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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/07 16:21:37 字数作文



The bird Jingwei trying to fill the sea Once upon a time, the youngest daughter of Emperor Yan went boating on the Eastern Sea. While she was enjoying herself, a strong wind rose on the sea and her boat capsized. Just before she was buried by the surging waves, her spirit turned into a beautiful bird. As it flew over the roaring sea, it cried sadly in the sound "jinwei, jingwei". That was why people called it "Jingwei". The bird lived on a mountain near the sea. It hated the sea so much that it decided to fill it up. Every day, it flew between the mountain and the sea, carrying in a twig or a pebble from the mountain and dropping it into the sea. One day, the roaring sea said to Jingwei, "Poor little bird, stop doing that meaningless thing! You'll never fill me up." Jingwei replied, "I'll fill you up no doubt! I will, even if it'll take me thousands of years! I'll fight on until doomsday!" The brave little bird kept carrying twigs and pebbles from the mountain to the Eastern Sea without taking a rest.

The bird Jingwei trying to fill the sea"精卫填海"这个成语就是由这个传说而来的,形容那些坚定不移,不屈不挠,不到目的决不罢休的人。From this fable comes the idiom "The bird Jingwei trying to fill the sea". We use it to desc(转 载 于:wWW.smHAida.cOM 海达范文网:精卫填海英语作文)ribe people who are firm and indomitable and will not stop until they reach their goal.

精卫填海(中文意思:)~~ 从前,炎帝(传说中中国原始社会的统治者)的小女儿在东海上划船。正当她划得高兴时,海面上突然升起一阵大风,把她的小船弄翻了。就在她要被汹涌的波浪吞没时,她的灵魂变成了一只美丽的小鸟。它飞过那咆哮的海面,伤心的叫着"精卫,精卫"的声音。所以人们就叫她"精卫"。 精卫鸟住在靠海的一座山上。它非常恨大海,所以决心要把它填平。它每天来回于山海之间,把从山上衔来的小树枝和小石子扔在大海里。 一天,咆哮的大海对精卫说:"可怜的小鸟,停止你那无谓的举动吧!你是永远都填不平我的。" 精卫回答说:"我当然会把你填平的!即使这需要千千万万年的时间,我也一定会斗争到底,直到你的末日来临!" 这只勇敢的小鸟继续从山上衔来小树枝和小石子,扔到东海中,从未有片刻休息。

请按照下列中文翻译: 从前,有一个人叫后羿,他有一个美丽的妻子叫嫦娥.一天,后羿外出打猎,遇到了王母,求得了一颗仙丹,服下仙丹,就能立即成仙.后羿舍不得妻子,就把仙丹藏在了枕头底下.三天后,后羿再次外出打猎.嫦娥趁后羿不在,把仙丹吞到了肚子里,立即飞到了月亮上成了仙.


检举|2013-04-16 10:24

Once upon a HouYi time, a man named Hou Yi, he has a beautiful wife named Chang'e. One day, he became hunting, met the Queen Mother, the first to seek immortality, the dose of immortality, we will be able to immediately immortal. When Ho was reluctant wife put in the possession of immortality underneath his pillow. Three days later, he became

hunting again. She was not taking advantage of Hou Yi, immortality Tundao the stomach and immediately flew to the Moon became cents.


Soon, Hou Yi married a beautiful and kind-hearted wife named Chang-e. In addition to hunting Hou Yi Chuan Yi, the day and his wife together, people are envious of this Langcainvmao loving couple. Day, Hou Yi and friends seeking the correct path to the Kunlun Mountains, the Queen Mother after this chance encounter, they would seek the Queen Mother of a pack of elixir. It is said that the drug dose can immediately go to heaven immortal. Three days later, Hou Yi mobilize believers to go out hunting, Peng Meng dismal pretend illness, stayed. Houyi rate to be gone soon everyone, Peng Meng backyard holding a sword into the inner chamber, coercion Chang E to hand over elixir. Peng Meng Chang-e know that they are not rivals, when she was critical of the decisive turn open the treasure box, took out elixir swallowed. Chang-e swallowed drugs, the body immediately floated off the ground, out of the window, flew to the sky.

As Chang-e worried about her husband, then fly to the moon from the earth into the nearest cent. Evening, Hou Yi returned home, maid cried the day they happened. Hou Yi both scared and angry, Choujian kill bad guys, Peng Meng escaped early. Hou Yi wringing Wawataijiao anger. Hou Yi distraught, looking up at the night sky, calling his beloved wife's name. Then he was surprised to find that today's moon is particularly bright and clear and bright, and there is a shaking of the figure resembles the Chang-e. Hou Yi quickly sent to the Chang-e, after a favorite garden, put the incense table, put her favorite honey usually eat fruit, Yao Ji at the the moon's Chang-e in the attachment of their own. People have heard about the Moon After the news of immortality, have decorative incense table in the next month, the Chang-e to pray for good luck peace. Since then, the custom of Mid-Autumn Festival worship in private spre 不久,后羿娶了个美丽善良的 妻子,名叫嫦娥。后羿除传艺狩猎外,终日和妻子在一起,人们都羡慕这对郎才女貌的恩爱夫妻。 一天,后羿到昆仑山访友求道,巧遇由此经过的王母娘娘,便向王母求得一包不死药。据说,服下此药,能即刻升天成仙。 三天后,后羿率众徒外出狩猎,心怀鬼胎的蓬蒙假装生病,留了下来。 待后羿率众人走后不久,蓬蒙手持宝剑闯入内宅后院,威逼嫦娥交出不死药。 嫦娥知道自己不是蓬蒙的对手,危急之时她当机立断,转身打开百宝匣,拿出不死药一口吞了下去。 嫦娥吞下药,身子立时飘离

地面、冲出窗口,向天上飞去。由于嫦娥牵挂着丈夫,便飞落到离人间最近的月亮上成了仙。 傍晚,后羿回到家,侍女们哭诉了白天发生的事。后羿既惊又怒,抽剑去杀恶徒,蓬蒙早逃走了。气得后羿捶胸顿足哇哇大叫。悲痛欲绝的后羿,仰望着夜空呼唤爱妻的名字。这时他惊奇地发现,今天的月亮格外皎洁明亮,而且有个晃动的身影酷似嫦娥。 后羿急忙派人到嫦娥喜爱的后花园里,摆上香案,放上她平时最爱吃的蜜食鲜果,遥祭在月宫里眷恋着自己的嫦娥。 百姓们闻知嫦娥奔月成仙的消息后,纷纷在月下摆设香案,向善良的嫦娥祈求吉祥平安。从此,中秋节拜月的风俗在民间传开了。

The Rabbit And The Turtle One day, a hare and a tortoise decided to have a race to see who was faster than the other. They agreed that the one who first got to the big tree in the distance was the winner. So they started at the same time. The hare thought, "My legs ave much longer than the tortoise's, I'm sure to be the winner. Of course the tortoise was much slower than the hare, but he was never discouraged and kept on moving forward as fast as he could. As the hare ran round a corner, he found the tortoise far behind him. So the hare decided to take a rest under a tree. When he woke up, the tortoise h

ad already got to the tree and won the race. The hare was filled with regret. 龟兔赛跑 一天,兔予和乌龟决定比赛看谁堪得快,他们约定谁跑到远处的大树谁就是获胜者,于是他们同时出发。 兔子想,“我的腿比乌龟的长的多,我肯定赢。”自然乌龟比兔子慢得多,但是它从不泄气,尽最大努力一直往前跑。 当兔子跑到一个拐角时,它发现乌龟远远的落在它后面,于是它决定在树下休息一会。醒来时,乌龟已经跑到终点,赢了这场比赛。兔子后悔不已。

牧羊人与狼Shepherd picked up a newborn Langzai son brought it home together with his dog feeding. Coyote grew up, where wolf Diaoyang it and go chase the dog. On one occasion, the dog did not catch up on the back, and then continued to chase the wolf until after the catch, and other wolves share a lamb. Since then, sometimes there is no wolf Diaoyang, it also secretly bitten to death by a sheep, and dogs share. Later, the shepherd aware of its behavior, they put it hanging in a tree. This story illustrates that, the poor nature difficult to change.翻译:牧羊人捡到一只刚刚出生的狼崽子,把它带回家,跟他的狗喂养在一起。小狼长大以后,如有狼来叼羊,它就和狗一起去追赶。有一次,狗没追上,就回去了,那狼却继续追赶,待追上后,和其他狼一起分享了羊肉。从此以后,有时并没有狼来叼羊,它也偷偷地咬死一只羊,和狗一起分享。后来,牧羊人觉察到它的行为,便将它吊死在树上。 这故事说明,恶劣的本性难以改变。








1.my favourite star:介绍一位你喜欢的明星(成龙、贝克汉姆、布兰妮)

2.my partner:介绍你的搭档(一般是好朋友)

3.our school:描述你的学校(用写信方式)

4.my family:谈谈你的家庭(有多少人,几个兄弟姐妹,他们的名字,性格.....)

5.Food and drink:make a food and drink poster(写一些健康/不健康食品,还有你喜欢的不喜欢的 蔬菜水果...)

6.self-introduction :自我介绍

7.my weekend :周末做些什么

8.my school day :在学校的一天


10.my favorite animal

11.my birthday :write about what you usually do for your birthday.





4.my dream school(时态)


6.my favourite Olympic sport

★7.介绍XX地 到 XX地 的旅程(写乘什么交通工具去的,是否舒服、有趣、流行,票价多少,所用时间。还可以对比 不同交通工具 的“性价比”)——这个比较难。

8.my partner's past life



11.a hero

12.write an email to your friend about your holiday


1.How do you deal with your problems in studies? / How to learn English?

2.How do we protect the environment? / Animals are in danger

3.A Trip to The Great Wall

4.A Birthday Party

5.How do we keep healthy?

6.Can we surf the Internet?

7.Spring Festival

8.The differences between Chinese and American names.

9.My favorite singer

10.A busy day / The seasons in my hometown

11. How to save our earth














长天晓日红”、“岁岁皆如意,年年尽平安”、“江山万里如画,神州四时皆春”、“春风送春处处***美,喜鹊报喜家家喜事多”…… 幅幅春联让千家万户喜气盈门。春联的种类比较多。按照使用场所,可分为门心、框对、横批、春条、斗方等。因此,贴的位置也不同,如“门心”贴在门板上端中心部位;“横批”贴在门楣的横木上。







“李伯伯,新年快乐”“王阿姨,工作顺了”“刘奶奶,身体健康”〃〃〃跟所有的长辈们拜过年之后,妈妈提议说:一会,去街上看看,感受下新年的气氛。 一上街,街上可就更热闹了。人们手里有提着大袋大袋的菜,身边的孩子手上握着一大把小花炮,蹦蹦跳跳地跑着。看!我左边的一位四、五岁左右的小女孩,跑到前面去。一下子又转过头对一位满手是鼓鼓的袋子的大人喊着:“爸爸,快点!我要回去放炮玩呢!”。有拿着那边超市发的小气球的,红的,黄的,绿的,还有蓝的。也有三五成群,手挽着手说说笑笑的姑娘们,小伙子们,忙绿了一年,辛苦了一年,我想这个时候应该是大家最放松,最高兴的时候。你看,路灯上还挂着两个小红灯,喜气洋洋的。就像在说,“我们也要过新年,我们也要过新年”。

一进菜市场,那才更热闹呢!人流窜动,一眼望去,什么也看不见,全是人。还有那翠绿的黄瓜,可真新鲜哪,你看,那金黄色的小花在太阳的照射下显得多么的生机勃勃啊。那鲫鱼,鲢鱼,青鱼,草鱼等等在水里游来游去,真是印证了我们中国的老话:年年有鱼(余)!黄的韭菜,红的番茄,黑的木耳,白的萝卜〃〃〃真是要什么有什么呀。“哎哟!可真够挤的。”我嘀咕了一句。跟着妈妈买了几个我爱吃的菜,结完帐就走出了菜场。超市里的收银台前也早已排起了长龙。 傍晚时分,街上,又渐渐安静下来。店主们把店子关了,超市也比往常早了些许关门。大家都提着东西回家过年去了。




“当、当、当”新年的钟声敲响了,家家户户的门上早已贴上了或火红或金黄的对联,每一家的老老少少都乐得合不拢嘴。兴奋的孩子们有的目不转睛地盯着电视,品尝着一年一度的晚会大餐――春节晚会;有的急着给自己的长辈拜年,发短信,打电话,所有新年的祝福话语仿佛怎么也说不完;调皮的孩子正在向自己的父辈们 “讨要”压岁钱;屋外的鞭炮声此起彼伏,炸开了锅,五彩的烟花更是把这个特殊的夜晚点缀得绚丽多姿。








Long long time ago, there lived a little princess named Niu Wa (女娃) who was the youngest daughter of Emperor Yan, the legendary ruler in ancient Chinese mythology. 精卫填海讲的是中国古代神话中炎帝宠爱的小女儿女儿的故事。

The littel princess loved watching the sunrise, admiring the spectacle of nature. She once asked her father where the sun rises. Her father said it was in the Eastern Sea and promised to take her there to see sunrise on a boat, but he had been too busy to do that.


One day, the little princess got a boat behind her father's back, sailing to the Eastern Sea. When she was away from the shore, unfortunately, a strong wind rose and overthrew her boat. She was buried by the surging waves, being drowned quickly. 这一天,女娃没告诉父亲,便一个人驾着一只小船向东海太阳升起的地方划去。不幸的是,海上突然起了狂风大浪,像山一样的海浪把女娃的小船打翻了,女娃不幸落入海中,终被无情的大海吞没了。

After her death, her spirit turned into a beautiful bird with white beak and red claws. Since it often stood on a branch, mourning herself sadly in the sound "jing wei, jing wei", people called it "Jing Wei".


Jing Wei hated the sea very much for taking her life. In order to revenge and keep other kids from being drown, the small bird decided to fill up the roaring sea.


From then on, Jing Wei flew to and fro between the mountain and the Eastern sea, carrying a twig or a pebble and dropping it into the sea. Day after day, it never stopped.


Puzzled by its behaviors, the sea said to Jing Wei with irony, "Stop doing that, poor little bird, it is totally meaningless! You'll never fill me up."


To it, Jing Wei replied firmly, "I'll fill you up no doubt! I will, even if it'll take me thousands of years! I'll fight on until doomsday!"


The brave little bird kept carrying twigs and pebbles from the mountain to the Eastern Sea without taking a rest.




1.my favourite star:介绍一位你喜欢的明星(成龙、贝克汉姆、布兰妮)

2.my partner:介绍你的搭档(一般是好朋友)

3.our school:描述你的学校(用写信方式)

4.my family:谈谈你的家庭(有多少人,几个兄弟姐妹,他们的名字,性格.....)

5.Food and drink:make a food and drink poster(写一些健康/不健康食品,还有你喜欢的不喜欢的 蔬菜水果...)

6.self-introduction :自我介绍

7.my weekend :周末做些什么

8.my school day :在学校的一天


10.my favorite animal

11.my birthday :write about what you usually do for your birthday.





4.my dream school(时态)


6.my favourite Olympic sport

★7.介绍XX地 到 XX地 的旅程(写乘什么交通工具去的,是否舒服、有趣、流行,票价多少,所用时间。还可以对比 不同交通工具 的“性价比”)——这个比较难。

8.my partner's past life



11.a hero

12.write an email to your friend about your holiday


1.How do you deal with your problems in studies? / How to learn English?

2.How do we protect the environment? / Animals are in danger

3.A Trip to The Great Wall

4.A Birthday Party

5.How do we keep healthy?

6.Can we surf the Internet?

7.Spring Festival

8.The differences between Chinese and American names.

9.My favorite singer

10.A busy day / The seasons in my hometown

11. How to save our earth

