spots and freckles, and sterilizing, anti-inflammatory role.


熊果苷提取原液精华、水、基己基甘油、透明质酸钠、氢化淀粉水解物、蚕丝提取物等。 使用方法:











Lustrous white


叶杜果原液是采用超临界二氧化碳技术萃取自叶杜果精华的高纯功效性液体,是一种黑色素捕捉器,能破坏色斑形成的多巴(DOPA)反应程式,达到美白淡斑,去除色素沉着的目的。 Quickly moisturize and whiten the skin, improve skin color in a short time, deep skin repair and effectively remove the yellow, compact skin, make skin enjoy by inside and outside send Yingrun bright white, beautiful and moving.


叶杜果提取原液精华、水、氯化钠、基己基甘油、乳酸、透明质酸钠、蚕丝提取物等。 使用方法:










白皙无暇Was white



L - vitamin C stock solution can be to be absorbed by human body of vitamin C, can relax and soothe the skin, help the skin the white state, make the moisture of the skin and whiten. 主要成份

左旋C提取原液精华、水、甘油、鞣花酸提取物、丁二醇、尿囊素、蚕丝提取物等。 使用方法:












Smooth and delicate



The snail is snail secretion of new solution contains abundant nutrition mucin, dear skin easily absorbed, wake up skin repair potential, make the skin the texture and delicate, soft touch. 主要成份

蜗牛提取原液精华、水,甘油、透明质酸、沙棘呆提取物、P C A钠、蚕丝提取物等。 使用方法:












Deep water


芦荟原液提取自库拉索芦荟的芦荟原液,温和安抚,带给肌肤水漾感受,肌肤日益水润白暂。 Aloe extract the extraction aloe Vera dope, Aloe Vera Soothing from mild to bring the skin, hydrating feeling, skin water embellish white the temporary more and more.


芦荟提取原液精华、水、甘油、羟乙基纤维素、氢化淀粉水解物、尿囊素、蚕丝提取物等。 使用方法:








1. How many times does “0” appear (出现) .If a story book has 200 pages(页)?

A. 31 B. 27 C. 22

2. Could you please judge (判断)how many triangles (三角形)there are in the shape on the right ?

3. 已知

How many strawberries ?

答案:___________ A. 4 B. 5 C. 6


1.Which is more, twice forty or twice forty and two?

2.If two cats are before a cat, and two cats are behind a cat,

and a cat is in the middle, how many cats are there in all?

3.In the right angled triangle, the two shorter sides are three and four units long, how long must the longest side be? (图)


4.There are two windows A and B here and try to find which of the other sic windows are the same as the two above ?

5. The ladies went shopping .A spent $10.00 more than B , and together they

spent %40.00. How much did either of then spend ?


1.Of the following pictures , which two pictures are of the same shaded area ?(阴影


(2) (3)

A.(1),(2) B.(3),(4) C.(1),(3) D.1,2 and 3,4

2. A glass of water is becoming cooler and cooler . Which picture can show the T

t t A B C D

(T:温度 t: 时间)

3.Could you please judge(判断)how many squares(正方形)are there in the picture ?

A .13 B .16 C .18 D.15

4. The old man has three children . The first is Forty—seven . The second is two years


than the first .The third is three years younger than the second .How old is his third son?

5.What is eleven thousand plus eleven hundred plus eleven ?

A.gives one apple to B .But B gives two apples to C . C gives three apples to A . In the end , who has the most apples ?

8.Every letter stands for(代表) a number . Look at the formula:


× 9



A= C=

9.Mike will leaver A for B . He will go past C,D,E,F,G,H and O . There are some routes(路线)in the following picture for him to chooser . What is the shortest

10.Look at the picture for 13(如13题图所示)△ABC, ∠C=90o, CA=CB=2 ,


What is the area of the shaded region(阴影部分面积是多少) ?

11.A snail (蜗牛)is climbing a tall tree. The tree is 9 meters tall . In the daytime , it climbs up to A , but at night it has to slip down(下)to B. How many days will it take(花费)to get to the top of the tree ?

12.Please look at the following pictures .

Guess “X” in the picture=?


1. Look at the picture () .In ____ the rate of profit () of the factory is the highest.

D. 2004 and 2005


(年) 2004 2005 2006 Please look at the calendar of March , 2007. If we use “ ” to circle any 5 numbers (任意五个数字),the sum (和) of these numbers can’t be _____.

A.45 B.60 C.90 D.110

2. These are 20 maths problems in the test .For each right answer , you get 5 points。 For no answer , you get 0. For each wrong answer , you lose two points instead of getting points (倒扣2分) .If Lucy gets a mark (分数).which a prime number (质数) , the largest number of maths problems she works out (解出) is____.

A.13 B.15 C.16 D.17


O + IT + — DO = _______

4. If a△B=3A-2B, then (6△5)△3=_______.

5.Look at the picture(30题图)If OA=BC=3, AD=1, then CA=________

6. If 3X2+2Y2-8=5, then 9X2+6Y2-4=_____.

7.Look at the picture(35题图)。It is a cube(正方形)

Then ∠BAC=______.

8.Look at the picture (37题图). A boss is going to pave a

red carpet (铺设红地毯)on the stairs(台阶) in a hall.

The width(宽度) of the stairs is 2.5m.

1m2of the red carpet costs(价值) 40 yuan.

He needs _____ yuan in all.

9. The number of the pupils in Grade One is no less than 100.If they stand in a line of 2, or a line of 7, there will be a rectangle. Then, the number of the pupils is_____.

10. Look at the chart below and find out the rule, X+Y=________.


1 1

1 2 1

1 3 3 1

1 X Y 4 1

11. Look at the picture(40题图).AB=BE=3CM, BC=1CM.If an ant starts from A to D on the surface of the box, the shortest distance (距离)is _____cm.

12.The volume(体积)of a bottle is 500cm3.There is some water in the bottle. As it is shown in the right picture, the volume of the water now is_______cm.

13.Look at the picture(图一): Rectangle A(长方形A) is passing from the left side of Square B (正方形B)to the right side in uniform motion(匀速) :2cm/秒

Look at the picture(图二): the chart of the relationship(关系)between Time and Overlapped area(重叠面积) of Rectangle A and Square B.

① b=______cm.

② The largest overlapped area is :S=_________cm

③ T=________秒

14. Look at the picture on the right.△ABC, CD=2DC.AE=EC. There are four parts:S1,S2 S3,AND

22S4.If S3=18cm,then S4=________CM



1. 体积是1立方米的物体,它的占地面积是100平方分米。

2. 在一幅地图上,量得甲乙两地的距离是3厘米,而甲乙两地的实际距离是60千米,这幅地图的比例尺时1:2000000.

?3. 一个三角形,两内角之和是91,它一定是锐角三角形。

4. 一个圆柱体的底面直径扩大3倍,体积就扩大9倍。



分类编号: 单位代码:10065

密 级: 学 号: 10217006


论文题目: 虎奶菇与大球盖菇原生质体

学 生 姓 名: 申请学位级别: 硕士

申请专业名称: 植物学 研 究 方 向: 蕈菌生物学 指导教师姓名: 郭成金 专业技术职称:教授

提交论文日期: 2013年6月3日

Tianjin Normal University

Master Dissertation

Studies on the protoplast fusion between Pleurotus tuber - regium and

Stropharia rugosoannulata


Major: Botany

Direction: Mushroom Biology

Adviser: GUO Cheng-jin

June 2013
















论文作者签名: 日期: 2013年 6月 3日



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虎奶菇(Pleurotus tuber - regium ( Fr1 ) Sing ( 1951年) )是一种珍贵的药食兼用高温型木腐菌,由菌核和子实体两部分组成,子实体不适食用。大球盖菇 (Stropharia rugosoannulata Farlow)中温型草腐菌,营养成分丰富,菇肉细嫩,味道鲜美,是国际粮农组织(FAO)向发展中国家推荐栽培的十大食用菌之一。实验通过原生质体融合技术,首次对科间虎奶菇与大球盖菇原生质体融合、再生进行了研究,并对融合子进行了初步的筛选和鉴定,期望能够获得同时具有两亲本优良性状的融合子,为新品种选育,细胞融合技术的研究以及医药业与食品业的进一步发展奠定基础。


虎奶菇最佳液体培养基为麦芽糖1.50%,蔗糖2.50%,酵母粉0.20%,麦麸2.00%,MgSO4·7H2O0.09%,KH2PO40.18%,VB16.00mg,利用此配方,菌丝体生物量得率为8.23 g/L。

大球盖菇最佳液体培养基组成为葡萄糖1.00%,蔗糖3.00%,酵母粉0.25%,蛋白胨0.20%,MgSO4·7H2O0.12%,KH2PO40.21%,VB18.00mg/L,运用此培养基培养菌丝,生物量可达9.30 g/L。


大球盖菇原生质体最佳制备条件以0.60 mol/L蔗糖作为渗稳剂,配制酶体系为1.50%蜗牛酶和1.50%纤维素酶的酶解液,33℃酶解9d的菌丝4h,原生质体制备率为2.56×107。最佳再生体系为取5d的大球盖菇菌丝体,利用0.60mol·L-1甘露醇作为渗稳剂,在1.50%的溶壁酶30℃酶解2h,再生率为4.90%。





[ 2010-04-21 10:39 ]








“Go, Lala, Go!” Tops Chinese Movies in Advertisement Placement

People count “stars” in “The Founding of a Republic”, but here the advertisements in “Go, Lala, Go!”. The latter film embraces 23 (to be exact) brand names, a record advertisement placement in Chinese movies. As a brand spokesperson, having long been a celebrity and with working experiences in publications, Xu Jinglei is crowned “Queen of Advertisements” out of her personal charisma, according to critics. In fact, the effort made in advance to tout for advertisements has rendered an outstanding service. A few days ago, in an interview, Director Xu and Producer Jiao revealed the mystery of persuading the advertisers to GO in for “Lala”.

译题一涉及两部中国电影片名的翻译,所幸的是,现在的电影一般都有英文片名。《建国大业》和《杜拉拉升职记》的英语片名分别是The Founding of a Republic和Go, Lala, Go!电影片名的翻译涉及文化顺应问题,同时由于中国电影片名常常涉及中国文化,有时也能给英语带来新鲜的信息,比如李安执导的电影《卧虎藏龙》的英语对译Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon就起到了传播中国文化的作用。该段文字涉及的翻译难点有:“数星星”、“数广告”、“广告植入”、“广告王”、“明星效应”以及“广告是怎么拉来的”。开头的两个“数”其实可以直译,人们确实是在数,在《建国大业》数到底有多少明星出演,在《杜拉拉升职记》数到底有多少广告植入。很多网友也使用了count一词来翻译,但部分网友增加了the number of显得多余。“广告植入”是一个专业术语,有两种说法,即product placement和advertisement placement。至于“广告王”,考虑徐静蕾女性导演的身份,翻译成Queen of Advertisements。“明星效应”本来是celebrity effect,但在这里由于句法上的要求,要灵活掌握。最后一句话暗藏双关修饰,“广告是怎样拉来的”中的“拉”隐射片名中的“杜拉拉”,这一点在网友的翻译中都没有注意到,笔者试着用go in for这个习语中go这个单词来联系片名中的go,是否成功翻译了原文的双关,欢迎同道批评指正。



snail solution


The World Expo Park’s Integrated Transportation System Completed

Shanghai World Expo Park is expecting to meet more than 100,000 visitors each day. Then how to transport these visitors swiftly from one district to another will test the wisdom of Expo organizers. Touring boat is the solution. Taking these boats along the waving Huangpu River, visitors can sightsee the exotic gallery of international buildings at the Bund, the landmark modern highrises in Lujiazui Finance and Trade Zone, and more importantly the colorful scene of World Expo Park.

译题二同样有几处难点。有一个难点可能超出了译者的预料,那就是标题中的“立体交通网”到底该怎样翻译。在网友的译文中,出现了vertical transport net,

three-dimensional transportation network, integrative traffic network等说法。从世博园实际的交通状况来看,公交、轨道交通、江底隧道、游船等应有尽有,所以笔者认为选择integrated 或integrative对译“立体”二字比较好。另外,标题中“已经筑就”不必译得过于复杂,用completed 翻译简单明了。文内的难点包括“考验着世博会组织者的智慧”、“万国建筑群”、“地标性现代建筑”、“五彩斑斓的世博园景”。“考验着…的智慧”当然可以直译成test the wisdom,但也可以说pose a challenge (to Expo organizers)。“万国建筑群”,有旅游宣传册翻译成the gallery of international buildings,这里的汉语原文包含了修饰语“异国情调”,所以增加了修饰语exotic,即使省略也没关系。在“地标性现代建筑”,“地标”是从英语译入汉语的,回译成landmark即可,有网友用iconic或symbolic不妥,考虑到陆家嘴的建筑特点,笔者赞同highrises一词对译“建筑”一词。最后“五彩斑斓的世博园景”中“五彩斑斓”回归本义就是colorful,但如果翻译成

marvelous, magnificent, grand等形容词也可以。就句子而言,翻译涉及的问题也很多。在第二句中,“欣赏”、“浏览”、“一睹”都是指游客坐船观光,笔者建议用sightsee一词来涵盖。有网友在第一和第二句中间补充了Touring boat is the solution,就该段文字来看,这样处理意思更加连贯。当然,如果有上文已经给出了必要的信息,这里则不必补充。




High Housing Price Gives Rise to “Stuck Divorcees”

Under the pressure of soaring housing price, divorced “post-80s” would rather be stuck in the same house than each choose a separate residence. These divorcees joke about it by calling themselves “stuck divorcees”. Though statistics show that only 10 percent of “post-80s” divorcees say farewell to marriage but not to a house, people have already concerned themselves with this particular phenomenon resulting from high housing price. Therefore, in order to avoid properties dispute, divorced parties should sign the “properties division agreement” as soon as possible, according to some professional lawyers.


Narrowness,可以说并不准确。“蜗居”在汉语中诉诸于蜗牛壳的形象,但snail这一比喻在英语中并没有狭小的意思,所以必须考虑文化顺应性,翻译成a nutshell of a house,也可以意译为a humble abode。既然“蜗居”不能说snail house,因此“蜗婚”也就不是snail marriage。“蜗婚”是个新词,又不能直译,所以必须考虑创新翻译,笔者试着把“蜗婚”一族翻译成stuck divorcees,因为这些离婚的人离婚以后,由于房子问题仍然“蜗”在一起,无法分开。解决了“蜗婚”的翻译,本段中的难点“蜗居(stuck in the same house)”、“蜗婚族(stuck divorcees)”、“离婚不离家(say farewell to marriage but not to a house)”也都迎刃而解了。最后“财产分割协议”不要误译为“marriage settlement”,因为它表示“婚前的财产约定”。至于“80后”的翻译,现在通常都说

post-80s,如果觉得不清楚的话,可以加上generation of people born after 1980。最后补充一点,“蜗婚”是否要保留音译,可以根据需要确定,但我们知道,由于语言的声望问题,汉语音译词要想进入英语世界是很困难的。当然,音译可能会引起一部分学过汉语的外国读者的兴趣,并起到帮助传播中国文化的作用。


张明权,安徽省固镇县人,江苏大学外国语学院副教授,英语语言文学硕士,上外博士课程班进修。主要从事英语语言学和翻译学研究,在国内外学术期刊发表论文10余篇,出版译著两部,发表其他文章20余篇,有大量翻译实践经验,翻译总字数接近200万。Email: mqzhang@ujs.edu.cn。

(中国日报网英语点津 编辑:蔡姗姗)

篇五:Task 1

Task 1 出国读大学的好处.

Personally, i think have studied abord is good for students and facilitate the job hunting. The most important reason i feel that way is i think study abord could teach us how to manger our time and navigate our life. For example, i have studied in south korea for 5 years, i feel this experience is really helpful for me, i have master a new foreign language, plus i have find i own path in career, which is find a job in samsong in the future. The life in korea is really coloarful and challenging,

Task 3 政策是学校在期末期间将延长cafeteria营业时间.结果那男的竟然同意!!我是按照不同意打的草稿,杯具.还好改起来也容易.男的说好,一是因为学生都在复习没精力煮饭,又不能老是简单对付,所以有吃的买当然好.二是以前晚上想和同学小组讨论一起复习都没地方,只好去学校外面找地方,现在可以去cafeteria.

The school in the reading passage plans to extend the opening time of cafeteria, because the school believes that and that

The man agrees with that plan for 2 reasons, first of all, many people are focus on the exam and have no time for cocing, also, eat noting is bad for study and healthy, so seeling food in cafeteria it is a good news for students .

Secondly, it is a good place for group discussing, because of the place, they always go out for discussing, this plan could help students to both have discussing and eat food.

Task 5 那男生的问题是他的心理课有小组讨论,他的小组的习惯是每周到一个组员家里,那个组员煮饭给大家吃,然后一起讨论.这周轮到他但是他忘了,现在已经来不及煮饭了.两个解决方案一是买餐厅的外卖带回家,但那男的又说这样贵,自己前段时间已经花了很多钱了.二是打电话给大家叫他们晚点来,自己赶快回家弄点简单的东西,又怕大家等的饿,还会影响饭后的讨论.

Bring food from restentent, or call the friend to come here later

As far as i considered, i prefer to choose the first solution if i meet the man’s situation, first of all, reshecuadul the time is unreasonable, because every people have their own shecudul, so that will affect them if i choose other time for meeting. Moreover, bring some food could solve this problem, he could buy some food in restrents, and also make some easy food such as hanberge for his friends.overall, first solution is better.

Task 6 是生物的mimicry,说很多昆虫都有,mimicry能保护昆虫.例子一是一种苍蝇本身没有任何可以保护自己的武器,但是它的外表看上去很厉害,so the predator think it is dangerous.就不会吃它.例子二是一种蛾,it looks like the predator,所以predator看到它以为是同类也不会吃它.

in the lecture, the professor mainly talk about insect’s mimicry behavior, there are two ways for insects to protect themself.

First of all, surface, the professor mentioned that, some insects have a fearful surface, for example, fly, a kind of insect without weapons, but they look fear on the surface, so the predator won’t eat them because the predator think it is dangerous. Secondly, some insects look like a kind of predator, for example, moth, the professor said, the predators won’t eat moths because they consider moth as one of predators. The two way listed above could protect insect to be eaten.

Task 4 MS是心理学,讲教授的roommate假扮老头子表演,一上台感觉more还是那个傻了吧唧的roommate但故事开始不久professor就觉得他是那个故事里a poor family(穷困潦倒还欠了债)里的poor father了于是worried about the family。最后happy end,教授表示为他们高兴。

Task 1

Task 1 你的一个朋友,你们怎么认识并结成朋友的?

Well, i want to tell you my best memory in Shanghai, i have found a internship HSBC bank in Shanghai now, i have meet a girl who is a top university student in china, she’s name is Joanna,she is pure, knowledgeable and beautiful,we have the same view in many things such as career, economy and life. So we became the best friend quickly, we helping each other in work, and eating together,i think time is elapsed if you meet the friends have same thinking with you, it is really enjoyable.

Task 2 你认为是否一个人的personality会随着年龄的增长而改变

Personally, i disagree with that people’s personality will changed along with the time, i think some traits will follow people until get old.

The reason i feel that way is i think the people’s trait and personality is inborn. My real example, my grandma told me that my grandpa is a man who often angry when he was a young man , because he like to done thing quickly, so if something has delayed or cannot finish in due day, he will get angry and finish it anyway, 30 years later, this trait has not changed, in those years, he uses to do it and thinks that is right

Task 3 Passage:大学增加了技能课,帮助大一的学生知道怎么学习,怎么研究写papaer,(后面应该还有几个,但记8得哩>_<)。以及今后课堂的规模会缩小。 Listening: GG学得这个plan好,因为1.因为以前他大一时就不知道怎么做research,怎么写paper,所以这样做很有用。 2.缩小课堂的规模后,学生就可以有更好的互动,可以有机会多问问题,而不只是象以前一样sitting and listening to the professor了。这样可以学到更多。

In the reading passage, the school plans to set more skills lesson, because the school believes the lesson could help first year students how to study, wright their paper and help them to adapt the school life.

The man in the lesson material agrees with that plan for 2 reasons, first of all, he mentioned that it is really helpful for the fresh students, because he didn’t know how to right a paper or do research when he was fresh student. It is good news for them. Secondly, he said narrow the scale of class will benefits students, because small lesson discuss more better and have more chance to ask personal question than before. Not just sitting and listening to the professor.

Task 4 Passage: 讲的是动物的passive locomotion, 通常动话由于生存的需要会要搬到新的地方去,以获得更多的食物和更好的环境。但也有一些动物是利用外界来移动的,这样的移动就不用耗费physical efforts,这种就叫passive locomotion。 Listening:讲蜘蛛就是利用风来进行移动的。因为蜘蛛是一个large group,所以东东就会不够吃。于是,它们会先吐一根丝,然后风吹这个丝,它就会跟着飘,当丝断了或者是风停了,它就来到了新的地方。如果幸运的话,在新的地方它就是更多的食物可以吃。

The professor in the reading passage introduce a term named passive locomotion, which means animals will move to live in another place in order to get more food and better living environment,some of them will move follow the outside suroundings, that will save physical efforts。 For example spider, the professor mentioned that, spiders always moved following the winds. Because of the large group, the food cannot find easily, so they spit one silk and follow the wind to move, they will stop if the wind is end or the silk is break. Then they come to the new place, they maybe find some food if lucky.

Task 5 Problem: MM说她周五要去campaign粉开心,可素米有tent。 Possible Solution: 1.她朋友要借她一个,可素她觉得太旧了,而且上面有小孔,万一下雨怎么办?(虽然MM后来自己也说了,虽然那天不太可能下雨,但她总觉得不保险 /*个人觉得这个有些废,括号前面滴素重点,但记得滴还素要说一下滴*/

As far as i considered, i prefer to the first one, first of all, i think buy a new tent just for campaign is unreasonable, because tent is only used in some special places, moreover, she could bring the tape with her, and if she meet the rain, she could use the tape to adhere the holes in the tent inside.overall . First solution is better.

Task 6 讲Non-profit Organization滴,这种组织做事有两种方法:1.advocacy

2. direct service Advocacy是指让人们意识到有这样的need和social problem,那么人们就会想办法解决这些问题、满足这些需求 Direct Servicej是指该组织直接参加其想要做的公益事业中 Example:用了一个play ground的例子解释了两种方法。 要造一个play ground用A法:a.在报纸上写文章,鼓动人们出钱、出力建造。b.在TV, Radio上作广告 要造一个play ground用DS法:该组织自己组织施工、参与建造与管理

The professor in the lecture mainly talk about 2 actions of Non-profit Organization.

First of all, advocacy, the professor mentioned that this way aims at to let people aware of need and social problem, so people will to think then try to solve what problem. For example, right some news on newspaper or magzine,as well as TV and radio, to motivate people to donate money and to build.

Secondly, direct service, the professor said that the Non-profit Organization participate the public programs, for instance, the Organization directly build and manage some programs for people.

Task 3 reading:学校打算新开一门课程,教学生如何写project和thesis,并强制学生参加 conversation:男生很喜欢这个课程,原因有三:一他本身不会写 thesis,他心理学的一个project修改了两次才最后通过,这个课程对他很有用 二》可以看到别的学生怎么写,学习别人好的地方 三》也可以看到别的学生的错误,下次再自己的project里面避免类似错误

First of all, it is helpful for students who didn’t know how to right project and thesis, he take his real example. His project of psychology has been rewrite twice, because he didn’t know how to write. Secondly, he said that this program could learn the writing skills from good students, learn the good writing skills and also avoid the their mistake.

Task 6 动物对抗炎热或干燥等恶劣气候prevent themselves from the hard weather,such as hot and dry weather,有两类方法strategies。 教授拿snail举例:第一种方法、天气炎热时,它会躲到树荫下、叶子下避暑。如果地面太热,它会爬到上树。第二种方法、天气干燥时它会躲在shell里,并制造出一种物质覆盖着自己的身体,这样可以防止水分蒸发、保持湿度store

In the lecture, the professor mainly talks about how animals to prevent themselves from the hard weather,such as hot and dry weather, according to the professor, first way is they will stay under the shade of trees or leaves, also they would climb the tree if the tempureture on the groud is too hot.

The second way is they will stay in the shell, and secrete some thing to cover their body, preventing the water get out of their body, and keeping humidity.

Task 3 jazz band 要在afternoon在校园的 lawn 开 concert , woman 不满意 因为1. 学生要学习, 会打扰, evening 更好 2. 很多人聚堆会踏坏草坪

In the reading passage, the school jazz band plans to open a concert in school lawn, because they believe that and that

The woman disagrees with that plan for 2 reasons, first of all, this concert will defintely affect study, the girl mentioned that, many students choose to study at night, because of the peace, this concert would disturb students because of the noise. Moreover, it is a bad idea to open the concert on the lawn, which would be distroed by people who come here for concert.


为了确定 service 在 consumer 当中的印象, 用observation 而不是用普通的 ask questions,因为 questions让人觉得烦,会给negative answer,例子是一个museum 有3 parts 要知道 哪个 part 更 popular

In the reading passage, the professor introduces a term named observation, it is used in marketing, which to know how does this service for consumers. because ask questions to customers would recieve negative answer, for example,

Task 5 男子的问题, summer job, 租了个房子, 但kitchen unavailable, 2 decisions:1. friend 有kitchen,一起用, 但是会inconvenient.2. 在 school cafeteria 买个 plan ,很便宜,但距离远

As far as i considered, i prefer to the first solution if i meet the same situation, first of all, school cafeteria is too far away from home, and it will takes time to walk. Moreover, he can make shechedul with his friend to share the kitchen with friend, and if i was him, i will ask to coocing and eating together with my friend, overall, first solution is better.

Task 666

plant shed themselves 1. prevent damage 例子 marple tree 在冬天来临时掉叶子,要不snow和ice附在叶子上会压坏枝条,2. reserve nutrient 例子 avo什么 tree 结果子时会让一些果子提前掉下以获得足够营养让果子成熟

In the lecture, the professor mainly talks how does plants shed themselves. According to the professor, 2 reasons for plants to do that, firstly, prevent damage, for example, marple tree, the professor mentioned that, they will shed its leaves in the winder, preventing its branch to avoid damage by snow or ice.

Second reason the professor gave to us is reserve nutrient, for example, avo什么 tree, the professor said that they will shed some bad fruits in order to let others get more nutrient to grow, so others will ripe well.

Task 3 学校policy 让所有大一新生明年统一搬到 baxter dormitory,其他年级的搬到其他宿舍,原因是这样更有利于大一学生在一起,经历同样问题可以一起商量解决,更好度过大一。某男是支持的态度:1.结合他自己经历,当年他大一小屁孩一个碰到问题没人问很郁闷,现在他想小娃子聚到一起商量肯定好得多。2某女
