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剑桥雅思10作文范文Test1Task1 .................................................................................................. 2

剑桥雅思10作文范文Test1Task2 .................................................................................................. 3

剑桥雅思10写作范文Test2Task1 .................................................................................................. 4

剑桥雅思10作文范文Test2Task2 .................................................................................................. 5

The bar chart shows the percentage of services arriving on time from 1999 to 2003. From the chart, one pattern shows that the actual percentage exceeded target percentage only in 2003, and the highest actual percentage occurred 1999 and lowest occurred 2000. In 5 years the tendency of target percentage was decreasing while the actual percentage fluctuated.

According to the first chart, the year 2000 had about 3.7% difference between actual and target which is the highest disparity, and the year 2003 had the lowest gap of about 0.4% the actual over target. From the second chart we can see that there were 40 thousand more complaints between the year with the highest number of complaints and year with the lowest number complaints. But if we consider the connection between both charts, in the year 1999 we had the lowest complaints in the bar and highest in 2003, which was dramatically strange since the year 2003 had the most complaints but it was the only year the actual percentage surpassed the target percentage.


In today’s world, the environment has become more crucial than ever, people have started to pay attention to the result of increasing industry and daily waste. However, sometimes people won’t even give a little effort to put a bottle in the recycling bin; instead they just throw it in the trash bin. But what truly causes this problem? In my opinion, there are three reasons for it.

Initially, people are apathetic about it, because sometimes it takes more effort to reduce, reuse, and recycle, and people these days are busy with what they doing on their hand like jobs. Besides there is no obligation for them to do it and also nobody spurs them to do it which exacerbates the issue. Even some people aware that, there raises a new problem that people are willing to recycle the wastes but often it’s not convenient for them to do so. For instance, in my city the recycle station for special material usually built far away from residence and generally people unwilling to put a bunch of trash in their house. But after all, people who passive about it mostly due to that they don’t realize how dire the consequence going to be if they don’t do so accordingly some people are still not motivated are act.

If there is a will, there are 3 ways to help. As a part of society, vote and support politician who would pass laws that protect the environment; as a homeowner, reduce, reuse and recycle should become established habits; as a consumer, it is vital to purchase items make from recycled material whenever u can to sustain the environment. Everybody truly does able to make a difference to the environment.


This bar chart analyzes the percentage of household waste recycled from 1992 to 2002. We can see that the percentage during 2002 increased all the way while other years fluctuated. In the various materials, paper and glass are the ones that with greater percentage that was recycled. In contrast, the plastic and cans had a lower percentage.

From the graph we can see that during 1992 cans have the highest percentage about 17% and plastic has the lowest at about 10%. After that, in year 1997, paper and glass became major types of waste that were recycled, at about 31% and 29% respectively. In 2002, glass became the dominant type of waste that was recycled with about 48%. Meanwhile, plastic had grown least around 2% and glass had grown the most around 34% in these 10 years, and paper chasing behind with 26%. Cans were more stable, with ony about 6% total growth.

As society advances, people’s life quality has vastly improved. Along with the society growth, more people tend to be more outstanding in their field, in another words, they are trying to strengthen their competitiveness. A person who has stronger competitiveness is often employed in a core position of a company, an enterprise that is competitive means that they are harder to surpass, and a country with higher competitiveness is generally more prosperous.

Competition among people can be good thing for a number of reasons. One of the main things is that people are more productive during competition; people push each other to exceed their normal limits which result in increased production. As a student, being in a competitive university always spurs us to self-improvement because in the study life you always need a goal to pursue, other competitor would be a nice motivator to help you reach your goal.

On the other hand, too much competitiveness might cause negative conflicts which result in disliking one another, especially if the one competitor always wins; it probably makes other competitors feel uncomfortable or maybe even frustrating about themselves. Sometimes overwhelming competition would bring plenty of stress to a person which has a possibility of causing physical or mental problems that we don’t truly want in daily life.

Throughout all the aspects, in my opinion, competitiveness for most part is positive, because if between people or companies or even countries without competitors, they won’t find out how grate or how bad they are doing, but with competitors, people have a better view about themselves and others.






2015年4月30日,《剑桥雅思10 》终于发布跟大家见面。雅思考生有了新的备考练习书,老师也有了新的教学参考书。而作为雅思考试最难拿分的部分和中国考生的短板,我们到底要做什么来提高写作成绩?笔者亲历众多烤鸭头疼写作单科5.5差0.5分递交大学申请,6.5差0.5申请牛津剑桥等名校、PR(澳洲移民)。套模板?背素材?用机经?还是些其他玄之又玄的方法?本文笔者将结合自身数年雅思写作教学经验、近年考试真题和之前剑桥雅思书籍(1-9)对剑10中作文部分进行浅析,并努力用较短的文字给烤鸭指明备考方向。



笔者将小作文分为数据类(线、饼、柱、表及综合图)和非数据类(通常为流程图和地图)。柱图作为近年来在考试中考查频次最多的数据类小作文(13,14年均最多),它连续出现在剑9/10中是与其在考试中地位相匹配的;表格作为这两年重点考察的图形出现也是实至名归,上次在剑桥系列书籍中出现表格,还要追溯到2011年剑8Test1的饼+表综合图中;倒是饼图连续在剑7/8/9/10中出现颇为意外,原因是在这两年考试中出现频次大幅下降,2013年全年48次考试出现6次,2014年仅2次,2015年到笔者写这篇文章之前的16场考试更是没出现,流程图的出现说明非数据类小作文在雅思考试中的地位将会得到继续巩固(连续出现在剑8/9/10),实际上去年48场考试中非数据类占到13次(7次地图和6次流程),已经与数据类小作文分庭抗礼之势。值得一提的是,剑10前3套练习中小作文均为两个图(Test1两个饼,Test2两个表和Test3两个柱),这似乎也在传递一个讯号就是以后数据类小作文的考察将会以图形提供更多的数据信息为主要形式,更加看重考生们对数据的总结归纳技巧而不是单纯的数据和趋势描述。跟以往的剑桥真题类似,剑10在后面答案提供了Test2和Tes4两篇小作文范文(Sample Answer)供考生研读,其中笔者认为流程图这篇范文学习意义非常之大,虽然之前剑桥在剑6中给出过流程图范文(蚕的一生和制丝过程),但这篇关于三文鱼一生的范文更具代表性,文中用了很多表示过程演进的衔接词,如begin, after, by the time等,清晰地交代了变化,给考生仿写做了一个非常好的演示,帮助解决流行在中国烤鸭中的流程地图恐惧症。




笔者将大作文按题型分成观点、讨论、利弊和综合四种,按话题又可分为教育、政府、家庭、职业、环境、文化、价值观、全球化、科技、犯罪、媒体等类别。剑10Test1中是一道综合题(两个问题,一问同意不同意,一问是提出另外恰当的惩罚方式),很可惜,剑桥到剑10仍没有完整给出一篇观点类(Do you agree or disagree?)题目范文,因为该题型在近年考试中占得比例都在1/3以上,在14年的考试中48次考查了20次。但即使如此,这次这道综合题后面给出的范文有很大的参考价值,因为相对于剑8Test3那道综合题所给范文(一问是否同意上涨油价是最好的解决交通堵塞和污染的方式,另外一问还有没有其他的解决方案),剑10该范文对同意与否的分析更加具有批判性(critical),而这种批判性是决定作文得到7分或以上的关键,因为7分的作文通常需要考生在作文内容上和考官产生共鸣,也就是内容上说得在理,英式学术作文中常见的思维方式便是这种辩证性的,这一点希望考生引起注意。另外值得一提的是,Test1和Test2的大作文话题都隶属教育,足见这一雅思常考话题的重要性,事实上在这两年的雅思考试中,教育话题题目的考察频次都保持在前两位,地位依旧稳固,所以考生在准备大作文时一定要注意教育话题的常用思路及话题相关词组,这一方法不仅仅局限于对教育话题的准备,如果时间允许,准备上述所有话题的思路和词组是最好不过的,因为这会最大程度上降低考试碰到题目没观点及词汇贫乏的顽疾。Test3出现全球化的题目,该话题在2013年风光无限,甚至超过教育类话题成为当年最高频,但14年考察频次并不多,今年前16场考试中也未见踪影,但不能排除在接下来考试中出现的可能性;Test4出现的文化类话题博物馆是否应该收费与今年2月7日考试中的话题高度相似(该题问博物馆为什么现在只吸引外地游客及吸引本地游客的方案),文化类话题从往年来看考察频次并不多,每年只有3到5次,其原因笔者分析是考生平均年龄下降,剑桥雅思官方为了尽可能让考试公平、让年龄较小烤鸭有话可写,话题逐渐从前几年的高大上,变得更为贴近生活、通俗易懂,但不可小视的是出题点越发准确,也就是说原来命题是一个面现在命题虽然话题浅了,但是论述的点变得更为具体,最典型的例子见今年3月28日考题:Some people think that the increasing use of computers and mobile phones for communication has had a negative effect on young people's reading and writing skills. Do you agree or disagree? 以前的题目可能只会问过度使用手机和电脑的坏处,而这道考题中不仅交代了对象(young people),更是限定了对reading和writing skills的影响,如果考生只是去论述使用手机电脑的坏处则会被判为跑题,我们可以发现剑10四道大作文的命题中,也印证了这样的规律,其背后传递的信息是只靠死记硬背模板和提前准备好的素材根本不可能在写作考试中拿到理想的分数,只能通过提高自身对话题的理解、逻辑论述训练的准备及过硬的表达语法,才可战胜雅思大作文。






剑桥雅思8作文范文Test1Task1 ................................................................................................. 2

剑桥雅思8作文范文Test1Task2 ................................................................................................. 4

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剑桥雅思8作文范文Test3Task1 ............................................................................................... 14

剑桥雅思8作文范文Test3Task2 ............................................................................................... 16

剑桥雅思8作文范文Test4Task1 ............................................................................................... 20

剑桥雅思8作文范文Test4Task2 ............................................................................................... 21





(来自:www.sMHaiDa.com 海 达范文网:剑桥雅思10作文范文)

1. 这个饼形图表现了导致土地退化的三个主要原因。

2. 表格中列举的三个地区土地退化的原因各有不同


1. 第二个表格中列举的数字是某种原因导致的退化的土地在所有退化土地中所占的比例,而不是在所有土地(包括退化的土地和建议的写作结构,对比此结构与考生有可能采用的不恰当结构。

介绍部分应该把题目用自己的话重写一遍。最好用一段描述饼形图,另起一段描述图表。 可以直接引用图表中的数据(切记这些数据是退化土地面积的比例),或者指出相对的比例 (见参考范文)。最后应该有一个简短的结论。


The pie chart and table show how land around the world was degraded during the 1990s –the former on a worldwide scale and the latter in three different regions.

Worldwide, over-grazing was the biggest cause of land degradation (35%), with deforestation causing 30% and over-cultivation causing slightly less (28%). Other factors caused 7% of land degradation.

The table shows that, during the 1990s, 23% of the land in Europe was degraded, more than in Oceania (13%) and far more than in North America (5%). In Oceania, over-grazing was primarily responsible for land degradation, with deforestation accounting for far less and none caused through over-cultivation. In North America, over-cultivation was the main reason, with about a third of land degradation being caused by over-grazing and very little being caused by deforestation. In Europe, deforestation was responsible for about 40% of the land degradation, over-cultivation about 30% and over-grazing about 20%.

To summarise, land degradation was due to three main factors and these factors differed in proportion in different regions.(168 words)

饼形图和图表反映了 20 世纪 90 年代全世界土地的退化情况——前者是针对世界范围, 后者是针对三个不同的区域。

世界范围内,过度畜牧是土地退化的最主要原因(占 35%),滥砍滥伐占了 30%,过 度开垦相对影响较小(28%)。其他导致土地退化的原因占了 7%。

图表反映出,20 世纪 90 年代,欧洲有 23% 的土地退化了,高于大洋洲(13%),并且远超过北美(5%)。在大洋洲,过度畜牧是土地退化的主要原因,其次是滥砍滥伐,相对 较少,没有过度开垦的行为。在北美,过度开垦是主要原因,有三分之一的土地退化受过 度畜牧的影响,极少部分是因为滥砍滥伐造成的。在欧洲,因滥砍滥伐导致的土地退化占 40%,过度开垦占 30%,过度畜牧占 20%。



1. 引言部分指出饼形图和图表中的信息有何种不同。

2. 在正文第一段,作者使用“cause”和“causing”两个词,显示了作者根据语法要求可使用不同词性的同根词的能力。

3. 正文第二段第一句简略阐述了图表信息。正文第二段,作者运用对比性词语(primarily, ?far less, main, very little),用以说明各种原因在土地退化上所起的不同影响。

4. 在描述欧洲的土地退化状况时,作者换成更数学化的描述方法。



1. 需要关注双方的观点。

2. 由于答案不可能是仅靠父母或学校就能教育孩子们成为一名优秀的社会成员,因此,选择陈述双方的观点会更容易些。



这篇作文需要一个简短介绍和简要的结论。正文应有两到三个段落,每段阐述一个要点。考生可以选择三个及以上的段落,如果他们的文章超过 300 个单词的话。建议考生单独写一个段落来阐述与题目意见相反的观点,或者考生在正文各段中提及反方的观点。考生写文章时要尽量避免观点过于极端,最好不要建议仅由父母或仅由学校承担教育孩子成 为优秀的社会成员的重任。

两篇观点不同的参考范文(250字—300字) 参考范文 1——建议是学校

Some people believe parents should teach their children to be good members of society, but I and others think school is the main place for this to be taught.

The main reason why I think schools should primarily be responsible for teaching children to be good members of society is that children spend more time at school with teachers than with their parents. The children are also in a formal learning environment. This combination provides more opportunities for teachers to show children how to behave as good members of society. The teachers can also ensure that all the children have the same chance to learn the same things about being good members of society.

If parents are made more responsible for teaching their children to be good members of society, then many parents might find they do not have the time for this. Parents have many responsibilities such as work and taking care of the home. Of course, many parents will naturally prefer to do other things with their children, such as having fun and visiting places of interest. In addition, some parents might not be as experienced as teachers at teaching children, so the children might not learn as well as at school.

There will always be plenty of parents who have the time, willingness and ability to teach their children to be good members of society. However, many more will find it difficult and need extra help. Some will ask other parents or consult books or websites. I do not think there is anything wrong with this, but we should not assume that all parents will do it.

In summary, I think parents will often teach their children to be good members of society, but this should mainly be done at schools.

(294 words)

一些人认为父母应该教育孩子成为优秀的社会成员,但我和另外一些人认为,学校应 该是承担这种教育的地方。

我认为学校应该首要承担教育孩子成为栋梁之才的主要原因是,孩子们在学校和老师 待的时间比与他们和父母待的时间长。此外,孩子们是在正式的学习环境下成长的。这两 点证明老师有更多的机会教给孩子们如何成为栋梁之才。同时,老师也能确保所有的孩子 有均等的学习机会,去学习成为优秀的社会成员的相同的知识。

如果让父母来承担教育孩子成为优秀的社会成员的主要责任,那么就会有很多父母发 现自己并没有时间来做这件事。父母承担着诸如工作和照顾家庭的责任。当然了,很多父 母自然更愿意为孩子做些其他的事情,比如陪孩子出去玩、游览名胜古迹等。除此之外, 一些父母可能不像老师那么经验丰富,所以孩子可能没有在学校学习得效果好。

常常是很多父母有时间、意愿和能力教育他们的孩子成为优秀的社会成员。但是,还 有很多父母会觉得做起来有困难,需要他人的帮助。有些父母会咨询其他父母,或求助于 书籍、网站。我不觉得这样做有什么问题,但是我们不能想当然的认为所有的父母都做得到。

总的来说,我觉得父母会常常教育孩子们成为优秀的社会成员,但这种教育主要还是 要学校来做。

参考范文 2——建议是父母

I think that the main responsibility for teaching children to be good members of society lies with parents rather than schools and shall outline my reasons in this essay.

I think that most parents know their children well enough to be able to teach them to be good members of society. At school, children are often in large classes and therefore do not receive so much individual attention. When teaching children to be good members of society, I think that this individual attention is important, because some will have learnt about membership of society and others not. The parents will generally know this and be able to fill any missing gaps in their child’s knowledge.

Secondly, parents and their children will probably spend more time together in a variety of social situations, whereas teachers and their students spend most of their time together in the classroom. The variety of social situations gives the parents more teaching opportunities, for example while shopping, at public events and at family gatherings. Of course, these opportunities give children the chance to learn to be good members of society from other adults, not only from their parents.

Thirdly, I believe that schools and teachers should focus on academic subjects. There is often little enough time for these at schools, so making parents responsible for non- academic things, such as teaching children to become good members of society is a good idea. However, there will be opportunities for teachers to point out in class how children can be good members of society, for example when teaching children about the environment.

To conclude, I think there are clear advantages in having both parents and schools teach children how to be good members of society, but parents should take most of the responsibility.




You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The charts below show the number of Japanese tourists travelling abroad between 1985 and 1995 and Australia’s share of the Japa nese tourist market.

Write a rep ortfo r a university lecturer describing the inf ormation shown below. You should write at least 150 words


You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The chart below shows the amount sp ent on six consumer goods info ur Europ ean countries. Write a repo rtf or a university lecturer describing the info rmation shown below. You should write at least 150 words.


You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The charts below show the levels of pa rticipa tion in education and science in developing and industrialised countries in 1980 and 1990.

Write a rep ortf or a university lecturer describing the info rmation shown below. You should write at least 150 words.


You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The graph below shows the unemployment rates in the US and Japan between March 1993 and March 1999.

Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below. You should write at least 150 words.



You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The table below shows the proportion of different categories of families living in poverty in Australia in 1999.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.Write at least 150 words.


The table gives a breakdown of the different types of family who were living in poverty in Australia in 1999.

On average, 11% of all households,comprising almost two million people, were in this position. However, those consisting of only one parent or a single adult had almost double this proportion of poor people, with 21% and 19% respectively.

Couples generally tended to be better off, with lower poverty levels for couples without children(7%) than those with children(12%). It is noticeable that for both types of

household with children, a higher than average proportion were living in poverty at this time.

Older people were generally less likely to be poor, though once again the trend favoured elderly couples(only 4%) rather than single elderly people(6%).

Overall the table suggests that households of single adults and those with children were more likely to be living in poverty than those consisting of couples.



《剑桥雅思7》Test 3 Writing Task 2的考题实际上就是中国大陆06年10月28日的考题,原文原题,一个字不差。朗阁雅思写作教材《最新雅思高分范文集》(第四版和第五版)里就有该题的原创范文。虽然不是考官满分作品,但也可算作是一篇高分范文了。摘录于此,供广大雅思考生参考学习。

2006年10月28日A类Task 2 考题


You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

As most people spend a major part of their adult life at work, job

satisfaction is an important element of individual well-being.

What are the factors that contribute to job satisfaction? How realistic is the expectation of job satisfaction for all workers?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.




本题的难点主要在于第二个问题的理解“How realistic is the expectation of job satisfaction for all workers?”它的精确含义应该是“让所有的员工都对自己的工作感到满意,这样的期望有多现实?”。很多考生会由于这个问题不能精确理解而导致写作偏题。


Some people think that personal happiness is directly related to economic success. Others argue that happiness depends on different factors. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Happiness is considered very important in life. Why is it difficult to define? What factors are important in achieving happiness?


A job provides the worker with the necessary means to remain satisfied in almost every aspect of life such as leisure, health, and social life.

Consequently, finding a satisfying and motivating job is essential for improving an individual’s overall quality of life, and several key factors are thought to be critical for an employee to achieve job satisfaction.

A reasonable salary is of course the most likely contributor to job

satisfaction. In many people’s minds, an ideal job is first of all a well-paid one, which makes the employee feel that he is fairly rewarded for what he has done for the company. Another important element of job satisfaction is the nature of the job itself. Job satisfaction can never be achieved if the work is boring, or if the work is ill-suited to the employee’s education, skills and interests. Finally, job satisfaction is closely associated with being part of the decision-making process in the company as well as having opportunities for promotion.

However, it is very difficult for a company to ensure that all its employees are satisfied with their job. The main reason is that different people have different definitions of job satisfaction. Some people may care salary more

than opportunities for promotion. Others may never tolerate a boring task. Also, in the wild chase for quicker and higher profits, ensuring workers’ job

satisfaction has become only a secondary or even non-existent goal for many employers.

In conclusion, increasing workers’ job satisfaction can be a challenge for an employer, but for an individual employee, finding the right job and trying to stay positive might be the first step towards achieving job fulfillment and satisfaction.

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He is genuinely motivated by a desire to help people.


adv.从而, 因此

I spent most of my money in the first week and consequently had very little to eat by the end of the holiday.


adj. 重要的

The President's support is critical (to this project).


adj.理想的, 完美的, 想象的, 观念的, 唯心论的

The television also comes in a compact 36 cm screen size, ideal for bedroom or kitchen use.


n.促进, 提拔, 晋升

The job offers excellent promotion prospects.


adj. 第二的;第二位的,附属的

Many older people still believe that women's careers are secondary. fulfillment

n. 滿足(感),成就(感)

People find fulfillment in working for a common goal.

several key factors are critical for…


Consequently, finding a satisfying and motivating job is essential for improving an individual’s overall quality of life, and several key factors are thought to be critical for an employee to achieve job satisfaction.


Three factors are essential for keeping your bones healthy throughout your life
