作业帮 > 高中作文 > 教育资讯


来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 10:16:32 高中作文




2014-01-02期 中苏关系解密:延安来了美国人

2014-01-04期 中苏关系解密:斯大林的选择

2014-01-06期 中苏关系解密:一再错过的会面

2014-01-07期 中苏关系解密:较量

2014-01-08期 青帮大佬:黄金荣的发迹

2014-01-09期 黄金荣的中年危机

2014-01-11期 黄金荣的没落

2014-01-13期 慈禧与铁路

2014-01-14期 一条铁路扳倒一个王朝:川人保路

2014-01-15期 从文明保路到武装反清

2014-01-16期 末日将临

2014-01-18期 一条铁路扳倒一个王朝:保路燎原

2014-01-20期 末代后妃:文绣离婚案

2014-01-21期 末代后妃:伪宫秽闻

2014-01-22期 末代后妃:溥仪的挚爱

2014-01-23期 大揭秘特别节目:爱情公寓4

2014-01-25期 大揭秘特别节目:爱情公寓4

2014-01-27期 大揭秘特别节目:爱情公寓4

2014-01-28期 大揭秘特别节目:爱情公寓4

2014-02-01期 相声往事:天桥岁月

2014-02-04期 春晚上的"百变"蔡明

2014-02-05期 毛主席如何过春节

2014-02-06期 周恩来总理如何过春节

2014-02-07期 邓小平如何过春节

2014-02-08期 北洋风云1:首义大都督黎元洪

2014-04-28期 青帮系列:杜月笙发迹之谜

2014-04-29期 青帮系列:杜月笙从流氓到名流

2014-04-30期 青帮系列:杜月笙离开上海始末

2014-05-02期 青帮系列:杜月笙重返上海

2014-05-03期 青帮系列:三大亨分道扬镳

2014-05-05期 中国打黑第一案:刘汉黑道

2014-05-06期 探秘香港廉政公署:葛柏贪腐第一案

2014-05-07期 探秘香港廉政公署:摧毁"金钱帝国"

2014-05-09期 追捕"二王"1

2014-05-10期 追捕"二王"1

2014-05-12期 徐志摩生命中的女人:发妻张幼仪

2014-05-13期 徐志摩生命中的女人:"女神"林徽因

2014-05-14期 徐志摩生命中的女人:名媛陆小爱

2014-05-16期 阮玲玉自杀之谜

2014-05-17期 林青霞:美人如玉剑如虹 2014-05-19期 雪殇:山河寸金

2014-05-20期 雪殇:雪域孤军

2014-05-21期 雪殇:天哀地恸

2014-05-23期 雪殇:风暴将至

2014-05-24期 雪殇:迟到的勋章

2014-05-26期 传奇"龙嫂"林凤娇

2014-05-27期 "俏黄蓉"翁美玲自杀背后 2014-05-28期 中国打黑第一案:雷霆出击 2014-05-30期 中国打黑第一案:正义审判 2014-05-31期 戏里戏外的赵雅芝

2014-06-02期 铁血西迁:宜昌大撤退

2014-06-03期 金陵毒酒案

2014-06-04期 宋希濂血战龙陵

2014-06-06期 缉凶悍匪白宝山1

2014-06-07期 缉凶悍匪白宝山2

2014-06-09期 电影皇后蝴蝶

2014-06-10期 "金嗓子"周璇

2014-06-11期 新中国第一大诈骗案

2014-06-13期 惊天贼影

2014-06-14期 "9.18"国宝盗窃案之贼影现踪 2014-06-16期 "9 18"国宝盗窃案之天涯追宝 2014-06-17期 "9 18"国宝盗窃案之千里缉凶 2014-06-18期 吴若甫生死22小时

2014-06-20期 "东北王"张作霖:乱世崛起 2014-06-21期 "东北王"张作霖《独霸奉天》 2014-06-28期 "东北王"张作霖:逐鹿中原 2014-07-05期 "东北王"张作霖:命丧皇姑屯 2014-07-12期 小球燃动中国

2014-07-19期 抢购《五牛图》

2014-07-26期 万里长江第一漂

2014-07-31期 深宫孽海花:慈禧与慈安1 2014-08-01期 深宫孽海花:慈禧与慈安2 2014-08-02期 安德海死亡真相

2014-08-04期 慈禧宠宦 李连英

2014-08-05期 荣德生被绑案

2014-08-06期 张元济被绑记

2014-08-07期 方液仙被害始末

2014-08-08期 中国打黑第一案之公正的判决 2014-08-09期 电视经典之《西游记》1 2014-08-11期 电视经典之《西游记》2 2014-08-12期 功夫巨星之洪金宝

2014-08-13期 功夫巨星之成龙

2014-08-14期 功夫巨星之李连杰

2014-08-15期 功夫巨星之甄子丹

2014-08-16期 功夫巨星之赵文卓

2014-08-18期 功夫巨星之杨紫琼

2014-08-19期 绝世风华张曼玉

2014-08-20期 红尘旧梦王祖贤

2014-08-23期 千面女神张艾嘉

2014-08-30期 "音乐教父"罗大佑

2014-09-06期 铁血忠魂张自忠

2014-09-08期 蘑菇云下的秘密1

2014-09-09期 蘑菇云下的秘密2

2014-09-10期 共和国第一贪污案1

2014-09-11期 共和国第一贪污案2

2014-09-12期 郭美美真相

2014-09-13期 甲午战争始末之风起朝鲜

2014-09-15期 甲午战争始末之"高升号"事件真相 2014-09-16期 甲午战争始末之血战平壤 2014-09-17期 甲午战争始末之黄海大对决 2014-09-20期 甲午战争始末之浴血威海卫 2014-09-27期 甲午战争始末之遗恨春帆楼 2014-10-04期 开国大典背后的故事

2014-10-06期 揭秘中国女排之浴火新生夺首冠 2014-10-11期 揭秘中国女排之勇夺五连冠 2014-10-18期 朝鲜战争中的核危机

2014-10-25期 原子弹背后的中苏博弈

2014-11-01期 影视大亨邵逸夫之霸业初成 2014-11-22期 铁血红安

2014-11-29期 红色特工朱枫

2014-12-13期 电视经典:《大侠霍元甲》

2014-12-14期 电视经典:83版《射雕英雄传》 2014-12-20期 电视经典:《上海滩》

2014-12-21期 康熙教子败笔多

2014-12-27期 银幕硬汉高仓健

2014-12-28期 青春偶像小鹿纯子




预测一 关注环境保护,增强环境意识

1. We believe scientists will ______ a way to solve the problem of air pollution.

A. set off B. put off

C. come up with D. catch up with

【解析】 此题的句意是“我们相信科学家们将会想出解决空气污染的办法”。选项A是“出发”,B是“拖延、延期”,C是“想出、发现”,D是“赶上”。

预测二 增强识图能力,注意联系生活实际

2. Which is the following is NOT a traffic sign(交通标志)?





【解析】 此题考查的是交通标志与其他标志的区别。这就要求我们在平时多注意公共场所的各种图示标志。

预测三 渗透学科整合,注意学科内在联系

3. (用所给词的适当形式填空)The Yellow River, the world’s _____ (five)longest river, has a serious problem now.

【解析】 此题考查到了地理知识,黄河是世界上第五条大河。地理知识是每个同学应该掌握的内容,这也是素质教育的要求。

预测四 关注奥运,激发爱国之情

4. Which of the following information is NOT true?

A. The 1996 Olympic Games was held in America.

B. The 27th Olympic Games was held in Europe.

C. Beijing is getting ready for the 29th Olympic Games.

【解析】 第26届奥运会1996年在美国举行,第29届奥运会在北京举办,这两条信息是真实的。第27届奥运会在悉尼举行,悉尼是澳大利亚的城市,不属于欧洲。

5. _______ 8:00 of August 8, 2008, Beijing will hold the 29th Olympic Games.

A. At B. In C. On D. By

【解析】 此题考查了奥运会的有关知识。即2008奥运会开幕式的时间;又考查了在钟点前介词的应用。 预测五 把握时代脉搏,注重时事热点

6. —What do you think of Fuwa(福娃) for the 2008 Olympic Games?

—I love them. They’re ________.

A. generous B. creative

C. excite D. personal

【解析】 “福娃”作为第29届奥运会吉祥物的标志,是有新的创意的。从奥运会开办以来,吉祥物通常为一个或两个,只有第29届奥运会“五个福娃”合为一体,象征着“北京欢迎您”。

7. Ren Changxia, a policewoman, was always very busy. She has little time to spend ______her family.

A. about B. on C. with D. in

【解析】 此题考察了我们熟知的人民好警察任长霞一心为公,全心全意为人民服务的事迹。把这样具有深远影响的人物事迹放在考题里,具有很强的教育意义。

预测六 考察中西文化差异

8. —Sam hurt his leg yesterday. Now he is in hospital.


A. That’s all

B. That’s all right

C. I hope you’ll feel better soon

D. I’m sorry to hear that

【解析】 当听到对方不好的消息时说“I’m sorry to hear that.”“What a pity.”“Bad luck.”等表示安慰的话。千万不要按汉语习惯说“不要紧”“小心点”或“不严重”之类的话。

(Keys: 1. C 2. A 3. fifth 4. B 5. A 6. B 7. B 8. D)


1. The 2007 Special Olympic Games will be held in _______.

A. Guangzhou B. Shanghai

C. Shenyang D. Beijing

2. Taiwan is _____ island of China. I hope to visit soon.

A. big B. bigger

C. biggest D. the biggest

3. In many countries, teenagers under 18 should not _______ to enter Internet bars.

A. allow B. be allowed

C. is allowing D. are allowed

4. In western countries _______ is the most important festival, just like Spring Festival in China.

A. Christmas Day

B. Mother’s Day

C. Thanksgiving Day

D. Children’s Day

5. Mount Qomolangma, “the roof of the world”, is as ___as 8848.13 meters.

A. tall B. taller

C. high D. higher

6. We need trees because they _____ CO2 , and let out O2.

A. take off B. take in

C. take out D. take away

7. —What do you know about the world’s population?

—I know China and _____ are the countries that have populations of more than one billion.

A. Japan B. Russia

C. America D. India

8. September the ___ is Teachers’ Day. Let’s make some cards for our teachers.

A. ten B. tenth C. nine D. ninth

9. Liu Xiang is a super star, _____ he?

A. Is B. is not C. isn’t D. doesn’t

10. —It’s so hot. Let’s go swimming.


A. Don’t say so that

B. You’re welcome

C. That’s nothing

D. It’s a good idea

(Keys:1. B 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. C 6. B 7. D 8. B 9. C 10. D)




预测一 关注环境保护,增强环境意识

1. We believe scientists will ______ a way to solve the problem of air pollution.

A. set off B. put off

C. come up with D. catch up with

【解析】 此题的句意是“我们相信科学家们将会想出解决空气污染的办法”。选项A是“出发”,B是“拖延、延期”,C是“想出、发现”,D是“赶上”。

预测二 增强识图能力,注意联系生活实际

2. Which is the following is NOT a traffic sign(交通标志)?





【解析】 此题考查的是交通标志与其他标志的区别。这就要求我们在平时多注意公共场所的各种图示标志。 预测三 渗透学科整合,注意学科内在联系

3. (用所给词的适当形式填空)The Yellow River, the world’s _____ (five)longest river, has a serious problem now.

【解析】 此题考查到了地理知识,黄河是世界上第五条大河。地理知识是每个同学应该掌握的内容,这也是素质教育的要求。

预测四 关注奥运,激发爱国之情

4. Which of the following information is NOT true?

A. The 1996 Olympic Games was held in America.

B. The 27th Olympic Games was held in Europe.

C. Beijing is getting ready for the 29th Olympic Games.

【解析】 第26届奥运会1996年在美国举行,第29届奥运会在北京举办,这两条信息是真实的。第27届奥运会在悉尼举行,悉尼是澳大利亚的城市,不属于欧洲。

5. _______ 8:00 of August 8, 2008, Beijing will hold the 29th Olympic Games.

A. At B. In C. On D. By

【解析】 此题考查了奥运会的有关知识。即2008奥运会开幕式的时间;又考查了在钟点前介词的应用。 预测五 把握时代脉搏,注重时事热点

6. —What do you think of Fuwa(福娃) for the 2008 Olympic Games?

—I love them. They’re ________.

A. generous B. creative

C. excite D. personal

【解析】 “福娃”作为第29届奥运会吉祥物的标志,是有新的创意的。从奥运会开办以来,吉祥物通常为一个或两个,只有第29届奥运会“五个福娃”合为一体,象征着“北京欢迎您”。

7. Ren Changxia, a policewoman, was always very busy. She has little time to spend ______her family.

A. about B. on C. with D. in

【解析】 此题考察了我们熟知的人民好警察任长霞一心为公,全心全意为人民服务的事迹。把这样具有深远影响的人物事迹放在考题里,具有很强的教育意义。

预测六 考察中西文化差异

8. —Sam hurt his leg yesterday. Now he is in hospital.


A. That’s all

B. That’s all right

C. I hope you’ll feel better soon

D. I’m sorry to hear that

【解析】 当听到对方不好的消息时说“I’m sorry to hear that.”“What a pity.”“Bad luck.”等表示安慰的话。千万不要按汉语习惯说“不要紧”“小心点”或“不严重”之类的话。

(Keys: 1. C 2. A 3. fifth 4. B 5. A 6. B 7. B 8. D)


1. The 2007 Special Olympic Games will be held in _______.

A. Guangzhou B. Shanghai

C. Shenyang D. Beijing

2. Taiwan is _____ island of China. I hope to visit soon.

A. big B. bigger

C. biggest D. the biggest

3. In many countries, teenagers under 18 should not _______ to enter Internet bars.

A. allow B. be allowed

C. is allowing D. are allowed

4. In western countries _______ is the most important festival, just like Spring Festival in China.

A. Christmas Day

B. Mother’s Day

C. Thanksgiving Day

D. Children’s Day

5. Mount Qomolangma, “the roof of the world”, is as ___as 8848.13 meters.

A. tall B. taller

C. high D. higher

6. We need trees because they _____ CO2 , and let out O2.

A. take off B. take in

C. take out D. take away

7. —What do you know about the world’s population?

—I know China and _____ are the countries that have populations of more than one billion.

A. Japan B. Russia

C. America D. India

8. September the ___ is Teachers’ Day. Let’s make some cards for our teachers.

A. ten B. tenth C. nine D. ninth

9. Liu Xiang is a super star, _____ he?

A. Is B. is not C. isn’t D. doesn’t

10. —It’s so hot. Let’s go swimming.


A. Don’t say so that

B. You’re welcome

C. That’s nothing

D. It’s a good idea

(Keys:1. B 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. C 6. B 7. D 8. B 9. C 10. D)




预测一 关注环境保护,增强环境意识

1. We believe scientists will ______ a way to solve the problem of air pollution.

A. set off B. put off

C. come up with D. catch up with

【解析】 此题的句意是“我们相信科学家们将会想出解决空气污染的办法”。选项A是“出发”,B是“拖延、延期”,C是“想出、发现”,D是“赶上”。

预测二 增强识图能力,注意联系生活实际

2. Which is the following is NOT a traffic sign(交通标志)?





D. 【解析】 此题考查的是交通标志与其他标志的区别。这就要求我们在平时多注意公共场所的各种图示标志。 预测三 渗透学科整合,注意学科内在联系

3. (用所给词的适当形式填空)The Yellow River, the world’s _____ (five)longest river, has a serious problem now.

【解析】 此题考查到了地理知识,黄河是世界上第五条大河。地理知识是每个同学应该掌握的内容,这也是素质教育的要求。

预测四 关注奥运,激发爱国之情

4. Which of the following information is NOT true?

A. The 1996 Olympic Games was held in America.

B. The 27th Olympic Games was held in Europe.

C. Beijing is getting ready for the 29th Olympic Games.

【解析】 第26届奥运会1996年在美国举行,第29届奥运会在北京举办,这两条信息是真实的。第27届奥运会在悉尼举行,悉尼是澳大利亚的城市,不属于欧洲。

5. _______ 8:00 of August 8, 2008, Beijing will hold the 29th Olympic Games.

A. At B. In C. On D. By

【解析】 此题考查了奥运会的有关知识。即2008奥运会开幕式的时间;又考查了在钟点前介词的应用。 预测五 把握时代脉搏,注重时事热点

6. —What do you think of Fuwa(福娃) for the 2008 Olympic Games?

—I love them. They’re ________.

A. generous B. creative

C. excite D. personal

【解析】 “福娃”作为第29届奥运会吉祥物的标志,是有新的创意的。从奥运会开办以来,吉祥物通常为一个或两个,只有第29届奥运会“五个福娃”合为一体,象征着“北京欢迎您”。

7. Ren Changxia, a policewoman, was always very busy. She has little time to spend ______her family.

A. about B. on C. with D. in

【解析】 此题考察了我们熟知的人民好警察任长霞一心为公,全心全意为人民服务的事迹。把这样具有深远影响的人物事迹放在考题里,具有很强的教育意义。

预测六 考察中西文化差异

8. —Sam hurt his leg yesterday. Now he is in hospital.


A. That’s all

B. That’s all right

C. I hope you’ll feel better soon

D. I’m sorry to hear that

【解析】 当听到对方不好的消息时说“I’m sorry to hear that.”“What a pity.”“Bad luck.”等表示安慰的话。千万不要按汉语习惯说“不要紧”“小心点”或“不严重”之类的话。

(Keys: 1. C 2. A 3. fifth 4. B 5. A 6. B 7. B 8. D)


1. The 2007 Special Olympic Games will be held in _______.

A. Guangzhou B. Shanghai

C. Shenyang D. Beijing

2. Taiwan is _____ island of China. I hope to visit soon.

A. big B. bigger

C. biggest D. the biggest

3. In many countries, teenagers under 18 should not _______ to enter Internet bars.

A. allow B. be allowed

C. is allowing D. are allowed

4. In western countries _______ is the most important festival, just like Spring Festival in China.

A. Christmas Day

B. Mother’s Day

C. Thanksgiving Day

D. Children’s Day

5. Mount Qomolangma, “the roof of the world”, is as ___as 8848.13 meters.

A. tall B. taller

C. high D. higher

6. We need trees because they _____ CO2 , and let out O2.

A. take off B. take in

C. take out D. take away

7. —What do you know about the world’s population?

—I know China and _____ are the countries that have populations of more than one billion.

A. Japan B. Russia

C. America D. India

8. September the ___ is Teachers’ Day. Let’s make some cards for our teachers.

A. ten B. tenth C. nine D. ninth

9. Liu Xiang is a super star, _____ he?

A. Is B. is not C. isn’t D. doesn’t

10. —It’s so hot. Let’s go swimming.


A. Don’t say so that

B. You’re welcome

C. That’s nothing

D. It’s a good idea

(Keys:1. B 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. C 6. B 7. D 8. B 9. C 10. D)




预测一 关注环境保护,增强环境意识

1. We believe scientists will ______ a way to solve the problem of air pollution.

A. set off B. put off

C. come up with D. catch up with

【解析】 此题的句意是“我们相信科学家们将会想出解决空气污染的办法”。选项A是“出发”,B是“拖延、延期”,C是“想出、发现”,D是“赶上”。

预测二 增强识图能力,注意联系生活实际

2. Which is the following is NOT a traffic sign(交通标志)?





【解析】 此题考查的是交通标志与其他标志的区别。这就要求我们在平时多注意公共场所的各种图示标志。 预测三 渗透学科整合,注意学科内在联系

3. (用所给词的适当形式填空)The Yellow River, the world’s _____ (five)longest river, has a serious problem now.

【解析】 此题考查到了地理知识,黄河是世界上第五条大河。地理知识是每个同学应该掌握的内容,这也是素质教育的要求。

预测四 关注奥运,激发爱国之情

4. Which of the following information is NOT true?

A. The 1996 Olympic Games was held in America.

B. The 27th Olympic Games was held in Europe.

C. Beijing is getting ready for the 29th Olympic Games.

【解析】 第26届奥运会1996年在美国举行,第29届奥运会在北京举办,这两条信息是真实的。第27届奥运会在悉尼举行,悉尼是澳大利亚的城市,不属于欧洲。

5. _______ 8:00 of August 8, 2008, Beijing will hold the 29th Olympic Games.

A. At B. In C. On D. By

【解析】 此题考查了奥运会的有关知识。即2008奥运会开幕式的时间;又考查了在钟点前介词的应用。

预测五 把握时代脉搏,注重时事热点

6. —What do you think of Fuwa(福娃) for the 2008 Olympic Games?

—I love them. They’re ________.

A. generous B. creative

C. excite D. personal

【解析】 “福娃”作为第29届奥运会吉祥物的标志,是有新的创意的。从奥运会开办以来,吉祥物通常为一个或两个,只有第29届奥运会“五个福娃”合为一体,象征着“北京欢迎您”。

7. Ren Changxia, a policewoman, was always very busy. She has little time to spend ______her family.

A. about B. on C. with D. in

【解析】 此题考察了我们熟知的人民好警察任长霞一心为公,全心全意为人民服务的事迹。把这样具有深远影响的人物事迹放在考题里,具有很强的教育意义。

预测六 考察中西文化差异

8. —Sam hurt his leg yesterday. Now he is in hospital.


A. That’s all

B. That’s all right

C. I hope you’ll feel better soon

D. I’m sorry to hear that

【解析】 当听到对方不好的消息时说“I’m sorry to hear that.”“What a pity.”“Bad luck.”等表示安慰的话。千万不要按汉语习惯说“不要紧”“小心点”或“不严重”之类的话。

(Keys: 1. C 2. A 3. fifth 4. B 5. A 6. B 7. B 8. D)


1. The 2007 Special Olympic Games will be held in _______.

A. Guangzhou B. Shanghai

C. Shenyang D. Beijing

2. Taiwan is _____ island of China. I hope to visit soon.

A. big B. bigger

C. biggest D. the biggest

3. In many countries, teenagers under 18 should not _______ to enter Internet bars.

A. allow B. be allowed

C. is allowing D. are allowed

4. In western countries _______ is the most important festival, just like Spring Festival in China.

A. Christmas Day

B. Mother’s Day

C. Thanksgiving Day

D. Children’s Day

5. Mount Qomolangma, “the roof of the world”, is as ___as 8848.13 meters.

A. tall B. taller

C. high D. higher

6. We need trees because they _____ CO2 , and let out O2.

A. take off B. take in

C. take out D. take away

7. —What do you know about the world’s population?

—I know China and _____ are the countries that have populations of more than one billion.

A. Japan B. Russia

C. America D. India

8. September the ___ is Teachers’ Day. Let’s make some cards for our teachers.

A. ten B. tenth C. nine D. ninth

9. Liu Xiang is a super star, _____ he?

A. Is B. is not C. isn’t D. doesn’t

10. —It’s so hot. Let’s go swimming.


A. Don’t say so that

B. You’re welcome

C. That’s nothing

D. It’s a good idea

(Keys:1. B 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. C 6. B 7. D 8. B 9. C 10. D)
