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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/25 17:22:49 体裁作文

篇一:2013版八下英语 指南针 选词填空(含答案)


Let children learn to judge(判断)their own work.When children learn to speak, other people should not correct their mistakes all the time.If we do,they will .Let them understand the the language they speak and the language other people around them speak.Day after day,they will make some changes to make their language like other

’help.For example,to walk,to run,to climb,and to ride a bike make themselves understand how they should ,they can make some changes they need.

But at school we never let a child find out his mistakes and correct them.We usually think he will never know his mistakes if we do not tell hin or he will nevet correct them if the answers to the problems,and find good ways of working them out with the help of other children if he wants.

Can teachers give the students answer books if they do math problems?Let them correct ’t find the ways to get the right answers,the teachers should help them.Let the students know what they must

ago his mother Janet feel ill.They spent almost all their money on his mother’mother was sad this Christmas.So Tony wanted to buy a nice Christmas happy.He went to a shop and said to the man in it,“Uncle, can I get a cake for 33 cents(分),please?”The man looked at 微笑),“one costs 40 cents.”Tony turned back and walking out after he heard this.“Hey,wait a minute.Don’t look so sad.Today is the day before Chritmas.I don’t want to see today.Here take the cake and Have a happy Christmas.” “The same to you,uncle.And thank you so much.” Said Tony.

When he was walking,he a woman sitting under a tree and asking for money.Two money to give them,so he walked away.But he felt sorry for them,so he gave the cake to .

When he got home,he told this to his mother.“Son,Christmas is not only about cutting cakes,singing songs,or having parties.The spirit of Christmas

is giving and sharing.It is about showing love and kindness.And you have done that.You have celebrated Christmas by helping the

in the United States is not free,but costs a large amount of money.It is for parents who are not very rich to give children all money they need It is easy for them part-time jobs on campus.Their school may hire(雇

佣)them as teaching assistants,workers in offices and 5. ,waiters or waitresses in restaurants.They can work there 24 hours a week and be paid by the hour.It is also possible for

them to work outside their school in factories,stores and supermarkets,or help families 6. rooms.

money than they can get from

part-time jobs.American students are usually active in class.They like to ask questions and enjoy 9. with each other or teachers.A professor’s lecture may be interrupted(打断)from time to time by questions.This doesn’t make him unhappy or angry because questions show that students are

was a young boy,I was too shy to speak to anyone.My classmates often laughted at me.I was sad but could do happened,and it life. It was an English

speech(演讲)competition.My mother asked me to take part in it.What a terrible idea!It 4. I had to speak in front of all the teachers and students of my school!

“Come on,boy.Trust yourself! You are sure to win.”Then mother and I talked about many

,I chose the topic “Believe in yourself”.I tried my best to rememer believe my ears when the news came that I had won the first place.I heard the cheers from the teachers and students.

classmates who once

A New Mexio high school teacher has been disciplined(被处罚)after a parent says the man

told his son that Santa Claus(圣诞老人)is white.

Officials(官员)at the school in Rio Rancho said Saturday that the teacher was disciplined for

his words to the student,but they to say how.

The move came after students at Cleveland High School were told they could come to class

Michael Rougier told KOB-TV his ninth-grade school,wearing a Santa hat and beard(胡子),and the teacher asked the boy:“Don’t you know Santa Clause is ?Why are you wearing that?”

Michael Rougier said the teacher’s made him lose his “There’s no room for that in the classroom,”he said.“Whether this teacher felt

Christopher may have been wearing this or not ,there’s no room for it.There’s just no room for it.”

This kind of thing happened the same week.And Fox News Channel’s Megyn Kelly said on the air that Santa Claus and Jesus(耶稣)were white.Her words made more people write on the Internet.

A spokeswoman for Rio Rancho Public Schools said that the Cleveland High School teacher knows he made a “stupid mistake”and has said he feels very bad about what has happened.

Michael Rougier said he still cares about the teacher.“.If he has that attitude(态度),how is it affecting(影响)students,studies,grading habits?”Rougier said.

The teacher works at Cleveland,but Christopher has been moved from his

their children should not do chores. Some of them feel that their schoolwork is very important and that chores only take time away from those more important .Some parents feel it’s just easier to do the job -that chores for kids would take too much of their time and patience(耐心).Still other parents would say.“You’re only young once”and feel that children should have more playtime themselves.

Bck in the day when most Americans lived on farms,parents often work to help their family survive(生存).But as moms and dads left their homes and went out to work,more and more Americans have decided that children should have a life free from hard work.

When kids,it is important to remember to teach them life skills when you care

about their schoolwork.And because our kids are home with us all day long,it’to put these real life lessons into our day.

Our kids hope to help out with chores from a very young children

actually really like to help their parents.If you have young children,now is the best time to invite them to help out with the chores.You will find them very

A famous speaker started his discussion by 支票). In the room of 200 people,he asked.“Who would like this $20 bill?” Hands “I am going to give this $20 to one of you,but first ,let me do this.”

He the 20 dollar note again and again,and then asked,“Who still wants it?”Still the hands “Well,”he replied,“What will happen if I do this?”He it on the ground and started to grind (踩) it into the floor with his shoe.He picked it up,now crumpled(皱的) and .

“Now, who still wants it?”

Still the hands went into the air.

“My friends ,you’ve learned a very valuable(有价值的) .Whatever I did to the money ,you still wanted it because it was still valuable.It was worth(值)still $20.”

“Many times in our lives, some other people dropped us, crumpled us,and made us dirty by the 好像)we are worthless;but whatever happened or what will happen,you will never your value.”

“Dirty or clean ,or crumpled,you are still pricelss to the people who love you.The worth of our lives comes,not in what we do or who we know,but by....who we are.”

they have to srudy very hard .Others may have trouble getting on with people their classmates and parents.

Zhang Ming,a Junior 2 student from Sichuan,could not understand his teacher in class and

doing in his lessons.He became so worried about it that he get to sleep at night.

Another student ,14-year-old,Yang Yu,from Wu Han,was afraid exams.She got very

worried,and when she looked at the exam paper,she couldn’t think of anything________.

A report from China Daily _______about 17% of Shanghai young people have mental(精神

的)problems.They are very worried and very ______.They have problems learning and getting on with people.And many of _______won

’t go for advice or help .Some think that they will look stupid(愚蠢的)_______they go to see a doctor.Others don’t want to talk about their problems.

An expert from Beijing gives the _______advice for teenagers.

?Talk with your friends,teachers and parents often.

?Join clubs and do sports.

parents sent me _______in a daycare facility(日托中心).The teachers there taught me to speak and write in Chinese and English.When I was in the ______grade,my teacher told my parents that my English was good,but I had ______with my Chinese.

My parents worried about me.They were afraid that I______Chinese,so they sent me to a Chinese school.At the school,I ______many children like me,and we studied together.I was very ______to have a good teacher,Mrs.Ding.She was very kind and her _____was soft.She read Chinese stories and essays (文章)to us.She taught us how _______Chinese.My Chinese becomes


It was mainly because I was _____in cutting open an orange with a knife.Without knowing it,the knife ______my thumb(手掌).All at once,the blood came up.My thumb was hurt and left with a long cut.I went to look for the plaster band(创可贴)______while the blood ______on the table and on the ground.I put the plaster band around my thumb,but the blood _______coming out.The band was soon wet,with the blood streaming along the finger to the back of the hand.Then I could see a bloody hand.I ran ______the blood with the water.In a minute it ______red again!

My heart went down.It was the end of the world.An awful idea came through my mind.But ______,my classmates helped me.At last,they stopped the blood from coming out.

When I went home and told my mother about it.She said ______more,but told me to do more housework for our family later.Because I didn’t do anything at home though my mother

chance to see your friends again.But ______of all,the new term is a chance to take up new hobbies.It is _______in Britain for most students to take up new hobbies after the Christmas holidays.

Most schools _______different kinds of hobby classes.Students take them in their free periods or after school.Some classes you have to pay for and others are ______.For example,I









1) 教师利用一节至半节课让学生了解圣诞节的由来以及发展 2) 是日早上7:30,圣诞老人在楼梯口迎接学生,分发圣诞帽和小礼品(零食)。迎接语:Merry Christmas!

(一) 开场前:

会场持续播放温馨的圣诞英文歌曲,营造气氛。(so this is Christmas; merry Christmas; 雪绒花??)

(二) 开场:



B:圣诞节最重要的意义是讲“饶恕”与“和好”,而非等待圣诞礼物。 A:圣诞祝福总是与圣诞老人的礼物同行。











节目: 游戏 《 萝卜蹲 》 志愿者

A: 萝卜蹲(8~10人,)规则几个人(超过两人)分别代表一个动物或水果或人物,一人先开始,说“XX蹲,XX蹲,XX蹲完,XX蹲(另一人头上带的水果或蔬菜名)”被叫到的人继续说,若未说出则被淘汰。(淘汰者先按淘汰先后顺序站到一旁,参与者最后都有纪念奖品)(每位小朋友拿好属于自己的ID card(fruit),从第一个小朋友开始。念台词,做属于自己的动作,再指定别的fruit做同样动作,依此类推。)

B: Eg:Apple蹲,Apple蹲,Apple蹲完,Orange蹲。




节目: 《 抢答 》




节目: 《 独唱 》




节目: 《 爱的抱抱 》(30人,每班三个)



节目: 《 k歌之王 》



A:恩 也是啊,那就让我们来一场K歌比赛吧


节目:合唱《jingo bells》 全体

节目: 年级组长致词








B:我们要把最美好的圣诞祝福,我们要把最美好的圣诞祝愿送给大家 A:亲爱的老师、同学们

AB:merry Christmas,圣诞快乐!



主持人: (撰写具体主持稿)

摄 影:








Unit 1


1. The old usually want to be _____________ than before, but some of them don’t know how to look after their____________. (health)

2.This is my ___________ time to visit Chengdu. I have been here __________. (two)

3.He is an __________ student, and he often takes part in different _______________ after school.(act)

4.At _________, he wants to get more ____________ to do his homework because it’s too difficult. (time)

5.The little boy is very outgoing, he was the ________ to answer the teacher’s questions, but he can only answer _____of them. The teacher has to let others answer the other questions. (one)

6. I want to be an ____________ when I grow up, because I like ___________ people about their lifestyle.( interview)

7.My little brother has a good _____________ habit. He always ____________ two hours every day.(read)

8.Tom speaks Chinese very___________, but he is not ____________ at writing it. (good)

9. Though we know they are very___________, but it is not easy for us to find the_____________.(different)

10. My father often asks me ____________ more water, but I don’t think ____________ too much is good for me.(drink)


-You don’t look well. What’s wrong with you?

-I am too________ for my age. My doctor says that I eat too much.

-Really? How often do you eat them?

-I eat it every day.

-Eating too much meat is ________ for our health. You have to try to eat________.

-I know. But I can’t ________ eating vegetables only.

-Why not try to eat some at __________. And then eat more.

-That’s a good idea.

-How often do you __________?

-Hardly ever. I even __________ doing sports.

-Don’t you think it’s good for your health?

-Yes, I do. But I often feel ________ after running. I even don’t want to do anything.

-Everybody has the _________ feeling like you. You don’t need to worry about it.

-Thank you for tellingme so much. I will try to have a good ___________.

Drink eight cups of water every day. Water helps your body in many_________. If you feel thirsty, just have a cup of water. Don’t forget to eat your breakfast. Breakfast gives you everything your bones need for the____________. So don’t forget your breakfast.

Get enough calcium(钙). You body needs it. Milk has more calcium. You may also drink orange juice _________ calcium in it.

Go for a walk every day after ___________. Walking is a good kind of exercise, and people need exercise for good health. It’s better to walk after every meal.

Stretch for five minutes after_________ for one or two hours. Stretching your arms and legs is good for your body.

Use your brain every day. For example, you can do crossword puzzles or __________ a new book.

Have a rest about twenty minutes when you are __________. You may do something ___________ to have a break. For example, get up and walk, ___________ sit down to listen to music.

Unit 2


1. The weather here is much____________(cold) than that in Kuning.

2. The old woman has no __________(tooth), but she can still eat things easily.

3. He _________(rest) for a while under the tree because he was too tired.

4. His mother has a bad__________(head), he has to send her to hospital.

5. The _________(ill) is so terrible that she can’t even stand it.

6. His problem is that he doesn’t have any __________(tooth). But her problem is that she usually has a__________.

7. He must be very _________ after the _________job.(tired)

8. My friend wants to be an __________ when he grows up because he likes ___________ other people.(interview)

9. I know nothing about ________ lifestyle before I go to the ___________.(west)

10. The little boy is feeling very ___________. Nobody can stop his ____________.(angry)


- Where did you go last Sunday? I called you ,but ____________ answered.

-Oh. My parents and I were_____________ that day. We all went to the____________.

-Why did you go there?

-Our school asked us to do a ___________ about people’s health problems.

-Who did you first interview?

-I went to the doctor’s and asked him lots of questions.

-What did he say?

-He said that people’s __________ brougth them illness. For example, they didn’t go to bed early, they always ate junk food, like hamburgers and French fries, and they didn’t have a rest____________ they felt tired. They ___________ stopped working until they were ill.

-That was true. I think people shouldn’t eat too much junk food and they should learn to rest.

-He also said that another problem was that people didn’t spend time__________. They always sat on the chair working, watching TV or playing computer games.

-I think they should run in the park or take a walk after dinner with their family.

- That’s a good idea.. The doctor said that doing sports was good for people’s __________.

-Why did you ask your parents to go with you?

-Because I want them to learn from that. They often ask me to eat _________ though I like vegetables.

-That sounds interesting.


Today was Christmas Eve an Tony had some important __________ to do. Two months ago his mother fell ill. They spent almost all their money on his mother’s __________. His mother was sad this Christmas. So Tony wanted to buy a nice Christmas cake ___________his mother happy.

He went to a shop. He said to the man in the shop, ―Uncle, can I get a cake for 33 cents, please?‖ The man looked at __________ and smiled, ― I am sorry, son. _____________one costs 40 cents.‖ Tony turned back and __________walking out after he heard this. ― Hey, wait a minute. Don’t look so sad. Today is Christmas Eve. I don’t want to see __________faces today. Here , take the cake and have a happy Christmas.‖ The same to you, Uncle, and thank you so much.‖ Said Tony.

When he was walking, he _______ a woman sitting under a tree and asking for money. Two kids were sitting next to her. Tony had _________ money to give them, so he walked away. But he felt sorry for them, so he gave the cake to ________.

When he got home, he told this to his mother.‖ Son, Christmas is not only about cutting cakes, singing songs or having parties. The spirit of Christmas is giving and sharing. It is about showing love and kindness. And you have done that .You have celebrated Christmas by helping the poor.

Unit 3


1. She works as a ___________. Now she_________________ the kids. (babysit)

2. Some ___________ from America___________your school tomorrow afternoon. (visit)

3. He is very __________, he often __________us when we have problems.

4. He __________ his bike for a trip last week. Now he is talking to his friends about the bike _________.(ride)

5. _________ money to friends on their birthday is very popular in China. But in America, people _________cards


6. __________ in the countryside is really interesting, he hopes ____________ there again.(walk)

7. He usually ________ that my ___________ is very different from others. (think)

8. He ________ to go to America when he finishes high school. His parents think that’s a big__________.(decide)

9. He really wants ___________ somewhere ___________ because he is under too much pressure. (relaxed)

10. The movie is so _________ that all of us feel __________ when we talk about it .(excited)


-Hi, Mary! How was your __________?

-Oh, Brad. It was OK. But I was really __________.


-Because I had a lot of homework to do. I went to the library and studied all day on __________.

-That sounds really boring. Wha did you do on Sunday?

-I read books in the morning and I _________in the afternoon.

-That sounds terrible.

-Well, I enjoy lying in bed. How about you? Didn’t you study?

-Yeah, I studied a little on Saturday __________, but I played soccer in the afternnon. And in the evening I went out to eat with my family.

-That sounds really nice. How aobut Sunday? What did you do then?

-My grandma was ill. I had to to go the ________ to look after her.

-Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. But where were your parents?

-They were at _________. They never rest on Sundays.

-Who cooked for you?

-Nobody _________. I made the food by myself.

-How is your grandma now?

-She feels very well. And she’s going back _________ tomorrow.

-I hope she can be very well.

-Thanks a lot.


Sometimes you don’t feel very well and you find your body is not right. In fact, your lifestyle and habits have __________ to do with how you feel. It is time for you to make some changes in your __________. How can you be a healthier person and live a better life?

The ________ thing you need to do is changing your _______. Everyone needs to eat right. Eating the right food is good for your body. Drinking more water, eating more vegetables and fruit are all good ways to make your diet__________.

Even though you are _________studying all day, you should do some exercise. Everyone needs some exercise in their life. You can go for a walk in the garden in the morning ________ you can play sports anywhere you like.

Getting good sleep at night will help keep you ________, too. Everyone should get at least six hours of sleep a night, _______ if possible, try to get eight hours. A good night’s sleep will not only make you feel good, but will also make you _______ great.

With doing all of these things, you will have healthy body. Just remember that exercising, eating right and good sleep are some of the main things you can do to live a healthy life. With a better life, you can study and work much better.

Unit 4


1. There are _________(four) students in our class. Twenty-five are girls, the others are boys.

2. It ___________(take) me 2 hours to do some washing every weekend.

3. It’s about 30 ___________(minute) walk form my home to school.

4. There are ___________(hundred) of people in the park.

5. My home is 5 _____________(kilometer) away form my school.

6. You should spend __________(much) time on your study, if you want to study better.

7. It’s ___________ (thousand) of miles away from our school. So he decided to take a plane there.

8. The Greens often goes___________(camp) on weekends.

9. He takes a shower__________(quick) and then goes to work.

10. She doesn’t plan to go sightseeing in Shanghai this vacation because of her __________.(ill)


-Tom, you look____________.

-Yes, Miss Norris.

-___________, Tom?

-Usually I take the school bus, but today I got up late and missed the bus.

-So_________ did you get to school today?

-Well, __________I rode my bike as fast as I could to the bus station, but there was an accident and I couldn’t get to the station. -So how did you get to school today?

-I went on riding to school, but then I got a flat tire.

-So then what did you do?

-I finally __________to school. Am I late?

-You aren’t

so this is christmas

late. How far is it from your home to school?

-It’s 7 kilometers.

-Wow, that’s really _________! And how __________did it take to get to school today?

-It took only 25 minutes. Usually it takes 45 minutes.

-Tom, maybe you should get up __________ every day.

-I guess so.

There was a man. He loved painting very much. His name was William. He always felt ________. He wanted a friend to talk to.

One day William made a painting. In the painting, there was a man. The man had a garden and some flowers. That night when William slept, an angel came and blessed his ___________.

The next morning, when William looked at the painting, he found the man was _________. William was so surprised, but he was also happy because he had__________ to talk to. He talked with the man every day. The man told William he needed food, water and_________ things. William gave all these to the man. They ___________ good friends.

Then many people knew the man in his painting could speak. They thought the painting was a magic__________. The news of the magic painting even came in newspapers and on TV.

One night a thief came and wanted to take away the painting. When he came in front of the painting, the man in the painting cried, ―Help! Help! Help! A thief!‖ The thief ran awy at once. From then on William was __________ with the painting.

One day the man in the painting said that he wanted to get married. Then William made a painting of a __________. He made them get married and live __________. He didn’t feel lonely at all because he had two friends.

Unit 5


1. I don’t know with ___________(who) my mother is talking.

2. Many ___________(tour) visit Chengdu in summer because of its comfortable weather.

3. It’s about __________(ninth) kilometers away, it will take you 40 minutes by taxi.

4. Deng Xiaoping was dead of ___________.(ill)

5. He enjoys _____________(ride) a bike to school.

6. I got an___________(invite) to Tom’s birthday party. But I can’t go, because I have to take a piano lesson.

7. After hard _________(train), he became a real soldier.

8. There will be some ping-pong ___________(match) between Chinese team and Korean team this evening.

9. He practices __________(skate) every day., because he wants to get good grades in the competition.

10. Lisa can go hiking _________(two) a month.


-Hi, Sally.

-Hi, Henry. How’s it going with you?

-Oh, I’m OK, thanks. But I don’t know ________to have the party for the Sydney group.

-What’s the ________?

-Well, it’s __________ difficult to decide a date and time because people are so _________.

-Who are you ___________?

-Only the people from Sydney group.

-So when do you think is the best time?

-I don't know. Eveyone is doing so many things! Helen can’t some next week because she is studying for her exams. And Tim can’t come next week, either, because he has to help his father. Jerry is training with the basketball team every night and Monica has to babysit her brother on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday! Jim can come on Thursday night but Maria and James can’t. Maria is doing something every night and James has to study his Putonghua because he’s going to Beijing__________. -What about ___________on Saturday or Sunday?

-Sunday afternoon is okay for_________people but Jerry can’t come then. What about you, Sally? Can you come then? -Yeah, but only ________five because I’m going on a picnic with my family. I’m _________the picnic at four.

-Well, how about Sunday evening from six then?

-Sure. What can I bring?


Unit 6


1. –What does this word ___________? - Sorry, I don’t know its _________. (mean)

2. I’m sure this is ___________note book, but that one isn’t ____________.(she)

3. Some women want to be beautiful, they think the _________, the ____________.(thin, good)

4. He is __________, but his friend Tony is ___________(fun).

5. Pedro helped __________old people this vacation, he plans to help ___________people next vacation. He thinks if

everybody helps each other, the world will be better.(many)

6. Do you know the ___________ between English and French. (different)

7. Many people have the same____________, and it’s easy for them to become friends. (interesting)

8. The boss made the workers _________ all day and all night. (work)

9. He plans __________me in this math test. (beat)

10. Li Chen is a little ___________ with middle school students than Zhun Zixiao. (popular)


A rich man was once riding along the road and saw an old man digging in his gardon. On the ground lay a young tree, ready to be planted.

-What kind of tree are you ___________ there, my good man?

-This is a fig tree, sir.




????Christmas is the biggest festival in the western world, which people all over the Christian countries celebrate. It is on the 25th day of each December. Christians considered it as the birthday of Jesus Christ. But now many customs and habits are beyond religious meaning, The Christmas season begins five or six weeks before the exact holiday. There is always a shopping boom during this period. So it's really a happy season for shop owners.





Christmas in America(在美国过圣诞节)

Christmas is the most important festival in the western world. It falls on December 25th. When my mother and I stayed in America, we were invited by one of my mother's friends to have Christmas with an American family. We bought some presents for our American friends on our way to their house.

They had prepared different kinds of gifts for their family and guests when we got to their house, such as Christmas candles, cakes, cards, little toys, biscuits and so on. A Christmas tree was placed in the comer of the brilliant hall. How beautiful it was! We were impressed by these. We had a big meal.

After dinner, they told us some interesting stories about Christmas. We learned that Christmas had something to do with God. We went to bed at midnight. Though we knew the Santa Claus was not true, we were still waiting for the Santa Claus with white beard to bring us presents.And we received many beautiful presents the next morning.

This Christmas was really unforgettable. Not only did I have a good time, but also I knew something about foreign culture.



这个圣诞节实在太令人难以忘怀了。我不仅过得很愉快,还了解了外国文化。 Christmas is the most important festival in the western world. It is on December 25th. Usually two weeks before, people begin to prepare lots of Christmas presents. People who are far away on business hurry to return their home for Christmas.

Last Christmas, my mother and I were invited by one of my mother' s friends to have Christmas with an American family. Entering the brilliant hall, we saw a beautiful Christmas tree decorated with colorful lights. In the middle of the hall stood a big table. On it were something

delicious.How beautiful it was! We were impressed by these. We had a big meal.After dinner, the hosts told us many stories about Christmas. Every year more than 140 countries in the world have Christmas to celebrate the day Jesus was born. On that day children were the happiest of all because they could get presents from the Santa Claus with white beard. We enjoyed ourselves very much.

This Christmas was really unforgettable. Not only did I have a good time, but also I knew something about foreign culture.
